Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Cars." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Dillydale Day" Next: "Sightseeing"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big magenta screen comes up with "Cars" written on it with two race cars, a checkered flag, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of cars driving on a race track is heard)

(The episode begins with Mr. Scatterbrain as a traffic cop guiding cars safely down the road)

Narrator: Few things bring as much joy to the Mr. Men and Little Misses...

(Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bounce, and Little Miss Whoops drive past Mr. Scatterbrain)

Narrator: As their cars!

(Little Miss Scary is shown driving her car)

Narrator: Out on the open road...

(Little Miss Daredevil is shown driving her rocket racer. The wheels extend so Little Miss Daredevil can drive over Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bounce, and Little Miss Whoops)

Narrator: With the wind blowing through...

(The camera pans over to Mr. Noisy in his car)

Narrator: Whatever hair they may have.

(Mr. Noisy drives past Mr. Lazy. Mr. Lazy has fallen asleep at the wheel but is doing no harm)

Narrator: The good people of Dillydale know how to get somewhere quickly...

(Mr. Lazy and his car are revealed to be on the back of Mr. Strong's truck)

Narrator: And comfortably!

(The screen fades to black and the scene transitions to Mr. Grumpy driving on an empty road)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! What a terrible day for driving. Too much sun and all this traffic?

(Mr. Grumpy is the only one shown driving on the road)

Bird (offscreen): (screeches)

(Mr. Grumpy struggles to get comfortable in his seat)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! Would it be so hard to make a car seat as comfortable?

(A small explosion is heard inside Mr. Grumpy's car and the car stops driving as smoke comes out of the engine)

Mr. Grumpy: Now what?

(Mr. Grumpy looks at his car engine)

Mr. Grumpy: Great!

(Mr. Grumpy realizes that he is alone)

Mr. Grumpy: Suddenly there's not a car in sight!

(Mr. Grumpy sits on a rock)

Mr. Grumpy: How am I gonna get a lift home?

(A car horn is heard offscreen and Little Miss Sunshine pulls up to Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Sunshine: Hello there, Mr. Grumpy!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh great. Miss Sunshine. Isn't my day wasn't bad enough.

Miss Sunshine: Is there something wrong with your car or is your engine getting a suntan?

Mr. Grumpy: Apparently my engine has overheated.

Miss Sunshine: Hmmm...(chuckles) I have no idea what that means! I'm not mechanical. But do you want to lift back into town?

Mr. Grumpy: Do I go with her or stay and get pecked by hungry buzzards?

(The camera cuts to two hungry, drooling buzzards perched up in a tree. The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: I think I'll stay!

Miss Sunshine: But how will you get back into town?

(Mr. Grumpy stands up and Little Miss Sunshine opens her car door)

Mr. Grumpy: (growls) You've made your point!

(Mr. Grumpy gets in Little Miss Sunshine's car)

Miss Sunshine: Hop in! It's lucky I came along!

(Little Miss Sunshine stares at Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: I'll be the judge of that! Why aren't we moving?

Miss Sunshine: Because you're not wearing your seatbelt.

(Mr. Grumpy buckles himself in)

Mr. Grumpy: (groans)

(Little Miss Sunshine starts driving)

Miss Sunshine: (sighs)! Isn't it a beautiful day?

(Little Miss Sunshine lets go of the steering wheel)

Mr. Grumpy: Keep your eyes on the road.

(Little Miss Sunshine grabs the steering wheel and looks out her window)

Miss Sunshine: Look at those farms!

Mr. Grumpy: Uh. They smell.

Miss Sunshine: And all the animals!

Mr. Grumpy: They smell worse!

Cow (offscreen): (moos)

Miss Sunshine: What about-

Mr. Grumpy: Don't care for them neither!

Miss Sunshine: (gasps) How did you know what I was going to say?

Mr. Grumpy: Doesn't matter! Drive! Can ya roll up the window and turn on the air conditioning?

Miss Sunshine: I don't have air conditioning! I like feeling the wind in my face.

Mr. Grumpy: (growls in annoyance)

(Little Miss Sunshine gets an idea)

Miss Sunshine: Oh! How about some music?

(Little Miss Sunshine turns on the radio and "The Boogie's Got Me" by Mr. Bounce plays)

Miss Sunshine (offscreen): I think the radio makes the trip so much more...

Unknown Person on the radio: Dillydale FM.

Mr. Bounce (on the radio): 🎵Get down! Jump around! The boogie’s got me!🎵

Miss Sunshine: Fun!

Mr. Bounce (on the radio): 🎵Watch out! Get down!🎵

Mr. Grumpy: You took the words out of my mouth.

Mr. Bounce (on the radio): 🎵Jump around! The boogie’s got me!🎵

Miss Sunshine: 🎵Get down! The boogie's got me!🎵

Mr. Grumpy: I don't like that song!

(Little Miss Sunshine changes the radio station and "Big Mess" by Mr. Messy plays)

Miss Sunshine (offscreen): Oh!

Mr. Messy (on the radio): 🎵Don't you forget it🎵

Mr. Messy (on the radio) and Miss Sunshine: 🎵I'm the one they call the Big Mess!🎵

Mr. Grumpy: I like this one even less!

Mr. Messy (on the radio): Bakin' a cake...

(Mr. Grumpy changes the radio station and The Mr. Men Show Theme plays)

Miss Sunshine: 🎵 Doo, doo, doo, doo. Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Doo, doo!🎵

Mr. Grumpy: Stop the car!

(Little Miss Sunshine slams down on the brake)

Miss Sunshine: Oh! What happened?

(Mr. Grumpy gets out of the car)

Mr. Grumpy: Nothing. Suddenly had the urge to get a little exercise.

(Mr. Grumpy closes the car door)

Mr. Grumpy: I'll walk home from here.

Miss Sunshine: Okie dokie! Great traveling with you!

(Little Miss Sunshine drives away)

Mr. Grumpy: It's just so unnatural to be that happy.

(The camera zooms out to reveal Mr. Tickle conducting the Dillydale Choir Club. The Dillydale Glee Club consists of Mr. Bounce, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Pernickety, Mr. Scatterbrain, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Messy)

Mr. Tickle: Okay, Dillydale Choir Club!

Mr. Grumpy: Ooh?

Mr. Tickle: Ready to rehearse?

Mr. Pernickety (offscreen): (clears his throat)

(Mr. Tickle takes out his conductor's baton, music starts in the background, and the Dillydale Choir Club starts singing)

Dillydale Choir Club: 🎵Be it sail, whale, quail, or nightingale...🎵

(The camera cuts to Mr. Bounce and Mr. Small. Mr. Bounce is bouncing up and down while singing)

Mr. Bounce and Mr. Small: 🎵Everything is happy in...🎵

(The camera cuts to Mr. Scatterbrain and Little Miss Chatterbox. Mr. Scatterbrain is singing through a sock puppet ala ventriloquism but only ends up humming the song)

Mr. Scatterbrain (through the sock puppet) and Miss Chatterbox: 🎵Dillydale. There's never any reason...🎵

(The camera cuts to Mr. Happy and Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy is eating pizza as he sings)

Mr. Happy and Mr. Messy: 🎵To be crabby, mad, or frumpy...🎵

(The camera cuts to Mr. Nosey and Mr. Pernickety. Mr. Nosey is reading the lyrics to the song over Mr. Pernickety's shoulder)

Mr. Nosey and Mr. Pernickety: 🎵Unless you're a certain...🎵

(Everyone gestures over to Mr. Grumpy)

Dillydale Choir Club: 🎵Mr. Grumpy!🎵

(The song ends and Mr. Grumpy throws his hat onto the ground in annoyance)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!!

(Mr. Grumpy storms off. Everyone in the Dillydale Glee Club except Mr. Happy and Mr. Scatterbrain frown as Mr. Grumpy leaves. Then Mr. Grumpy returns to get his hat. Mr. Grumpy hugs his hat before storming off again. Then the scene iris' out. The first bumper plays. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown blowing a whistle while directing traffic. Little Miss Sunshine drives up when Mr. Scatterbrain sees something)

Elephant (offscreen): (trumpets)

(Mr. Scatterbrain stops Little Miss Sunshine's car and lets an elephant cross the street)

Elephant: (trumpets)

(Little Miss Sunshine looks at the viewers in bewilderment before continuing her drive. Mr. Stubborn drives up with Little Miss Helpful, Mr. Quiet, and Little Miss Chatterbox as his passengers. They drive onto the scene to transition it to the next one. The next scene takes place at a race track)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Drivers, to the starting line!

(Fanfare is heard. The scene cuts to Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Quiet walking by and Little Miss Helpful pushing Little Miss Scary and her car to the starting line)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Drivers, to the starting line!

Miss Scary: Good work, Miss Helpful.

Miss Helpful: Thank you for letting me be your assistant, Miss Scary.

(Little Miss Helpful wipes some sweat off her brow)

Miss Helpful: I love helping.

Miss Scary: After the race, I just might let you help me wash the car!

(A car horn is heard offscreen. Mr. Rude pulls up next to Little Miss Scary with Mr. Strong pushing his car)

Mr. Rude: I bet this big truck is a little much for you! Eh, Mr. Strong?

(Mr. Strong is shown to be pushing Mr. Rude's truck with one finger)

Mr. Strong: Eh, not really. Piece of cake, Mr. Rude.

(Mr. Rude and Little Miss Scary pull up to the starting line. Mr. Small pulls up next to Mr. Rude and Little Miss Scary with Mr. Nosey pushing his car. Mr. Small honks his car horn and raises his hat to greet his fellow racer)

Mr. Small: Good tidings, fellow competitors!

(A loud car horn catches the attention of Mr. Small, Little Miss Scary, and Mr. Rude. Little Miss Daredevil pulls up next to the other racers with Mr. Quiet pushing her rocket racer. Little Miss Daredevil opens up the hatch to talk to the others)

Miss Daredevil: You guys don't have a chance against my rocket racer. It's got the power of 800 horses!

Mr. Small: Whilst, that may be true. This car has the power of a one-legged ostrich.

Mr. Nosey: Uh, Mr. Small is right. Have you ever tried to catch a one-legged ostrich? Ho-ho-ho! They're fast.

Mr. Rude: Fast? I'll show you fast!

(Mr. Rude farts and the Angry Heads appear)

Angry Heads: MR. RUDE!!!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Rude rolling up the window in his car. Then, the scene cuts to Mr. Quiet noticing gum on Little Miss Daredevil's car bumper)

Mr. Quiet: Uh, Miss Daredevil?

(Mr. Quiet tries to remove the gum from the bumper only to get his hand stuck)

Mr. Quiet: Oh! Oh! Uh!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Noisy at the racing podium)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Mr. Men and Little Misses, start your engines!

(The racers start their engines and Mr. Quiet struggles to free himself)

Mr. Quiet: Ah! (grunts)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Ready...

(Mr. Pernickety prepares to wave the green flag)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Steady...

Mr. Quiet: No! No! No! Wait!

(Mr. Pernickety doesn't see Mr. Quiet)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Really steady...

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(Mr. Pernickety waves the green flag and Little Miss Scary, Mr. Small, Mr. Rude, and Little Miss Daredevil (with Mr. Quiet in tow) take off from the starting line and begin the race)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): GO!!!

Mr. Quiet: No! (screams)

(Mr. Quiet starts pounding on the car to try and get Little Miss Daredevil's attention)

Mr. Quiet: Stop! Stop! Stop!

(The pounding works, but Little Miss Daredevil doesn't see Mr. Quiet)

Miss Daredevil: Uh oh! Sounds like my engine's knocking! That could be trouble! Maybe if I speed up?

(Little Miss Daredevil slams down on the gas pedal and speeds up)

Mr. Quiet: (screams)

(The four racers continue zooming around the track)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Our four racers couldn't be closer!

(Mr. Small honks his car horn and pulls ahead of the pack. Mr. Small drives in front of Little Miss Scary. Little Miss Scary pushes a button which turns her front grill into a scary monster face. Mr. Small sees the face in his rearview mirror)

Miss Scary (offscreen in her US voice): AH!!!!

Mr. Small (in both his US and UK voice): (gasps)

(Mr. Small swerves out of the way in terror)

Miss Scary: (snorts and laughs)

(Mr. Rude drives next to Little Miss Daredevil)

Mr. Quiet (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone)(overlap): What a race! It looks like Miss Daredevil!

(Mr. Quiet is still hanging on because of the gum)

Mr. Quiet (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone)(overlap): No wait! It's Mr. Rude!

(Little Miss Scary drives up)

Mr. Quiet (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone)(overlap): No! It's Miss Scary!

(Mr. Small pulls ahead)

Mr. Quiet (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone)(overlap): No! It's, Mr. Small!

(Little Miss Daredevil slams on the gas pedal. Little Miss Daredevil starts pulling ahead of the pack)

Mr. Quiet (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone)(overlap): No! It's Miss Daredevil by a bumper!

(Little Miss Daredevil pulls ahead of Mr. Small)

Mr. Quiet: (screams)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Miss Daredevil has just won the Dillydale 500!

(Little Miss Daredevil crosses the finish line and Mr. Persnickety waves the checkered flag Little Miss Daredevil slams her foot on the brake and comes to a screeching stop. Mr. Quiet is flung across the area with the gum detaching from the rocket)

Mr. Quiet: (screams)

(Little Miss Daredevil lifts the hatch of her rocket racer and stands up. Mr. Quiet crashes into something offscreen)

Crowd of People (offscreen): (cheers)

(Little Miss Daredevil pumps her fists in celebration)

Miss Daredevil: Ya-hey! Ya-hey! Hey, Mr. Quiet! Don't just sit there! We've got work to do!

(Mr. Quiet is shown stuck in a tire)

Mr. Quiet: (grunts and moans) I'm tired!

(The scene iris' out and the next scene begins. Mr. Pernickety is shown knocking on the door of Mr. Stubborn's house. Mr. Stubborn answers the door)

Mr. Stubborn: Yes, Mr. Pernickety?

Mr. Pernickety: Good morning, Mr. Stubborn. I understand you have a car for sale.

Mr. Stubborn: I do!

Mr. Pernickety: Well, I'm looking to buy a car. Something clean and well-maintained, preferably the colour blue with a gray interior.

Mr. Stubborn: I have just the car for you!

Mr. Pernickety: Oh goodie! I knew this would be my lucky day!

(Mr. Stubborn brings Mr. Pernickety in for a side hug)

Mr. Stubborn: The car is in perfect condition.

Mr. Pernickety: Perfect! Well...(chuckles) then why are you selling it?

(Mr. Pernickety takes Mr. Stubborn's arm off his shoulder)

Mr. Stubborn: Why should I keep all the good cars for myself?

Mr. Pernickety: Very generous of you. Well, where is it? All I can see is a rusty old wreck.

(The camera cuts to an old car that is in need of serious repairs)

Mr. Stubborn: That is not a rusty old wreck, that's the car for sale!

(Mr. Pernickety looks at the car)

Mr. Pernickety (offscreen): But it''s...

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Pernickety)

Mr. Pernickety: Disgusting!

Mr. Stubborn: Try to contain your enthusiasm! Come! Let's take it for a test drive!

Mr. Pernickety: That's not necessary, Mr. Stubborn!

(Mr. Stubborn takes out a set of keys)

Mr. Stubborn: You must test drive a car before buying one! Don't you know anything? Here! Catch!

(Mr. Stubborn throws the keys to Mr. Pernickety. Mr. Pernickety catches the keys)

Mr. Pernickety: Uh!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Pernickety driving the car with Mr. Stubborn as his passenger)

Mr. Pernickety: The steering wheel feels a little loose.

(The scene cuts inside the car)

Mr. Pernickety: Not to mention covered in grease and grime!

(Mr. Pernickety shows Mr. Stubborn his grease covered hand)

Mr. Stubborn: That isn't grease and grime!

(Mr. Pernickety looks down to see the gas pedal)

Mr. Pernickety: And half of this pedal is missing.

Mr. Stubborn: It is not missing! It is just small!

Mr. Pernickety: No. I can clearly see where the pedal snapped in half!

Mr. Stubborn: You are wrong!

(Mr. Pernickety looks at the speedometer and sees the car is going a hundred miles an hour when the car is clearly going much slower)

Mr. Pernickety (offscreen): That speedometer must me broken.

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Pernickety)

Mr. Pernickety: It says we're going a hundred miles an hour.

Mr. Stubborn: There's nothing wrong with that speedometer!

Mr. Pernickety: It just doesn't seem like we're going that fast!

Mr. Stubborn: Of course we are!

(Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Stubborn look out of the car window. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown riding a turtle that passes Mr. Pernickety and Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: They don't build them like this anymore!

(Mr. Persnickety sees black smoke coming out of the exhaust via his rearview mirror)

Mr. Pernickety: What about all that black smoke?

Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): What smoke?

Mr. Pernickety: The smoke pouring from the exhaust!

Mr. Stubborn: That let's you know the engine is working well!

Mr. Pernickety: (groans)

(Mr. Pernickety slams down on the brake and the car stops. Mr. Pernickety gets out of the car. Upon closing his door, Mr. Stubborn's door opens and falls off the car)

Mr. Pernickety: Oh! This is the worst car I have ever seen!!

(Mr. Stubborn marches over)

Mr. Stubborn: Well, if that's your attitude, I'm not selling it to you!

Mr. Pernickety: Good!

Mr. Stubborn: I would give it away before I let you buy it!

Mr. Pernickety: That's fine. Because I don't want it!

Mr. Stubborn: I promise you, you are the one person on Earth who will never ever own this car!

(Mr. Pernickety has second thoughts upon hearing Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Pernickety: Hold on here! I have every right to buy that horrible machine!

(Mr. Pernickety marches to Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Pernickety: And that's just what I'll do!

Mr. Stubborn: No!

Mr. Pernickety: Yes!

Mr. Stubborn: No! I will not sell you this car!


(The scene transitions to Mr. Pernickety in the rusty car)

Mr. Pernickety: "Let this be a lesson to you Mr. Stubborn, the customer is always right!"

(Mr. Pernickety drives away)

Mr. Stubborn: "The customer is always cheap!"

(Mr. Pernickety drives away. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey rise up in a hot air balloon to transition the scene. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown blowing a whistle while directing traffic. Little Miss Sunshine drives up when Mr. Scatterbrain sees something. Mr. Scatterbrain stops Little Miss Sunshine's car and lets a train zoom by. In a blink and miss moment, the viewers can see Little Miss Daredevil riding the train in her hover car. Little Miss Sunshine looks at the viewers in bewilderment before continuing her drive. A notebook appears. A pencil draws Mr. Happy's outline, then a paint can fills him in. Mr. Happy waves to the viewer)

Mr. Happy: Ha-ha!

(The notebook goes away and the scene transitions to outside Dillydale Hospital. Little Miss Whoops is wheeling Mr. Bump outside)

Miss Whoops: Here you go, Mr. Bump.

Mr. Bump: Thanks, Miss Whoops. Uh, who did you say was coming to take me home?

Miss Whoops: Mr. Scatterbrain.

Mr. Bump: Oh! Maybe I should've called a cab.

Miss Whoops: Don't be silly! Mr. Scatterbrain a very good driver.

(Mr. Scatterbrain shows up in his car honking the car horn. The car horn makes an "Aoogah" sound)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Sorry I'm late! Heh-heh! I had to return a wrench to a monkey!

Miss Whoops: Take good care of yourself, Mr. Bump.

(Little Miss Whoops leaves)

Mr. Bump: Hmm!

(Mr. Scatterbrain lets three penguins out of his car)

Penguins: (squawking)

Mr. Scatterbrain: See ya, fellas!

(Mr. Scatterbrain bows)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Here you go, Mr. Bump.

(Mr. Bump gets out of the wheelchair and walks over)

Mr. Bump: Are you sure this isn't too much trouble for you?

(Mr. Bump gets into the car)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! No trouble at all!

(Mr. Scatterbrain closes the car door. Suddenly, the airbags activate and squish Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Ow!

Mr. Scatterbrain: It's good to know, those still work.

Mr. Bump: Hmmm...

(Mr. Scatterbrain gets into the car, pops the airbag with a pin, tosses the pin away, and starts driving)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Rrgh!

(Mr. Scatterbrain almost loses his hat in the process, but reclaims it at the last second. As the two drive along the road, they reach a red light)

Mr. Bump: Red light, Mr. Scatterbrain! Red light!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! I love this game!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes his hands off the wheel and covers his eyes. They end up speeding through the red light)

Mr. Bump: UOh!

Mr. Scatterbrain: One, two, three, red light!

(Mr. Bump slams into the windshield)

Mr. Bump: Oh! No! No!

(Mr. Bump grabs the steering wheel)

Mr. Bump: Hands on wheel! TRUCK!!!

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Bump almost hit a truck driven by Little Miss Helpful but they steer clear of it at the last minute)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Bump drive through a chicken coop)

Chickens (from inside the coop): (clucking)

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Bump exit the chicken coop with a chicken on Mr. Bump's head. The chicken starts pecking at Mr. Bump's head)

Mr. Bump (overlap): Ow! Ow! Ow!

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): (laughs) I usually don't pick up hitchhikers...

Mr. Bump: Ow! Ow!

Mr. Scatterbrain: But who could refuse a chicken!

Mr. Bump: Ow! Stop! Stop! Chicken!

(The chicken gets off Mr. Bump's head and leaves)

Chicken: (clucks)

Mr. Bump: Ow.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Seems it never pay to make a chicken mad.

(One of the back tires of the car pops and the car starts swerving)

Mr. Bump: (screams) No!

(The scene cuts to a ramp with Mr. Quiet on one side and Little Miss Daredevil on the other. They see Mr. Bump and Mr. Scatterbrain approaching)

Mr. Quiet (overlap): Oh?

Miss Daredevil (overlap): Oh my!

(The car rides the ramp and takes flight. Little Miss Daredevil is in shock)

Miss Daredevil: Woah!

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The car lands in front of Mr. Bump's house)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well, your home.

Mr. Bump: Ugh!

(Mr. Bump tumbles out of the car)

Mr. Bump: Oh, thank goodness. Thanks for the lift, Mr. Scatterbrain. I'll never forget it.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Okay, Mr. Bump. (chuckles) Anytime!

(Mr. Scatterbrain puts his car into reverse, drives backwards, and hits a lamppost)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(The lamppost falls down and crashes into Mr. Bump's house offscreen)

Mr. Bump: Eegh!

(Mr. Scatterbrain drives away)

Mr. Bump: You never learn.

(The scene iris' out and the next scene shows Mr. Bounce driving along the road)

Narrator: And so it is...

(Little Miss Whoops is shown driving a truck)

Narrator: That in Dillydale...

(Mr. Rude is shown driving his truck, Mr. Noisy is shown driving his car, and Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Persnickety are shown driving the rusty car)

Narrator: No matter if you like to creep along slowly...

(Little Miss Scary zooms past Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Persnickety in her car)

Narrator: Or zoom super fast...

(Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Sunshine are shown driving their cars)

Narrator: Everyone loves driving cars.

(Mr. Scatterbrain is shown directing traffic. Mr. Strong is shown driving in his flatbed truck with Mr. Lazy riding on top asleep in his car. Mr. Scatterbrain sees something and stops Mr. Strong's car)

Narrator: Of course, come cars are more fun to drive than others.

Mr. Lazy: (snores)

(Little Miss Daredevil drives by and the episode ends)

Deleted Scene[]

(A bumper plays. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown blowing a whistle while directing traffic. Little Miss Sunshine drives up when Mr. Scatterbrain sees something. Mr. Scatterbrain stops Little Miss Sunshine's car and lets a giant laser shooting robot cross the street. As the robot does so, it disintegrates a tree, the top of a building, and a lamppost. Little Miss Sunshine looks at the viewers in bewilderment before continuing her drive. Mr. Persnickety looks at the screen in disgust, then cleans the screen with cleaner and a rag and drops down smiling. The next scene shows two cars racing on a figure eight track. Mr. Nervous is shown as one of the racers)

Mr. Nervous: Eh! You can do it, Mr. Nervous! Just one more lap! One more little lap!

(Little Miss Scary pulls up next to Mr. Nervous. Revealing that she is the other driver)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! (screams) Miss Scary!

Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts) Ready to eat my dust, Mr. Nervous?

Mr. Nervous: Oh! I would never eat dust! Full of dirt and bad things you should never put into your mouth!

Miss Scary: I mean, are you ready to lose?

Mr. Nervous: Actually, I'm ready to turn and go back!

(Little Miss Scary points at the track in front of them)

Miss Scary: Too late for you to turn back now, Mr. Nervous!

(Mr. Nervous sees what Little Miss Scary was pointing at)

Mr. Nervous: (gasps)

(The scene cuts to a narrow curve in the track)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): There's hardly enough room for one car, let alone two!

Miss Scary: That's the point!

(Little Miss Scary and Mr. Nervous' car wheels bump into each other)

Mr. Nervous: Ah! Too close! Too close!

(Mr. Nervous approaches the narrow curve)

Mr. Nervous: Ah! N-n-no! N-n-no! (screams)

(The daydream sequence ends and it is revealed that Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Scary were playing with remote control cars. Mr. Nervous ends up ramming his car into a flower pot while Little Miss Scary's car passes Mr. Nervous')

Mr. Nervous: Oh!

Miss Scary: I win!

(Mr. Nervous throws his controller down in frustration)

Mr. Nervous: (grunts) Too loud! Too fast! Too scary!

(Mr. Nervous walks away)

Miss Scary: Hey! He almost seemed like he was having fun that time!

(The screen irises out)

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big magenta screen comes up with "Cars" written on it with two race cars, a checkered flag, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of cars driving on a race track is heard)

(The episode begins with Mr. Scatterbrain as a traffic cop guiding cars safely down the road)

Narrator: Few things bring as much joy to the Mr. Men and Little Misses...

(Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bounce, and Little Miss Whoops drive past Mr. Scatterbrain)

Narrator: As their cars!

(Little Miss Scary is shown driving her car)

Narrator: Out on the open road...

(Little Miss Daredevil is shown driving her rocket racer. The wheels extend so Little Miss Daredevil can drive over Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bounce, and Little Miss Whoops)

Narrator: With the wind blowing through...

(The camera pans over to Mr. Noisy in his car)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): (shouting incoherently)

Narrator: Uh...whatever hair they may have...

(Mr. Noisy drives past Mr. Lazy. Mr. Lazy has fallen asleep at the wheel but is doing no harm)

Mr. Lazy: (snoring)

Narrator: The good people of Dillydale know how to get somewhere quickly...

(Mr. Lazy and his car are revealed to be on the back of Mr. Strong's truck)

Narrator: And comfortably!

(The screen fades to black and the scene transitions to Mr. Grumpy driving on an empty road)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! What a terrible day for driving. Too much sun! And all this traffic.

(Mr. Grumpy is the only one shown driving on the road)

Bird (offscreen): (screeches)

(Mr. Grumpy struggles to get comfortable in his seat)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! Would it be so hard to make a car seat that was comfortable?

(A small explosion is heard inside Mr. Grumpy's car and the car stops driving as smoke comes out of the engine)

Mr. Grumpy: Now what?

(Mr. Grumpy looks at his car engine)

Mr. Grumpy: Great!

(Mr. Grumpy realizes that he is alone)

Mr. Grumpy: Suddenly there's not a car in sight!

(Mr. Grumpy sits on a rock)

Mr. Grumpy: How am I gonna get a ride home?

(A car horn is heard offscreen and Little Miss Sunshine pulls up to Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Sunshine: Hello there, Mr. Grumpy!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh great. Miss Sunshine. As if my day wasn't bad enough.

Miss Sunshine: Is there something wrong with your car or is your engine getting a suntan?

Mr. Grumpy: Apparently my engine has overheated.

Miss Sunshine: Hmmm...(scoffs) I have no idea what that means! I'm not mechanical. But do you want to ride back into town?

Mr. Grumpy: Do I go with her or stay and get pecked by hungry buzzards?

(The camera cuts to two hungry, drooling buzzards perched up in a tree. The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: I think I'll stay!

Miss Sunshine: But how will you get back into town?

(Mr. Grumpy stands up and Little Miss Sunshine opens her car door)

Mr. Grumpy: (growls) You've made your point!

(Mr. Grumpy gets in Little Miss Sunshine's car)

Miss Sunshine: Hop in! Lucky I came along!

(Little Miss Sunshine stares at Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: I'll be the judge of that! Why aren't we moving?

Miss Sunshine: Because you're not wearing your seatbelt.

(Mr. Grumpy buckles himself in)

Mr. Grumpy: (groans)

(Little Miss Sunshine starts driving)

Miss Sunshine: Ah! Isn't it a beautiful day?

(Little Miss Sunshine lets go of the steering wheel)

Mr. Grumpy: Keep your eyes on the road.

(Little Miss Sunshine grabs the steering wheel and looks out her window)

Miss Sunshine: Look at those farms!

Mr. Grumpy: Ugh. They smell.

Miss Sunshine: And all the animals!

Mr. Grumpy: They smell worse!

Cow (offscreen): (moos)

Miss Sunshine: What about-

Mr. Grumpy: Don't care for them either!

Miss Sunshine: How did you know what I was going to say?

Mr. Grumpy: Doesn't matter! Drive! Can ya roll up the window and turn on the air conditioning?

Miss Sunshine: I don't have air conditioning! I like feeling the wind in my face.

(Little Miss Sunshine gets an idea)

Miss Sunshine: Oh! How about some music?

(Little Miss Sunshine turns on the radio and "The Boogie's Got Me" by Mr. Bounce plays)

Miss Sunshine (offscreen): I think the radio makes the trip so much more...

Mr. Bounce (on the radio): 🎵Get down! Jump around! The boogie’s got me!🎵

Miss Sunshine: Fun!

Mr. Bounce (on the radio): 🎵Watch out! Get down!🎵

Mr. Grumpy: You took the words out of my mouth.

Mr. Bounce (on the radio): 🎵Jump around! The boogie’s got me!🎵

Miss Sunshine: 🎵Get down! The boogie's got me!🎵

Mr. Grumpy: I don't like that song!

(Little Miss Sunshine changes the radio station and "Big Mess" by Mr. Messy plays)

Miss Sunshine (offscreen): Oh!

Mr. Messy (on the radio): 🎵Don't you forget it🎵

Mr. Messy (on the radio) and Miss Sunshine: 🎵I'm the one they call the Big Mess!🎵

Mr. Grumpy: I like that one even less!

Mr. Messy (on the radio): Bakin' a cake...

(Mr. Grumpy changes the radio station and The Mr. Men Show Theme plays)

Miss Sunshine: 🎵 Doo, doo, doo, doo. Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Doo, doo!🎵

Mr. Grumpy: Stop the car!

(Little Miss Sunshine slams down on the brake)

Miss Sunshine: What?! What happened?

(Mr. Grumpy gets out of the car)

Mr. Grumpy: Nothing. Suddenly had the urge to get a little exercise.

(Mr. Grumpy closes the car door)

Mr. Grumpy: I'll walk home from here.

Miss Sunshine: Okie dokie! Great traveling with you!

(Little Miss Sunshine drives away)

Mr. Grumpy: It's unnatural to be that happy.

(The camera zooms out to reveal Mr. Tickle conducting the Dillydale Glee Club. The Dillydale Glee Club consists of Mr. Bounce, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Persnickety, Mr. Scatterbrain, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Messy)

Mr. Tickle: Okay, Dillydale Glee Club! Ready to rehearse?

(Mr. Tickle takes out his conductor's baton, music starts in the background, and the Dillydale Glee Club starts singing)

Dillydale Glee Club: 🎵Be it sail, whale, quail, or nightingale...🎵

(The camera cuts to Mr. Bounce and Mr. Small. Mr. Bounce is bouncing up and down while singing)

Mr. Bounce and Mr. Small: 🎵Everything is happy in...🎵

(The camera cuts to Mr. Scatterbrain and Little Miss Chatterbox. Mr. Scatterbrain is singing through a sock puppet ala ventriloquism but only ends up humming the song)

Mr. Scatterbrain (through the sock puppet) and Miss Chatterbox: 🎵Dillydale. There's never any reason...🎵

(The camera cuts to Mr. Happy and Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy is eating pizza as he sings)

Mr. Happy and Mr. Messy: 🎵To be crabby, mad, or frumpy...🎵

(The camera cuts to Mr. Nosey and Mr. Persnickety. Mr. Nosey is reading the lyrics to the song over Mr. Persnickety's shoulder)

Mr. Nosey and Mr. Persnickety: 🎵Unless you're a certain...🎵

(Everyone gestures over to Mr. Grumpy)

Dillydale Glee Club: 🎵Mr. Grumpy!🎵

(The song ends and Mr. Grumpy throws his hat onto the ground in annoyance)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!!

(Mr. Grumpy storms off. Everyone in the Dillydale Glee Club except Mr. Happy and Mr. Scatterbrain frown as Mr. Grumpy leaves. Then Mr. Grumpy returns to get his hat. Mr. Grumpy hugs his hat before storming off again. Then the scene iris' out. The first bumper plays. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown blowing a whistle while directing traffic. Little Miss Sunshine drives up when Mr. Scatterbrain sees something)

Elephant (offscreen): (trumpets)

(Mr. Scatterbrain stops Little Miss Sunshine's car and lets an elephant cross the street)

Elephant: (trumpets)

(Little Miss Sunshine looks at the viewers in bewilderment before continuing her drive. Mr. Stubborn drives up with Little Miss Helpful, Mr. Quiet, and Little Miss Chatterbox as his passengers. They drive onto the scene to transition it to the next one. The next scene takes place at a race track)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Drivers, to the starting line!

(Fanfare is heard. The scene cuts to Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Quiet walking by and Little Miss Helpful pushing Little Miss Scary and her car to the starting line)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Drivers, to the starting line!

Miss Scary: Good work, Miss Helpful.

Miss Helpful: Thank you for letting me be your assistant, Miss Scary.

(Little Miss Helpful wipes some sweat off her brow)

Miss Helpful: I love helping.

Miss Scary: After the race, I just might let you help me wash the car!

(A car horn is heard offscreen. Mr. Rude pulls up next to Little Miss Scary with Mr. Strong pushing his car)

Mr. Rude: I bet this big truck is a little much for you! Eh, Mr. Strong?

(Mr. Strong is shown to be pushing Mr. Rude's truck with one finger)

Mr. Strong: Oh, yo! Not really. Piece of cake, Mr. Rude.

(Mr. Rude and Little Miss Scary pull up to the starting line. Mr. Small pulls up next to Mr. Rude and Little Miss Scary with Mr. Nosey pushing his car. Mr. Small honks his car horn and raises his hat to greet his fellow racer)

Mr. Small: Good tidings, fellow competitors!

(A loud car horn catches the attention of Mr. Small, Little Miss Scary, and Mr. Rude. Little Miss Daredevil pulls up next to the other racers with Mr. Quiet pushing her rocket racer. Little Miss Daredevil opens up the hatch to talk to the others)

Miss Daredevil: You guys don't have a chance against my rocket racer. It's got the power of 800 horses!

Mr. Small: Well, that may be true. This car has the power of a one-legged ostrich.

Mr. Nosey: Uh, Mr. Small is right. Have you ever tried to catch a one-legged ostrich? Ho-ho! They're fast.

Mr. Rude: Fast? I'll show you fast!

(Mr. Rude farts and the Angry Heads appear)

Angry Heads: MR. RUDE!!!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Rude rolling up the window in his car. Then, the scene cuts to Mr. Quiet noticing gum on Little Miss Daredevil's car bumper)

Mr. Quiet: Uh. Uh, Miss Daredevil?

(Mr. Quiet tries to remove the gum from the bumper only to get his hand stuck)

Mr. Quiet: No! Ugh! Oh!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Noisy at the racing podium)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Mr. Men and Little Misses, start your engines!

(The racers start their engines and Mr. Quiet struggles to free himself)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Ready...

(Mr. Persnickety prepares to wave the green flag)

Mr. Quiet: Uh, no! No! I-

(Mr. Persnickety doesn't see Mr. Quiet)

Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)

(Mr. Persnickety waves the green flag and Little Miss Scary, Mr. Small, Mr. Rude, and Little Miss Daredevil (with Mr. Quiet in tow) take off from the starting line and begin the race)

Mr. Quiet: No! Woah!!!

(Mr. Quiet starts pounding on the car to try and get Little Miss Daredevil's attention. It works, but Little Miss Daredevil doesn't see Mr. Quiet)

Miss Daredevil: Uh oh! Sounds like my engine is knocking! That could be trouble! Maybe if I speed up?

(Little Miss Daredevil slams down on the gas pedal and speeds up)

Mr. Quiet: (screams)

(The four racers continue zooming around the track)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Our four racers couldn't be closer!

(Mr. Small honks his car horn and pulls ahead of the pack. Mr. Small drives in front of Little Miss Scary. Little Miss Scary pushes a button which turns her front grill into a scary monster face. Mr. Small sees the face in his rearview mirror)

Miss Scary (offscreen): AH!!!!

Mr. Small: (gasps)

(Mr. Small swerves out of the way in terror)

Miss Scary: (snorts and laughs)

(Mr. Rude drives next to Little Miss Daredevil)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): What a race! It looks like Miss Daredevil!

(Mr. Quiet is still hanging on because of the gum)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): No wait! It's Mr. Rude!

(Little Miss Scary drives up)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): No! It's Miss Scary!

(Mr. Small pulls ahead)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Now, Mr. Small!

(Little Miss Daredevil slams on the gas pedal)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Now, Mr. Rude!

(Little Miss Daredevil starts pulling ahead of the pack)

Mr. Quiet: (moans)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Wait! It's Miss Daredevil by a bumper!

(Little Miss Daredevil pulls ahead of Mr. Small)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): Miss Daredevil has just won the Dillydale 500!

(Little Miss Daredevil crosses the finish line and Mr. Persnickety waves the checkered flag Little Miss Daredevil slams her foot on the brake and comes to a screeching stop. Mr. Quiet is flung across the area with the gum detaching from the rocket)

Mr. Quiet: Woah!

(Little Miss Daredevil lifts the hatch of her rocket racer and stands up)

Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Hey!

(Mr. Quiet crashes into something offscreen)

Crowd of People (offscreen): (cheers)

(Little Miss Daredevil pumps her fists in celebration)

Miss Daredevil: Hey, Mr. Quiet! Don't just sit there! We've got work to do!

(Mr. Quiet is shown stuck in a tire)

Mr. Quiet: (moans)

(The scene iris' out and the next bumper plays. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown blowing a whistle while directing traffic. Little Miss Sunshine drives up when Mr. Scatterbrain sees something. Mr. Scatterbrain stops Little Miss Sunshine's car and lets a giant laser shooting robot cross the street. As the robot does so, it disintegrates a tree, the top of a building, and a lamppost. Little Miss Sunshine looks at the viewers in bewilderment before continuing her drive. Mr. Persnickety looks at the screen in disgust, then cleans the screen with cleaner and a rag and drops down smiling. The next scene shows two cars racing on a figure eight track. Mr. Nervous is shown as one of the racers)

Mr. Nervous: Geh! You can do it, Mr. Nervous! Just one more lap! One more little lap!

(Little Miss Scary pulls up next to Mr. Nervous. Revealing that she is the other driver)

Mr. Nervous: G'oh! (screams) Miss Scary!

Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts) Ready to eat my dust, Mr. Nervous?

Mr. Nervous: Oh! I would never eat dust! Full of dirt and bad things you should never put into your mouth!

Miss Scary: I mean, are you ready to lose?

Mr. Nervous: Actually, I'm ready to turn and go back!

(Little Miss Scary points at something)

Miss Scary: Too late to turn back now, Mr. Nervous!

(Mr. Nervous sees what Little Miss Scary was pointing at)

Mr. Nervous: Gah!

(The scene cuts to a narrow curve in the track)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): There's hardly enough room for one car, let alone two!

Miss Scary: That's the point!

(Little Miss Scary and Mr. Nervous' car wheels bump into each other)

Mr. Nervous: Gah! Too close! Too close!

(Mr. Nervous approaches the narrow curve)

Mr. Nervous: Gah! No! N-n-n-no! (screams)

(The daydream sequence ends and it is revealed that Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Scary were playing with remote control cars. Mr. Nervous ends up ramming his car into a flower pot while Little Miss Scary's car passes Mr. Nervous')

Mr. Nervous: Gah!

Miss Scary: I win!

(Mr. Nervous throws his controller down in frustration)

Mr. Nervous: (grunts) Who builds a road barely wide enough for a bicycle?

(Mr. Nervous walks away)

Miss Scary: Gee! He almost seemed like he was having fun that time!

(The screen iris' out and the next scene begins. Mr. Persnickety is shown knocking on the door of Mr. Stubborn's house. Mr. Stubborn answers the door)

Mr. Stubborn: Yes, Mr. Persnickety?

Mr. Persnickety: Good morning, Mr. Stubborn. I understand you have a car for sale.

Mr. Stubborn: Yes!

Mr. Persnickety: Well I'm looking to buy a car. Something clean and well-maintained, preferably the color blue with gray interior.

Mr. Stubborn: I have just the car for you!

Mr. Persnickety: Oh goodie! I knew this would be my lucky day!

(Mr. Stubborn brings Mr. Persnickety in for a side hug)

Mr. Stubborn: The car is in perfect condition.

Mr. Persnickety: Perfect! Well...(chuckles) then why are you selling it?

(Mr. Persnickety takes Mr. Stubborn's arm off his shoulder)

Mr. Stubborn: Why should I keep all the good cars for myself?

Mr. Persnickety: Very generous of you. Well, where is it? All I can see is a rusty old wreck.

(The camera cuts to an old car that is in need of serious repairs)

Mr. Stubborn: That is not a rusty old wreck, that's the car for sale!

(Mr. Persnickety looks at the car)

Mr. Persnickety (offscreen): But it''s...

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Persnickety: Disgusting!

Mr. Stubborn: Try to contain your enthusiasm! Come! Let's take it for a test drive!

Mr. Persnickety: That's not necessary, Mr. Stubborn!

(Mr. Stubborn takes out a set of keys)

Mr. Stubborn: You must test drive a car before buying one! Don't you know anything? Here! Catch!

(Mr. Stubborn throws the keys to Mr. Persnickety. Mr. Persnickety catches the keys. The scene transitions to Mr. Persnickety driving the car with Mr. Stubborn as his passenger)

Mr. Persnickety: The steering wheel feels a little loose.

(The scene cuts inside the car)

Mr. Persnickety: Uh, not to mention covered in grease and grime!

(Mr. Persnickety shows Mr. Stubborn his grease covered hand)

Mr. Stubborn: That is not grease and grime!

(Mr. Persnickety looks down to see the gas pedal)

Mr. Persnickety: And half of the gas pedal is missing.

Mr. Stubborn: It is not missing! It is just small!

Mr. Persnickety: No. I can clearly see where the pedal snapped in half!

Mr. Stubborn: You are wrong!

(Mr. Persnickety looks at the gauge and sees the car is going a hundred miles an hour when the car is clearly going much slower)

Mr. Persnickety (offscreen): That gauge must me broken.

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Persnickety: It says we're going a hundred miles an hour.

Mr. Stubborn: There's nothing wrong with that gauge!

Mr. Persnickety: It just doesn't seem like we're going that fast!

Mr. Stubborn: Of course we are!

(Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Stubborn look out of the car window. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown riding a turtle that passes Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: They don't build them like this anymore!

(Mr. Persnickety sees black smoke coming out of the exhaust via his rearview mirror)

Mr. Persnickety: What about all that black smoke?

Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): What smoke?

Mr. Persnickety: The smoke pouring from the exhaust!

Mr. Stubborn: That let's you know the engine is working fine!

(Mr. Persnickety slams down on the brake and the car stops. Mr. Persnickety gets out of the car. Upon closing his door, Mr. Stubborn's door opens and falls off the car)

Mr. Persnickety: Oh! This is the worst car I have ever seen!!

(Mr. Stubborn marches over)

Mr. Stubborn: If that's your attitude, I'm not selling it to you!

Mr. Persnickety: Good!

Mr. Stubborn: I would give it away before I let you buy it!

Mr. Persnickety: That's fine. Because I don't want it!

Mr. Stubborn: I promise you, you are the one person on Earth who will never ever own this car!

(Mr. Persnickety has second thoughts upon hearing Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Persnickety: Hold on here! I have every right to buy that horrible machine!

(Mr. Persnickety marches to Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Persnickety: And that's just what I'll do!

Mr. Stubborn: No!

Mr. Persnickety: Yes!

Mr. Stubborn: No! I will not sell you this car!


(The scene transitions to Mr. Persnickety in the rusty car)

Mr. Persnickety: Let this be a lesson to you Mr. Stubborn, the customer is always right!

(Mr. Persnickety drives away. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey rise up in a hot air balloon to transition the scene. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown blowing a whistle while directing traffic. Little Miss Sunshine drives up when Mr. Scatterbrain sees something. Mr. Scatterbrain stops Little Miss Sunshine's car and lets a train zoom by. In a blink and miss moment, the viewers can see Little Miss Daredevil riding the train in her hover car. Little Miss Sunshine looks at the viewers in bewilderment before continuing her drive. A notebook appears. A pencil draws Mr. Happy's outline, then a paint can fills him in. Mr. Happy waves to the viewer)

Mr. Happy: Ha-ha!

(The notebook goes away and the scene transitions to outside Dillydale Hospital. Little Miss Whoops is wheeling Mr. Bump outside)

Miss Whoops: Here you go, Mr. Bump.

Mr. Bump: Thanks, Miss Whoops. Uh, now who did you say was coming to take me home?

Miss Whoops: Mr. Scatterbrain.

Mr. Bump: G'oh! Maybe I should've called a cab.

Miss Whoops: Don't be silly! Mr. Scatterbrain was happy to do it.

(Mr. Scatterbrain shows up in his car honking the car horn. The car horn makes an "Aoogah" sound)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Sorry I'm late! Heh-heh! I had to return a wrench to a monkey!

Miss Whoops: Take good care of yourself, Mr. Bump.

(Little Miss Whoops leaves. Mr. Scatterbrain lets three penguins out of his car)

Penguins: (squawking)

Mr. Scatterbrain: See ya, fellas!

(Mr. Scatterbrain bows)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Here you go, Mr. Bump.

(Mr. Bump gets out of the wheelchair and walks over)

Mr. Bump: Are you sure this isn't too much trouble?

(Mr. Bump gets into the car)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! No trouble at all!

(Mr. Scatterbrain closes the car door. Suddenly, the airbags activate and squish Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Ow!

Mr. Scatterbrain: It's good to know, those still work.

(Mr. Scatterbrain gets into the car, pops the airbag with a pin, tosses the pin away, and starts driving. Mr. Scatterbrain almost loses his hat in the process, but reclaims it at the last second. As the two drive along the road, they reach a red light)

Mr. Bump: Uh, red light, Mr. Scatterbrain! Red light!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! I love this game!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes his hands off the wheel and covers his eyes. They end up speeding through the red light)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

Mr. Scatterbrain: One, two, three, red light!

(Mr. Bump slams into the windshield)

Mr. Bump: Oh! No! No!

(Mr. Bump grabs the steering wheel)

Mr. Bump: Hands on wheel! TRUCK!!!

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Bump almost hit a truck driven by Little Miss Helpful but they steer clear of it at the last minute)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Bump drive through a chicken coop)

Chickens (from inside the coop): (clucking)

(Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Bump exit the chicken coop with a chicken on Mr. Bump's head. The chicken starts pecking at Mr. Bump's head)

Mr. Bump (overlap): Oh! Ow! Oh!

Mr. Scatterbrain (overlap): (laughs) I usually don't pick up hitchhikers...

Mr. Bump: Ack! Ooh!

Mr. Scatterbrain: But who could refuse a chicken!

Mr. Bump: Gah! Oh! Hurts!

(The chicken gets off Mr. Bump's head and leaves)

Chicken: (clucks)

Mr. Bump: Ow.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Boy! I guess it never pay to make a chicken mad.

(One of the back tires of the car pops and the car starts swerving)

Mr. Bump: (screams) G'oh!

(The scene cuts to a ramp with Mr. Quiet on one side and Little Miss Daredevil on the other. They see Mr. Bump and Mr. Scatterbrain approaching)

Mr. Quiet (overlap): Oh?

Miss Daredevil (overlap): Uh oh!

(The car rides the ramp and takes flight. Little Miss Daredevil is in shock)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The car lands in front of Mr. Bump's house)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well, your home.

(Mr. Bump tumbles out of the car)

Mr. Bump: Oh, thank goodness. Uh...thanks for the ride, Mr. Scatterbrain. I'll never forget it.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Sure thing, Mr. Bump. (chuckles) Anytime!

(Mr. Scatterbrain puts his car into reverse, drives backwards, and hits a lamppost)

Mr. Bump: No!

(The lamppost falls down and crashes into Mr. Bump's house offscreen; Mr. Scatterbrain drives away)

Mr. Bump: You never learn.

(The scene iris' out and the next scene shows Mr. Bounce driving along the road)

Narrator: And so it is...

(Little Miss Whoops is shown driving a truck)

Narrator: That in Dillydale...

(Mr. Rude is shown driving his truck, Mr. Noisy is shown driving his car, and Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Persnickety are shown driving the rusty car)

Narrator: No matter if you like to creep along slowly...

(Little Miss Scary zooms past Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Persnickety in her car)

Narrator: Or zoom super fast...

(Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Sunshine are shown driving their cars)

Narrator: Everyone loves driving their cars.

(Mr. Scatterbrain is shown directing traffic. Mr. Strong is shown driving in his flatbed truck with Mr. Lazy riding on top asleep in his car. Mr. Scatterbrain sees something and stops Mr. Strong's car)

Narrator: Of course, come cars are more fun to drive than others.

Mr. Lazy: (snores)

(Little Miss Daredevil drives by and the episode ends)

Site navigation

The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests