These are stories that come from the Annuals.
All items (491)
- Say Hello to the Mr. Men
- Shadow Shapes with Little Miss Somersault
- Shadows
- Snow White and the Mr. Men
- Spot the Difference
- Spot the Difference with Little Miss Naughty
- Spot the Difference with Walter the Worm
- Spot the Differences with Little Miss Bossy and Little Miss Greedy
- Spot the Differences with Mr. Bump and Mr. Messy
- SSSHH! Quiet Please!
- Take Your Partners...
- Tea Time Puzzle
- Team Orange, Team Blue
- Tell a Story
- Termites
- The Boat Trip
- The Broken Vase
- The Cleverest Person in the World
- The Dillydale Gymnastics Contest
- The Dillydale Relay Race
- The Egg and Spoon Race
- The Great Egg Race
- The Jumble Sale
- The Lost Handbag
- The Missing Jigsaw Piece
- The Mr. Men and Little Miss Mastermind Quiz
- The Mr. Men Annual No. 1 (1980)
- The Mr. Men Annual No. 2 (1981)
- The Mr. Men Annual No. 3 (1982)
- The Mr. Men Annual No. 4 (1983)
- The Mr. Men Annual No. 5 (1984)
- The Mr. Men Annual No. 6 (1985)
- The Mr. Men Annual No. 7 (1986)
- The Mr. Men Annual No. 8 (1987)
- The Picnic
- The Race is On
- The See-Saw
- The See-Saw Puzzle
- The Snow Mess
- The Tickle Express
- The Visitor
- The Wrong Road
- Things That Go Bump! Crash! Splash!
- Three Mr. Men in a Boat
- Tickle Time
- Topsy-Turvy Puzzles