Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Full Moon." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Music" Next: "Night"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big blue-green screen comes up with "Full Moon" written on it with the moon, stars, and who created the episode underneath)

Wolf (offscreen): (howls)

(The episode begins with a shot of the full moon surrounded by clouds)

Narrator: Here in Dillydale, the most peculiar things happen when the moon is full!

(The camera pans into Mr. Nervous' kitchen where food is floating out of the fridge and Mr. Nervous is quaking with fear)

Narrator: Silly things that cannot be explained!

(Mr. Nervous covers his eyes in fear. Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn drive by in their car to transition the scene to Mr. Bump looking through a telescope at the night sky)

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses know...

(Mr. Tickle sneaks up from behind a tree and tickles Mr. Bump)

Narrator: That with every full moon...

(A UFO abducts Mr. Bump. Much to Mr. Tickle's shock)

Narrator: Comes a night of surprises.

(The UFO flies away and the screen fades to black. The next scene begins with Mr. Bump coming out from behind a tree in the Dillydale Forest. Mr. Bump is doing a special news report)

Mr. Bump: Hello. And welcome to, "In Search of Mysterious Creatures". I'm Mr. Bump.

(Mr. Bump turns around and sees something offscreen. Bats fly across the screen from the left)

Bats (overlap): (screeching)

Mr. Bump (overlap): (screams) Ooh! Ow! Ooh! No! No!

(Mr. Bump falls over but be picks himself back up)

Mr. Bump: (sighs) Today, we're in search of the mysterious Miniature Tree Frog. A cute, harmless little fellow.

(Mr. Bump hears voices coming in through his earpiece)

Unknown Voice (through the earpiece): (incoherent talking)

Mr. Bump (in a whisper): What? What do you mean? Well, nobody told me that!

Unknown Voice (through the earpiece): (incoherent talking)

Mr. Bump (in a whisper): Well, I would never have agreed to do that! Yes, we'll talk about it later.

(Mr. Bump facepalms himself)

Mr. Bump: (sighs)

(Mr. Bump turns back towards the viewers)

Mr. Bump: Apparently, I was wrong about the frog. Today, we're searching for the...

(Mr. Bump's cheery attitude becomes fearful)

Mr. Bump: (gulps) Giant Dillydale Owl. And I mean GIANT!

Owl (offscreen): (hoots)

Mr. Bump: Joining me on this expedition is...Miss Scary!

(Little Miss Scary appears hanging upside down from a tree)

Miss Scary: Hiya!

Mr. Bump: Hmm! I understand you're an expert on the Giant Dillydale Owl.

(Little Miss Scary takes Mr. Bump's microphone from him)

Miss Scary: Face it, Mr. Bump! I'm an expert on anything scary! I love fear!

(Mr. Bump takes back his microphone from Little Miss Scary)

Mr. Bump: I'm sure you do.

Miss Scary: What are we waiting for?

(Little Miss Scary falls from the tree and rights herself up. Then she goes running off to find the Giant Dillydale Owl)

Owl (offscreen): (hoots)

Miss Scary: Let's go and find this beast!

(A bat flies onto one of the tree branches of the tree Little Miss Scary was hanging from)

Bat: (clicking)

Mr. Bump: (gasps)

(Mr. Bump runs away)

Mr. Bump: (yelps)

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Bump following Little Miss Scary through the woods)

Mr. Bump: Is it true that the Giant Dillydale Owl only appears on a full moon?

(Little Miss Scary turns her head to answer Mr. Bump's question but continues walking)

Miss Scary: Yep! The moonlight makes it easier for him to hunt for food.

Mr. Bump: And what exactly does the Giant Dillydale Owl eat?

Miss Scary: Anything that's the color blue!

(Little Miss Scary continues walking while Mr. Bump stops in his tracks upon realizing that the Giant Dillydale Owl's diet means he's in danger)

Mr. Bump: (gulps) Uh...Miss Scary. You may have noticed...I'M BLUE!!!

(Little Miss Scary appears from behind a tree)

Miss Scary (in a whisper): Shhh! I think I hear him!

(Mr. Bump joins Little Miss Scary from behind the tree)

Mr. Bump: Where?

(Little Miss Scary points up)

Miss Scary: There!

Mr. Bump: Hmm!

(The camera cuts over to an owl silhouette up in the tree tops. On the ground, Little Miss Scary puts on her orange cyclops mask to scare the silhouette)

Miss Scary: AAHH!!

(The silhouette disperses into several bats that swarm Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Ah! Oh! Ah! No! No! Ooh! Ow! Shoo!

(The bats fly away and Mr. Bump falls to the ground. Little Miss Scary removes her mask)

Miss Scary: Ah, those were just pygmy fruit bats. They've mistook you for a fruit!

(Little Miss Scary points to the right and walks in that direction)

Mr. Bump: Hmm.

Miss Scary: Follow me!

Mr. Bump: Do I have to continue? I mean, why can't she host the show?

(Little Miss Scary returns and sniffs for something)

Miss Scary: Wait! I smell something!

Mr. Bump: That's just my insect repellent.

Miss Scary: No! I think it's the owl!

(The camera cuts over to another owl silhouette up in the tree tops. On the ground, Little Miss Scary puts on her blue sharp teeth monster mask to scare the silhouette)

Miss Scary: AAHH!!

(The silhouette disperses into several squirrels that scurry out of the tree and use Mr. Bump's head as a landing pad between the tree and the ground)

Squirrels: (chattering)

Mr. Bump: Little...fluffy...squirrels!

(The squirrels scurry away and Little Miss Scary takes off her mask)

Miss Scary: False alarm. Come on!

(Little Miss Scary walks away. One of the squirrels returns and climbs on top of Mr. Bump's head)

Squirrel: (chatters)

(Mr. Bump sees the squirrel)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump runs away. The squirrel fails to stay on Mr. Bump's head and falls to the ground. The camera catches up with Little Miss Scary and Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: As you can see, Miss Scary is fearless in her pursuit of the Giant Dillydale Owl. Of course...

(The camera zooms on on Mr. Bump)


(Little Miss Scary stops walking and Mr. Bump walks into her)

Miss Scary: Tweet! Twoo!

Mr. Bump: Perhaps there's no owl here!

(Little Miss Scary grabs Mr. Bump by his head bandages to prevent him from leaving)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Not so fast!

Mr. Bump: Oh!

(Little Miss Scary pulls Mr. Bump close to her)

Miss Scary: I think I hear him!

(Mr. Bump starts trembling)

Mr. Bump: I don't hear anything.

Miss Scary: That's why I'm the expert! Hoot!

Mr. Bump: (whimpers)

(The Giant Dillydale Owl appears behind Mr. Bump and Little Miss Scary. Both turn around to see the owl. Little Miss Scary is happy while Mr. Bump is scared)

Giant Dillydale Owl (overlap): (hoots)

Miss Scary (overlap): Ah-ha!

Mr. Bump (nervously): Owl.

(The Giant Dillydale Owl sees Mr. Bump and notices that he is blue. The Giant Dillydale Owl moves closer to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Ny-ah!

(The Giant Dillydale Owl licks Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Yuck! Pah!

(Mr. Bump wipes the saliva off his face)

Mr. Bump (furious): That's it! I quit!

(Mr. Bump throws his microphone to the ground and stomps away in anger)

Mr. Bump: Hmm!

(Little Miss Scary moves closer to the Giant Dillydale Owl as the Owl waves hello to the viewers)

Miss Scary: So, there you have it!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: The Giant Dillydale Owl!

(The owl moves closer to Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: Wasn't it the scariest thing ever?

Giant Dillydale Owl: (hoots)

(The Giant Dillydale Owl licks Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: (laughs)

(Mr. Strong pushes the scene out of the way to make room for the first bumper. The bumper shows Mr. Nosey looking through the telescope at his and Mr. Small's house. Through the telescope, Mr. Nosey sees that the moon has Mr. Scatterbrain's face (including his hat) and the moon winks at Mr. Nosey. Mr. Nosey looks at Mr. Small in complete confusion over what he just saw. A rope falls down from the sky. Little Miss Whoops walks up to it and pulls the rope. She struggles to bring the next scene down until it finally happens with one huge tug of the rope. The next scene shows Mr. Stubborn slowly driving Mr. Rude home in his car. It is nighttime and there is a full moon out)

Mr. Rude: Come on Mr. Stubborn, move it! I want to get home sometime this year!

Mr. Stubborn: I am going fast enough, Mr. Rude.

Mr. Rude: This is what you call fast?

Mr. Stubborn: Yes.

(Outside, Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small pass by Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn on roller skates)

Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey: Yay!

(The camera cuts back inside Mr. Stubborn's car where Mr. Rude is giving Mr. Stubborn a smug look)

Mr. Rude: Need I say more?

Mr. Stubborn: I would prefer if you say nothing!

(Mr. Rude sees a flying saucer outside his window)

Mr. Rude: Look at that!

Mr. Stubborn: You are talking again!

Mr. Rude: But there was a flying saucer, right there!

Mr. Stubborn: That was not a flying saucer!

Mr. Rude: I have seen enough movies to know THAT was a flying saucer!

Mr. Stubborn: Exactly. Those are movies. In the real world, no such thing exists.

Mr. Rude: I am telling you, you stubborn goat!

(Mr. Rude points to something outside of the car)

Mr. Rude: Aliens just landed in that cornfield!

Mr. Stubborn: And I am telling you, you are wrong! I'll prove it!

(Mr. Stubborn drives off the road and starts driving through the cornfield at a much faster speed than before)

Mr. Rude (hidden by the corn): Oh! Eeh!

(The camera cuts back into the car)

Mr. Rude: Slow down! You could hit an alien!

Mr. Stubborn: How many times do I have to tell you? There is no such thing as...alien!

(The car crashes into the leg of the UFO that Mr. Rude had seen. The car door falls off due to the impact. Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn get out of the car)

Mr. Rude: Ha! What do you call that?

Mr. Stubborn: A fake spaceship put here as a joke on you! Ha-ha-ha! You fell for it! Let's go!

(Mr. Stubborn starts leaving when Mr. Rude hears something)

Mr. Rude: Eh?

(Mr. Rude turns around)

Mr. Rude: (gasps)

(The door to the UFO opens and a tread comes out. Two aliens ride the tread down and come face to face with Mr. Rude)

Mr. Rude: A-ha! I knew it!

(Mr. Stubborn looks at Mr. Rude)

Mr. Stubborn: You know nothing!

(Mr. Stubborn points at the aliens)

Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): Those aliens are fake!

(Mr. Stubborn points at the flying saucer)

Mr. Stubborn: That flying saucer is fake! This whole thing is FAKE!!

(Mr. Rude bows to the aliens)

Mr. Rude: I come in peace!

(Mr. Rude points to Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Rude: He is just here to annoy!

Aliens: (alien dialect)

(Mr. Stubborn marches over to Mr. Rude and the aliens)

Mr. Stubborn: This is ridiculous! I am going home to soak my feet!

(The aliens blast Mr. Stubborn with a ray gun. The ray gun encases Mr. Stubborn in a yellow jelly-like substance)

Mr. Rude: (screams)

(The aliens look at Mr. Rude and Mr. Rude realizes that he's next)

Mr. Rude: No!

(The aliens zap Mr. Rude with the ray gun)

Mr. Rude: (grunts)

(Mr. Rude in encased in the jelly substance)

Alien #2: (alien dialect)

(The aliens start pushing Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Rude onto their ship)

Mr. Rude: They are taking us aboard their ship!

(The tread retracts itself back into the ship. The door the the spaceship closes and the UFO takes off back into space. The UFO is shown zooming far from Earth)

Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): Fake! Fake! Fake!

(The camera cuts to onboard the ship where Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn are trying to break free from their jelly-like prisons)

Mr. Stubborn: Fake!

(Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Rude break free from their jellified prisons)

Mr. Rude (overlap): (sighs)

Mr. Stubborn (overlap): (grunts)

(Mr. Stubborn wipes away the excess jelly that was left on his body. Mr. Rude turns around and points at something)

Mr. Rude: (gasps)

(The camera zooms out to show the two aliens talking to each other)

Aliens #1 and #2: (alien dialect)

Mr. Stubborn: I am in no mood for games.

Mr. Rude: (gasps) This is no game!

(Mr. Rude pulls Mr. Stubborn close to him in a panic)

Mr. Rude: Uh, this is the real thing, Mr. Stubborn! We have been ALIENS!!

(Mr. Stubborn breaks free from Mr. Rude's grasps)

Mr. Stubborn: Kidnapped, my foot! There is nothing real about any of this!

(Mr. Stubborn points at something offscreen)

Mr. Stubborn: Not that!

(Mr. Stubborn points at something offscreen)

Mr. Stubborn: Not that!

(Mr. Stubborn points at a console of buttons)

Mr. Stubborn: Not even this button!

(Mr. Stubborn pushes a large red button and the spaceship starts moving around out of control. The ship moves up, down, left, right, it even flips upside-down! The two aliens are thrown all around the ship due to the uncontrollable movement)

Alien #2: Ack!

Alien #1: Woah!

(Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn hold each other and tremble in fear as the two aliens work together at their control console to regain control of the ship)

Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn: (whimpering)

Aliens #1 and #2: (alien dialect)

(After the ship moves around uncontrollably for a little while longer, the ship rights itself up and the aliens take their frustration out on each other)

Alien #1: (alien dialect)

Alien #2: (alien dialect)

(The first alien becomes upset and Mr. Rude becomes angry with Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Rude: You've made them angry.

Mr. Stubborn: Why can't you get it through your head?! Aliens and flying saucers do not exist! They are made up things for your entertainment!

Mr. Rude: I'll give you entertainment! Ha-ha-ha!

(Mr. Rude farts)

Aliens: Blister Glood!

(Disgusted, the aliens turn their spaceship around and fly back to the cornfield on Earth. Once they arrived, one alien opens a hatch at the bottom of the spaceship and dumps out Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Rude (overlap): (yelps) Oof!

Mr. Stubborn (overlap): Oof! Aah! Ooh! Oh.

(As soon as Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn land on the ground, the alien retreats back into the spaceship, closes the hatch, and flies the spaceship away. Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn get up with Mr. Rude ready to hear Mr. Stubborn admit his mistake)

Mr. Rude: So, what do you think now, Mr. Stubborn?

Mr. Stubborn: That you need to change your diet!

(Mr. Stubborn pokes Mr. Rude in the nose and starts heading back to the car)

Mr. Stubborn: Let's go!

(Realizing that he is not going to get an "you were right and I was wrong" from Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Rude does the "oh, forget it" gesture and shakes off his failed chance to gloat)

Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): I've had enough of your company.

(Mr. Rude starts heading back to the car)

Mr. Rude: (sighs) Will you stop? You are giving me a headache!

(Mr. Rude gets back into the car)

Mr. Stubborn: I am NOT giving you a headache!

(Mr. Stubborn starts up the car)

Mr. Rude: Just get us out of here!

(Mr. Stubborn drives away with Mr. Rude in tow)

Mr. Rude: You nincompoop.

(As soon as Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Rude leave, another alien moves into the frame)

Alien: (alien dialect)

(The alien shapeshifts into Mr. Stubborn)

Shapeshifted Alien/Mr. Stubborn: How many times do I have to tell you? There is no such thing as aliens!

(The shapeshifted alien winks to the viewers)

Shapeshifted Alien/Mr. Stubborn: (chuckles)

(Various UFOs appear on screen. Each accompanied by a popping noise. The UFOs then go away and the scene transitions to a dance video starring Mr. Rude)

Mr. Stubborn (voiceover): Dance! Dance! This CHEAP!!

(After the dance video, a plethora of red circles appear to form Mr. Noisy in the center of the screen. A megaphone sound is heard. The camera zooms into Mr. Noisy's mouth, revealing the next bumper. The bumper shows Mr. Nosey looking through the telescope at his and Mr. Small's house. Through the telescope, Mr. Nosey sees Mr. Nervous on the moon being chased by the same two aliens from the last sketch. Mr. Nosey looks at Mr. Small in complete confusion over what he just saw. Little Miss Daredevil pushes the scene while flying on her rocket boots to transition to the next scene. At Little Miss Calamity's house on the night of a full moon, Little Miss Calamity is shown on the phone trying to reach someone so they can answer a question she has)

Miss Calamity: Hoo, I hope he's at home.

(A split screen forms with Little Miss Calamity on top and Mr. Messy on the bottom. Mr. Messy is shown taking a mud bath)

Mr. Messy: Mr. Messy's residence. Mr. Messy speaking.

Miss Calamity: Hello, Mr. Messy. This is Miss Calamity. I have a question, how do you put up wallpaper?

Mr. Messy: Oh, it's easy! You just splash on a load of glue...

(Mr. Messy wipes some mud onto his wall)

Miss Calamity: Oh.

Mr. Messy: And stick it to the wall!

Miss Calamity: Oh!

Mr. Messy: (laughs)

Miss Calamity: Oh! That sounds simple enough!

Mr. Messy: I'd offer to come and help, but I'm taking a mud bath.

Miss Calamity: Don't worry about it! I'll be fine! I'm good with glue...usually. Thanks, Mr. Messy!

(The split screen goes away and the camera moves in closer towards Little Miss Calamity's part of the screen)

Miss Calamity: Enjoy your mud!

(The camera transitions to sometime later. Little Miss Calamity is shown putting up wallpaper just as Mr. Messy instructed her to but fails to glue the top part of the strip of wallpaper she started gluing. Something Little Miss Calamity doesn't notice)

Miss Calamity: (sighs) I'm doing it right.

(Little Miss Calamity dips the paint roller into the pot of glue. Due to the wallpaper not being fully glued on, the top part of the wallpaper starts falling off and that results in the whole strip of wallpaper unsticking from the wall. Something Little Miss Calamity notices)

Miss Calamity: Ooh!

(The entire strip of wallpaper falls on top of Little Miss Calamity with the white side of the wallpaper facing up)

Miss Calamity: Oh dear!

(Little Miss Calamity falls over)

Miss Calamity (offscreen): Oh! (yelps)

(Little Miss Calamity gets the pot of glue stuck on her foot and glue flies out all over herself)

Miss Calamity (offscreen): Woo-hoo! Agh! Oh!

(A role of wallpaper files in the air. The camera zooms out to show the wallpaper-covered Little Miss Calamity. The white side of the wallpaper is visible making it so Little Miss Calamity looks like a classic ghost)

Miss Calamity (muffled): What a calamity!

(Little Miss Calamity starts aimlessly walking around. The camera cuts outside where Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown on a scooter. Mr. Small is driving the scooter while Mr. Nosey is shown using a scanner)

Mr. Small: Have you seen any ghost on our radar, Mr. Nosey?

Mr. Nosey: Uh, not yet!

Mr. Small: How can we call ourselves "The Dillydale Ghost Removal Service" if we can't find a single ghost to remove?

Mr. Nosey: Uh, is that a riddle?

Mr. Small: No, just a cold hard fact.

(Mr. Nosey looks around)

Mr. Nosey: Wait!

(Mr. Small stops the scooter)

Mr. Nosey: I see one!

Mr. Small: Where?

Mr. Nosey: There!

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Calamity's house where a silhouette of a ghost (Little Miss Calamity underneath sticky wallpaper) is shown walking inside)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): In Miss Calamity's living room!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Small: Great McGillicuddy, you're right! That ghost is destroying her house! It's a good thing we're passing through. Come, Mr. Nosey, we have a ghost to remove!

(The scene transitions to inside Little Miss Calamity's house. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey see the wallpaper-covered Little Miss Calamity (mistaking her as a ghost) and point a ray gun at her)

Mr. Small: Shoot it with the anti-ghost slime, Mr. Nosey!

Miss Calamity (muffled): Ooh! Ooh!

(Mr. Nosey shoots Little Miss Calamity with the anti-ghost slime. Fortunately, since Little Miss Calamity isn't a ghost, the slime doesn't harm her)

Miss Calamity (muffled): Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

(Once she recovered from the zap of anti-ghost slime, Little Miss Calamity runs away in fear)

Mr. Small: Look! It's trying to escape! Let's go!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey chase after Little Miss Calamity)

Miss Calamity (muffled): Ooh!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey continue chasing after Little Miss Calamity. Little Miss Calamity reaches the staircase and starts climbing up the stairs to the second floor)

Miss Calamity (muffled): Ooh!

(Mr. Small reaches the staircase, takes out a saw from inside his hat)

Mr. Small: (humming)

(Mr. Small saws at the bottom of the staircase like a lumberjack sawing through a tree)

Mr. Small: Timber!

(The stairs fall over and Little Miss Calamity falls with them)

Miss Calamity (muffled): (screams)

(Little Miss Calamity recovers from the fall and continues running away)

Miss Calamity (muffled): Ooh!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Nosey: Ooh, it's a quick little ghost!

Mr. Small: That it is! This calls for the water technique!

(Little Miss Calamity runs away)

Miss Calamity (muffled): (screams)

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small chase after Little Miss Calamity with a hose)

Mr. Small: Fire, Mr. Nosey!

(Mr. Nosey turns on the hose. Water shoots out of the hose with such force that it blasts Little Miss Calamity through the wall and a framed picture of a blue cat)

Miss Calamity (muffled): Oof!

(Little Miss Calamity is heard landing in some bushes offscreen. The camera pans to Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small as the two congratulating each other on their success)

Mr. Small: Congratulations on a job well done, Mr. Nosey!

Mr. Nosey: Aw! I couldn't have done it without you, Mr. Small!

Mr. Small: That's what makes us such a remarkable team!

(Little Miss Calamity looks through the hole in her house. Little Miss Calamity is soaking wet and freed from the wallpaper that was covering her)

Miss Calamity: My house!

(Mr. Small tips his hat to Little Miss Calamity)

Mr. Small: Rest assured, Miss Calamity. Your home is now safe!

(Mr. Small puts his hat back on)

Mr. Nosey: You see? The ghost is completely gone!

Mr. Small: No thanks necessary! We're just doing our part to make Dillydale a ghost-free place to live.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey bow)

Mr. Small: Good day. Come on, Nose.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey leave. The water stops dripping down Little Miss Calamity's face)

Miss Calamity: Oh. Well, I could always paint.

(The screen irises out. The next bumper plays to different music as the viewers see Mr. Nosey looking through the telescope at his and Mr. Small's house. Through the telescope, Mr. Nosey sees another Mr. Small on the moon raising his hat. Mr. Nosey looks at Mr. Small in bewilderment as the original Mr. Small is still with him. The screen becomes black and the scene fades to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting by the aliens' UFO where Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn are shown trapped in their jelly-like prisons being taken away by the aliens)

Narrator: Now you see...

Bats (offscreen): (clicking)

Narrator: What unbelievable things...

(Mr. Bump is shown being attacked by a swarm of bats)

Bats: (clicking)

Narrator: Can happen on a full moon.

(Mr. Nervous is shown having a picnic but is trembling in fear and covering his eyes due to his picnic lunch floating towards him. Nearby, there is a herd of cows underneath the full moon. Behind a tree, Mr. Tickle is tickling one of the cows)

Narrator: So that next time there's a full moon in your town...

(A UFO arrives and abducts the cow Mr. Tickle was tickling, much to Mr. Tickle's dismay)

Narrator: Expect the unexpected!

(The UFO leaves with the cow)

Cow (offscreen): (moos)

(The screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

(The scene shows an instrumental music video that shows the full moon with clouds moving, and then a rope falls from the sky, and Miss Scary appears flying with bat wings as a vampire before transitioning to a collection of her masks. Miss Scary appears with her green fanged mask and removes it. The next scene shows Miss Scary walking on a black background, and squares with scared faces of Mr. Persnickety, Mr. Tickle, and Miss Naughty. The squares disappear and Miss Calamity is shown running away from a giant Miss Scary who stomps her foot and laughs loudly and evilly)

Miss Scary: (laughs evilly)

(Mr. Nervous is seen watching from inside and turns around in fear)

Mr. Nervous: No! No, no, no! No!

(New footage of Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Scatterbrain holding each other and shivering is shown, and then Miss Scary appears in front of the screen.The next scene shows Miss Scary and some test tubes while she dances. Miss Scary is shown mixing test tubes together, creates a small version of herself with one of her masks already on, and scares Miss Scary)

Tiny Little Miss Scary: Ah!!!

(The original Miss Scary drops the test tubes and runs away. Miss Scary is shown scaring the crows eating Mr. Grumpy's corn)

Miss Scary: Ahhhhhhh!!

(When the crows try to eat the corn, the corn comes to life. They all scream and fly away. The squares are reused again, and when they disappear, Miss Scary appears and then teleports to the other side of the camera, and bats appear in the background, along with one dropping down behind Miss Scary. The scene transitions to the test tubes and Miss Scary dancing again, this time doing a different dance. 4 tiny clones of Miss Scary chase Mr. Nervous, and then a mirrored version appears underneath the original. The last scene shows the clouds and the full moon, and then turn red to resemble Miss Scary. Miss Scary's face appears on the moon and the music video ends)

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big blue-green screen comes up with "Full Moon" written on it with the moon, stars, and who created the episode underneath)

Wolf (offscreen): (howls)

(The episode begins with a shot of the full moon surrounded by clouds)

Narrator: Here in Dillydale, the most peculiar things happen when the moon is full!

(The camera pans into Mr. Nervous' kitchen where food is floating out of the fridge and Mr. Nervous is quaking with fear)

Narrator: Silly things that cannot be explained!

(Mr. Nervous covers his eyes in fear. Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn drive by in their car to transition the scene to Mr. Bump looking through a telescope at the night sky)

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses know...

(Mr. Tickle sneaks up from behind a tree and tickles Mr. Bump)

Narrator: That with every full moon...

(A UFO abducts Mr. Bump. Much to Mr. Tickle's shock)

Narrator: Comes a night of surprises!

(The UFO flies away and the screen fades to black. The next scene begins with Mr. Bump coming out from behind a tree in the Dillydale Forest. Mr. Bump is doing a special news report)

Mr. Bump: Hello and welcome to, "In Search of Mysterious Creatures". I'm Mr. Bump.

(Mr. Bump turns around and sees something offscreen. Bats fly across the screen from the left)

Bats (overlap): (screeching)

Mr. Bump (overlap): No! Get away! Ow!

(Mr. Bump falls over but be picks himself back up)

Mr. Bump: Today, we're in search of the mysterious Miniature Tree Frog. A cute, harmless little guy.

(Mr. Bump hears voices coming in through his earpiece)

Unknown Voice (through the earpiece): (incoherent talking)

Mr. Bump (in a whisper): What? Uh, what do you mean? The wha-? Well, nobody told me that!

Unknown Voice (through the earpiece): (incoherent talking)

Mr. Bump (in a whisper): Well, I would never have agreed to do that! Yeah, we'll talk about it later.

(Mr. Bump facepalms himself)

Mr. Bump: (sighs)

(Mr. Bump turns back towards the viewers)

Mr. Bump: Apparently, I was wrong about the frog. Today, we're searching for the...

(Mr. Bump's cheery attitude becomes fearful)

Mr. Bump: (gulps) Giant Dillydale Owl. And I mean GIANT!

Owl (offscreen): (hoots)

Mr. Bump: With me on this expedition is...uh...Miss Scary!

(Little Miss Scary appears hanging upside down from a tree)

Miss Scary: Hiya!

Mr. Bump: I understand you're an expert on the Giant Dillydale Owl.

(Little Miss Scary takes Mr. Bump's microphone from him)

Miss Scary: Face it, Mr. Bump! I'm an expert on anything scary! I love fear!

(Mr. Bump takes back his microphone from Little Miss Scary)

Mr. Bump: I'm sure you do.

Miss Scary: What are we waiting for?

(Little Miss Scary falls from the tree and rights herself up. Then she goes running off to find the Giant Dillydale Owl)

Miss Scary: Let's go find this beast!

(A bat flies onto one of the tree branches of the tree Little Miss Scary was hanging from)

Bat: (clicking)

Mr. Bump: Wah!

(Mr. Bump runs away. The camera cuts over to Mr. Bump following Little Miss Scary through the woods)

Mr. Bump: Is it true that the Giant Dillydale Owl only appears on a full moon?

(Little Miss Scary turns her head to answer Mr. Bump's question but continues walking)

Miss Scary: Yep! The moonlight makes it easier for him to hunt for food.

Mr. Bump: And what exactly does the Giant Dillydale Owl eat?

Miss Scary: Anything that's the colo(u)r blue!

(Little Miss Scary continues walking while Mr. Bump stops in his tracks upon realizing that the Giant Dillydale Owl's diet means he's in danger)

Mr. Bump: (gulps) Uh...Miss Scary. Uh you may have noticed...I'M BLUE!!!

(Little Miss Scary appears from behind a tree)

Miss Scary (in a whisper): Shhh! I think I hear him!

(Mr. Bump joins Little Miss Scary from behind the tree)

Mr. Bump: Where?

(Little Miss Scary points up)

Miss Scary: Shhh!

(The camera cuts over to an owl silhouette up in the tree tops. On the ground, Little Miss Scary puts on her orange cyclops mask to scare the silhouette)

Miss Scary: AAHH!!

(The silhouette disperses into several bats that swarm Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Gah! Oh! Oh-ho! (spits) No! Get away! Shoo!

(The bats fly away and Mr. Bump falls to the ground. Little Miss Scary removes her mask)

Miss Scary: Ah, those were just pygmy fruit bats. They must've mistook you for a fruit!

(Little Miss Scary points to the right and walks in that direction)

Miss Scary: Follow me!

Mr. Bump: Do I have to continue? I mean, why can't she host the show?

(Little Miss Scary returns and sniffs for something)

Miss Scary: Wait! I smell something!

Mr. Bump: That's just my insect repellent.

Miss Scary: No! I think it's the owl!

(The camera cuts over to another owl silhouette up in the tree tops. On the ground, Little Miss Scary puts on her blue sharp teeth monster mask to scare the silhouette)

Miss Scary: AAHH!!

(The silhouette disperses into several squirrels that scurry out of the tree and use Mr. Bump's head as a landing pad between the tree and the ground)

Squirrels: (chattering)

Mr. Bump: (screams) No! Wah! Oh! Go away!

(The squirrels scurry away and Little Miss Scary takes off her mask)

Miss Scary: False alarm. Come on!

(Little Miss Scary walks away. One of the squirrels returns and climbs on top of Mr. Bump's head)

Squirrel: (chatters)

(Mr. Bump sees the squirrel)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump runs away. The squirrel fails to stay on Mr. Bump's head and falls to the ground. The camera catches up with Little Miss Scary and Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: As you can see, Miss Scary is fearless in her pursuit of the Giant Dillydale Owl. Of course...

(The camera zooms on on Mr. Bump)


(Little Miss Scary stops walking and Mr. Bump walks into her)

Miss Scary: Hoo! Hoo!

Mr. Bump: Oh well! I guess there's no owl here!

(Little Miss Scary grabs Mr. Bump by his head bandages to prevent him from leaving)

Miss Scary (offscreen): Not so fast!

(Little Miss Scary pulls Mr. Bump close to her)

Miss Scary: I think I hear him!

(Mr. Bump starts trembling in fear)

Mr. Bump: I don't hear anything.

Miss Scary: Well that's why I'm the expert! Hoo!

(The Giant Dillydale Owl appears behind Mr. Bump and Little Miss Scary. Both turn around to see the owl. Little Miss Scary is happy while Mr. Bump is scared)

Giant Dillydale Owl: (hoots)

Mr. Bump (nervously): Nyah-ha-ha.

(The Giant Dillydale Owl sees Mr. Bump and notices that he is blue. The Giant Dillydale Owl moves closer to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Gah!

(The Giant Dillydale Owl licks Mr. Bump, and he becomes furious)

Mr. Bump: Oh, yuck!

(Mr. Bump wipes the saliva off his face in anger)

Mr. Bump: (furious) That's it! I quit!

(Mr. Bump throws his microphone to the ground and stomps away in anger. Little Miss Scary moves closer to the Giant Dillydale Owl as the Owl waves hello to the viewers)

Miss Scary: So, there you have it!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: The Giant Dillydale Owl!

(The owl moves closer to Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: Wasn't it the scariest thing ever?

(The Giant Dillydale Owl licks Little Miss Scary)

Miss Scary: (laughs and snorts)

(Mr. Strong pushes the scene out of the way to make room for the first bumper. The bumper shows Mr. Nosey looking through the telescope at his and Mr. Small's house. Through the telescope, Mr. Nosey sees that the moon has Mr. Scatterbrain's face (including his hat) and the moon winks at Mr. Nosey. Mr. Nosey looks at Mr. Small in complete confusion over what he just saw. A rope falls down from the sky. Little Miss Whoops walks up to it and pulls the rope. She struggles to bring the next scene down until it finally happens with one huge tug of the rope. The next scene shows Mr. Stubborn slowly driving Mr. Rude home in his car. It is nighttime and there is a full moon out)

Mr. Rude: Come on Mr. Stubborn, move it! I want to get home sometime this year!

Mr. Stubborn: I am going plenty fast, Mr. Rude.

Mr. Rude: This is what you call fast?

Mr. Stubborn: Yes.

(Outside, Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small pass by Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn on roller skates. The camera cuts back inside Mr. Stubborn's car where Mr. Rude is giving Mr. Stubborn a smug look)

Mr. Rude: Need I say more?

Mr. Stubborn: I would prefer if you say nothing!

(Mr. Rude sees a flying saucer outside his window)

Mr. Rude: Look at that!

Mr. Stubborn: You are talking again!

Mr. Rude: But there was a flying saucer, right there!

Mr. Stubborn: That was not a flying saucer!

Mr. Rude: I have seen enough movies to know THAT was a flying saucer!

Mr. Stubborn: Exactly. Those are movies. In the real world, no such thing exists.

Mr. Rude: I am telling you, you stubborn goat!

(Mr. Rude points to something outside of the car)

Mr. Rude: Aliens just landed in that cornfield!

Mr. Stubborn: And I'm telling you, you are wrong! I'll prove it!

(Mr. Stubborn drives off the road and starts driving through the cornfield at a much faster speed than before)

Mr. Rude (hidden by the corn): Oh! Eeh!

(The camera cuts back into the car)

Mr. Rude: Slow down! You could hit an alien!

Mr. Stubborn: How many times do I have to tell you? There is no such thing as aliens!

(The car crashes into the leg of the UFO that Mr. Rude had seen. The car door falls off due to the impact. Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn get out of the car)

Mr. Rude: Ha! What do you call that?

Mr. Stubborn: A fake spaceship put here as a joke on you! Ha-ha! You fell for it! Let's go!

(Mr. Stubborn starts leaving when Mr. Rude hears a sound behind him)

Mr. Rude: Eh?

(Mr. Rude turns around)

Mr. Rude: (gasps)

(The door to the UFO opens and a tread comes out. Two aliens ride the tread down and come face to face with Mr. Rude)

Mr. Rude: A-ha! I knew it!

(Mr. Stubborn looks at Mr. Rude)

Mr. Stubborn: You know nothing!

(Mr. Stubborn points at the aliens)

Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): Those aliens are fake!

(Mr. Stubborn points at the flying saucer)

Mr. Stubborn: That flying saucer is fake! This whole thing is FAKE!!

(Mr. Rude bows to the aliens)

Mr. Rude: I come in peace!

(Mr. Rude points to Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Rude: He is just here to annoy!

Aliens: (alien dialect)

(Mr. Stubborn marches over to Mr. Rude and the aliens)

Mr. Stubborn: This is ridiculous! I am going home to soak my feet!

(The aliens blast Mr. Stubborn with a ray gun. The ray gun encases Mr. Stubborn in a yellow jelly-like substance)

Mr. Rude: (screams)

(The aliens look at Mr. Rude and Mr. Rude realizes that he's next)

Mr. Rude: No!

(The aliens zap Mr. Rude with the ray gun)

Mr. Rude: (grunts)

(Mr. Rude in encased in the jelly substance)

Alien #2: (alien dialect)

(The aliens start pushing Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Rude onto their ship)

Mr. Rude: They are taking us aboard their ship!

(The tread retracts itself back into the ship. The door the the spaceship closes and the UFO takes off back into space. The UFO is shown zooming far from Earth)

Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): Fake! Fake! Fake!

(The camera cuts to onboard the ship where Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn are trying to break free from their jelly-like prisons)

Mr. Stubborn: Fake!

(Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Rude break free from their jellified prisons)

Mr. Rude (overlap): (sighs)

Mr. Stubborn (overlap): (grunts)

(Mr. Stubborn wipes away the excess jelly that was left on his body. Mr. Rude turns around and points at something)

Mr. Rude: (gasps)

(The camera zooms out to show the two aliens talking to each other)

Aliens #1 and #2: (alien dialect)

Mr. Stubborn: I am in no mood for games.

Mr. Rude: (gasps) This is no game!

(Mr. Rude pulls Mr. Stubborn close to him in a panic)

Mr. Rude: Uh, this is the real thing, Mr. Stubborn! We have been ALIENS!!

(Mr. Stubborn breaks free from Mr. Rude's grasps)

Mr. Stubborn: Real thing, my foot! There is nothing real about any of this!

(Mr. Stubborn points at something offscreen)

Mr. Stubborn: Not that!

(Mr. Stubborn points at something offscreen)

Mr. Stubborn: Not that!

(Mr. Stubborn points at a console of buttons)

Mr. Stubborn: Not even these buttons!

(Mr. Stubborn pushes a large red button and the spaceship starts moving around out of control. The ship moves up, down, left, right, it even flips upside-down! The two aliens are thrown all around the ship due to the uncontrollable movement)

Alien #2: Ack!

Alien #1: Woah!

(Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn hold each other and tremble in fear as the two aliens work together at their control console to regain control of the ship)

Aliens #1 and #2: (alien dialect)

(After the ship moves around uncontrollably for a little while longer, the ship rights itself up and the aliens take their frustration out on each other)

Alien #1: (alien dialect)

Alien #2: (alien dialect)

(The first alien becomes upset and Mr. Rude becomes angry with Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Rude: You've made them angry.

Mr. Stubborn: Why can't you get it through your head?! Aliens and flying saucers do not exist! They are made up things for your entertainment!

Mr. Rude: I'll give you entertainment! Ha-ha-ha!

(Mr. Rude farts)

Aliens: Blister Glood!

(Disgusted, the aliens turn their spaceship around and fly back to the cornfield on Earth. Once they arrived, one alien opens a hatch at the bottom of the spaceship and dumps out Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Rude (overlap): (yelps) Oof!

Mr. Stubborn (overlap): Oof!

(As soon as Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn land on the ground, the alien retreats back into the spaceship, closes the hatch, and flies the spaceship away. Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn get up with Mr. Rude ready to hear Mr. Stubborn admit his mistake)

Mr. Rude: So, what do you think now Mr. Stubborn?

Mr. Stubborn: That you need to change your diet!

(Mr. Stubborn pokes Mr. Rude in the nose and starts heading back to the car)

Mr. Stubborn: Let's go!

(Realizing that he is not going to get an "you were right and I was wrong" from Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Rude does the "oh, forget it" gesture and shakes off his failed chance to gloat)

Mr. Stubborn (offscreen): I've had enough of your company.

(Mr. Rude starts heading back to the car)

Mr. Rude: (sighs) Will you stop? You are giving me a headache!

(Mr. Rude gets back into the car)

Mr. Stubborn: I am NOT giving you a headache!

(Mr. Stubborn starts up the car)

Mr. Rude: Just get us out of here!

(Mr. Stubborn drives away with Mr. Rude in tow)

Mr. Rude: You nincompoop.

(As soon as Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Rude leave, another alien moves into the frame)

Alien: (alien dialect)

(The alien shapeshifts into Mr. Stubborn)

Shapeshifted Alien/Mr. Stubborn: How many times do I have to tell you? There is no such thing as aliens!

(The shapeshifted alien winks to the viewers. Various UFOs appear on screen. Each accompanied by a popping noise. The UFOs then go away and the scene transitions to a dance video starring Mr. Rude)

Mr. Stubborn (voiceover): Dance! Come on! Dance! Dance! This CHEAP!!

(After the dance video, a plethora of red circles appear to form Mr. Noisy in the center of the screen. A megaphone sound is heard. The camera zooms into Mr. Noisy's mouth, revealing the next bumper. The bumper shows Mr. Nosey looking through the telescope at his and Mr. Small's house. Through the telescope, Mr. Nosey sees Mr. Nervous on the moon being chased by the same two aliens from the last sketch. Mr. Nosey looks at Mr. Small in complete confusion over what he just saw. Little Miss Daredevil pushes the scene while flying on her rocket boots to transition to the next scene. At Little Miss Calamity's house on the night of a full moon, Little Miss Calamity is shown on the phone trying to reach someone so they can answer a question she has)

Miss Calamity: Oh, I hope he's home.

(A split screen forms with Little Miss Calamity on top and Mr. Messy on the bottom. Mr. Messy is shown taking a mud bath)

Mr. Messy: Mr. Messy's residence. Mr. Messy speaking.

Miss Calamity: Hello, Mr. Messy. This is Miss Calamity. I have a question, how do you put up wallpaper?

Mr. Messy: Ah, it's easy! You just splash on a bunch of glue...

(Mr. Messy wipes some mud onto his wall)

Miss Calamity: Huh.

Mr. Messy: And stick it to the wall!

Miss Calamity: Oh!

Mr. Messy: (laughs)

Miss Calamity: Oh! That sounds simple enough!

Mr. Messy: I'd offer to come and help, but I'm taking a mud bath.

Miss Calamity: Don't worry about it! I'll be fine! I'm good with glue...usually. Thanks, Mr. Messy!

(The split screen goes away and the camera moves in closer towards Little Miss Calamity's part of the screen)

Miss Calamity: Enjoy your mud!

(The camera transitions to sometime later. Little Miss Calamity is shown putting up wallpaper just as Mr. Messy instructed her to but fails to glue the top part of the strip of wallpaper she started gluing. Something Little Miss Calamity doesn't notice)

Miss Calamity: Yeah! Oh, that's alright.

(Little Miss Calamity dips the paint roller into the pot of glue. Due to the wallpaper not being fully glued on, the top part of the wallpaper starts falling off and that results in the whole strip of wallpaper unsticking from the wall. Something Little Miss Calamity notices)

Miss Calamity: Oh!

(The entire strip of wallpaper falls on top of Little Miss Calamity with the white side of the wallpaper facing up)

Miss Calamity: Oh! No!

(Little Miss Calamity falls over)

Miss Calamity (offscreen): Oh! (yelps)

(Little Miss Calamity gets the pot of glue stuck on her foot and glue flies out all over herself)

Miss Calamity (offscreen): Oof! Agh! Oh!

(A role of wallpaper files in the air. The camera zooms out to show the wallpaper-covered Little Miss Calamity. The white side of the wallpaper is visible making it so Little Miss Calamity looks like a classic ghost)

Miss Calamity (muffled): What a calamity!

(Little Miss Calamity starts aimlessly walking around. The camera cuts outside where Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown on a scooter. Mr. Small is driving the scooter while Mr. Nosey is shown using a scanner)

Mr. Small: Have you seen any ghost on our radar, Mr. Nosey?

Mr. Nosey: Not yet!

Mr. Small: How can we call ourselves "The Dillydale Ghost Removal Service" if we can't find a single ghost to remove?

Mr. Nosey: Uh, is that a riddle?

Mr. Small: No, just a cold hard fact.

(Mr. Nosey looks around)

Mr. Nosey: Wait!

(Mr. Small stops the scooter)

Mr. Nosey: I see one!

Mr. Small: Where?

Mr. Nosey: There!

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Calamity's house where a silhouette of a ghost (Little Miss Calamity underneath sticky wallpaper) is shown walking inside)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): In Miss Calamity's living room!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Small: Great McGillicuddy, you're right! That ghost is destroying her house! It's a good thing we were passing through. Come, Mr. Nosey, we have a ghost to remove!

(The scene transitions to inside Little Miss Calamity's house. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey see the wallpaper-covered Little Miss Calamity (mistaking her as a ghost) and point a ray gun at her)

Mr. Small: Shoot it with the anti-ghost slime, Mr. Nosey!

Miss Calamity (muffled): Ooh! No!

(Mr. Nosey shoots Little Miss Calamity with the anti-ghost slime. Fortunately, since Little Miss Calamity isn't a ghost, the slime doesn't harm her)

Miss Calamity (muffled): Ooh! Uh, help! (yelps)

(Once she recovered from the zap of anti-ghost slime, Little Miss Calamity runs away in fear)

Mr. Small: It's trying to escape! Let's go!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey chase after Little Miss Calamity)

Miss Calamity (muffled): Ooh! H-help!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey continue chasing after Little Miss Calamity. Little Miss Calamity reaches the staircase and starts climbing up the stairs to the second floor)

Miss Calamity (muffled): (grunts)

(Mr. Small reaches the staircase, takes out a saw from inside his hat, and saws at the bottom of the staircase like a lumberjack sawing through a tree)

Mr. Small: Timber!!

(The stairs fall over, and Little Miss Calamity falls with them)

Miss Calamity (muffled): (screams)

(Little Miss Calamity recovers from the fall and continues running away. The camera cuts back to Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)

Mr. Nosey: Ooh, it's a quick little ghost!

Mr. Small: That it is! This calls for the water technique!

(Little Miss Calamity runs away)

Miss Calamity (muffled): (screams)

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small chase after Little Miss Calamity with a hose)

Mr. Small: Fire, Mr. Nosey!

(Mr. Nosey turns on the hose. Water shoots out of the hose with such force that it blasts Little Miss Calamity through the wall and a framed picture of a blue cat)

Miss Calamity (muffled): Ooh!

(Little Miss Calamity is heard landing in some bushes offscreen)

Miss Calamity (muffled): (yelps)

(The camera pans to Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small as the two congratulating each other on their success)

Mr. Small: Congratulations on a job well done, Mr. Nosey!

Mr. Nosey: Aw! I couldn't have done it without you, Mr. Small!

Mr. Small: That's what makes us such a remarkable team!

(Little Miss Calamity looks through the hole in her house. Little Miss Calamity is soaking wet and freed from the wallpaper that was covering her)

Miss Calamity: My house!

(Mr. Small tips his hat to Little Miss Calamity)

Mr. Small: Rest assured, Miss Calamity. Your home is now safe!

(Mr. Small puts his hat back on)

Mr. Nosey: Uh-huh! The ghost is completely gone!

Mr. Small: No thanks necessary! We're just doing our part to make Dillydale a ghost-free place to live.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey bow)

Mr. Small: Good day.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey leave. The water stops dripping down Little Miss Calamity's face)

Miss Calamity: Oh. Wha...maybe I should paint.

(The screen irises out on Miss Calamity. The next scene shows an instrumental music video that shows the full moon with clouds moving. Then a rope falls from the sky, and Miss Scary appears flying with bat wings and a vampire transitioning to a collection of her masks. Miss Scary appears with her green fanged mask and removes it. The next scene shows Little Miss Scary walking on a black background, and squares with scared faces of Mr. Persnickety, Mr. Tickle, and Miss Naughty appear. The squares disappear and Little Miss Calamity is shown running away from a giant Miss Scary who stomps her foot and snorts, and then laughs loudly and evilly)

Miss Scary: (snorts and laughs evilly)

(Mr. Nervous is seen watching from inside and turns away form the window, and speaks inaudibly in fear. New footage of Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Scatterbrain holding each other and shivering is shown, and then Little Miss Scary appears in front of the screen. The next scene shows Little Miss Scary and some test tubes while she dances. Miss Scary is shown mixing test tubes together, creates a small version of herself with one of her masks already on, and scares Little Miss Scary)

Tiny Miss Scary: Ah!!!

(The original Little Miss Scary drops the test tubes and runs away. Miss Scary is shown scaring the crows eating Mr. Grumpy's corn)

Miss Scary: Ah!!

(When the crows try to eat the corn, the corn comes to life. They all scream and fly away. The squares are reused again, and when they disappear, Little Miss Scary appears and then teleports to the other side of the camera, but bats appear in the background instead and Little Miss Scary doesn't say anything. The scene transitions to the test tubes and Little Miss Scary dancing again. 4 tiny clones of Little Miss Scary chase Mr. Nervous, and then a mirrored version appears underneath the original. The last scene shows the clouds and the full moon, and then turn red to resemble Little Miss Scary. Little Miss Scary's face appears on the moon and the music video ends. The next bumper plays showing Mr. Nosey looking through the telescope at his and Mr. Small's house. Through the telescope, Mr. Nosey sees another Mr. Small on the moon raising his hat. Mr. Nosey looks at Mr. Small in bewilderment as the original Mr. Small is still with him. The screen becomes black and the scene fades to the ending scene with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting by the aliens' UFO where Mr. Rude and Mr. Stubborn are shown trapped in their jelly-like prisons being taken away by the aliens)

Narrator: Now you see...

Bats (offscreen): (clicking)

Narrator: ..what unbelievable things...

(Mr. Bump is shown being attacked by a swarm of bats)

Bats: (clicking)

Narrator: ..can happen on a full moon.

(Mr. Nervous is shown having a picnic but is trembling in fear and covering his eyes due to his picnic lunch floating towards him. Nearby, there is a herd of cows underneath the full moon. Behind a tree, Mr. Tickle is tickling one of the cows)

Narrator: So that next time there's a full moon in your town...

(A UFO arrives and abducts the cow Mr. Tickle was tickling, much to Mr. Tickle's dismay)

Narrator: ...expect the unexpected!

(The UFO leaves with the cow, and the screen fades to black and the episode ends)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests