A Visit to the Zoo With Mr. Tickle is a story from the 1984 Annual.
Mr. Tickle woke up one morning in his usual ticklish mood! He tickled the cat that was sleeping on the wall outside his house. This led to the cat thinking he was having a funny dream and fell off the wall, unharmed but still laughing. After breakfast, Mr. Tickle went to the zoo and gave the gate keeper one tickle before heading inside! The poor gate keeper dropped all the tickets as a result of the unexpected tickle.
Mr. Tickle's first stop was visiting the lions as they were eating lunch. Safe from behind a tree, Mr. Tickle tickles the lion. Upon dropping his lunch, the lion became cross but Mr. Tickle managed to skip away before the lion could spot him. Next, he tickled both the zoo keeper as he tried to feed the penguins. Leading the zoo keeper to drop the bucket of fish on his foot. OUCH!! Then he tickled the penguins until they felt they would laugh their flippers off. Mr. Tickle even tickled the elephant until he was tickled pink! What a day!