A Funny Day is a story from the 1986 Annual.
Mr. Funny is a very funny Mr. Man. He lives in a teapot, has a cold porridge sandwich and a cup of cornflakes for breakfast, and drives in a shoe-shaped car! Mr. Funny is also known for cheering his friends up. One particular day, Mr. Funny saw Mr. Bump bumping into things, as usual. Mr. Bump had been having so many little accidents that day, he was feeling extremely sorry for himself. Mr. Funny knew what to do right there. He pulled up in his shoe and made a very funny face. Mr. Bump laughed so much, he nearly laughed his bandages off! Which made Mr. Bump feel much better.
Mr. Funny resumed his drive and came across Mr. Quiet, sitting alone and looking very sorry for himself. Mr. Quiet then told Mr. Funny how he met Mr. Chatterbox earlier and he talked so much, it gave Mr. Quiet a bad headache. Mr. Funny quietly got out of his shoe, stood on his head, and pulled a funny face in total silence. Mr. Quiet laughed a quiet laugh and felt much better.
Later that day, Mr. Funny met a sad-looking policeman on traffic duty. He had been on duty all day and his feet were hurting badly. This made the policeman feel very bad as well. Mr. Funny stopped and pulled a very funny face. The policeman was cheered up immediately and laughed so much, his helmet nearly came off! Then, Mr. Funny drove home to his funny teapot house.
Mr. Funny cooked himself a funny supper of fried jelly and chips and sat in his armchair to watch his favourite television programme. But the story doesn't end there. Just as he was about to turn on the telly, his telephone rang. It was Little Miss Giggles who, for once, wasn't giggling. She wasn't feeling good and hadn't giggled at all that day. Mr. Funny knew he couldn't pull a funny face over the phone because Little Miss Giggles wouldn't see it, but every funny man knows how to cheer up anybody in any situation. Mr. Funny told Little Miss Giggles the following joke: "How can you tell which end of a worm is which? The answer....just tickle him in the middle and see which end smiles!"
That joke not only made Little Miss Giggles giggle again, she giggled so much, tears rolled down her cheek. Mr. Funny's house call had cured his patient of sadness!
List of Characters[]
- Mr. Funny
- Mr. Bump
- Mr. Chatterbox (mentioned)
- Mr. Quiet
- Little Miss Giggles
- Policeman