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This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Circus." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
Previous: "The Dark" | Next: "Ships" |
UK Dub[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big brown screen comes up with "Circus" written on it with a circus tent, who created the episode underneath, and the sounds people cheering and squeaking are heard)
(The episode begins by showing a poster for the circus featuring Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Quiet)
Narrator: Ah, those colourful posters can mean only one thing...
(The camera pans to Mr. Scatterbrain, who is holding a stack of posters for the circus. Mr. Scatterbrain is standing next to a tree that Mr. Lazy is sleeping under)
Narrator: The circus has come to Dillydale!
(Mr. Scatterbrain puts a poster over Mr. Lazy's face. Mr. Lazy doesn't notice as he is asleep. Mr. Rude drives onto the scene in a circus truck)
Narrator: Yes, the circus is a favourite among the Mr. Men and Little Misses...
(Mr. Grumpy comes out from the back of the truck riding an old timey tricycle. Followed by Mr. Small on stilts, and Mr. Nosey riding a unicycle)
Narrator: Who turn out to greet the arriving performers with welcoming arms!
(Mr. Tickle comes out from the back of the truck and tickles Mr. Nosey. This causes Mr. Nosey to fall off his unicycle, Mr. Small to crash into Mr. Nosey and fall off his stilts, and Mr. Small to crash into both of them and fall off his tricycle. The three are left in a daze by these events)
Narrator: Especially, Mr. Tickle!
(The scene transitions to an empty lot where Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Strong are setting up the big top for the circus. Mr. Strong is holding a big tentpole and Mr. Stubborn is pointing to stage left)
Mr. Stubborn: Set the tentpole over there, Mr. Strong! That is the perfect spot to put up the big top!
Mr. Strong: Uh, you're the boss!
(Mr. Strong carries the tentpole to the left. The camera cuts back to Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Stubborn. Mr. Small is holding a mallet and behind all three of them is the circus tent)
Mr. Nosey: Uh, I can't help but notice that there's another empty field across the street, Mr. Stubborn.
(Mr. Nosey gestures to the right)
Mr. Stubborn: I don't care about that empty field!
(Mr. Stubborn points to the right)
Mr. Stubborn: I care about this one!
(Mr. Stubborn points to the tent)
Mr. Stubborn: Now unroll that tent over the pole, Mr. Nosey.
Mr. Small: What my associate is trying to say is that perhaps,
(Mr. Small points to the right)
Mr. Small: THAT field is where we were to set up for the circus.
(Mr. Nosey takes out his spyglass and starts looking through it)
Mr. Stubborn: No! The circus is coming to THIS field!
(Mr. Nosey takes out his spyglass and starts looking through it)
Mr. Nosey: Okay, but Mr. Quiet is already over there...
(The scene cuts to the spyglass' point of view and the viewers see Mr. Quiet setting up a ticket booth for the circus)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): With his ticket booth.
(Mr. Quiet smiles and Mr. Stubborn's hand is shown taking the spyglass away from Mr. Nosey. Once Mr. Stubborn has the spyglass, he looks at Mr. Quiet's ticket booth and Mr. Quiet waves hello to Mr. Stubborn and the viewers)
Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): Mr. Quiet is wrong!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Stubborn using Mr. Nosey's spyglass)
Mr. Stubborn: His ticket booth should be here!
(Mr. Nosey takes back his spyglass and looks through it again)
Mr. Nosey: Mmm, I don't know, Mr. Stubborn. I see,
(The scene cuts back to the spyglass' point of view and the viewers (as well as Mr. Nosey) see Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Nervous dressed up as clowns. Little Miss Naughty throws some juggling pins into the air and they land on Mr. Rude and Mr. Nervous' heads. Knocking Mr. Rude and Mr. Nervous to the ground in the process)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Some clowns practicing their juggling.
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Nosey looking through his spyglass)
Mr. Nosey: Are you sure we're in the right place?
Mr. Stubborn: Of course we are! those clowns do not know what they are doing! They can see past their big, red noses!
Mr. Nosey: Okay, but,
(The scene cuts back to the spyglass' point of view and the viewers (as well as Mr. Nosey) see Mr. Bump guiding Little Miss Calamity to a certain position. Little Miss Calamity is driving a circus tractor and the tractor is carrying a huge wooden crate)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Don't we need that circus tractor to put up the tent?
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Nosey looking through his spyglass. Mr. Small is holding a mallet and Mr. Strong is walking to Mr. Stubborn)
Mr. Stubborn: No! Mr. Strong will do it!
Mr. Strong: Yeah, whatever you say.
(Mr. Strong walks over to a rope with a big ring on its end)
Mr. Nosey: Ooh! Look over there!
(An explosion is heard)
Mr. Nosey: Mr. Messy is starting to make popcorn!
(Popcorn flies by Mr. Nosey)
Mr. Messy (offscreen): Shazam!
Mr. Nosey: He's next to Mr. Quiet's ticket booth. Near...where...
(Mr. Nosey lowers his spyglass and looks over towards Mr. Stubborn)
Mr. Nosey: The clowns are juggling.
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Strong setting up the tent)
Mr. Small: My associate has a point.
Mr. Strong: Uh, yeah. Maybe we should be putting the tent up over there.
Mr. Stubborn: No! No! And no! We are setting up the tent right here!
(Mr. Small is shown tangled in the lines that pull the circus tent up)
Mr. Small: Attention please, gentlemen. I seem to be tangled in these lines!
Mr. Stubborn: You are not tangled in lines! Stop trying to make excuses!
(Mr. Stubborn walks over to Mr. Strong)
Mr. Stubborn: Mr. Strong, do your work!
(Mr. Strong pulls on the rope and the tent sets itself up)
Mr. Strong: (grunts)
(Mr. Small, in turn is sent up to the top of the tent pole with his legs tied to the pole)
Mr. Small: (screams)
(Mr. Nosey turns around to see Mr. Small stuck at the top of the tent through his spyglass)
Mr. Nosey: Mr. Small! What are you doing up there?
Mr. Small: Quite a view up here, Mr. Nosey!
(Mr. Happy arrives in a van to report the circus on "Good Morning Dillydale." Mr. Happy comes out of the van with a microphone and Mr. Scatterbrain follows Mr. Happy and records him on a video camera)
Mr. Happy: And what a sight!
(The camera cuts to the video camera's point of view)
Mr. Happy: The big top is up and ready to pack in those crowds!
(Mr. Happy moves out of the frame to get Mr. Stubborn)
Mr. Happy: And here's the man responsible...
(Mr. Happy pulls Mr. Stubborn into the frame)
Mr. Happy: Mr. Stubborn! You've done a wonderful job!
(The camera cuts back to the regular POV to show Mr. Scatterbrain filming Mr. Happy and Mr. Stubborn)
Mr. Happy: But are you aware that you're in the wrong field?
(Mr. Happy moves the microphone he is holding closer to Mr. Stubborn)
Mr. Stubborn: I am not!
(Mr. Happy moves the microphone back over to himself)
Mr. Happy: I'm afraid you are!
(The camera cuts to the video camera's point of view)
Mr. Happy: The circus is supposed to be...
(Mr. Happy points over to the other lot)
Mr. Happy: Over there!
(Mr. Stubborn leaves and Mr. Happy takes out a poster. Mr. Nosey walks into the frame to see the poster)
Mr. Happy: It says so right here on the poster.
(Mr. Nosey looks at the poster)
Mr. Nosey: Ooh!
Mr. Small (offscreen): Friends!
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Small, who is still stuck upside-down from the top of the tent)
Mr. Small: Would it be too much trouble to get me down from here?
(The camera cuts back down to the ground)
Mr. Strong: Aw, okay! Not at all!
(Mr. Strong pulls on a stray rope)
Mr. Strong: (grunts)
(The tent is launched into the air)
Mr. Small: (screams)
(The tent falls on top of Mr. Strong, Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Nosey)
Mr. Strong, Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Nosey (from under the tent): Oh-ooh!
(The camera cuts to the video camera's point of view. Everyone trapped under the tent is scrambling to get out, making it quite bumpy for Mr. Small who is still on top of the tent)
Mr. Small (overlap): (incoherent talking)
Mr. Strong and Mr. Nosey (from under the tent & overlap): (incoherent talking)
(Mr. Stubborn comes out from under the tent)
Mr. Stubborn: This tent...is CHEAP!!
(Mr. Stubborn leaves and Mr. Happy comes out from under the tent)
Mr. Happy: Well folks, at least now they can put the tent in the correct place. So come on down and enjoy the DILLYDALE CIRCUS!!
(The screen iris' out in the form of a rectangle and the first bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown performing in the circus as a trapeze artist)
Audience (offscreen): Yay! (cheers)
(Mr. Quiet waves to the viewers. Mr. Quiet swings on the trapeze, does a flip in mid-air and reaches out to another trapeze artist, Little Miss Naughty. Instead of giving Mr. Quiet her hands so she can catch him, Little Miss Naughty hands Mr. Quiet an anvil and he plummets straight down to the ground. Mr. Bump then falls from the top of the screen)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Mr. Bump lands face first on the screen and slides down. This transitions the bumper to the next scene. The next scene takes place backstage of the circus. Mr. Pernickety is getting ready to conduct the band that plays the music for the circus. Little Miss Chatterbox; the ring master, pokes her head backstage to tell Mr. Pernickety an important message)
Miss Chatterbox: Mr. Pernickety!
Mr. Pernickety: Oh! Hello, Miss Chatterbox. Full house tonight, I'd take it?
Miss Chatterbox: Yes, but um, Mr. Pernickety. I have to tell you...
Mr. Pernickety: There's nothing like the calm before a performance. Before that magical moment when the band sounds its instruments. (chuckles)
Miss Chatterbox: Yes! That is a totally magical moment.
(Mr. Persnickety is shown leaning on the music stand)
Mr. Pernickety: Oh, I know the audience comes to see the clowns and...
(Mr. Persnickety waves his baton around)
Mr. Pernickety: The acrobats. But I think, how sad they would be if they didn't hear the thrilling sound of circus music.
(Mr. Pernickety holds his baton with glee)
Miss Chatterbox: But Mr. Pernickety! (scoffs) That's what I'm trying to tell you! The band has quit!
Mr. Pernickety: Quit!?
Miss Chatterbox: Yes, but don't worry! I've found some replacements.
Mr. Pernickety: Replacements!? Can they even play an instrument?
Miss Chatterbox: Of course.
(Little Miss Chatterbox gestures to the replacements who are on the other side of the curtain)
Miss Chatterbox: Come on, everybody.
(Mr. Messy, Mr. Noisy, and Mr. Tickle (all dressed up as clowns) flip into the frame. Well, Mr. Noisy just marches in. Mr. Tickle even bouncing on his arms as he enters the frame)
Mr. Pernickety: (winces) But these are clowns!
Miss Chatterbox: (laughs)
Mr. Pernickety: Not proper musicians!
Miss Chatterbox: Don't tell them that! They play a lovely kazoo!
(Mr. Messy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Noisy play a tune on the kazoo)
Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
Miss Chatterbox: Well then, I've got to start the show now! See ya!
(Little Miss Chatterbox leaves and Mr. Pernickety facepalms himself in the face)
Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Tickle (overlap): Hiya, Mr. Pernickety!
Mr. Pernickety (overlap): Oh!
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Pernickety: Please! Let's tune our instruments!
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Noisy: Shouldn't I tune my drums!?
(Mr. Noisy takes out a hammer and starts playing his marching band drum with it. Mr. Pernickety taps his baton on the stand to get his attention)
Mr. Pernickety: Please, Mr. Noisy! Uh, there is no time for your drum solos. We must rehearse.
(Mr. Messy plays a tune on his trumpet and ends up squirting peanut butter onto Mr. Pernickety due to having taken a bite from a peanut butter sandwich)
Mr. Pernickety: H-ugh!
Mr. Messy: Shazam! I got some peanut butter stuck in the mouthpiece!
(Mr. Pernickety moves the music stand back into place. Mr. Pernickety is starting to become irate)
Mr. Pernickety: And what melodious sounds are you going to grace us with, Mr. Tickle?
(Mr. Tickle starts playing the accordion incredibly well. Mr. Noisy and Mr. Messy dance over to Mr. Tickle and continue dancing to the beat. Mr. Tickle then stretches his legs up and down as he continues to play)
Mr. Pernickety (offscreen): My goodness! You're quite good.
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Pernickety: There's hope!
(Mr. Tickle continues playing the accordion and Mr. Messy and Mr. Noisy keep on dancing. They stop when the curtain goes up and the circus starts)
Miss Chatterbox: Welcome to the circus!
Audience: (cheering)
(Mr. Pernickety realizes that it's showtime)
Mr. Pernickety: Showtime!
(Mr. Messy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Noisy run to their positions)
Mr. Pernickety: Everyone must play your best.
(Mr. Messy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Noisy run in front of Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Pernickety: Keep your eyes on my baton.
Audience: (cheering)
(Mr. Pernickety taps his baton on the stand and starts conducting Mr. Messy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Noisy. Mr. Pernickety cringes upon hearing the sound of kazoos playing)
Mr. Pernickety: Ooh!
(The camera cuts to the clown band as Mr. Messy blows his trumpet. Mr. Tickle starts purposefully playing the accordion offkey, and Mr. Noisy begins playing his drums with his hammer. In short, the music is very offkey and not what Mr. Pernickety wanted)
Mr. Pernickety: My career as a circus conductor is ruined.
(Water is squirted onto Mr. Persnickety. Mr. Messy is heard playing the trumpet)
Audience (overlap): (laughs)
Mr. Pernickety (overlap): Ooh! (spits out the water)
(Mr. Messy smiles as he had pulled off the same gag he did earlier with his trumpet and the peanut butter but instead with water)
Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
Mr. Pernickety: This is no time for jokes! You are proper musicians now.
(Mr. Noisy puts his drum on Mr. Messy's head and plays a beat on it)
Mr. Messy: Oh!
Audience (offscreen): (laughs)
Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
(Mr. Messy and Mr. Noisy starts dancing around while Mr. Tickle plays his accordion)
Mr. Pernickety: Stop this tomfoolery this instant!
(Mr. Messy tries to take the drum off his head while Mr. Tickle puts down his accordion)
Mr. Tickle: I think somebody needs a tickle!
(Mr. Tickle stretches his arms towards Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Pernickety: I do not need a tickle. I need serious musicians!
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Tickle (offscreen): (laughs)
Mr. Pernickety: Stop it! This is not the time (laughs)
(Mr. Noisy dances in the background)
Mr. Tickle and Mr. Pernickety: (laughs)
Mr. Pernickety: Get off me! No!
(Mr. Pernickety falls to the ground)
Mr. Pernickety: (laughs) No! You there! (laughs)
(Mr. Messy shows up driving a clown car)
Mr. Messy: Anyone need a lift?
Mr. Tickle: We do!
(Mr. Tickle and Mr. Noisy hop into the car and Mr. Pernickety follows them into it as well)
Mr. Pernickety: Oh!
(Mr. Messy starts driving the car around the ring)
Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
Mr. Pernickety: Let me out!
Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
Mr. Pernickety: I am a serious conductor.
(Mr. Messy drives the car up a little ramp)
Mr. Pernickety (overlap): Ooh! No!
Mr. Tickle, Mr. Noisy, and Mr. Messy (overlap): (laughs)
(The car bounces off a trampoline. The car lands in the center of the ring. Mr. Tickle, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Pernickety, and Mr. Messy fall out of the car and land in the ring. Mr. Noisy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Messy and on their feet while Pernickety lands on his back)
Mr. Pernickety, Mr. Tickle, Mr. Noisy, and Mr. Messy: Woah! Oof!
(The car drives away on its own. Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Pernickety: (laughs) Stop it! Tickle mienster!
(Mr. Pernickety stands up and is shown in the spotlight)
Audience (offscreen): (cheers)
(Mr. Pernickety hears the cheering and thinks the act went well after all. Then Mr. Pernickety gets hit in the face with a pie)
Mr. Pernickety: Ooh!
Audience (offscreen): (laughs)
(The camera zooms out to show the audience going wild over the performance)
Audience: (cheers)
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Pernickety: I should have never joined the circus!
(The screen iris' out and the second bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown performing in the circus as a trapeze artist)
Audience (offscreen): Yay!! (cheers)
(Mr. Quiet waves to the viewers. Mr. Quiet swings on the trapeze, does a flip in mid-air and reaches out to another trapeze artist, Mr. Lazy; who has fallen asleep as he swings on the trapeze)
Mr. Lazy: (snores)
(Because Mr. Lazy is asleep, he doesn't catch Mr. Quiet. Mr. Quiet falls down to the ground as a result. Mr. Scatterbrain grows and spins into the frame then slides down to reveal the next scene. The next scene begins with the circus also beginning)
Audience: (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox: Welcome to the circus! (giggles)
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: I'm your ringmaster, Miss Chatterbox. (giggles) Wow! I've always wanted to say that! I've dreamt of being a ringmaster even longer than I've dreamt of being an astronaut. But I thought both were a really, really hard job. So, that's when I took up knitting.
(The circus trumpets are heard, signaling the first act)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! What's going on in Ring One?
(In Ring One, Mr. Bump is shown on a horse)
Miss Chatterbox: Presenting, Mr. Bump; Bareback Rider!
(Mr. Bump pets the horse)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): On his trusty stallion, Rex.
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
(Mr. Bump stands up on Rex)
Mr. Bump: (whimpers)
Rex: (neighs)
Mr. Bump: Oh. Woah!
(Rex begins galloping around the ring and Mr. Bump maintains his balance on Rex)
Audience: (cheering)
Mr. Bump: Ooh! Ooh! (yelps) Aah! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Oh!
(Rex gallops past Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: Wow, look at them go!
Mr. Bump: Ooh! Woah!
Miss Chatterbox: I am so glad I don't have to stand up on a horse.
Rex: (whinnies)
Miss Chatterbox: I am really sure I'd fall off the first time Rex went galloping around the ring.
(Behind Little Miss Chatterbox, Rex bucks and Mr. Bump flies off Rex)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Rex gallops away)
Rex (offscreen): (neighs)
Mr. Bump: Ow! Ow!
(Mr. Bump lands on the ground and stars start circling around his head)
Mr. Bump: W-ow!
Miss Chatterbox: Wow! That's weird! I say something and it happens. I guess that's why they call me the ringmaster! (giggles) Or would it be "ringmistress"? Yep! I think so. (chuckles)
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh well, on with the show!
(The camera cuts over to a tall platform. A spotlight shines on the platform. On the top of the platform, Mr. Bounce is there and waves hello to the spectators as the orchestra plays another "ta-da" sting)
Someone in the audience (offscreen): Yeah!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh, I love this part! Mr. Bounce is now going to leap from the top of the...
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Bounce. Mr. Bounce looks down at something on the ground)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Ladder and land in this...
(The camera pans down to show a tiny bucket of water)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Teeny-weeny little bucket of water!
(The sound of something splashing into water is heard. The camera pans back up to a worried Mr. Bounce. Mr. Bounce shrugs off his worries though. The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: It's a difficult trick!
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
(Little Miss Chatterbox looks left and right)
Miss Chatterbox: Shh! Shh! Shh!
Miss Chatterbox (in a whisper) Audience, please be very quiet.
(The camera cuts back over to Mr. Bounce, who is looking down at the bucket of water)
Miss Chatterbox (in a whisper offscreen): Mr. Bounce must concentrate on landing in the exact spot.
(Mr. Bounce holds his nose and jumps off the platform)
Miss Chatterbox: (gasps)
(Mr. Bounce positions himself to land gracefully in the bucket. Little Miss Chatterbox sees that Mr. Bounce is off-target)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Mr. Bounce!
(The camera cuts back over to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: More to the left! To the left.
(Mr. Bounce realizes that he's going to miss the bucket)
Mr. Bounce: Uh oh!
(Mr. Bounce misses the bucket and starts bouncing)
Mr. Bounce: Whee!!
(Mr. Bounce bounces over Little Miss Chatterbox to the right)
Audience (overlap): (cheering)
Mr. Bounce (overlap): Hello! Goodbye!
(Mr. Bounce bounces over Little Miss Chatterbox to the left)
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): Oh, Mr. Bounce!
Audience (overlap): (cheering)
Mr. Bounce (overlap): Whee!
Miss Chatterbox: I tried to warn you!
(Mr. Bounce continues bouncing)
Mr. Bounce (overlap): Goodbye! Whee-hee!
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): But maybe you were thinking of something else like bluebirds or...
Rex (offscreen): (neighs)
Miss Chatterbox: Blueberries or-
(Mr. Bump is shown standing back on Rex and rides him in front of Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Bump (overlap): (shrieks)
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): Oh!
(Mr. Bounce continues bouncing)
Miss Chatterbox: Mr. Bump is back on his horse.
(Mr. Bounce starts bouncing next to Mr. Bump and Rex)
Mr. Bump: (whimpers)
Mr. Bounce: Oh! Whee!
(Mr. Bounce knocks Mr. Bump off of Rex and ends up standing on Rex in Mr. Bump's place)
Mr. Bump (overlap): Ow!
Mr. Bounce (overlap): Boing!
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scary; she is trying to sell peanuts to the audience)
Miss Scary: Peanuts! Get your peanuts here!
Mr. Bump (offscreen): (screaming)
Miss Scary: Yaa-di-yaa.
(Mr. Bump lands on Little Miss Scary. This causes her to spill peanuts everywhere)
Mr. Bump: (moans)
Miss Scary: Oh. You could've just ask for a bag, Mr. Bump!
Mr. Bump: That's good to know, Miss Scary.
(Mr. Bump puts his face to the floor. The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox as the orchestra plays another "ta-da" sting)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh, goodness!
(Little Miss Chatterbox looks up to the right)
Miss Chatterbox: Is it time...
(The camera pans to the upper left. Little Miss Calamity is shown trembling on a platform. She is standing in front of a bicycle and there is a tightrope between the platform she is standing on and a platform on the other side of the ring)
Miss Chatterbox: For Miss Calamity is act already? (giggles)
(The camera pans back down to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: Time sure does fly when you're doing anything but knitting! (giggles)
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox: May I direct your attention...
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Calamity's act)
Audience (overlap): (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): To the center of the ring!
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Calamity; Little Miss Calamity is wearing a blindfold and is seated on the bicycle)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Where Miss Calamity is going to ride a bicycle across that tightrope,
(Little Miss Calamity points at her blindfold)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Blindfolded!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) I can't believe it! She won't be able it see a thing! Even the teeny-tiny wire...
(The camera cuts back up to Little Miss Calamity, who is getting nervous as she hears Little Miss Chatterbox's commentary)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): She's supposed to be riding on!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: I had no idea being a ringmaster was so nerve-racking.
(The orchestra plays another "ta-da" sting. Little Miss Chatterbox gestures them to be quiet)
Miss Chatterbox: (shrieks) Orchestra quiet please!
(The audience goes silent)
Miss Chatterbox: Everyone, we must be absolutely silent! Just one word can throw off Miss Calamity. (gasps)
(Little Miss Calamity starts riding the bicycle across the tightrope)
Miss Calamity: Okay.
(Little Miss Calamity reaches the middle of the wire but starts struggling with her pedaling
Miss Calamity: Oh! Oh! Oh!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox. She is giddy with excitement)
Miss Chatterbox: Miss Calamity' going to make it!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Calamity. Little Miss Calamity, having overheard Little Miss Chatterbox, loses both her concentration and balance)
Miss Calamity: Woah! Oh no!!
(Little Miss Calamity falls off the tightrope)
Miss Calamity: (screams)
Audience (offscreen): (gasps in shock)
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh no! Something must've distracted her!
(Mr. Bump is shown lying on the ground covered in peanuts. Mr. Bump sees Little Miss Calamity falling and realizes that he must take action)
Mr. Bump: (gasps)
Rex (offscreen): (neighs)
(Mr. Bump runs back over to Rex and Mr. Bounce)
Mr. Bump: (mumbles)
(Mr. Bump hops back on Rex)
Mr. Bump: (grunts)
(Mr. Bump rides him over to Little Miss Calamity; who is still falling)
Miss Calamity: (screams)
(Little Miss Calamity lands on Rex but knocks Mr. Bounce off him and Mr. Bounce is sent bouncing away)
Mr. Bounce (offscreen): Whee!
(The camera cuts back to the bucket of water)
Mr. Bounce: Uh oh!
(Mr. Bounce lands in the bucket of water; completing his act)
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
(Mr. Bounce gives the audience a thumbs up to let them know that he is okay. The camera cuts back over to Little Miss Chatterbox as she watches Mr. Bump and Little Miss Calamity ride Rex)
Miss Calamity: Oh! Woah!
(Mr. Bump and Little Miss Calamity ride Rex out of the tent. Little Miss Calamity takes her blindfold off)
Rex: (whinnies)
Miss Calamity: Woah! Oh!
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Bump and Little Miss Calamity)
Miss Calamity: You do know how to stop this horse, don't you?!
Mr. Bump: Uh, uh, how about pulling his tail?
Miss Calamity: Not working! What a calamity! Woah!
Audience: (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox: Ta-da! (giggles) I just love it when everything works out! (giggles) I must say, I am a really great ringmaster.
(The screen iris' out and the next bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown performing in the circus as a trapeze artist)
Audience (offscreen): Yay!
(Mr. Quiet waves to the viewers. Mr. Quiet swings on the trapeze, does a flip in mid-air and reaches out to another trapeze artist, Mr. Bump. But Mr. Bump lets go of his trapeze too and crashes into Mr. Quiet. This results in both of them falling straight down to the ground. The screen cuts to black. The final scene of the episode begins with Mr. Rude in the driver's seat of the circus truck and Little Miss Helpful driving a forklift holding the crate that contains the circus tent)
Narrator: And so the circus ends.
(The camera shows Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Strong stuck underneath the circus tent, which has been taken down)
Narrator: It's always nice when the circus to come to town.
(Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Nervous are shown dressed up as clowns. Little Miss Naughty throws some juggling pins into the air and they land on Mr. Rude and Mr. Nervous' heads. Knocking Mr. Rude and Mr. Nervous to the ground in the process)
Narrator: Just as it's always nice...
(Mr. Messy, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Tickle (all three dressed like clowns), and Mr. Persnickety are shown driving backwards in a clown car)
Narrator: When it to leave.
(Mr. Lazy is shown asleep underneath a tree with a circus poster covering his face. Mr. Grumpy ride past him on his old-timey tricycle. Mr. Bump and Little Miss Calamity ride Rex the Horse behind the tree where Mr. Lazy is sleeping)
Mr. Lazy: (snores)
Narrator: And everything can go back to normal in Dillydale.
Rex the Horse (offscreen): (neighs)
(The screen fades to black)
(Episode ends here)
Deleted Scene[]
US Dub[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big brown screen comes up with "Circus" written on it with a circus tent, who created the episode underneath, and the sounds people cheering and squeaking are heard)
(The episode begins by showing a poster for the circus featuring Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Quiet)
Narrator: Ah, those colorful posters can mean only one thing...
(Mr. Scatterbrain puts a poster over Mr. Lazy's face. Mr. Lazy doesn't notice as he is asleep)
Narrator: The circus has come to Dillydale!
(Mr. Rude drives onto the scene in a circus truck)
Narrator: Yes, the circus is a favorite among the Mr. Men and Little Misses...
(Mr. Grumpy comes out from the back of the truck riding an old timey tricycle. Followed by Mr. Small on stilts, and Mr. Nosey riding a unicycle)
Narrator: Who turn out to greet the arriving performers with welcoming arms!
(Mr. Tickle comes out from the back of the truck and tickles Mr. Nosey. This causes Mr. Nosey to fall off his unicycle, Mr. Small to crash into Mr. Nosey and fall off his stilts, and Mr. Small to crash into both of them and fall off his tricycle. The three are left in a daze by these events)
Narrator: Especially, Mr. Tickle!
(The scene transitions to an empty lot where Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, and Mr. Strong are setting up the big top for the circus. Mr. Strong is holding a big tentpole and Mr. Stubborn is pointing to stage left)
Mr. Stubborn: Set the tentpole over there, Mr. Strong! That is the perfect spot to set up the big top!
Mr. Strong: Oh, you're the boss!
(Mr. Strong carries the tentpole to the left. The camera cuts back to Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Stubborn. Mr. Small is holding a mallet and behind all three of them is the circus tent)
Mr. Nosey: Uh, I can't help but notice that there's another empty lot across the street, Mr. Stubborn.
(Mr. Nosey gestures to the right)
Mr. Stubborn: I don't care about that empty lot!
(Mr. Stubborn points to the right)
Mr. Stubborn: I care about this one!
(Mr. Stubborn points to the tent)
Mr. Stubborn: Now unroll that tent over the pole, Mr. Nosey.
Mr. Small: What my associate is trying to say is that perhaps...
(Mr. Small points to the right)
Mr. Small: THAT lot is where we were to set up for the circus.
Mr. Stubborn: No! The circus is coming to THIS lot!
(Mr. Nosey takes out his spyglass and starts looking through it)
Mr. Nosey: Okay, but Mr. Quiet is already over there...
(The scene cuts to the spyglass' point of view and the viewers see Mr. Quiet setting up a ticket booth for the circus)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): With his ticket booth.
(Mr. Quiet smiles and Mr. Stubborn's hand is shown taking the spyglass away from Mr. Nosey. Once Mr. Stubborn has the spyglass, he looks at Mr. Quiet's ticket booth and Mr. Quiet waves hello to Mr. Stubborn and the viewers)
Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): Mr. Quiet is wrong!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Stubborn using Mr. Nosey's spyglass)
Mr. Stubborn: His ticket booth should be here!
(Mr. Nosey takes back his spyglass and looks through it again)
Mr. Nosey: Ny'uh, I don't know, Mr. Stubborn. Heeh!
(The scene cuts back to the spyglass' point of view and the viewers (as well as Mr. Nosey) see Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Nervous dressed up as clowns. Little Miss Naughty throws some juggling pins into the air and they land on Mr. Rude and Mr. Nervous' heads. Knocking Mr. Rude and Mr. Nervous to the ground in the process)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): I see some clowns practicing their juggling.
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Nosey looking through his spyglass)
Mr. Nosey: Are you sure we're in the right place?
Mr. Stubborn: Of course we are! Those clowns do not know what they are doing! They cannot see past their rubber noses!
Mr. Nosey: Okay, but...
(The scene cuts back to the spyglass' point of view and the viewers (as well as Mr. Nosey) see Mr. Bump guiding Little Miss Calamity to a certain position. Little Miss Calamity is driving a circus tractor and the tractor is carrying a huge wooden crate)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Don't we need that circus tractor to put up the tent?
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Nosey looking through his spyglass. Mr. Small is holding a mallet and Mr. Strong is walking to Mr. Stubborn)
Mr. Stubborn: No! Mr. Strong will do it!
Mr. Strong: Uh, whatever you say.
(Mr. Strong walks over to a rope with a big ring on its end)
Mr. Nosey: And look over there!
(An explosion is heard)
Mr. Nosey: Mr. Messy's starting to make popcorn!
(Popcorn flies by Mr. Nosey)
Mr. Messy (offscreen): Shazam!
Mr. Nosey: Next to Mr. Quiet's ticket booth. Near...where...
(Mr. Nosey lowers his spyglass and looks over towards Mr. Stubborn)
Mr. Nosey: The clowns are juggling.
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Strong setting up the tent)
Mr. Small: My associate does have a point.
Mr. Strong: Uh, yeah. Maybe we should be putting the tent up over there.
Mr. Stubborn: No! No! And No! We are setting up the tent right here!
(Mr. Small is shown tangled in the lines that pull the circus tent up)
Mr. Small: Uno momento, gents. I seem to be tangled in these lines!
(Mr. Stubborn walks over)
Mr. Stubborn: You are not tangled in lines! Stop trying to make excuses!!
(Mr. Stubborn walks over to Mr. Strong)
Mr. Stubborn: Mr. Strong, do your thing!
(Mr. Strong pulls on the rope and the tent sets itself up. Mr. Small, in turn is sent up to the top of the tent pole with his legs tied to the pole)
Mr. Small: (screams)
(Mr. Nosey turns around to see Mr. Small stuck at the top of the tent through his spyglass)
Mr. Nosey: Mr. Small! What are you doing up there?
Mr. Small: Quite the view up here, Mr. Nosey!
(Mr. Happy arrives in a van to report the circus on "Good Morning Dillydale." Mr. Happy comes out of the van with a microphone and Mr. Scatterbrain follows Mr. Happy and records him on a video camera)
Mr. Happy: What a sight!
(The camera cuts to the video camera's point of view)
Mr. Happy: The big top is up and ready to pack in those audiences!
(Mr. Happy moves out of the frame to get Mr. Stubborn)
Mr. Happy: And here's the man responsible...
(Mr. Happy pulls Mr. Stubborn into the frame)
Mr. Happy: Mr. Stubborn! You've done a wonderful job!
(The camera cuts back to the regular POV to show Mr. Scatterbrain filming Mr. Happy and Mr. Stubborn)
Mr. Happy: But are you aware that you're on the wrong lot?
(Mr. Happy moves the microphone he is holding closer to Mr. Stubborn)
Mr. Stubborn: I am not!
(Mr. Happy moves the microphone back over to himself)
Mr. Happy: I'm afraid you are!
(The camera cuts to the video camera's point of view)
Mr. Happy: The circus is supposed to be...
(Mr. Happy points over to the other lot)
Mr. Happy: Over there!
(Mr. Stubborn leaves and Mr. Happy takes out a poster. Mr. Nosey walks into the frame to see the poster)
Mr. Happy: It says so right here on this poster.
(Mr. Nosey looks at the poster)
Mr. Small (offscreen): Friends!
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Small, who is still stuck upside-down from the top of the tent)
Mr. Small: Would it be too much trouble to get me down from here?
(The camera cuts back down to the ground)
Mr. Strong: Uh, yo, no! Not at all!
(Mr. Strong pulls on a stray rope)
Mr. Strong: (grunts)
(The tent is launched into the air and the tent falls on top of Mr. Strong, Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Nosey)
Mr. Strong (from under the tent): (muffled noise)
(The camera cuts to the video camera's point of view. Everyone trapped under the tent is scrambling to get out, making it quite bumpy for Mr. Small who is still on top of the tent)
Mr. Nosey (from under the tent (overlap)): (incoherent talking)
Mr. Small (overlap): I say! I say! What? Ooh! What?
Mr. Strong (from under the tent (overlap)): (incoherent talking)
(Mr. Stubborn comes out from under the tent)
Mr. Stubborn: This tent...is CHEAP!!
(Mr. Stubborn leaves and Mr. Happy comes out from under the tent)
Mr. Happy: Well folks, at least now they can put the tent in the correct place. So come on down and enjoy the Dillydale Circus!
(The screen iris' out in the form of a rectangle and the first bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown performing in the circus as a trapeze artist)
Audience (offscreen): Yay! (cheers)
(Mr. Quiet waves to the viewers. Mr. Quiet swings on the trapeze, does a flip in mid-air and reaches out to another trapeze artist, Little Miss Naughty. Instead of giving Mr. Quiet her hands so she can catch him, Little Miss Naughty hands Mr. Quiet an anvil and he plummets straight down to the ground. Mr. Bump then falls from the top of the screen)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Mr. Bump lands face first on the screen and slides down. This transitions the bumper to the next scene. The next scene takes place backstage of the circus. Mr. Persnickety is getting ready to conduct the band that plays the music for the circus. Little Miss Chatterbox; the ring master, pokes her head backstage to tell Mr. Persnickety an important message)
Miss Chatterbox: Mr. Persnickety!
Mr. Persnickety: Uh hello, Miss Chatterbox. Full house tonight, I'd take it?
Miss Chatterbox: Yes, but um, Mr. Persnickety. I have to tell you...
Mr. Persnickety: There's nothing like the calm before a performance. Before that magical moment when the band sounds its instruments. (chuckles)
Miss Chatterbox: Yes! That is a totally magical moment. But-
(Mr. Persnickety is shown leaning on the music stand)
Mr. Persnickety: Oh, I know the audience comes to see the clowns...
(Mr. Persnickety waves his baton around)
Mr. Persnickety: The acrobats, but I think how sad they would be if they didn't hear the thrilling sound of circus music.
(Mr. Persnickety holds his baton with glee)
Miss Chatterbox: Mr. Persnickety! (scoffs) That's what I'm trying to tell you! The band quit!
Mr. Persnickety: Quit!?
Miss Chatterbox: Yes, but don't worry! I've found some replacements.
Mr. Persnickety: W-what? Can they even play an instrument?
Miss Chatterbox: Oh sure.
(Little Miss Chatterbox gestures to the replacements who are on the other side of the curtain)
Miss Chatterbox: Come on, everybody.
(Mr. Messy, Mr. Noisy, and Mr. Tickle (all dressed up as clowns) flip into the frame. Well, Mr. Noisy just marches in. Mr. Tickle even bouncing on his arms as he enters the frame)
Mr. Persnickety: But these are clowns! Not musicians!
Miss Chatterbox: Don't tell them that! They're quite the talented kazoo players!
(Mr. Messy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Noisy play a tune on the kazoo)
Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
Miss Chatterbox: Well...(chuckles) I've gotta start the show now! See ya!
(Little Miss Chatterbox leaves and Mr. Persnickety facepalms himself in the face)
Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Tickle: Hi, Mr. Persnickety!
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Persnickety: Please! Let's tune our instruments!
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Noisy: How about I'd tune my drums!?
(Mr. Noisy takes out a hammer and starts playing his marching band drum with it. Mr. Persnickety taps his baton on the stand to get his attention)
Mr. Persnickety: Please, Mr. Noisy! Uh, there is no time for your drum solos. We must rehearse.
(Mr. Messy plays a tune on his trumpet and ends up squirting peanut butter onto Mr. Persnickety due to having taken a bite from a peanut butter sandwich)
Mr. Messy: Shazam! I got some peanut butter stuck in the mouthpiece!
(Mr. Persnickety moves the music stand back into place. Mr. Persnickety is starting to become irate)
Mr. Persnickety: And what melodious sounds are you going to grace us with, Mr. Tickle?
(Mr. Tickle starts playing the accordion incredibly well. Mr. Noisy and Mr. Messy dance over to Mr. Tickle and continue dancing to the beat. Mr. Tickle then stretches his legs up and down as he continues to play)
Mr. Persnickety: There's hope!
(Mr. Tickle continues playing the accordion and Mr. Messy and Mr. Noisy keep on dancing. They stop when the curtain goes up and the circus starts)
Miss Chatterbox: Welcome to the circus!
Audience: (cheering)
(Mr. Persnickety realizes that it's showtime)
Mr. Persnickety: Showtime!
(Mr. Messy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Noisy run to their positions)
Mr. Persnickety: Everyone must play your best.
(Mr. Messy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Noisy run in front of Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Persnickety: Keep your eyes on my baton.
Audience: (cheering)
(Mr. Persnickety taps his baton on the stand and starts conducting Mr. Messy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Noisy. Mr. Persnickety cringes upon hearing the sound of kazoos playing. The camera cuts to the clown band as Mr. Messy blows his trumpet. Mr. Tickle starts purposefully playing the accordion offkey, and Mr. Noisy begins playing his drums with his hammer. In short, the music is very offkey and not what Mr. Persnickety wanted)
Mr. Persnickety: My career as a circus conductor...
(Mr. Persnickety drops his baton in defeat)
Mr. Persnickety: Ruined.
(Water is squirted onto Mr. Persnickety. Mr. Messy is heard playing the trumpet)
Audience (overlap): (laughs)
Mr. Persnickety (overlap): (spits out the water)
(Mr. Messy smiles as he had pulled off the same gag he did earlier with his trumpet and the peanut butter but instead with water)
Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
Mr. Persnickety: This is no time for jokes! You are musicians now.
(Mr. Noisy puts his drum on Mr. Messy's head and plays a beat on it)
Audience (offscreen): (laughs)
Mr. Noisy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
(Mr. Messy and Mr. Noisy starts dancing around while Mr. Tickle plays his accordion)
Mr. Persnickety: Stop this tomfoolery this instant!
(Mr. Messy tries to take the drum off his head while Mr. Tickle puts down his accordion)
Mr. Tickle: I think somebody needs a tickle!
(Mr. Tickle stretches his arms towards Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Persnickety: I do not need a tickle. I need serious musicians!
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Tickle (offscreen): (laughs)
Mr. Persnickety: Stop it! (laughs)
(Mr. Persnickety tries to shoo Mr. Tickle's arms away but to no avail)
Mr. Persnickety: Hey! Uh, uh, This is not the ti-(laughs)
(Mr. Noisy dances in the background)
Mr. Tickle and Mr. Persnickety: (laughs)
(Mr. Persnickety falls to the ground)
Mr. Persnickety: (laughs)
(Mr. Messy shows up driving a clown car)
Mr. Messy: Anyone need a lift?
Mr. Tickle: We do!
(Mr. Tickle and Mr. Noisy hop into the car and Mr. Persnickety follows them into it as well)
Mr. Persnickety: Oh!
(Mr. Messy starts driving the car around the ring)
Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
Mr. Persnickety: Let me out!
Mr. Tickle: (laughs)
Mr. Persnickety: I am a serious conductor.
Mr. Tickle, Mr. Noisy, and Mr. Messy: (laughs)
(Mr. Messy drives the car up a little ramp)
Mr. Tickle, Mr. Noisy, and Mr. Messy: (laughs)
(The car bounces off a trampoline. The car lands in the center of the ring. Mr. Tickle, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Persnickety, and Mr. Messy fall out of the car and land in the ring. Mr. Noisy, Mr. Tickle, and Mr. Messy and on their feet while Persnickety lands on his back. The car drives away on its own)
Audience (offscreen): (cheers)
(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Persnickety: (laughs)
(Mr. Persnickety stands up and is shown in the spotlight)
Audience (offscreen): (cheers)
(Mr. Persnickety hears the cheering and thinks the act went well after all. Then Mr. Persnickety gets hit in the face with a pie)
Audience (offscreen): (laughs)
(The camera zooms out to show the audience going wild over the performance)
Audience: (cheers)
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Persnickety: I should have never joined the circus!
(The screen iris' out and the second bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown performing in the circus as a trapeze artist)
Audience (offscreen): Yay!! (cheers)
(Mr. Quiet waves to the viewers. Mr. Quiet swings on the trapeze, does a flip in mid-air and reaches out to another trapeze artist, Mr. Lazy; who has fallen asleep as he swings on the trapeze)
Mr. Lazy: (snores)
(Because Mr. Lazy is asleep, he doesn't catch Mr. Quiet. Mr. Quiet falls down to the ground as a result. Mr. Scatterbrain grows and spins into the frame then slides down to reveal the next scene. The next scene begins with the circus also beginning)
Audience: (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox: Welcome to the circus! (giggles)
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: I'm your ringmaster, Miss Chatterbox. (giggles) Wow! I've always wanted to say that! I've dreamt of being a ringmaster even longer than I've dreamt of being an astronaut. (giggles) But I thought both were a really, really hard job. So, that's when I took up knitting. (giggles)
(The circus trumpets are heard, signaling the first act)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh! What's going on in Ring One?
(In Ring One, Mr. Bump is shown on a horse)
Miss Chatterbox: Presenting, Mr. Bump; Bareback Rider!
(Mr. Bump pets the horse)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): On his trusty stallion, Rex. (giggles)
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
(Mr. Bump stands up on Rex)
Rex: (neighs)
Mr. Bump: Oh. Woah!
(Rex begins galloping around the ring and Mr. Bump maintains his balance on Rex)
Audience: (cheering)
Mr. Bump: Aah! Ooh! Geh! Oh!
(Rex gallops past Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: Boy, look at them go! I am so glad I don't have to stand up on the horse.
Rex: (whinnies)
Miss Chatterbox: I am so sure I'd fall off the first time over old Rex galloping around the ring.
(Behind Little Miss Chatterbox, Rex bucks and Mr. Bump flies off Rex)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Rex gallops away)
Rex (offscreen): (neighs)
Mr. Bump: Oh! Wah!
(Mr. Bump lands on the ground and stars start circling around his head)
Mr. Bump: (grunts) Uh!
Miss Chatterbox: Wow! That's weird! I say something and it happens. I guess that's why they call me the ringmaster! (giggles) Or would it be "ringmistress"? Yep! I think so. (chuckles)
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh well, on with the show!
(The camera cuts over to a tall platform. A spotlight shines on the platform. On the top of the platform, Mr. Bounce is there and waves hello to the spectators as the orchestra plays another "ta-da" sting)
Someone in the audience (offscreen): Yeah!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh, I love this part! Mr. Bounce is now going to leap from the top of the...
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Bounce. Mr. Bounce looks down at something on the ground)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Ladder and land in this...
(The camera pans down to show a tiny bucket of water)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Teeny-weeny little bucket of water!
(The sound of something splashing into water is heard. The camera pans back up to a worried Mr. Bounce. Mr. Bounce shrugs off his worries though. The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: It is quite a trick!
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
(Little Miss Chatterbox looks left and right)
Miss Chatterbox: Shh! Shh! Shh!
Miss Chatterbox (in a whisper) Audience, please be very quiet.
(The camera cuts back over to Mr. Bounce, who is looking down at the bucket of water)
Miss Chatterbox (in a whisper offscreen): Mr. Bounce must concentrate on landing in the exact spot.
(Mr. Bounce holds his nose and jumps off the platform)
Miss Chatterbox: (gasps)
(Mr. Bounce positions himself to land gracefully in the bucket. Little Miss Chatterbox sees that Mr. Bounce is off-target)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Mr. Bounce!
(The camera cuts back over to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: More to the left! To the left.
(Mr. Bounce realizes that he's going to miss the bucket)
Mr. Bounce: Uh oh!
(Mr. Bounce misses the bucket and starts bouncing)
Mr. Bounce: Whee!!
(Mr. Bounce bounces over Little Miss Chatterbox to the right)
Audience (overlap): (cheering)
Mr. Bounce (overlap): Hello! Goodbye!
(Mr. Bounce bounces over Little Miss Chatterbox to the left)
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): Oh, Mr. Bounce!
Audience (overlap): (cheering)
Mr. Bounce (overlap): Oh!
Miss Chatterbox: I tried to warn you!
(Mr. Bounce continues bouncing)
Mr. Bounce (overlap): Oh! Oh! Woah! (laughs like Popeye)
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): But I guess you were thinking of something else like bluebirds or...
Rex (offscreen): (neighs)
Miss Chatterbox: Blueberries or-
(Mr. Bump is shown standing back on Rex and rides him in front of Little Miss Chatterbox)
Mr. Bump (overlap): Oh! (grunts)
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): Oh!
(Mr. Bounce continues bouncing)
Miss Chatterbox: Mr. Bump is back on his horse.
(Mr. Bounce starts bouncing next to Mr. Bump and Rex)
Mr. Bounce: Woah! Whee!
(Mr. Bounce knocks Mr. Bump off of Rex and ends up standing on Rex in Mr. Bump's place)
Mr. Bounce: Boing!
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Woah!
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scary; she is trying to sell peanuts to the audience)
Miss Scary: Peanuts! Get your peanuts here! Or else!
(Mr. Bump lands on Little Miss Scary. This causes her to spill peanuts everywhere)
Miss Scary: You could've just ask for a bag, Mr. Bump!
Mr. Bump: Uh...good to know, Miss Scary.
(Mr. Bump puts his face to the floor. The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox as the orchestra plays another "ta-da" sting)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh, goodness!
(Little Miss Chatterbox looks up to the right)
Miss Chatterbox: Is it time...
(The camera pans to the upper left. Little Miss Calamity is shown trembling on a platform. She is standing in front of a bicycle and there is a tightrope between the platform she is standing on and a platform on the other side of the ring)
Miss Chatterbox: For Miss Calamity is act already?
(The camera pans back down to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: (giggles) Time sure does fly when you're doing anything but knitting! (giggles)
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox: May I direct your attention...
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Calamity's act)
Audience (overlap): (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox (overlap): To the center of the ring!
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Calamity; Little Miss Calamity is wearing a blindfold and is seated on the bicycle)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Where Miss Calamity is going to ride a bicycle across that tightrope,
(Little Miss Calamity points at her blindfold)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): Blindfolded!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: (chuckles) I can't believe it! She won't be able it see a thing! Even the teeny-tiny wire...
(The camera cuts back up to Little Miss Calamity, who is getting nervous as she hears Little Miss Chatterbox's commentary)
Miss Chatterbox (offscreen): She's supposed to be riding on!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: I had no idea being a ringmaster was so nerve-racking.
(The orchestra plays another "ta-da" sting. Little Miss Chatterbox gestures them to be quiet)
Miss Chatterbox: Orchestra quiet please!
(The audience goes silent)
Miss Chatterbox: Everyone, we must be absolutely silent! Even one word can throw off Miss Calamity. (gasps)
(Little Miss Calamity starts riding the bicycle across the tightrope)
Miss Calamity: (murmurs) Okay
(Little Miss Calamity reaches the middle of the wire but starts struggling with her pedaling
Miss Calamity: Oh! Oh.
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox. She is giddy with excitement)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh my gosh! She's gonna make it!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Calamity. Little Miss Calamity, having overheard Little Miss Chatterbox, loses both her concentration and balance)
Miss Calamity: Oh! Oh no!!
(Little Miss Calamity falls off the tightrope)
Miss Calamity: (screams)
Audience (offscreen): (gasps in shock)
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: Oh no! Something must've distracted her!
(Mr. Bump is shown lying on the ground covered in peanuts. Mr. Bump sees Little Miss Calamity falling and realizes that he must take action)
Rex: (neighs)
(Mr. Bump runs back over to Rex and Mr. Bounce. Mr. Bump hops back on Rex and rides him over to Little Miss Calamity; who is still falling)
Miss Calamity: Oh no!
(Little Miss Calamity lands on Rex but knocks Mr. Bounce off him and Mr. Bounce is sent bouncing away)
Mr. Bounce (offscreen): Ooh!
(The camera cuts back to the bucket of water)
Mr. Bounce: Uh oh!
(Mr. Bounce lands in the bucket of water; completing his act)
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
(Mr. Bounce gives the audience a thumbs up to let them know that he is okay. The camera cuts back over to Little Miss Chatterbox as she watches Mr. Bump and Little Miss Calamity ride Rex)
Miss Calamity (overlap): Oh! Oh!
Mr. Bump (overlap): Gah! Woah!
Miss Calamity (overlap): Oh! Oh! Oh! (yelps)
Mr. Bump (overlap): (grunts)
(Mr. Bump and Little Miss Calamity ride Rex out of the tent. Little Miss Calamity takes her blindfold off)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
Mr. Bump: (yelps)
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Bump and Little Miss Calamity)
Miss Calamity: You do know how to stop this horse, don't you?!
Mr. Bump: I have no idea!
Miss Calamity: Oh
(Little Miss Calamity slips off Rex and ends up hanging onto Rex by his tail)
Miss Calamity: Woah! (screams) What a calamity! (screams)
(The camera cuts back to the circus)
Audience: (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox: Ta-da! (giggles) I just love it when everything works out! (giggles) I must say, I am a really great ringmaster.
(The screen iris' out and the next bumper plays. Mr. Quiet is shown performing in the circus as a trapeze artist)
Audience (offscreen): Yay!
(Mr. Quiet waves to the viewers. Mr. Quiet swings on the trapeze, does a flip in mid-air and reaches out to another trapeze artist, Mr. Bump. But Mr. Bump lets go of his trapeze too and crashes into Mr. Quiet. This results in both of them falling straight down to the ground. The screen cuts to black. The next scene show Little Miss Chatterbox, Little Miss Daredevil, and Little Miss Helpful standing behind a huge loop-de-loop)
Audience: (cheering)
Miss Chatterbox: Presenting...Miss Daredevil! And her amazing loop-de-loop!
Miss Daredevil: Thank you, Miss Chatterbox! Now, my assistant Miss Helpful...
(Little Miss Helpful waves to the viewers)
Miss Daredevil: Is going to choose a lucky member of the audience...
(Little Miss Helpful walks offscreen to the audience of Mr. Men and Little Misses attending the circus)
Miss Daredevil: Who's gonna do this awesome trick with me!
(Little Miss Helpful is shown in the stands. Little Miss Helpful is trying to figure out who to pick as the lucky audience member to join Little Miss Daredevil in her trick. Among the people in the stands are Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Nervous. The spotlight stops on Mr. Quiet, who does not want to partake in the trick)
Mr. Quiet: Uh, uh, k-keep moving.
Mr. Quiet (in a whisper): Don't pick me!
(Little Miss Helpful approaches and mishears Mr. Quiet)
Miss Helpful: You'd like to ride, Mr. Quiet? Why, thank you! Sure makes choosing a whole lot easier.
(Little Miss Helpful drags Mr. Quiet to the circus ring. Little Miss Sunshine applauds for Mr. Quiet)
Audience: Yay!
(Little Miss Helpful seats Mr. Quiet on Little Miss Daredevil's motorcycle)
Miss Daredevil: Ready for the...
(Little Miss Helpful puts a helmet on Mr. Quiet's head that's identical to Little Miss Daredevils)
Miss Daredevil: Thrill ride of your life?
Mr. Quiet: Uh, let me think. No. Not really. Do not like thrill. Not for me. Nope.
Audience (offscreen): (cheering)
(Little Miss Daredevil lands on the motorcycle and sits down in front of Mr. Quiet. Little Miss Daredevil starts the bike up and rides over to the loop-de-loop)
Audience: (cheering)
(Little Miss Daredevil does a wheelie over to the loop-de-loop)
Audience: (cheering)
(Little Miss Daredevil and Mr. Quiet ride the motorcycle up the first ramp. They do a few flips before landing on the ramp that leads into the loop-de-loop. They ride the motorcycle in the loop-de-loop a couple of times before going up the final ramp and being launched into the air and out of the circus tent instead of finishing on the landing ramp. The camera cuts back to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Chatterbox: (scoffs) Wasn't that amazing!? Let's here it for Miss Daredevil and Mr. Quiet!
(Little Miss Helpful walks over to Little Miss Chatterbox)
Miss Helpful: Y'all think they're coming back?
Miss Chatterbox: Doubt it! (chuckles) Looks like we'll have to add another clown act.
(The screen iris' out. The final scene of the episode begins with Mr. Rude in the driver's seat of the circus truck and Little Miss Helpful driving a forklift holding the crate that contains the circus tent)
Narrator: And so the circus ends.
(The camera shows Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Happy, and Mr. Strong stuck underneath the circus tent, which has been taken down)
Narrator: It's always nice for the circus to come to town.
(Little Miss Naughty, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Nervous are shown dressed up as clowns. Little Miss Naughty throws some juggling pins into the air and they land on Mr. Rude and Mr. Nervous' heads. Knocking Mr. Rude and Mr. Nervous to the ground in the process)
Narrator: Just as it's always nice...
(Mr. Messy, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Tickle (all three dressed like clowns), and Mr. Persnickety are shown driving backwards in a clown car)
Narrator: For it to leave.
(Mr. Lazy is shown asleep underneath a tree with a circus poster covering his face. Mr. Grumpy ride past him on his old-timey tricycle. Mr. Bump and Little Miss Calamity ride Rex the Horse behind the tree where Mr. Lazy is sleeping)
Narrator: And everything can go back to normal in Dillydale.
Mr. Lazy: (snoring)
Rex the Horse (offscreen): (neighs)
(The screen fades to black)
(Episode ends here)