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This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Arts and Crafts." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
Previous: "Shoes" | Next: "Game Shows" |
UK Dub[]
Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big red screen comes up with "Arts and Crafts" written on it, a painting palette and paint brush with some paint splatters, and who created the episode underneath)
(The episode begins outside of the Dillydale Arts and Crafts center)
Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses love expressing their creativity through arts and crafts!
(The scene transitions to inside the Arts and Crafts center. We first see Little Miss Bossy trying to Mr. Nervous how to make a clay pot)
Narrator: They enjoy making things out of clay...
Mr. Nervous: Ah...(screams)
(Mr. Nervous runs away, much to Little Miss Bossy's ire. The camera moves to the left to show Mr. Tickle painting a portrait of Little Miss Giggles)
Narrator: Painting a portrait of a friend...
(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Giggles)
Miss Giggles: (giggles)
(The camera moves to the left to show Little Miss Whoops trying to make a bracelet out of beads but it falls apart)
Narrator: Or making a bracelet of colorful beads.
(Mr. Bump walks over carrying beads and slips on the beads that fell from Little Miss Whoops' bracelet)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Mr. Bump's beads land on his head. The camera moves to the left to show Mr. Happy in front of a large sheet of paper. He is stamping images of himself smiling onto the paper. He turns around and smiles at the camera)
Narrator: The fun never ends when it comes to arts and crafts!
(The camera stops in front of closed doors with a standee of Mr. Fussy holding a painter's palette)
Narrator: Which is why, Mr. Fussy has started Dillydale's first "Arts and Crafts Club!"
(The scene transitions to inside the room. Mr. Messy and Mr. Strong are shown standing by a table with bored expressions on their faces)
Narrator: If only everyone took their crafts as seriously as he does.
(Mr. Fussy walks over)
Mr. Fussy: Welcome to the first meeting of my arts and crafts club! Each week, we will work on our own craft. After we're finished, we'll show them off! Doesn't that sound like fun?
Mr. Messy: Maybe.
Mr. Strong: Yeah, I guess so.
Mr. Fussy: I'm sure you're all eager to see what I'm going to make!
(Mr. Fussy walks away and wheels over an incomplete sculpture of himself)
Mr. Fussy: (grunts) Fussy a la Pasta! A sculpture of myself made entirely out of different pasta shapes!
(Mr. Fussy takes out a bowl of pasta for his sculpture)
Mr. Messy: I love pasta! Do we get to eat it after it's done?
Mr. Fussy: Certainly not, Mr. Messy! You wouldn't eat a painting in a museum, would you? Besides, this pasta is not even cooked!
Mr. Messy: Too bad! I think I've got some spaghetti sauce in me pocket!
(Mr. Messy takes out some spaghetti sauce that is quickly cleaned up by Mr. Fussy)
Mr. Fussy: Best to keep the craft area clean and tidy, Mr. Messy! Uh, moving on.
(Mr. Fussy walks over to Mr. Strong)
Mr. Fussy: Mr. Strong, what did you bring to work on today?
(Mr. Strong takes out a bowling ball that cracks the table)
Mr. Strong: I thought I'd jazz up my old bowling ball.
Mr. Fussy: Ah yes. The timeless art of covering a bowling ball with paint and glitter.
(Mr. Fussy walks over to Mr. Messy)
Mr. Fussy: I'm almost afraid to ask...what do you have in your craft bag?
(Mr. Messy takes out his craft bag)
Mr. Messy: I decided to make a mobile out of junk! Let's see...
(Mr. Messy digs through his craft bag and pulls out the following)
Mr. Messy: I've got a rusty fizzy drink can, a bell without a dinger, a couple of pizza crusts, and a dirty sock!
Mr. Fussy: Ah!
(Mr. Fussy lowers Mr. Messy's hand back into the bag)
Mr. Fussy: Uh...how creative. Well, let's get to work, shall we?
(Mr. Fussy walks over to his sculpture and starts applying pasta to it)
Mr. Fussy: Fussy a la Pasta is taking glorious shape already!
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Strong and Mr. Messy)
Mr. Strong: I'm thinking pink glitter might make me a better bowler.
(Mr. Strong starts opening the jar of glitter glue)
Mr. Strong: (grunts)
Mr. Messy: Go for it, Mr. Strong!
(Mr. Strong opens the jar but glitter glue launches out of the jar)
Mr. Messy: Eh?
(The glitter lands on the head Mr. Fussy's sculptor)
Mr. Strong (offscreen): Pickles!
Mr. Fussy: (gasps) There's glitter on my rigatoni head!
(Mr. Fussy takes out a cleaning rag and uses it to wipe the glitter off his statue)
Mr. Strong: Oh! Sorry about that, Mr. Fussy. Maybe I'll just use these finger paints instead.
(Mr. Strong squeezes the paint tube so hard that paint squirts out and lands on Mr. Messy's head)
Mr. Strong: Wha-? Oh! Sorry, Mr. Messy!
Mr. Messy: What are you sorry for? To be honest, I wasn't too sure about this whole craft thing. But it's really messy!
(Mr. Messy picks up his mobile)
Mr. Messy: How's about another squirt? Right here!
Mr. Strong: Oh, sure! Ready...aim...
(Mr. Strong squirts paint all over Mr. Messy's mobile and, in turn, Mr. Messy)
Mr. Strong: Hmm!
Mr. Messy: That's what I'm talking about!
(Mr. Messy walks over to Mr. Fussy as Mr. Fussy is putting the finishing touches on his sculpture)
Mr. Messy: Mr. Fussy, mind if I hang this up?
Mr. Fussy: Go right ahead. The idea is to display our crafts when they're finished.
(Mr. Messy walks away and Mr. Fussy looks at the remaining pasta in his hands)
Mr. Fussy: I am only one little macaroni away from a complete sculpture of myself!
(The camera zooms out to reveal Mr. Messy hanging his mobile over Mr. Fussy's sculpture)
Mr. Messy: What do you think?
(Mr. Fussy drops the remaining pasta in shock)
Mr. Fussy: Uh! Well, it's important that we be free to express our...
(A drop of paint falls onto the statue and Mr. Fussy wipes it off with his finger)
Mr. Fussy: Creativity.
(A paint covered pizza crust lands on Mr. Fussy's head)
Mr. Fussy: Oh! Mr. Messy! I do not appreciate your junk raining down on me!
(The scene cuts over to Mr. Strong who is almost done with his bowling ball)
Mr. Strong: I'm almost finished too!
(Mr. Strong grabs his bowling ball by the glittery part)
Mr. Strong: (grunts) Uh, sort of.
(The bowling ball sticks to Mr. Strong's hand)
Mr. Strong: Wow! This glue is strong!
(Mr. Strong throws his bowling ball off his hand)
Mr. Strong: (grunts)
(The bowling ball lands into the ceiling and the ceiling begins to crack)
Mr. Messy: Uh oh!
Mr. Fussy: (gasps) Sweet apple strudel! My sculptor!
(Mr. Fussy tries to push his statue out of the way. The ceiling falls down in the shape of a rectangle sans three circles that are over Mr. Fussy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Strong respectively. The ceiling falls onto Mr. Fussy's sculpture. Destroying it in the process)
Mr. Strong: Huh!
Mr. Fussy: Fussy a la Pasta...is ruined!
(Mr. Messy notices that his mobile was hanging on one of the circles that didn't fall down and, thus, is still intact)
Mr. Messy: Wow! My mobile didn't even break!
(Mr. Fussy holds the ruins of his sculpture)
Mr. Fussy: Nothing but shards of shattered dreams!
(Mr. Messy walks over to Mr. Fussy with his mobile)
Mr. Messy: Gee Mr. Fussy, maybe next time you should make a sculpture yourself out of junk.
(Mr. Messy gives Mr. Fussy his mobile)
Mr. Messy: It doesn't break so easy.
(Mr. Messy leaves)
Mr. Fussy: (sobs)
(Mr. Strong walks over to Mr. Fussy with his bowling ball)
Mr. Strong: Who knew craft making could be so much fun? In fact, I'd like you to have my bowling ball, Mr. Fussy.
(Mr. Strong gives Mr. Fussy his bowling ball)
Mr. Strong: As thanks for holding this meeting!
Mr. Fussy: Well thank you, Mr. Strong!
Mr. Strong: Well, see you next week!
(Mr. Strong closes the door behind him)
Mr. Fussy: Huh? Next week? Oh!
(Mr. Strong rises up and squirts some purple finger paint at the screen. The scene transitions to the first bumper as the paint drips down. Mr. Quiet is shown painting a portrait of Little Miss Scary. Once he is done, he shows it to her. Little Miss Scary puts on her green, large nose, monster mask. The painting of Little Miss Scary screams inaudibly and runs away. Leaving a blank canvas and a baffled Mr. Quiet)
("Miss Sunshine's Craft Corner" begins)
Miss Helpful (voiceover): Welcome to "Miss Sunshine's Craft Corner." Let's give a warm crafter's welcome to your host...Miss Sunshine!
(Little Miss Sunshine is lowered down on stage by Mr. Funny. Clapping is heard in the background as Little Miss Sunshine is lowered. The screen zooms out to reveal Mr. Funny shortly after)
Miss Sunshine: Thanks, Mr. Funny.
(Mr. Funny honks his horn as a way to say "you're welcome". Then, Mr. Funny moves the set away)
Miss Sunshine: We have a fun-tastic show for you today!
(Little Miss Sunshine walks to a crafting table where Little Miss Scary is waiting for her)
Miss Sunshine: My guest is very serious about arts and crafts! She loves to make costumes! She's also fond of bats, monsters, and fangs. How interesting! Please welcome...Miss Scary!
(Little Miss Sunshine and the audience clap)
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
(Mr. Funny honks his horn as a way of saying "oh boy" and turns to the camera with a worried look on his face. The camera then cuts back to Little Miss Sunshine)
Miss Sunshine: I had no idea you liked crafts, Miss Scary.
Miss Scary: Oh yes!
(Little Miss Scary puts on her purple monster mask)
Miss Scary: I've been doing them for years!
Miss Sunshine: (screams)
(Little Miss Scary takes off her mask)
Miss Scary: (laughs) I made that myself!
(Little Miss Scary sees something on the table and picks it up)
Miss Scary: Ooh! What's this?
Miss Sunshine: A foam flower!
(Little Miss Sunshine takes out a pair of flower covered flip-flops)
Miss Sunshine: Today we're making flower covered flip-flops!
Miss Scary: (sarcastically) That's really scary.
(Little Miss Scary grabs the flip-flops from Little Miss Sunshine and tosses them away)
Miss Scary: I've got a better idea! I'll do the crafts and you can be my assistant.
Miss Sunshine: Fun-tastic! Will you be needing any of these important craft items?
(Little Miss Sunshine takes out an apron, a pair of goggles, and a pair of oven gloves)
Miss Sunshine: Apron? Goggles? Over glove?
(Little Miss Scary tosses the goggles away)
Miss Scary: No!
(A buzzer sounds. Little Miss Scary tosses the oven glove away)
Miss Scary: No!
(A buzzer sounds. Little Miss Scary briefly looks at the apron and notices a unicorn on the front. Little Miss Scary tosses the apron away)
Miss Scary: And definitely no!
(A buzzer sounds. Little Miss Scary takes out her craft bag)
Miss Scary: Look what's in my craft bag.
(Little Miss Sunshine takes out the following items from Little Miss Scary's craft bag)
Miss Sunshine: Hmmm...milk jug, ordinary string, cardboard tubes, and...
(Little Miss Sunshine excitedly takes out a button)
Miss Sunshine: BUTTONS!!
(Little Miss Sunshine takes out more buttons before tossing them everywhere)
Miss Sunshine: I love buttons! Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em! (hyperventilates)
Miss Scary: Oh! Then you'll love what I'm making!
Miss Sunshine: Ah!
(Little Miss Scary turns around and begins making her craft)
Miss Sunshine: Oooh! Let me try to guess!
(Thought bubbles of Little Miss Sunshine's guesses appear over her head as she tries to guess what Little Miss Scary is creating)
Miss Sunshine: A button-covered birdhouse? Flower pot? A cute holder for your remote control?
(The thought bubbles disappear and Little Miss Scary turns around to reveal that she made a little monster out of her craft supplies)
Miss Sunshine: Ooh! A doll! I love dolls! Love 'em, love 'em, l-
(Little Miss Scary covers Little Miss Sunshine's mouth to shut her up)
Miss Scary: It is not a doll!
(Little Miss Scary raises the doll)
Miss Scary: More like a monster!
(Little Miss Sunshine lowers the doll)
Miss Sunshine: I know I'm just the assistant today...
(Little Miss Sunshine takes out some feathers and flowers)
Miss Sunshine: But feathers and flowers always perk up a monster.
(Little Miss Sunshine decorates the monster doll with feathers and flowers to turn it from a monster to a nice cuddly doll. Little Miss Scary is horrified by this)
Miss Scary: (gasps in horror)
Audience: (gasps)
Miss Scary: Look! A pretty rainbow!
Miss Sunshine: WHAT!? WHERE!?
(Little Miss Sunshine tries to find the rainbow while Little Miss Scary takes her monster back stage)
Miss Sunshine: Oh! I missed it.
(Mr. Funny walks over)
Miss Sunshine: I've never seen a rainbow inside before.
(Mr. Funny looks around curiously. Little Miss Scary return with a giant spider made of her arts and crafts supplies)
Miss Scary: I'm finished!
(Mr. Funny and Little Miss Sunshine notice the spider and hold each other in fear)
Miss Sunshine: (screams)
Miss Scary: You think that's scary, wait until you see the mummy I'm gonna make from toilet paper!
(Little Miss Scary wraps Little Miss Sunshine in toilet paper, turning her into a toilet paper mummy)
Miss Sunshine: Goodness! I think that's all the time we have for today.
(Little Miss Scary glares at Mr. Funny mischievously. Mr. Funny immediately realizes that he's Little Miss Scary's next mummy victim and runs away)
Miss Scary: Yah!
(Little Miss Scary chases after Mr. Funny)
Miss Sunshine: Join us tomorrow...
(Mr. Funny honks his horn as Little Miss Scary chases after him)
Miss Scary: AH!!! (laughs)
Miss Sunshine: For Miss Sunshine's Craft Corner! (screams)
(Little Miss Sunshine runs away as Little Miss Scary continues chasing Mr. Funny)
Miss Scary: (laughs)
(Little Miss Scary comes up in front of the screen and wraps the screen up in toilet paper. The toilet paper moves out of the way to transition to the next bumper. Mr. Quiet is shown painting a portrait of Mr. Bounce. Mr. Bounce begins bouncing up and down really fast. When Mr. Bounce stops bouncing, Mr. Quiet becomes annoyed and shows Mr. Bounce the ruined portrait. Mr. Bounce, however, doesn't mind and shrugs it off. The scene transitions to Dillydale Park, where a contest is going on. Mr. Stubborn is the only one in the audience, Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Tickle (who are a team), Mr. Grumpy, and Little Miss Whoops are the contestants, and Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small are the judges. There are also three cardboard cows to be decorated for the contest)
Narrator: Over in Dillydale Park, there are some cows to be decorated.
(Mr. Noisy pops up in front of the screen)
Mr. Noisy: Welcome to the second annual Dillydale "Decorate-a-Cow" contest!
(Mr. Noisy claps in excitement before walking past the artists and towards Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small)
Mr. Noisy (through megaphone): As you know artists, you will have five minutes to decorate your cow! Which will be judged on originality and design by our judges...Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small!
(Clapping is heard in the background)
Mr. Stubborn: These cows...ARE CHEAP!!
(Mr. Noisy is shown holding a stop watch)
Mr. Noisy: Ready...begin!!
(The contestants get to work. Little Miss Whoops opens a toolbox, Mr. Tickle starts tickling his and Mr. Scatterbrain's cow, and Mr. Grumpy starts painting his cow black and white using a spray painter. Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small walk up over Mr. Grumpy first)
Mr. Small: Greetings, Mr. Grumpy. A fine day to paint a cow.
Mr. Nosey: Hmm...I can't help but notice you're painting your cow plain old black and white!
Mr. Grumpy: That's what cows look like. Humph. You might as well just hand me the first prize now.
Mr. Nosey: Uh...but isn't the idea to be creative when you paint your cow?
Mr. Small: Go wild, Mr. Grumpy! How about green and orange stripes?
Mr. Grumpy: Do you mind?
(Mr. Grumpy resumes painting his cow)
Mr. Grumpy: I'm making art here!
(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small head over to see what Little Miss Whoops is doing with her cow. Turns out, she is applying silver studs to her cow)
Mr. Nosey: Uh, Miss Whoops. I've never seen anyone put silver studs on your cow before!
Miss Whoops: It's so easy!
(Little Miss Whoops lowers her safety goggles)
Miss Whoops: (grunts)
(Little Miss Whoops applies another stud to her cow)
Miss Whoops: Yets so elegant!
(Mr. Small puts on a pair of sunglasses to look at Little Miss Whoops' cow)
Mr. Small: Not to mention dazzling!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Tickle)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Ready to be milked, Bessie? Oh! (chuckles)
(Mr. Scatterbrain bows and takes off his hat in respect)
Mr. Scatterbrain: May I call you Bessie?
Mr. Tickle: I don't think she'd mind, Mr. Scatterbrain. Let's get started!
(Mr. Tickle starts tickling the cow and Mr. Scatterbrain puts his hat back on. Mr. Grumpy walks over in annoyance)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh, for noodles sake! You're supposed to be painting your cow! Not tickling it!
Mr. Tickle: But how else are we supposed to get milk?
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey walk over)
Mr. Small: Might we be of some assistance?
Mr. Grumpy: Yes! Kick those two dodo birds out of this contest! They want to tickle their cow!
Mr. Small: It's not against the rules to tickle your cow.
(Mr. Small walks away)
Mr. Nosey: As long as you decorate it too!
(Mr. Nosey walks away)
Mr. Grumpy: Crooked cucumbers!
(Mr. Grumpy storms off)
Mr. Tickle: Yay! Bring the bucket, Mr. Scatterbrain!
(Mr. Tickle start tickling the cardboard cow and Mr. Scatterbrain brings back a bucket)
Mr. Scatterbrain: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵
Mr. Tickle: 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵
Mr. Scatterbrain: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵
Mr. Tickle: 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵
(A bell sounds stopping Mr. Tickle from milking)
Mr. Noisy (offscreen): One minute artists, just one more minute!!
(Mr. Tickle tries to milk the cow but nothing comes out)
Mr. Tickle: You know, Mr. Scatterbrain, there is something strange about this cow.
(Mr. Tickle knocks on the cow's milk jug head)
Mr. Tickle: I don't think she's real!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Now that you think of it, she doesn't look much like Bartleby!
(The camera zooms out to reveal Bartleby)
Bartleby: (Moos)
(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy walking over to Little Miss Whoops and her stud covered cow)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmmm. Don't you think you've gone a little bit overboard, Miss Whoops?
Miss Whoops: What can I say? I've got an artistic eye.
(Little Miss Whoops looks at her cow one more time before making a final decision)
Miss Whoops: Huh...just one more stud.
(Little Miss Whoops accidentally presses the red fast button instead of the green slow button)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Whoops!
(The stud gun begins to shake)
Mr. Grumpy (overlap): Hmm?
Miss Whoops (overlap): That wasn't supposed to happen!
(Studs start firing out of the gun like bullets)
Miss Whoops: Oh! Ooh! Eeh! Aah!
(Mr. Grumpy runs away in fear)
Mr. Grumpy: (screams)
Miss Whoops: Woah! Ooh! Oh! Aah!
(One of the studs hits Mr. Grumpy's paint sprayer and black paint splatters all over Little Miss Whoops' cow)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Oh! Oh-ooh!
(Little Miss Whoops starts bouncing towards Mr. Grumpy's cow due to the out of control stud gun. Mr. Grumpy looks in horror as he knows what's about to happen)
Miss Whoops: Oh! Oh-ooh! Whoops!
Mr. Grumpy (overlap): (screams)
Miss Whoops (offscreen and overlap): Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!
Miss Whoops: Whoops! Whoops!
(Little Miss Whoops lands on Mr. Grumpy's cow. Squishing it. Little Miss Whoops continues to bounce)
Miss Whoops: Sorry! Whoops! Whoops!
Mr. Grumpy (overlap): MY COW!!
Miss Whoops (offscreen and overlap): Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!
(Little Miss Whoops starts bouncing towards Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, Bartleby, and their cardboard cow)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! WHOOOOOPS!!!
(Little Miss Whoops lands on Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, Bartleby, and their cardboard cow. A cloud of dust surrounds them. The scene cuts back to Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Noisy (through megaphone): Time's up!
(A wrestling bell sound effect is heard)
Mr. Noisy (through megaphone): Please stop all cow decorating!
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown with the blue ribbon)
Mr. Noisy (through megaphone): The judges have made their decision!
Mr. Small: And a tough decision it was!
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Grumpy and his squashed cow)
Mr. Small (offscreen): But since Mr. Grumpy's cow is in ruins...
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Whoops' black paint covered cow)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): And Miss Whoops' cow is just one colour...
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, and their cow. Which is Bartleby with the fake cow's bead on her behind, Little Miss Whoops on top with the fake udder on her head, and Bartleby stuck inside the fake cow's body which partially covered in Little Miss Whoops' silver studs)
Mr. Small (offscreen): The winners are Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Tickle!
(Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Tickle smile upon hearing that they have won)
Mr. Tickle: (gasps excitedly)
Mr. Small (offscreen): For their modern masterpiece of bovine brilliance!
Bartelby: (moos)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Huzzah!
Mr. Tickle: Yay! This calls for a tickle!
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Scatterbrain)
Mr. Scatterbrain: (laughs)
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Scatterbrain out of the frame. The screen fades to black. A bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown painting Mr. Grumpy's portrait. He first paints him smiling but Mr. Grumpy corrects him as he was frowning. Mr. Quiet fixes the portrait and Mr. Grumpy grabs it and hugs it with adoration. The scene fades to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode and the aftermath of some of the events from the episode. Starting with Mr. Messy displaying his mobile to Mr. Fussy)
Narrator: So the next time you do some arts and crafts...
(Mr. Grumpy is shown sticking frowny face stickers over Mr. Happy's project)
Narrator: Remember to have fun!
(Little Miss Scary scares the portraits of the Mr. Men and Little Misses off the canvas)
Narrator: And put no limits on your creativity!
(Little Miss Bossy turns a clay-covered Mr. Nervous into a sculpture. The scene transitions outside to Little Miss Whoops uncontrollably applying studs to the Arts & Crafts building and Mr. Tickle tickling Mr. Scatterbrain)
Mr. Scatterbrain: (laughs)
Narrator: Well...maybe some limits.
(Fade to black)
(Episode ends here)
Deleted Scene[]
US Dub[]
Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big red screen comes up with "Arts and Crafts" written on it, a painting palette and paint brush with some paint splatters, and who created the episode underneath)
(The episode begins outside of the Arts and Crafts center)
Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses love expressing their creativity through arts and crafts!
(The scene transitions to inside the Arts and Crafts center. We first see Little Miss Bossy trying to Mr. Nervous how to make a clay pot)
Narrator: They enjoy making things out of clay...
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
(Mr. Nervous runs away, much to Little Miss Bossy's ire. The camera moves to the left to show Mr. Tickle painting a portrait of Little Miss Giggles)
Narrator: Painting a portrait of a friend...
(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Giggles)
Miss Giggles: (giggles)
(The camera moves to the left to show Little Miss Whoops trying to make a bracelet out of beads but it falls apart)
Narrator: Or making a bracelet of colorful beads.
(Mr. Bump walks over carrying beads and slips on the beads that fell from Little Miss Whoops' bracelet)
Mr. Bump: Oh!
(Mr. Bump's beads land on his head. The camera moves to the left to show Mr. Happy in front of a large sheet of paper. He is stamping images of himself smiling onto the paper. He turns around and smiles at the camera)
Narrator: The fun never ends when it comes to arts and crafts!
(The camera stops in front of closed doors with a standee of Mr. Fussy holding a painter's palette)
Narrator: Which is why Mr. Fussy has started Dillydale's first "Arts and Crafts Club!"
(The scene transitions to inside the room. Mr. Messy and Mr. Strong are shown standing by a table with bored expressions on their faces)
Narrator: If only everyone took their crafts as seriously as he does.
(Mr. Fussy walks over)
Mr. Fussy: Welcome to the first meeting of my arts and crafts club! Each week, we will work on our own craft. After we're finished, we'll show them off! Doesn't that sound like fun?
Mr. Messy: Could be.
Mr. Strong: Yeah, I guess so.
Mr. Fussy: I'm sure you're all eager to see what I'm going to make!
(Mr. Fussy walks away and wheels over an incomplete sculpture of himself)
Mr. Fussy: Fussy a la Pasta! A sculpture of myself made entirely out of different pasta shapes!
(Mr. Fussy takes out a bowl of pasta for his sculpture)
Mr. Messy: I love pasta! Do we get to eat it after it's done?
Mr. Fussy: Certainly not, Mr. Messy! You wouldn't eat a painting in a museum, would you? Besides, this pasta isn't even cooked!
Mr. Messy: Too bad! I think I got some spaghetti sauce in my pocket!
(Mr. Messy takes out some spaghetti sauce that is quickly cleaned up by Mr. Fussy)
Mr. Fussy: Uh...best to keep the craft area clean and tidy, Mr. Messy! Uh, moving on.
(Mr. Fussy walks over to Mr. Strong)
Mr. Fussy: Uh, Mr. Strong. What did you bring to work on today?
(Mr. Strong takes out a bowling ball that cracks the table)
Mr. Strong: I thought I'd jazz up my old bowling ball.
Mr. Fussy: Ah yes. The timeless art of covering a bowling ball with paint and glitter.
(Mr. Fussy walks over to Mr. Messy)
Mr. Fussy: I'm almost afraid to ask...what do you have in your craft bag?
(Mr. Messy takes out his craft bag)
Mr. Messy: I decided to make a mobile out of junk! Let's see...
(Mr. Messy digs through his craft bag and pulls out the following)
Mr. Messy: I've got a rusty fizzy pop can, a bell without a dinger, a couple of pizza crusts, and a dirty sock!
Mr. Fussy: Ah!
(Mr. Fussy lowers Mr. Messy's hand back into the bag)
Mr. Fussy: Eh...how creative. Let's get to work, shall we?
(Mr. Fussy walks over to his sculpture and starts applying pasta to it)
Mr. Fussy: Fussy a la Pasta is taking glorious shape already!
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Strong and Mr. Messy)
Mr. Strong: I'm thinking pink glitter might make me a better bowler.
(Mr. Strong starts opening the jar of glitter glue)
Mr. Messy: Go for it, Mr. Strong!
(Mr. Strong opens the jar but glitter glue launches out and lands on the head Mr. Fussy's sculptor)
Mr. Fussy: (gasps) There's glitter on my rigatoni head!
(Mr. Fussy takes out a cleaning rag and uses it to wipe the glitter off his statue)
Mr. Strong: Oh! Sorry about that, Mr. Fussy. Uh, maybe I'll just use these finger paints instead. Yeah.
(Mr. Strong squeezes the paint tube so hard that paint squirts out and lands on Mr. Messy's head)
Mr. Strong: Oh! Sorry, Mr. Messy!
Mr. Messy: What are you sorry for? To be honest, I wasn't so sure about this whole craft thing. But it's good and messy!
(Mr. Messy picks up his mobile)
Mr. Messy: How about another squirt? Right there?
Mr. Strong: Oh, sure! Ready...aim...
(Mr. Strong squirts paint all over Mr. Messy's mobile and, in turn, Mr. Messy)
Mr. Messy: That's what I'm talking about!
(Mr. Messy walks over to Mr. Fussy as Mr. Fussy is putting the finishing touches on his sculpture)
Mr. Messy: Mr. Fussy, mind if I hang this up?
Mr. Fussy: Go right ahead. The idea is to display our crafts when we're done.
(Mr. Messy walks away and Mr. Fussy looks at the remaining pasta in his hands)
Mr. Fussy: I'm only one elbow macaroni away from a complete sculpture of myself!
(The camera zooms out to reveal Mr. Messy hanging his mobile over Mr. Fussy's sculpture)
Mr. Messy: What do you think?
(Mr. Fussy drops the remaining pasta in shock)
Mr. Fussy: Well, it's important that we be free to express our...
(A drop of paint falls onto the statue and Mr. Fussy wipes it off with his finger)
Mr. Fussy: Creativity.
(A paint covered pizza crust lands on Mr. Fussy's head)
Mr. Fussy: Doh! Mr. Messy! I do not appreciate your junk raining down on me!
(The scene cuts over to Mr. Strong who is almost done with his bowling ball)
Mr. Strong: I'm almost finished too!
(Mr. Strong grabs his bowling ball by the glittery part)
Mr. Strong: Uh, sort of.
(The bowling ball sticks to Mr. Strong's hand)
Mr. Strong: Yo, this glue is strong!
(Mr. Strong throws his bowling ball off his hand)
Mr. Strong: (grunts)
(The bowling ball lands into the ceiling and the ceiling begins to crack)
Mr. Messy: Uh oh!
Mr. Fussy: (gasps) Sweet Henrietta! My sculptor!
(Mr. Fussy tries to push his statue out of the way. The ceiling falls down in the shape of a rectangle sans three circles that are over Mr. Fussy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Strong respectively. The ceiling falls onto Mr. Fussy's sculpture. Destroying it in the process)
Mr. Fussy: Fussy a la Pasta...is ruined!
(Mr. Messy notices that his mobile was hanging on one of the circles that didn't fall down and, thus, is still intact)
Mr. Messy: Wow! My mobile didn't even break!
(Mr. Fussy holds the ruins of his sculpture)
Mr. Fussy: Nothing but shards of broken noodles!
(Mr. Messy walks over to Mr. Fussy with his mobile)
Mr. Messy: Gee Mr. Fussy, maybe next time you should make a sculpture yourself out of junk.
(Mr. Messy gives Mr. Fussy his mobile)
Mr. Messy: It doesn't break so easy.
(Mr. Messy leaves)
Mr. Fussy: (sobs)
(Mr. Strong walks over to Mr. Fussy with his bowling ball)
Mr. Strong: Ah who knew craft making could be so much fun? In fact, I'd like you to have my bowling ball Mr. Fussy.
(Mr. Strong gives Mr. Fussy his bowling ball)
Mr. Strong: As thanks for holding this meeting!
Mr. Fussy: Well thank you, Mr. Strong!
Mr. Strong: Yeah! Well see you next week!
(Mr. Strong closes the door behind him)
Mr. Fussy: Yeah...next week. Doh!
(Mr. Strong rises up and squirts some purple finger paint at the screen. The scene transitions to the first bumper as the paint drips down. Mr. Quiet is shown painting a portrait of Little Miss Scary. Once he is done, he shows it to her. Little Miss Scary puts on her green, large nose, monster mask. The painting of Little Miss Scary screams inaudibly and runs away. Leaving a blank canvas and a baffled Mr. Quiet)
(The scene cuts to a commercial for "Little Miss Bossy's Arts and Crafts Camp." It starts with Little Miss Bossy outside of 3 boot camp-like buildings)
Miss Bossy: Miss Bossy here to tell you about Miss Bossy's Arts and Crafts Camp! The only camp in Dillydale where you can learn art the right way! My way
(The scene cuts to the pottery room where Mr. Nervous is making a pot)
Miss Bossy: This is the pottery room where you can learn to make a clay pot. Mr. Nervous, do it the way I showed you!
(Little Miss Bossy pushes on the pedal too fast and the clay becomes so long and thin that it fall onto Mr. Nervous)
(The scene cuts to the painting room where Mr. Quiet and Little Miss Sunshine are painting a portrait of Miss Scary with Miss Scary posing for them)
Miss Bossy: Here at Miss Bossy's Arts and Crafts camp, I'll show you how to paint a picture.
(Mr. Scatterbrain is shown painting a fish)
Miss Bossy: Mr. Scatterbrain, you're supposed to be painting Miss Scary! Not a fish!
Mr. Scatterbrain: I am?
(Mr. Scatterbrain takes the fish painting off the easel and literally paints Little Miss Scary blue. This leads to her chasing Mr. Scatterbrain into the sculpture room)
Miss Scary: (angrily) AHH!
Miss Bossy: At my school, you'll even learn how to make a sculpture out of junky old sticks!
(Mr. Bump is shown making a giant sculpture of Little Miss Bossy out of popsicle sticks)
Miss Bossy: Mr. Bump, hurry up and glue that stick!
(Mr. Bump loses his balance)
Mr. Bump: Oh! Woah! Ah!
(A crash is heard as Mr. Bump falls onto the statue)
Miss Bossy: So what are you waiting for?
(A wide shot shows a clay covered Mr. Nervous, a paint covered Little Miss Scary, and a dazed Mr. Bump wearing a giant popsicle stick hat in the mess of the destroyed statue. All three next to Little Miss Bossy)
Miss Bossy: Sign up today for Miss Bossy's Arts and Crafts camp! Why?
(Zoom in on Little Miss Bossy as she puts on a military leader hat)
Miss Bossy: Because I said so!
(The commercial ends and "Miss Sunshine's Craft Corner" begins)
Miss Helpful (voiceover): Welcome to "Miss Sunshine's Craft Corner." Now please give a warm crafter's welcome to your host...Miss Sunshine!
(Little Miss Sunshine is lowered down on stage by Mr. Funny. Clapping is heard in the background as Little Miss Sunshine is lowered. The screen zooms out to reveal Mr. Funny shortly after)
Miss Sunshine: Thanks, Mr. Funny.
(Mr. Funny honks his horn as a way to say "you're welcome". Then, Mr. Funny moves the set away)
Miss Sunshine: We have a fun-tastic show for you today!
(Little Miss Sunshine walks to a crafting table where Little Miss Scary is waiting for her)
Miss Sunshine: My guest is very serious about arts and crafts! She loves to make costumes! She's also fond of bats, monsters, and fangs. How interesting! Please welcome...Miss Scary!
(Little Miss Sunshine and the audience clap)
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
(Mr. Funny honks his horn as a way of saying "oh boy" and turns to the camera with a worried look on his face. The camera then cuts back to Little Miss Sunshine)
Miss Sunshine: I had no idea you liked crafts, Miss Scary.
Miss Scary: Oh yeah!
(Little Miss Scary puts on her purple monster mask)
Miss Scary: Been doing them for years!
Miss Sunshine: Oh!
Miss Scary: (snorts)
(Little Miss Scary takes off her mask)
Miss Scary: (laughs) I made that myself!
(Little Miss Scary sees something on the table and picks it up)
Miss Scary: What's this?
Miss Sunshine: A foam flower!
(Little Miss Sunshine takes out a pair of flower covered flip-flops)
Miss Sunshine: Today we're making flower covered flip-flops!
Miss Scary: Talk about scary!
(Little Miss Scary grabs the flip-flops from Little Miss Sunshine and tosses them away)
Miss Scary: I've got a better idea! I'll do the crafts and you can be my assistant.
Miss Sunshine: Fun-tastic! Will you be needing any of these important craft items?
(Little Miss Sunshine takes out a smock, a pair of goggles, and a pair of oven mitts)
Miss Sunshine: Smock? Goggles? Over mitt?
(Little Miss Scary tosses the goggles away)
Miss Scary: No!
(A buzzer sounds. Little Miss Scary tosses the oven mitts away)
Miss Scary: No!
(A buzzer sounds. Little Miss Scary briefly looks at the smock and notices a unicorn on the front. Little Miss Scary tosses the smock away)
Miss Scary: And definitely no!
(A buzzer sounds. Little Miss Scary takes out her craft bag)
Miss Scary: Look what's in my craft bag.
(Little Miss Sunshine takes out the following items from Little Miss Scary's craft bag)
Miss Sunshine: Hmmm...milk jug, ordinary yarn, cardboard tubes, and...
(Little Miss Sunshine excitedly takes out a button)
Miss Sunshine: BUTTONS!!
(Little Miss Sunshine takes out more buttons before tossing them everywhere)
Miss Sunshine: I love buttons! Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em! (hyperventilates)
Miss Scary: (chuckles) Then you'll love what I'm making!
(Little Miss Scary turns around and begins making her craft)
Miss Sunshine: Oooh! Let me try to guess!
(Thought bubbles of Little Miss Sunshine's guesses appear over her head as she tries to guess what Little Miss Scary is creating)
Miss Sunshine: A button-covered birdhouse? Flower pot? A cute holder for your tv remote?
(The thought bubbles disappear and Little Miss Scary turns around to reveal that she made a little monster out of her craft supplies)
Miss Sunshine: (gasps) A doll! I love dolls! Love 'em, love 'em, lo-
(Little Miss Scary covers Little Miss Sunshine's mouth to shut her up)
Miss Scary: It is not a doll!
(Little Miss Scary raises the doll)
Miss Scary: More like a monster!
(Little Miss Sunshine lowers the doll)
Miss Sunshine: I know I'm just the assistant today...
(Little Miss Sunshine takes out some feathers and flowers)
Miss Sunshine: But feathers and flowers always perk up a monster.
(Little Miss Sunshine decorates the monster doll with feathers and flowers to turn it from a monster to a nice cuddly doll. Little Miss Scary is horrified by this)
Audience: (gasps)
Miss Scary: Look! A double rainbow!
Miss Sunshine: WHAT!? WHERE!?
(Little Miss Sunshine tries to find the double rainbow while Little Miss Scary takes her monster back stage)
Miss Sunshine: Oh! I missed it.
(Mr. Funny walks over)
Miss Sunshine: I've never seen a rainbow inside before.
(Mr. Funny looks around curiously. Little Miss Scary return with a giant spider made of her arts and crafts supplies)
Miss Scary: I'm finished!
(Mr. Funny and Little Miss Sunshine notice the spider and hold each other in fear)
Miss Sunshine: (screams)
Miss Scary: You think that's scary, wait until you see the mummy I'm gonna make from toilet paper!
(Little Miss Scary wraps Little Miss Sunshine in toilet paper, turning her into a toilet paper mummy)
Miss Sunshine: Goodness! I think that's all the time we have for today.
(Little Miss Scary glares at Mr. Funny mischievously. Mr. Funny immediately realizes that he's Little Miss Scary's next mummy victim and runs away. Little Miss Scary chases after him)
Miss Sunshine: Join us tomorrow...
(Mr. Funny honks his horn as Little Miss Scary chases after him)
Miss Scary: AH!!! (laughs)
Miss Sunshine: For Miss Sunshine's Craft Corner! (screams)
(Little Miss Sunshine runs away as Little Miss Scary continues chasing Mr. Funny)
Miss Scary: (snorts and laughs)
(Little Miss Scary comes up in front of the screen and wraps the screen up in toilet paper. The toilet paper moves out of the way to transition to the next bumper)
(Mr. Quiet is shown painting a portrait of Mr. Bounce. Mr. Bounce begins bouncing up and down really fast. When Mr. Bounce stops bouncing, Mr. Quiet becomes annoyed and shows Mr. Bounce the ruined portrait. Mr. Bounce, however, doesn't mind and shrugs it off)
(The scene transitions to Dillydale Park, where a contest is going on. Mr. Stubborn is the only one in the audience, Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Tickle (who are a team), Mr. Grumpy, and Little Miss Whoops are the contestants, and Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small are the judges. There are also three cardboard cows to be decorated for the contest)
Narrator: Over in Dillydale Park, there are some statues of cows to be decorated.
(Mr. Noisy pops up in front of the screen)
Mr. Noisy: Welcome to the second annual Dillydale "Decorate-a-Cow" contest!
(Mr. Noisy claps in excitement before walking past the artists and towards Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small)
Mr. Noisy (through megaphone): As you know artists, you will have five minutes to decorate your cow! Which will be judged on originality and design by our judges...Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small!
(Clapping is heard in the background)
Mr. Stubborn: These cows...ARE CHEAP!!
(Mr. Noisy is shown holding a stop watch)
Mr. Noisy: Ready...begin!!
(The contestants get to work. Little Miss Whoops opens a toolbox, Mr. Tickle starts tickling his and Mr. Scatterbrain's cow, and Mr. Grumpy starts painting his cow black and white using a spray painter. Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small walk up over Mr. Grumpy first)
Mr. Small: Greetings, Mr. Grumpy. A fine day to paint a cow.
Mr. Nosey: Hmm...I can't help but notice you're painting your cow plain old black and white!
Mr. Grumpy: That's what cows look like. Huh. You might as well just hand me the blue ribbon right now.
Mr. Nosey: Uh...but isn't the idea to be creative when you paint your cow?
Mr. Small: Go wild, Mr. Grumpy! How about green and orange stripes?
Mr. Grumpy: Do you mind?
(Mr. Grumpy resumes painting his cow)
Mr. Grumpy: I'm trying to make art here!
(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small head over to see what Little Miss Whoops is doing with her cow. Turns out, she is applying silver studs to her cow)
Mr. Nosey: Gee, Miss Whoops. I've never seen anyone put silver studs on your cow before!
Miss Whoops: It's so easy!
(Little Miss Whoops lowers her safety goggles and applies another stud to her cow)
Miss Whoops: It's so elegant!
(Mr. Small puts on a pair of sunglasses to look at Little Miss Whoops' cow)
Mr. Small: Not to mention dazzling!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Tickle)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Ready to be milked, Bessie? Oh! (chuckles)
(Mr. Scatterbrain bows and takes off his hat in respect)
Mr. Scatterbrain: May I call you Bessie?
Mr. Tickle: I don't think she'd mind, Mr. Scatterbrain. Let's get started!
(Mr. Tickle starts tickling the cow and Mr. Scatterbrain puts his hat back on. Mr. Grumpy walks over in annoyance)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh for noodles sake! You're supposed to be painting your cow! Not tickling it!
Mr. Tickle: But how else are we supposed to get milk?
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey walk over)
Mr. Small: Might we be of some assistance?
Mr. Grumpy: Yes! Kick those two dodo birds out of this contest! They want to tickle their cow!
Mr. Small: It's not against the rules to tickle your cow.
(Mr. Small walks away)
Mr. Nosey: As long as you decorate it too!
(Mr. Nosey walks away)
Mr. Grumpy: Crooked cucumbers!
(Mr. Grumpy storms off)
Mr. Tickle: Yay! Bring the bucket, Mr. Scatterbrain!
(Mr. Tickle start tickling the cardboard cow and Mr. Scatterbrain brings back a bucket)
Mr. Scatterbrain: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵
Mr. Tickle: 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵
Mr. Scatterbrain: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵
Mr. Tickle: 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵
(A bell sounds stopping Mr. Tickle from milking)
Mr. Noisy (offscreen): One more minute artists, one more minute!!
(Mr. Tickle tries to milk the cow but nothing comes out)
Mr. Tickle: You know Mr. Scatterbrain, there is something strange about this cow.
(Mr. Tickle knocks on the cow's milk jug head)
Mr. Tickle: I don't think she's real!
Mr. Scatterbrain: Now that you think of it, she doesn't look much like Bartleby!
(The camera zooms out to reveal Bartleby)
Bartleby: (Moos)
(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy walking over to Little Miss Whoops and her stud covered cow)
Mr. Grumpy: Don't you think you've gone a little overboard, Miss Whoops?
Miss Whoops: What can I say? I've got an artistic eye.
(Little Miss Whoops looks at her cow one more time before making a final decision)
Miss Whoops: Hmmm...just one more stud.
(Little Miss Whoops accidentally presses the red fast button instead of the green slow button)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Whoops!
(The stud gun begins to shake)
Miss Whoops: That wasn't supposed to happen!
(Studs start firing out of the gun like bullets. Mr. Grumpy runs away in fear. One of the studs hits Mr. Grumpy's paint sprayer and black paint splatters all over Little Miss Whoops' cow. Little Miss Whoops starts bouncing towards Mr. Grumpy's cow due to the out of control stud gun. Mr. Grumpy looks in horror as he knows what's about to happen)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!
(Little Miss Whoops lands on Mr. Grumpy's cow. Squishing it. Little Miss Whoops continues to bounce)
Miss Whoops: Sorry! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops!
Mr. Grumpy: MY COW!!
(Little Miss Whoops starts bouncing towards Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, Bartleby, and their cardboard cow)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! Whoops! WHOOPS!!!
(Little Miss Whoops lands on Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, Bartleby, and their cardboard cow. A cloud of dust surrounds them)
Mr. Scatterbrain (from inside the cloud): Oh!
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Noisy (through megaphone): Time's up!
(A wrestling bell sound effect is heard)
Mr. Noisy (through megaphone): Please stop all cow decorating!
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown with the blue ribbon)
Mr. Noisy (through megaphone): The judges have made their decision!
Mr. Small: And a tough decision it was!
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Grumpy and his squashed cow)
Mr. Small (offscreen): But since Mr. Grumpy's cow is in ruins...
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Whoops' black paint covered cow)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): And Miss Whoops' cow is just one color...
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, and their cow. Which is Bartleby with the fake cow's bead on her behind, Little Miss Whoops on top with the fake udder on her head, and Bartleby stuck inside the fake cow's body which partially covered in Little Miss Whoops' silver studs)
Mr. Small (offscreen): The winners are Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Tickle! For their modern masterpiece!
(Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Tickle smile upon hearing that they have won)
Bartelby: (moos)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Huzzah!
Mr. Tickle: Yay! This calls for a tickle!
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Scatterbrain)
Mr. Scatterbrain: (laughs)
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Scatterbrain out of the frame)
(The screen fades to black)
(A bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown painting Mr. Grumpy's portrait. He first paints him smiling but Mr. Grumpy corrects him as he was frowning. Mr. Quiet fixes the portrait and Mr. Grumpy grabs it and hugs it with adoration)
(The scene fades to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode and the aftermath of some of the events from the episode. Starting with Mr. Messy displaying his mobile to Mr. Fussy)
Narrator: So the next time you do some arts and crafts...
(Mr. Grumpy is shown sticking frowny face stickers over Mr. Happy's project)
Narrator: Remember to have fun!
(Little Miss Scary scares the portraits of the Mr. Men and Little Misses off the canvas)
Narrator: And put no limits on your creativity!
(Little Miss Bossy turns a clay-covered Mr. Nervous into a sculpture. The scene transitions outside to Little Miss Whoops uncontrollably applying studs to the Arts & Crafts building and Mr. Tickle tickling Mr. Scatterbrain)
Mr. Scatterbrain: (laughs)
Narrator: Well...maybe some limits.
(Fade to black)
(Episode ends here)