A Quiet Surprise is a story from the 1983 Annual.
Mr. Quiet is a very quiet Mr. Man. He talked in such a faint voice that it's hard to hear him. Everything he does is quiet. He even sneezes quietly. Mr. Quiet used to live in Loudland but it wasn't the right place for Mr. Quiet to live in. In fact, it's absolutely wrong! Even the mice squeak as loud as an elephant blowing his trunk. That's why Mr. Quiet moved to Happyland, a much quieter place to live. Mr. Quiet lived miles away from anyone and now can enjoy the peace and quiet he always wanted.
One day, Mr. Quiet's serenity was disturbed when a friendly postman knocked on Mr. Quiet's door. The postman knew Mr. Quiet well and made sure to knock quietly while delivering the letter. It was from Mr. Happy, inviting Mr. Quiet to his birthday party that Saturday. Mr. Quiet was happy to attend but also nervous that it would be too noisy. Nevertheless, he still ventured to Mr. Happy's house. Amazingly, there was no noise at all. That's because Mr. Happy knew Mr. Quiet liked quiet games and they were playing one of Mr. Quiet's favourite games: Chinese Whispers!