Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Garages." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Game Shows" Next: "Eyeglasses"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big brown screen comes up with "Garages" written on it, a car, a garage, two clouds, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of a drill being used as well as other construction sounds are heard)

(The episode begins with Little Miss Sunshine opening her garage door and driving her car inside her garage)

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses...

(A split screen forms with Little Miss Sunshine's garage on top and Mr. Grumpy's garage on the bottom. Mr. Grumpy is driving his car out of his garage)

Narrator: Love their cars. So it's no surprise...

(Mr. Quiet is opening his garage door manually only to wind up hanging from the garage door. This provides Mr. Tickle the perfect opportunity to tickle Mr. Quiet)

Narrator: That they also love their garages!

Mr. Tickle and Mr. Quiet: (laughs)

(Little Miss Daredevil lands her rocket car in front of her garage. Her garage consists of motorcycles, rockets, race cars, and is next to her rocket-shaped house)

Narrator: Of course...

(Little Miss Daredevil opens the hatch of her rocket car and gives a thumbs up)

Miss Daredevil: (chuckles)

Narrator: People store things besides cars in their garages.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Messy's garage. Mr. Messy is searching for his car, but there is so much trash and junk that his car winds up buried underneath it all and he can't find it)

Narrator: In fact, sometimes, even finding your car in the garage...

(Mr. Messy shrugs off the fact that he cannot find his car)

Narrator: Can be a challenge.

(Mr. Fussy arrives home in his car and opens his garage door with a special clicker in his car)

Narrator: As you might imagine, you won't find even a tiny speck of dust...

(Mr. Fussy starts pulling into his garage)

Narrator: In Mr. Fussy's garage.

(Mr. Fussy suddenly slams his foot on the breaks and sees a single leaf right in the middle of his garage)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): G'oh!

(Mr. Fussy gets out of is car and looks closely at the leaf)

Mr. Fussy: Now how did that leaf get in here?

(Mr. Fussy grabs the tube of a vacuum that is attached to his garage wall)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): We'll see about you!

(Mr. Fussy turns the vacuum on, and vacuums up the leaf)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Auf Wiedersehen!

(Mr. Fussy grabs some cleaner, sprays the spot where the leaf was, wipes the spot up with a rag, and smiles to the point where his eyes twinkle)

Mr. Fussy: Humph!

(Unexpectedly, Mr. Messy arrives with a sandwich in his hand)

Mr. Messy: Hiya, Mr. Fussy!

(Mr. Messy realizes what Mr. Fussy is doing)

Mr. Messy: Shazam! Are you washing you garage floor?

Mr. Fussy: Yes. Somehow, a leaf blew in here. Mother Nature can be so dirty.

Mr. Messy: But isn't a garage supposed to be messy?

Mr. Fussy: Certainly not! You could eat off my garage floor!

(Mr. Messy takes a big bite out of his sandwich when Mr. Fussy adds to his answer)

Mr. Fussy: THAT is nota welcome invitation. And since you asked how...

(Mr. Fussy gestures to his garage where everything is neatly organized on shelves and placed in certain spots)

Mr. Fussy: Garages are supposed to be, please take note...

(The camera shows the viewers Mr. Fussy's cans of paint with two paintbrushes hanging next to them. Four cans are on the top two shelves (in a pattern of purple, yellow, blue and green), and a lone green can of paint on the bottom shelf. The paint cans sparkle from cleanliness)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Of my neat and orderly shelves of paint cans...

(Mr. Fussy gestures over to a shelf holding up a bunch of window cleaners)

Mr. Fussy: And this entire shelf of window cleaner.

Mr. Messy: All this talking neatness and window cleaner makes me kind of uncomfortable. Heh. I just came over to ask a favor.

(Mr. Fussy turns around in eagerness)

Mr. Fussy: You want to borrow a mop!? Oh! I DREAMED this day would come!

(Mr. Fussy grabs a mop and offers it to Mr. Messy)

Mr. Fussy: Here! TAKE IT!

Mr. Messy: (yelps)

(Mr. Messy drops his sandwich and pushes the mop away)

Mr. Messy: No! See, I just bought a new bicycle. But there's no room in me garage. So I was wondering if I could keep it here...

(Mr. Messy brings in a clean and spotless new bike)

Mr. Messy: In your garage.

(Mr. Fussy is stunned by how clean the bicycle is)

Mr. Fussy: That bicycle is magnificently clean!

(Mr. Fussy looks at the frame and pedals of the bicycle. The frame shines to show its spotlessness)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Oh! There are no mustard stains!

(Mr. Fussy looks at the bike's seat and swipes it with a finger)

Mr. Fussy: No torn cushions! (gasps)

(Mr. Fussy grabs the bicycle's handlebars)

Mr. Fussy: No crusted cheese!

(Mr. Fussy squeezes the horn on the bike)

Mr. Fussy: Oh!

Mr. Messy: Okay, okay. Don't rub it in. Can I keep it here or what?

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Messy, I would be proud to store this spectacular bicycle!

Mr. Messy: Thanks, Mr. Fussy. And listen, feel free to ride it any time! Ta-ta!

(Mr. Messy leaves just as Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey pedal into Mr. Fussy's garage on their tandem bicycle. They ring the little bell on their bicycle to alert Mr. Fussy of their arrival)

Mr. Small: Greetings and salutations, Mr. Fussy!

(Mr. Nosey sees Mr. Messy's bicycle)

Mr. Nosey: Ooh! I see you have a new bike!

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Hello, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small. Oh, no, no, no! This is Mr. Messy's. He's just storing it here.

Mr. Nosey: Wow! That's a nice set of wheels!

Mr. Small: There's probably no smoother ride in all of Dillydale.

(Mr. Fussy remembers something)

Mr. Fussy: You know, Mr. Messy did say I could ride it.

Mr. Small: In that case, come for a spin around the block with us!

Mr. Fussy: Well I was mopping my floor but...

(Mr. Fussy pauses for a second)

Mr. Fussy: Oh, why not! I feel the need! The need for speed!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey meet Mr. Fussy outside and Mr. Fussy pushes Mr. Messy's bicycle out of his (Mr. Fussy's) garage)

Mr. Nosey: Hey, I never knew you could ride a bike, Mr. Fussy.

(Mr. Fussy hops on Mr. Messy's bike)

Mr. Fussy: Well, I am a graceful man!

(Mr. Fussy twirls his mustache)

Mr. Small: Feel that wind in your hair, Mr. Fussy!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey pedal away on their tandem and Mr. Fussy follows them on Mr. Messy's bicycle. Shortly after all three of them leave, Mr. Messy returns to Mr. Fussy's garage with a bin full of sock cheese, a box full of assorted items, and a gym bag filled to the brim with trash)

Mr. Messy: (grunts) Since me bike's here, I figured you wouldn't mind if I kept me sock cheese collection here too.

(Mr. Messy walks over to the shelves holding up Mr. Fussy's paint cans and notices Mr. Fussy isn't there)

Mr. Messy: Mr. Fussy?

(Mr. Messy looks around, notices that his bike is missing too, and realizes something)

Mr. Messy: Huh. He must have gone for a bike ride.

(Mr. Messy puts down his stuff before grabbing the bin containing his sock cheese)

Mr. Messy: I'm sure he won't mind.

(As Mr. Messy places the bin containing his sock cheese collection on the lowest shelf meant for paint cans, he accidentally knocks over the lone can of green paint on that shelf. Spilling paint all over the garage floor)

Mr. Messy: Uh oh!

(The scene cuts to an aerial view of Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Fussy riding their bikes around the block)

Mr. Fussy: (gasps) This bicycle really is magnificent!

(The camera then cuts to the normal point of view so the viewers see Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Fussy riding their bikes around the block)

Mr. Fussy: I'm so happy that I agreed to store it for Mr. Messy!

Mr. Small: Once more around the block, my friends?

Mr. Fussy: Absolutely!

(The camera cuts to an aerial view of Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Fussy riding their bikes around the block just as they turn around a corner)

Mr. Nosey: Uh-oh!

(Mr. Nosey takes out his monoscope, looks through it, and sees some unseen events happening at Mr. Fussy's garage)

Mr. Nosey: I see something going on in your garage, Mr. Fussy!

(Mr. Fussy becomes concerned)

Mr. Fussy: In my garage? What do you mean?

(The camera cuts to the monoscope's point of view and the viewers see Mr. Messy using a mop to clean up a huge mess he accidentally made in Mr. Fussy's garage)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Looks like Mr. Messy and...

(The camera cuts back to show Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey on their tandem)

Mr. Nosey: Paint.

(Mr. Fussy realizes what is happening)

Mr. Fussy: (gasps) Sweet apple strudel with cream! I have to get back there! Quickly!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Fussy's garage. The garage is now messy with spilled paint and Mr. Messy's sock cheese collection and other assorted items on the floor)

Mr. Messy: Looks clean to me.

(Mr. Messy tosses the mop away and it destroys the shelf holding up Mr. Fussy's rake and shovel as well as the two bottom shelves meant to hold paint cans. Naturally, paints, paintbrushes, and other items fly all over the place further messing up the garage)

Mr. Messy: Oh!

(Mr. Messy turns around and sees something)

Mr. Messy: My sock cheese!

(Mr. Messy walks over with his sock cheese bin to the sock cheese that was on the ground and picks it up)

Mr. Messy: Ooh-hoo-hoo! That's one stinky batch!

(Mr. Fussy is shown angrily pedaling as fast as he can to his garage so he can confront Mr. Messy)

Mr. Fussy: (huffing and puffing) MR. MESSY!!

(Mr. Messy stands up and accidentally breaks the shelf holding Mr. Fussy's window cleaners)

Mr. Messy: Oh!

(Mr. Messy looks at Mr. Fussy in shock as Mr. Fussy slams down on the breaks of the bike and skids into the garage)

Mr. Fussy: Wo-o-o-ah!!

(Mr. Messy ducks as the bike rams into a spilled paint can. Both Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy's bicycle are sent flying across the garage)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Woah!

(Both Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy's bike land on the garage floor)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Oof!

(Mr. Fussy ends up in a daze, Mr. Messy, shows great concern for Mr. Fussy and his bike (as Mr. Messy's bike is now stained with paint), and Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey watch from outside and realize that what happened to Mr. Fussy is partially their fault)

Mr. Small: Ooh, goodness! Look at the time! Mr. Nosey, we'll be late for the flamingo races.

(Mr. Small runs off)

Mr. Nosey: Right behind you little friend!

(Mr. Nosey runs after Mr. Small. Mr. Fussy opens his eyes and looks at Mr. Messy)

Mr. Messy: Now that's what I'm talking about! If it's okay with you, I'll take me bike home now Mr. Fussy.

(Mr. Messy takes his paint-stained bike back)

Mr. Messy: It's so messy, it'll look great in me dining room!

(Mr. Messy goes home with his bike and Mr. Fussy is left in the mess the former left behind)

Mr. Fussy: (sobs)

(A spray can falls down and hits Mr. Fussy on the head. Little Miss Sunshine rises up and presses a button for her garage)

Miss Sunshine: Oh!

(Little Miss Sunshine waves to the camera as the garage door closes. It then opens to transition to the first bumper. Mr. Bump is shown trying to open his garage door with a remote. After trying a few times, the ground opens underneath him like a garage door)

Mr. Bump: Hmm?

(Mr. Bump realizes that he isn't standing on anything after looking at the ground beneath him)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump falls into the hole just as his garage door finally opens. The screen fades to black. The next scene takes place at Mr. Grumpy's house. Mr. Stubborn is installing an automatic garage door for Mr. Grumpy's garage)

Narrator: An automatic garage door is a useful thing to have. So long as it's installed professionally.

(Mr. Stubborn is shown finishing up the installation of Mr. Grumpy's automatic garage door)

Narrator: Which is why Mr. Grumpy hired Mr. Stubborn to do the job properly.

Mr. Stubborn: All finished!

(Mr. Stubborn cleans his hands off with a rag. Mr. Grumpy walks over to Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: Your new garage door is ready to use, Mr. Grumpy.

Mr. Grumpy: I can't thank you enough, Mr. Stubborn.

Mr. Stubborn: You're welcome.

Mr. Grumpy: It's gonna to rain tonight and I want to park my car in the garage. How does this thing work?

Mr. Stubborn: Simple.

(Mr. Stubborn gives Mr. Grumpy the garage remote)

Mr. Stubborn: Point this at the garage, press once, and the door opens.

(Mr. Grumpy presses the button and the garage door opens slightly before closing again)

Mr. Stubborn: You see? It works perfectly.

(Mr. Stubborn tries to leave but Mr. Grumpy stops him)

Mr. Grumpy: Hold on, Mr. Stubborn. That door didn't stay open.

Mr. Stubborn: That's because you hit the button twice. I told you to only hit it once.

Mr. Grumpy: I did not hit the button twice. Watch.

(Mr. Grumpy presses the button and the garage door opens slightly)

Mr. Stubborn: Like I said, it works perfectly.

Mr. Grumpy: How can you say that? It's broken!

Mr. Stubborn: It is not broken! You wanted the door to open?! It opened!

Mr. Grumpy: Barely. Oh! How am I supposed to get my car into the garage?!

Mr. Stubborn: Not my fault you have such a big car!

Mr. Grumpy: If that door doesn't open and close properly, you're taking it back.

(Mr. Grumpy hands Mr. Stubborn the remote)

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Here, you try it.

Mr. Stubborn: Fine! I will!

(Mr. Stubborn tests the door, but it doesn't work the way that Mr. Grumpy expected as it doesn't stay open)

Mr. Stubborn: Nothing wrong with that door! It goes up and down! What more do you want?!

(A doorbell sound effect is heard)

Mr. Grumpy: I want it to stay up long enough for me to drive my car inside.

Mr. Stubborn: Then stop talking so much and drive!

(Mr. Grumpy gets in his car and Mr. Stubborn pushes the button on the remote to open the garage)

Mr. Grumpy: D'oh! Of all the cockamamie ideas!

(Mr. Grumpy hears a beeping sound as he drives his car to the garage)

Mr. Grumpy: What's that racket?

(Mr. Stubborn puts on earmuffs)

Mr. Stubborn: That's a special alarm that comes with the door. It means that you are moving too slowly. Drive faster!

(Suddenly, the door slams down onto Mr. Grumpy's car badly damaging it and trapping Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: D'oh! (grunts) Stubborn, I'm stuck. Hit the button!

(Mr. Stubborn presses the button but ends up completely totaling Mr. Grumpy's car)

Mr. Grumpy: (grunts) I meant make it go up, not down!

Mr. Stubborn: Make your mind up, Mr. Grumpy!

Mr. Grumpy: Just hit the button!

(Mr. Stubborn presses the button and the garage door opens)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

(Mr. Grumpy then leaves his car through the trunk)

Mr. Grumpy: My ruined.

(Mr. Grumpy gets out of his car through the trunk)

Mr. Grumpy: The door is broken!!

Mr. Stubborn: For the last time, there is nothing wrong with the door! Your CHEAP!!

(The whole garage door collapses onto Mr. Grumpy's car)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

Mr. Stubborn: What am I saying? YOUR WHOLE GARAGE...IS CHEAP!!!

(Mr. Stubborn tosses the garage door remote to Mr. Grumpy and walks away. Unsurprisingly, Mr. Grumpy doesn't catch the remote and instead throws his hat onto the ground in frustration)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!!

(The scene fades into the second bumper. Mr. Bump is shown trying to open his garage door. He is unable to and for some reason the remote opens the garage doors for two different garages. One for Little Miss Daredevil and the other for Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey. All of whom enter their garages upon them being opened. The screen fades to black and a brief dance video plays. In her garage, Little Miss Magic uses her magic to open a chest of drawers and creates a sculpture of herself out of wrenches, bolts, nuts, and all the other things you find inside of a tool cart. The two do a brief tap dance routine and the statue fall apart when Little Miss Magic poses a "ta-da" pose. The camera does a fade transition to the next scene. The next scene opens at Mr. Strong's Garage (as in autobody shop))

Narrator: Some garages are places you take your car to be repaired.

(Mr. Happy pulls up to Mr. Strong's Garage in his car)

Narrator: And in Dillydale,

(A wheel flies off of Mr. Happy's car and crashes through the door of the waiting room for Mr. Strong's Garage)

Narrator: Mr. Strong's Garage...

Mr. Happy: Ooh!

(The crash catches the attention of Mr. Bump, Mr. Small, and Little Miss Chatterbox. All of whom are in the waiting room)

Narrator: Is the best in town.

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Wonderful! I can get along just fine with only three tires. (laughs)

(Mr. Bump walks over to Mr. Happy's car to see the damage to it. Mr. Bump pops open the hood while Mr. Happy walks over to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Happy: I'm no expert, Mr. Bump, but I think something's wrong with my car. (laughs)

(A jet of oil squirts itself in Mr. Bump's face)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The oil stops squirting)

Mr. Bump: No kidding!

(Mr. Bump wipes the oil off his face with a rag)

Mr. Bump: Well, Mr. Happy, the bad news is you car's a mess. The good news is Mr. Strong is the best mechanic in Dillydale!

(Mr. Strong walks by and gives Little Miss Bossy her car back after fixing it)

Mr. Strong: (grunts) Yeah! Here you go, Miss Bossy! Good as new!

Miss Bossy: That's what you say! Did you wash the floor mats?

Mr. Strong: No. But I can.

Miss Bossy: Do that! And while you're at it, paint a racing stripe on the side! A pink racing stripe. And bring me a couple of magazines to read while I wait!

(Little Miss Bossy leaves)

Mr. Strong: Uh, sure. No problem, Miss Bossy.

(Mr. Strong turns to address Mr. Bump and Mr. Happy)

Mr. Strong: I won't be able to get you a car for a little while, Mr. Happy. I, uh, have a little work to do on Miss Bossy's car.


Mr. Strong: Oh!

(Mr. Strong frowns upon hearing Little Miss Bossy's orders)

Mr. Strong: But my mechanic-in-training Mr. Bump here, he can fix you right up.

Mr. Bump: You can count on me, Mr. Strong! Should I put the car up on the lift first?

Mr. Strong: Excellent idea! See? You know what to do!

(Mr. Bump pushes Mr. Happy's car onto the lift. Mr. Happy follows Mr. Bump into the garage)

Mr. Bump: By putting your the car up on the lift, I can see underneath it and work out what's wrong!

(Mr. Bump leans on the hood of the car)

Mr. Happy: I am impressed! You can do all that?

Mr. Bump: It's as simple as throwing a lever.

Mr. Happy: You mean this wonderful lever?

(Mr. Happy throws the lever)

Mr. Happy: (laughs)

(The lift lifts the car up as well as Mr. Bump because Mr. Bump was leaning on the car)

Mr. Bump: (screams) Ow!

(Mr. Bump is nearly squished between the car and the ceiling)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): (groans)

(Mr. Bump falls back onto the ground and lands on his back)

Mr. Bump: Oh, yes. That's the one.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump grabbing a special light that can hook underneath the car. Mr. Bump shows the light to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Bump: First, I want to make sure I have enough light to see underneath the car.

(Mr. Bump hooks the light onto the underside of the car)

Mr. Happy: Brilliant!

(Mr. Bump starts working on the underside of the car when he is suddenly sucked into the car)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump is shot out of the car through the exhaust pipe)

Mr. Bump: G'ow!

(Mr. Bump crashes into some shelves holding up window cleaner, a toolbox, a few oil cans, a headlight, and other tools)

Mr. Bump: (moans)

(Stars circle around Mr. Bump's head as the headlight bounces to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Ah!

(Mr. Happy grabs the headlight)

Mr. Happy: A new headlight! Oh-ho-ho! Just what I needed!

(A dazed Mr. Bump waddles back to Mr. Happy. Stars are still circling Mr. Bump's aching head)

Mr. Bump: Glad to be of help.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump doing some work underneath the car. Mr. Bump soon finds something)

Mr. Bump: I think I found the problem, Mr. Happy.

(Mr. Bump takes out a baton and starts twirling it)

Mr. Bump: (giggles)

Mr. Happy: Wo-oa-ho! A baton! Miss Whoops has been looking for that since the Dillydale Parade.

Mr. Bump: I'll just get rid of this.

(Mr. Bump tosses the baton over his shoulder but the baton boomerangs back and hits the lever that activates the lift. Since the car is up on the lift, Mr. Bump looks up and realizes what's about to happen)

Mr. Bump: Oh,poopity poop!

(The lift lowers down and Mr. Bump is squashed by Mr. Happy's car)

Mr. Bump: Oof!

(Mr. Strong returns and walks over to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Strong: Everything turned out okay, Mr. Happy?

Mr. Happy: Wonderful, Mr. Strong! Why that was the best service I ever had!

Mr. Strong: That's what I like to hear! That Mr. Bump is a valuable worker.

Mr. Happy: Yes he is! Be sure to thank him for me! Ha! I have no idea where he went! (laughs) Goodbye!

(Mr. Happy gets into his car and drives away. Mr. Strong finds the flattened Mr. Bump on the ground and walks over to him)

Mr. Strong: Hey, Mr. Bump! Good job! In fact, I'm going to let you work on all the cars from now on.

Mr. Bump: (whimpers) I need to find a new job.

(The screen fades to black and transitions to the third bumper. Mr. Bump is shown trying to open his garage door with a remote. He is unable to and looks at the remote in frustration)

Mr. Bump: (groans)

(Little Miss Whoops roller skates into the frame and accidentally bumps into Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump moves forward and accidentally swallows the remote for his garage door)

Mr. Bump: (yelps)

(Mr. Bump gives Little Miss Whoops a stern glare for this reason)

Mr. Bump: (groans)

(Little Miss Whoops presses Mr. Bump's tummy with her finger and accidentally pushes the button on the remote as well. This causes Mr. Bump's garage door to open and for Mr. Bump to be launched away by the opening door)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Little Miss Whoops looks up at her brother (who is now offscreen) in concern. The screen fades to black and the next scene shows Little Miss Sunshine driving her car into her garage)

Narrator: So you see, the good people of Dillydale do appreciate their garages.

(As Little Miss Sunshine parks her car in her garage, the screen splits in half to show a second rectangle underneath featuring Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey riding their tandem bike)

Narrator: They know there's no better place to store their cars.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey arrive at their garage and get off their bike to park it)

Narrator: Or bicycles.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey park their bicycle next to their garage. A third rectangle appears below Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's rectangle showing an angry and frustrated Mr. Grumpy staring at his broken garage door, which has crushed his car)

Narrator: If their garage...

(The two top rectangles disappear and the camera zooms in on Mr. Grumpy and his damaged car and garage)

Narrator: Is still in one piece, of course.

Mr. Grumpy: Humph!

(The screen fades to black. The episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big brown screen comes up with "Garages" written on it, a car, a garage, two clouds, who created the episode underneath, and the sound of a drill being used as well as other construction sounds are heard)

(The episode begins with Little Miss Sunshine opening her garage door and driving her car inside her garage)

Narrator: The Mr. Men and Little Misses...

(A split screen forms with Little Miss Sunshine's garage on top and Mr. Grumpy's garage on the bottom. Mr. Grumpy is driving his car out of his garage)

Narrator: Love their cars. So it's no surprise...

(Mr. Quiet is opening his garage door manually only to wind up hanging from the garage door. This provides Mr. Tickle the perfect opportunity to tickle Mr. Quiet)

Narrator: That they also love their garages!

Mr. Quiet: No! (laughs)

(Little Miss Daredevil lands her rocket car in front of her garage. Her garage consists of motorcycles, rockets, race cars, and is next to her rocket-shaped house)

Narrator: Of course...

(Little Miss Daredevil opens the hatch of her rocket car and gives a thumbs up)

Miss Daredevil: (chuckles)

Narrator: People store things besides cars in their garages.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Messy's garage. Mr. Messy is searching for his car, but there is so much trash and junk that his car winds up buried underneath it all and he can't find it)

Narrator: In fact, sometimes, even finding your car in the garage...

(Mr. Messy shrugs off the fact that he cannot find his car)

Narrator: Can be a challenge.

(Mr. Fussy arrives home in his car and opens his garage door with a special clicker in his car)

Narrator: As you might imagine, you won't find even a tiny speck of dust...

(Mr. Fussy starts pulling into his garage)

Narrator: In Mr. Fussy's garage.

(Mr. Fussy suddenly slams his foot on the breaks and sees a single leaf right in the middle of his garage)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): D'oh!

(Mr. Fussy gets out of is car and looks closely at the leaf)

Mr. Fussy: (scoffs) Now how did that leaf get in here?

(Mr. Fussy grabs the tube of a vacuum that is attached to his garage wall, turns the vacuum on, and vacuums up the leaf. Afterwards, Mr. Fussy grabs some cleaner, sprays the spot where the leaf was, wipes the spot up with a rag, and smiles to the point where his eyes twinkle. Unexpectedly, Mr. Messy arrives with a sandwich in his hand)

Mr. Messy: Hiya, Mr. Fussy!

(Mr. Messy realizes what Mr. Fussy is doing)

Mr. Messy: Shazam! Are you washing you garage floor?

Mr. Fussy: Yes. Uh, somehow, a leaf blew in here. Nature can be so dirty

Mr. Messy: But isn't a garage supposed to be messy?

Mr. Fussy: Uh, certainly not! You could eat off my garage floor!

(Mr. Messy takes a big bite out of his sandwich when Mr. Fussy adds to his answer)

Mr. Fussy: Uh, THAT is NOT a welcome invitation. And since you asked how...

(Mr. Fussy gestures to his garage where everything is neatly organized on shelves and placed in certain spots)

Mr. Fussy: Garages are supposed to be, please take note...

(The camera shows the viewers Mr. Fussy's cans of paint with two paintbrushes hanging next to them. Four cans are on the top two shelves (in a pattern of purple, yellow, blue and green), and a lone green can of paint on the bottom shelf. The paint cans sparkle from cleanliness)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Of my neat and orderly shelves of paint cans...

(Mr. Fussy gestures over to a shelf holding up a bunch of window cleaners)

Mr. Fussy: And this entire shelf of window cleaner.

Mr. Messy: All this talking neatness and window cleaner makes me kind of uncomfortable. I just came over to ask for a favor.

(Mr. Fussy turns around in eagerness)

Mr. Fussy: You want to borrow a mop!? Oh! I DREAMED this day would come!

(Mr. Fussy grabs a mop and offers it to Mr. Messy)

Mr. Fussy: Here! TAKE IT!

Mr. Messy: (screams)

(Mr. Messy drops his sandwich and pushes the mop away)

Mr. Messy: No! See, I just bought a new bicycle. But there's no room in my garage. So I was wondering if I could keep it here...

(Mr. Messy brings in a clean and spotless new bike)

Mr. Messy: In your garage.

(Mr. Fussy is stunned by how clean the bike is)

Mr. Fussy: That bike is magnificently clean!

(Mr. Fussy looks at the frame and pedals of the bicycle. The frame shines to show its spotlessness)

Mr. Fussy: Oh! The-there are no mustard stains!

(Mr. Fussy looks at the bike's seat and swipes it with a finger)

Mr. Fussy: No torn cushions! (gasps)

(Mr. Fussy grabs the bicycle's handlebars)

Mr. Fussy: No crusted cheese!

(Mr. Fussy squeezes the horn on the bike)

Mr. Messy: Okay, okay. Don't rub it in. Can I keep it here or what?

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Messy, I would be proud to store this spectacular bicycle!

Mr. Messy: Thanks, Mr. Fussy. And listen, feel free to ride it any time! See ya!

(Mr. Messy leaves just as Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey pedal into Mr. Fussy's garage on their tandem bicycle. They ring the little bell on their bicycle to alert Mr. Fussy of their arrival)

Mr. Small: Greetings and salutations, Mr. Fussy!

(Mr. Nosey sees Mr. Messy's bicycle)

Mr. Nosey: Ooh! I see you have a new bike!

Mr. Fussy: Oh! Hello, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small. Oh-ho, no, no! Uh, this is Mr. Messy's. He's just storing it here.

Mr. Nosey: Oh wow! That's a nice set of wheels!

Mr. Small: There's probably no smoother ride in all of Dillydale.

(Mr. Fussy remembers something)

Mr. Fussy: You know, Mr. Messy did say I could ride it.

Mr. Small: (gasps) In that case, come for a spin around the block with us!

Mr. Fussy: Well I was just mopping my floor...

(Mr. Fussy pauses for a second)

Mr. Fussy: Oh, why not! Live a little, I always say!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey meet Mr. Fussy outside and Mr. Fussy pushes Mr. Messy's bicycle out of his (Mr. Fussy's) garage)

Mr. Nosey: Gee, I never knew you could ride a bike, Mr. Fussy.

(Mr. Fussy hops on Mr. Messy's bike)

Mr. Fussy: Well, I am a graceful man!

(Mr. Fussy twirls his mustache)

Mr. Small: Feel that wind in your hair, Mr. Fussy!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey pedal away on their tandem and Mr. Fussy follows them on Mr. Messy's bicycle. Shortly after all three of them leave, Mr. Messy returns to Mr. Fussy's garage with a bin full of sock cheese, a box full of assorted items, and a gym bag filled to the brim with trash)

Mr. Messy: Since my bike is here, I figured you wouldn't mind if I kept my sock cheese collection here too

(Mr. Messy walks over to the shelves holding up Mr. Fussy's paint cans and notices Mr. Fussy isn't there)

Mr. Messy: Mr. Fussy?

(Mr. Messy looks around, notices that his bike is missing too, and realizes something)

Mr. Messy: Huh. He must have gone for a bike ride.

(Mr. Messy puts down his stuff before grabbing the bin containing his sock cheese)

Mr. Messy: I'm sure he won't mind.

(As Mr. Messy places the bin containing his sock cheese collection on the lowest shelf meant for paint cans, he accidentally knocks over the lone can of green paint on that shelf. Spilling paint all over the garage floor)

Mr. Messy: Uh oh!

(The scene cuts to an aerial view of Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Fussy riding their bikes around the block)

Mr. Fussy: (gasps) This bicycle really is magnificent!

(The camera then cuts to the normal point of view so the viewers see Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Fussy riding their bikes around the block)

Mr. Fussy: I'm so happy that I agreed to store it for Mr. Messy!

Mr. Small: Once more around the block, my friends?

Mr. Fussy: Absolutely!

(The camera cuts to an aerial view of Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Fussy riding their bikes around the block just as they turn around a corner)

Mr. Nosey: Y'uh-oh!

(Mr. Nosey takes out his monoscope, looks through it, and sees some unseen events happening at Mr. Fussy's garage)

Mr. Nosey: I see something going on in your garage, Mr. Fussy!

(Mr. Fussy becomes concerned)

Mr. Fussy: In my garage? What do you mean?

(The camera cuts to the monoscope's point of view and the viewers see Mr. Messy using a mop to clean up a huge mess he accidentally made in Mr. Fussy's garage)

Mr. Nosey (offscreen): It looks like Mr. Messy and...

(The camera cuts back to show Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey on their tandem)

Mr. Nosey: Paint.

(Mr. Fussy realizes what is happening)

Mr. Fussy: (gasps) Sweet Henrietta! Quickly! Uh, how do you make this thing go faster!?

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Fussy's garage. The garage is now messy with spilled paint and Mr. Messy's sock cheese collection and other assorted items on the floor)

Mr. Messy: Looks clean to me.

(Mr. Messy tosses the mop away and it destroys the shelf holding up Mr. Fussy's rake and shovel as well as the two bottom shelves meant to hold paint cans. Naturally, paints, paintbrushes, and other items fly all over the place further messing up the garage. Mr. Messy turns around and sees something)

Mr. Messy: My sock cheese!

(Mr. Messy walks over with his sock cheese bin to the sock cheese that was on the ground and picks it up)

Mr. Messy: Woah-hoo-hoo! That's one stinky batch!

(Mr. Fussy is shown angrily pedaling as fast as he can to his garage so he can confront Mr. Messy)

Mr. Fussy: (huffing and puffing) MR. MESSY!!

(Mr. Messy stands up and accidentally breaks the shelf holding Mr. Fussy's window cleaners. Mr. Messy looks at Mr. Fussy in shock as Mr. Fussy slams down on the breaks of the bike and skids into the garage)

Mr. Fussy: (incoherent noises)

(Mr. Messy ducks as the bike rams into a spilled paint can. Both Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy's bicycle are sent flying across the garage)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Gah! Ooh!

(Both Mr. Fussy and Mr. Messy's bike land on the garage floor)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Ah!

(Mr. Fussy ends up in a daze, Mr. Messy, shows great concern for Mr. Fussy and his bike (as Mr. Messy's bike is now stained with paint), and Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey watch from outside and realize that what happened to Mr. Fussy is partially their fault)

Mr. Small: Oh! Gee, look at the time Mr. Nosey. We'll be late for the flamingo races.

(Mr. Small runs off)

Mr. Nosey: Right behind you buddy boy!

(Mr. Nosey runs after Mr. Small. Mr. Fussy opens his eyes and looks at Mr. Messy)

Mr. Messy: Now that's what I'm talking about! If it's okay with you, I'll take my bike home now Mr. Fussy.

(Mr. Messy takes his paint-stained bike back)

Mr. Messy: It's so messy, it'll look great in my dining room!

(Mr. Messy goes home with his bike and Mr. Fussy is left in the mess the former left behind)

Mr. Fussy: (sobs)

(A spray can falls down and hits Mr. Fussy on the head. Little Miss Sunshine rises up and presses a button for her garage)

Miss Sunshine: (gasp)

(Little Miss Sunshine waves to the camera as the garage door closes. It then opens to transition to the first bumper. Mr. Bump is shown trying to open his garage door with a remote. After trying a few times, the ground opens underneath him like a garage door. Mr. Bump realizes that he isn't standing on anything after looking at the ground beneath him)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump falls into the hole just as his garage door finally opens. A commercial for Little Miss Chatterbox's Car Finder starts. The commercial begins with Little Miss Sunshine, having finished her shopping and is holding a bunch of shopping bags, searching for her car in a parking garage. Little Miss Chatterbox pops up to speak to the viewers)

Miss Chatterbox: Has this ever happened to you?

(Little Miss Chatterbox ducks down and the camera zooms out to show Little Miss Sunshine struggling to find her car in the crowded parking garage)

Miss Sunshine: Now where did I park my car?

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Chatterbox walking through the parking garage holding her new invention, The Car Finder)

Miss Chatterbox: With my new Miss Chatterbox's Car Finder, you'll never, ever, ever lose your car in a crowded parking garage again! It's so easy to use! You simply talk in your normal speaking voice and...

(Little Miss Chatterbox walks close to the camera)

Miss Chatterbox: Face it, who doesn't like to talk.

(Little Miss Chatterbox backs up)

Miss Chatterbox: And instead of finding your car it finds you! (giggles) Watch.

(Little Miss Chatterbox talks into the car finder)

Miss Chatterbox: Hello car. I'm done shopping. Where are you?

(Little Miss Chatterbox's car honks and pulls up all by itself)

Miss Chatterbox: Ah! (giggles) That's my car! See what satisfied customers have to say.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Nervous looking for his car in a parking garage with Mr. Messy and Mr. Tickle walking by)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! I'm lost!

(Mr. Fussy walks behind Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Nervous: Hideous, horrible parking garage!

(Mr. Nervous talks into the car finder)

Mr. Nervous: Hello? Testing! Calling my car!

(Mr. Bump walks over to Mr. Nervous. Mr. Nervous' car honks from offscreen and pulls up. Accidentally partially running over Mr. Bump in the process)

Mr. Bump: (screams in pain)

(Little Miss Chatterbox pops up)

Miss Chatterbox: See what I mean? You don't find your car...

(The car finder transitions the scene to Mr. Rude searching for his car in the parking garage)

Miss Chatterbox: Your car finds you!

(Little Miss Chatterbox goes away)

Mr. Rude: I cannot be bothered to look for my car.

(Mr. Bump pulls up in his car as Mr. Rude talks into the car finder)

Mr. Rude: Car!

(Mr. Rude's truck honks from offscreen)

Mr. Rude: Come find me at once!

(Mr. Rude's pulls up. Crushing Mr. Bump's car and Mr. Bump in the process)

Mr. Bump: Ow.

Miss Chatterbox (voiceover): My car finder works every time.

(The camera cuts to Mr. Noisy using the car finder with Mr. Bump present. Mr. Noisy is speaking through his megaphone and Mr. Bump is covering his ears due to the very loud volume)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Where, oh where, did I park my car?!

(Several cars end up driving all over the place on their own. All the cars are honking their horns. Mr. Noisy runs away upon realizing that this was his doing. Little Miss Chatterbox walks over to Mr. Bump amidst the stampeding cars)

Miss Chatterbox: Well, it's not recommended for Mr. Noisy. But everyone else should really, really buy my car finder.

(Mr. Bump gets run over by his own car)

Mr. Bump: Gah!

Miss Chatterbox: Just remember, it's easy to find your car because your car finds you!

(The screen fades to black. The next scene takes place at Mr. Grumpy's house. Mr. Stubborn is installing an automatic garage door for Mr. Grumpy's garage)

Narrator: An automatic garage door is a useful thing to have. So long as it's installed properly.

(Mr. Stubborn is shown finishing up the installation of Mr. Grumpy's automatic garage door)

Narrator: Which is why Mr. Grumpy hired Mr. Stubborn to do the job right.

Mr. Stubborn: All finished!

(Mr. Stubborn cleans his hands off with a rag. Mr. Grumpy walks over to Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Stubborn: Your new garage door is ready to use, Mr. Grumpy.

Mr. Grumpy: I can't thank you enough, Mr. Stubborn.

Mr. Stubborn: You're welcome.

Mr. Grumpy: It's going to rain tonight and I want to park my car in the garage. How does this thing work?

Mr. Stubborn: Simple.

(Mr. Stubborn gives Mr. Grumpy the garage remote)

Mr. Stubborn: Point this at the garage, press once, and the door opens.

(Mr. Grumpy presses the button and the garage door opens slightly before closing again)

Mr. Stubborn: You see? It works perfectly.

(Mr. Stubborn tries to leave but Mr. Grumpy stops him)

Mr. Grumpy: Hold on Mr. Stubborn. That door didn't stay open.

Mr. Stubborn: That's because you hit the button twice. I told you to only hit it once.

Mr. Grumpy: I did not hit the button twice. Watch.

(Mr. Grumpy presses the button and the garage door opens slightly)

Mr. Stubborn: Like I said, it works perfectly.

Mr. Grumpy: How can you say that? It's broken!

Mr. Stubborn: It is not broken! You wanted the door to open?! It opened!

Mr. Grumpy: Barely. Oh! How am I supposed to get my car into the garage?!

Mr. Stubborn: Not my fault you have such a big car!

Mr. Grumpy: If that door doesn't open and close properly, you're taking it back.

(Mr. Grumpy hands Mr. Stubborn the remote)

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): Here, you try it.

Mr. Stubborn: Fine! I will!

(Mr. Stubborn tests the door, but it doesn't work the way that Mr. Grumpy expected as it doesn't stay open)

Mr. Stubborn: Nothing wrong with that door! It goes up and down! What more do you want?!

(A doorbell sound effect is heard)

Mr. Grumpy: I wanted it to stay up long enough, so I can drive my car inside.

Mr. Stubborn: Then stop talking so much and drive!

(Mr. Grumpy gets in his car and Mr. Stubborn pushes the button on the remote to open the garage)

Mr. Grumpy: D'oh! Of all the cockamamie ideas!

(Mr. Grumpy hears a beeping sound as he drives his car to the garage)

Mr. Grumpy: What's that racket?

(Mr. Stubborn puts on earmuffs)

Mr. Stubborn: That's a special alarm that comes with the door. It means that you are moving too slowly. Drive faster!

(Suddenly, the door slams down onto Mr. Grumpy's car badly damaging it and trapping Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Stubborn, I'm stuck. Hit the button!

(Mr. Stubborn presses the button but ends up completely totaling Mr. Grumpy's car)

Mr. Grumpy: I meant make it go up, not down!

Mr. Stubborn: Make up your mind, Mr. Grumpy!

Mr. Grumpy: Just hit the button!

(Mr. Stubborn presses the button and the garage door opens. Mr. Grumpy then leaves his car through the trunk)

Mr. Grumpy: My ruined.

(Mr. Grumpy gets out of his car through the trunk)

Mr. Grumpy: Now do you believe me?!

Mr. Stubborn: For the last time, there is nothing wrong with the door! Your CHEAP!!

(The whole garage door collapses onto Mr. Grumpy's car)

Mr. Stubborn: What am I saying? YOUR WHOLE GARAGE...IS CHEAP!!!

(Mr. Stubborn tosses the garage door remote to Mr. Grumpy and walks away. Unsurprisingly, Mr. Grumpy doesn't catch the remote and instead throws his hat onto the ground in frustration)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, crooked cucumbers!!

(The scene fades into the second bumper. Mr. Bump is shown trying to open his garage door with a remote. He is unable to and for some reason the remote opens the garage doors for two different garages. One for Little Miss Daredevil and the other for Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey. All of whom enter their garages upon them being opened. The screen fades to black and a brief dance video plays. In her garage, Little Miss Magic uses her magic to open a chest of drawers and creates a sculpture of herself out of wrenches, bolts, nuts, and all the other things you find inside of a tool cart. The two do a brief tap dance routine and the statue fall apart when Little Miss Magic poses a "ta-da" pose. The camera does a fade transition to the next scene. The next scene opens at Mr. Strong's Garage (as in autobody shop))

Narrator: Some garages are places you take your car to be repaired.

(Mr. Happy pulls up to Mr. Strong's Garage in his car)

Narrator: And in Dillydale,

(A wheel flies off of Mr. Happy's car and crashes through the door of the waiting room for Mr. Strong's Garage)

Narrator: Mr. Strong's Garage...

(The crash catches the attention of Mr. Bump, Mr. Small, and Little Miss Chatterbox. All of whom are in the waiting room)

Narrator: Is the best in town.

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Wonderful! I can get along just fine with only three tires. (laughs)

(Mr. Bump walks over to Mr. Happy's car to see the damage to it. Mr. Bump pops open the hood while Mr. Happy walks over to Mr. Bump)

Mr. Happy: I'm no expert, Mr. Bump, but I think something's wrong with my car.

(A jet of oil squirts itself in Mr. Bump's face)

Mr. Bump: Guh!

(The oil stops squirting)

Mr. Bump: No kidding.

(Mr. Bump wipes the oil off his face with a rag)

Mr. Bump: Well, Mr. Happy, the bad news is you car's a mess. The good news is Mr. Strong is the best mechanic in Dillydale!

(Mr. Strong walks by and gives Little Miss Bossy her car back after fixing it)

Mr. Strong: (grunts) Yo, here you go, Miss Bossy! Good as new!

Miss Bossy: That's what you say! Did you wash the floor mats?

Mr. Strong: No. But I can.

Miss Bossy: Do that! And while you're at it, paint a racing stripe on the side! A pink racing stripe. And bring me a couple of magazines to read while I wait!

(Little Miss Bossy leaves)

Mr. Strong: Uh, sure. problem, Miss Bossy.

(Mr. Strong turns to address Mr. Bump and Mr. Happy)

Mr. Strong: I-I won't be able to get you a car for a little while, Mr. Happy. Uh, I have a little work to do on Miss Bossy's car.


(Mr. Strong frowns upon hearing Little Miss Bossy's orders)

Mr. Strong: But my mechanic-in-training Mr. Bump here, he can fix you right up.

Mr. Bump: You can count on me, Mr. Strong! Should I put the car up on the lift first?

Mr. Strong: Uh, excellent idea! See? You know what to do!

(Mr. Bump pushes Mr. Happy's car onto the lift. Mr. Happy follows Mr. Bump into the garage)

Mr. Bump: By putting your the car up on the lift, I can see underneath it and figure out what's wrong!

(Mr. Bump leans on the hood of the car)

Mr. Happy: I am impressed! You can do all that?

Mr. Bump: It's as simple as throwing a lever.

Mr. Happy: You mean this wonderful lever?

(Mr. Happy throws the lever)

Mr. Happy: (laughs)

(The lift lifts the car up as well as Mr. Bump because Mr. Bump was leaning on the car)

Mr. Bump: Wah!

(Mr. Bump is nearly squished between the car and the ceiling)

Mr. Bump (offscreen): Ooh! (groans)

(Mr. Bump falls back onto the ground and lands on his back)

Mr. Bump: Ugh! Oh, yes. That's the one.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump grabbing a special light that can hook underneath the car. Mr. Bump shows the light to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Bump: First, I want to make sure I have enough light to see underneath the car.

(Mr. Bump hooks the light onto the underside of the car)

Mr. Happy: Brilliant!

(Mr. Bump starts working on the underside of the car when he is suddenly sucked into the car)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump is shot out of the car through the exhaust pipe)

Mr. Bump: Woah!

(Mr. Bump crashes into some shelves holding up window cleaner, a toolbox, a few oil cans, a headlight, and other tools)

Mr. Bump: Pah!

(Stars circle around Mr. Bump's head as the headlight bounces to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: (gasps)

(Mr. Happy grabs the headlight)

Mr. Happy: A new headlight! Ho-ho! Just what I needed!

(A dazed Mr. Bump waddles back to Mr. Happy. Stars are still circling Mr. Bump's aching head)

Mr. Bump: Glad to be of help.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Bump doing some work underneath the car. Mr. Bump soon finds something)

Mr. Bump: I think I found the problem Mr. Happy.

(Mr. Bump takes out a baton and starts twirling it)

Mr. Happy: Wo-oa-ho! A baton! Miss Whoops has been looking for that since the Dillydale Parade.

Mr. Bump: I'll just get rid of this

(Mr. Bump tosses the baton over his shoulder but the baton boomerangs back and hits the lever that activates the lift. Since the car is up on the lift, Mr. Bump looks up and realizes what's about to happen)

Mr. Bump: Oh poopity poop!

(The lift lowers down and Mr. Bump is squashed by Mr. Happy's car)

Mr. Bump: Po-ah!

Mr. Bump (from underneath the car): (moans)

(Mr. Strong returns and walks over to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Strong: Everything turned out okay, Mr. Happy?

Mr. Happy: Wonderful, Mr. Strong! Why that was the best service I ever had!

Mr. Strong: That's what I like to hear! That Mr. Bump is a valuable worker.

Mr. Happy: Yes he is! Be sure to thank him for me! Ha! I have no idea where he went! (laughs) Goodbye!

(Mr. Happy gets into his car and drives away. Mr. Strong finds the flattened Mr. Bump on the ground and walks over to him)

Mr. Strong: Yo, Mr. Bump! Good job! In fact, I'm gonna let you work on all the cars from now on.

Mr. Bump: (moans) I need to find a new job.

(The screen fades to black and transitions to the third bumper. Mr. Bump is shown trying to open his garage door with a remote. He is unable to and looks at the remote in frustration)

Mr. Bump: (groans)

(Little Miss Whoops roller skates into the frame and accidentally bumps into Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump moves forward and accidentally swallows the remote for his garage door. Mr. Bump gives Little Miss Whoops a stern glare for this reason. Little Miss Whoops presses Mr. Bump's tummy with her finger and accidentally pushes the button on the remote as well. This causes Mr. Bump's garage door to open and for Mr. Bump to be launched away by the opening door)

Mr. Bump: Woah!

(Little Miss Whoops looks up at her brother (who is now offscreen) in concern. The screen fades to black and the next scene shows Little Miss Sunshine driving her car into her garage)

Narrator: So you see, the good people of Dillydale do appreciate their garages.

(As Little Miss Sunshine parks her car in her garage, the screen splits in half to show a second rectangle underneath featuring Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey riding their tandem bike)

Narrator: There's no better place to store their cars.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey arrive at their garage and get off their bike to park it)

Narrator: Or bicycles.

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey park their bicycle next to their garage. A third rectangle appears below Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey's rectangle showing an angry and frustrated Mr. Grumpy staring at his broken garage door, which has crushed his car)

Narrator: If their...

(The two top rectangles disappear and the camera zooms in on Mr. Grumpy and his damaged car and garage)

Narrator: Garage is still standing, of course.

Mr. Grumpy: Hmmm!

(The screen fades to black. The episode ends here)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests