Christmas With Mr. Worry is a story from the 1985 Annual.
Poor Mr. Worry just couldn't help but worry. He worried about everything and anything. He even worried at Christmastime. Actually, that isn't surprising as there is tons of things to do to prepare for the holiday: Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, decorating the tree, the most wonderful time of the year can bring tons of worry. Especially for Mr. Worry.
Mr. Worry worried if he bought enough presents and if he will be able to wrap them all by the time Christmas arrived. Mr. Worried worried that the lights on the Christmas tree wouldn't light, if they would burn out while lit, or if they wouldn't be able to turn off. But the thing Mr. Worry worried most was Father Christmas. He worried that he wouldn't come or if he got stuck in the chimney.
Fortunately, that particular Christmas, Father Christmas did arrive and Mr. Worry didn't worry at all when opening his presents. He got just what he wanted! No reason to worry...that is, until Little Miss Helpful showed up to help Mr. Worry cook Christmas dinner. And if anyone can worry Mr. Worry more, it's Little Miss Helpful. She tried to help Mr. Worry but she just made things worse. Little Miss Helpful burnt the turkey, dropped the Christmas pudding, tripped over a mat and broke Mr. Worry's best china bowl! Oh dear, everything Mr. Worry worried about going wrong with his holiday meal wound up happening! To make matters more worrisome, Little Miss Helpful said that she'll come back tomorrow to clean-up the mess she made. Now THAT'S something to truly worry about!