A Long Chat is a story from the 1983 Annual.
Mr. Chatterbox was one of those people who couldn't stop talking! He can talk for days straight without stopping to get a glass of water. For instance, one morning, Mr. Chatterbox saw the milkman coming up the garden path with Mr. Chatterbox's milk delivery. Mr. Chatterbox was there on the doorstep ready to shoot the morning breeze with the milkman. He talked, and talked, and talked about the little things in the world; even talking about talking. Mr. Chatterbox talked so much that the poor milkman was late delivering milk to his other customers.
Another example was when Mr. Chatterbox was out shopping and met Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Grumpy was in a bad mood that day, which really isn't a surprise. But a grouchy Mr. Grumpy can't even stop Mr. Chatterbox from aimlessly conversing with him. Mr. Chatterbox talked for over an hour about a new hat he got at Mr. Bowler's hat shop. Mr. Grumpy was so mad at this endless chit-chat that he threw his hat off his head and stomped on it in frustration.
After Mr. Chatterbox talked Mr. Grumpy's hat off his head, Mr. Mischief (who had witnessed everything) peered from behind a corner. Mr. Mischief loves pulling pranks and causing all sorts of mischief to his fellow Mr. Men. Seeing Mr. Chatterbox talk non-stop gave Mr. Mischief a devious idea and ran off around the corner as fast as he could. A few minutes later, Mr. Mischief came back with a full length mirror. Mr. Mischief stood the mirror in the middle of the pavement where Mr. Chatterbox could see it, Then, he ran away and hid behind a wall.
Once Mr. Chatterbox stopped talking long enough for Mr. Grumpy to leave, Mr. Chatterbox continued his walk and soon found himself in front of the mirror. Soon, he was talking to himself! He talked to his reflection non-stop for hours until it was dark! Mr. Chatterbox soon went home to bed, still talking in his sheep! I do not know what sort of prank Mr. Mischief was planning, but I do not think Mr. Mischief intended for Mr. Chatterbox to have a good time. Do you?
List of Characters[]
- Mr. Chatterbox
- Mr. Grumpy
- Mr. Mischief
- Milkman
- Mr. Bowler (mentioned)
- Mr. Grumpy throwing his hat down to the ground would later become a running gag in The Mr. Men Show.