At Home with Mr. Messy is a story from the 1983 Annual.
Mr. Messy is one of the messiest people in the world. If not the messiest. He doesn't clean, mend, paint, or fix his house or tend to the garden. He also doesn't like cleaning himself up as well. One morning, Mr. Messy was having a very messy breakfast. He was having porridge (which boiled out of the pot), an egg that he dropped on the floor, and tea that was spilt on the tablecloth. As Mr. Messy was finishing up, there was a knock at the door. Mr. Messy tried to see who it was by looking out the window, but he couldn't see a thing. Not only was the window covered in layers of grime, but it was shattered too.
Mr. Messy opened the door. Mr. Busy was standing on the doorstep. Mr. Busy was passing by and decided to help Mr. Messy clean up his house and tend to his garden. Mr. Messy, not liking things neat and tidy, didn't want anyone to clean up his house or garden. But when your name is "Mr. Busy", saying no to having someone do something is pointless. In half an hour, Mr. Busy had mowed the lawn, clipped the hedges, weeded the flowerbed, and planted a row of cabbages. After that, Mr. Busy went to clean his house. It took an hour for Mr. Busy to dust the bedroom, clean the bathroom, make Mr. Messy's bed, and scrub all of the floors. Less than two hours to transform Mr. Messy's house and garden from a pigsty to a house anyone can live in.
Mr. Busy left after finishing, but Mr. Messy wasn't satisfied with the lack of dust or fingerprints in his tidy house. Shortly after Mr. Busy left, another knock was heard at the door; a knock that led to the door knocker coming off in the visitor's hands. That's right! Mr. Clumsy had come to chat! The first Mr. Clumsy did upon arriving was accidentally knock over a vase of flowers in the hall. Mr. Messy didn't mind and invited Mr. Clumsy for a cup of tea. But Mr. Busy had rearranged everything in the kitchen. Both Mr. Clumsy and Mr. Messy had to work together to find everything needed for tea. By the time tea was over, Mr. Messy's kitchen was back to normal: messy and filthy. To Mr. Messy, a messy house is a happy house!