A Day with Mr. Jelly is a story from the 1983 Annual.
Mr. Jelly lives by himself in the woods from his house miles and miles away from anyone because he was frightened of everything that could think of. He was spending a quiet sort of day at home to make a fuss about it for some little things would happened that day. For instance while Mr. Jelly was mowing his lawn in his garden when he saw the friendly worm poke its head out from the ground and told him good morning because it terrified Mr. Jelly to be thinking its a enormous boa constrictor that will squeeze him, then he jumped into a bush to hide from the worm.
Later that morning Mr. Jelly felt brave enough to climb out of the bush when he decided to clean his windows from his house. He had just up the ladder with a bucket of soapy water when he thought he saw someone was looking out from his bedroom window then poor Mr. Jelly dropped his bucket in fright. He thinking its a ghost from a haunted house that make nearly shook himself off the ladder but it was Mr Jelly’s own reflection when he will not be so nervous in the future by his mistake. After that he decided to make himself a cup of tea, and that evening Mr. Jelly decided to watch television that is noting too frightening or noisy as he settled himself in his favorite armchair to think of a nice quiet programme that wouldn’t frighten someone as frightened as some as Mr. Jelly decided to watch cowboys and Indians.