Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Cinema." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Skyscrapers" Next: "Getting Around"

UK transcript[]

Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big blue screen comes up with "Cinema" written on it, Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Chatterbox sitting down to watch a movie, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of a film projector starting up is heard)

(The episode begins with Mr. Tall, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Daredevil, and Little Miss Whoops waiting outside the Dillydale Cineplex. Mr. Happy is the usher collecting their tickets)

Narrator: Cinemas are wonderful places! You can, of course, watch a movie at home...

(Little Miss Whoops gives Mr. Happy her ticket)

Narrator: But there's really no comparison to seeing a film on the big screen!

(Little Miss Whoops runs inside and knocks down a sign as she enters the theater. This leads to a chain reaction that knocks down the stanchions that hit Mr. Bump as he is getting his popcorn)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump falls head first into his popcorn and Mr. Messy gives a ta-da pose)

Narrator: With the delicious smell of fresh popcorn...

(The scene transitions to Mr. Nosey getting comfortable in his movie chair and places Mr. Small in one of the cup holders)

Mr. Nosey: (grunts)

Narrator: And the plush comfortable seats with the handy cupholders.

Mr. Small: Ah!

(A wide shot of the movie theatre shows Mr. Noisy, Mr. Tickle and Little Miss Daredevil in the back row, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Strong, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Lazy in the next row, Mr. Scatterbrain, Little Miss Scary, Mr. Bump, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Small in the row after that, Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Stubborn in the row after that, and Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Naughty, and Mr. Quiet in the front row)

Narrator: It's fun for everyone!

(Mr. Tall enters the theatre and sits in the front row. More specifically, the seat in front of Mr. Grumpy)

Narrator: Except, for the person that has to sit behind Mr. Tall.

(Mr. Tall blocks Mr. Grumpy's view of the screen)

Mr. Grumpy: (groans)

(Mr. Grumpy moves to the furthest seat toward the right of the second row. Little Miss Chatterbox walks over carrying a bag of popcorn)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh, hi Mr. Grumpy! Is that seat taken?

Mr. Grumpy: No, Miss Chatterbox. Go ahead.

(Little Miss Chatterbox sits next to Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Chatterbox: Wow, great seats! Not too close, not too far. Just right in the middle.

Mr. Grumpy: I always come early to get the best seat. I've been looking forward to this film for weeks!

Miss Chatterbox: Oh it's really, really good. I saw it last night.

Mr. Grumpy: You've already seen it?

Miss Chatterbox: Oh, I like to see films more than once! That way I can find out what I missed the first time I watched it. I wonder why I miss stuff?

Mr. Grumpy: Hmm.

Miss Chatterbox: Do you ever miss stuff, Mr. Grumpy?

Mr. Grumpy: No! But that's probably because I don't talk nonstop!

(The lights dim and the film begins)

Mr. Grumpy: Now shush! The film's starting!

Miss Chatterbox: So, want to know what happens?

Mr. Grumpy (in a quiet voice): Absolutely not!

Miss Chatterbox: Alright. There's this trout this kangaroo

Mr. Grumpy: Hmmph!

Miss Chatterbox: And they become best friends, even though they're like really, really different. But then they stop speaking to each other because the kangaroo is a better boxer!

Mr. Grumpy (in a quiet voice): I do not want to know what happens!

Miss Chatterbox: Okay! No problemo!

Mr. Grumpy: Hmph!

Miss Chatterbox: That's Italian for "no problem." So what do we want to talk about?

Mr. Grumpy (in a quiet voice): Nothing! I have a strict rule; No talking in the cinema!

Miss Chatterbox: (giggles) Wow! I never heard of that rule. (giggles) But there are probably lots of rules that I don't know about.

Mr. Grumpy: Hmm!

Miss Chatterbox: Like, "don't wear snowshoes on a dance floor." (giggles) That's got to be a rule in the North Pole or somewhere.

Mr. Grumpy: Shush! We're here to watch the film!

(The camera zooms out to show the entire audience)

Audience (overlap): SHHHH!

Mr. Strong (overlap): Shush!

Mr. Grumpy: It wasn't me! It was her!

(The camera zooms back in on Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Chatterbox. Little Miss Chatterbox pretends to zip her lips closed (complete with the sound effects of a zipper zipping up) and pretends to throw away the pull tab. The sound of the imaginary pull tab hitting the floor is heard. Mr. Rude walks into the theater wearing a big top hat and sits in the front row. More specifically, the seat in front of Mr. Grumpy. This blocks Mr. Grumpy's view of the screen)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! If he doesn't take off that hat, I'm gonna call the manager!

Miss Chatterbox: Oh! You broke in no talking rule! (chuckles) Does that mean I can talk too now?

Mr. Grumpy: No! Mr. Rude, your hat's blocking my view of the movie!

Mr. Rude: Tell it to someone who cares!

(Mr. Grumpy starts poking at Mr. Rude. Mr. Rude shoos Mr. Grumpy's hand away in retaliation)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

Mr. Rude: Stop poking me!

Mr. Grumpy: Are you going to take off that ridiculous hat or not?

Mr. Rude: This hat does not leave my head! It's part of my new look!

(Little Miss Helpful walks over holding a torch light)

Miss Helpful: Gentlemen, I'm the cinema manager! What seems to be the problem?

Mr. Rude: Miss Helpful! This man is disturbing me!

Miss Helpful: Well, we certainly don't want that while you're trying to watch a film.

Mr. Grumpy: Do you see that big hat he's wearing?

Miss Helpful: Oh yes, I do! And I must say, it looks very nice on you, Mr. Rude.

Mr. Rude: Of course it does!

Mr. Grumpy: But it's blocking my view!

(Mr. Grumpy realizes he's not going to get Mr. Rude to take off his hat)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, never mind! I'll find a new seat! Oh you people are...

(Mr. Grumpy gets up and moves to a seat in the middle of the back row)

Mr. Grumpy: Great. The only seats left are in the very last row. Who would want to sit this far back? You could barely see!

(Little Miss Chatterbox shows up and sits to the left of Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Chatterbox: I can tell you what happens to the trout if you can't see that well. Wait! I thought she was a he?

(Mr. Noisy sits down at the end of the row sitting to the right of Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Noisy is eating is popcorn incredibly loudly)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! Mr. Noisy!

Mr. Grumpy (whispering): Can you please eat your popcorn more quietly?

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): I was not aware that I was eating loudly!!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

(The wall cracks and the crack goes up to the ceiling. This causes a piece of the ceiling to fall onto Mr. Grumpy's head)

Mr. Grumpy (in a whisper): Oh!

(Mr. Noisy eats another loud bite of popcorn)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! Crooked cucumbers, that's it!

(Little Miss Helpful walks over)

Mr. Grumpy: Mr. Noisy is ruining the film!

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Who?! Me?!

(The room shakes ferociously. A chandelier hanging from the ceiling over Mr. Bump falls down. Mr. Bump looks up and realizes what's about to happen)

Mr. Bump: Oh, poopity poop!

(The chandelier lands on Mr. Bump and Mr. Bump is knocked to the ground)

Mr. Bump: Oof!

(Little Miss Scary (who was sitting right of Mr. Bump) looks in annoyance while Mr. Nosey (who was sitting left of Mr. Bump) looks in concern)

Mr. Bump: Ow!

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Helpful: Mr. Grumpy, why don't you follow me? We'll find you another seat.

Mr. Grumpy: Where? There aren't any seats left!

Miss Helpful: Oh! We cinema managers always have a few folding chairs for emergencies just like this!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy sitting very, very close to the screen to the point where he has to look up. Little Miss Chatterbox then walks over to sit with him)

Miss Chatterbox: Ooh! These are great seats!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh.

Miss Chatterbox: Don't you think, Mr. Grumpy? I mean, how often do you get to sit this close?

Mr. Grumpy: Could you tell me what I missed!?

Audience (offscreen and overlap): SHHHH!

Mr. Noisy (offscreen and overlap): SHUSH!!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

(Little Miss Chatterbox waves to everyone)

Miss Chatterbox: Hi!

(The scene iris' out and transitions to a bumper where Mr. Nosey offers Little Miss Sunshine some popcorn. She digs around for a moment until she feels something odd. She pulls it out and reveals Mr. Small hiding in the popcorn. The scene transitions to the next scene. At the cineplex, everyone is preparing to watch a trailer)

Narrator: For some Mr. Men and Little Misses, the best part of going to the cinema is the trailers.

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): Coming soon to a cinema near you, it's The Sunken Treasure of the Salty Sea!

(The camera zooms in on the trailer)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): Only one sailor was brave enough to search for the treasure!

Mr. Strong: Yeah! That sunken treasure is out there somewhere! I can feel it!

(Mr. Strong accidentally knocks Mr. Bump onto a hatch)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Ow!

Mr. Strong: Set a course do east!

Mr. Bump: Aye, aye Cap-

(Little Miss Sunshine then lifts the hatch and causes Mr. Bump to be launched off the ship)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): -tain!

(A splash is heard offscreen)

Little Miss Sunshine: Mr. Man overboard!

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): And only one person knew about the treasure map!

Miss Sunshine: (giggles)

(Little Miss Sunshine takes out the treasure map)

Mr. Strong: Shiver me timbers! It's the lost map of the Sunken Treasure of the Salty Sea!

(The scene shows Mr. Bump in the water surrounded by sharks)

Mr. Bump: Uh, Captain? Mr. Man overboard! Remember?

(Mr. Strong (offscreen) tosses Mr. Bump a life preserver really hard. The life preserver hits Mr. Bump on the head causing him to pass out)

Mr. Bump: Uh-yee!

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scary's pirate ship)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): But things take a terrible turn upon the arrival of the pesky pirate!

Miss Scary: Ah! That treasure will be mine!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Strong and Little Miss Sunshine, who are standing their ground)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): Will the brave captain be able to hold off the pirate and her fearsome crew?

(Little Miss Scary, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Quiet swing onto Mr. Strong's ship)

Miss Scary: Arrgh!

Mr. Tickle: Whee!

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(Mr. Quiet and Little Miss Sunshine are shown fighting with ladles of soup)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): See them lunge with ladles!

Mr. Quiet: Take that!

(Mr. Quiet manages to shove his into Little Miss Sunshine's mouth. This causes the fight to stop. Mr. Quiet catches Little Miss Sunshine's ladle and Little Miss Sunshine takes Mr. Quiet's ladle out of her mouth)

Miss Sunshine: Hmm...I adore clam chowder!

Mr. Quiet: Oh, I'll give you the recipe

(Mr. Quiet and Little Miss Sunshine walk away to discuss the recipe. The scene transitions to Mr. Bump finally climbing back onto the ship)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): Tussle with tickles!

(Mr. Tickle uses his feather sword to tickle him and cause the former to fall off the ship again)

Mr. Bump: (laughs)

(Mr. Bump falls off the ship again)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump is heard splashing into the water again)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Mr. Man overboard! Again!

(Little Miss Scary puts on her green monster mask (now with an eyepatch) to try and scare Mr. Strong)

Mr. Happy: And parry with planks!

(Mr. Strong is unfazed and simply stomps on the wooden plank Little Miss Scary is standing and launches her away)

Miss Scary: (screams)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): Will the treasure ever be found?

(The scene cuts to Mr. Strong and his crew with the treasure. Mr. Bump is standing on the keel and Mr. Strong and Little Miss Sunshine are at the bow of the ship)

Mr. Bump: You did it captain! The Sunken Treasure of the Salty Sea!

Miss Sunshine: My hero!

(Mr. Strong releases the rope holding the treasure chest up to give Little Miss Sunshine a hug. This causes the treasure chest to fall onto the keel to break off upon the treasure chest hitting it and the treasure chest, keel, and Mr. Bump splash down into the water below. It should be noted that Mr. Tickle, Mr. Quiet, and Little Miss Scary are tied to the main mast)

Mr. Bump: Oh! Ow!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump sailing the ship with Mr. Strong in front of him holding a sword)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): So, if you are looking for swashbuckling adventure...

(A wave crashes onto the ship and washes Mr. Bump overboard)

Mr. Strong: Oh!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Quiet trying to fend off giant tentacles with a mop)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): Sinister sea monsters...

Mr. Quiet: Oh! Yee-ah!

(A tentacle comes down from above, grabs Mr. Quiet, and pulls him up and offscreen)

Mr. Quiet: Woah!

(The scene transitions Little Miss Scary putting on her green pirate monster mask)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): And scary pirates...

Miss Scary: Ah-har-har-har-har!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Strong's ship sailing on the sea)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): Don't miss...The Sunken Treasure of the Salty Sea!

(The camera zooms out to show the preview being shown at the cineplex)

Mr. Happy (as a narrator): Coming soon to a cinema near you!

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scary. Little Miss Scary takes off her pirate mask)

Miss Scary: Yeah!

(The scene cuts to the audience clapping in excitement over the upcoming film. The scene transitions to the next bumper. Little Miss Sunshine is at the cinema sitting next to Little Miss Naughty on her left and Little Miss Daredevil on her right. Little Miss Sunshine notices Little Miss Daredevil's popcorn and decides to have some. Little Miss Sunshine digs around for a moment until she feels something odd. She pulls it out and reveals a small rocket inside in the popcorn)

Miss Sunshine: Oh!

(The rocket launches Little Miss Sunshine away)

Miss Sunshine: Ooh!

(The screen fades to black. The scene transitions to a dance video where Mr. Messy, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Nervous are dancing in strips of film. Once the dance video is finished, the scene transitions to a drive-in movie theater. Mr. Fussy is in front of the line waiting to get his ticket)

Narrator: A drive-in cinema offers a different way of watching films. The screen is outside while you are inside your own car!

(Little Miss Giggles pops up in the ticket booth)

Miss Giggles: Hello there, Mr. Fussy! (giggles)

(Mr. Fussy gives Little Miss Giggles the money for his ticket)

Mr. Fussy: One ticket please, Miss Giggles.

(Little Miss Giggles takes Mr. Fussy's money)

Miss Giggles: Of course! We're showing two films tonight! "Gamma Goo from Planet 9" and "The Kangaroo and the..." (giggles) and the...(giggles hysterically)

(Little Miss Giggles falls over in hysterics)

Miss Giggles: Ooh! (laughs)

Mr. Fussy: Uh...never mind! I'll just be surprised!

(Mr. Fussy drives away)

Miss Giggles: (laughs)

(Mr. Fussy pulls into a spot)

Mr. Fussy: (humming)

(Mr. Fussy puts the speaker into his car. Mr. Messy shows up)

Mr. Messy: Hiya Mr. Fussy!

Mr. Fussy: Ooh!

Mr. Messy: I didn't know you were a fan of space films!

Mr. Fussy: Oh yes, Mr. Messy! And I adore the drive-in. Alone in my snug car. No one to bother me.

Mr. Messy: Mind if I join you?

Mr. Fussy: Oh! (chuckles nervously) Well, you wouldn't want to leave your car unattended.

(A wide shot reveals that Mr. Messy drove to the drive-in on a scooter)

Mr. Messy: Oh! I didn't drive, I rode me scooter!

(Mr. Messy tosses his scooter into Mr. Fussy's car. Mr. Messy gets into Mr. Fussy's car and notices Mr. Fussy's snacks)

Mr. Messy: Oh goodie! You brought snacks! I was just gonna grab a couple of Dillydogs at the snack bar!

Mr. Fussy: There will be no Dillydogs and no mustard in my car!

(Mr. Fussy reveals the snacks he brought)

Mr. Fussy: You see, I have plain rice, and mashed potato, and rolls. All white food!

(Mr. Fussy puts his snacks down)

Mr. Fussy: Which, if spilled, will not leave a stain.

Mr. Messy: Can I at least get some popcorn? That's white! Sort of.

Mr. Fussy: Oh, very well. But no butter! And hurry! And don't let any mosquitoes in!

(Mr. Tickle pops up outside of Mr. Fussy's car window with snacks in his hands)

Mr. Tickle: Is this my car?

Mr. Fussy: Ah!

(Mr. Tickle is shown outside Mr. Fussy's car)

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Tickle, does it look like your car?

Mr. Messy: Come on in, Mr. Tickle!

(Mr. Messy takes Mr. Tickle's snacks into the car)

Mr. Messy: I'll take some of those snacks off your hands!

(Mr. Tickle opens the car door and enters Mr. Fussy's car)

Mr. Tickle: Good! Because me arms were itching for a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Messy. This causes Mr. Messy to drop all of Mr. Tickle's snacks all over the inside of Mr. Fussy's car)

Mr. Messy: Woo-hoo-hoo! (laughs)

Mr. Fussy: No tickling in such close quarters!

(Mr. Fussy brushes popcorn off his seat. The camera zooms out and Mr. Nosey is shown on the hood of Mr. Fussy's car looking inside)

Mr. Fussy: (screams and breathes heavily)

Mr. Nosey: Uh, hello! Watcha doing?

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Nosey...

Mr. Nosey: Oh! Ooh!

Mr. Fussy: I might ask you the same question!

Mr. Nosey: Just looking!

(Mr. Small jumps up and down outside of Mr. Fussy's car window)

Mr. Small: A boost, Mr. Nosey if you will! They seem to have licorice inside!

(Mr. Nosey lifts Mr. Small into the open window)

Mr. Fussy: Licorice?

(Mr. Nosey climbs into the car through the open window)

Mr. Nosey: Ooh! And a blanket! How cozy!

Mr. Fussy: Please! This is too many people in my car!

(Mr. Messy honks Mr. Fussy's car horn)

Mr. Messy: Party in Mr. Fussy's car! Yeah, ha!

Mr. Tickle: With free tickles!

(Mr. Stubborn walks over and climbs into the car)

Mr. Fussy: No! There is no party in Mr. Fussy's car!

(Mr. Scatterbrain runs over and jumps into the car as Mr. Small pulls out a pair of bongos)

Mr. Fussy: Oh!

Mr. Small: Give me a beat, Nose!

(Mr. Small starts playing the bongos)

Mr. Messy: Whee!

Mr. Fussy: Please! The film is about to start!

Mr. Messy: Hey! Does the seat go back?

(Mr. Messy accidentally activates the windshield wipers)

Mr. Messy: Whoop!

Mr. Small: I can't see! Let's open up the windows!

(Mr. Small opens up all the windows and mosquitoes fly into the car)

Mr. Fussy: No! Mosquitoes!

(The mosquitoes swarm Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: Ugh!

(Mr. Fussy runs out his car in response)


(Mr. Fussy runs away)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): (whines)

(The scene cuts to Mr. Fussy walking over to Little Miss Daredevil's rocket car. Little Miss Daredevil's car is in front of Little Miss Helpful's car and behind Little Miss Magic's car)

Monster in the Film: (roars)

Mr. Fussy: Miss Daredevil, I have been driven out of my own car! Do you think I could...

Miss Daredevil: Watch with me? Come on in!

(Little Miss Daredevil opens the hatch of her rocket car)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Thank you, Miss Daredevil.

(Mr. Fussy enters Little Miss Daredevil's rocket car)

Miss Daredevil: I didn't know you like space films.

Mr. Fussy: Oh, yes! I love space! Especially in my own!

Miss Daredevil: You love space? Then why are we sitting around here!?

(The rocket's hatch closes and Little Miss Daredevil's rocket car blasts off)

Miss Daredevil (offscreen): BLAST OFF!!

Mr. Fussy: (moans) Wait! What? WHERE ARE WE GOING!?

Miss Daredevil: To outer space, of course!

(Little Miss Daredevil's rocket flies away)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): NO!!!!!!

(The drive-in movie is briefly shown playing before the screen fades to black)

(The scene transitions to the next bumper. Little Miss Sunshine is at the cinema sitting next to Little Miss Naughty on her left and Little Miss Scary on her right. Little Miss Sunshine notices Little Miss Scary's popcorn and decides to have some. Little Miss Sunshine digs around for a moment until she feels something odd. She pulls it out and reveals that the Giant Dillydale Owl was hiding inside in the popcorn)

Miss Sunshine: Huh?

Owl: (hoots)

(Little Miss Sunshine runs away in fear)

Miss Sunshine: (screams)

(The scene transitions to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Messy, and the swarm of mosquitoes partying in Mr. Fussy's car. Mr. Small is shown playing the bongos)

Narrator: As they say, all good things must come to an end!

(A scene from "The Sunken Treasure of the Salty Sea" is shown)

Narrator: And so too does another night at the cinema!

(Mr. Rude is shown sitting in his movie theater seat wearing his big hat and surrounded by pieces of popcorn and empty drink containers )

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses know, that soon enough...

(Little Miss Helpful is shown sweeping up popcorn. Including the bag Mr. Bump fell into at the beginning of the episode. This results in Mr. Bump getting swept up too)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

Narrator: A new film will come to town! And they'll be able to do it all over again!

(The screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

US transcript[]

Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big blue screen comes up with "Cinema" written on it, Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Chatterbox sitting down to watch a movie, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of a film projector starting up is heard)

(The episode begins with Mr. Tall, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Daredevil, and Little Miss Whoops waiting outside the Dillydale Cineplex. Mr. Happy is the usher collecting their tickets)

Narrator: Movie theaters are wonderful places! Sure you can watch a movie at home...

(Little Miss Whoops gives Mr. Happy her ticket)

Narrator: But there's no better place to see a movie than on the big screen!

(Little Miss Whoops runs inside and knocks down a sign as she enters the theater. This leads to a chain reaction that knocks down the stanchions that hit Mr. Bump as he is getting his popcorn)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump falls head first into his popcorn and Mr. Messy gives a ta-da pose)

Narrator: With the delicious smell of fresh popcorn...

(The scene transitions to Mr. Nosey getting comfortable in his movie chair and places Mr. Small in one of the cup holders)

Narrator: And the plush comfortable seats with the handy cupholders. It's fun for everyone!

(A wide shot of the movie theatre shows Mr. Noisy, Mr. Tickle and Little Miss Daredevil in the back row, Mr. Nervous, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Strong, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Lazy in the next row, Mr. Scatterbrain, Little Miss Scary, Mr. Bump, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Small in the row after that, Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Stubborn in the row after that, and Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Naughty, and Mr. Quiet in the front row. Mr. Tall enters the theatre and sits in the front row. More specifically, the seat in front of Mr. Grumpy)

Narrator: Except, for the person that has to sit behind Mr. Tall.

(Mr. Tall blocks Mr. Grumpy's view of the screen)

Mr. Grumpy: (groans)

(Mr. Grumpy moves to the furthest seat toward the right of the second row. Little Miss Chatterbox walks over carrying a bag of popcorn)

Miss Chatterbox: Oh, hi Mr. Grumpy! Is that seat taken?

Mr. Grumpy: No Miss Chatterbox. Go ahead.

(Little Miss Chatterbox sits next to Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Chatterbox: Wow, great seats! Not too close, not too far. Just right in the middle.

Mr. Grumpy: I always come early to get the best seat. I've been looking forward to this movie for weeks!

Miss Chatterbox: Oh it's really, really good. I saw it last night.

Mr. Grumpy: You already saw it?

Miss Chatterbox: Oh, I like to see movies more than once! That way I can find out what I missed the first time I watched it. I wonder why I miss stuff? Do you ever miss stuff, Mr. Grumpy?

Mr. Grumpy: No! But that's probably because I don't talk nonstop!

(The lights dim and the movie begins)

Mr. Grumpy: Now shush! The movie's starting!

Miss Chatterbox: So, you wanna know what happens?

Mr. Grumpy (in a quiet voice): Absolutely not!

Miss Chatterbox: Alright. There's this trout this kangaroo and they become best friends, even though they're like really, really different. But then they stop speaking to each other because the kangaroo is a better boxer!

Mr. Grumpy (in a quiet voice): I do not want to know what happens!

Miss Chatterbox: Okay! No problemo! That's Italian for "no problem." So what do you want to talk about?

Mr. Grumpy (in a quiet voice): Nothing! I have a strict rule; No talking in the movie theater!

Miss Chatterbox: (giggles) Well, I never heard of that rule. (giggles) But there are probably lots of rules that I don't know about. Like, "don't wear snowshoes on a dance floor." (giggles) That's got to be a rule in the North Pole or somewhere.

Mr. Grumpy: Shush! We're here to watch the movie!

(The camera zooms out to show the entire audience)

Audience: SHHHH!

Mr. Grumpy: It wasn't me! It was her!

(The camera zooms back in on Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Chatterbox. Little Miss Chatterbox pretends to zip her lips closed (complete with the sound effects of a zipper zipping up) and pretends to throw away the pull tab. The sound of the imaginary pull tab hitting the floor is heard. Mr. Rude walks into the theater wearing a big top hat and sits in the front row. More specifically, the seat in front of Mr. Grumpy. This blocks Mr. Grumpy's view of the screen)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! If he doesn't take off that hat, I'm going to call the manager!

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Ooh! You broke in no talking rule! (chuckles) Does that mean I can talk to you now?

Mr. Grumpy: No! Mr. Rude, your hat is blocking my view of the movie!

Mr. Rude: Tell it to someone who cares!

(Mr. Grumpy starts poking at Mr. Rude. Mr. Rude shoos Mr. Grumpy's hand away in retaliation)

Mr. Rude: Stop poking me!

Mr. Grumpy: Are you going to take off that ridiculous hat or not?

Mr. Rude: This hat does not leave my head! It's part of my new look!

(Little Miss Helpful walks over holding a flashlight)

Miss Helpful: Gentlemen, I'm the theater manager! What seems to be the problem?

Mr. Rude: Miss Helpful! This man is disturbing me!

Miss Helpful: Well, we certainly don't want that while you're trying to watch a movie.

Mr. Grumpy: Do you see that big hat he's wearing?

Miss Helpful: Why, yes I do! And I must say, it looks very nice on you, Mr. Rude.

Mr. Rude: Of course it does!

Mr. Grumpy: But it's blocking my view!

(Mr. Grumpy realizes he's not going to get Mr. Rude to take off his hat)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, never mind! I'll find a new seat!

(Mr. Grumpy gets up and moves to a seat in the middle of the back row)

Mr. Grumpy: Great. The only seats left are in the very last row. Who would want to sit this far back? You could barely see!

(Little Miss Chatterbox shows up and sits to the left of Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Chatterbox: I can tell you what happens to the trout if you can't see that well. Wait! Wait! I don't remember this part!

(Mr. Noisy sits down at the end of the row sitting to the right of Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Noisy is eating is popcorn incredibly loudly)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

Mr. Grumpy (whispering): Mr. Noisy can you please eat your popcorn more quietly?

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): I wasn't aware that I was eating loudly!!

(The wall cracks and the crack goes up to the ceiling. This causes a piece of the ceiling to fall onto Mr. Grumpy's head)

Mr. Grumpy (in a whisper): Ooh!

(Mr. Noisy eats another loud bite of popcorn)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! Crooked cucumbers, that's it!

(Little Miss Helpful walks over)

Mr. Grumpy: Mr. Noisy is ruining the movie!

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Who?! Me?!

(The room shakes ferociously. A chandelier hanging from the ceiling over Mr. Bump falls down. Mr. Bump looks up and realizes what's about to happen)

Mr. Bump: Oh, poopity poop!

(The chandelier lands on Mr. Bump and Mr. Bump is knocked to the ground. Little Miss Scary (who was sitting right of Mr. Bump) looks in annoyance while Mr. Nosey (who was sitting left of Mr. Bump) looks in concern)

Mr. Bump: Ow!

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Helpful and Mr. Grumpy)

Miss Helpful: Mr. Grumpy, why don't you follow me? We'll find you another seat.

Mr. Grumpy: Where? There aren't any seats left!

Miss Helpful: Oh! We theater managers always have a few folding chairs for emergencies just like this!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Grumpy sitting very, very close to the screen to the point where he has to look up. Little Miss Chatterbox then walks over to sit with him)

Miss Chatterbox: Ooh! These are great seats! Don't you think, Mr. Grumpy? I mean, how often do you get to sit this close?

Mr. Grumpy: Could you please tell me what I've missed?

Audience (offscreen): SHHHH!

(Little Miss Chatterbox waves to everyone. The scene iris' out and transitions to a bumper where Mr. Nosey offers Little Miss Sunshine some popcorn. She digs around for a moment until she feels something odd. She pulls it out and reveals Mr. Small hiding in the popcorn)

(The next scene shows an advertisement for the Dillydale Cineplex)

Mr. Happy: Thank you for choosing the Dillydale Cineplex! To ensure a wonderful movie-going experience for our guest, please take a moment to turn off all cell phones so they don't ring during the show and disturb others!

(Little Miss Daredevil, Little Miss Sunshine, and Mr. Fussy are shown turning off their cellphones. Mr. Stubborn simply throws his cellphone behind him. Mr. Rude, on the other hand, does not turn off his phone and it then rings disturbing everyone else)

Mr. Rude: (answers his cell phone) What do you want?

Mr. Fussy, Miss Sunshine, Miss Daredevil, and Mr. Stubborn: SHHHH!

Mr. Rude: Shhhh yourself! I am on the phone!

(Mr. Strong escorts Mr. Rude out of the theater by picking him up in his seat and exiting the theater with him)

Mr. Happy (voiceover): Stop by our concession stand! Where customer service professionals are standing by to serve you with a smile! (laughs)

(Mr. Grumpy and Miss Whoops are shown operating the concession stand)

Mr. Grumpy: Why not enjoy some fresh hot popcorn? It's pop-a-licious!

(Mr. Grumpy forces his face into a smile. Miss Whoops then knocks over the bag of popcorn)

Little Miss Whoops: Whoops! Or try a tasty Dillydog, It's snackerrific!

Mr. Grumpy: (disgusted) Snackerrific?! Who writes this stuff? I quit!

(Mr. Grumpy throws his usher's cap on the ground and walks off in a huff and Miss Whoops chews the Tasty Chilidog.)

Mr. Happy: Thank you for choosing the Dillydale Cineplex! Now, Sit back and enjoy the movies!

(The scene transitions to the next scene. At the cineplex, everyone is preparing to watch a preview)

Narrator: For some Mr. Men and Little Misses, the best part of going to the movies is the previews

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): Coming soon to a theater near you, it's The Sunken Treasure of the Salty Sea!

(The camera zooms in on the preview)

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): Only one sailor was brave enough to search for the treasure!

Mr. Strong: Yo that sunken treasure is out there somewhere! I can feel it!

(Mr. Strong accidentally knocks Mr. Bump onto a hatch)

Mr. Bump: Ow!

Mr. Strong: Set a course do east!

Mr. Bump: Aye, aye Cap-

(Little Miss Sunshine then lifts the hatch and causes Mr. Bump to be launched off the ship. A splash is heard offscreen)

Little Miss Sunshine: Mr. Man overboard!

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): And only one person knew about a treasure map!

(Little Miss Sunshine takes out the treasure map)

Mr. Strong: Shiver me timbers! It's the lost map of the Sunken Treasure of the Salty Sea!

(The scene shows Mr. Bump in the water surrounded by sharks)

Mr. Bump: Uh, Captain? Uh man overboard! Remember?

(Mr. Strong (offscreen) tosses Mr. Bump a life preserver really hard. The life preserver hits Mr. Bump on the head causing him to pass out. The scene transitions to Little Miss Scary's pirate ship)

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): But things take a terrible turn upon the arrival of the pesky pirate!

Miss Scary: Arrgh! That treasure will be mine!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Strong and Little Miss Sunshine, who are standing their ground)

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): Will the brave captain be able to hold off the pirate and her fearsome crew?

(Little Miss Scary, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Quiet swing onto Mr. Strong's ship)

Miss Scary: Arrgh!

(Mr. Quiet and Little Miss Sunshine are shown fighting with ladles of soup. Mr. Quiet manages to shove his into Little Miss Sunshine's mouth This causes the fight to stop. Mr. Quiet catches Little Miss Sunshine's ladle and Little Miss Sunshine takes Mr. Quiet's ladle out of her mouth)

Miss Sunshine: Hmm...I adore fish chowder!

Mr. Quiet: Oh, I'll give you the recipe

(Mr. Quiet and Little Miss Sunshine walk away to discuss the recipe. The scene transitions to Mr. Bump finally climbing back onto the ship only for Mr. Tickle to uses his feather sword to tickle him and cause the former to fall off the ship again)

Mr. Bump: (laughs)

(Mr. Bump falls off the ship again)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump is heard splashing into the water again)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Man overboard! Again!

(Little Miss Scary puts on her green monster mask (now with an eyepatch) to try and scare Mr. Strong. But Mr. Strong is unfazed and simply stomps on the wooden plank Little Miss Scary is standing and launches her away)

Miss Scary: (laughs)

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): Will the treasure ever be found?

(The scene cuts to Mr. Strong and his crew with the treasure. Mr. Bump is standing on the keel and Mr. Strong and Little Miss Sunshine are at the bow of the ship)

Mr. Bump: You did it captain! The Lost Treasure of the Salty Sea!

Miss Sunshine: My hero!

(Mr. Strong releases the rope holding the treasure chest up to give Little Miss Sunshine a hug. This causes the treasure chest to fall onto the keel to break off upon the treasure chest hitting it and the treasure chest, keel, and Mr. Bump splash down into the water below. It should be noted that Mr. Tickle, Mr. Quiet, and Little Miss Scary are tied to the main mast)

Mr. Bump: Ah! Woah!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump sailing the ship with Mr. Strong in front of him holding a sword)

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): So, if you are looking for swashbuckling adventure...

(A wave crashes onto the ship and washes Mr. Bump overboard)

Mr. Bump: Woah!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Quiet trying to fend off giant tentacles with a mop)

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): Sinister sea monsters...

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(A tentacle comes down from above, grabs Mr. Quiet, and pulls him up and offscreen. The scene transitions Little Miss Scary putting on her green pirate monster mask)

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): And scary pirates...

Miss Scary: (cackles)

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Strong's ship sailing on the sea)

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): Don't miss...The Sunken Treasure of the Salty Sea!

(The camera zooms out to show the preview being shown at the cineplex)

Mr. Bounce (as a narrator): Coming soon to a theater near you!

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scary. Little Miss Scary takes off her pirate mask)

Miss Scary: Yeah!

(The scene cuts to the audience clapping in excitement over the upcoming movie. The scene transitions to the next bumper. Little Miss Sunshine is at the cinema sitting next to Little Miss Naughty on her left and Little Miss Daredevil on her right. Little Miss Sunshine notices Little Miss Daredevil's popcorn and decides to have some. Little Miss Sunshine digs around for a moment until she feels something odd. She pulls it out and reveals a small rocket inside in the popcorn)

Miss Sunshine: Oh!

(The rocket launches Little Miss Sunshine away as the screen fades to black. The scene transitions to a dance video where Mr. Messy, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Nervous are dancing in strips of film. Once the dance video is finished, the scene transitions to a drive-in movie theater. Mr. Fussy is in front of the line waiting to get his ticket)

Narrator: A drive-in movie theater is a different way of watching movies. The screen is outside while you are inside your very own car!

(Little Miss Giggles pops up in the ticket booth)

Miss Giggles: Hey there, Mr. Fussy! (giggles)

(Mr. Fussy gives Little Miss Giggles the money for his ticket)

Mr. Fussy: One ticket please, Miss Giggles.

(Little Miss Giggles takes Mr. Fussy's money)

Miss Giggles: Sure! We're showing two movies tonight! "Gamma Goo from Planet 9" and "Space Cows from..." from...from...(giggles hysterically)

(Little Miss Giggles falls over in hysterics)

Miss Giggles: (laughs)

Mr. Fussy: Uh...never mind! I'll just be surprised!

(Mr. Fussy drives away)

Miss Giggles: (laughs)

(Mr. Fussy pulls into a spot)

Mr. Fussy: (humming)

(Mr. Fussy puts the speaker into his car. Mr. Messy shows up)

Mr. Messy: Hiya Mr. Fussy!

Mr. Fussy: Oh!

Mr. Messy: I didn't know you were a fan of space movies!

Mr. Fussy: Oh yes, Mr. Messy! And I adore the drive-in. Alone in my snug car, no one to bother me.

Mr. Messy: Mind if I join you?

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Uh...(chuckles nervously) Well, you wouldn't want to leave your car unattended.

(A wide shot reveals that Mr. Messy drove to the drive-in on a scooter)

Mr. Messy: Oh! I didn't drive, I rode my scooter!

(Mr. Messy tosses his scooter into Mr. Fussy's car. Mr. Messy gets into Mr. Fussy's car and notices Mr. Fussy's snacks)

Mr. Messy: Oh good! You brought snacks! I was just gonna grab a couple of Dillydogs at the snack bar!

Mr. Fussy: Uh, there will be no Dillydogs! Hence, no mustard in my car!

(Mr. Fussy reveals the snacks he brought)

Mr. Fussy: You see, I have plain rice, and mashed potatoes, and rolls. All white food!

(Mr. Fussy puts his snacks down)

Mr. Fussy: Which, if spilled, will not leave a stain.

Mr. Messy: Can I at least get some popcorn? That's white! Kinda.

Mr. Fussy: Oh very well. But no butter! And hurry! Oh! And don't let the mosquitoes in!

(Mr. Tickle pops up outside of Mr. Fussy's car window with snacks in his hands)

Mr. Tickle: Is this my car?

(Mr. Tickle is shown outside Mr. Fussy's car)

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Tickle, does it look like your car?

Mr. Messy: Come on in, Mr. Tickle!

(Mr. Messy takes Mr. Tickle's snacks into the car)

Mr. Messy: We'll take some of those snacks off your hands!

(Mr. Tickle opens the car door and enters Mr. Fussy's car)

Mr. Tickle: Good! Because my arms were itching for a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Messy. This causes Mr. Messy to drop all of Mr. Tickle's snacks all over the inside of Mr. Fussy's car)

Mr. Messy: Woo-hoo! (laughs)

Mr. Fussy: tickling in such close quarters!

(Mr. Fussy brushes popcorn off his seat. The camera zooms out and Mr. Nosey is shown on the hood of Mr. Fussy's car looking inside)

Mr. Fussy: (screams and breathes heavily)

Mr. Nosey: Eh, what are you guys doing?

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Nosey, I might ask you the same question!

Mr. Nosey: Just looking!

(Mr. Small jumps up and down outside of Mr. Fussy's car window)

Mr. Small: A boost, Mr. Nosey if you will! They seem to have licorice inside!

(Mr. Nosey lifts Mr. Small into the open window)

Mr. Fussy: Licorice?

(Mr. Nosey climbs into the car through the open window)

Mr. Nosey: Ooh! And a blanket! How cozy!

Mr. Fussy: Oh, Please! This is too many people in my car!

(Mr. Messy honks Mr. Fussy's car horn)

Mr. Messy: Party in Mr. Fussy's car! Yeah, ha, ha!

Mr. Tickle: With free tickles!

(Mr. Stubborn walks over and climbs into the car)

Mr. Fussy: No! There is no party going on here!

(Mr. Scatterbrain runs over and jumps into the car as Mr. Small pulls out a pair of bongos)

Mr. Small: Give me a beat, Nose!

(Mr. Small starts playing the bongos)

Mr. Fussy: Please! The movie is about to start!

Mr. Messy: Hey! Does the seat go back?

(Mr. Messy accidentally activates the windshield wipers)

Mr. Small: I can't see! Let's open up the windows!

(Mr. Small opens up all the windows and mosquitoes fly into the car)

Mr. Fussy: No! Mosquitoes!

(The mosquitoes swarm Mr. Fussy. Mr. Fussy runs out his car in response)


(Mr. Fussy runs away. The scene cuts to Mr. Fussy walking over to Little Miss Daredevil's rocket car. Little Miss Daredevil's car is in front of Little Miss Helpful's car and behind Little Miss Magic's car)

Mr. Fussy: Miss Daredevil, I have been driven out of my own car! Do you think I could...

Miss Daredevil: Watch with me? Come on in!

(Little Miss Daredevil opens the hatch of her rocket car)

Mr. Fussy: (sighs) Thank you, Miss Daredevil.

(Mr. Fussy enters Little Miss Daredevil's rocket car)

Miss Daredevil: I didn't know you like space movies.

Mr. Fussy: Oh, yes! I love space! Especially in my own!

Miss Daredevil: You like space? Then why are we sitting around here!?

(The rocket's hatch closes and Little Miss Daredevil's rocket car blasts off)

Miss Daredevil (offscreen): Woo-hoo!!

Mr. Fussy: (moans) Wait! What? WHERE ARE WE GOING!?

Miss Daredevil: To outer space, of course!

(Little Miss Daredevil's rocket flies away)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): NO-OH-HO-HO-HO!

(The drive-in movie is briefly shown playing before the screen fades to black)

(The scene transitions to the next bumper. Little Miss Sunshine is at the cinema sitting next to Little Miss Naughty on her left and Little Miss Scary on her right. Little Miss Sunshine notices Little Miss Scary's popcorn and decides to have some. Little Miss Sunshine digs around for a moment until she feels something odd. She pulls it out and reveals that the Giant Dillydale Owl was hiding inside in the popcorn)

Miss Sunshine: Oh!

Owl: (hoots)

(Little Miss Sunshine runs away in fear)

Miss Sunshine: (screams)

(The scene transitions to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Tickle, Mr. Scatterbrain, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Messy, and the swarm of mosquitoes partying in Mr. Fussy's car. Mr. Small is shown playing the bongos)

Narrator: As they say, all good things must come to an end!

(A scene from "The Sunken Treasure of the Salty Sea" is shown)

Narrator: And so too does another night at the movies!

(Mr. Rude is shown sitting in his movie theater seat wearing his big hat and surrounded by pieces of popcorn and empty drink containers )

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses know, that soon enough...

(Little Miss Helpful is shown sweeping up popcorn. Including the bag Mr. Bump fell into at the beginning of the episode. This results in Mr. Bump getting swept up too)

Narrator: A new movie will come to town! And they'll be able to do it all over again!

(The screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
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Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests