A Very Clean House is a story from the 1997 Annual.
Mr. Forgetful always has a hard time remembering things. One example was the last time he cleaned Forget Me Not Cottage. He couldn't remember if it was yesterday, last week, or the day before yesterday. Well, he was able to remember to clean his house today. During his house cleaning, Mr. Daydream shows up to share a fantastic daydream he had: Mr. Forgetful cleaning his house just as he did yesterday. Not only did the daydream help Mr. Forgetful remember when he last cleaned his house, but he decides to keep on cleaning since he already began doing so. Mr. Daydream volunteers to help out and goes to get a brush to clean the house with. Unfortunately, Mr. Daydream makes a mistake that most people wouldn't do: ask Mr. Mean if he can borrow his scrubbing brush. Mr. Mean would never do such a thing and poor Mr. Daydream had to learn that the hard way. By the time Mr. Daydream returned empty-handed, Mr. Forgetful had forgotten all about the chore he was supposed to do.
While Mr. Daydream was gone, Mr. Forgetful had brewed up some tea...or at least a pot full of tea leaves as Mr. Daydream forgot the add the hot water. Since Mr. Forgetful forgot how to make tea, he decided to go to the library to look for a booked called "How to Make Tea." Only to forget what the book was called by the time he arrived. So he returned home. Upon returning home, Mr. Forgetful finds Mr. Daydream cleaning his house. Unsurprisingly, Mr. Forgetful had forgotten the whole conversation he had with Mr. Daydream earlier but thanks him for his help regardless and makes him some tea. Hopefully, Mr. Daydream can remind Mr. Forgetful how to make it.