14 January is the 14th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 351 days remain until the end of the year (352 in leap years).
- 1975 - The Mr. Men episode "Mr. Bump" is first broadcast on the BBC.
- 1978 - The Mr. Men comic "Snowball Flight" is released by Playhour[1]
- 1984 - The Mr. Men comic "Sneezing Down an Avalanche" is released by Playhour[2]
- 1990 - Little Miss Busy, Little Miss Quick, Little Miss Wise, Little Miss Tidy, Little Miss Brainy, Little Miss Stubborn, Little Miss Curious, Little Miss Fun, and Little Miss Somersault are published; Little Miss Busy-Body, Little Miss Careful, Little Miss Loud, Little Miss Prim, Little Miss Show-Off, and Little Miss Pretty are published exclusively in France.
- 1996 - "Mr. Bump goes on a trip" premieres.
- 2014 - Mr. Happy (Kawaii Remake) airs on YouTube[3]
- 1951 - Tasos Kostis is born
- 1983 - Anne Walker is born
The Mr. Men episode "Mr. Bump" is first broadcast on the BBC.
The Mr. Men comic "Snowball Flight" is released by Playhour
The Mr. Men comic "Sneezing Down an Avalanche" is released by Playhour
- โ https://www.lastdodo.com/en/items/6451289-playhour-14th-january
- โ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235767307041?_skw=playhour+comic&itmmeta=01J9HNM7A0N8Y8EYWTEEPA0Y9J&hash=item36e4d39b21:g:vY0AAOSwhytm-6DF
- โ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmCW3Czqw4k&list=PLFNUyl__hoIiM44RyioR-QUFJb4q267n6&index=85&ab_channel=%E3%82%B5%E3%83%B3%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AA