Mr. Men Wiki

The FussyBot is a robot version of Mr. Fussy who only appears in Little Miss Inventor And The Robots.


To help Mr. Messy clean up his house after visiting him for tea, Little Miss Inventor invented the FussyBot to clean Mr. Messy's house, resulting it being more spotless than a newly born Dalmatian.

Mr. Messy did not like the FussyBot, however. Even worse, the FussyBot was even more fussy than Mr. Fussy as it never stopped cleaning and forced Mr. Messy into a corner ready to clean up after him at just the slightest bit of movement.

After the BossyBot took charge of the other robots, the FussyBot went rogue and tried to vacuum up Little Miss Tiny. Realizing how out of control the robots had become, Little Miss Inventor created a stop button to end the robots' rampage.

Although it's easy to assume that Little Miss Inventor declared the FussyBot along with the other robots failures and had them scrapped, It is unknown what really happened to them afterwards.


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Book Series BossyBot|BounceBot|ChatterBot|DotBot|ExtendaBot|FussyBot|GreedyBot|HelpBot|RushBot|StrongBot
The Mr. Men Show Cleaning Clive|Herbie Homemaker|Little Miss Scary's Robot|Mr. Metal|Little Miss Chatterbox Robot|Robo-Grumpy|Mr. Messy Robot|Mr. Quiet Robot|Mr. Rude Robot|Mr. Scatterbrain Robot|Mr. Small Robot|Mr. Strong Robot|Little Miss Sunshine Robot|Mr. Tall Robot|Scarecrow