Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Dining Out." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Up and Down" Next: "Gifts"

UK Transcript[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big purple screen comes up with “Dining Out” written on it with Little Miss Magic, a table, a chair, and some food and a drink with a spoon with a loud crash and people saying Mr. Rude and who created the episode. Plates are heard being put down)

Miss Sunshine: (screams)

Mr. Rude: Dah!

(Plates are heard crashing onto the floor)

(The episode starts with Mr. Strong serving Little Miss Curious, Little Miss Helpful, and Little Miss Chatterbox)

Narrator: One of the many joys shared by the Mr. Men and Little Misses is that of dining out.

(Mr. Strong causes an ice cream soft serve machine to break and spill out ice cream)

Mr. Strong: Aw!

(Little Miss Naughty passes by on roller skates with a sandwich in hand)

Narrator: Whenever it’s a simple sandwich at a casual lunch spot...

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are enjoying a submarine sandwich while Mr. Lazy uses his submarine sandwich as a pillow and falls asleep)

Mr. Nosey: (laughs)

Narrator: Or a lovely dinner at a fancy restaurant.

(The camera pans over to a restaurant where Mr. Quiet and Little Miss Sunshine are dining out at)

Narrator: The good people of Dillydale take great pleasure in dining out.

(Little Miss Whoops walks over and spills spaghetti onto Mr. Quiet's head.)

Miss Whoops: (gasps)

(The scene then pans to Mr. Happy and Miss Giggles entering the Magic Hat Café)

Narrator: Who doesn’t enjoy trying out a new restaurant with friends?

(Miss Scary and Mr. Fussy are shown looking at menus. In the background, Mr. Grumpy is eating a salad and Mr. Happy and Miss Giggles are having a conversation)

Miss Scary: Thanks for inviting me to this fancy restaurant, Mr. Fussy!

Mr. Fussy: You're very welcome, Miss Scary. I've wanted to try this restaurant for some time! I hear it's quite excellent.

Miss Scary: Excellent?

(Little Miss Scary stands up)

Miss Scary: But there's not one scary thing about it!

Mr. Fussy: Precisely. And let us hope it stays that way.

(Little Miss Magic appears)

Miss Magic: Ah!

(Little Miss Scary falls out of her chair)

Miss Scary: (laughs)

Miss Magic: (coughs) Welcome to the Magic Hat Café! I'm Miss Magic and I'll be your waitress.

(Little Miss Magic puts some flowers in a vase)

Mr. Fussy: Miss Magic! Don't you know that it's improper to startle your guests!?

Miss Magic: Oh! I'm sorry, Mr. Fussy. I didn't mean to scare you.

Miss Scary: I'm not complaining!

(Little Miss Scary sits back down in her chair)

Miss Magic: Huh! May I bring you something to drink?

Mr. Fussy: Yes. Uh, fizzy pop would be lovely.

Miss Scary: Make that two fizzy pops!

Miss Magic: Coming right up!

(Little Miss Magic takes out her magic wand and prepares her spell)

Miss Magic: Hizzldy-drizzldy-fizzldy-fop, bring them two glasses of fizzy pop!

(A glass of fizzy pop appears in front of Little Miss Scary. Fizzy pop squirts out of one of the lights and all over Mr. Fussy

Mr. Fussy: (screams, coughs, and spits out Fizzy Pop) P-toh! P-too!

(Mr. Fussy is soaked and a slice of lemon and lime cover his eyes)

Miss Magic: Ta-da!

Miss Scary: I love it!

Mr. Fussy: When I asked for a glass of fizzy pop, I didn't expect a shower of fruit!

(Mr. Fussy takes the slices of fruit off his eyes)

Miss Magic: Oh! (giggles) My apologies, Mr. Fussy! Perhaps I can offer you something to help you dry off?

(Mr. Fussy wrings out his moustache)

Mr. Fussy: That would be much appreciated.

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand and prepares her spell)

Miss Magic: Hizzldy-drizzldy-fizzldy-fowl, bring Mr. Fussy a super dry towel!

Elephants (offscreen): (trumpeting)

(Little Miss Magic waves her wand and two elephants appear. The two elephants use their trunks to blow dry Mr. Fussy's hair)

Mr. Fussy: Yeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

(The elephants stop blow drying Mr. Fussy's hair. Mr. Fussy's hair is left in a terrible mess)

Miss Scary: (laughs)

(Little Miss Scary falls out of her chair in hysterics)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Woah! (laughs)

(Little Miss Magic appears on one of the elephants wearing a safari hat and slides down their trunk)

Miss Magic: Isn't it amazing?

Mr. Fussy: This is anything but amazing!

(Little Miss Magic hides under the table)

Miss Magic: Ooh!

Elephants: (trumpet)

(Mr. Fussy covers his head with the table cloth and fixes his hair while the elephants stampede)

Mr. Fussy: Ooh!

(The elephants stampede and chase Mr. Happy, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumpy out of the restaurant)

Mr. Grumpy: Elephants!

Miss Scary: (laughs)

(Mr. Fussy comes out from under the table cloth)

Mr. Fussy: This is turning out to be the worst dining experience of my life! (whimpers)

(Little Miss Magic crawls out from under the table and Little Miss Scary sits back in her chair)

Miss Magic: Oh! Heh!

Miss Scary: Hup!

Mr. Fussy: Now if you don't mind, Miss Magic. We would like to order some din-dins.

Miss Magic: Absolutely!

(Little Miss Magic uses her magic to change the safari hat back to her normal hat)

Miss Magic: May I recommend the crab soufflé? It's the specialty of the house.

Mr. Fussy: Ooh! That sounds delicious!

Miss Scary: Is crab the scariest thing you serve?

Miss Magic: (chuckles) Well it does have those creepy little pinchers.

(Little Miss Magic pinches two of her fingers together when she mentions the pinchers)

Miss Scary: Make that two, please!

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand and prepares her spell)

Miss Magic: Hizzldy-drizzldy-fizzldy-faze, give me two helpings of crab soufflés!

(Two dinner trays appear. The lids lift off the plates to reveal the crab soufflés before disappearing. Mr. Fussy uses his hand to cool down his soufflé)

Mr. Fussy: Thank you, Miss Magic. This looks lovely!

Miss Magic: Sometimes my magic surprises even me. Enjoy your dinner.

(Little Miss Magic disappears without her hat)

Mr. Fussy: (gasps)

Miss Scary: Ooh!

(Little Miss Magic's hat falls to the ground then disappears shortly after)

Miss Scary: I love it when she does that!

(Mr. Fussy prepares to eat his crab soufflé)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Perhaps this evening won't turn out so badly after all!

(A crab claw comes out of Mr. Fussy's soufflé and breaks Mr. Fussy's knife in two)

Mr. Fussy: (gasps) Sweet apple strudel! My crab is fighting back!!

(The crab comes out of the soufflé starts chasing after Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

Miss Scary: You were right, Mr. Fussy!

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

Miss Scary: This is the best restaurant ever! (laughs)

(A transitions of Little Miss Whoops carrying a plate of spaghetti is shown. Little Miss Whoops loses her balances and the spaghetti is thrown onto the screen)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(The spaghetti falls down and it transitions to a bumper of Mr. Scatterbrain serving Mr. Happy some soup. Mr. Happy puts some bread crumbs into the soup and prepares to enjoy when a flock of ducks show up with one landing head first into the soup)

Ducks: Quack! Quack!

(The next scene shows Mr. Grumpy walking past Mr. Messy's Pizza Parlor (where Mr. Messy is making a pizza) and Little Miss Scary's restaurant (where she scares Mr. Bump))

Narrator: Of all the restaurants in Dillydale, only one serves food and a tickle.

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Grumpy stops outside "Tic-Tac-Tickle." He decides to go in and give it a try)

Narrator: Which makes it all the more puzzling that Mr. Grumpy should give it a try.

Mr. Tickle: Hello, Mr. Grumpy!

Mr. Grumpy: Hmph!

Mr. Tickle: Welcome to "Tic-Tac-Tickle!"

(Mr. Grumpy takes a menu and sits down)

Mr. Grumpy: Shoo! You're bothering me.

(Mr. Tickle walks away. An alarm clock goes off but Mr. Grumpy doesn't know where it's coming from)

Mr. Grumpy: Hm?

(Mr. Grumpy lifts the table cloth and finds Mr. Scatterbrain sleeping under the table. Mr. Scatterbrain turns the alarm clock off)

Mr. Scatterbrain: (yawns)

(Mr. Scatterbrain gets up from underneath the table)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah!

Mr. Scatterbrain: I'm Mr. Scatterbrain. And I'll be your...uh...what do they call it again?

Mr. Grumpy: Waiter?

Mr. Scatterbrain: That's it! (chuckles) I'll be your waiter!

(Mr. Grumpy looks at the menu)

Mr. Grumpy: This menu is nothing but doodles!

Mr. Scatterbrain: I know! Aren't they pretty?

(Mr. Scatterbrain does some more drawing on the menu)

Mr. Grumpy: Then I'll just have the beanburger. With chips and beans.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes the menu away)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Coming right up!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks away and Mr. Tickle returns eager to tickle Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: How about an appetizer tickle?

Mr. Grumpy: How about I ties those arms of yours into a giant knot?

(Mr. Tickle retracts his arms and goes away. Little Miss Chatterbox walks over)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Hello there, Mr. Grumpy! Fancy meeting you here! (giggles)

Mr. Grumpy: Hm!

Miss Chatterbox: Well, I suppose it's not that unusual to run into somebody at a restaurant. Especially because people go to restaurants.

Mr. Grumpy: Miss Chatterbox, if you don't mind...I'm trying to enjoy my dinner in peace and quiet.

Miss Chatterbox: Goodness me, I love peace and quiet! I like peace and quiet even more than I like dried prawn cocktail crisps! Which are much better than turnips. (gasps) Let's have peace and quiet together!

(Little Miss Chatterbox sits in the other chair at Mr. Grumpy's table. Mr. Tickle pops up)

Mr. Tickle: How about a peace and quiet tickle?

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

Miss Chatterbox: I'd love one!

Mr. Tickle: Yay!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: (laughs)

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks over)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Here's your beanburger!

(Mr. Scatterbrain pulls out a turkey)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Beanburger, meet Mr. Grumpy

Beanburger: (Gobbles)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! That's not a beanburger, that's a live turkey!

(Mr. Tickle tries to tickle Beanburger but Beanburger turns blue and Mr. Tickle stops himself)

Beanburger: (Gobbles)

Mr. Tickle: Oh!

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Did you know they turn blue and they get angry? Ha! I once knew a lizard that turned pink when it got cold. Or was that when it shed its skin? Well, it turned pink and that's what matters.

Mr. Grumpy: No. What matters is that someone get this turkey out of here!

Beanburger: (Gobbles)

Mr. Grumpy: And brings me a normal lunch.

(Beanburger hops off the table and walks away)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Now that you're done with Beanburger, can I bring you dessert?

Mr. Grumpy: Dessert? No thank you! Just bring me a cold glass of milk.

Miss Chatterbox: Ooh! I'd love one too, please!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Coming right up! (whistles)

(A cow walks over)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Here you go!

Cow: (moos)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! Crooked cucumbers!

Miss Chatterbox: (giggles) Wouldn't it be great if cows could talk? Think of the fascinating conversations we could have! (giggles)

(The cow licks Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Grumpy: I'm going home!

Mr. Tickle: Oh!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh! Don't go, Mr. Grumpy!

(Mr. Scatterbrain picks up the cow and puts her on the table)

Cow: (moos)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Uh...not without your milk! (chuckles)

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out two empty glasses)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Okay Mr. Tickle, do your stuff!

Mr. Scatterbrain: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵

Mr. Tickle: 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵

Mr. Scatterbrain and Miss Chatterbox: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵

(Mr. Tickle starts milking the cow)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): Come on Mr. Grumpy, join in!

(Mr. Tickle accidentally spills the milk all over Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! If I wanted to sing, I'd join the Dillydale Chorus!

(Mr. Grumpy wipes away the spilled milk)

Mr. Tickle: Maybe you just need...

Mr. Grumpy: Oh?

Mr. Tickle: A tickle!

Mr. Grumpy: No!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

Mr. Grumpy: (laughs) No! (laughs)

Mr. Scatterbrain: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵

Mr. Tickle: 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵

Mr. Scatterbrain and Miss Chatterbox: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵

Mr. Tickle: 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵

(The scene transitions to the next bumper. Mr. Scatterbrain serves Mr. Happy his soup. Mr. Happy blows on his soup to cool it down and is about to eat it when a tentacle comes out of the soup. The tentacle grabs Mr. Happy's spoon and starts feeding Mr. Happy the soup)

(A brief dance video plays featuring Mr. Nosey dressed as a drive-in waiter. (complete with roller skates) Mr. Nosey is shown carrying a dinner tray. After doing a few spins, Mr. Nosey takes the lid off the tray to reveal Mr. Small underneath. Mr. Nosey skates across the screen to transition to the next scene)

(The next scene starts with Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Quiet (who falls down upon entering the restaurant), and Mr. Nervous entering a restaurant through a revolving door)

Narrator: Today Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Nervous have decided to enjoy a meal out!

(Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Nervous walk to the desk in the waiting area)

Narrator: Dining out with friends is often a lot of fun!

(Mr. Stubborn starts ringing the bell on the desk)

Narrator: Unless, you're visiting Miss Naughty's restaurant.

(Little Miss Naughty is shown sawing off a piece of a table leg)

Miss Naughty: (chuckles mischievously)

(Little Miss Naughty hears the bell)

Miss Naughty: Customers!

(Mr. Stubborn continues to ring the bell. Little Miss Naughty runs over and takes the bell away from Mr. Stubborn)

Miss Naughty: Welcome to my restaurant! Let me show you to your table.

Mr. Stubborn: Lead the way, Miss Naughty!

(Little Miss Naughty leads Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Nervous to their table. Mr. Quiet begins to have second thought while Mr. Nervous is too nervous to move)

Mr. Quiet: Uh, does anybody but me think this is a bad idea?

(Mr. Quiet follows Mr. Stubborn. Mr. Nervous sees three pairs of eyes inside a small cave in the fish tank)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs after everyone else. Little Miss Naughty puts a table cloth over the table she sawed the piece of the table leg off of)

Miss Naughty: Here! Sit!

(Little Miss Naughty walks away to get the group of three some food)

Miss Naughty: I'll go and make you something fabulous to eat! (chuckles)

(In the following order, Mr. Quiet, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Nervous scooch into the booth (their table) and sit down. Mr. Quiet is furthest to the left, Mr. Stubborn is in the middle, and Mr. Nervous is furthest to the right)

Mr. Nervous: I don't think I'm...very hungry.

Mr. Stubborn: Don't be ridiculous! Of course you are hungry!

Mr. Quiet: I'm hungry but I still think this is a bad idea.

(Mr. Quiet puts his elbow on the table. But, since Little Miss Naughty sawed the table leg off Mr. Quiet's side of the table, this causes the table to lean and the knives and forks to slide towards the left and fall on the floor)

Mr. Nervous: Oh!

Mr. Stubborn: Mr. Quiet! Stop throwing the knives and forks around!

(Mr. Quiet looks under the table and sees the saw and the sawed off table leg. Mr. Quiet picks up the saw and the piece of the table leg to show Mr. Stubborn that he's not the one at fault)

Mr. Quiet: Oh, but it's not me! It's the table!

Mr. Stubborn: Don't blame the table! Now, put away your tools!

(Mr. Quiet puts down the evidence)

Mr. Quiet: Aw!

Mr. Stubborn: Our food will be here any minute!

(Little Miss Naughty takes out an octopus from inside the aquarium and places it in one of the three bowls of soup she is carrying. Each soup has tentacles coming out of it. Signaling that their is an octopus in each soup)

Miss Naughty: (chuckles mischievously) Sometimes, I just can't help myself!

(Little Miss Naughty heads over to the table with the three bowls of soup. The tentacles are still waving around)

Miss Naughty: This...

(Little Miss Naughty looks at the soup for a moment. The tentacles hide into the soup and Little Miss Naughty serves Mr. Quiet, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Nervous each a bowl of soup)

Miss Naughty: Is my delicious...octopus soup!

Mr. Nervous: Oh, it's not too hot! Is it?

(A tentacle briefly wiggles out of Mr. Nervous' soup)

Miss Naughty: No!

(Little Miss Naughty sticks her finger into the soup to prove that it's not hot)

Miss Naughty: It's just right.

(Little Miss Naughty walks away and hides behind a nearby potted bush. Little Miss Naughty peeks out to watch her trick unfold. Mr. Nervous and Mr. Quiet are the only ones who see Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: (chuckles mischievously)

Mr. Quiet: Hmm...

(Mr. Stubborn blows on his soup and notices that Mr. Nervous and Mr. Quiet haven't touched their soups)

Mr. Stubborn: What are you afraid of?

Mr. Nervous: Almost everything.

(A tentacle comes out of Mr. Stubborn's soup and shakes some salt into Mr. Nervous' soup)

Mr. Nervous: Especially this soup!

Mr. Quiet: I'm with him.

(An octopus peeps out of Mr. Stubborn's soup)

Mr. Stubborn: You are getting on my nerves!

(The octopus submerges into Mr. Stubborn's soup and bubbles burst on the surface)

Mr. Stubborn: There is nothing wrong with this soup!

(Mr. Nervous blows on a spoonful of his soup)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! Good soupie.

(A tentacle comes out of Mr. Quiet's soup and grabs Mr. Quiet's hair)

Mr. Quiet: Uh, help! Uh, my soup's got me!

(The tentacle pulls Mr. Quiet's face into the soup)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Stubborn: Mr. Quiet! Where are your manners? Keep your face out of the soup!

Mr. Quiet: But it was the octopus!

(Mr. Nervous tries his soup)

Mr. Nervous: My soup is too salty.

(Mr. Quiet leans on the table again. This causes the table to slant again and the soups to crash to the ground)

Mr. Stubborn: You did it again, Mr. Quiet!!

(Little Miss Naughty is shown preparing baked beans. The beans are in three separate pots that are ticking)

Miss Naughty: Once these little clocks stop ticking, these baked beans will become baked booms!

(Little Miss Naughty comes out of the kitchen and to the table)

Miss Naughty: And now, the specialty of the house!

(Little Miss Naughty serves Mr. Quiet, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Nervous each a pot of baked beans)

Miss Naughty: Dillydale Baked Booms!

(Little Miss Naughty realizes her mistake)

Miss Naughty: Uh, I mean beans! Baked beans!

(Little Miss Naughty walks away. Mr. Stubborn starts eating his beans)

Mr. Stubborn: What is the matter?

Mr. Nervous: I beans are ticking!

Mr. Stubborn: They are not ticking!

Mr. Quiet: Uh, mine is definitely making a "tick tick" noise.

(Mr. Nervous listens to Mr. Stubborn's bean pot)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! Yours are ticking too!

Mr. Stubborn: My baked beans is not ticking!

(Mr. Quiet prepares to try his beans when his bean pot explodes beans into his face)

Mr. Quiet: Ugh!

Mr. Nervous: Oh! I knew it! Ghastly, hideous, naughty beans! We should never have come here!

(Mr. Nervous runs away)

Mr. Stubborn: Get back here! We haven't had dessert and I want pudding! I'm going home!

(Mr. Stubborn leave and Little Miss Naughty runs over to the table and calls after him)

Miss Naughty: Wait! you didn’t finish you booms, I...I mean beans!

(Mr. Stubborn's pot of baked beans explodes in her face)

Miss Naughty: Ugh! Yuck!

(An iris circles in on Mr. Quiet. Mr. Quiet then tries the baked beans)

Mr. Quiet: Hmm, not bad!

(The iris closes and the third pot is heard exploding)

Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Oh.

(The third bumper plays. Mr. Scatterbrain serves Mr. Happy his soup. Mr. Happy blows on his soup to cool it down and is about to eat it when another Mr. Scatterbrain pops out of the soup wearing snorkel gear)

(The next scene is at night. Mr. Strong is cleaning up his counter while Mr. Nervous is being chased by octopus)

Mr. Nervous: Ah! Ah! No!

Narrator: Another delightful day of dining out in Dillydale draws to a close.

(Mr. Lazy is shown at the sandwich shop waking up)

Mr. Lazy: (yawns)

(Mr. Lazy starts eating his sandwich)

Narrator: And a good time has been had by all!

(Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Scary leave the Magic Hat Café and the restaurant disappears in a cloud of magical smoke)

Narrator: There's nothing better than a meal shared with friends!

(The camera pans over to Chez Rude where Mr. Rude is shown sitting at a table)

Narrator: Even if their table manners aren't quite what they should be.

Mr. Rude: (burps)

Narrator: Mr. Rude!!

(The screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

(The scene transitions to a commercial for Chez Rude. It begins with Mr. Rude cleaning his teeth with a tooth pick)

Mr. Rude: I am Mr. Rude! And this is my sidewalk café, Chez Rude!

(The screen zooms out to reveal Mr. Tickle playing the accordion. Mr. Rude goes up to Mr. Bounce's table. Mr. Bounce is preparing to eat some bread when Mr. Rude pounds his fist onto the table and takes the bread away)

Mr. Rude: You have eaten enough! Now go!

(Mr. Rude ejects Mr. Bounce and Mr. Bounce bounces all over the place)

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing!

(Mr. Bounce faceplants onto the screen and slides down)

Mr. Bounce: Hello!

(The scene transitions over Mr. Quiet's table. Mr. Rude walks over carrying a plate with a lid)

Mr. Rude: Here at Chez Rude, you get the food I give you.

Mr. Quiet: Uh...

(Mr. Rude takes the lid off the plate revealing a live snail underneath. The snail hides into their shell in fear)

Mr. Quiet: That doesn't look like French fries.

(Mr. Rude puts the plate on the table and gives Mr. Quiet the bill)

Mr. Rude: And if you don't like it?

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Rude: Too bad. You still have to pay!

(Mr. Tickle walks over and plays the accordion by Mr. Quiet)

Mr. Quiet: Ooh!

(The snail comes out of their shell and crawls away. The scene cuts to Mr. Happy and Little Miss Helpful at there table. Little Miss Helpful takes out a watch to see the time. Mr. Tickle pops up and plays the accordion by Mr. Happy and Little Miss Helpful. Mr. Rude walks over)

Mr. Rude: When dining at Chez Rude, we will tend to your every need.

(Mr. Happy raises his hand to get Mr. Rude's attention)

Mr. Rude: What do you want?

Mr. Happy: Well, I'm sure this is a marvellous restaurant. I wonder if it might be possible for Miss Helpful and I to...uh, (chuckles)...see some menus?

Mr. Rude: I have no time for your complaints! Go! Get out! Give someone else a headache!

(Mr. Rude ejects Mr. Happy and Little Miss Helpful)

Miss Helpful (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Happy (overlap): (laughs and screams)

Mr. Rude: Good riddance!

(Mr. Tickle walks over to Mr. Rude as the former continues to play the accordion)

Mr. Rude: So, come and give Chez Rude a try! Or not! I don't give a croissant what you do! (burps)

(Mr. Rude walks offscreen)

Mr. Tickle: MR. RUDE!!

(Mr. Rude ejects Mr. Tickle)

Mr. Tickle: (screams)

(The commercial for Chez Rude ends as the screen fades to black)

US Transcript[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big purple screen comes up with “Dining Out” written on it with Little Miss Magic, a table, a chair, and some food and a drink with a spoon with a loud crash who created the episode. Plates are heard being put down)

Miss Sunshine: (screams)

Mr. Rude: Dah!

(Plates are heard crashing onto the floor)

(The episode starts with Mr. Strong serving Little Miss Curious, Little Miss Helpful, and Little Miss Chatterbox)

Narrator: One of the many joys shared by the Mr. Men and Little Misses is that of dining out.

(Mr. Strong causes an ice cream soft serve machine to break and spill out ice cream. Little Miss Naughty passes by on roller skates with a sandwich in hand)

Narrator: Whenever it’s a simple sandwich at a casual lunch spot...

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are enjoying a submarine sandwich while Mr. Lazy uses his submarine sandwich as a pillow and falls asleep)

Mr. Nosey: (laughs)

Narrator: Or a lovely dinner at a fancy restaurant.

(The camera pans over to a restaurant where Mr. Quiet and Little Miss Sunshine are dining out at)

Narrator: The good people of Dillydale take great pleasure in dining out.

(Little Miss Whoops walks over and spills spaghetti onto Mr. Quiet's head.)

Miss Whoops: Ah!

(The scene then pans to Mr. Happy and Miss Giggles entering the Magic Hat Café)

Narrator: Who doesn’t enjoy trying out a new restaurant with friends?

(Miss Scary and Mr. Fussy are shown looking at menus. In the background, Mr. Grumpy is eating a salad and Mr. Happy and Miss Giggles are having a conversation)

Miss Scary: Thanks for inviting me to this fancy restaurant, Mr. Fussy!

Mr. Fussy: You're very welcome, Miss Scary. I've wanted to try this restaurant for some time! I hear it's quite excellent.

Miss Scary: Excellent?

(Little Miss Scary stands up)

Miss Scary: But there's not one scary thing about it!

Mr. Fussy: Precisely. And let us hope it stays that way.

(Little Miss Magic appears)

Miss Magic: Ah!

(Little Miss Scary falls out of her chair)

Miss Scary: (snorts and laughs)

Miss Magic: (coughs) Welcome to the Magic Hat Café! I'm Miss Magic and I'll be your waitress.

(Little Miss Magic puts some flowers in a vase)

Mr. Fussy: Miss Magic! Don't you know that it's improper to startle your guests!?

Miss Magic: Ooh, I'm sorry Mr. Fussy. I didn't mean to scare ya.

Miss Scary: You don't hear me complaining!

(Little Miss Scary sits back down in her chair)

Miss Magic: Oh. May I bring you something to drink?

Mr. Fussy: Yes. Uh, fizzy pop would be lovely.

Miss Scary: Make that two fizzy pops!

Miss Magic: Coming right up!

(Little Miss Magic takes out her magic wand and prepares her spell)

Miss Magic: Hizzldy-drizzldy-fizzldy-fop, bring them two glasses of fizzy pop!

(A glass of fizzy pop appears in front of Little Miss Scary. Fizzy pop squirts out of one of the lights and all over Mr. Fussy

Mr. Fussy: Doh! (coughs and spits out Fizzy Pop) Oh!

(Mr. Fussy is soaked and a slice of lemon and lime cover his eyes)

Miss Magic: Ta-da!

Miss Scary: I love it!

Mr. Fussy: When I asked for a glass of fizzy pop, I didn't expect a shower of fruit!

(Mr. Fussy takes the slices of fruit off his eyes)

Miss Magic: Oh! (chuckles) My apologies, Mr. Fussy! Perhaps I can offer you something to help you dry off?

(Mr. Fussy wrings out his moustache)

Mr. Fussy: That would be much appreciated.

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand and prepares her spell)

Miss Magic: Hizzldy-drizzldy-fizzldy-fowl, bring Mr. Fussy a super dry towel!

Elephants (offscreen): (trumpeting)

(Little Miss Magic waves her wand and two elephants appear. The two elephants use their trunks to blow dry Mr. Fussy's hair)

Mr. Fussy: (makes a lip-trill sound effect)

(The elephants stop blow drying Mr. Fussy's hair. Mr. Fussy's hair is left in a terrible mess)

Miss Scary: (laughs)

(Little Miss Scary falls out of her chair in hysterics. Little Miss Magic appears on one of the elephants wearing a safari hat and slides down their trunk)

Miss Magic: Isn't it amazing?

Mr. Fussy: This is anything but amazing!

(Little Miss Magic hides under the table)

Elephants: (trumpet)

(The elephants stampede and chase Mr. Happy, Little Miss Giggles, and Mr. Grumpy out of the restaurant. Mr. Fussy covers his head with the table cloth and fixes his hair while the elephants stampede)

Elephants: (trumpet)

Mr. Grumpy: (screams)

Miss Scary: (laughs)

(Mr. Fussy comes out from under the table cloth)

Mr. Fussy: This is turning out to be the worst dining experience of my life!

(Little Miss Magic crawls out from under the table and Little Miss Scary sits back in her chair)

Mr. Fussy: Now if you don't mind, Miss Magic. We would like to order some dinner.

Miss Magic: Absolutely!

(Little Miss Magic uses her magic to change the safari hat back to her normal hat)

Miss Magic: May I recommend the crab soufflé? It's the specialty of the house.

Mr. Fussy: Well, that sounds delicious!

Miss Scary: Is crab the scariest thing you serve?

Miss Magic: Oh! Well it does have those creepy little pinchers.

(Little Miss Magic pinches two of her fingers together when she mentions the pinchers)

Miss Scary: Then I'll have one too!

(Little Miss Magic waves her magic wand and prepares her spell)

Miss Magic: Hizzldy-drizzldy-fizzldy-faze, give me two helpings of crab soufflés!

(Two dinner trays appear. The lids lift off the plates to reveal the crab soufflés before disappearing. Mr. Fussy uses his hand to cool down his soufflé)

Mr. Fussy: Thank you, Miss Magic. This looks lovely!

Miss Magic: Sometimes my magic surprises even me. Enjoy your dinner.

(Little Miss Magic disappears without her hat. Her hat falls to the ground then disappears shortly after)

Miss Scary: I love it when she does that!

(Mr. Fussy prepares to eat his crab soufflé)

Mr. Fussy: Perhaps this evening won't turn out so badly after all!

(A crab claw comes out of Mr. Fussy's soufflé and breaks Mr. Fussy's knife in two)

Mr. Fussy: (gasps) Sweet Henrietta! My crab is fighting back!!

(The crab comes out of the soufflé starts chasing after Mr. Fussy)

Mr. Fussy: Doh-ho-ho-ho!

Miss Scary: You were right, Mr. Fussy!

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

Miss Scary: This is the best restaurant ever! (laughs and snorts)

(A transitions of Little Miss Whoops carrying a plate of spaghetti is shown. Little Miss Whoops loses her balances and the spaghetti is thrown onto the screen)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(The spaghetti falls down and it transitions to a bumper of Mr. Scatterbrain serving Mr. Happy some soup. Mr. Happy puts some bread crumbs into the soup and prepares to enjoy when a flock of ducks show up with one landing head first into the soup)

Ducks: Quack! Quack!

(The scene transitions to a commercial for Chez Rude. It begins with Mr. Rude cleaning his teeth with a tooth pick)

Mr. Rude: I am Mr. Rude! And this is my sidewalk café, Chez Rude!

(The screen zooms out to reveal Mr. Tickle playing the accordion. Mr. Rude goes up to Mr. Bounce's table. Mr. Bounce is preparing to eat some bread when Mr. Rude pounds his fist onto the table and takes the bread away)

Mr. Rude: You have eaten enough! Now go!

(Mr. Rude ejects Mr. Bounce and Mr. Bounce bounces all over the place)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Bounce: Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing!

(Mr. Bounce faceplants onto the screen and slides down)

Mr. Bounce: Hello!

(The scene transitions over Mr. Quiet's table. Mr. Rude walks over carrying a plate with a lid)

Mr. Rude: Here at Chez Rude, you get the food I give you.

Mr. Quiet: Yeah.

(Mr. Rude takes the lid off the plate revealing a live snail underneath)

Snail: (screams)

(The snail hides into their shell in fear)

Mr. Quiet: I'm not sure I want that.

(Mr. Rude puts the plate on the table and gives Mr. Quiet the bill)

Mr. Rude: And if you don't like it? Too bad. You still have to pay!

(Mr. Tickle walks over and plays the accordion by Mr. Quiet)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

(The snail comes out of their shell and crawls away. The scene cuts to Mr. Happy and Little Miss Helpful at there table. Little Miss Helpful takes out a watch to see the time. Mr. Tickle pops up and plays the accordion by Mr. Happy and Little Miss Helpful. Mr. Rude walks over)

Mr. Rude: When dining at Chez Rude, we will tend to your every need.

(Mr. Happy raises his hand to get Mr. Rude's attention)

Mr. Rude: What do you want?

Mr. Happy: Well, I'm sure this is a marvelous restaurant. I wonder if it might be possible for Miss Helpful and I to...(chuckles)...see some menus?

Mr. Rude: I have no time for your complaints! Go! Get out! Give someone else a headache!

(Mr. Rude ejects Mr. Happy and Little Miss Helpful)

Mr. Happy (overlap): (laughs and screams)

Miss Helpful (overlap): (screams)

Mr. Rude: Good riddance!

(Mr. Tickle walks over to Mr. Rude as the former continues to play the accordion)

Mr. Rude: So, come and give Chez Rude a try! Or not! I don't give a croissant what you do! (burps)

(Mr. Rude walks offscreen)

Mr. Tickle: MR. RUDE!!

(Mr. Rude ejects Mr. Tickle. The commercial for Chez Rude ends as the screen fades to black)

(The next scene shows Mr. Grumpy walking past Mr. Messy's Pizza Parlor (where Mr. Messy is making a pizza) and Little Miss Scary's restaurant (where she scares Mr. Bump))

Narrator: Of all the restaurants in Dillydale, only one serves food and a tickle.

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Grumpy stops outside "Tic-Tac-Tickle." He decides to go in and give it a try)

Narrator: Which makes it all the more puzzling that Mr. Grumpy would give it a try.

Mr. Tickle: Hello, Mr. Grumpy! Welcome to "Tic-Tac-Tickle!"

(Mr. Grumpy takes a menu and sits down)

Mr. Grumpy: Shoo! You're bothering me.

(Mr. Tickle walks away. An alarm clock goes off but Mr. Grumpy doesn't know where it's coming from. He lifts the table cloth and finds Mr. Scatterbrain sleeping under the table. Mr. Scatterbrain turns the alarm clock off)

Mr. Scatterbrain: (yawns)

(Mr. Scatterbrain gets up from underneath the table)

Mr. Scatterbrain: I'm Mr. Scatterbrain. And I'll be your...uh...what do they call it again?

Mr. Grumpy: Waiter?

Mr. Scatterbrain: That's it! (chuckles) I'll be your waiter!

(Mr. Grumpy looks at the menu)

Mr. Grumpy: This menu is nothing but doodles!

Mr. Scatterbrain: I know! Aren't they pretty?

(Mr. Scatterbrain does some more drawing on the menu)

Mr. Grumpy: Then I'll just have the beanburger. With a side of pickles.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes the menu away)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Coming right up!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks away and Mr. Tickle returns eager to tickle Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: How about an appetizer tickle?

Mr. Grumpy: How about I ties those arms of yours into a giant knot?

(Mr. Tickle retracts his arms and goes away. Little Miss Chatterbox walks over)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Hello there, Mr. Grumpy! Fancy meeting you here! Well, I suppose it's not that unusual to run into somebody at a restaurant. Especially because people go to restaurants.

Mr. Grumpy: Miss Chatterbox, if you don't mind...I'm trying to enjoy my dinner in peace and quiet.

Miss Chatterbox: Oh my gosh, I love peace and quiet! I like peace and quiet even more than I like dried cranberries! Which are much better than turnips. (gasps) Let's have peace and quiet together!

(Little Miss Chatterbox sits in the other chair at Mr. Grumpy's table. Mr. Tickle pops up)

Mr. Tickle: How about a peace and quiet tickle?

Miss Chatterbox: I'd love one!

Mr. Tickle: Yay!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Chatterbox)

Miss Chatterbox: (laughs)

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks over)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Here's your beanburger!

(Mr. Scatterbrain pulls out a turkey)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Beanburger, meet Mr. Grumpy!

Beanburger: (Gobbles)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! That's not a beanburger, that's a live turkey!

(Mr. Tickle tries to tickle Beanburger but Beanburger turns blue and Mr. Tickle stops himself)

Beanburger: (Gobbles)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps) Did you know they turn blue and they get angry? I once knew a lizard that turned pink when it got cold. Or was that when it shed its skin? Well it turned pink and that's what matters.

Mr. Grumpy: No. What matters is that someone get this turkey out of here!

Beanburger: (Gobbles)

Mr. Grumpy: And bring me a normal lunch.

(Beanburger hops off the table and walks away)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Now that you're done with Beanburger, can I bring you dessert?

Mr. Grumpy: Dessert? No thank you! Just bring me a cold glass of milk.

Miss Chatterbox: Oh! I'd love one too, please!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Coming right up! (whistles)

(A cow walks over)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Here you go!

Cow: (moos)

Mr. Grumpy: Crooked cucumbers!

Miss Chatterbox: (giggles) Wouldn't it be great if cows could talk? Think of the fascinating conversations we could have! (giggles)

(The cow licks Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Grumpy: I'm going home!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, don't go Mr. Grumpy!

(Mr. Scatterbrain picks up the cow and puts her on the table)

Cow: (moos)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Uh...not without your milk! (chuckles)

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out two empty glasses)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Okay Mr. Tickle, do your stuff!

Mr. Scatterbrain: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵

Mr. Tickle: 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵

Mr. Scatterbrain and Miss Chatterbox: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵

(Mr. Tickle starts milking the cow)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): Come on Mr. Grumpy, join in!

(Mr. Tickle accidentally spills the milk all over Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh! If I wanted to sing, I'd join the Dillydale Chorus!

(Mr. Grumpy wipes away the spilled milk)

Mr. Tickle: Maybe you just need...a tickle!

Mr. Grumpy: No!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

Mr. Grumpy: (laughs) No! Stop!

Mr. Scatterbrain: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵

Mr. Tickle: 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵

Mr. Scatterbrain and Miss Chatterbox: 🎵You wanna get that milk🎵

Mr. Tickle: 🎵You gotta tickle it out!🎵

(The scene transitions to the next bumper. Mr. Scatterbrain serves Mr. Happy his soup. Mr. Happy blows on his soup to cool it down and is about to eat it when a tentacle comes out of the soup. The tentacle grabs Mr. Happy's spoon and starts feeding Mr. Happy the soup)

(A brief dance video plays featuring Mr. Nosey dressed as a drive-in waiter. (complete with roller skates) Mr. Nosey is shown carrying a dinner tray. After doing a few spins, Mr. Nosey takes the lid off the tray to reveal Mr. Small underneath. Mr. Nosey skates across the screen to transition to the next scene)

(The next scene starts with Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Quiet (who falls down upon entering the restaurant), and Mr. Nervous entering a restaurant through a revolving door)

Narrator: Today Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Nervous have decided to enjoy a meal out!

(Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Nervous walk to the desk in the waiting area)

Narrator: Dining out with friends is often a lot of fun!

(Mr. Stubborn starts ringing the bell on the desk)

Narrator: Unless, you're visiting Miss Naughty's restaurant.

(Little Miss Naughty is shown sawing off a piece of a table leg)

Miss Naughty: (chuckles mischievously)

(Little Miss Naughty hears the bell)

Miss Naughty: Customers!

(Mr. Stubborn continues to ring the bell. Little Miss Naughty runs over and takes the bell away from Mr. Stubborn)

Miss Naughty: Welcome to my restaurant! Let me show you to your table.

Mr. Stubborn: Lead the way, Miss Naughty!

(Little Miss Naughty leads Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Quiet, and Mr. Nervous to their table. Mr. Quiet begins to have second thought while Mr. Nervous is too nervous to move)

Mr. Quiet: Uh, does anyone but me think this is a bad idea?

(Mr. Quiet follows Mr. Stubborn. Mr. Nervous sees three pairs of eyes inside a small cave in the fish tank)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(Mr. Nervous runs after everyone else. Little Miss Naughty puts a table cloth over the table she sawed the piece of the table leg off of)

Miss Naughty: Sit! Here!

(Little Miss Naughty walks away to get the group of three some food)

Miss Naughty: I'll go make you something fabulous to eat!

(In the following order, Mr. Quiet, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Nervous scooch into the booth (their table) and sit down. Mr. Quiet is furthest to the left, Mr. Stubborn is in the middle, and Mr. Nervous is furthest to the right)

Mr. Nervous: I don't think I'm...very hungry.

Mr. Stubborn: Don't be ridiculous! Of course you are hungry!

Mr. Quiet: I'm hungry but I still think this is a bad idea.

(Mr. Quiet puts his elbow on the table. But, since Little Miss Naughty sawed the table leg off Mr. Quiet's side of the table, this causes the table to lean and the knives and forks to slide towards the left and fall on the floor)

Mr. Stubborn: Mr. Quiet! Stop throwing the knives and forks around!

(Mr. Quiet looks under the table and sees the saw and the sawed off table leg. Mr. Quiet picks up the saw and the piece of the table leg to show Mr. Stubborn that he's not the one at fault)

Mr. Quiet: Aw, but it's not me! It's the table!

Mr. Stubborn: Don't blame the table! Now, put away your tools!

(Mr. Quiet puts down the evidence)

Mr. Stubborn: Our food will be here any minute!

(Little Miss Naughty takes out an octopus from inside the aquarium and places it in one of the three bowls of soup she is carrying. Each soup has tentacles coming out of it. Signaling that their is an octopus in each soup)

Miss Naughty: (chuckles mischievously) Sometimes, I just can't help myself!

(Little Miss Naughty heads over to the table with the three bowls of soup. The tentacles are still waving around)

Miss Naughty: This...

(Little Miss Naughty looks at the soup for a moment. The tentacles hide into the soup and Little Miss Naughty serves Mr. Quiet, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Nervous each a bowl of soup)

Miss Naughty: Is my delicious...octopus soup!

Mr. Nervous: Oh, it's not too hot! Is it?

(A tentacle briefly wiggles out of Mr. Nervous' soup)

Miss Naughty: No!

(Little Miss Naughty sticks her finger into the soup to prove that it's not hot)

Miss Naughty: It is just right.

(Little Miss Naughty walks away and hides behind a nearby potted bush. Little Miss Naughty peeks out to watch her trick unfold. Mr. Nervous and Mr. Quiet are the only ones who see Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: (chuckles mischievously)

(Mr. Stubborn blows on his soup and notices that Mr. Nervous and Mr. Quiet haven't touched their soups)

Mr. Stubborn: What are you afraid of!?

Mr. Nervous: Geh. Almost everything.

(A tentacle comes out of Mr. Stubborn's soup and shakes some salt into Mr. Nervous' soup)

Mr. Nervous: Especially the soup!

Mr. Quiet: I'm with him.

(An octopus peeps out of Mr. Stubborn's soup)

Mr. Stubborn: You are getting on my nerves!

(The octopus submerges into Mr. Stubborn's soup and bubbles burst on the surface)

Mr. Stubborn: There is nothing wrong with this soup!

(Mr. Nervous blows on a spoonful of his soup)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! Good soupie.

(A tentacle comes out of Mr. Quiet's soup and grabs Mr. Quiet's hair)

Mr. Quiet: Uh, help! Uh, my soup's got me!

(The tentacle pulls Mr. Quiet's face into the soup)

Mr. Stubborn: Mr. Quiet! Where are your manners? Keep your face out of the soup!

Mr. Quiet: But it was the octopus!

(Mr. Nervous tries his soup)

Mr. Nervous: My soup's too salty.

(Mr. Quiet leans on the table again. This causes the table to slant again and the soups to crash to the ground)

Mr. Stubborn: You did it again, Mr. Quiet!!

(Little Miss Naughty is shown preparing baked beans. The beans are in three separate pots that are ticking)

Miss Naughty: Once these little clocks stop ticking, these baked beans will become baked booms!

(Little Miss Naughty comes out of the kitchen and to the table)

Miss Naughty: And now, the specialty of the house!

(Little Miss Naughty serves Mr. Quiet, Mr. Stubborn, and Mr. Nervous each a pot of baked beans)

Miss Naughty: Dillydale Baked Booms!

(Little Miss Naughty realizes her mistake)

Miss Naughty: Uh, I mean beans! Baked beans!

(Little Miss Naughty walks away. Mr. Stubborn starts eating his beans)

Mr. Stubborn: What is the matter?

Mr. Nervous: I beans are ticking!

Mr. Stubborn: They are not ticking!

Mr. Quiet: Uh, mine is definitely making a "tick tick" noise.

(Mr. Nervous listens to Mr. Stubborn's bean pot)

Mr. Nervous: Ooh! Yours are ticking too!

Mr. Stubborn: My bean pot is not ticking!

(Mr. Quiet prepares to try his beans when his bean pot explodes beans into his face)

Mr. Quiet: Oh!

Mr. Nervous: G-oh! I knew it! Ghastly, hideous, naughty beans! We should never have come here!

(Mr. Nervous runs away)

Mr. Stubborn: Get back here! We haven't had dessert and I want pudding! I'm going home!

(Mr. Stubborn leave and Little Miss Naughty runs over to the table and calls after him)

Miss Naughty: Wait! you didn’t finish you booms, I...I mean beans!

(Mr. Stubborn's pot of baked beans explodes in her face)

Miss Naughty: DAYH! DAH!

(An iris circles in on Mr. Quiet. Mr. Quiet then tries the baked beans)

Mr. Quiet: Hmm, not bad

(The iris closes and the third pot is heard exploding)

Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Oh.

(The third bumper plays. Mr. Scatterbrain serves Mr. Happy his soup. Mr. Happy blows on his soup to cool it down and is about to eat it when another Mr. Scatterbrain pops out of the soup wearing snorkel gear)

(The next scene is at night. Mr. Strong is cleaning up his counter while Mr. Nervous is being chased by octopus)

Mr. Nervous: (breathing heavily)

Narrator: Another delightful day of dining out in Dillydale draws to a close.

(Mr. Lazy is shown at the sandwich shop waking up)

Mr. Lazy: (yawns)

(Mr. Lazy starts eating his sandwich)

Narrator: And a good time has been had by all!

(Mr. Fussy and Little Miss Scary leave the Magic Hat Café and the restaurant disappears in a cloud of magical smoke)

Narrator: There's nothing better than a meal shared with friends!

(The camera pans over to Chez Rude where Mr. Rude is shown sitting at a table)

Narrator: Even if their table manners aren't quite what they should be.

Mr. Rude: (burps)

Narrator: Mr. Rude!!

(The screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
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Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests