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This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Flying." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
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UK Dub[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big red-orange screen comes up with "Flying" written on it with a plane, clouds, who created the episode underneath, the sounds of a propeller spinning and a plane flying are heard)
(The episode begins up in the skies of Dillydale)
Narrator: Like many of us, the Mr. Men and Little Misses...
(Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet fly by in their biplane)
Narrator: ...do enjoy soaring into the wild blue yonder!
(Little Miss Daredevil flies by on her jetpack)
Narrator: Some take to the skies in magnificent flying machines,
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey fly by in one of their homemade flying machines)
Narrator: Whilst others prefer a more homemade approach. But no matter there means of air travel...
Narrator: There is no greater thrill than seeing the world from a bird's eye view!
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
(The payload system disconnects from the rocket. Mr. Nervous bounces out of his chair due to the shaking of the rocket. Mr. Nervous crawls to the window and looks out to see the Earth getting smaller)
Mr. Nervous: "I-I could be lost in space, never to return to my beloved Earth!" (cries)
Mr. Rude (offscreen): "Come on, Mr. Nervous!"
(The daydream sequence ends and it is revealed that Mr. Nervous is riding a kiddie rocket outside of a grocery store. Mr. Rude, Little Miss Scary, and Mr. Bounce are standing in a queue waiting for Mr. Nervous to finish his turn)
Mr. Rude: You're not the only astronaut in town!
Mr. Nervous: Sorry, Mr. Rude.
(Mr. Rude turns towards Little Miss Scary)
Mr. Rude: That man, he is such a chicken! I am surprised he doesn't cluck!
Miss Scary: (snickers)
(Various Mr. Scatterbrain balloons float up onto the screen. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown hanging onto the balloons' strings and he lifts his hat. Mr. Scatterbrain floats to the top of the screen and the scene transitions to the next scene. The next scene begins with a passenger plane flying through the sky. The camera cuts to inside the cabin where Mr. Grumpy is a flight attendant pushing a beverage cart down the aisle. Mr. Grumpy passes Mr. Rude and Mr. Pernickety (who is examining his pillow). The camera cuts over to outside the airplane's loo. Mr. Bounce is waiting to use the loo when the door opens up, hits Mr. Bounce, and Mr. Bounce is sent flying all across the cabin. Mr. Bounce even bounces off of Mr. Grumpy's beverage trolley. Mr. Grumpy continues pushing the beverage trolley past Little Miss Chatterbox, and finally reaches Little Miss Sunshine when she notices Mr. Grumpy)
Miss Sunshine: Oh, hello, Mr. Grumpy. I didn't know you worked as a flight attendant.
(Mr. Grumpy points to his badge proudly)
Mr. Grumpy: I didn't earn these wings for nothing.
Miss Sunshine: I mean, I didn't know that you didn't work as a flight attendant. So I'm not sure why I'm really surprised.
Mr. Grumpy: Yes, Miss Sunshine. My vast talents surprise even me. Now, what do you want a drink?
Miss Sunshine: I would love a nice cold glass of fizzy pop.
(The dinging to call the flight attendants is heard. Mr. Grumpy and Miss Sunshine are slightly startled but Mr. Grumpy is more annoyed than startled)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmm. I'll be right back.
(In front of Mr. Pernickety's seat, Mr. Rude is shown sitting in front of him pressing the button that alerts the flight attendants. As Mr. Pernickety continues examining his pillow and Mr. Rude presses the button, Mr. Grumpy makes his way to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Grumpy: What do you want, Mr. Rude?
(Mr. Rude stops pressing the button)
Mr. Rude: Took you long enough.
(Mr. Rude shows Mr. Grumpy an empty cup)
Mr. Rude: Give me another cherry fizzy pop and be quick.
(Mr. Grumpy walks back to his beverage trolley when Mr. Pernickety stops him)
Mr. Pernickety: Hello? Can you tell me if this pillow has ever been washed?
Mr. Grumpy: Well, not since I started working here. 30 years ago.
Mr. Pernickety: Then I would like another. One that has been cleaned! Preferably sterilized!
(The dinging to alert the flight attendants is heard again. Mr. Pernickety is startled while Mr. Grumpy walks to the noise)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers.
(Mr. Grumpy walks back over to Mr. Rude. Mr. Rude is shown pushing the button again)
Mr. Grumpy: What now?
(Mr. Rude stops pushing the button and lowers his food tray)
Mr. Rude: What is this for?
Mr. Grumpy: Your lunch, which you'll never get if I can't finish my beverage service.
(Mr. Grumpy walks back to his beverage trolley when Mr. Bounce bounces on top of it. Spilling coffee and milk everywhere)
Mr. Bounce: Woah!
Mr. Grumpy: Oh!
Mr. Bounce: Sorry, coming back again.
(Mr. Pernickety gets up and gives the pillow at Mr. Grumpy with strong force)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmm!
Mr. Pernickety: The very idea that an airline would not have a single clean pillow for its passengers, is unacceptable.
(Mr. Pernickety walks away to the front of the plane. Mr. Bounce bounces off of Mr. Grumpy's head. This results in Mr. Grumpy dropping the pillow)
Mr. Grumpy: Ooh!
Mr. Bounce: Hello.
Mr. Grumpy: Oh!
(One of the overhead bins opens up and several suitcases fall onto Mr. Grumpy)
Mr. Grumpy: Ow!
(Mr. Grumpy emerges from the pile very irate)
Mr. Grumpy: (growls)
(Mr. Grumpy calms down and starts thinking)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmm...
(Mr. Grumpy gets an idea. The scene fades to sometime later where Mr. Pernickety is shown using Mr. Bounce as a pillow)
Mr. Pernickety: Ah. Much better. (chuckles) Thank you.
Mr. Bounce (muffled): (grunting)
(Mr. Bounce gives a thumbs up)
Mr. Grumpy: We aim to please on Dillydale Air.
Mr. Bounce (muffled): Very comfortable, thank you.
(The screen iris' out and the first bumper plays. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown try to get off the ground on a Wright Brothers-style plane. Mr. Small is seated on top while Mr. Nosey is seated on the bottom. When the plane does take off, the bit that Mr. Nosey is sitting on breaks off, leaving him behind and sends Mr. Small flying away without him. Mr. Nosey becomes worried about his little friend as suitcases fall down onto the screen to transition to the next scene. When the suitcases go away, the next scene shows Mr. Quiet and Mr. Tickle walking across an airfield)
Mr. Tickle: It's awfully nice of you to come along, Mr. Quiet. I didn't know you were a fan of helicopter rides.
Mr. Quiet: Oh, yeah. Uh, I suppose. If you think that's fun.
(Little Miss Whoops lands close to Mr. Tickle and Mr. Quiet in her helicopter)
Miss Whoops: Hey there, Mr. Tickle, Mr. Quiet. Ready to go flying?
(Mr. Quiet starts having second thoughts)
Mr. Quiet: Uh, yeah. I'm gonna go home.
(Mr. Quiet starts leaving when Mr. Tickle runs over and stops Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Quiet (overlap): (yelps)
Mr. Tickle (overlap): Where you going, Mr. Quiet?
(Mr. Tickle walks Mr. Quiet back to the helicopter)
Mr. Tickle: Don't worry, Miss Whoops is one of the best helicopter pilots around.
Mr. Quiet: Oh.
Mr. Tickle: Aren't ya, Miss Whoops?
Miss Whoops: Oh, yes. I'm a trained professional. Only a handful of accidents.
(Little Miss Whoops turns the ignition key and the helicopter does turn on, but it shakes and shuts down with a little smoke coming out of the main helicopter propeller)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Whoops!
(The smoke clears)
Miss Whoops: Wrong button.
(Mr. Quiet runs away in fear again)
Mr. Quiet: (screams)
(Mr. Tickle notices this and gets an idea)
Mr. Tickle: I think somebody needs a tickle.
(Mr. Tickle stretches his arms out towards Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Quiet: Oh! Oh! Oh! No!
Mr. Tickle uses his arms to chase Mr. Quiet back to the helicopter via the guise of a tickle)
Mr. Quiet: I want to hide!
Mr. Tickle: (chuckles)
(Mr. Quiet enters the helicopter and sits down in the back seat)
Mr. Quiet: No! I want to go home.
Mr. Tickle: See? All you needed was a tickle.
(Mr. Quiet buckles in. Little Miss Whoops slowly pulls down a lever and the helicopter turns on)
Miss Whoops: That's more like it!
(Mr. Quiet hears the door slamming and realizes that it hasn't been closed all the way)
Mr. Quiet: Uh-- Uh, the door! Uh, but the door!
(Mr. Tickle notices that the door isn't closed all the way)
Mr. Tickle: Shouldn't we shut the door?
Miss Whoops: That's what this button does!
(Little Miss Whoops pushes a button and the door falls off)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! I think it's broken! Oh well.
(The helicopter takes flight)
Miss Whoops: Here we go.
(The camera follows the helicopter as it flies in the air)
Mr. Tickle: It's quite a view from up here.
(The camera cuts to the front of the helicopter and Mr. Tickle notices something on the ground offscreen)
Mr. Tickle: Look, Mr. Quiet, there's your house.
Miss Whoops: Let me see.
(Little Miss Whoops leans the helicopter to the right and Mr. Quiet starts sliding towards the the part of the helicopter with the missing door. Luckily, his seatbelt keeps him in place)
Mr. Quiet: Oh! I don't care! Oh!
(The camera cuts back outside the helicopter)
Miss Whoops: Which one is it?
Mr. Tickle points to the ground)
Mr. Tickle: That one! Down there.
(The camera shows a wide shot of the entire town of Dillydale from the sky's point of view)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Um, excuse me!
(The camera cuts back into the helicopter. More specifically, where Mr. Quiet is sitting)
Mr. Quiet: Can I just say-
(Mr. Quiet slides closer to the open door)
Mr. Quiet: Uh-
(Mr. Quiet's seatbelt starts tearing)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Oh!
(The camera cuts back outside the helicopter)
Miss Whoops: I can't see it.
Mr. Tickle: It's that one!
(The camera zooms out to show how high the helicopter is flying. The helicopter is flying high above Dillydale)
Mr. Tickle (offscreen): The one with the brown roof!
Miss Whoops (offscreen): I don't see a brown roof. I see a blue roof.
(Mr. Quiet's seatbelt tears completely)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
(Mr. Quiet slides out of the helicopter and uses the still partially attached seatbelt to hang on)
Mr. Quiet: Woah! Woah! What the-?
Mr. Tickle: Well, count five from the blue one!
Miss Whoops: In what direction?
(The camera cuts back to the site of the helicopter flying high above Dillydale. Mr. Quiet is shown hanging onto his seatbelt for dear life)
Mr. Tickle (offscreen): Towards the park.
Miss Whoops (offscreen): One,
Mr. Quiet: (screams)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Two,
(Mr. Quiet grabs the landing skids)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Three,
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Four.
Mr. Quiet: Oh no!
Miss Whoops: Wait!
(The helicopter starts swaying)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
Miss Whoops: I've lost count.
Mr. Quiet (overlap): No!
Mr. Tickle (overlap): I didn't realize your house was so big, Mr. Quiet.
(Little Miss Whoops sees Mr. Quiet's house)
Miss Whoops: Oh! Hold on! I see it.
(The camera cuts down to the ground and zooms in towards Mr. Quiet's house)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Oh, yes. Nice roof, Mr. Quiet.
(The helicopter sways again)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
(This time, Mr. Quiet is swung back into the helicopter)
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
Mr. Tickle: I told you this would be fun.
(A beeping starts blaring out)
Mr. Quiet and Mr. Tickle: Oh!
(The camera reveals that the helicopter is very close to running out of fuel)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! Forgot to refuel before we took off! Looks like we'll have to cut our trip short and head back!
Mr. Quiet: Phew.
Mr. Tickle: Oh, too bad!
(Little Miss Whoops turns the helicopter around)
Miss Whoops: Hang on, Mr. Quiet. Wouldn't want you to fall out.
(The helicopter sways to the right again. This time, Mr. Quiet falls out of the helicopter entirely. Luckily, Mr. Quiet deploys a parachute upon falling out)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
Miss Whoops: (laughs)
(The screen fades to black and the second bumper plays. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown try to get off the ground on an unusual flying contraption that includes Mr. Small holding a set of wings. The plane manages to get off the ground and Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are up in the air. Soon they find themselves behind Little Miss Daredevil, who is riding her jetpack. Little Miss Daredevil flies away but ends up reducing the aircraft Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey made to cinders courtesy of the jetpack's flame. After a delayed reaction moment, the aircraft falls out of the sky and crashes into the ground. Taking Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey with it. A plethora of Mr. Noisy's faces surround the screen, then disappear. The scene transitions to a dance video starring Mr. Strong)
Mr. Stubborn (voiceover): "Dance!"
(Several hot air balloons appear on the screen as the dance video ends. The balloons are heard popping and deflating as they lower away to reveal the next scene. Little Miss Calamity is walking around wearing a beautiful bonnet when the wind suddenly carries it away)
Miss Calamity: Oh. Oh, my bonnet.
(Little Miss Calamity runs after her bonnet)
Miss Calamity: Oh, no.
(Little Miss Calamity's bonnet lands in the basket of a hot air balloon)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Stop, hat, stop.
(Little Miss Calamity lands in the hot air balloon basket but accidentally breaks the rope that kept the balloon tethered to the ground)
Miss Calamity: Oh, thank you for stopping.
(The hot air balloon takes flight)
Miss Calamity (from inside the balloon basket): Oh, there they are. Would have been such a shame to lose this hat.
(The camera shows a wide shot of the balloon taking flight)
Miss Calamity (from inside the balloon basket): Oh, feeling a little light-headed.
(Little Miss Calamity stands up and has her bonnet in her hands but the wind carries it away again)
Miss Calamity: Oh! Oh no! Oh no!
(Little Miss Calamity realizes her predicament and crouches down into the basket)
Miss Calamity (from inside the balloon basket): Help! Help!
(The hot air balloon chases after Little Miss Calamity's bonnet. The bonnet and hot air balloon fly towards a pig farm. Three pigs are enjoying their food)
Miss Calamity (from inside the balloon basket offscreen): Oh! Piggies, would you mind terribly collecting my hat?
(The bonnet flies towards the pigs and the hot air balloon flies straight towards the pigs. Little Miss Calamity shields her eyes as the balloon runs through the pig sty)
Miss Calamity: (screams)
(A pig flies up into the air for a moment)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
(Mud splatters as two of the three pigs are flung into the air for a moment before landing in the mud. The balloon flies back into the air with Little Miss Calamity covered in mud and holding a baby pig. Little Miss Calamity notices the baby pig)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
Baby Pig: (grunts)
(Little Miss Calamity drops the pig back to the ground)
Baby Pig: (squeals)
(Little Miss Calamity's bonnet flies straight for a set of railroad tracks that alert a train is about to cross)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Poor pig. Back to mommy.
(Little Miss Calamity sees her hat heading straight for the train tracks with a train coming)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
(The train is shown approaching)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Oh, a train! Oh train, don't hit my hat!
(The bonnet goes under the barrier. Little Miss Calamity looks at the balloon and sees the blue flame keeping it up in the air as it provides hot air. Little Miss Calamity pulls down a lever)
Miss Calamity: (grunts)
(The blue flame turns into a big orange one as more hot air is provided for the hot air balloon by the flame)
Miss Calamity: Woah!
(The hot air balloon speeds up)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Ooooh! Woah!
(The basket of the hot air balloon hits the train)
Miss Calamity (from inside the balloon basWoah! ket): Oh! O
(Little Miss Calamity stands up in a daze as stars circle her head. Little Miss Calamity turns and sees her bonnet)h! Oh.
Miss Calamity: (gasps)
(The bonnet flies towards the water)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Oh, my hat! Stop!
(The bonnet lands on a buoy)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Oh! If only had a fishing rod.
(Little Miss Calamity looks around the balloon basket and sees a box. Little Miss Calamity lifts the box and finds a fishing rod behind it)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
(Little Miss Calamity grabs the fishing rod and casts the fishing line towards her hat)
Miss Calamity: And...
(Little Miss Calamity misses her hat)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Cast away!
(The cuts back to Little Miss Calamity)
Miss Calamity: Oh, dear.
(Little Miss Calamity casts her fishing line again)
Miss Calamity: (grunts)
(The fishing hook accidentally punctures the balloon)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
(The camera switches to a map where the hot air balloon is shown flying all over it due to the balloon being out of control)
Miss Calamity (voiceover): Oh, what a calamity!
(The camera switches back to the normal point of view. Little Miss Calamity's bonnet lands on the ground)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Oh, where is it gone!
(Little Miss Calamity in despair)
Miss Calamity: (whimpers)
(Little Miss Calamity sees her bonnet on the ground)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
(The hot air balloon lands next to Little Miss Calamity's bonnet, which has landed next to the same rocket ship ride from earlier in the episode. This time, the ride is being ridden on by Little Miss Scary. Once the balloon lands, a dizzy Little Miss Calamity gets out of the balloon basket and recovers as she sees her hat)
Miss Calamity: Oh good! My hat!
(Little Miss Calamity puts her bonnet back on)
Miss Calamity: This must be my lucky day!
(One of the pigs Little Miss Calamity accidentally picked up pops up from inside the balloon basket)
Pig: (snorts)
(The rocket ride stops as the pig jumps out of the balloon basket and scurries off)
Miss Scary: (laughs)
(Little Miss Calamity looks at Little Miss Scary and becomes confused over what she is laughing at. Then, the scene iris' out and the third bumper plays. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown in their usual flying machine. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey pedal to activate the propeller. Soon, their contraption rises off the ground and Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are up in the air. Also in the air is Mr. Pernickety in his unique hot air balloon. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey soon fly through Mr. Pernickety's balloon. Despite no damage to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's aircraft and after a delayed reaction moment, Both aircrafts falls out of the sky and crashes into the ground. Taking Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Pernickety with them. A plethora of Little Miss Daredevil's faces surround the screen, then disappear. A music video starring Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Calamity begins. Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Calamity appear in front of a seafoam green background that is quickly obscured by the hot air balloon Little Miss Calamity flew in the last segment. The hot air balloon flies across the sky from the left side of the screen to the right. Inside the balloon basket, Little Miss Calamity and Mr. Nervous are dancing. The balloon flies across a map as a circle slowly shrinks and turns the map black and white. The circle stops where the balloon lands on the map. The scene cuts to the beach where the balloon flies over beachgoers. The beachgoers include Mr. Strong, Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Lazy, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Happy, and two Mr. Stubborns. The scene then cuts to Little Miss Calamity and Mr. Nervous dancing in front of the seafoam green background with a yellow-green dot border around the screen. In between them is Mr. Happy, who is also dancing. Then Mr. Happy is replaced by Mr. Strong, who is lifting weights. Finally, Mr. Strong is replaced by Mr. Lazy, who is relaxing in a lounge chair. The background and border colors change throughout the segment. The scene then cuts to the balloon flying over a field of cows. Four cows are seen eating grass. The scene cuts back to the balloon flying across the map with the circle shrinking until it centers around the balloon. As the circle shrinks, the map turns black and white. The scene cuts to the bot air balloon flying above the snowy artic with several penguins dancing on top of icebergs. The scene then cuts to Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Nervous, and the penguins dancing in front of the seafoam green background with a yellow-green dot border around the screen. The background and border colors change throughout the segment. The scene then cuts back to the map and the hot air balloon is flying all over the map. The regular black circle appears on the screen and the screen iris' out; Ending the music video. The next scene shows Mr. Quiet standing in front of an old-fashioned plane with a propeller on the nose. Mr. Quiet is using all his strength to spin the propeller and start the plane)
Mr. Quiet: Hmm! (grunts)
(The propeller spins for a moment before slowing down and stopping. Mr. Stubborn, who is in the pilot's seat of the aircraft, leans over to speak to Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Stubborn: Come on, Mr. Quiet. Put some muscle into it.
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
(Mr. Quiet grabs the propeller and spins it again)
Mr. Quiet: (grunts)
(The propeller keeps on spinning and the plane starts up)
Mr. Stubborn: What are you waiting for?
(The camera cuts to the side of the plane where Mr. Stubborn is waiting for Mr. Quiet to climb into the passenger seat of the plane. The plane is starting to move)
Mr. Stubborn: Climb aboard.
(Mr. Quiet climbs into the passenger seat of the plane)
(Mr. Quiet climbs into the passenger seat of the plane)
Mr. Quiet: I'm coming! Ah!
(Mr. Quiet sits down)
Mr. Stubborn: Come on, We've got a date with a clouds.
(The plane starts picking up speed. On the runway, Mr. Scatterbrain is working as an air traffic controller but is using a rubber chicken and a plunger instead of the signal lights. Mr. Scatterbrain moves the objects all around himself)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Mr. Stubborn, you're cleared for landing.
(Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet ride the plane past Mr. Scatterbrain, Mr. Scatterbrain avoids getting hit by the plane but drops the items)
Mr. Stubborn: Don't you mean "takeoff," Mr. Scatterbrain?
(The camera cuts to a "no entry" sign. Mr. Stubborn drives the airplane through the sign. Mr. Stubborn takes hold of the sign and looks at it)
Mr. Quiet: Oh.
Mr. Stubborn: Who put that there?
(Mr. Stubborn throws the sign away and it crashes into something offscreen)
Mr. Stubborn: Never mind. Up we go.
(The plane drives off a cliff and falls to the ground)
Mr. Quiet: (screams)
(The plane takes off and flies up into the sky)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
(Mr. Quiet covers his eyes in terror)
Mr. Quiet: Oh-ho-ho! I can't look!
(Mr. Quiet takes his hands off his eyes and Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet exchange looks)
Mr. Stubborn: Don't give me that look. I know what I'm doing.
(Mr. Stubborn flies the plane over a mountain's peak while the plane is spinning. The plane rams itself between two mountains like a pinball in a pinball machine. The plane spins around about two mountains before flying away. Both Mr. Quiet and Mr. Stubborn are shown dizzy with Mr. Quiet's head spinning)
Mr. Quiet: (whimper and moans)
Mr. Stubborn: I meant to do that.
(Mr. Quiet shakes his head and regains focus. Mr. Quiet looks outside the plane and sees one of the cables on the left wing has come loose)
Mr. Quiet: Oh! Oh, (incoherent talking)
(The camera zooms out to show the loose cable)
Mr. Quiet: (incoherent talking) Oh no!
Mr. Stubborn: This cable is cheap.
Mr. Quiet: Oh no!
(Mr. Stubborn gets out of the pilot's seat, hops onto the wing of the plane, and looks at the loose cable)
Mr. Stubborn: No wonder this plane is giving me such a hard time.
(Mr. Stubborn reaches for the loose cable. Mr. Stubborn loses his footing but manages to grab the cable. This results in Mr. Stubborn dangling off the plane with only the cable keeping him from falling. Mr. Quiet sees this and starts panicking)
Mr. Quiet: (screams) I've got to fly this thing!
(The plane flies behind a cloud. When they pass the cloud, Mr. Stubborn has fixed the cable and returned to his seat)
Mr. Stubborn: Problem solved.
(Mr. Quiet shakes his head in disbelief over the fast recovery)
Mr. Quiet: Oh no! Hmmm.
(A loud beep starts blaring)
Mr. Quiet: What's that!?
(The camera shows the fuel gage to the viewers and it turns out that Mr. Stubborn's plane is out of fuel. Mr. Stubborn taps on the gage. The plane starts falling out of the sky)
Mr. Stubborn: All right.
Mr. Quiet: Hmm!
Mr. Stubborn: Hang on.
Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)
(Mr. Quiet covers his eyes)
Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): We're going in.
(Mr. Stubborn starts working to land the plane safely. Mr. Stubborn navigates past several tall pine trees. He even flies over one. The plane spins down but Mr. Stubborn recovers and the plane starts flying dangerously close to the cars below them)
Mr. Quiet: Oh! Look out!
(The plane heads straight for a stand selling pumpkins)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Ooh! Pumpkins!
(Mr. Quiet covers Mr. Stubborn's eyes)
Mr. Quiet: Ooh!
(The plane crashes into the pumpkin stand. Completely demolishing the stand and the plane and sending pumpkins (both squashed and intact) all over the place. Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet are shown in a daze)
Mr. Quiet: Oh! Oh!!
(A pumpkin lands on Mr. Stubborn's head, covering him in pumpkin juice)
Mr. Stubborn: Oh!
Mr. Quiet: Not hap-
(A pumpkin lands on Mr. Quiet's head, covering him in pumpkin juice)
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
(Mr. Quiet jumps out of the plane and lands on his hands and knees very thankful that he's alive. The pumpkin falls off Mr. Quiet's head as he gets out of the plane)
Mr. Quiet: (incoherent talking)
(Mr. Stubborn jumps out of the plane as Mr. Quiet starts kissing the ground in relief. The pumpkin falls off Mr. Stubborn's head as he gets out of the plane. Mr. Stubborn brushes his arms)
Mr. Stubborn: And that, Mr. Quiet, is how you land a plane!
(Mr. Stubborn leaves and Mr. Quiet looks to the viewers with an annoyed look on his face)
Mr. Quiet: Hmm.
(The screen iris' out. The next bumper plays. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are about to fly in their Wright Brothers-style plane again. This time, they've added jet engines. They take off in a bean of blue light from the jets. But after a few moments they are in the air, the plane splits leaving the parts of the plane Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey were sitting on behind as the rest of the plane flies away. Once again, Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small fall to the ground and crash land upon impact. The ending scene begins with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with a hot air balloon flying in the sky)
Narrator: And so ends another thrilling day...
(A passenger plane is shown flying through the sky as well as Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet in their plane)
Narrator: Soaring through the skies of Dillydale.
(Little Miss Daredevil is shown flying on her jetpack)
Narrator: When you head off on your own adventure...
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey take off into the skies in their signature flying machine)
Narrator: Make sure your seat belt is tight...
(Mr. Pernickety is shown flying in his hot air balloon)
Narrator: Your parachute is ready...
(Mr. Grumpy is shown parachuting down)
Narrator: And Miss Helpful is nowhere to be found!
(Mr. Bump falls from the sky. This time, his parachute is used correctly)
Mr. Bump: You live and learn!
(The screen fades to black and the episode ends)
Deleted Scene[]
(The scene begins high up in the sky. On a plane, Mr. Bump is getting ready to skydive. Little Miss Helpful is also there to help out)
Mr. Bump: Uh, uh, uh, uh, we're awfully high up, Miss Helpful!
Miss Helpful: Oh, Mr. Bump! It'll be over before you know it!
Mr. Bump: Mmmm.... That's what I'm afraid of.
Miss Helpful: Now remember,
(Little Miss Helpful fiddles with Mr. Bump's parachute)
Miss Helpful: Don't pull your parachute release too quickly, or else it might get tangled up and you'll drop like a rock!
(Little Miss Helpful slams her fist onto her hand to demonstrate the worst-case scenario)
Mr. Bump: (gulps)
Miss Helpful: Just trying to be helpful.
(Mr. Bump looks at his parachute)
Mr. Bump: Is my harness buckled on?
Miss Helpful: Good as gold!
Mr. Bump: Famous last words. Here I go then.
(Mr. Bump jumps out of the plane)
Mr. Bump: Geronimo!
(Little Miss Helpful takes out the canopy part of the parachute and realizes something)
Miss Helpful: Oh wait! I just remembered your parachute!
(Mr. Bump is shown sky-falling. Mr. Bump grabs the ripcord and starts feeling better)
Mr. Bump: Phew!
(Mr. Bump opens his incomplete parachute and then notices that Miss Helpful forgot to tie his parachute on. He falls from the sky)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Mr. Bump takes out his mobile phone to dial a number, and then puts the phone to his ear. Mr. Scatterbrain's voice is heard on the other end)
Mr. Scatterbrain (over the phone): (laughs) Falling-out-of-a-plane hotline!
(Mr. Bump hits a plane, causing his phone and incomplete parachute to fly away)
Mr. Bump: Can't hold on!
(Mr. Bump flies over the plane and screams, then hits the plane's tail)
Mr. Bump: Ooh!
(Mr. Bump continues falling from the sky)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Mr. Bump then hits the ground like a rock. Smoke from the ground settles where he landed)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Oh poopity poop!
(The screen irises out on where Mr. Bump landed)
US Dub[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big red-orange screen comes up with "Flying" written on it with a plane, clouds, who created the episode underneath, the sounds of a propeller spinning and a plane flying are heard)
(The episode begins up in the skies of Dillydale)
Narrator: Like many of us, the Mr. Men and Little Misses...
(Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet fly by in their biplane)
Narrator: Do enjoy soaring into the wild blue yonder!
(Little Miss Daredevil flies by on her jetpack)
Narrator: Some take to the skies in magnificent flying machines.
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey fly by in one of their homemade flying machines)
Narrator: Whilst others prefer a more homemade approach. But no matter there means of air travel...
(The scene transitions to outer space where a rocket ship is leaving Earth's atmosphere)
Narrator: There is no greater thrill than seeing the world from a bird's eye view!
(The camera cuts into the rocket ship. Mr. Nervous is shown to be piloting the rocket and the inside of the rocket is shaking violently)
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
(The payload system disconnects from the rocket. Mr. Nervous bounces out of his chair due to the shaking of the rocket. Mr. Nervous crawls to the window and looks out to see the Earth getting smaller)
Mr. Nervous: "I-I could be lost in space, never to return to my beloved Earth!" (sobs)
Mr. Rude (offscreen): "Come on, Mr. Nervous!"
(The daydream sequence ends and it is revealed that Mr. Nervous is riding a kiddie rocket outside of a grocery store. Mr. Rude, Little Miss Scary, and Mr. Bounce are standing in a queue waiting for Mr. Nervous to finish his turn)
Mr. Rude: You're not the only astronaut in town!
Mr. Nervous: Sorry, Mr. Rude.
(Mr. Rude turns towards Little Miss Scary)
Mr. Rude: That man, he is such a chicken! I am surprised he doesn't cluck!
Miss Scary: (snickers)
(Various Mr. Scatterbrain balloons float up onto the screen. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown hanging onto the balloons' strings and he lifts his hat. Mr. Scatterbrain floats to the top of the screen and the scene transitions to the next scene. The next scene begins with a passenger plane flying through the sky. The camera cuts to inside the cabin where Mr. Grumpy is a flight attendant pushing a beverage cart down the aisle. Mr. Grumpy passes Mr. Rude and Mr. Persnickety (who is examining his pillow). The camera cuts over to outside the airplane's lavatory. Mr. Bounce is waiting to use the lavatory when the door opens up, hits Mr. Bounce, and Mr. Bounce is sent flying all across the cabin. Mr. Bounce even bounces off of Mr. Grumpy's beverage cart. Mr. Grumpy continues pushing the beverage cart past Little Miss Chatterbox, and finally reaches Little Miss Sunshine when she notices Mr. Grumpy)
Miss Sunshine: Hello, Mr. Grumpy. I didn't know you worked as a fight attendant.
(Mr. Grumpy points to his badge)
Mr. Grumpy: I didn't earn these wings for nothing.
Miss Sunshine: I mean, I didn't know you didn't work as a flight attendant. So I'm not sure why I'm really surprised.
Mr. Grumpy: Yes, Miss Sunshine. My vast talents surprise even me. Now, what do you want a drink?
Miss Sunshine: I would love a nice cold glass of fizzy pop.
(The dinging to alert the flight attendants is heard. Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Sunshine are slightly startled but Mr. Grumpy is more annoyed than startled)
Mr. Grumpy: I'll be right back.
(In front of Mr. Persnickety's seat, Mr. Rude is shown sitting in front of him pressing the button that alerts the flight attendants. As Mr. Persnickety continues examining his pillow and Mr. Rude presses the button, Mr. Grumpy makes his way to Mr. Rude)
Mr. Grumpy: What do you want, Mr. Rude?
(Mr. Rude stops pressing the button)
Mr. Rude: Took you long enough.
(Mr. Rude shows Mr. Grumpy an empty cup)
Mr. Rude: Give me another cherry fizzy pop and make it quick.
(Mr. Grumpy walks back to his beverage cart when Mr. Persnickety stops him)
Mr. Persnickety: Can you tell me if this pillow has ever been washed?
Mr. Grumpy: Well not since I started working here...30 years ago.
Mr. Persnickety: Then I would like another. One that has been cleaned! Uh, preferably sterilized!
(The dinging to alert the flight attendants is heard again. Mr. Persnickety is startled while Mr. Grumpy walks to the noise)
Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers.
(Mr. Grumpy walks back over to Mr. Rude. Mr. Rude is shown pushing the button again)
Mr. Grumpy: What now?
(Mr. Rude stops pushing the button and lowers his food tray)
Mr. Rude: What is this for?
Mr. Grumpy: Your lunch, which you'll never get if I can't finish my beverage service.
(Mr. Grumpy walks back to his beverage cart when Mr. Bounce bounces on top of it. Spilling coffee and milk everywhere)
Mr. Bounce: Ooh! Sorry, coming back again.
(Mr. Persnickety gets up and gives the pillow at Mr. Grumpy with strong force)
Mr. Persnickety: The very idea that an airline would not have a single clean pillow for its passengers, is unacceptable.
(Mr. Persnickety walks away to the front of the plane. Mr. Bounce bounces off of Mr. Grumpy's head. This results in Mr. Grumpy dropping the pillow)
Mr. Bounce: Hello.
(One of the overhead bins opens up and several suitcases fall onto Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Grumpy emerges from the pile very irate)
Mr. Grumpy: (growls)
(Mr. Grumpy calms down and starts thinking)
Mr. Grumpy: Hmm...
(Mr. Grumpy gets an idea. The scene fades to sometime later where Mr. Persnickety is shown using Mr. Bounce as a pillow)
Mr. Persnickety: Ah. Much better. (chuckles) Thank you.
Mr. Bounce (muffled): (grunting)
(Mr. Bounce gives a thumbs up)
Mr. Grumpy: We aim to please on Dillydale Air.
Mr. Bounce (muffled): Very comfortable, thank you.
(The screen iris' out and the first bumper plays. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown try to get off the ground on a Wright Brothers-style plane. Mr. Small is seated on top while Mr. Nosey is seated on the bottom. When the plane does take off, the bit that Mr. Nosey is sitting on breaks off, leaving him behind and sends Mr. Small flying away without him. Mr. Nosey becomes worried about his little friend as suitcases fall down onto the screen to transition to the next scene. When the suitcases go away, the next scene shows Mr. Quiet and Mr. Tickle walking across an airfield)
Mr. Tickle: It's awfully nice of you to come along, Mr. Quiet. I didn't know you were a fan of helicopter rides.
Mr. Quiet: Uh...oh, yes. I guess, if you think that's fun.
(Little Miss Whoops lands close to Mr. Tickle and Mr. Quiet in her helicopter)
Miss Whoops: Hey there, Mr. Tickle, Mr. Quiet. Ready to go flying?
(Mr. Quiet starts having second thoughts)
Mr. Quiet: Uh, yeah, I gotta go home.
(Mr. Quiet starts leaving when Mr. Tickle runs over and stops Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Tickle: Where you going, Mr. Quiet?
Mr. Quiet: Uh...
(Mr. Tickle walks Mr. Quiet back to the helicopter)
Mr. Tickle: Don't worry, Miss Whoops is one of the best helicopter pilots around. Aren't you, Miss Whoops?
Miss Whoops: Oh, sure. I'm a trained professional. Only a handful of accidents.
(Little Miss Whoops turns the ignition key and the helicopter does turn on, but it shakes and shuts down with a little smoke coming out of the main helicopter propeller)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Whoops!
(The smoke clears)
Miss Whoops: Wrong button.
(Mr. Quiet runs away in fear again. Mr. Tickle notices this and gets an idea)
Mr. Tickle: I think somebody needs a tickle.
(Mr. Tickle stretches his arms out towards Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Quiet: Uh, no!
(Mr. Tickle uses his arms to chase Mr. Quiet back to the helicopter via the guise of a tickle)
Mr. Quiet: Please!
(Mr. Quiet enters the helicopter and sits down in the back seat)
Mr. Quiet: No, don't. I wanna go home.
(Mr. Tickle enters the helicopter, sits down next to Little Miss Whoops, and closes the door)
Mr. Tickle: See? All you needed was a tickle.
(Mr. Quiet buckles in. Little Miss Whoops slowly pulls down a lever and the helicopter turns on)
Miss Whoops: That's more like it!
(Mr. Quiet hears the door slamming and realizes that it hasn't been closed all the way)
Mr. Quiet: Uh-- Uh, wait! uh-- uh-- the door!
(Mr. Tickle notices that the door isn't closed all the way)
Mr. Tickle: Shouldn't we shut the door?
Miss Whoops: That's what this button does!
(Little Miss Whoops pushes a button and the door falls off)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! I guess it's broken! Oh well.
(The helicopter takes flight)
Miss Whoops: Here we go.
(The camera follows the helicopter as it flies in the air)
Mr. Tickle: It's quite a view from up here.
(The camera cuts to the front of the helicopter and Mr. Tickle notices something on the ground offscreen)
Mr. Tickle: Look, Mr. Quiet, there's your house.
Miss Whoops: Let me see.
(Little Miss Whoops leans the helicopter to the right and Mr. Quiet starts sliding towards the the part of the helicopter with the missing door. Luckily, his seatbelt keeps him in place)
Mr. Quiet: No!
(The camera cuts back outside the helicopter)
Miss Whoops: Which one is it?
(Mr. Tickle points to the ground)
Mr. Tickle: That one right there.
(The camera shows a wide shot of the entire town of Dillydale from the sky's point of view)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Um, excuse--
(The camera cuts back into the helicopter. More specifically, where Mr. Quiet is sitting)
Mr. Quiet: Excuse me.
(Mr. Quiet slides closer to the open door)
Mr. Quiet: Hello?
(Mr. Quiet's seatbelt starts tearing. The camera cuts back outside the helicopter)
Miss Whoops: I can't see it.
Mr. Tickle: It's right there!
(The camera zooms out to show how high the helicopter is flying. The helicopter is flying high above Dillydale)
Mr. Tickle (offscreen): The one with the brown roof!
Miss Whoops (offscreen): I don't see a brown roof. I see a blue roof.
(Mr. Quiet's seatbelt tears completely)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
(Mr. Quiet slides out of the helicopter and uses the still partially attached seatbelt to hang on)
Mr. Quiet: No! (yelps) Hello?
Mr. Tickle: Well, count five over from there.
Miss Whoops: In what direction?
(The camera cuts back to the site of the helicopter flying high above Dillydale. Mr. Quiet is shown hanging onto his seatbelt for dear life)
Mr. Tickle (offscreen): Towards the park.
Miss Whoops (offscreen): One,
Mr. Quiet: Nyguh!
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Two,
(Mr. Quiet grabs the landing skids)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Three,
Mr. Quiet: (grunts)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Four.
Mr. Quiet: Oh! Oh!
Miss Whoops: Wait!
(The helicopter starts swaying)
Mr. Quiet: No! Oh
Miss Whoops: I've lost count.
Mr. Quiet: No! Woah!
Mr. Tickle: I didn't realize your house was so big, Mr. Quiet.
(Little Miss Whoops sees Mr. Quiet's house)
Miss Whoops: Wait, I see it.
(The camera cuts down to the ground and zooms in towards Mr. Quiet's house)
Miss Whoops (offscreen): Oh, yeah. Nice roof, Mr. Quiet.
(The helicopter sways again)
Mr. Quiet: Oh?
(This time, Mr. Quiet is swung back into the helicopter)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
Mr. Tickle: I told you this would be fun.
(A beeping starts blaring out, the camera reveals that the helicopter is very close to running out of fuel)
Miss Whoops: Whoops! Forgot to refuel before we took off! Looks like we'll have to cut our trip short and head back!
(Mr. Quiet breathes an inaudible sigh of relief)
Mr. Tickle: Oh, too bad!
(Little Miss Whoops turns the helicopter around)
Miss Whoops: Hang on, Mr. Quiet. Wouldn't want you to fall out.
(The helicopter sways to the right again. This time, Mr. Quiet falls out of the helicopter entirely. Luckily, Mr. Quiet deploys a parachute upon falling out)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
Miss Whoops: (laughs)
(The screen fades to black and the second bumper plays. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown try to get off the ground on an unusual flying contraption that includes Mr. Small holding a set of wings. The plane manages to get off the ground and Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are up in the air. Soon they find themselves behind Little Miss Daredevil, who is riding her jetpack. Little Miss Daredevil flies away but ends up reducing the aircraft Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey made to cinders courtesy of the jetpack's flame. After a delayed reaction moment, the aircraft falls out of the sky and crashes into the ground. Taking Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey with it. A plethora of Mr. Noisy's faces surround the screen, then disappear. The scene transitions to a dance video starring Mr. Strong)
Mr. Stubborn (voiceover): Dance! Move your body! Move your legs faster! Faster! Dance! Move! Shake! The music is on! Move!
(Several hot air balloons appear on the screen as the dance video ends. The balloons are heard popping and deflating as they lower away to reveal the next scene. Little Miss Calamity is walking around wearing a beautiful bonnet when the wind suddenly carries it away)
Miss Calamity: Oh. Oh, my bonnet.
(Little Miss Calamity runs after her bonnet)
Miss Calamity: Oh, no.
(Little Miss Calamity's bonnet lands in the basket of a hot air balloon)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Stop, hat, stop.
(Little Miss Calamity lands in the hot air balloon basket but accidentally breaks the rope that kept the balloon tethered to the ground)
Miss Calamity: Oh, thank you for stopping.
(The hot air balloon takes flight)
Miss Calamity (from inside the balloon basket): Oh, there we go. Oh, love this hat, it would have been such a shame to lose it.
(The camera shows a wide shot of the balloon taking flight)
Miss Calamity (from inside the balloon basket): Oh, feeling a little light-headed.
(Little Miss Calamity stands up and has her bonnet in her hands but the wind carries it away again)
Miss Calamity: Oh. Oh no! Oh no. Help!
(Little Miss Calamity realizes her predicament and crouches down into the basket)
Miss Calamity: Help!
(The hot air balloon chases after Little Miss Calamity's bonnet)
Miss Calamity (from inside the balloon basket): Oh, this scary. Oh.
(The bonnet and hot air balloon fly towards a pig farm. Three pigs are enjoying their food)
Miss Calamity (from inside the balloon basket offscreen): Piggies, would you mind collecting my hat?
(The bonnet flies towards the pigs and the hot air balloon flies straight towards the pigs. Little Miss Calamity shields her eyes as the balloon runs through the pig sty)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
(A pig flies up into the air for a moment)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): No!
(Mud splatters as two of the three pigs are flung into the air for a moment before landing in the mud. The balloon flies back into the air with Little Miss Calamity covered in mud and holding a baby pig. Little Miss Calamity notices the baby pig)
Miss Calamity: Oh.
Baby Pig: (grunts)
(Little Miss Calamity drops the pig back to the ground)
Baby Pig: (squeals)
(Little Miss Calamity's bonnet flies straight for a set of railroad tracks that alert a train is about to cross)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Poor little pig, there you go, back to momma.
(Little Miss Calamity sees her hat heading straight for the train tracks with a train coming)
Miss Calamity: (gasps)
(The train is shown approaching)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Oh, oh, train. No, train, don't hit my hat. No.
(The bonnet goes under the barrier. Little Miss Calamity looks at the balloon and sees the blue flame keeping it up in the air as it provides hot air)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
(Little Miss Calamity pulls down a lever)
Miss Calamity: (grunts)
(The blue flame turns into a big orange one as more hot air is provided for the hot air balloon by the flame)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): No! Oh!
(The hot air balloon speeds up)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): (screams)
(The basket of the hot air balloon hits the train)
Miss Calamity (from inside the balloon basket): Oh! Ooh! Ooh! (moans)
(Little Miss Calamity stands up in a daze as stars circle her head. Little Miss Calamity turns and sees her bonnet)
Miss Calamity: Oh, my.
(The bonnet flies towards the water)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): My hat. Oh.
(The bonnet lands on a buoy)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): Stop! Please! Oh!
(Little Miss Calamity looks around the balloon basket)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
(Little Miss Calamity sees a box in the balloon basket)
Miss Calamity: If I only had a fishing rod.
(Little Miss Calamity lifts the box and finds a fishing rod behind it)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
(Little Miss Calamity grabs the fishing rod and casts the fishing line towards her hat)
Miss Calamity: There we go!
(Little Miss Calamity misses her hat)
Miss Calamity (offscreen): And cast away.
(The cuts back to Little Miss Calamity)
Miss Calamity: Oh, dear.
(Little Miss Calamity casts her fishing line again but the fishing hook accidentally punctures the balloon)
Miss Calamity: Woah!
(The camera switches to a map where the hot air balloon is shown flying all over it due to the balloon being out of control)
Miss Calamity (voiceover): Oh, what a calamity!
(The camera switches back to the normal point of view. Little Miss Calamity's bonnet lands on the ground just as Little Miss Calamity gives up hope on retrieving it)
Miss Calamity: No!
(Little Miss Calamity sees her bonnet on the ground)
Miss Calamity: Oh!
(The hot air balloon lands next to Little Miss Calamity's bonnet, which has landed next to the same rocket ship ride from earlier in the episode. This time, the ride is being ridden on by Little Miss Scary. Once the balloon lands, a dizzy Little Miss Calamity gets out of the balloon basket and recovers as she sees her hat)
Miss Calamity: Oh good! My hat!
(Little Miss Calamity puts her bonnet back on)
Miss Calamity: This must be my lucky day!
(One of the pigs Little Miss Calamity accidentally picked up pops up from inside the balloon basket)
Pig: (snorts)
(The rocket ride stops as the pig jumps out of the balloon basket and scurries off)
Miss Scary: (snorts and laughs)
(Little Miss Calamity looks at Little Miss Scary and becomes confused over what she is laughing at. Then, the scene iris' out and the third bumper plays. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown in their usual flying machine. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey pedal to activate the propeller. Soon, their contraption rises off the ground and Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are up in the air. Also in the air is Mr. Persnickety in his unique hot air balloon. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey soon fly through Mr. Persnickety's balloon. Despite no damage to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's aircraft and after a delayed reaction moment, Both aircrafts falls out of the sky and crashes into the ground. Taking Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Persnickety with them. A plethora of Little Miss Daredevil's faces surround the screen, then disappear. A music video starring Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Calamity begins. Mr. Nervous and Little Miss Calamity appear in front of a seafoam green background that is quickly obscured by the hot air balloon Little Miss Calamity flew in the last segment. The hot air balloon flies across the sky from the left side of the screen to the right. Inside the balloon basket, Little Miss Calamity and Mr. Nervous are dancing. The balloon flies across a map as a circle slowly shrinks and turns the map black and white. The circle stops where the balloon lands on the map. The scene cuts to the beach where the balloon flies over beachgoers. The beachgoers include Mr. Strong, Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Lazy, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Happy, and two Mr. Stubborns. The scene then cuts to Little Miss Calamity and Mr. Nervous dancing in front of the seafoam green background with a yellow-green dot border around the screen. In between them is Mr. Happy, who is also dancing. Then Mr. Happy is replaced by Mr. Strong, who is lifting weights. Finally, Mr. Strong is replaced by Mr. Lazy, who is relaxing in a lounge chair. The background and border colors change throughout the segment. The scene then cuts to the balloon flying over a field of cows. Four cows are seen eating grass. The scene cuts back to the balloon flying across the map with the circle shrinking until it centers around the balloon. As the circle shrinks, the map turns black and white. The scene cuts to the bot air balloon flying above the snowy artic with several penguins dancing on top of icebergs. The scene then cuts to Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Nervous, and the penguins dancing in front of the seafoam green background with a yellow-green dot border around the screen. The background and border colors change throughout the segment. The scene then cuts back to the map and the hot air balloon is flying all over the map. The regular black circle appears on the screen and the screen iris' out; Ending the music video. The next scene shows Mr. Quiet standing in front of an old-fashioned plane with a propeller on the nose. Mr. Quiet is using all his strength to spin the propeller and start the plane)
Mr. Quiet: (grunts and whimpers)
(The propeller spins for a moment before slowing down and stopping. Mr. Stubborn, who is in the pilot's seat of the aircraft, leans over to speak to Mr. Quiet)
Mr. Stubborn: Come on, Mr. Quiet. Put some muscle into it.
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
(Mr. Quiet grabs the propeller and spins it again)
Mr. Quiet: (grunts)
(The propeller keeps on spinning and the plane starts up)
Mr. Stubborn: What are you waiting for?
(The camera cuts to the side of the plane where Mr. Stubborn is waiting for Mr. Quiet to climb into the passenger seat of the plane. The plane is starting to move)
Mr. Stubborn: Climb aboard.
(Mr. Quiet climbs into the passenger seat of the plane)
Mr. Quiet: I'm coming. (grunts)
(Mr. Quiet sits down)
Mr. Stubborn: Come on. We've got a date with the clouds.
(The plane starts picking up speed. On the runway, Mr. Scatterbrain is working as an air traffic controller but is using a rubber chicken and a plunger instead of the signal lights. MR. Scatterbrain moves the objects all around himself)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Mr. Stubborn, you're cleared for landing.
(Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet ride the plane past Mr. Scatterbrain. Mr. Scatterbrain avoids getting hit by the plane but drops the items)
Mr. Quiet: Uh, help me! Help! Help!
(Mr. Stubborn turns himself around to correct Mr. Scatterbrain. Mr. Quiet becomes nervous)
Mr. Stubborn: Don't you mean "takeoff," Mr. Scatterbrain?
(The camera cuts to a "no entry" sign)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Um...
(Mr. Stubborn drives the airplane through the sign. Mr. Stubborn takes hold of the sign and looks at it))
Mr. Stubborn: Who put that there?
(Mr. Stubborn throws the sign away and it crashes into something offscreen)
Mr. Stubborn: Never mind. Up we go.
(The plane drives off a cliff and falls to the ground)
Mr. Quiet: (screams)
(The plane takes off and flies up into the sky)
Mr. Quiet: Woah!
(Mr. Quiet covers his eyes in terror)
Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)
(Mr. Quiet takes his hands off his eyes and Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet exchange looks)
Mr. Stubborn: Don't give me that look. I know what I'm doing.
(Mr. Stubborn flies the plane over a mountain's peak while the plane is spinning)
Mr. Quiet (from inside the plane): Mountains!
(The plane rams itself between two mountains like a pinball in a pinball machine)
Mr. Quiet (from inside the plane): Mountains!
(The plane spins around about two mountains before flying away. Both Mr. Quiet and Mr. Stubborn are shown dizzy with Mr. Quiet's head spinning)
Mr. Quiet: (whimper and moans)
Mr. Stubborn: I meant to do that.
(Mr. Quiet shakes his head and regains focus. Mr. Quiet looks outside the plane and sees one of the cables on the left wing has come loose)
Mr. Quiet: Look.
(The camera zooms out to show the loose cable)
Mr. Quiet: Over there! The cable!
Mr. Stubborn: This cable is cheap.
(Mr. Stubborn gets out of the pilot's seat, hops onto the wing of the plane, and looks at the loose cable)
Mr. Stubborn: No wonder this baby is giving me such a hard time.
(Mr. Stubborn reaches for the loose cable. Mr. Stubborn loses his footing but manages to grab the cable. This results in Mr. Stubborn dangling off the plane with only the cable keeping him from falling. Mr. Quiet sees this and starts panicking)
Mr. Quiet: (screams) I'm gonna have to fly this thing!
(The plane flies behind a cloud. When they pass the cloud, Mr. Stubborn has fixed the cable and returned to his seat)
Mr. Stubborn: Problem solved.
(Mr. Quiet shakes his head in disbelief over the fast recovery)
Mr. Quiet: Phew! Oh. Hmm
(A loud beep starts blaring)
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
(The camera shows the fuel gage to the viewers and it turns out that Mr. Stubborn's plane is out of fuel)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): No!
(Mr. Stubborn taps on the gage. The plane starts falling out of the sky)
Mr. Stubborn: All right. hang on.
Mr. Quiet: (whimpers)
(Mr. Quiet covers his eyes)
Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): We're going in.
(Mr. Stubborn starts working to land the plane safely)
Mr. Quiet: (screams)
(Mr. Stubborn navigates past several tall pine trees. He even flies over one)
Mr. Quiet: (yelps)
(The plane spins down but Mr. Stubborn recovers and the plane starts flying dangerously close to the cars below them)
Mr. Quiet: Can't!
(Some cars honk their horns in annoyance)
Mr. Quiet: Look out! Woah!
(The plane heads straight for a stand selling pumpkins)
Mr. Quiet (offscreen): Pumpkins.
(Mr. Quiet covers Mr. Stubborn's eyes)
Mr. Quiet: Gah!
(The plane crashes into the pumpkin stand. Completely demolishing the stand and the plane and sending pumpkins (both squashed and intact) all over the place. Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet are shown in a daze)
Mr. Quiet: Dah!
(A pumpkin lands on Mr. Stubborn's head, covering him in pumpkin juice)
Mr. Quiet: Not hap-
(A pumpkin lands on Mr. Quiet's head, covering him in pumpkin juice)
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
(Mr. Quiet jumps out of the plane and lands on his hands and knees very thankful that he's alive. The pumpkin falls off Mr. Quiet's head as he gets out of the plane)
Mr. Quiet: Oh, I'm so happy.
(Mr. Stubborn jumps out of the plane as Mr. Quiet starts kissing the ground in relief. The pumpkin falls off Mr. Stubborn's head as he gets out of the plane. Mr. Stubborn brushes his arms)
Mr. Stubborn: And that, Mr. Quiet, is how you land a plane!
(Mr. Stubborn leaves and Mr. Quiet looks to the viewers with an annoyed look on his face. The screen iris' out. The next bumper plays. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are about to fly in their Wright Brothers-style plane again. This time, they've added jet engines. They take off in a bean of blue light from the jets. But after a few moments they are in the air, the plane splits leaving the parts of the plane Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey were sitting on behind as the rest of the plane flies away. Once again, Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small fall to the ground and crash land upon impact. The next scene begins high up in the sky)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Uh...uh...
(On a plane, Mr. Bump is getting ready to skydive. Little Miss Helpful is also there to help out)
Mr. Bump: We're uh awfully high up, uh...um...Miss Helpful.
Miss Helpful: Oh, Mr. Bump! It'll be over before you know it!
Mr. Bump: Uh, that's what I'm afraid of.
Miss Helpful: Now remember,
(Little Miss Helpful fiddles with Mr. Bump's parachute)
Miss Helpful: Don't pull your parachute release too quickly, or else it might get tangled up and you'll drop like a rock!
(Little Miss Helpful slams her fist onto her hand to demonstrate the worst-case scenario)
Miss Helpful: (giggles)
Mr. Bump: (gulps)
Miss Helpful: Just trying to be helpful.
(Mr. Bump looks at his parachute)
Mr. Bump: Guh...uh...is my harness buckled on?
Miss Helpful: Good as gold!
Mr. Bump: Famous last words. Uh, here goes nothing. (whimpers)
(Mr. Bump jumps out of the plane. Little Miss Helpful takes out the canopy part of the parachute and realizes something)
Miss Helpful: Oh wait! I just remembered your parachute!
(Mr. Bump is shown skydiving. Mr. Bump grabs the ripcord and starts feeling better)
Mr. Bump: Phew!
(Mr. Bump opens his incomplete parachute and then notices that Little Miss Helpful forgot to tie his parachute on. He falls from the sky)
Mr. Bump: (screams)
(Mr. Bump takes out his mobile phone to dial a number, and then puts the phone to his ear. Mr. Scatterbrain's voice is heard on the other end)
Mr. Scatterbrain (over the phone): (laughs) Falling-out-of-a-plane hotline!
(Mr. Bump hits a plane, causing his phone and incomplete parachute to fly away. Mr. Bump flies over the plane and screams, then hits the plane's tail)
Mr. Bump: Ow!
(Mr. Bump flies off the plane's tail. Mr. Bump continues falling from the sky. Mr. Bump then hits the ground like a rock. Smoke from the ground settles where he landed)
Mr. Bump (offscreen): Oh poopity poop!
(The screen irises out on where Mr. Bump landed. The ending scene begins with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with a hot air balloon flying in the sky)
Narrator: And so ends another thrilling day...
(A passenger plane is shown flying through the sky as well as Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Quiet in their plane)
Narrator: Soaring through the skies of Dillydale.
(Little Miss Daredevil is shown flying on her jetpack)
Narrator: When you head off on your own adventure...
(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey take off into the skies in their signature flying machine)
Narrator: Make sure your seat belt is tight...
(Mr. Persnickety is shown flying in his hot air balloon)
Narrator: Your parachute is ready...
(Mr. Grumpy is shown parachuting down)
Narrator: And Miss Helpful is nowhere to be found!
(Mr. Bump falls from the sky. This time, his parachute is used correctly)
Mr. Bump: You never learn!
(The screen fades to black and the episode ends)