1 August is the 213th day of the year (214th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 152 days remain until the end of the year.
- 1978 - The Mr. Men episode "Mr. Impossible" is first broadcast on the BBC.
- 1981
- Mr. Chatterbox's Words is released[1]
- The Mr. Men comic "Beach Terrors" is released by Playhour[2]
- 1984 - The 1985 Annual is released
- 1987 - The Mr. Men comic "Tickling Something Fishy" is re-released by Playhour[3]
- 1991 - The 1992 Annual is released[4]
- 2001 - Little Miss Chatterbox's Guide to TXT MSGS and Little Miss Naughty's Guide to Love are released
- 2002 - Mr. Tickle's Guide to Women is released
- 2006 - Little Miss Splendid and the Princess is published.
- 2017 - The third edition of Mr. Bump Loses his Memory is released[5]
The Mr. Men comic "Beach Terrors" is released by Playhour
The 1985 Annual is released
The Mr. Men comic "Tickling Something Fishy" is re-released by Playhour
- ↑ https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Chatterboxs-Words-Roger-Hargreaves/dp/0843108703
- ↑ https://www.lastdodo.com/en/items/6513095-playhour-1st-august
- ↑ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235856310178?_skw=playhour+comic&itmmeta=01JE94P218ZGMPVQ3GEM8XR2B9&hash=item36ea21afa2:g:1SMAAOSwYz9nT3Xh&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8Mxmj%2BiGvOveHXEBClPb29i%2FhP2%2Bck%2BT7MTxGwfXMEuhClaiPq7s6AnTFCuvOfiV7LCWKqz5RaaANJv0UwjEx7awEubPMrPWWpPJF3YUNt9raX8t%2FFBoDKv5B2Z6wBzomv%2F4MGuMvkR3crBFOreOk0mE6yoNfjI21IpCq7qJBtYmxqOiVsNdWGxkEPtkRFg9NA7B6e6W%2B2MRTIwOjLb%2B8WoLwVcW7mozv%2Bev3xwUmaNRO83UtuZGrE8ME5hFDRa0tGPf1iuJGJ%2BKdmr5ZzvblUV4w8aMCbqy27JbsXw0pkt5Njbb759CK2AAcy4XhI%2FbQQ%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR9ig2KTyZA
- ↑ https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/516311.Mr_Men_Annual_1992
- ↑ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mr-Bump-Loses-his-Memory/dp/0603574092/ref=sr_1_1?crid=52EENAJPJFU8&keywords=Mr.+Bump+-+Loses+his+Memory&qid=1681316849&s=digital-text&sprefix=mr.+bump+-+loses+his+memory%2Cdigital-text%2C149&sr=1-1