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Mr. Men Wiki

Christmas Eve With Mr. Bump is a story from the 1984 Annual.


Mr. Bump is hanging Christmas decorations around his house. He tries to hang his Christmas stocking only to bang his thumb with a hammer. OUCH! Mr. Bump then proceeds to hang the lights on his tree. Regretfully, he falls off the ladder and injures his foot. Now he can't finish decorating for Christmas. It's a good thing he has so many friends around who can help out. Now THAT'S the Christmas spirit!

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Annuals, Activities, & Stories
The Mr. Men Annual No. 1 (1980) Mr. Nosey's New Stilts|Mr. Happy's Fun Page|Mr. Bump's Christmas Wish|Mr. Strong and the Windy Day|Mr. Fussy's Fuss Pots|Mr. Noisy's Quiet Day|Mr. Clever's Crossword Puzzle|Mr. Silly's Page of Fun|Mr. Dizzy the Famous Author|Mr. Tickle Lends a Hand|Mr. Busy's Iced Biscuits|Mr. Rush|Mr. Wrong's Not Quite Right Page|Mr. Jelly's Frightful Day|Mr. Greedy's Cat And Mouse Game|Mr. Impossible Goes Visiting|Mr. Daydream's Daydream|Mr. Small's Picture Puzzles|Mr. Forgetful's Unforgettable Party|Mr. Men Pop Up Party Cards|A Topsy-Turvy Walk|Mr. Tall and the Balloon Race|Mr. Nosey's Let's Find Out Page|Mr. Bounce|A Surprise for Mr. Mischief|Mr. Slow|Mr. Clumsy's Christmas|Mr. Funny's Joke Page|Mr. Mean's Magic Money|Mr. Muddle's Puzzles|Snow White and the Mr. Men
The Mr. Men Annual No. 2 (1981) Mr. Mischief’s Holiday|Mr. Funny’s Special Delivery|Laugh and Have Fun with Mr. Tickle|Mr. Strong's Egg Box Buggy|Mr. Forgetful|Mr. Bump and the Birthday Party|Mr. Greedy’s Picnic|Mr. Dizzy's Dotty Puzzles|Mr. Daydream’s Daydream|Mr. Happy’s Mystery Tour|Mr. Jelly and the Scarecrow|Mr. Muddle Finds a Job|Mr. Noisy and the Fire Brigade|Mr. Nosey|A Silly Day with Mr. Nonsense|Mr. Mean|Mr. Impossible and The Emperor’s New Clothes
The Mr. Men Annual No. 3 (1982) A Job for Mr. Small|Mr. Jelly in the Park|Mr. Fussy and the Falling Leaves|Mr. Tickle's Christmas Eve|Mr. Nonsense|Mr. Worry's Washing Day|Mr. Mean and the Rainy Day|A Day With Mr. Busy|Mr. Dizzy and the Wishing Well|A Surprise for Mr. Sneeze|Mr. Noisy|Mr. Impossible and the Rainbow|Mr. Silly and the Blue Moon|Mr. Uppity and the Goblins' Party
The Mr. Men Annual No. 4 (1983) Mr. Worry and the Weather|A Long Chat|A Quiet Surprise|The Boat Trip|A Dizzy Sum|Mr. Greedy Keeps Fit|A Day with Mr. Jelly|Mr. Small’s Week|Mr. Nosey’s Holiday|At Home with Mr. Messy|Mr. Muddle Goes Shopping|A Winter Holiday with Mr. Sneeze|What Nonsense!|Mr. Strong and the Holiday Express|Mr. Happy and the Christmas Lights
The Mr. Men Annual No. 5 (1984) Mr. Nonsense Wins a Cup|A Day at the Fair|Mr. Small's Adventure

A Visit to the Zoo With Mr. Tickle|Mr. Daydream and the Football Match|A Happy Ending|Mr. Dizzy's Clever Idea|Mr. Forgetful's Seaside Holiday|Mr. Mischief's Birthday|Christmas Eve With Mr. Bump|Mr. Nosey Learns a Lesson|Mr. Happy's Christmas Pudding|Make a Noisy Puppet

The Mr. Men Annual No. 6 (1985) A Week With Mr. Strong|Little Miss Bossy's New Hat|Mr. Rush Goes on Holiday|Name the Books|Mr. Greedy's Breakfast|A Dotty Birthday Present|At the Seaside with Mr. Small|The Picnic|Christmas With Mr. Worry|On the Farm with Mr. Bounce|A Funny Party|The Cleverest Person in the World
The Mr. Men Annual No. 7 (1986) A Bad Dream|Mr. Nosey's New Job|Mr. Happy on Holiday|Little Miss Fickle's Diary|A Funny Day|The See-Saw|Mr. Tickle in Twoland|Mr. Dizzy and the Clever Pig|Mr. Small's Night Out|What's the Time?
The Mr. Men Annual No. 8 (1987) A Lunch to Remember|Little Miss Helpful on the Farm|Mr. Muddle's Story Time Puzzle|Mr. Small the Great Inventor|Mr. Funny Wins a Cup|At the Bus Stop|Mr. Bump Buys a Car|Mr. Mischief's New Year
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1992 A Lunch to Remember|Little Miss Dotty's Soccer Special|A Bad Dream|Little Miss Scatterbrain Saves the Day|Mr. Small's Night Out|At the Bus Stop|Little Miss Shy's Marvellous Marbles|Mr. Funny Wins a Cup|What's the Time?|Little Miss Splendid's Picnic Surprise|Mr. Mischief's New Year
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1993 Mr. Greedy's Dream|Mr. Nosey's New Job|The Snow Mess|The Egg and Spoon Race|Mr. Nonsense's Daft Ditties|Mr. Lazy's Picnic|Mr. Small's Big Adventure|The Race is On|Mr. Quiet and the Donkey|Mr. Noisy's Musical Instruments|A Conversation|Mr. Greedy's Pizza Faces|Little Miss Plump's Sail Boats|Little Miss Giggles' Silly Riddles|Little Miss Dotty's Dot-to-Dot Picture|Mr. Busy's Not So Busy Day|The See-Saw Puzzle|Wriggly Worms|Mr. Mean's Party
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1996 Mr. Tickle's Special Day|Mr. Nosey and the Bees|Mr. Sneeze's New Job|Little Miss Contrary|Mr. Noisy and the Worms|Mr. Funny's Funny Day|Mr. Bounce at Wimbledon|Little Miss Shy and the Twins |Mr. Clever and Fred the Flea|Mr. Silly's Silly Day|Little Miss Scatterbrains's Tea Party|Mr. Messy Meets Mr. Neat and Mr. Tidy|Mr. Bump and the Tyres|Mr. Fussy Goes for a Drive |A Lesson for Mr. Mean|Mr. Topsy-Turvy Meets Mr. Cheerful| Little Miss Bossy and the Bossy Boots|Mr. Impossible Goes Flying|Mr. Uppity Saves the Day
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1997 Mr. Happy|Mr. Clever's Falling Over Dance|Mr. Silly Gets Wet!|The Great Egg Race|Little Miss Trouble|Who Ate All The Cakes|Mr. Nosey|Little Miss Dotty's Band|The Lost Handbag|Little Miss Bossy|Mr. Greedy|Dandelion Counting|Mr. Tickle|SSSHH! Quiet Please!|Mr. Small and his Tin of Beans|Mr. Noisy Plays the Drums|Little Miss Naughty|The Broken Vase|Mr. Sneeze|Little Miss Sunshine|Little Miss Neat|Little Miss Giggles and the Sheep|The Jumble Sale|Mr. Bump|A Very Clean House|Little Miss Helpful
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1998 Mr. Tickle|Little Miss Bossy|Mr. Greedy's Guessing Game|The Missing Jigsaw Piece|Mr. Nosey|Little Miss Busy and the Lucky Horse Shoe|Little Miss Trouble|Mr. Daydream's Best Dream Ever|Mr. Happy and the Windy Day|Mr. Bump|A Day at the Seaside|Mr. Clumsy's Game of Football
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 1999 Mr. Happy in Happyland|Mr. Funny's Holiday Postcards|Mr. Clever Helps Mr. Dizzy|Funny Things Happen in Nonsenseland|Little Miss Twins in Twoland|Mr. Rush in Sleepyland|Mr. Sneeze in Coldland|Little Miss Shy Plays Hide and Seek|Little Miss Contrary in Muddleland|Mr. Dizzy in Cleverland|Mr. Bump's Bumpy Foggy Day
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 2000 Mr. Tickle and the Juggler|Catch the Rabbits with Little Miss Twins|Shadow Shapes with Little Miss Somersault|Little Miss Bossy's Fancy Dress Party|Mr. Nosey's Dream|Little Miss Sunshine's Sunny Garden|Mr. Happy at the Seaside|Things That Go Bump! Crash! Splash!|Little Miss Contrary's Day|Little Miss Naughty Goes for a Swim
Mr. Men and Little Miss Annual 2010 Rainy Day|Mr. Stubborn Plans a Picnic|Mr. Pernickety's Sofa|Mr. Quiet's Umbrella|Physical|Mr. Lazy's Aerobics Class|The Dillydale Gymnastics Contest|Mr. Bounce's Hole in One|The Dillydale Relay Race|Farm|Mr. Pernickety Feeds the Pigs|Mr. Bump and Little Miss Whoops Go Haymaking|Tell a Story|Mr. Grumpy's Corn Field|Bugs|The Tickle Express|The Visitor|Mr. Scatterbrain's Invention|Termites