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This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Books." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
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UK Dub[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big green screen comes up with "Books" written on it, one opened book, one closed book, reading glasses, and who created the episode underneath)
(The episode begins with Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey each reading a book in front of the Dillydale Library)
Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses say...
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey walk away as they continue reading their books. The camera zooms in towards the Dillydale Library. Little Miss Naughty is shown exiting the library with a stack of books)
Narrator: "A good book is like a bag of popcorn."
(Mr. Grumpy exists the library with two books. Little Miss Calamity exits the library with books she checked out for herself. Mr. Scatterbrain exits the library with a bag of popcorn)
Narrator: "Once you start, it's impossible to put it down."
(The scene fades into the Dillydale Library. Mr. Quiet is shown with his face buried in a book he is reading)
Narrator: Why there's Mr. Quiet!
(The sound of clashing swords are heard offscreen)
Narrator: I wonder what he's reading?
(In one section of the library that Mr. Quiet walks by, Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Sunshine are shown pretending to be pirates in the midst of a swordfight. Little Miss Sunshine is even wearing a buccaneer's hat)
Narrator: Maybe a swashbuckling take of pirates on the high seas.
(Little Miss Scary drops down from the ceiling wearing bat wings with a rope attached to them. Little Miss Scary is pretending to be a vampire transformed into a bat)
Narrator: Or perhaps a frightening story of vampires.
(Little Miss Scary is pulled back up. Mr. Quiet looks around for a moment before resuming the reading of his book and the walking around the library)
Narrator: Well, whatever the topic, Mr. Quiet can be sure...
(Mr. Quiet accidentally walks into a bookshelf. Mr. Quiet is knocked over. Mr. Quiet drops his book and sits on the floor in a daze with stars circling above his head)
Narrator: No one ever got hurt reading a good book!
(The screen fades to black. The first scene begins at a factory that makes books. The viewers see a conveyor belt where a book is being put together)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Here in the factory, the bookmaking process begins with a cover...
(A book cover is placed on the conveyor belt opened to where the pages go)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): That travels down the belt, where it is sprayed with some special glue...
(A bottle of special glue lowers down above the book cover and a small squirt of glue is placed in the spine of the book)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Into which the book pages are inserted...
(The machine places the pages of the book into the book right at the spot where the glue was placed. The pages are placed lengthwise into the spine of the book)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): And...
(The machine squishes the book together so everything stays together. The book is now standing up like it was placed on a shelf)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Squashed!
(The camera continues panning to the left and Mr. Bump and Little Miss Whoops are shown at the end of the machine. The completed book also makes its way to the end of the machine ready to be shipped)
Mr. Bump: And then, Miss Whoops, the finished book is ready to be shipped to the bookstore. The end. (laughs)
(The machine continues to make books)
Miss Whoops: That's fascinating, Mr. Bump. Simply fascinating. I've never seen a book being made before.
(Little Miss Whoops leans on a switch)
Miss Whoops: Now tell me-
(Little Miss Whoops accidentally throws a switch she was leaning on in the opposite direction. Little Miss Whoops falls down)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Ooh! (giggles)
(When Little Miss Whoops stands back up, she tries to flip the switch back in the original direction but accidentally rips it off the machine completely)
Miss Whoops: Whoops.
(The machine starts going crazy with the conveyor belt going in reverse, glue squirting on already completed books, and a giant claw trying to grab Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: Not good! Not good at all.
(Pages fly everywhere. Little Miss Whoops desperately tries to reattach the switch. Little Miss Whoops does put the switch back but it doesn't do anything to fix the machine. The machine soon starts smoking as everything goes out of control)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Mr. Bump pushes the emergency stop button and the machine turns off and everything calms down)
Mr. Bump: (sighs)
(A pages floats down by Little Miss Whoops)
Miss Whoops: Sorry about that, Mr. Bump.
Mr. Bump: Oh well. These things happen. I'd better remove that lever before it wrecks the whole machine.
(Mr. Bump starts walking towards the machine before getting a thought)
Mr. Bump: Miss Whoops, whatever you do, please don't touch...
(Mr. Bump points to the button he pushed to turn off the machine)
Mr. Bump: That button.
Miss Whoops: Won't go near it.
(Mr. Bump goes underneath the conveyor belt and starts repairing the machine. Little Miss Whoops grabs a book that's covered in glue and starts reading it)
Miss Whoops: Oh my. Would you look at that. Did you know sharks don't have any bones?
(Little Miss Whoops tries to put the book down but the glue on it makes it stick to her hand)
Miss Whoops: Oh! Ah!
(Little Miss Whoops throws the book off her hand and the gluey book detaches from her hand)
Miss Whoops: (grunts)
(The book hits the button Mr. Bump told Little Miss Whoops not to press and the machine starts up)
Miss Whoops: Whoops.
(The conveyor belt starts moving and Mr. Bump is pulled up onto the conveyor belt)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(A book cover is placed on top of Mr. Bump, followed by a squirt of glue. Mr. Bump is then squashed into a book; a book that ends up looking like Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump (muffled): (screams)
(Mr. Bump the book starts jumps)
Mr. Bump (from inside the book): Oh, poopity poop.
(Mr. Bump the book goes through the machine and lands in a box)
Mr. Bump (from inside the box): Ooh! (muffled noises)
(The box closes up and goes down another conveyor belt and into the back of a truck driven by Mr. Scatterbrain. Sometime later, Mr. Scatterbrain is shown driving the book truck. Mr. Scatterbrain stops the truck upon seeing Mr. Happy cross the street. Mr. Scatterbrain pokes his head out the windows to say hello to Mr. Happy as he walks by)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Happy! Having a happy day?
Mr. Happy: (laughs) Every day is happy in Dillydale, Mr. Scatterbrain!
(Mr. Happy walks away. Mr. Scatterbrain resumes driving. In the back of the truck, the box holding Mr. Bump shakes around as Mr. Bump speaks and tries to get someone's attention)
Mr. Bump (from inside the box): Hey! Who turned the lights out?! Oh, poopity-
(The scene transitions to either a book store or a library. Mr. Nervous is there walking nervously around before stumbling upon a book shelf. Mr. Nervous takes the Mr. Bump book off the shelf and opens it up. On page 54, Mr. Bump is on the page and looks at Mr. Nervous)
Mr. Bump: Help me.
Mr. Nervous: I-It's alive! (sighs)
(Mr. Nervous faints. Blue boxes appear across the screen. The one in the middle of the second row reveals Mr. Grumpy. The boxes then disappear followed by Mr. Grumpy. This transitions to the first bumper of the episode. Mr. Bounce is climbing up a ladder trying to put a book on the shelf. As he reaches over to put the book on the shelf. Little Miss Whoops walk by reading a book and bumps into the ladder. Mr. Bounce falls off the ladder and starts bouncing all around the library. Mr. Bounce bounces towards the entrance where Little Miss Sunshine is about to enter the library when Mr. Bounce bounces past her. Luckily, Little Miss Sunshine steps out of the way at the last minute. Various clones of Mr. Strong appear on screen with a whip sound accompanying each one. They fall down from the screen and the next scene begins with Mr. Rude walking towards Little Miss Chatterbox's house. Mr. Rude is wearing headphones. As he approaches the house, Mr. Rude takes out an audio device (that represents an iPod), turns the volume up on it, and presses play to begin an audiobook)
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): This is Mr. Small. Congratulations on buying this new audiobook. "How to be Polite."
(Mr. Rude scratches his butt)
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Now sit back, listen, and prepare to unlock your inner gentlemen!
Mr. Rude: "I'll unlock something!"
(Mr. Rude farts)
Mr. Rude: (laughs)
(The Angry Heads appear)
Angry Heads: MR. RUDE!!!
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Rude who realizes that he shouldn't have farted. He starts ringing Little Miss Chatterbox's doorbell repeatedly. Even after she answers the door)
Miss Chatterbox: Hello.
(Mr. Rude rings the doorbell one more time)
Miss Chatterbox: There you are, Mr. Rude! I thought maybe I forgot to call and invite you.
(Mr. Rude adjusts his headphones)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): But then I remembered that I did call you because that's the day you hung up on me.
(The camera zooms out)
Miss Chatterbox: Three times in a row! (chuckles) Not that I was counting or anything.
Mr. Rude: Let's get this stupid lunch over with, Miss Chatterbox!
(Mr. Rude walks inside Little Miss Chatterbox's house. Little Miss Chatterbox moves out of Mr. Rude's way as he enters her house. Inside, Little Miss Chatterbox notices the footprints Mr. Rude left behind as he walked inside)
Miss Chatterbox: Um. (giggles) Mr. Rude, you forgot to wipe your feet.
(Mr. Rude points to his headphones)
Mr. Rude: Can't hear you! I'm learning how to be polite!
(Little Miss Chatterbox gives a confused look. The scene transitions to Mr. Rude sitting at a table with Mr. Messy and Mr. Strong)
Mr. Strong: Nice to see you, Mr. Rude. Been a long time.
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Always return a pleasant greeting with an equally kind word.
Mr. Rude: Not long enough!
(Little Miss Chatterbox shows up holding a fondue pot with fondue inside and fondue forks around it)
Miss Chatterbox: I hope you'll like cheese fondue. Well who wouldn't really you get to use these cute little forks and dip into cheese, Why it is the perfect lunch
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Remember to praise your friends on the lovely meal, They have prepared.
Mr. Rude: That smells like cat sick!
(Mr. Rude pushes the fondue pot towards Mr. Messy. Mr. Rude holds his nose)
Mr. Messy: Ah!
(Excited, Mr. Messy takes a fondue fork and starts helping himself to some cheese fondue)
Mr. Messy: Here.
(Fondue splatters all over the walls due to Mr. Messy's messy eating)
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Always respect your friends opinion.
(Mr. Messy is shown with some of the fondue on himself)
Mr. Messy: I'm a big fan of stinky cheese.
(Mr. Messy helps himself to more fondue)
Mr. Rude: Probably because it is the only thing that smells worse than your feet.
Mr. Messy: You're wrong, Mr. Rude. It smells exactly like my feet!
(Mr. Messy shows his smelly foot to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Messy: See?
(Mr. Messy shows his smelly foot Little Miss Chatterbox. Little Miss Chatterbox is holding a pitcher of lemonade)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh!
Mr. Messy (offscreen): Smell for yourself.
Miss Chatterbox: (gags) Oh!
(Little Miss Chatterbox pretends to look at a watch on her wrist)
Miss Chatterbox: Look at the time!
(Little Miss Chatterbox pushes Mr. Messy and Mr. Strong outside)
Miss Chatterbox: Well, this was a lovely lunch, wasn't it?
(Little Miss Chatterbox pushes Mr. Rude outside)
Miss Chatterbox: We'll have to do it again sometime soon.
(Little Miss Chatterbox points at Mr. Rude)
Miss Chatterbox: Very soon!
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Make sure to extend a heartfelt thanks to your host as you're about to leave.
(Mr. Messy and Mr. Strong are shown leaving)
Mr. Rude: Your cheap chairs are murder on my rear!
(Mr. Rude leaves)
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): That concludes audiobook. How to be polite. We hope it as successfully unleashed your inner gentlemen.
Mr. Rude: Huh.
(Mr. Rude takes his headphones off)
Mr. Rude: Has it ever.
(Mr. Rude tosses the audiobook (and the iPod it was on) into the trash)
Mr. Rude: But this gentleman says, "beat it!" I like the old me better!
(The screen fades to black and the second bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is climbing up a ladder trying to put a book on the shelf. As he reaches over to put the book on the shelf, Mr. Tickle tickles him through the shelf. This causes Mr. Bounce to fall off the ladder and start bouncing all around the library. Mr. Bounce bounces towards the entrance where Mr. Grumpy is about to enter the library when Mr. Bounce bounces towards him. Luckily, Mr. Grumpy ducks at the last minute and Mr. Bounce bounces over him. Little Miss Sunshine drops down from the top of the screen holding an umbrella to bring the next scene on screen. The next scene is a dance video starring Mr. Nervous)
Miss Scary (voiceover): Dance, dance, dance! Give me a scary dance!
(The dance video ends with static appearing on the screen. The next scene is a commercial starring Little Miss Helpful)
Miss Helpful: Because I know so much about so many things, people depend on me for advice. I've helped people learn to pickle vegetables,
(A transparent yellow splotch appears. In the center, two jars of pickle vegetables appear)
Miss Helpful: Build a boat,
(A transparent yellow splotch appears. In the center, a boat appears)
Miss Helpful Even use a table saw.
(The sound of a table saw being used is heard. Mr. Bump then runs across the screen holding his finger, which has a splinter)
Mr. Bump: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ooh!
Miss Helpful: That is why I decided to write my new book.
(A transparent yellow splotch appears. In the center of the splotch is a book featuring Little Miss Helpful holding a hammer on the front cover)
Miss Helpful: "Miss Helpful's Helpful Hints for Everyday Living!"
(The scene cuts to Mr. Lazy using a hose to fill up a swimming pool)
Miss Helpful (voiceover): In it, you'll find valuable information.
(The camera zooms out to show the entire swimming pool)
Miss Helpful (voiceover): Like a simple and easy way to clean your swimming pool!
(Mr. Lazy's swimming pool fills up with soap bubbles)
Mr. Lazy: This is a problem!
Miss Helpful (voiceover): My book will also give...
(The scene cuts to Mr. Pernickety's bathroom. Mr. Pernickety is finishing up reading "Miss Helpful's Hints for Everyday Living")
Miss Helpful (voiceover): You step-by-step instructions on repairing your toilet.
(Mr. Pernickety flushes the toilet and the whole bathroom fills up with toilet water as the toilet spews it out like a fountain. Mr. Pernickety takes out an umbrella, opens it up, and looks at the viewers in anger over the book's lack of help)
Mr. Pernickety: Never has a...
(The water floods the entire room resulting in Mr. Pernickety being completely underwater)
Mr. Pernickety (gurgling): Book been so wrong!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Helpful. The transparent yellow splotch flashes on the screen with Little Miss Helpful's book in the center of the splotch)
Miss Helpful: I'll also give you some valuable tips for grooming your dog like a real professional.
(The camera pans to Little Miss Whoops grooming a poodle, only for the book to teach her how to shear the poodle instead. Leaving the poodle nearly furless)
Poodle: (whimpers)
Miss Whoops: That doesn't look right.
(Little Miss Helpful pops up)
Miss Helpful: Believe me! People will be begging you to groom their dogs too!
(Little Miss Helpful starts wrapping up the commercial for her book while the poodle starts chasing Mr. Bump around. The transparent yellow splotch flashes on the screen with Little Miss Helpful's book in the center of the splotch)
Poodle (overlap): (barking)
Mr. Bump (overlap): Ooh! Aah! Stop it!
Miss Helpful (overlap): So drop by your nearest bookstore and
Poodle (overlap): (barking)
Mr. Bump (overlap): Nice dog! No!
Miss Helpful (overlap): Pick up a copy of "Miss Helpful's Helpful Hints for Everyday Living!"
Poodle (overlap): (barking)
Mr. Bump (overlap): Ooh! Ow! No!
Miss Helpful (overlap): It's the one book you just shouldn't be without.
Poodle (offscreen): (barking)
(Little Miss Helpful hears the commotion and turns to see what's going on)
Miss Helpful: Huh?
(The camera pans to Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: (screaming)
(Mr. Bump runs into the screen and slides down it. The poodle stares at the viewers for a minute before smiling)
Poodle: (giggles)
(The screen fades to black. The next bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is trying to put a book back on the shelf while on Mr. Nosey's shoulders and while Mr. Small carries Mr. Nosey. Not surprisingly, the three Mr. Men are struggling to maintain balance and soon, Mr. Small crashes into a library cart that Mr. Nosey falls into. Mr. Small is sent into a daze on the floor while Mr. Bounce starts bouncing all around the library. Mr. Bounce bounces towards the entrance where Mr. Nervous is about to enter the library when Mr. Bounce bounces straight towards him. Mr. Nervous runs away and Mr. Bounce follows him. Little Miss Scary then walks into the frame)
Miss Scary: (whistles)
(Bats fly into the frame and cover the screen)
Bats: (clicking)
(The bats fly away and the next scene begins. Mr. Noisy is shown working as the head librarian and is sitting behind a desk with a no-talking sign on it. Mr. Pernickety then walks up to Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Pernickety (in a whisper): Excuse me, Mr. Noisy.
Mr. Noisy: Shh!
Mr. Pernickety: But, but I was hoping to find a book on-
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Mr. Pernickety! This is a library! And, as such, there is no talking!
Mr. Pernickety: Yes. I realize this. But I am looking for a specific book-
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): If I have to break the rules for you, I'll have to break them for everyone!!
Mr. Pernickety: But-
Mr. Noisy: SHH!!!!
Mr. Pernickety: I've already-
Mr. Noisy: SHH!!!!
(Mr. Noisy shushes so hard that Mr. Pernickety's mustache and hair move)
Mr. Pernickety: Oh, very well. I'll find the book on my own.
(Mr. Pernickety walks away)
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Much better!
(Mr. Noisy puts down his microphone)
Mr. Noisy: Next!?
(Mr. Noisy rings the bell on his desk. The scene cuts to Mr. Strong about to push Little Miss Daredevil in a library cart)
Miss Daredevil: Okay, let's boogie!
(Mr. Strong starts pushing the library cart with Little Miss Daredevil riding it)
Miss Daredevil (offscreen): Woo-hoo!
(Mr. Pernickety approaches a shelf while Mr. Strong pushes the library cart that Little Miss Daredevil is riding in around the library)
Miss Daredevil: Woo!
(Mr. Pernickety looks at the shelf, takes out a book, and gets excited and points at it)
Miss Daredevil: (giggles)
Mr. Pernickety (in a whisper): Just the book I was looking for!
Mr. Noisy (offscreen using his megaphone): I'm warning you, Pernickety!
(Mr. Pernickety is startled but quickly recovers and starts reading his book)
Miss Daredevil (offscreen): Woah, nelly!
(Mr. Strong accidentally rams the library cart into Mr. Pernickety and the latter is sent into the book shelf)
Mr. Pernickety: Ooh!
(The book shelf topples and it leads to a domino effect of all the shelves falling over. Mr. Bump is launched up as one of the shelves topple over. Then the bookshelves ram into Mr. Messy and he is launched into the air. Then, the bookshelves ram into Little Miss Scary and she is launched into the air. All the bookshelves topple over and Mr. Pernickety pops back up from the books he was shoved into to confront Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Strong)
Mr. Pernickety: Miss Daredevil! This is a library! Not some jungle gym!
(Mr. Strong and Little Miss Daredevil shrug this off and Mr. Strong pushes Little Miss Daredevil and the library cart away. A very angry Mr. Noisy marches over to Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): You have left me no choice, Mr. Pernickety! I'm afraid,
(Mr. Noisy puts his megaphone down and starts pushing Mr. Pernickety to the exit)
Mr. Noisy: I have to ask you to leave.
(Mr. Strong continues pushing Little Miss Daredevil around)
Mr. Pernickety: But she tried...
Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo!
(Mr. Noisy pushes Mr. Pernickety to the exit)
Mr. Pernickety: She tried to run me over!
(Mr. Pernickety is pushed out of the library and walks away angrily. Mr. Strong runs by pushing Little Miss Daredevil in the library cart)
Miss Daredevil: Yeah-ha!
(The camera cuts outside)
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Probably because you were talking! People come to a library wanting peace and quiet! Not endless chatter in the reference section!
(Mr. Noisy slams the doors of the library shut as Mr. Pernickety leaves in a huff. Little Miss Calamity comes in from the right side of the screen via skis. She looks behind herself, jumps up in fear, and gets crushed by an avalanche of snow. The snow clears away and the next bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is climbing up a ladder trying to put a book on the shelf. Mr. Bounce manages to put the book on the shelf only for Little Miss Scary to appear wearing her orange cyclops mask . This scares Mr. Bounce off the ladder and he starts bouncing all around the library while Little Miss Scary takes her mask off and silently chuckles to herself. Mr. Bounce bounces towards the entrance where Mr. Strong is about to enter the library when Mr. Bounce bounces on Mr. Strong. Luckily, Mr. Strong is so strong that this stops Mr. Bounce from bouncing and Mr. Bounce bounces onto the floor while Mr. Strong flexes his muscles. Mr. Tickle's arms surround the screen)
Mr. Tickle (voiceover): (laughs)
(Mr. Tickle's arms disappear and the next scene begins. The next scene is a dance video starring Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Scatterbrain (voiceover): Come on! Dancing is fun!
Miss Chatterbox: Especially when the air is so crisp, you know. Feel like when I feeling, Feel my courage and it just tickles me! And then I remember…
(Red, white, and blue stripes cover the screen, then Little Miss Daredevil appears and gives a salute. She then zooms upward, taking the stripes with her. The next scene takes place at a book signing for Mr. Grumpy's autobiography. Mr. Grumpy is sitting at a desk surrounded by copies of his book)
Mr. Grumpy: (snorts)
(Mr. Grumpy adjusts one of the copies of his book. The camera zooms out showing Little Miss Sunshine by a bookshelf)
Miss Sunshine: Gosh, Mr. Grumpy. I’m sorry you haven't sold any books.
(Little Miss Sunshine walks over carrying a different book)
Miss Sunshine: I suppose know one's interested in your life story. Not one single person. Must make you feel rather bad. Hmm?
Mr. Grumpy: Listen here, Miss Sunshine. It'll take a lot of more than that to sour my pleasant disposition.
(A loud crash is heard offscreen)
Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Oh no!
(Little Miss Sunshine walks over to where the crash was)
Miss Sunshine: Someone's messed up my bookmark display!
(Mr. Small walks over to Mr. Grumpy's desk but his hat is only seen)
Mr. Small: Good tidings, Mr. Grumpy.
Mr. Grumpy: Who said that?
Mr. Small: I did! Down here!
(Mr. Grumpy looks down and is surprised to see Mr. Small)
Mr. Grumpy: Huh, oh.
(The camera also pans down to show Mr. Small to the viewers)
Mr. Grumpy: Hello, Mr. Small, What do you want?
Mr. Small: I'd like to purchase your autobiography.
Mr. Grumpy: It's an awfully big book for such a small fellow.
Mr. Small: It's alright. I enjoy a challenging read.
Mr. Grumpy: How many copies do you want?
Mr. Small: All of them, s'il vous plaît!
Mr. Grumpy: All of them!? You don't expect me to sign this entire stack of books, do you?!
Mr. Small: No need. I shall take them just as they are!
(Mr. Grumpy smiles as he is happy to have sold all the copies of his book and not have to sign them)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmm. Hmm-hmm.
(The scene transitions to Mr. Small reading one of the copies of Mr. Grumpy's book)
Mr. Small: Mr. Grumpy's life is a real page turner.
(The camera zooms out to reveal that Mr. Nosey is using all the other copies of Mr. Grumpy's book to see over a fence and watch a drive-in monster movie with his binoculars)
Monster in the Movie: (roars)
(Mr. Nosey turns around to talk to Mr. Small)
Mr. Nosey: Ooh! You're missing a good movie, Mr. Small
(Mr. Nosey resumes watching the monster movie. The screen iris' out and the ending scene plays. The scene begins with Mr. Quiet walking while reading a book)
Narrator: So you see,
(Mr. Quiet walks straight into a bookshelf while he was reading a book and falls down into a star-seeing daze)
Narrator: Books are an important part of our world.
(Mr. Messy walks by with a book in his hand)
Narrator: They teach us things.
(Mr. Pernickety is shown talking to Mr. Noisy at the library front desk when Mr. Noisy shouts through his microphone to silence Mr. Pernickety)
Narrator: Make us laugh or make us think.
(Mr. Strong pushes Little Miss Daredevil around in the library cart)
Narrator: In fact,
(Little Miss Sunshine is shown standing in front of Mr. Grumpy's autobiography desk with Mr. Grumpy sitting behind it adjusting the display)
Narrator: Why don't you go and get a book right now?
(Mr. Nervous is shown standing by a book shelf. The book shelf has the book-shaped Mr. Bump on it. Mr. Nervous takes the Mr. Bump book off the shelf and opens it)
Narrator: And if you find Mr. Bump, make sure to open to page 54 at once.
(The camera shows page 54 of the book Mr. Bump got squashed into. Page 54 has Mr. Bump's face on its page)
Mr. Bump: Surprise! (chuckles nervously)
(The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)
Deleted Scene[]
US Dub[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big green screen comes up with "Books" written on it, one opened book, one closed book, reading glasses, and who created the episode underneath)
(The episode begins with Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey each reading a book in front of the Dillydale Library)
Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses say...
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey walk away as they continue reading their books. The camera zooms in towards the Dillydale Library. Little Miss Naughty is shown exiting the library with a stack of books)
Narrator: "A good book is like a bag of popcorn,"
(Mr. Grumpy exists the library with two books. Little Miss Calamity exits the library with books she checked out for herself. Mr. Scatterbrain exits the library with a bag of popcorn)
Narrator: "Once you start, it's impossible to put it down."
(The scene fades into the Dillydale Library. Mr. Quiet is shown with his face buried in a book he is reading)
Narrator: Why there's Mr. Quiet!
(The sound of clashing swords are heard offscreen)
Narrator: I wonder what he's reading?
(In one section of the library that Mr. Quiet walks by, Little Miss Naughty and Little Miss Sunshine are shown pretending to be pirates in the midst of a swordfight. Little Miss Sunshine is even wearing a buccaneer's hat)
Narrator: Maybe a swashbuckling take of pirates on the high seas.
(Little Miss Scary drops down from the ceiling wearing bat wings with a rope attached to them. Little Miss Scary is pretending to be a vampire transformed into a bat)
Miss Scary (overlap): (laughs evilly)
Narrator (overlap): Or perhaps a frightening story of vampires.
(Little Miss Scary is pulled back up. Mr. Quiet looks around for a moment before resuming the reading of his book and the walking around the library)
Narrator: Well, whatever the topic, Mr. Quiet can be sure...
(Mr. Quiet accidentally walks into a bookshelf. Mr. Quiet is knocked over. Mr. Quiet drops his book and sits on the floor in a daze with stars circling above his head)
Narrator: No one ever got hurt reading a good book!
(The screen fades to black. The first scene begins at a factory that makes books. The viewers see a conveyor belt where a book is being put together)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Here in the factory, the bookmaking process begins with a cover...
(A book cover is placed on the conveyor belt opened to where the pages go)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): That travels down the belt, where it is sprayed with some special glue...
(A bottle of special glue lowers down above the book cover and a small squirt of glue is placed in the spine of the book)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Into which the book pages are inserted...
(The machine places the pages of the book into the book right at the spot where the glue was placed. The pages are placed lengthwise into the spine of the book)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): And...
(The machine squishes the book together so everything stays together. The book is now standing up like it was placed on a shelf)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Squashed!
(The camera continues panning to the left and Mr. Bump and Little Miss Whoops are shown at the end of the machine. The completed book also makes its way to the end of the machine ready to be shipped)
Mr. Bump: And then, Miss Whoops, the finished book is ready to be shipped to the bookstore. The end. (chuckles)
(The machine continues to make books)
Miss Whoops: Fascinating, Mr. Bump! Simply fascinating! I've never seen a book being made before.
(Little Miss Whoops leans on a switch)
Miss Whoops: Now tell me-
(Little Miss Whoops accidentally throws a switch she was leaning on in the opposite direction. Little Miss Whoops falls down. When she stands back up, Little Miss Whoops tries to flip the switch back in the original direction but accidentally rips it off the machine completely)
Miss Whoops: Whoops!
(The machine starts going crazy with the conveyor belt going in reverse, glue squirting on already completed books, and a giant claw trying to grab Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: Not good! Not good at all!
(Pages fly everywhere. Little Miss Whoops desperately tries to reattach the switch. Little Miss Whoops does put the switch back but it doesn't do anything to fix the machine. The machine soon starts smoking as everything goes out of control. Mr. Bump pushes the emergency stop button and the machine turns off and everything calms down. Mr. Bump breathes an inaudible sigh of relief. A pages floats down by Little Miss Whoops)
Miss Whoops: Sorry about that, Mr. Bump.
(Little Miss Whoops walks over to Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: Oh well! These things happen. I'd better remove that lever before it wrecks the whole machine.
(Mr. Bump starts walking towards the machine before getting a thought)
Mr. Bump: Miss Whoops, whatever you do, please don't touch...
(Mr. Bump points to the button he pushed to turn off the machine)
Mr. Bump: That button!
Miss Whoops: Won't go near it.
(Mr. Bump goes underneath the conveyor belt and starts repairing the machine. Little Miss Whoops grabs a book that's covered in glue and starts reading it)
Miss Whoops: Oh my! Look at that! Did you that sharks don't have any bones?
(Little Miss Whoops tries to put the book down but the glue on it makes it stick to her hand)
Miss Whoops: Oh! Ah!
(Little Miss Whoops throws the book off her hand and the gluey book detaches from her hand)
Miss Whoops: Nyah!
(The book hits the button Mr. Bump told Little Miss Whoops not to press and the machine starts up)
Miss Whoops: Whoops!
(The conveyor belt starts moving and Mr. Bump is pulled up onto the conveyor belt)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(A book cover is placed on top of Mr. Bump, followed by a squirt of glue. Mr. Bump is then squashed into a book; a book that ends up looking like Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump (muffled): (screams)
(Mr. Bump the book starts jumps)
Mr. Bump (from inside the book): Poopity poop!
(Mr. Bump the book goes through the machine and lands in a box. The box closes up and goes down another conveyor belt and into the back of a truck driven by Mr. Scatterbrain. Sometime later, Mr. Scatterbrain is shown driving the book truck. Mr. Scatterbrain stops the truck upon seeing Mr. Happy cross the street. Mr. Scatterbrain pokes his head out the window to say hello to Mr. Happy as he walks by)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Hi there, Mr. Happy! Having a happy day?
Mr. Happy: (laughs) Every day is happy in Dillydale, Mr. Scatterbrain!
(Mr. Happy walks away. Mr. Scatterbrain resumes driving. In the back of the truck, the box holding Mr. Bump shakes around as Mr. Bump speaks and tries to get someone's attention)
Mr. Bump (from inside the box): Uh, who turned out the lights? Uh, no, I'm not kidding.
(The scene transitions to either a book store or a library. Mr. Nervous is there walking nervously around before stumbling upon a book shelf. Mr. Nervous takes the Mr. Bump book off the shelf and opens it up. On page 54, Mr. Bump is on the page and looks at Mr. Nervous)
Mr. Bump: Help me!
Mr. Nervous: Gah! It's alive!! (sighs)
(Mr. Nervous faints. Blue boxes appear across the screen. The one in the middle of the second row reveals Mr. Grumpy. The boxes then disappear followed by Mr. Grumpy. This transitions to the first bumper of the episode. Mr. Bounce is climbing up a ladder trying to put a book on the shelf. As he reaches over to put the book on the shelf. Little Miss Whoops walk by reading a book and bumps into the ladder. Mr. Bounce falls off the ladder and starts bouncing all around the library. Mr. Bounce bounces towards the entrance where Little Miss Sunshine is about to enter the library when Mr. Bounce bounces past her. Luckily, Little Miss Sunshine steps out of the way at the last minute. Various clones of Mr. Strong appear on screen with a whip sound accompanying each one. They fall down from the screen and the next scene begins with Mr. Rude walking towards Little Miss Chatterbox's house. Mr. Rude is wearing headphones. As he approaches the house, Mr. Rude takes out an audio device (that represents an iPod), turns the volume up on it, and presses play to begin an audiobook)
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Congratulations on buying this new audiobook, "How to be Polite."
(Mr. Rude scratches his butt)
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Now sit back, listen, and prepare to unlock your inner gentlemen!
Mr. Rude: "I'll unlock something!"
(Mr. Rude farts)
Mr. Rude: (laughs)
(The Angry Heads appear)
Angry Heads: MR. RUDE!!!
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Rude who realizes that he shouldn't have farted. He starts ringing Little Miss Chatterbox's doorbell repeatedly. Even after she answers the door)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh!
(Mr. Rude rings the doorbell one more time)
Miss Chatterbox: There you are, Mr. Rude! I thought maybe I forgot to call and invite you.
(Mr. Rude adjusts his headphones)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): But then I remembered that I did call you because that's the day you hung up on me.
(The camera zooms out)
Miss Chatterbox: Three times in a row! (chuckles) Not that I was counting or anything.
Mr. Rude: Oh, let's get this dumb lunch over with, Miss Chatterbox!
(Mr. Rude walks inside Little Miss Chatterbox's house. Little Miss Chatterbox moves out of Mr. Rude's way as he enters her house. Inside, Little Miss Chatterbox notices the footprints Mr. Rude left behind as he walked inside)
Miss Chatterbox: Um. (giggles) Mr. Rude, you forgot to wipe your feet.
(Mr. Rude points to his headphones)
Mr. Rude: Can't hear you! I'm learning how to be polite!
(Little Miss Chatterbox gives a confused look. The scene transitions to Mr. Rude sitting at a table with Mr. Messy and Mr. Strong)
Mr. Strong: Nice to see you, Mr. Rude. Been a long time.
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Return a pleasant greeting with an equally kind word.
Mr. Rude: Not long enough!
(Little Miss Chatterbox shows up holding a fondue pot with fondue inside and fondue forks around it)
Miss Chatterbox: I hope you all like cheese fondue. (giggles) Well, who wouldn't really? Get to use these cute little forks and dip into cheese. Why it is the perfect lunch,
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Remember to praise your friends on the lovely meal they've prepared.
Mr. Rude: That smells like cat sick!
(Mr. Rude pushes the fondue pot towards Mr. Messy. Mr. Rude holds his nose. Excited, Mr. Messy takes a fondue fork and starts helping himself to some cheese fondue. Fondue splatters all over the walls due to Mr. Messy's messy eating)
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Always respect your friend's opinion.
(Mr. Messy is shown with some of the fondue on himself)
Mr. Messy: I'm a big fan of stinky cheese!
(Mr. Messy helps himself to more fondue)
Mr. Rude: Probably because it is the only thing that smells worse than your feet
Mr. Messy: You're wrong, Mr. Rude! It smells EXACTLY like my feet!
(Mr. Messy shows his smelly foot to Mr. Rude and then Little Miss Chatterbox. Little Miss Chatterbox is holding a pitcher of lemonade)
Mr. Messy (offscreen): See? Smell for yourself.
(Little Miss Chatterbox gags and Mr. Messy retracts his foot when Little Miss Chatterbox pushes it away)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! (gasps)
(Little Miss Chatterbox pretends to look at a watch on her wrist)
Miss Chatterbox: Look at the time!
(Little Miss Chatterbox pushes Mr. Messy and Mr. Strong outside)
Miss Chatterbox: Well, this was a lovely lunch, wasn't it?
(Little Miss Chatterbox pushes Mr. Rude outside)
Miss Chatterbox: We'll have to do it again sometime soon.
(Little Miss Chatterbox points at Mr. Rude)
Miss Chatterbox: Real soon!
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): Make sure to extend a heartfelt thanks to your host as you're about to leave.
(Mr. Messy and Mr. Strong are shown leaving)
Mr. Rude: Your cheap chairs are murder on my rear!
(Mr. Rude leaves)
Mr. Small (on the audiobook): That concludes this audiobook, "How to be Polite." We hope it has successfully unleashed your inner gentleman.
Mr. Rude: Huh.
(Mr. Rude takes his headphones off)
Mr. Rude: Has it ever.
(Mr. Rude tosses the audiobook (and the iPod it was on) into the trash)
Mr. Rude: But this gentleman says, "beat it!" I like the old me better!
(The screen fades to black and the second bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is climbing up a ladder trying to put a book on the shelf. As he reaches over to put the book on the shelf, Mr. Tickle tickles him through the shelf. This causes Mr. Bounce to fall off the ladder and start bouncing all around the library. Mr. Bounce bounces towards the entrance where Mr. Grumpy is about to enter the library when Mr. Bounce bounces towards him. Luckily, Mr. Grumpy ducks at the last minute and Mr. Bounce bounces over him. Little Miss Sunshine drops down from the top of the screen holding an umbrella to bring the next scene on screen. The next scene is a dance video starring Mr. Nervous)
Miss Scary (voiceover): Dance, dance, dance! Give me a scary dance!
(The dance video ends with static appearing on the screen. The next scene is a commercial starring Little Miss Helpful)
Miss Helpful: Because I know so much about so many things, people depend on me for advice. I've helped people learn to pickle vegetables,
(A transparent yellow splotch appears. In the center, two jars of pickle vegetables appear)
Miss Helpful: Build a boat,
(A transparent yellow splotch appears. In the center, a boat appears)
Miss Helpful Even use a table saw.
(The sound of a table saw being used is heard. Mr. Bump then runs across the screen holding his finger, which has a splinter)
Mr. Bump: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Miss Helpful: That is why I decided to write my new book.
(A transparent yellow splotch appears. In the center of the splotch is a book featuring Little Miss Helpful holding a hammer on the front cover)
Miss Helpful: "Miss Helpful's Helpful Hints for Everyday Living!"
(The scene cuts to Mr. Lazy using a hose to fill up a swimming pool)
Miss Helpful (voiceover): In it, you'll find valuable information.
(The camera zooms out to show the entire swimming pool)
Miss Helpful (voiceover): Like a simple and easy way to clean your swimming pool!
(Mr. Lazy's swimming pool fills up with soap bubbles)
Mr. Lazy: This is a problem!
Miss Helpful (voiceover): My book will also give...
(The scene cuts to Mr. Persnickety's bathroom. Mr. Persnickety is finishing up reading "Miss Helpful's Hints for Everyday Living")
Miss Helpful (voiceover): You step-by-step instructions on repairing your toilet.
(Mr. Persnickety flushes the toilet and the whole bathroom fills up with toilet water as the toilet spews it out like a fountain. Mr. Persnickety takes out an umbrella, opens it up, and looks at the viewers in anger over the book's lack of help)
Mr. Persnickety: Never has a...
(The water floods the entire room resulting in Mr. Persnickety being completely underwater)
Mr. Persnickety (gurgling): Book been so wrong!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Helpful. The transparent yellow splotch flashes on the screen with Little Miss Helpful's book in the center of the splotch)
Miss Helpful: I'll also give you some valuable tips for grooming your dog like a real professional.
(The camera pans to Little Miss Whoops grooming a poodle, only for the book to teach her how to shear the poodle instead. Leaving the poodle nearly furless)
Poodle: (whimpers)
Miss Whoops: That doesn't look right!
(Little Miss Helpful pops up)
Miss Helpful: Believe me! People will be begging you to groom their dogs too!
(Little Miss Helpful starts wrapping up the commercial for her book while the poodle starts chasing Mr. Bump around. The transparent yellow splotch flashes on the screen with Little Miss Helpful's book in the center of the splotch)
Poodle (overlap): (barking)
Mr. Bump (overlap): No! Oh! Don't!
Miss Helpful (overlap): So drop by your nearest bookstore and
Poodle (overlap): (barking)
Mr. Bump (overlap): (screaming)
Miss Helpful (overlap): Pick up a copy of "Miss Helpful's Helpful Hints for Everyday Living!"
Poodle (overlap): (barking)
Mr. Bump (overlap): No! Stop it!
Miss Helpful (overlap): It's the one book you just shouldn't be without.
Poodle (offscreen): (barking)
(Little Miss Helpful hears the commotion and turns to see what's going on. The camera pans to Mr. Bump)
Mr. Bump: (screaming)
(Mr. Bump runs into the screen and slides down it. The poodle stares at the viewers for a minute before smiling)
Poodle: (giggles)
(The screen fades to black and a music video begins. Circles of lit of an unknown Mr. Man appears on the screen. The largest circle is white, the 2nd largest is yellow, the 3rd largest is red, the 3rd smallest is blue, the 2nd smallest is pink, and the smallest is green. A white Mr. Man zooms in from the center of the circles and flashes until it engulfs the screen. The screen then shows a silhouette of Mr. Happy wearing headphones on a white background. The silhouette fades to show Mr. Happy as the background changes from white to orange. The screen splits into thirds. On the top and bottom third are light green rectangles where four Mr. Rudes wearing headphones are each walking on (for a total of 8 Mr. Rudes on the screen) in the middle third is an orange rectangle where four Mr. Happys wearing headphones are walking. A larger Mr. Rude then rises up in front of the screen and adjusts his headphones. A white light appears behind Mr. Rude and he lowers away. The screen transitions to an orange background where Mr. Grumpy is sitting behind a desk with copies of his autobiography on his left and right. Mr. Grumpy is bobbing his head to the music. Two Mr. Strongs, each pushing a library cart with Little Miss Daredevil riding in it, zoom across the screen in opposite directions with a white streak forming as they pass. The white streaks engulf the screen and show a silhouette of Mr. Strong pushing a library cart with Little Miss Daredevil riding in it. The silhouette fades to the characters as the background fades from white to red, A larger Mr. Strong and Little Miss Daredevil zoom across the screen to show Mr. Rude, wearing headphones, in front of a lime green background with pink, yellow, green, white, and red lights flashing around and behind him. Mr. Rude looks around as he adjusts his headphones. Mr. Rude then spins around and turns into a white silhouette. The background fades to black and the lights flashing now also show orange and blue. The green, pink, blue, red, yellow, and white circles of the unknown Mr. Man reappear. The Mr. Rude silhouette grows larger and engulfs the screen in white. In the white background, Mr. Grumpy, Little Miss Calamity, and Little Miss Naughty are shown walking towards the viewers reading books they have gotten from the library. Mr. Happy then walks up to the viewers and the background changes from white to brown. One Mr. Happy splits into three. The background zooms out and changes to light green and several more Mr. Happy appear on the screen. The background changes from light green to red with a white light pulsing in the middle. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown driving a truck through the green, pink, blue, red, yellow, and white circles of the unknown Mr. Man. Mr. Rude, wearing headphones, reappears with white lights flashing in the black background. Mr. Rude looks at the light when the screen cuts back to Mr. Scatterbrain driving the truck through the green, pink, blue, red, yellow, and white circles of the unknown Mr. Man. The scene cuts back to Mr. Rude, wearing headphones, as another white light flashes in the black background. Mr. Rude becomes confused. Mr. Scatterbrain then drives past lines of the unknown Mr. Man. The lines are light green, yellow, white, sky blue, pink, and red. Mr. Rude appears in the circle of green, pink, blue, red, yellow, and white Mr. Men and fades to a white silhouette. Mr. Scatterbrain continues driving with a white light pulsing behind him. The green, pink, blue, red, yellow, and white Mr. Men flash on the black background in rows. The screen is split in half. The right is black while the left is white. In inverted colors, Mr. Grumpy's silhouette is shown ducking. On a pink background. Mr. Strong is shown pushing Little Miss Daredevil around in the library cart with a white streak appearing behind him. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown going down a different white streak in reverse underneath the two. On a dark orange background, Mr. Rude points to his headphones. Mr. Happy, wearing headphones, then walks past bookshelves that pulse a white light as he passes them. The green, pink, blue, red, yellow, and white circles of the unknown Mr. Man reappear. The white Mr. Man then zooms in from the center of the circles and flashes until it engulfs the screen. The music video ends here. The next bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is trying to put a book back on the shelf while on Mr. Nosey's shoulders and while Mr. Small carries Mr. Nosey. Not surprisingly, the three Mr. Men are struggling to maintain balance and soon, Mr. Small crashes into a library cart that Mr. Nosey falls into. Mr. Small is sent into a daze on the floor while Mr. Bounce starts bouncing all around the library. Mr. Bounce bounces towards the entrance where Mr. Nervous is about to enter the library when Mr. Bounce bounces straight towards him. Mr. Nervous runs away and Mr. Bounce follows him. Little Miss Scary then walks into the frame)
Miss Scary: (whistles)
(Bats fly into the frame and cover the screen)
Bats: (clicking)
(The bats fly away and the next scene begins. Mr. Noisy is shown working as the head librarian and is sitting behind a desk with a no-talking sign on it. Mr. Persnickety then walks up to Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Persnickety (in a whisper): Excuse me, Mr. Noisy.
Mr. Noisy: Shh!
Mr. Persnickety: But I was hoping to find a book on-
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Mr. Persnickety! This is a library and as such there's no talking!
Mr. Persnickety: Uh, yes. I realize this. But I am looking for a specific book-
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): If I have to break the rules for you, then I'll have to break them for everyone!!
Mr. Persnickety: Uh, but-
Mr. Noisy: SHH!!!!
Mr. Persnickety: I've already-
Mr. Noisy: SHH!!!!
(Mr. Noisy shushes so hard that Mr. Persnickety's mustache and hair move)
Mr. Persnickety: Oh, very well! I'll find the book on my own!
(Mr. Persnickety walks away)
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Much better!
(Mr. Noisy puts down his microphone)
Mr. Noisy: Next!?
(Mr. Noisy rings the bell on his desk. The scene cuts to Mr. Strong about to push Little Miss Daredevil in a library cart)
Miss Daredevil: Okay, let's boogie!
(Mr. Strong starts pushing the library cart with Little Miss Daredevil riding it)
Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo!
(Mr. Persnickety approaches a shelf while Mr. Strong pushes the library cart that Little Miss Daredevil is riding in around the library)
Miss Daredevil: (laughs)
(Mr. Persnickety looks at the shelf, takes out a book, and gets excited and points at it)
Mr. Persnickety (in a whisper): Just the book I was looking for!
Mr. Noisy (offscreen using his megaphone): I'm warning you, Persnickety!
(Mr. Persnickety is startled but quickly recovers and starts reading his book)
Miss Daredevil (offscreen): Woah, nelly!
(Mr. Strong accidentally rams the library cart into Mr. Persnickety and the latter is sent into the book shelf. The book shelf topples and it leads to a domino effect of all the shelves falling over. Mr. Bump is launched up as one of the shelves topple over)
Mr. Bump: Gah!
(The bookshelves ram into Mr. Messy and he is launched into the air)
Mr. Messy: Shazam!
(The bookshelves ram into Little Miss Scary and she is launched into the air)
Miss Scary: (screams)
(All the bookshelves topple over and Mr. Persnickety pops back up from the books he was shoved into to confront Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Strong)
Mr. Persnickety: Miss Daredevil! This is a library! Not some jungle gym!
(Mr. Strong and Little Miss Daredevil shrug this off and Mr. Strong pushes Little Miss Daredevil and the library cart away. A very angry Mr. Noisy marches over to Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): You have left me no choice, Mr. Persnickety!
(Mr. Noisy puts his megaphone down and starts pushing Mr. Persnickety to the exit)
Mr. Noisy: I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave.
(Mr. Strong continues pushing Little Miss Daredevil around)
Mr. Persnickety: But she tried...
Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo!
(Mr. Noisy pushes Mr. Persnickety to the exit)
Mr. Persnickety: To run me over!
(Mr. Persnickety is pushed out of the library and walks away angrily. Mr. Strong runs by pushing Little Miss Daredevil in the library cart)
Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo!
(The camera cuts outside)
Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Probably because you were talking! People come to a library wanting peace and quiet! Not endless chatter in the reference section!
(Mr. Noisy slams the doors of the library shut as Mr. Persnickety leaves in a huff. Little Miss Calamity comes in from the right side of the screen via skis. She looks behind herself, jumps up in fear, and gets crushed by an avalanche of snow. The snow clears away and the next bumper plays. Mr. Bounce is climbing up a ladder trying to put a book on the shelf. Mr. Bounce manages to put the book on the shelf only for Little Miss Scary to appear wearing her orange cyclops mask . This scares Mr. Bounce off the ladder and he starts bouncing all around the library while Little Miss Scary takes her mask off and silently chuckles to herself. Mr. Bounce bounces towards the entrance where Mr. Strong is about to enter the library when Mr. Bounce bounces on Mr. Strong. Luckily, Mr. Strong is so strong that this stops Mr. Bounce from bouncing and Mr. Bounce bounces onto the floor while Mr. Strong flexes his muscles. Mr. Tickle's arms surround the screen)
Mr. Tickle (voiceover): (laughs)
(Mr. Tickle's arms disappear and the next scene begins. The next scene is a dance video starring Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Scatterbrain (voiceover): Come on! Dancing is fun!
Miss Chatterbox: Especially when the air is so crisp, you know. Sometimes when I (breathes in) breathe in, I can feel it in my throat and it just tickles me! And then I remember...
(Red, white, and blue stripes cover the screen, then Little Miss Daredevil appears and gives a salute. She then zooms upward, taking the stripes with her. The next scene takes place at a book signing for Mr. Grumpy's autobiography. Mr. Grumpy is sitting at a desk surrounded by copies of his book)
Mr. Grumpy: (sniffs)
(Mr. Grumpy adjusts one of the copies of his book. The camera zooms out showing Little Miss Sunshine by a bookshelf)
Miss Sunshine: Gee, Mr. Grumpy. I'm sorry you haven’t sold any books
(Little Miss Sunshine walks over carrying a different book)
Miss Sunshine: I guess know once interested in your life story. Not one single person. Must make you feel kind of bad, huh.
Mr. Grumpy: Listen here, Miss Sunshine. It'll take a lot more than that to sour my pleasant disposition.
(A loud crash is heard offscreen)
Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Oh no!
(Little Miss Sunshine walks over to where the crash was)
Miss Sunshine: Someone's messed up my bookmark display!
(Mr. Small walks over to Mr. Grumpy's desk but his hat is only seen)
Mr. Small: Good tidings, Mr. Grumpy.
Mr. Grumpy: Who said that?
Mr. Small: I did! Down here!
(Mr. Grumpy looks down and is surprised to see Mr. Small)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh.
(The camera also pans down to show Mr. Small to the viewers)
Mr. Grumpy: Hello, Mr. Small. What do you want?
Mr. Small: I'd like to purchase your autobiography.
Mr. Grumpy: That's an awful big book for such a small fella.
Mr. Small: That's alright. I enjoy a challenging read.
Mr. Grumpy: How many copies do you want?
Mr. Small: All of them, s'il vous plaît!
Mr. Grumpy: All of them!? You don't expect me to sign this entire stack of books, do you?!
Mr. Small: No need. I shall take them just as they are!
(Mr. Grumpy smiles as he is happy to have sold all the copies of his book and not have to sign them. The scene transitions to Mr. Small reading one of the copies of Mr. Grumpy's book)
Mr. Small: Mr. Grumpy's life is a real page turner!
(The camera zooms out to reveal that Mr. Nosey is using all the other copies of Mr. Grumpy's book to see over a fence and watch a drive-in monster movie with his binoculars)
Monster in the Movie: (roars)
(Mr. Nosey turns around to talk to Mr. Small)
Mr. Nosey: Ooh! You're missing a good movie, Mr. Small
(Mr. Nosey resumes watching the monster movie. The screen iris' out and the ending scene plays. The scene begins with Mr. Quiet walking while reading a book)
Narrator: So you see,
(Mr. Quiet walks straight into a bookshelf while he was reading a book and falls down into a star-seeing daze)
Narrator: Books are an important part of our world.
(Mr. Messy walks by with a book in his hand)
Narrator: They teach us things.
(Mr. Persnickety is shown talking to Mr. Noisy at the library front desk when Mr. Noisy shouts through his microphone to silence Mr. Persnickety)
Narrator: Make us laugh or make us think.
(Mr. Strong pushes Little Miss Daredevil around in the library cart)
Narrator: In fact,
(Little Miss Sunshine is shown standing in front of Mr. Grumpy's autobiography desk with Mr. Grumpy sitting behind it adjusting the display)
Narrator: Why don't you get a book right now?
(Mr. Nervous is shown standing by a book shelf. The book shelf has the book-shaped Mr. Bump on it. Mr. Nervous takes the Mr. Bump book off the shelf and opens it)
Narrator: And if you find Mr. Bump, make sure to open to page 54 at once.
(The camera shows page 54 of the book Mr. Bump got squashed into. Page 54 has Mr. Bump's face on its page)
Mr. Bump: Surprise! (chuckles nervously)
(The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)