Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Beach." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
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UK version[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big teal screen comes up with "Beach" written on it with a starfish, two seashells, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of waves crashing onto the beach is heard)

(The episode begins first with a shot of the sun before lowering down to show various Mr. Men and Little Misses enjoying a day at the beach)

Narrator: Ah, the beach!

(Down on the beach, Mr. Stubborn is snorkeling, Mr. Lazy is relaxing on a beach chair, Mr. Happy is building a sandcastle, and Little Miss Chatterbox is standing around having a good time)

Narrator: Who among us doesn't love spending time at the seashore?

(Mr. Strong is shown lifting weights, Little Miss Sunshine is shown sunbathing, and (in an error) Mr. Stubborn is also shown sunbathing. Then the scene cuts to Little Miss Calamity swimming in the ocean)

Narrator: Be it frolicking in the ocean waves...

Miss Calamity: (hums)

(Something is heard biting something)

Miss Calamity: Ugh!

(Little Miss Calamity lifts her foot out of the water to reveal that a clam is biting her foot. Then the scene cuts to Mr. Bump soaking his feet in the tidal pools)

Narrator: Exploring the wonders of the tidal pools...

(Mr. Bump leans forward to the tidal pools when a tiny lobster pinches Mr. Bump's cheek)

Narrator: Or taking a pleasant stroll...

(Mr. Quiet is shown walking on the hot sand with a beach bag in tow)

Mr. Quiet: Ow! Ugh! Ow!

Narrator: On the silky, soft sand!

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Pernickety sitting on the beach's shore with a small boat sailing on the crashing waves)

Narrator: There's no better way to spend a Summer day, than with a trip to the beach!

(A wave crashes onto Mr. Pernickety. When the water clears, and octopus is shown on Mr. Pernickety's head)

Mr. Pernickety (muffled): (screams) Ugh! How revolting!

(The scene fades to black and transitions to Mr. Pernickety walking up to a hot dog stand. Mr. Pernickety pauses for a moment when he sees that nobody is there. Mr. Scatterbrain then pops up from behind the stand)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Peek-a-boo, Mr. Pernickety!

Mr. Pernickety: Oh!

(Mr. Pernickety regains his composure)

Mr. Pernickety: Mr. Scatterbrain! That is no way to greet a customer! Now, if you don't mind, I should like one hot dog if you please.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! Abso-posi-te-lutely! (chuckles) Coming right up!

(Mr. Scatterbrain ducks down and takes out a small, orange pig with spots)

Pig: (oinks)

(Mr. Pernickety takes off his glasses and looks at the pig)

Mr. Pernickety: That is not a hot dog!

Mr. Scatterbrain: I know! It's a dotted hog!

Mr. Pernickety: But that's not what I ordered!

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): You wanted...

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a waffle iron)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A waffle iron!

(Mr. Pernickety puts his glasses back on)

Mr. Pernickety: No.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a geranium)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A geranium?

Mr. Pernickety: No.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a pin cushion)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A pin cushion!

Mr. Pernickety: No.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a gerbil cage)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Gerbil cage!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a banjo)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A banjo!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a shrub shaped like a banjo)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A shrub shaped like a banjo!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out an unripe melon)

Mr. Scatterbrain: An unripe melon?

(Mr. Pernickety becomes very annoyed and frustrated)

Mr. Pernickety: No, no, no, no, no, and NO! I asked for a hot dog as in frankfurter!

(Mr. Scatterbrain thinks for a minute and puts the melon down)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! Well, why didn't you say so?

(Mr. Pernickety facepalms himself in the face while Mr. Scatterbrain talks to the pig)

Mr. Scatterbrain (in a whisper): Sorry, Oinker. Heh!

Mr. Scatterbrain: One frankfurter coming up!

(Mr. Scatterbrain ducks down and starts preparing Mr. Persnickety's order)

Mr. Pernickety: With mustard!

(Mr. Scatterbrain looks at Mr. Pernickety in bewilderment)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Do you really want mustard on that? You don't seem the type.

Mr. Pernickety: There is no other way to enjoy a hot dog. Now, if you please.

(Mr. Scatterbrain thinks for a moment before making up his mind)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well, okay!

(Mr. Scatterbrain ducks back under the stand to prepare Mr. Pernickety's order. Then, Oinker proceeds to eat Mr. Pernickety's bowtie right off his chest)

Oinker: (burps)

Mr. Pernickety: Lucky for you, I have more bowties like that one at home. Otherwise, bacon might have been on the menu tonight!

(Oinker looks to the viewers in confusion)

Oinker: (oinks in a confused tone)

(Mr. Scatterbrain comes out with a yellow iguana on Mr. Pernickety's hot dog instead of mustard)

Mr. Pernickety (offscreen): (screams)

Mr. Pernickety: What is that!?

Mr. Scatterbrain: This is Mustard! My iguana! Ha-ha!

(Mr. Persnickety looks at Mustard closely)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): I named him that because he turns yellow if he doesn't eat enough mealworms!

(Mustard sticks his tongue out at Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Persnickety: I've suddenly lost my appetite!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Uh oh! You need me to help you find it? I'm good at finding stuff! Aren't I, Oinker?

Oinker: (oinks)

(The screen fades to black. A music video begins to play. It begins with a beautiful view of the beach The sun is shown bouncing up and down. Bouncing off of the ocean three times. The sun turns into Mr. Bounce. He bounces off of the ocean, spins around, bounces off the ocean again and to the left side of the screen. Six blue rectangles each with four blue circles in them slide onto the screen. Three rectangles are sky blue with periwinkle circles, the other three rectangles are navy blue with sky blue circles. Mr. Bounce appears in the middle of the screen and zooms in. Mr. Bounce zooms out then zooms back in. Mr. Bounce zooms out to reveal that there are four of him now then they zoom back in. The four Mr. Bounces zoom out to reveal that there are twelve of them now. All twelve zoom out, spin in a circle, then spread out. The scene transitions to a green background covered in blue, green, white, and pink flowers. Mr. Tickle is also there and uses his arms to bring Mr. Bounce from the right side of the screen to the left side of the screen. The scene cuts to Mr. Bounce bouncing off of five different conga drums. Mr. Bounce returns to the green and flower background and Mr. Tickle uses his arms to bring Mr. Bounce from the left side of the screen to the right side of the screen. The scene cuts to Mr. Bounce bouncing off of five different conga drums. Mr. Bounce bounces towards the viewers. The scene cuts to Mr. Bounce soaring above various Mr. Men and Little Misses. Mr. Bounce soars over Little Miss Chatterbox and Little Miss Whoops. The two Little Misses are shown sitting on a picnic blanket enjoying themselves and listening to music on a record player. Mr. Bounce then soars over Mr. Grumpy before bouncing away. Mr. Grumpy is shown sitting by a campfire enjoying a can of soup. Mr. Bounce soars into the sky and back down again. Five conga drums play music. Mr. Bounce bounces over Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey, the latter two are up in the sky on their flying machine. Five conga drums play music. The scene cuts back to the six blue rectangles. Mr. Bounce appears in the middle of the screen and zooms in. When Mr. Bounce zooms out, he is shown holding Mr. Tickle's hand and the two Mr. Men zoom in. The scene fades to Mr. Tickle waving his extraordinarily long arms back and forth on a red screen cut into triangles with a circle in the middle. Mr. Tickle duplicates into nine copies of himself and Mr. Bounce starts crowd surfing across the Mr. Tickles. Mr. Bounce returns to the top of the screen and the screen fades back to the beach setting from the beginning of the music video. The music video ends and the first bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown on the beach walking towards his beach chair. Once he sits down, Mr. Quiet pulls a book out of his bag and starts reading it. A wave crashes onto Mr. Quiet. Soaking Mr. Quiet from head to toe and washing everything but himself and Mr. Quiet's book away. Mr. Strong pushes the bumper out of the way to make room for the next scene)

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Ow!

(Mr. Grumpy is shown walking on hot sand trying to find the perfect place to set up his beach gear)

Mr. Grumpy: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

(Mr. Grumpy steps on a part of the beach that is out of the sun)

Mr. Grumpy: This will do.

(Mr. Grumpy opens his umbrella. A scene transition showing the top of the umbrella swirling across the screen plays. The scene time skips to Mr. Grumpy's lying down on his beach chair all ready to relax)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! This is what I call relaxing!

(Mr. Grumpy takes a liver sausage sandwich out of his bag)

Mr. Grumpy: Mmmm! Nothing like a good liver sausage sandwich!

(Just as Mr. Grumpy is about to take a bite out of his sandwich, a seagull arrives and lands on Mr. Grumpy's foot)

Mr. Grumpy: Hmmm?

Seagull: (squawks)

Mr. Grumpy: What are you looking at?

Seagull: (squawks)

Mr. Grumpy: Hasn't anyone ever told you it’s not polite to stare?

(Mr. Grumpy looks at his sandwich again with eagerness)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah! Liver sausage!

(Just as Mr. Grumpy is about to take a bite out of his sandwich, a second seagull arrives and lands on Mr. Grumpy's other foot)

Mr. Grumpy: Hmmm?

Seagulls: (squawks)

(The seagulls stare at Mr. Grumpy's sandwich)

Mr. Grumpy: If you're looking for handouts, you've come to the wrong guy.

Seagulls: (squawks)

(The seagulls become angry)

Mr. Grumpy: Yeah, squawk to somebody who cares! I've got a sandwich to enjoy!

(Just as Mr. Grumpy is about to take a bite out of his sandwich, Mr. Grumpy sees something. A record scratch sound effect is heard and the camera zooms out to reveal hundreds of seagulls on the beach)

Mr. Grumpy: Hmmm?

Seagulls: (cawing)

(Six seagulls stare at Mr. Grumpy's sandwich in excitement. Startling Mr. Grumpy)

Seagulls: (squawks)

Mr. Grumpy: (screams) I don't like that look in your beady little eyes.

(The seagulls attack Mr. Grumpy)

Seagulls: (squawk)

(Two seagulls are shown digging through Mr. Grumpy's bag. Taking out his sunblock and pineapple juice)

Seagulls: (squawks)

(Three seagulls start tearing apart Mr. Grumpy's umbrella with their beaks. Two seagulls start playing with Mr. Grumpy's hat while two other seagulls watch)

Seagulls: (squawk)

(Several seagulls are shown on the beach. One seagull gets into a tug-of-war over Mr. Grumpy's sandwich)

Mr. Grumpy: " sausage!"

(The seagull takes off into the air with the sandwich in its talons. Mr. Grumpy is shown hanging onto his sandwich and takes flight with the seagull. Mr. Grumpy then loses his grip on his sandwich and falls to the ground. The seagulls on the ground move out of the way and Mr. Grumpy lands head first into the sand. Mr. Grumpy picks himself up and looks up at the seagulls in a fit of rage)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!

(Mr. Grumpy waves his fists at the seagulls)

Mr. Grumpy: I hope you're happy with yourselves!

(A seagull defecates on Mr. Grumpy's head and Mr. Grumpy realizes that he has lost this battle)

Mr. Grumpy: (grumbles) I hate birds.

(The screen fades to black. A dance video starring Mr. Strong plays)

Miss Calamity (voiceover): Dance!

(After the dance video, the next bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown sitting on a beach towel. Mr. Quiet pulls a book out of his bag and starts reading it. Two crabs appear at the ends of Mr. Quiet's towel. The crabs pinch their claws, grab the ends grab the ends and scurry off with Mr. Quiet's towel with Mr. Quiet in tow. The next scene begins with Mr. Nervous riding a dolphin out in the middle of the ocean)

Mr. Nervous: Wo-ah! Woah! Where am I? Oh yes! If I knew, I wouldn't be lost!

Dolphin: (chirps)

Mr. Nervous: I know! Lost in the middle of n-n-nowhere! (gasps) No land in sight!

Dolphin: (chirps)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! That's nice of you...kind dolphin. But, no! I'll only tire you out! Then we'll b-both end up as...(yelps)! Fish food!

Dolphin: (chirps)

(Mr. Nervous hugs the dolphin)

Mr. Nervous: You've been a good friend to me.

(Mr. Nervous takes out his tape recorder and starts recording a message)

Mr. Nervous: Um...Mr. Nervous here. I don't know how much longer I can last! Even my kind dolphin friend has grown weary!

Mr. Rude (offscreen): Move it, Mr. Nervous!

Mr. Nervous: Oh!

(The daydream sequence ends and it is revealed that Mr. Nervous is on the edge of the beach wearing a dolphin life preserver. Mr. Nervous is shown to be in front of a sun tanning Mr. Rude. Consequently, blocking Mr. Rude's sunlight)

Mr. Rude: You are blocking my sun!

Mr. Nervous: Ah! Oh! S-sorry about that, Mr. Rude.

(Mr. Nervous waddles away and Mr. Rude turns to the viewers)

Mr. Rude: Some people have no manners!

(Mr. Rude resumes his sunbathing. The next bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown sitting on a beach towel. Mr. Quiet pulls a book out of his bag and starts reading it. A wave crashes onto Mr. Quiet. Soaking Mr. Quiet from head to toe. Nothing is washed away, but when Mr. Quiet lowers his book from his face, it is revealed that a sea star is stuck on Mr. Quiet's face. The next scene shows Little Miss Whoops and Mr. Bump out on the ocean in a speedboat)

Miss Whoops: Ready to parasail?

Mr. Bump: Uh...I don't know, Miss Whoops. It looks so dangerous! You really know how to do this?

Miss Whoops: Of course! I'm a trained professional, Mr. Bump.

(Mr. Bump tries to get out of the boat)

Mr. Bump: Come to think of it, I'll try this another day...

(Little Miss Whoops pulls a lever down and the seat Mr. Bump was on is shot up into the air with a rope tethering it)

Mr. Bump: Oooh!!!

(A parachute opens on the edge of the seat with Mr. Bump sitting down on it)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Little Miss Whoops takes a sip of pineapple juice)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Little Miss Whoops hits a bump in the water)

Miss Whoops: (gasps)

(Little Miss Whoops spills pineapple juice all over the controls. Causing them to short circuit)

Miss Whoops (offscreen): Oh dear!

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(The speedboat zooms out of control. Taking the parasailing Mr. Bump around the area in a dizzying way. Little Miss Whoops tries her best to regain control)

Mr. Bump: (screams) Too fast, Miss Whoops! Too fast! Woah! Woah!

Miss Whoops: (gasps)

(Little Miss Whoops drives underneath a huge flock of seagulls. This results in Mr. Bump parasailing into the flock)

Mr. Bump: Seagulls! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Blech! P-tah!

(Mr. Bump spits the feathers out of his mouth. Then he notices that he has Mr. Grumpy's liver sausage sandwich in his hands)

Mr. Bump: Ooh! Yum! Liver sausage!

(Mr. Bump eagerly looks at the sandwich when he hits a zeppelin)

Mr. Bump: Ow! Oh, poopity poop.

(The liver sausage sandwich falls off the zeppelin. Mr. Bump falls off shortly after and lands back in the speedboat)

Mr. Bump: (screams) Oof!

Miss Whoops: Hey there, Mr. Bump! Wasn't that fun? Would do you say we try it again?

(Little Miss Whoops starts driving again but Mr. Bump jumps off the boat)

Miss Whoops: Mr. Bump?

(Mr. Bump is shown swimming off into the sunset as the scene iris' out. The next bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown sitting on a beach towel reading a book. A wave crashes onto Mr. Quiet. Soaking Mr. Quiet from head to toe. Two seals appear with one seal balancing Mr. Quiet's lunchbox on their nose and the other seal balancing Mr. Quiet's book on their nose)

Seals: (barking)

(Limbless clones of Mr. Bump drop down from the sky and cover the screen before disappearing. The next scene shows Little Miss Daredevil working as a lifeguard. Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr., Lazy are also shown relaxing on the beach. Through her binoculars, Little Miss Daredevil looks around to see if everything is going smoothly in the water. The viewers see Mr. Stubborn snorkeling, Mr. Bump breaching out of the water, Mr. Scatterbrain floating on his back with Mustard on his stomach, Mr. Persnickety doing the doggie paddle, and an extreme close-up of Mr. Nosey. Transitioning out of Little Miss Daredevil's point of view and back to the lifeguard tower, the viewers see Mr. Nosey looking very closely at Little Miss Daredevil with Mr. Small standing next to him. Little Miss Daredevil lowers her binoculars upon seeing Mr. Nosey standing in front of her)

Miss Daredevil: Need anything, Mr. Nosey?

Mr. Nosey: Oh no. Just looking!

(Mr. Small jumps up and raises his hat)

Mr. Small: Good tidings, Miss Daredevil!

Miss Daredevil: Greetings, Mr. Small!

Mr. Nosey: Busy day?

Miss Daredevil: No! Pretty quiet, actually!

Mr. Nosey: I'm curious, are you going to use that surfboard?

(Little Miss Daredevil looks at the surfboard that's behind her before looking back at Mr. Nosey. The scene transitions to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey using the surfboard to surf on the waves)

Mr. Small (offscreen): He-hey!

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): (laughs)

Mr. Small: This is wonderful!

Mr. Nosey: Hang ten, Mr. Small!

Mr. Small: Delightful ocean breeze...

Mr. Nosey: Woo-hoo!

(The wave dies down leaving Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey surfing on air)

Mr. Small: Spraying in my face!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey realize that they are not surfing anymore and fall into the water)

Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small: (yelps)

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Helpful enjoying her music on her MP3 player when she notices Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey digging through her cooler)

Miss Helpful: Hi there, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small! What are you doing?

Mr. Nosey: Just looking!

Mr. Small: My associate couldn't help but notice that you've started drinking pineapple juice.

(Mr. Small takes out a box of pineapple juice)

Mr. Nosey: You used to be such a fan of fizzy pop.

Miss Helpful: I decided I liked juice a lot more.

Mr. Small: So do we!

Mr. Nosey: Ah!

Mr. Small: What a coincidence!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bounce reading a book)

Seagull (offscreen): (squawks)

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey rise up behind Mr. Bounce loudly sipping their boxes of pineapple juice that Little Miss Helpful gave them. Mr. Bounce notices the two immediately due to their loud sipping)

Mr. Bounce: Hello. Can I help you?

Mr. Nosey: Nope. Just reading your book. It's pretty exciting.

(Mr. Nosey takes another sip of pineapple juice)

Mr. Small: That's a marvellous blanket you have there, Mr. Bounce.

Mr. Bounce: Thank you! Would you care to join me?

Mr. Small: Thought you'd never ask!

(Mr. Small sits down on the blanket and takes off his hat. Mr. Nosey jumps high into the air and lands on the blanket with a big thud. This causes Mr. Bounce to bounce away)

Mr. Bounce (offscreen): Goodbye!

(The scene cuts further down the beach. Little Miss Chatterbox is having a conversation with Mr. Lazy, Mr. Strong is weightlifting, Mr. Happy is building a sandcastle, Little Miss Helpful is listening to her music, and Mr. Stubborn and Little Miss Sunshine are sunbathing. Complete with pinball sound effects, Mr. Bounce bounces off a sweaty Mr. Strong, then Mr. Happy's sandcastle, then Little Miss Sunshine's umbrella, and finally to the sun)

Mr. Bounce: Whee!

(Mr. Bounce disappears into the sun's rays (not literally) and the sound of pinball points being tallied is heard. The scene cuts back to Mr. Small and a dumbfounded Mr. Nosey. Mr. Nosey picks up Mr. Bounces book and calls out to him)

Mr. Nosey: You forgot your book!

(Mr. Nosey shrugs off what just happened and starts reading Mr. Bounce's book. Unexpectedly, Mr. Grumpy's liver sausage sandwich lands on Mr. Nosey's head)

Mr. Nosey: Oh?

(Mr. Small grabs the sandwich with eagerness)

Mr. Small: Ah, liver sausage!

(Mr. Small prepares to eat the sandwich when Mr. Nosey stops him for a moment)

Mr. Small: Wha-?

Mr. Nosey: I'm telling you, Mr. Small. There's nothing better than a day at the beach!

(Mr. Small takes a bite of the liver sausage sandwich. Mr. Small gives it to Mr. Nosey who also enjoys a bite. The scene fades to the ending scene which shows some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Nervous riding a dolphin, Mr. Scatterbrain floating on his back with Mustard on his stomach, and Mr. Pernickety swimming to shore)

Dolphin: (chirps)

Narrator: Another day at the beach comes to an end.

(Little Miss Sunshine is shown sunbathing, Mr. Strong is lifting weights, and Mr. Happy is building a sandcastle)

Narrator: Time to pack up the picnic...

(Little Miss Daredevil is shown looking around on top of the lifeguard tower using her binoculars, Mr. Lazy and Mr. Stubborn are sunbathing, and Mr. Grumpy is in a tug-of-war with a seagull over his liverwurst/liver sausage sandwich)

Narrator: Shake the sand from the blanket.

(Mr. Quiet is shown sitting on his beach towel reading a book. Two crabs grab the ends of Mr. Quiet's towel)

Narrator: And look forward to another day of fun very soon!

(The seagull flies into the air and takes Mr. Grumpy up with them. The crabs then scurry off with Mr. Quiet's towel with Mr. Quiet in tow. The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

(Beachin' With the Boombox plays. The music video begins with Mr. Happy clapping to the music with Little Miss Chatterbox, Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Nervous, and Mr. Lazy watching as 2 speakers play the music behind all 5 of them)

Mr. Strong (voiceover): Oh yeah, this is gonna be great! I've got the sun up in the sky and the sand beneath my toes, yeah.

(Mr. Happy continues to clap to the beat as a confused Mr. Lazy and reluctant Mr. Nervous exchange glances with each other)

Mr. Strong: 🎵We're beachin' with the boom box🎵

(Mr. Happy continues to clap to the beat as Little Miss Calamity and Little Miss Chatterbox get intrigued by Mr. Happy's enthusiasm)

Mr. Strong: Yeah!

Mr. Strong:🎵Blarin' tracks on the deck, ha🎵

(Little Miss Chatterbox and Little Miss Calamity look at each other and smile. Mr. Happy gestures everyone (viewers included) to dance with him)

Mr. Strong:🎵Got the whole crowd up and dancin'🎵

(Mr. Happy falls from the sky in between Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Nervous. Mr. Nervous and Mr. Lazy start getting more confident with the idea of dancing with Mr. Happy)

Mr. Strong:🎵On our sand dune disco deck, yeah🎵

(Mr. Happy resumes dancing)

Mr. Strong:🎵Groovin' at the seashore🎵

(Mr. Happy gestures over to Mr. Nervous and Mr. Lazy to dance with him. Mr. Happy jumps in excitement. Mr. Nervous and Mr. Lazy also jump in excitement)

Mr. Strong:🎵Yeah, we'll give it funkadelic style🎵

(Mr. Happy jumps backwards and so do Little Miss Chatterbox and Little Miss Calamity)

Mr. Strong: Oh, oh, wait a minute, yo!

(Mr. Lazy, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Little Miss Calamity start dancing in front of the music speakers)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Don't forget the sunscreen!🎵

(Mr. Happy starts pumping his arms in the air and starts marching around the beach. He is quickly joined by Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Strong: 🎵'Cause we're gonna be down here🎵

(Little Miss Chatterbox is shown doing her dance)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Shakin' it for a while.🎵

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Happy leading Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Lazy in his "getting pumped up" parade)

Mr. Strong: Come on now, get up and shake it with me here, 'cause, uh...

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Happy dancing)

Mr. Strong:🎵We're beachin' with the boom box🎵

Beachin' with the boom box🎵

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Happy leading Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Lazy in his "getting pumped up" parade)

Mr. Strong:🎵Beachin' with the boom box🎵

Beachin' with the boom box🎵

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Calamity, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Nervous, and Mr. Lazy dancing in front of the speakers with Mr. Happy dancing far in front of them in triumph)

Mr. Strong:🎵Beachin' with the boom box 🎵

(Beachin' With the Boombox ends)

US version[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big teal screen comes up with "Beach" written on it with a starfish, two seashells, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of waves crashing onto the beach is heard)

(The episode begins first with a shot of the sun before lowering down to show various Mr. Men and Little Misses enjoying a day at the beach)

Narrator: Ah, the beach!

(Down on the beach, Mr. Stubborn is snorkeling, Mr. Lazy is relaxing on a beach chair, Mr. Happy is building a sandcastle, and Little Miss Chatterbox is standing around having a good time)

Narrator: Who among us doesn't love spending time at the seashore?

(Mr. Strong is shown lifting weights, Little Miss Sunshine is shown sunbathing, and (in an error) Mr. Stubborn is also shown sunbathing. Then the scene cuts to Little Miss Calamity swimming in the ocean)

Narrator: Whether it be frolicking in the ocean waves...

Miss Calamity: (hums)

(Something is heard biting something)

Miss Calamity: (screams)

(Little Miss Calamity lifts her foot out of the water to reveal that a clam is biting her foot. Then the scene cuts to Mr. Bump soaking his feet in the tidal pools)

Narrator: Exploring the wonders of the tidal pools...

(Mr. Bump leans forward to the tidal pools when a tiny lobster pinches Mr. Bump's cheek)

Narrator: Or taking a pleasant stroll...

(Mr. Quiet is shown walking on the hot sand with a beach bag in tow)

Mr. Quiet: Ow! Ugh! Ow!

Narrator: On the silky, soft sand!

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Persnickety sitting on the beach's shore with a small boat sailing on the crashing waves)

Narrator: There's no better way to spend a Summer day, than with a trip to the beach!

(A wave crashes onto Mr. Persnickety. When the water clears, and octopus is shown on Mr. Persnickety's head)

Mr. Persnickety (muffled): (screams) How revolting!

(The scene fades to black and transitions to Mr. Persnickety walking up to a hot dog stand. Mr. Persnickety pauses for a moment when he sees that nobody is there. Mr. Scatterbrain then pops up from behind the stand)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Peek-a-boo, Mr. Persnickety!

Mr. Persnickety: Oh!

(Mr. Persnickety regains his composure)

Mr. Persnickety: Uh, Mr. Scatterbrain! That is no way to greet a customer! Now, if you don't mind, I should like one hot dog if you please.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! Abso-posi-te-lutely! Coming right up!

(Mr. Scatterbrain ducks down and takes out a small pig with spots)

Oinker: (oinks)

(Mr. Persnickety takes off his glasses and looks at the pig)

Mr. Persnickety: That is not a hot dog!

Mr. Scatterbrain: I know! It's a dotted hog!

Mr. Persnickety: But that's not what I ordered!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a waffle iron)

Mr. Scatterbrain: You wanted a waffle iron!

(Mr. Persnickety puts his glasses back on)

Mr. Persnickety: No.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a geranium)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A geranium?

Mr. Persnickety: No.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a pin cushion)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A pin cushion!

Mr. Persnickety: No.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a gerbil cage)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Gerbil cage!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a banjo)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A banjo!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a shrub shaped like a banjo)

Mr. Scatterbrain: A shrub shaped like a banjo!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out an unripe melon)

Mr. Scatterbrain: An unripe melon?

Mr. Persnickety: No, no, no, no, no, and NO! I asked for a hot dog as in frankfurter!

(Mr. Scatterbrain puts the melon down)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! Well, why didn't you say so?

(Mr. Persnickety facepalms himself in the face while Mr. Scatterbrain talks to the pig)

Mr. Scatterbrain (in a whisper): Sorry, Oinker. Heh!

Mr. Scatterbrain: One frankfurter coming up!

(Mr. Scatterbrain ducks down and starts preparing Mr. Persnickety's order)

Mr. Persnickety: With mustard!

(Mr. Scatterbrain looks at Mr. Persnickety in bewilderment)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Do you really want mustard on that? You don't seem like the type.

Mr. Persnickety: There is no other way to enjoy a hot dog. Now, if you please.

(Mr. Scatterbrain thinks for a moment before making up his mind)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well, okay!

(Mr. Scatterbrain ducks back under the stand to prepare Mr. Persnickety's order. Then, Oinker proceeds to eat Mr. Persnickety's bowtie right off his chest)

Oinker: (burps)

Mr. Persnickety: Lucky for you, I have more bowties like that one at home. Otherwise, bacon might have been on the menu tonight!

(Oinker looks to the viewers in confusion)

Oinker: (oinks)

(Mr. Scatterbrain comes out with a yellow iguana on Mr. Persnickety's hot dog instead of mustard)

Mr. Persnickety: (screams) What is that!?

Mr. Scatterbrain: This is Mustard! My iguana! Ha-ha!

(Mr. Persnickety looks at Mustard closely)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): I named him that cause he turns yellow if he doesn't eat enough mealworms!

(Mustard sticks his tongue out at Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Persnickety: I've certainly lost my appetite!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Uh oh! You need me to help you find it? I'm good at finding stuff! Aren't I, Oinker?

Oinker: (oinks)

(The screen fades to black. A music video begins to play. It begins with a beautiful view of the beach The sun is shown bouncing up and down. Bouncing off of the ocean three times. The sun turns into Mr. Bounce. He bounces off of the ocean, spins around, bounces off the ocean again and to the left side of the screen. Six blue rectangles each with four blue circles in them slide onto the screen. Three rectangles are sky blue with periwinkle circles, the other three rectangles are navy blue with sky blue circles. Mr. Bounce appears in the middle of the screen and zooms in. Mr. Bounce zooms out then zooms back in. Mr. Bounce zooms out to reveal that there are four of him now then they zoom back in. The four Mr. Bounces zoom out to reveal that there are twelve of them now. All twelve zoom out, spin in a circle, then spread out. The scene transitions to a green background covered in blue, green, white, and pink flowers. Mr. Tickle is also there and uses his arms to bring Mr. Bounce from the right side of the screen to the left side of the screen. The scene cuts to Mr. Bounce bouncing off of five different conga drums. Mr. Bounce returns to the green and flower background and Mr. Tickle uses his arms to bring Mr. Bounce from the left side of the screen to the right side of the screen. The scene cuts to Mr. Bounce bouncing off of five different conga drums. Mr. Bounce bounces towards the viewers. The scene cuts to Mr. Bounce soaring above various Mr. Men and Little Misses. Mr. Bounce soars over Little Miss Chatterbox and Little Miss Whoops. The two Little Misses are shown sitting on a picnic blanket enjoying themselves and listening to music on a record player. Mr. Bounce then soars over Mr. Grumpy before bouncing away. Mr. Grumpy is shown sitting by a campfire enjoying a can of soup. Mr. Bounce soars into the sky and back down again. Five conga drums play music. Mr. Bounce bounces over Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey, the latter two are up in the sky on their flying machine. Five conga drums play music. The scene cuts back to the six blue rectangles. Mr. Bounce appears in the middle of the screen and zooms in. When Mr. Bounce zooms out, he is shown holding Mr. Tickle's hand and the two Mr. Men zoom in. The scene fades to Mr. Tickle waving his extraordinarily long arms back and forth on a red screen cut into triangles with a circle in the middle. Mr. Tickle duplicates into nine copies of himself and Mr. Bounce starts crowd surfing across the Mr. Tickles. Mr. Bounce returns to the top of the screen and the screen fades back to the beach setting from the beginning of the music video. The music video ends and the first bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown on the beach walking towards his beach chair. Once he sits down, Mr. Quiet pulls a book out of his bag and starts reading it. A wave crashes onto Mr. Quiet. Soaking Mr. Quiet from head to toe and washing everything but himself and Mr. Quiet's book away. Mr. Strong pushes the bumper out of the way to make room for the next scene. Mr. Grumpy is shown walking on hot sand trying to find the perfect place to set up his beach gear)

Mr. Grumpy: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

(Mr. Grumpy steps on a part of the beach that is out of the sun)

Mr. Grumpy: This will do.

(Mr. Grumpy opens his umbrella. A scene transition showing the top of the umbrella swirling across the screen plays. The scene time skips to Mr. Grumpy's lying down on his beach chair all ready to relax)

Mr. Grumpy: Now this is what I call relaxing!

(Mr. Grumpy takes a liverwurst sandwich out of his bag)

Mr. Grumpy: Mmmm! Nothing like a good liverwurst sandwich!

(Just as Mr. Grumpy is about to take a bite out of his sandwich, a seagull arrives and lands on Mr. Grumpy's foot)

Seagull: (squawks)

Mr. Grumpy: What are you looking at?

Seagull: (squawks)

Mr. Grumpy: Has anyone ever told you it’s not polite to stare?

(Mr. Grumpy looks at his sandwich again with eagerness)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah! Nothing like liverwurst!

(Just as Mr. Grumpy is about to take a bite out of his sandwich, a second seagull arrives and lands on Mr. Grumpy's other foot)

Seagulls: (squawks)

(The seagulls stare at Mr. Grumpy's sandwich)

Mr. Grumpy: You're looking for handouts, you've come to the wrong guy.

Seagulls: (squawks)

(The seagulls become angry)

Mr. Grumpy: Yeah, squawk to somebody who cares! I've got a sandwich to enjoy!

(Just as Mr. Grumpy is about to take a bite out of his sandwich, Mr. Grumpy sees something. A record scratch sound effect is heard and the camera zooms out to reveal hundreds of seagulls on the beach)

Seagulls: (cawing)

(Six seagulls stare at Mr. Grumpy's sandwich in excitement. Startling Mr. Grumpy)

Seagulls: (squawks)

Mr. Grumpy: I don't like that walking your beady little eyes.

(The seagulls attack Mr. Grumpy)

Seagulls: (squawk)

(Two seagulls are shown digging through Mr. Grumpy's bag. Taking out his sunblock and pineapple juice)

Seagulls: (squawks)

(Three seagulls start tearing apart Mr. Grumpy's umbrella with their beaks. Two seagulls start playing with Mr. Grumpy's hat while two other seagulls watch)

Seagulls: (squawk)

(Several seagulls are shown on the beach. One seagull gets into a tug-of-war over Mr. Grumpy's sandwich)

Mr. Grumpy:!

(The seagull takes off into the air with the sandwich in its talons. Mr. Grumpy is shown hanging onto his sandwich and takes flight with the seagull. Mr. Grumpy then loses his grip on his sandwich and falls to the ground. The seagulls on the ground move out of the way and Mr. Grumpy lands head first into the sand. Mr. Grumpy picks himself up and looks up at the seagulls in a fit of rage)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!

(Mr. Grumpy waves his fists at the seagulls)

Mr. Grumpy: I hope you're happy with yourselves!

(A seagull defecates on Mr. Grumpy's head)

Mr. Grumpy: (grumbles) I hate birds.

(Fade to black. A dance video starring Mr. Strong plays)

Miss Calamity (voiceover): Dance! We're dancing! Come on, dance!

(After the dance video, the next bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown sitting on a beach towel. Mr. Quiet pulls a book out of his bag and starts reading it. Two crabs appear at the ends of Mr. Quiet's towel. The crabs pinch their claws, grab the ends grab the ends and scurry off with Mr. Quiet's towel with Mr. Quiet in tow. The next scene begins with Mr. Nervous riding a dolphin out in the middle of the ocean)

Mr. Nervous: Geh! Where am I? Oh yes! If I knew, I wouldn't be lost!

Dolphin: (chirps)

Mr. Nervous: I-I know! Lost in the middle of nowhere! (gasps) No land in sight!

Dolphin: (chirps)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! That's nice of you...kind dolphin. But, no! I'll only tire you out! Then we'll both end up as... geh! Fish food!

Dolphin: (chirps)

(Mr. Nervous hugs the dolphin)

Mr. Nervous: You've been a good friend to me.

(Mr. Nervous takes out his tape recorder and starts recording a message)

Mr. Nervous: Ahem! Mr. Nervous here. I don't know how much longer I can last! Even my kind dolphin friend has grown weary!

Mr. Rude (offscreen): Move it, Mr. Nervous!

(The daydream sequence ends and it is revealed that Mr. Nervous is on the edge of the beach wearing a dolphin life preserver. Mr. Nervous is shown to be in front of a sun tanning Mr. Rude. Consequently, blocking Mr. Rude's sunlight)

Mr. Rude: You are blocking my sun!

Mr. Nervous: Gah! Oh! Uh...sorry about that, Mr. Rude.

(Mr. Nervous waddles away and Mr. Rude turns to the viewers)

Mr. Rude: Some people have no manners!

(Mr. Rude resumes his sunbathing. The next bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown sitting on a beach towel. Mr. Quiet pulls a book out of his bag and starts reading it. A wave crashes onto Mr. Quiet. Soaking Mr. Quiet from head to toe. Nothing is washed away, but when Mr. Quiet lowers his book from his face, it is revealed that a sea star is stuck on Mr. Quiet's face. The next scene shows Little Miss Whoops and Mr. Bump out on the ocean in a speedboat)

Miss Whoops: Ready to parasail?

Mr. Bump: Uh...I don't know, Miss Whoops. It looks so dangerous! You really know how to do this?

Miss Whoops: Oh sure! I'm a trained professional, Mr. Bump.

(Mr. Bump tries to get out of the boat)

Mr. Bump: Uh...come to think of it, I'll try this another...

(Little Miss Whoops pulls a lever down and the seat Mr. Bump was on is shot up into the air with a rope tethering it. A parachute opens on the edge of the seat with Mr. Bump sitting down on it)


(Little Miss Whoops takes a sip of pineapple juice. Little Miss Whoops hits a bump in the water and spills pineapple juice all over the controls. Causing them to short circuit)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(The speedboat zooms out of control. Taking the parasailing Mr. Bump around the area in a dizzying way. Little Miss Whoops tries her best to regain control)

Mr. Bump: Too fast, Miss Whoops! Too fast!

(Little Miss Whoops drives underneath a huge flock of seagulls. This results in Mr. Bump parasailing into the flock)

Mr. Bump: P-too!

(Mr. Bump spits the feathers out of his mouth. Then he notices that he has Mr. Grumpy's liverwurst sandwich in his hands)

Mr. Bump: Yum! Liverwurst!

(Mr. Bump eagerly looks at the sandwich when he hits a zeppelin)

Mr. Bump: Gah! Ooh!

Mr. Bump (muffled): Oh, poopity poop.

(The liverwurst sandwich falls off the zeppelin. Mr. Bump falls off shortly after and lands back in the speedboat)

Miss Whoops: Hey there, Mr. Bump! Wasn't that fun? What do you say we try it again?

(Little Miss Whoops starts driving again but Mr. Bump jumps off the boat)

Miss Whoops: Mr. Bump?

(Mr. Bump is shown swimming off into the sunset as the scene iris' out. Beachin' With the Boombox plays. The music video begins with Mr. Happy clapping to the music with Little Miss Chatterbox, Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Nervous, and Mr. Lazy watching as 2 speakers play the music behind all 5 of them)

Mr. Strong (voiceover): Oh yeah, this is gonna be great! I've got the sun up in the sky and the sand beneath my toes, yeah.

(Mr. Happy continues to clap to the beat as a confused Mr. Lazy and reluctant Mr. Nervous exchange glances with each other)

Mr. Strong: 🎵We're beachin' with the boom box🎵

(Mr. Happy continues to clap to the beat as Little Miss Calamity and Little Miss Chatterbox get intrigued by Mr. Happy's enthusiasm)

Mr. Strong: Yeah!

Mr. Strong:🎵Blarin' tracks on the deck, ha🎵

(Little Miss Chatterbox and Little Miss Calamity look at each other and smile. Mr. Happy gestures everyone (viewers included) to dance with him)

Mr. Strong:🎵Got the whole crowd up and dancin'🎵

(Mr. Happy falls from the sky in between Little Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Nervous. Mr. Nervous and Mr. Lazy start getting more confident with the idea of dancing with Mr. Happy)

Mr. Strong:🎵On our sand dune disco deck, yeah🎵

(Mr. Happy resumes dancing)

Mr. Strong:🎵Groovin' at the seashore🎵

(Mr. Happy gestures over to Mr. Nervous and Mr. Lazy to dance with him. Mr. Happy jumps in excitement. Mr. Nervous and Mr. Lazy also jump in excitement)

Mr. Strong:🎵Yeah, we'll give it funkadelic style🎵

(Mr. Happy jumps backwards and so do Little Miss Chatterbox and Little Miss Calamity)

Mr. Strong: Oh, oh, wait a minute, yo!

(Mr. Lazy, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Little Miss Calamity start dancing in front of the music speakers)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Don't forget the sunscreen!🎵

(Mr. Happy starts pumping his arms in the air and starts marching around the beach. He is quickly joined by Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Strong: 🎵'Cause we're gonna be down here🎵

(Little Miss Chatterbox is shown doing her dance)

Mr. Strong: 🎵Shakin' it for a while.🎵

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Happy leading Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Lazy in his "getting pumped up" parade)

Mr. Strong: Come on now, get up and shake it with me here, 'cause, uh...

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Happy dancing)

Mr. Strong:🎵We're beachin' with the boom box🎵

Beachin' with the boom box🎵

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Happy leading Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Lazy in his "getting pumped up" parade)

Mr. Strong:🎵Beachin' with the boom box🎵

Beachin' with the boom box🎵

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Calamity, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Nervous, and Mr. Lazy dancing in front of the speakers with Mr. Happy dancing far in front of them in triumph)

Mr. Strong:🎵Beachin' with the boom box 🎵

(Beachin' With the Boombox ends and the next bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown sitting on a beach towel reading a book. A wave crashes onto Mr. Quiet. Soaking Mr. Quiet from head to toe. Two seals appear with one seal balancing Mr. Quiet's lunchbox on their nose and the other seal balancing Mr. Quiet's book on their nose)

Seals: (barking)

(Limbless clones of Mr. Bump drop down from the sky and cover the screen before disappearing. The next scene shows Little Miss Daredevil working as a lifeguard. Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr., Lazy are also shown relaxing on the beach. Through her binoculars, Little Miss Daredevil looks around to see if everything is going smoothly in the water. The viewers see Mr. Stubborn snorkeling, Mr. Bump breaching out of the water, Mr. Scatterbrain floating on his back with Mustard on his stomach, Mr. Persnickety doing the doggie paddle, and an extreme close-up of Mr. Nosey. Transitioning out of Little Miss Daredevil's point of view and back to the lifeguard tower, the viewers see Mr. Nosey looking very closely at Little Miss Daredevil with Mr. Small standing next to him. Little Miss Daredevil lowers her binoculars upon seeing Mr. Nosey standing in front of her)

Miss Daredevil: Need anything, Mr. Nosey?

Mr. Nosey: Oh no. Just looking!

(Mr. Small jumps up and raises his hat)

Mr. Small: Good tidings, Miss Daredevil!

Miss Daredevil: Hiya, Mr. Small!

Mr. Nosey: Busy day?

Miss Daredevil: Nah! Pretty quiet, actually!

Mr. Nosey: I'm curious, are you gonna use that surfboard?

(Little Miss Daredevil looks at the surfboard that's behind her before looking back at Mr. Nosey. The scene transitions to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey using the surfboard to surf on the waves)

Mr. Small (offscreen): Oh!

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): (laughs)

Mr. Small: This is wonderful!

Mr. Nosey: Hang ten, Mr. Small!

Mr. Small: Delightful ocean breeze...

Mr. Nosey: Woo-hoo!

(The wave dies down leaving Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey surfing on air)

Mr. Small: Spraying in my face!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey realize that they are not surfing anymore and fall into the water. The scene transitions to Little Miss Helpful enjoying her music on her MP3 player when she notices Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey digging through her cooler)

Miss Helpful: Hi there, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small! What ya y'all doing?

Mr. Nosey: Just looking!

Mr. Small: My associate couldn't help but notice that you've started drinking pineapple juice.

(Mr. Small takes out a box of pineapple juice)

Mr. Nosey: You used to be such a fan of fizzy pop.

Miss Helpful: I decided I liked juice a lot more.

Mr. Small: So do we! What a coincidence!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bounce reading a book)

Seagull (offscreen): (squawks)

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey rise up behind Mr. Bounce loudly sipping their boxes of pineapple juice that Little Miss Helpful gave them. Mr. Bounce notices the two immediately due to their loud sipping)

Mr. Bounce: Hello. Can I help you?

Mr. Nosey: Nope. Just reading your book. It's pretty exciting.

(Mr. Nosey takes another sip of pineapple juice)

Mr. Small: That's a marvelous blanket you have there, Mr. Bounce.

Mr. Bounce: Thank you! Would you care to join me?

Mr. Small: Never thought you'd ask!

(Mr. Small sits down on the blanket and takes off his hat. Mr. Nosey jumps high into the air and lands on the blanket with a big thud. This causes Mr. Bounce to bounce away)

Mr. Bounce (offscreen): Goodbye!

(The scene cuts further down the beach. Little Miss Chatterbox is having a conversation with Mr. Lazy, Mr. Strong is weightlifting, Mr. Happy is building a sandcastle, Little Miss Helpful is listening to her music, and Mr. Stubborn and Little Miss Sunshine are sunbathing. Complete with pinball sound effects, Mr. Bounce bounces off a sweaty Mr. Strong, then Mr. Happy's sandcastle, then Little Miss Sunshine's umbrella, and finally to the sun)

Mr. Bounce: Whee!

(Mr. Bounce disappears into the sun's rays (not literally) and the sound of pinball points being tallied is heard. The scene cuts back to Mr. Small and a dumbfounded Mr. Nosey. Mr. Nosey picks up Mr. Bounces book and calls out to him)

Mr. Nosey: You forgot your book!

(Mr. Nosey shrugs off what just happened and starts reading Mr. Bounce's book. Unexpectedly, Mr. Grumpy's liverwurst sandwich lands on Mr. Nosey's head. Mr. Small grabs it with eagerness)

Mr. Small: Ah, liverwurst!

(Mr. Small prepares to eat the sandwich when Mr. Nosey stops him for a moment)

Mr. Nosey: I'm telling you, buddy boy. There's nothing better than a day at the beach!

(Mr. Small takes a bite of the liverwurst sandwich. Mr. Small gives it to Mr. Nosey who also enjoys a bite. The scene fades to the ending scene which shows some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Nervous riding a dolphin, Mr. Scatterbrain floating on his back with Mustard on his stomach, and Mr. Persnickety swimming to shore)

Dolphin: (chirps)

Narrator: Another day at the beach comes to an end.

(Little Miss Sunshine is shown sunbathing, Mr. Strong is lifting weights, and Mr. Happy is building a sandcastle)

Narrator: Time to pack up the picnic...

(Little Miss Daredevil is shown looking around on top of the lifeguard tower using her binoculars, Mr. Lazy and Mr. Stubborn are sunbathing, and Mr. Grumpy is in a tug-of-war with a seagull over his liverwurst sandwich)

Narrator: And shake the sand from the blanket.

(Mr. Quiet is shown sitting on his beach towel reading a book. Two crabs grab the ends of Mr. Quiet's towel)

Narrator: And look forward to another day of fun very soon!

(The seagull flies into the air and takes Mr. Grumpy up with them. The crabs then scurry off with Mr. Quiet's towel with Mr. Quiet in tow. The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

Site navigation

The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests