Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Fish." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Paint" Next: "Adventure"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big dark-yellow screen comes up with "Fish" written on it with a large fish blowing bubbles, a school of fish behind it, who created the episode underneath, and the sound someone casting their fishing line into the water is heard)

(The episode begins by showing all sorts of different fish that live in the sea)

Narrator: Ah, fish! For centuries, the Mr. Men and Little Misses have sailed the waters. Hoping to catch those marvelous creatures of the deep.

(A whale is shown with the fishes. The scene cuts to Mr. Bump trying to fish but is in a tug-of-war with the fish at the end of his line)

Narrator: Some succeed, others don't!

(Mr. Bump is pulled out of his seat and is dragged across the waters by the fish he was in the tug-of-war with. The scene cuts to Little Miss Calamity in a wooden canoe being eaten by a giant whale. The whale dives back underwater)

Narrator: Nonetheless, it's these frolicking finned friends of the water,

(Mr. Small is shown posing with a great white shark that he caught)

Narrator: That make the great sport of fishing...

(Mr. Nosey takes Mr. Small's picture. The shark opens their eyes and poses with Mr. Small)

Narrator: So exhilarating!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Bump standing in a body of water trying to catch fish the old-fashioned way, with their hands)

Mr. Grumpy: (humming)

(A fish jumps out of the water and Mr. Bump tries to catch it)

Mr. Bump: Ah!

(Mr. Bump fails to catch the fish. The same thing happens to Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Humph!

(Mr. Bump tries catching a fish again)

Mr. Bump: Ah!

(Mr. Bump fails to catch the fish and falls into the water)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(Mr. Bump resurfaces and spits water out of his mouth)

Mr. Bump: There's got to be an easier way to catch salmon than with your hands, Mr. Grumpy!

Mr. Grumpy: Look, Bump! If it works for bears, it'll work for us!

(Mr. Grumpy pretends to hold a salmon to demonstrate how to catch it to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Grumpy: Just remember, you gotta grab 'em with both hands and hold on tight! Salmon will put up a right, good struggle.

Mr. Bump: salmon have teeth?

Mr. Grumpy: Yep! Sharp little nippers!

Mr. Bump: Uh...

(Mr. Grumpy walks away)

Mr. Bump: Poopity poop.

(A salmon jumps out of the water and hits Mr. Bump in the face)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(Another salmon jumps out of the water and hits Mr. Bump in the face)

Mr. Bump: Ow!

(A salmon starts slapping Mr. Bump with their tail)

Mr. Bump: Ow! Ow! Ow!

(Mr. Bump looks around for the salmon only for it to hit Mr. Bump with their tail very fast)

Mr. Bump: Ah!! Ow!!

(Mr. Bump tries to catch the salmon but misses it. The salmon hits Mr. Bump with its tail again)

Mr. Bump: Ow!

(Mr. Bump is knocked out and sinks underwater)

Mr. Bump: (moans)

Mr. Grumpy: Crooked cucumbers! Stop splashing around back there!

(Mr. Bump resurfaces)

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): You'll scare away the fish.

Mr. Bump: Hmm! Hmm...

(Mr. Bump manages to catch a salmon but is hit by another that leaps out of the water)

Mr. Bump: Ah!

(Another salmon hits Mr. Bump in the face)

Mr. Bump: Ow! Ow! Ah! Ah!

(Mr. Bump loses his grip on the salmon and it jumps back into the water)

Mr. Bump: Ah!

(Mr. Grumpy walks over to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, Bump! What did I tell you about splashing? Fish are smart! They'll hear you!

Mr. Bump: Gotcha! (chuckles nervously)

(Mr. Grumpy walks away)

Mr. Bump: Huh.

(A salmon jumps out of the water. Mr. Bump catches it by the tail and lands in the water with the salmon)

Mr. Bump: Ah! Oh!

(Underwater, the salmon is shown swimming with Mr. Bump still holding onto the salmon's tail)

Mr. Bump: Mmmm...poopity poop!

(The salmon goes through a hole in some coral and Mr. Bump gets stuck)

Mr. Bump: Ow! Ow! Ooh! Oh no!

(Mr. Bump is pulled out of the coral by the salmon)

Mr. Bump: Ow!

(The salmon continues dragging Mr. Bump underwater)

Mr. Bump: Oo-woah!

(The salmon starts swimming on top of the water with Mr. Bump still hanging on and being dragged by the salmon)

Mr. Bump: Ah! Ah-oh! Ooh!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy. A bear is stealthily sneaking up behind Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Bump, watch and learn.

(Mr. Grumpy bends down and grabs a salmon with his bare hands. Mr. Grumpy turns around and the bear stands up tall)

Bear: (growls)

(Mr. Grumpy looks at the bear in fear when Mr. Bump passes by being dragged by the salmon)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

Mr. Grumpy: Bump! Wait for me!

(Mr. Grumpy grabs onto Mr. Bump's legs and the two are dragged away by the salmon)

Mr. Bump: Oh! (screams)

(The scene iris' out. A bumper plays. An orca is shown in a tank of water)

Orca: (whistles)

(Mr. Quiet is shown above the tank holding a fish for the orca to eat. A flock of seagulls flies down and swarm over Mr. Quiet)

Seagulls: (honking)

(The seagulls fly away leaving Mr. Quiet and the skeleton of the fish behind)

Orca: (laughs)

(Mr. Tickle's arms engulf the screen)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): (laughs)

(Mr. Tickle's arms disappear and the next scene begins. The scene takes place on the icy tundra. The camera zooms in on Mr. Stubborn. Who is ice fishing in the freezing cold area. Mr. Stubborn is also wearing a winter hat to keep his head warm)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Dum dum dum!

(Mr. Stubborn hears the sound of rummaging coming from his tackle box. Mr. Stubborn turns his head and sees Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Stubborn: Can I help you with something, Mr. Nosey?

(Mr. Nosey is shown rummaging through Mr. Stubborn's tackle box. Mr. Nosey is shown wearing earmuffs)

Mr. Nosey: Oh! thanks, Mr. Stubborn! Just looking!

Mr. Stubborn: Uh, do you mind?! I do not want my worms to get cold!

(Mr. Stubborn slams his tackle box shut)

Mr. Nosey: Eeh! Uh, how's the fishing?

Mr. Stubborn: Nothing's biting today.

Mr. Nosey: I couldn't help but notice, you're using the wrong kind of worm.

Mr. Stubborn: I am most certainly not! Besides, when did you become an expert?

Mr. Nosey: Oh! Mr. Small and I are experienced ice fishermen!

(Mr. Stubborn turns to see Mr. Small inside a hut with a fireplace and two fishing poles carefully placed over the ice hole. Mr. Small is shown sitting on a comfy stool. Mr. Small raises his hat to Mr. Stubborn to say hello. Mr. Stubborn frowns in annoyance)

Mr. Nosey: Fish with us in our hut. It's very comfortable!

Mr. Stubborn: No! I prefer ice fishing the way it was meant to be done!

Mr. Nosey: We have heated seat cushions!

Mr. Stubborn: No thanks! I like frostbite!

(Mr. Small walks over with a small cup of hot cocoa in his hand)

Mr. Small: Good tidings, Mr. Stubborn! I thought you might enjoy a little hot cocoa.

(Mr. Stubborn takes the very small cup of hot cocoa)

Mr. Stubborn: Emphasis on little.

(Mr. Stubborn drinks the hot chocolate when something starts tugging at his fishing line)

Mr. Small: Great McGillicuddy! You have a fish on the line! Reel it in, Mr. Stubborn! Reel it in!

Mr. Stubborn: Calm your little self down! Ice fishing is about cunning and patience! You want to let them know who is the boss! That's how you land the big one!

(Mr. Stubborn struggles to bring whatever it is at the end of his line in)

Mr. Stubborn: (grunts)

(Mr. Stubborn manages to reel in the item at the end of his line. But it isn't a fish. It's an old boot that ends up kicking Mr. Stubborn in the face and off his little wooden stool)

Mr. Stubborn: Ooh! Eh!

Mr. Nosey: Maybe you should sing?

Mr. Stubborn: Sing?

Mr. Nosey: It's a scientific fact that fish are attracted to music! Show him, Mr. Small!

(Mr. Small turns around and plays a brief tune on a flute)

Mr. Small: Mee, mee. 🎵Ah, fish! Swim to me, beautiful fish! So that I can make a fishable dish!🎵

(A bell starts ringing)

Mr. Small: Oh! A fish!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's hut to show that the ringing is coming from a bell tied to one of Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's fishing poles. The scene cuts back to an excited Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Nosey: I got one! I got one!

(Mr. Nosey carries Mr. Small back to their hut)

Mr. Stubborn: Humph!

(Mr. Stubborn watches as Mr. Nosey tries to reel his fish in. Mr. Small paces back and forth as Mr. Nosey reels in the fish)

Mr. Small: Show him who's boss, Mr. Nosey! Ah!

(Mr. Nosey pulls the fish out of the hole in the ice)

Mr. Small: Now that's what I call a fish, Mr. Nosey!

(Mr. Small raises his hat)

Mr. Small: You're the king of the hook!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: Amateurs!

Mr. Small: You sure you don't want to join us in the hut?

Mr. Stubborn: I am perfectly fine right here!

(Deciding to take Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small's singing advice, Mr. Stubborn decides to sing a little tune)

Mr. Stubborn: (clears his throat) 🎵Come on, fish! Bite my bait! Don't you wait!🎵

(Mr. Stubborn looks at the hole in the ice he is fishing out of)

Mr. Stubborn: 🎵Cause I want fish!🎵

(Something starts tugging at Mr. Stubborn's fishing line. Mr. Stubborn starts reeling it in but it is incredibly heavy)

Mr. Stubborn: (grunts) It's a big one!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey come over in excitement)

Mr. Small: Ah!

Mr. Nosey: Ah?

(Mr. Stubborn ends up pulling out of the hole a huge whale)

Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): Woah!

(Mr. Stubborn looks at it in disbelief)

Mr. Stubborn: (gasps in shock)

(The whale lands on Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: Ooh!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey show extreme concern for Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Small (overlap): Ooh!

Mr. Nosey (overlap): Yeesh!

(Mr. Stubborn crawls out from under the whale unharmed)

Mr. Stubborn: That gentlemen, is how you catch a fish!

(Several fish appear on the scene. Acting as the transition to the next one. Mr. Bounce is shown resting on an inner tube when a dolphin pops their head through. Mr. Bounce is sent flying into the sky and the dolphin and their friend start playing with Mr. Bounce like he's a beachball. A music video begins. The background is a blue-green color with all the characters and objects in the foreground colored black. Several fish appear on the screen followed by several fish hooks. One fish hook lowers itself down to the bottom of the screen. The hook passes a treasure chest. Mr. Nervous peeks outside of the treasure chest to see if anything is there but sees nothing. As Mr. Nervous closes the chest, three fish swim by in the background followed by two fish in the foreground. The scene transitions to a hermit crab standing on a branch of coral. The screen inverted in color at first, but returns to normal. The hook lowers itself past the crab. The hook stops lowering as three fish swim by. The hook then continues going down. Two pirate ships are shown as the screen scrolls down. A submarine moves from the right side of the screen to the left. The hook stops lowering and six fish appear eager to bite the hook. A boot appears on the hook and the hook rises up. The submarine is shown passing by a school of fish. The hook lowers to the bottom of the screen again. Creating a division in the screen. Mr. Quiet slides down on the right side of the screen playing the violin, followed by Mr. Happy paying the accordion and Mr. Nosey playing the trumpet. Seven more hooks lower down to the bottom of the screen. All eight lines disappear. The scene transitions to the first fishing hook catching the giant carp and reeling it in. On the surface, Mr. Grumpy is shown fishing on a dock at Dillydale Lake. Mr. Grumpy gets a tug on his line and starts reeling in the fish. He soon brings the giant carp to the surface but it turns out that is not what Mr. Grumpy caught. The carp opens their mouth and dives back underwater. On the end of Mr. Grumpy's line is a soggy and traumatized Mr. Bump. Apparently, Mr. Grumpy ended up hooking one of Mr. Bump's bandages while he was trapped inside the giant carp. Mr. Grumpy looks at the viewers in annoyance and confusion. The music video ends and Mr. Messy drops down onto the scene. Mr. Messy starts shaking. This causes a mass of dust to envelop the screen as a transition to the next bumper. An orca is shown in a tank of water)

Orca: (whistles)

(Little Miss Calamity is shown above the tank holding a fish for the orca to eat. The orca eats both Little Miss Calamity and the fish. The orca dives back into the water. Suddenly, Little Miss Calamity is shot back into the air and lands back on the platform. The orca resurfaces)

Orca: (whistles)

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey rise up in a hot air balloon to transition the scene. The Good Morning Dillydale intro plays complete with the animation)

Mr. Happy and Miss Sunshine (voiceover): Good Morning Dillydale!

(The scene fades to the Good Morning Dillydale studio. Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine are behind their desk. On the monitor is Little Miss Daredevil)

Mr. Happy: And now, a very exciting report from our own...Miss Daredevil!

Miss Daredevil (on the video monitor): Hello!

Mr. Happy: Who's in pursuit of the ferocious Dragon Fish!

Miss Sunshine: (gasps)

(Little Miss Sunshine covers her eyes)

Miss Sunshine: Dragon Fish!? Tell me when it's over!

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Daredevil)

Miss Daredevil: Morning, Mr. Happy, Miss Sunshine!

(The scene cuts back to the studio)

Miss Sunshine: I'm not looking!

Mr. Happy: Miss Daredevil. The dragon fish are incredibly dangerous! What happens if you come face to face with one? How will you stop it from eating you?

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Daredevil)

Miss Daredevil: With my trusty dragon fish repellent!

(Little Miss Daredevil pulls Little Miss Scary into the frame)

Miss Daredevil: Say hello to Miss Scary!

Mr. Happy (from the studio): Hello, Miss Scary!

(The scene cuts back to the studio)

Miss Sunshine: Oh, I am definitely not looking now!

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Scary)

Miss Daredevil: Come on, Miss Scary!

(Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Scary put on swim goggles)

Miss Daredevil: Let's boogie!

(Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Scary jump into the water. Underwater, fish swim by as three dragon fish circle the two Little Misses)

Dragon Fishes: (clicks)

Mr. Happy (from the studio): Oh no!

(Little Miss Daredevil takes a few pictures of the dragon fishes with her camera. One of the dragon fishes blows fire at Little Miss Scary. Luckily, Little Miss Scary dodges it)

Mr. Happy (from the studio): This doesn't look good!

(Another the dragon fish blows fire at Little Miss Scary. Luckily, Little Miss Scary dodges it)

Miss Sunshine (from the studio): I'm so glad I'm not looking right now!

(Five dragon fishes surround Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Scary)

Dragon Fishes: (clicks)

(Little Miss Scary puts on her orange cyclops mask)

Miss Scary: (growls)

(The five dragon fishes swim away in fear)

Dragon Fishes: (clicks)

(Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Scary swim back to the surface. Little Miss Daredevil shows the viewers her camera and Little Miss Scary is shown to have taken her mask off)

Miss Daredevil: (gasps) So, there you have it! The Dragon Fish...

(The scene cuts back to the studio)

Miss Daredevil (on the video monitor): And the world's best Dragon Fish repellent!

Miss Sunshine: That was so exciting!

Mr. Happy: But you didn't watch!

Miss Sunshine: Oh! I never watch anything scary.

Miss Sunshine (in a whisper): Or anything that has to do with corn.

Mr. Happy: That's all the time we have today! We'll see you tomorrow on...

Mr. Happy and Miss Sunshine: Good Morning Dillydale!

(The scene fades to show the Good Morning Dillydale logo. Mr. Small appears and calls Mr. Nosey over. Mr. Nosey presses his nose against the camera and slides down. Fishes plays)

Mr. Nervous: 🎵They're waiting for you always one step ahead.

Don't think the worms you got are all that they said.

They're looking in the deep laying and wait.

They'll tempt you, tease you, test you without taking the bait.


Tricky tricky little fishes


Mischief makers of the sea and they just might trick you and me!🎵

Mr. Nervous: Oh, they're tricky little scaled beasts!

Mr. Nervous: 🎵You think you got one but you don't have a clue.

Mr. Desperate Eager Fisherman, it's he who has you!

They'll play along and grab the hook and take you for a swim.

But when it comes to catching them, your chances are slim!


Mr. Nervous: Oh, monsters of the deep!

Mr. Nervous: 🎵Tricky tricky little fishes 🎵

Mr. Nervous: Fin phantasms!

Mr. Nervous: 🎵F-F-F-Fishes

Mischief makers of the sea and they just might trick you and me!🎵

(Fishes ends. The scene transitions to show a very dirty algae filled fish tank owned by Mr. Lazy. Algae is overflowing at the top of the tank and the inhabitants of the tank are not happy. Mr. Lazy finds this out as he looks through the tank)

Blue Fish: (grumbles)

Green and Yellow Fish: (burps)

(The green and yellow fish burps out a tiny diving helmet. A hermit crab is shown with a suitcase and puts on a hat as they swim to the top of the tank. On the surface, the hermit crab looks at Mr. Lazy in anger)

Hermit Crab: (chatters incoherently)

(The hermit crab scurries away)

Mr. Lazy: You know your tank's dirty when even the crabs run away.

(Mr. Lazy swipes some algae off the tank)

Mr. Lazy: (sighs) This is way too much work.

(Mr. Scatterbrain shows up)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Hiya, Mr. Lazy!

Mr. Lazy: Hello, Mr. Scatterbrain.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a bag filled with water and a pickle)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Look at my new pickle fish!

(The camera zooms in on the pickle fish)

Mr. Lazy: That's a pickle. Not a fish.

(Mr. Scatterbrain briefly glares at Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Scatterbrain: No! It's a pickle fish!

(The camera zooms in on the pickle fish again)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): See? (chuckles)

(The camera zooms out)

Mr. Scatterbrain: It even swims and everything!

Mr. Lazy: It's not swimming...

(Mr. Lazy pokes at the bag)

Mr. Lazy: It's floating. Believe me, Mr. Scatterbrain. It's just a pickle.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well, it may not have fins or a tail or gills. But it's just like a fish! Only you don't have to feed it or clean its tank.

(Mr. Lazy realizes something)

Mr. Lazy: You mean, it's tank stays clean all by itself?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Yep! And look how happy he is swimming around!

Mr. Lazy: Don't suppose you'd sell me your pickle fish?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Sell it? Oh no! You can have it for free!

Mr. Lazy: Really?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Sure! (chuckles) I have a whole jar of them back home in my refrigerator!

(Mr. Scatterbrain gives Mr. Lazy the pickle fish and leaves. Mr. Lazy smiles and shakes the bag with the pickle fish inside for a moment)

Mr. Lazy: Come on, pickle fish. Let's go make a sandwich.

(Mr. Lazy leaves with the pickle fish to make the sandwich. The scene fades to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Lazy showing Mr. Scatterbrain his pickle fish)

Narrator: There is no question that here in Dillydale...

(Mr. Scatterbrain turns around to see Mr. Bump trying to catch salmon. Mr. Bump catches one but salmon breach out of the water and hit Mr. Bump)

Narrator: Fish come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

(Mr. Bump drops the salmon he caught. Mr. Bounce is shown resting on an inner tube)

(An eel pops their head through Mr. Bounce's inner tube. Mr. Bounce is sent flying into the sky and the eel and their friend start playing with Mr. Bounce like he's a beachball)

Narrator: So the next time you're out on a lake, or waiting in a stream

(A fish breaches)

Narrator: Make sure you keep an eye out for our finned friends of the deep.

(Mr. Stubborn is shown on top of the whale he caught. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey look at this remarkable catch in amazement)

Narrator: You might be pleasantly surprised!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey applaud for Mr. Stubborn's remarkable catch. The whale opens their eyes and smiles and Mr. Stubborn continues smiling triumphantly as the screen fades to black and the episode ends)

Deleted Scene[]

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big dark-yellow screen comes up with "Fish" written on it with a large fish blowing bubbles, a school of fish behind it, who created the episode underneath, and the sound someone casting their fishing line into the water is heard)

(The episode begins by showing all sorts of different fish that live in the sea)

Narrator: Ah, fish! For centuries, the Mr. Men and Little Misses have sailed the waters hoping to catch those marvelous creatures of the deep.

(A whale is shown with the fishes. The scene cuts to Mr. Bump trying to fish but is in a tug-of-war with the fish at the end of his line)

Narrator: Some succeed, others don't!

(Mr. Bump is pulled out of his seat and is dragged across the waters by the fish he was in the tug-of-war with. The scene cuts to Little Miss Calamity in a wooden canoe being eaten by a giant whale. The whale dives back underwater)

Narrator: Nonetheless, it's these frolicking finned friends of the water...

(Mr. Small is shown posing with a great white shark that he caught)

Narrator: That make the great sport of fishing so...

(Mr. Nosey takes Mr. Small's picture. The shark opens their eyes and poses with Mr. Small)

Narrator: Exhilarating!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Bump standing in a body of water trying to catch fish the old-fashioned way, with their hands. A fish jumps out of the water and Mr. Bump tries to catch it)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

(Mr. Bump fails to catch the fish. The same thing happens to Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Bump tries catching a fish again)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

(Mr. Bump fails to catch the fish and falls into the water. Mr. Bump resurfaces and spits water out of his mouth)

Mr. Bump: There's got to be an easier way to catch salmon than with your hands, Mr. Grumpy!

Mr. Grumpy: Look! Bump! If it works for bears, it'll work for us!

(Mr. Grumpy pretends to hold a salmon to demonstrate how to catch it to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Grumpy: Just remember, you gotta grab them with both hands and hold on tight! Salmon will put up a good struggle.

Mr. Bump: salmon have teeth?

Mr. Grumpy: Yep! Sharp little buggers!

(Mr. Grumpy walks away)

Mr. Bump: Poopity poop.

(A salmon jumps out of the water and hits Mr. Bump in the face)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(Another salmon jumps out of the water and hits Mr. Bump in the face)

Mr. Bump: Aw!

(A salmon starts slapping Mr. Bump with their tail)

Mr. Bump: Ugh! Oh!

(Mr. Bump looks around for the salmon only for it to hit Mr. Bump with their tail very fast)

Mr. Bump: Oh! Ugh! Gah!

(Mr. Bump tries to catch the salmon but misses it. The salmon hits Mr. Bump with its tail again. Mr. Bump is knocked out and sinks underwater)

Mr. Grumpy: Crooked cucumbers! Stop splashing around back there!

(Mr. Bump resurfaces)

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): You'll scare away the fish.

(Mr. Bump manages to catch a salmon but is hit by another that leaps out of the water)

Mr. Bump: Ah!

(Another salmon hits Mr. Bump in the face)

Mr. Bump: Oh! Woah!

(Mr. Bump loses his grip on the salmon and it jumps back into the water)

Mr. Bump: Wah!

(Mr. Grumpy walks over to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Grumpy: What did I tell you about splashing? Fish are smart! They'll hear ya!

Mr. Bump: Gotcha! (chuckles nervously)

(Mr. Grumpy walks away. A salmon jumps out of the water. Mr. Bump catches it by the tail and lands in the water with the salmon)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

(Underwater, the salmon is shown swimming with Mr. Bump still holding onto the salmon's tail)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The salmon goes through a hole in some coral and Mr. Bump gets stuck)

Mr. Bump: Oh! Ow! Ow! Ow! O-

(Mr. Bump is pulled out of the coral by the salmon)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The salmon continues dragging Mr. Bump underwater)

Mr. Bump: Oh! Woah!

(The salmon starts swimming on top of the water with Mr. Bump still hanging on and being dragged by the salmon)

Mr. Bump: Woah! Ow!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy. A bear is stealthily sneaking up behind Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Bump, watch and learn.

(Mr. Grumpy bends down and grabs a salmon with his bare hands. Mr. Grumpy turns around and the bear stands up tall)

Bear: (growls)

(Mr. Grumpy looks at the bear in fear when Mr. Bump passes by being dragged by the salmon)

Mr. Grumpy: Bump! Wait for me!

(Mr. Grumpy grabs onto Mr. Bump's legs and the two are dragged away by the salmon. The scene iris' out. A bumper plays. An orca is shown in a tank of water)

Orca: (whistles)

(Mr. Quiet is shown above the tank holding a fish for the orca to eat. A flock of seagulls flies down and swarm over Mr. Quiet)

Seagulls: (honking)

(The seagulls fly away leaving Mr. Quiet and the skeleton of the fish behind)

Orca: (laughs)

(Mr. Tickle's arms engulf the screen)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): (laughs)

(Mr. Tickle's arms disappear and the next scene begins. The scene takes place on the icy tundra. The camera zooms in on Mr. Stubborn. Who is ice fishing in the freezing cold area. Mr. Stubborn is also wearing a winter hat to keep his head warm)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Dum dum de dum! Ooh!

(Mr. Stubborn hears the sound of rummaging coming from his tackle box. Mr. Stubborn turns his head and sees Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Stubborn: Can I help you with something, Mr. Nosey?

(Mr. Nosey is shown rummaging through Mr. Stubborn's tackle box. Mr. Nosey is shown wearing earmuffs)

Mr. Nosey: Oh! thanks, Mr. Stubborn! Just looking!

Mr. Stubborn: Do you mind?! I don't want my worms to get cold!

(Mr. Stubborn slams his tackle box shut)

Mr. Nosey: Uh, how's the fishing?

Mr. Stubborn: Nothing's biting today.

Mr. Nosey: I couldn't help but notice, you're using the wrong kind of worm

Mr. Stubborn: I am most certainly not! Besides, when did you become an expert?

Mr. Nosey: Oh! Mr. Small and I are experienced ice fishermen!

(Mr. Stubborn turns to see Mr. Small inside a hut with a fireplace and two fishing poles carefully placed over the ice hole. Mr. Small is shown sitting on a comfy stool. Mr. Small raises his hat to Mr. Stubborn to say hello. Mr. Stubborn frowns in annoyance)

Mr. Nosey: Come fish with us in our hut. It's very comfortable!

Mr. Stubborn: No! I prefer ice fishing the way it was meant to be done!

Mr. Nosey: We have heated seat cushions!

Mr. Stubborn: No need! I like frostbite!

(Mr. Small walks over with a small cup of hot cocoa in his hand)

Mr. Small: Good tidings, Mr. Stubborn. I thought you might enjoy a little hot cocoa.

(Mr. Stubborn takes the very small cup of hot cocoa)

Mr. Stubborn: Emphasis on little.

(Mr. Stubborn drinks the hot chocolate when something starts tugging at his fishing line)

Mr. Small: Great McGillicuddy! You have a fish on the line! Reel it in, Mr. Stubborn! Reel it in!

Mr. Stubborn: Calm your little self down! Ice fishing is about cunning and patience! You want to let them know who is the boss! That's how you land the big ones!

(Mr. Stubborn struggles to bring whatever it is at the end of his line in)

Mr. Stubborn: (grunts)

(Mr. Stubborn manages to reel in the item at the end of his line. But it isn't a fish. It's an old boot that ends up kicking Mr. Stubborn in the face and off his little wooden stool)

Mr. Stubborn: Ow!

Mr. Nosey: Maybe you oughta sing?

Mr. Stubborn: Sing?

Mr. Nosey: It's a scientific fact that fish are attracted to music! Show him, Mr. Small!

(Mr. Small turns around and plays a brief tune on a flute)

Mr. Small: (clears his throat) 🎵Ah, fish! Swim to me, beautiful fish! So that I can make a fishable dish!🎵

(A bell starts ringing from one of the fishing poles in Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's hut)

Mr. Nosey: I got one! I got one!

(Mr. Nosey carries Mr. Small back to their hut. Mr. Stubborn watches as Mr. Nosey tries to reel his fish in. Mr. Small paces back and forth as Mr. Nosey reels in the fish)

Mr. Small: Show him who's boss, Mr. Nosey!

(Mr. Nosey pulls the fish out of the hole in the ice)

Mr. Nosey: (grunts)

Mr. Small: Now that's what I call a fish, Nose!

(Mr. Small raises his hat)

Mr. Small: You're the king of the hook!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: Amateurs!

Mr. Small: You sure you don't want to join us in the hut?

Mr. Stubborn: I am perfectly fine right here!

(Deciding to take Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small's singing advice, Mr. Stubborn decides to sing a little tune)

Mr. Stubborn: (clears his throat)

Mr. Stubborn (quietly): 🎵Come on, fish! Bite my bait! Don't you wait!🎵

(Mr. Stubborn looks at the hole in the ice he is fishing out of)

Mr. Stubborn: 🎵Cause I want fish!🎵

(Something starts tugging at Mr. Stubborn's fishing line. Mr. Stubborn starts reeling it in but it is incredibly heavy)

Mr. Stubborn: (grunts) She's a big one!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey come over in excitement)

Mr. Stubborn: (grunts)

(Mr. Stubborn ends up pulling out of the hole a huge whale. Mr. Stubborn looks at it in disbelief just before the whale lands on him. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey show extreme concern for Mr. Stubborn, but Mr. Stubborn crawls out from under the whale unharmed)

Mr. Stubborn: That gentlemen, is how you catch a fish!

(Several fish appear on the scene. Acting as the transition to the next one. Mr. Bounce is shown resting on an inner tube when a dolphin pops their head through. Mr. Bounce is sent flying into the sky and the dolphin and their friend start playing with Mr. Bounce like he's a beachball. The next scene shows a boat tethering Mr. Nervous underwater. Mr. Nervous is in an old school dining helmet. Mr. Nervous watches several schools of fish swim by as well as fish eating each other. More specifically, A big fish eating a medium fish who has eaten a small fish)

Mr. Nervous: Geh! Oh dear! I'm next!

(Two hammerhead sharks surround Mr. Nervous. Mr. Nervous pushes his whole body into the diving helmet)

Mr. Nervous: Remain calm, Mr. Nervous. Perhaps this steel helmet will protect you!

(The hammerhead shards starts ramming their heads on the diving helmet)

Mr. Nervous: Gah! (breathes deeply) Must find refuge!

(Mr. Nervous sees something)

Mr. Nervous: Oh!

(Mr. Nervous pulls his body out of the helmet and starts swimming over to what he saw. The hammerhead sharks follow him)

Mr. Nervous: (pants) Geh! Goh! A place to hide!

(Mr. Nervous swims as fast as he can)

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): Oh!

(Mr. Nervous is shown inside a treasure chest)

Mr. Nervous: I'm saved!

(Mr. Nervous closes the treasure chest. The hammerheads look at the chest. Inside the chest, Mr. Nervous trembles with fear. Outside the chest, the two hammerhead sharks ram their heads at the chest)

Mr. Nervous: Don't know how much longer...

(The chest stops shaking)

Mr. Nervous: I can hold them off!

(Mr. Nervous peeks out of the treasure chest to find that the hammerheads are gone. Back inside the chest, Mr. Nervous wipes some metaphorical sweat off his face)

Mr. Nervous: (sighs)

(Mr. Nervous hears some gems moving inside the chest)

Mr. Nervous: Huh?

(An eel pops out in front of Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(The daydream sequence ends and it is revealed that Mr. Nervous is simply feeding fish for Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Come on, Mr. Nervous.

(The camera zooms out)

Mr. Grumpy: Are you gonna feed those fish or what?

(Mr. Nervous approaches the tank when the fish breaches out of the tank)

Mr. Nervous: G-wah! (screams)

(Mr. Nervous drops the fish food and runs away)

Mr. Nervous: Oh-ho! No! N-n-n-no!

(Mr. Grumpy hits himself in the face and the scene iris' out. A music video begins. The background is a blue-green color with all the characters and objects in the foreground colored black. Several fish appear on the screen followed by several fish hooks. One fish hook lowers itself down to the bottom of the screen. The hook passes a treasure chest. Mr. Nervous peeks outside of the treasure chest to see if anything is there but sees nothing. As Mr. Nervous closes the chest, three fish swim by in the background followed by two fish in the foreground. The scene transitions to a hermit crab standing on a branch of coral. The screen inverted in color at first, but returns to normal. The hook lowers itself past the crab. The hook stops lowering as three fish swim by. The hook then continues going down. Two pirate ships are shown as the screen scrolls down. A submarine moves from the right side of the screen to the left. The hook stops lowering and six fish appear eager to bite the hook. A boot appears on the hook and the hook rises up. The submarine is shown passing by a school of fish. The hook lowers to the bottom of the screen again. Creating a division in the screen. Mr. Quiet slides down on the right side of the screen playing the violin, followed by Mr. Happy paying the accordion and Mr. Nosey playing the trumpet. Seven more hooks lower down to the bottom of the screen. All eight lines disappear. The scene transitions to the first fishing hook catching the giant carp and reeling it in. On the surface, Mr. Grumpy is shown fishing on a dock at Dillydale Lake. Mr. Grumpy gets a tug on his line and starts reeling in the fish. He soon brings the giant carp to the surface but it turns out that is not what Mr. Grumpy caught. The carp opens their mouth and dives back underwater. On the end of Mr. Grumpy's line is a soggy and traumatized Mr. Bump. Apparently, Mr. Grumpy ended up hooking one of Mr. Bump's bandages while he was trapped inside the giant carp. Mr. Grumpy looks at the viewers in annoyance and confusion. The music video ends and Mr. Messy drops down onto the scene. Mr. Messy starts shaking. This causes a mass of dust to envelop the screen as a transition to the next bumper. An orca is shown in a tank of water)

Orca: (whistles)

(Little Miss Calamity is shown above the tank holding a fish for the orca to eat. The orca eats both Little Miss Calamity and the fish. The orca dives back into the water. Suddenly, Little Miss Calamity is shot back into the air and lands back on the platform. The orca resurfaces)

Orca: (whistles)

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey rise up in a hot air balloon to transition the scene. The Good Morning Dillydale intro plays complete with the animation)

Mr. Happy and Miss Sunshine (voiceover): Good Morning Dillydale!

(The scene fades to the Good Morning Dillydale studio. Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine are behind their desk. On the monitor is Little Miss Daredevil)

Mr. Happy: And now, a very exciting report from our own...Miss Daredevil! Who's in pursuit of the ferocious Dragon Fish!

(Little Miss Sunshine covers her eyes)

Miss Sunshine: Dragon Fish!? Tell me when it's over!

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Daredevil)

Miss Daredevil: Morning, Mr. Happy, Miss Sunshine!

(The scene cuts back to the studio)

Miss Sunshine: I'm not looking!

Mr. Happy: Miss Daredevil. The dragon fish is incredibly dangerous! What happens if you come face to face with one? How will you stop it from eating you?

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Daredevil)

Miss Daredevil: With my trusty dragon fish repellent!

(Little Miss Daredevil pulls Little Miss Scary into the frame)

Miss Daredevil: Say hello to Miss Scary!

Mr. Happy (from the studio): Hello, Miss Scary!

(The scene cuts back to the studio)

Miss Sunshine: Oh, I am definitely not looking now!

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Scary)

Miss Daredevil: Come on, Miss Scary!

(Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Scary put on swim goggles)

Miss Daredevil: Let's boogie!

(Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Scary jump into the water. Underwater, fish swim by as three dragon fish circle the two Little Misses)

Mr. Happy (from the studio): Oh no!

Dragon Fishes: (clicks)

(Little Miss Daredevil takes a few pictures of the dragon fishes with her camera. One of the dragon fishes blows fire at Little Miss Scary. Luckily, Little Miss Scary dodges it)

Mr. Happy (from the studio): This doesn't look good!

(Another the dragon fish blows fire at Little Miss Scary. Luckily, Little Miss Scary dodges it)

Miss Sunshine (from the studio): I'm so glad I'm not looking right now!

(Five dragon fishes surround Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Scary)

Dragon Fishes: (clicks)

(Little Miss Scary puts on her orange cyclops mask)

Miss Scary: (growls)

(The five dragon fishes swim away in fear)

Dragon Fishes: (clicks)

(Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Scary swim back to the surface. Little Miss Daredevil shows the viewers her camera and Little Miss Scary is shown to have taken her mask off)

Miss Daredevil: So, there you have it! The Dragon Fish...

(The scene cuts back to the studio)

Miss Daredevil (on the video monitor): And the world's best Dragon Fish repellent!

Miss Sunshine: That was so exciting!

Mr. Happy: But you didn't watch!

Miss Sunshine: Oh! I never watch anything scary.

Miss Sunshine (in a whisper): Or anything that has to do with corn.

Mr. Happy: That's all the time we have for today! We'll see you tomorrow on...

Mr. Happy and Miss Sunshine: Good Morning Dillydale!

(The scene fades to show the Good Morning Dillydale logo. Mr. Small appears and calls Mr. Nosy over. Mr. Nosy presses his nose against the camera and slides down. Fishes plays)

Mr. Nervous: 🎵They're waiting for you always one step ahead.

Don't think the worms you got are all that they said.

They're looking in the deep laying and wait.

They'll tempt you, tease you, test you without taking the bait.


Tricky tricky little fishes


Mischief makers of the sea and they just might trick you and me!🎵

Mr. Nervous: Oh, they're tricky little scaled beasts!

Mr. Nervous: 🎵You think you got one but you don't have a clue.

Mr. Desperate Eager Fisherman, it's he who has you!

They'll play along and grab the hook and take you for a swim.

But when it comes to catching them, your chances are slim!


Mr. Nervous: Oh, monsters of the deep!

Mr. Nervous: 🎵Tricky tricky little fishes 🎵

Mr. Nervous: Fin phantasms!

Mr. Nervous: 🎵F-F-F-Fishes

Mischief makers of the sea and they just might trick you and me!🎵

(Fishes ends. The scene transitions to show a very dirty algae filled fish tank owned by Mr. Lazy. Algae is overflowing at the top of the tank and the inhabitants of the tank are not happy. Mr. Lazy finds this out as he looks through the tank)

Blue Fish: (grumbles)

Green and Yellow Fish: (burps)

(The green and yellow fish burps out a tiny diving helmet. A hermit crab is shown with a suitcase and puts on a hat as they swim to the top of the tank. On the surface, the hermit crab looks at Mr. Lazy in anger)

Hermit Crab: (chatters incoherently)

(The hermit crab scurries away)

Mr. Lazy: You know your tank's dirty when even the crabs run away.

(Mr. Lazy swipes some algae off the tank)

Mr. Lazy: (sighs) This is way too much work.

(Mr. Scatterbrain shows up)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Lazy!

Mr. Lazy: Hello, Mr. Scatterbrain.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a bag filled with water and a pickle)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Look at my new pickle fish!

(The camera zooms in on the pickle fish)

Mr. Lazy: That's a pickle. Not a fish.

(Mr. Scatterbrain briefly glares at Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Scatterbrain: No! It's a pickle fish!

(The camera zooms in on the pickle fish again)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): See? (chuckles)

(The camera zooms out)

Mr. Scatterbrain: It even swims and everything!

Mr. Lazy: It's not swimming...

(Mr. Lazy pokes at the bag)

Mr. Lazy: It's floating. Believe me, Mr. Scatterbrain. It's just a pickle.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well, it may not have fins or a tail or gills. But it's just like a fish! Only you don't have to feed it or clean its tank.

(Mr. Lazy realizes something)

Mr. Lazy: You mean, it's tank stays clean all by itself?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Yep! And look how happy he is swimming around!

Mr. Lazy: Don't suppose you'd sell me your pickle fish?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Sell it? Oh no! You can have it for free!

Mr. Lazy: Really?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Sure! (chuckles) I have a whole jar of them back home in my refrigerator!

(Mr. Scatterbrain gives Mr. Lazy the pickle fish and leaves. Mr. Lazy smiles and shakes the bag with the pickle fish inside for a moment)

Mr. Lazy: Come on, pickle fish. Let's go make a sandwich.

(Mr. Lazy leaves with the pickle fish to make the sandwich. The scene fades to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Lazy showing Mr. Scatterbrain his pickle fish)

Narrator: There is no question that here in Dillydale...

(Mr. Scatterbrain turns around to see Mr. Bump trying to catch salmon. Mr. Bump catches one but salmon breach out of the water and hit Mr. Bump. Causing Mr. Bump to drop the salmon he caught)

Narrator: Fish come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

(A Mr. Bounce is shown resting on an inner tube when an eel pops their head through. Mr. Bounce is sent flying into the sky and the eel and their friend start playing with Mr. Bounce like he's a beachball)

Narrator: So the next time you're out on a lake...

(A fish breaches)

Narrator: Or waiting in a stream, make sure you keep an eye out for our finned friends of the deep.

(Mr. Stubborn is shown on top of the whale he caught. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey look at this remarkable catch in amazement)

Narrator: You might be pleasantly surprised!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey applaud for Mr. Stubborn's remarkable catch. The whale opens their eyes and smiles and Mr. Stubborn continues smiling triumphantly as the screen fades to black and the episode ends)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests