Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Hotel." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Superstore" Next: "Birthday"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big teal screen comes up with "Hotel" written on it with, luggage and a bellhop hat, and who created the episode underneath. A desk bell ringing is heard in the background)

(The episode begins at the Dillydale Hotel. We see Little Miss Scary by the front door. Little Miss Whoops is in a maid's outfit and is dusting a chandelier)

Narrator: Welcome to the Dillydale Hotel!

(The chandelier Little Miss Whoops was dusting falls onto the ground and breaks upon impact. Mr. Small is shown pushing a luggage cart and the camera follows him)

Narrator: This home away form home boasts a friendly staff!

(Mr. Scatterbrain is shown at the front desk and waves hello to the audience)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Ah-ha!

(The camera stops on Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Small continues pushing the luggage cart offscreen)

Narrator: Dedicated to serving your every need!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

(Mr. Grumpy runs away and Mr. Tickle chases after him)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Persnickety and Little Miss Chatterbox being served food by Mr. Scatterbrain)

Narrator: Here, you can enjoy everything!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes the lid off and reveals a shoe under it. Mr. Persnickety and Little Miss Chatterbox are disgusted by this)

Narrator: From delicious food...

(The scene cuts to Mr. Bounce bouncing on one of the beds in the hotel)

Narrator: To the most bouncibly bouncy beds in all of Dillydale!

(Mr. Bounce bounces out the window)

Mr. Bounce: Whee!

Narrator: Ahem! Perhaps a little too bouncy.

Mr. Bounce: Goodbye!

(The screen fades to black and transitions to the first scene. The scene starts with Mr. Happy ringing the bell at the front desk)

Mr. Happy: (humming)

(No one shows up)

Mr. Happy: Hmm...

(Mr. Happy prepares to ring the bell again when Mr. Scatterbrain pops up)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Welcome to the Dillydale Hotel! (chuckles)

Mr. Happy: Hmm!

Mr. Scatterbrain: How may I help you Mr. Happy?

Mr. Happy: Good day, Mr. Scatterbrain! I would like a room, please.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well...lucky for you, this hotel is full of rooms!

(Three monkeys pop up)

Mr. Scatterbrain: And monkeys!

Monkeys: (chattering and screeching)

(The monkeys grab Mr. Happy's suitcase but Mr. Happy isn't willing to give it to them. This results in a tug-of-war)

Mr. Happy: No! No! That's okay! I don't mind carrying my own suitcase!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks over to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: (grunting and straining)

Mr. Scatterbrain (whispers): Oh, let them take it! It gives them to do!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks back to the front desk. Mr. Happy loses the tug-of-war and his suitcase)

Mr. Happy: Hmm!

(The monkeys are shown taking everything out of Mr. Happy's suitcase and even wearing some of his clothes)

Monkeys: (chattering and screeching)

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Happy and Mr. Scatterbrain)

Mr. Happy: Bu-but!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Okay! Now...

(Mr. Happy pulls up a computer from under the desk)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Let's get you checked in!

(Mr. Scatterbrain prepares to check Mr. Happy in)

Mr. Happy: Name, please?

Mr. Happy: Uh! Mr. Happy!

(Mr. Scatterbrain types Mr. Happy's name into the computer)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Mmm-hmm! And name, please?

Mr. Happy: Mr. Happy! That's H-A-P-P-Y!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, please! Mr. Happy! (chuckles) I know how to spell.

(Mr. Scatterbrain types Mr. Happy's name into the computer)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Middle initial?

Mr. Happy: I don't have one. Now about my suitcase, I was...

Mr. Scatterbrain: Alright then! Here you go!

(Mr. Scatterbrain hands Mr. Happy a duck, a tea kettle, and a mop)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): (chuckles)

Mr. Happy: Ugh!

Duck: (quacks)

Mr. Happy: What are these?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well...that's the duck...

Duck: (quacks)

Mr. Scatterbrain: And a tea kettle, and a mop!

Mr. Happy: Uh, (chuckles) I can see that. But, why?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Because here at our hotel, we believe in serving the customers every need!

Duck: (quacks)

Mr. Happy: But all I need is a room!

Mr. Scatterbrain: So you don't want the duck?

Mr. Happy: Oh! Not that it isn't a wonderful duck!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks over to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Then I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to return the tea kettle too.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes the duck and tea kettle from Mr. Happy)

Duck: (quacks)

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks offscreen to put the duck and tea kettle down before coming back)

Mr. Scatterbrain: But you can keep the mop! As our gift to you!

Mr. Happy: Oh! Well, thank you! It's a wonderful mop!

Mr. Scatterbrain: (chuckles) You're telling me! Enjoy your stay here at the Dillydale Hotel

Mr. Happy: Yes! Well I'll that!

(Mr. Happy walks away. Mr. Scatterbrain takes the duck out from underneath the desk)

Duck: (quacks)

(The screen iris' out and the first bumper plays. Mr. Bump is shown putting a heavy suitcase onto an already full luggage cart)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

(Mr. Bump manages to get the suitcase onto the cart. Little Miss Whoops walks by and puts another suitcase onto the cart. This causes all the pieces of luggage to fall off the cart and onto Mr. Bump. Mr. Small comes up on screen gestures Mr. Nosey over. Mr. Nosey puts his face to the screen and he slides down. This is the transition to the next scene. The next scene shows Mr. Persnickety entering a hotel room. Mr. Persnickety puts his suitcase down on the bed and checks one of the pillows to see if it's clean. Then, Mr. Messy enters the room)

Mr. Messy: This is what I'm talking about!

Mr. Pernickety (offscreen): Mr. Messy!

(Mr. Messy walks over to the bed. Mr. Pernickety is already sitting on the bed)

Mr. Messy: What side of the bed do you want?

Mr. Pernickety: I beg your pardon?

Mr. Messy: If it's okay with you, I'll take the left side!

(Mr. Messy sits down on the bed)

Mr. Messy (offscreen): But I'll need an extra pillow.

(Mr. Messy shows Mr. Pernickety his pillow)

Mr. Pernickety: Pillow?

(Mr. Messy starts fluffing his pillow)

Mr. Pernickety: But this is my bed! And more importantly, this is my hotel room!

(Mr. Messy takes out a set of keys)

Mr. Messy: Is this room 945?

Mr. Pernickety: Yes.

Mr. Messy: Looks like it's my room too!

(Mr. Messy hugs Mr. Pernickety)

Mr. Pernickety: Hugh!

Mr. Messy: Shazam!

(Mustard and a tomato stain Mr. Pernickety's chest thanks to a sandwich on Mr. Messy's chest)

Mr. Pernickety: Uh!!

(Mr. Messy takes the sandwich off his chest)

Mr. Messy: Can I have me tomato?

(Mr. Bounce suddenly shows up)

Mr. Bounce: Whee! What a fantastic bed!

Mr. Pernickety: Mr. Bounce!?

(Mr. Bounce bounces off of Mr. Pernickety's head)

Mr. Bounce: That's me!

Mr. Pernickety: Oh!

(Mr. Bounce starts bouncing on the bed)

Mr. Bounce (overlap): Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!

Mr. Messy (overlap): Ey! I called first dibs on the left side!

Mr. Bounce: Bounce! Bounce!

(Mr. Pernickety walks over to a telephone)

Mr. Pernickety: Oh, we'll see about that!

(Mr. Pernickety picks up the phone and a split screen forms. Mr. Pernickety is on the left side of the screen while Mr. Lazy is shown on the right side of the screen. Mr. Lazy is shown sitting at the front desk and he picks up the phone when it rings)

Mr. Lazy: Dillydale Hotel. Front desk. Mr. Lazy speaking.

Mr. Pernickety: Yes. This is Mr. Pernickety.

Mr. Lazy: Please hold.

(Mr. Lazy hangs up and Mr. Lazy's side of the split screen goes away. Mr. Pernickety is shocked by this)

Mr. Pernickety: Oh!

(Mr. Pernickety hits the redial button and Mr. Lazy's side of the split screen returns)

Mr. Lazy: Dillydale Hotel. Front desk.

(A toilet is heard flushing in the background)

Mr. Pernickety: Yes. This is Mr. Pernickety. In room 945. There's been some mistake. I was to have had this room to myself.

Mr. Lazy: Hold please.

(Mr. Lazy hangs up and Mr. Lazy's side of the split screen goes away. Mr. Pernickety is shocked by this. Mr. Messy walks over)

Mr. Pernickety: No! Wait! Hello? HELLO?!

Mr. Messy: Uh...Mr. Pernickety...

Mr. Pernickety: Not now, Mr. Messy! I'm on hold with the front desk!

Mr. Messy: Oh good! Tell them that the toilet's blocked! Seems you can't flush a ham sandwich!

(Mr. Messy walks away and Mr. Pernickety calls the front desk again and Mr. Lazy's side of the split screen returns)

Mr. Lazy: Dillydale Hotel. Front desk.

Mr. Pernickety: There are people in my room who don't belong here! Not to mention, a ham sandwich in the toilet...that doesn't belong there either!

Mr. Lazy: Hold please!

(Mr. Lazy hangs up and Mr. Lazy's side of the split screen goes away)

Mr. Pernickety: No! No! No! No! No! Please! Don't put me on...hold.

(Mr. Bounce and Mr. Messy are shown bouncing on the bed)

Mr. Bounce (overlap): Hooray!

Mr. Messy (overlap): This is what I'm talking about!

Mr. Bounce: Bouncy bed! Bouncy bed! Bouncy bed!

(Mr. Strong accidentally knocks down the door when he knocks on it)

Mr. Strong: Oh, pickles! Hi! I'm here for the blocked toilet!

Mr. Messy: Hiya, Mr. Strong! The toilet's in the bathroom.

Mr. Strong: Well, that's usually where them put them these days.

(Mr. Strong walks over to the bathroom)

Mr. Strong: I'll have it fixed in no time!

(Construction noises are heard that make Mr. Messy, Mr. Bounce, and Mr. Pernickety jump on the bed)

Mr. Messy and Mr. Bounce: Whee!

(Mr. Messy and Mr. Bounce fall in different positions while Mr. Pernickety keeps falling the same way)

Mr. Messy and Mr. Bounce: Whee!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Lazy sleeping at the front desk)

Mr. Lazy: (snoring)

(The telephone rings and Mr. Lazy wakes up)

Mr. Lazy: Huh? Oh

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Pernickety. He is bouncing due to the construction going on in the background)

Mr. Lazy (on the phone): Dillydale Hotel.

Mr. Pernickety: Woah!

(Mr. Pernickety falls on his face. Mr. Messy and Mr. Bounce are bouncing on the bed again)

Mr. Pernickety (overlap): Ooh!

Mr. Messy (overlap): Hey! Ho! Hey! Hey!

(The toilet is heard flushing in the background)

Mr. Pernickety: Please find rooms for the two people who shouldn't be in my room!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Lazy: So that's what you're calling about! Sorry. No vacancy. All our rooms are full.

(Mr. Lazy hangs up the phone)

Unknown Person on the Phone: At the third stroke, it will be home time. Beep! Beep! Beep!

(Mr. Lazy pushes a button and smiles)

Mr. Lazy: (sighs contently)

(The scene cuts back to a frustrated Mr. Pernickety)

Mr. Pernickety: No! No! No! No! No!

(Mr. Strong comes out of the bathroom)

Mr. Strong: Hey! Run for your lives! She’s about to explode!

(Mr. Strong runs away from the bathroom)

Mr. Pernickety: But...uh-

(The toilet then explodes and the whole room fills with water)

Mr. Pernickety, Mr. Bounce, and Mr. Messy: Hey!!

(Mr. Pernickety surfaces and Mr. Bounce and Mr. Messy are shown on a raft)

Mr. Pernickety: (spits out water)

Mr. Messy: Ahoy there, Mr. Pernickety.

Mr. Bounce: Climb aboard this fantastic ship!

(Mr. Strong surfaces)

Mr. Strong: (grunts) I'll have it fixed in no time!

Mr. Pernickety: You said that last time!

(Mr. Strong punches a hole in the wall to let the water drain out of the room)

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(Mr. Pernickety is caught in the current)

Mr. Pernickety: No! Dah!

(Mr. Pernickety goes over the waterfall formed outside the hotel)

Mr. Pernickety: (screams)

(Mr. Bounce and Mr. Messy go over the waterfall formed outside the hotel in their raft)

Mr. Messy and Mr. Bounce: Whee!

(Little Miss Sunshine falls slowly down the screen and transitions the scene to the next bumper. Mr. Bump is shown putting one suitcase on an empty luggage cart. Mr. Strong shows up carrying tons of suitcases and drops them onto the luggage cart Mr. Bump was using. This causes all the suitcases on it to fall off the cart and onto Mr. Bump. Little Miss Helpful comes up onscreen and paints the next scene with a paint roller. A dance video starring Mr. Scatterbrain plays)

Mr. Lazy (voiceover): Even I can't resist this rhythm. Come on everybody! Dance!

(After the dance video, a plethora of Mr. Rude’s faces surround the screen. A honking sound effect is heard before the faces disappear and transition to the next scene. The next scene begins with Mr. Nervous entering the Dillydale Hotel gift shop. The gift shop is operated by Little Miss Whoops)

Mr. Nervous: Hello, Miss Whoops! I'm looking for a souvenir of my stay here at the hotel.

Miss Whoops: I have just the thing, Mr. Nervous!

(Little Miss Whoops knocks over a jar of jellybeans)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(The jar breaks and jellybeans spill all over Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Nervous: Ah! Ah! Jellybeans! (stammers)

(Mr. Nervous briefly falls down before getting back up with jellybeans on his head)

Mr. Nervous: Oh!

(The jellybeans fall of Mr. Nervous' head. Little Miss Whoops takes a coffee mug down from the shelf and places it on the counter)

Miss Whoops: It's a Dillydale Hotel coffee mug!

Mr. Nervous: Oh no! No, no, no, no! That will shatter into a million pieces if it fell from the counter! I was hoping for something a little...uh... less breakable?

Miss Whoops: What about this?

(Little Miss Whoops takes a pencil sharpener off the shelf but the entire shelf comes crashing down)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(Mr. Nervous covers his ears)

Mr. Nervous: (shrieks) Loud!

(Little Miss Whoops shows Mr. Nervous the pencil sharpener)

Miss Whoops (offscreen): It's a Dillydale Hotel pencil sharpener.

(Little Miss Whoops sharpens a pencil)

Mr. Nervous: Oh! I avoid sharp pencils. Do you have anything less...dangerous?

(Little Miss Whoops throws the pencil and pencil sharpener away)

Miss Whoops: How about a Dillydale Hotel bear?

Mr. Nervous: Bear?!

(Little Miss Whoops takes out a teddy bear)

Miss Whoops: It's a stuffed teddy bear.

Mr. Nervous: Oh! Perhaps. So long as it doesn't suddenly...come to life.

(Little Miss Whoops grabs the teddy bear by the head and accidentally rips it off the body)

Miss Whoops: Whoops! There must be more out the back!

(Little Miss Whoops throws the head back on to the body and it lands upside down. The head also looses an eye. Little Miss Whoops makes her way to the back. Suddenly, the room begins to shake)

Mr. Nervous: (whimpers)

(Something crashes through the wall)

Mr. Nervous: (screams)

(The dust settles revealing that is Little Miss Whoops driving a forklift carrying a crate full of teddy bears)

Miss Whoops: Sorry! They were still in the box!

(Mr. Nervous sees the box and freaks out)

Mr. Nervous: (screams) Bear attack! Oh!

(Mr. Nervous runs away. Much to Little Miss Whoops' confusion)

Miss Whoops: Oh!

Mr. Nervous (offscreen): N-n-n-no! N-n-n-no!

(The scene transitions to a dance video starring Mr. Quiet)

Miss Daredevil (voiceover): "Alright! Come on! Let's get those feet on the dance floor! Woo-hoo! Dance, dance, dance!"

(After the dance video, Mr. Noisy shows up on screen)

Mr. Noisy: "NEXT!!!"

(The screen shatters and transitions to the next bumper. Mr. Bump is standing by an empty luggage cart. Mr. Scatterbrain walks over and places one suitcase on it. The suitcase opens up and four monkeys (three with their own suitcases) come out of it)

Monkeys: (chatter and squeal)

(One of the monkeys lands on Mr. Bump and Mr. Bump walks backwards offscreen trying to get the monkey off his head. A car with Mr. Stubborn, Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Quiet inside drives across the screen and transitions to the next scene featuring Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Tickle)

Mr. Tickle: Now remember, Mr. Grumpy. It's your job to answer any questions or hotel guests may have. If you don't know the answer...

(Mr. Tickle hands Mr. Grumpy a large book)

Mr. Tickle: Consult this hotel directory!

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

Mr. Tickle: Which is chock full of information!

Mr. Grumpy: Sounds easy enough.

Mr. Tickle: Most importantly, it's your job to make our hotel guests feel happy and welcome!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: With a great big tickle hug!

Mr. Grumpy: (grunts in shock)

(Mr. Tickle stops tickling Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Tickle and hug are my middle names.

Mr. Tickle: Mine too!

(Mr. Grumpy glares at Mr. Tickle. Mr. Tickle realizes that Mr. Grumpy was being sarcastic regarding his middle name)

Mr. Tickle: Yee!

Mr. Grumpy: Hmm!

Mr. Tickle: Well, I'll let you do your job.

(Mr. Tickle walks away. Mr. Grumpy walks to his desk and slams the book down)

Mr. Grumpy: (grunts)

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey appear behind Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Nosey: Uh, hi, Mr. Grumpy.

Mr. Grumpy: Hello, Mr. Nosey.

Mr. Nosey: Uh, whatcha doing?

Mr. Grumpy: Minding my own business.

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small hide behind Mr. Grumpy for a moment. Mr. Small then pops up in front of the desk)

Mr. Small: Good tidings! My associate and I were hoping you could suggest and all-you-could-eat restaurant! Nothing too expensive.

(Mr. Small pulls himself up onto the desk)

Mr. Small: Preferably with booster seats!

Mr. Grumpy: What do I look like? A phonebook?

(Mr. Tickle returns)

Mr. Tickle: Remember Mr. Grumpy.

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

(Mr. Tickle gives Mr. Grumpy a quick tickle)

Mr. Tickle: A great big tickle hug!

Mr. Grumpy: Hmm?

(Mr. Grumpy pushes Mr. Tickle away)

Mr. Grumpy: (grunts)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): Ow!

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown reading the hotel directory)

Mr. Grumpy: Hey! That's mine!

(Mr. Grumpy takes the book away from Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small and slams it shut)

Mr. Grumpy: All our valuable hotel information is in that book!

Mr. Small: And my associate has found what we were looking for! We bid you a fond farewell!

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small leave. Mr. Grumpy walks back behind the desk and puts the book down. Little Miss Daredevil walks over to the desk. She is not wearing her rocket boots and on her feet, instead, are a pair of socks)

Miss Daredevil: Mr. Grumpy, I'm looking for a place they can mend my rocket boots.

(Little Miss Daredevil shows Mr. Grumpy her broken rocket boots)

Miss Daredevil: I broke a heel.

Mr. Grumpy: Don't you have a spare pair?

Miss Daredevil: Yeah, but I loaned them to Miss Calamity.

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Calamity in space wearing the rocket boots)

Miss Calamity: Oh! What a calamity!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Daredevil. Mr. Grumpy is looking through the book to see if he can find something that will help Little Miss Daredevil)

Miss Daredevil: I really need to have these boots mended!

(Mr. Grumpy puts the book down)

Mr. Grumpy: Well I don't see anyone listed here that could help. You're out of luck.

Miss Daredevil: (sighs) Never mind! I'll mend them myself!

(Little Miss Daredevil leaves as Mr. Tickle returns)

Mr. Tickle: Now what did I tell you about great big tickle hugs?

Mr. Grumpy: far as I'm concerned, you can take those tickle hugs and stick them in your tickle box! I quit!

(Mr. Grumpy walks away)

Mr. Tickle: I don't think you mean that! I think you just need a tickle! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

(Mr. Tickle chases after Mr. Grumpy and tickles him)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

Mr. Grumpy: (laughs) I do not need a tickle! (laughs) I mean it!

(The ending scene begins with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Nervous entering the gift shop)

Narrator: So do remember the Dillydale Hotel the next time you travel!

(Little Miss Whoops is shown putting a suitcase on a luggage trolley. All the suitcases then fall onto Mr. Bump.

Narrator: The staff is always ready to help in any way.

(Mr. Scatterbrain is shown at the front desk and waves goodbye to the viewers. Mr. Happy is by the front desk holding the duck, tea kettle, and mop while the monkeys tear through his suitcase)

Monkeys: (chattering and screeching)

Narrator: Whether you are checking in...

(Little Miss Scary is shown by the front doors)

Narrator: Or checking out!

(The doors open and a surge of water carrying Mr. Messy, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Persnickety, and Mr. Strong gushes through the hotel as the screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

(A bumper plays. Mr. Bump is shown successfully pushing the luggage cart full of luggage to its destination)

Mr. Bump: Phew!

(Mr. Strong picks up all of the pieces of luggage except for one. The piece of luggage that Mr. Strong forgot ends up falling onto Mr. Bump's foot)

Mr. Bump: GAH!!!

(Mr. Bump holds his foot in pain and hops away. Mr. Grumpy walks over and pulls down the screen to transition to the next scene)

Mr. Grumpy: (grumbles)

(The next scene shows Mr. Bounce relaxing by the pool and Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Messy in the pool facing off against Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine in a game of volleyball. Mr. Pernickety serves the ball over the net. Mr. Happy dives after the ball but he misses and splashes into the pool. With the volleyball bouncing on the water)

Mr. Messy: Nice serve Mr. Pernickety!

Mr. Pernickety: Of course it was.

(Mr. Rude is shown swimming underwater wearing a snorkel, goggles, and swim fins. (Back on the surface, Little Miss Sunshine serves the ball off of Mr. Happy's head and it lands on Mr. Bounce. Resulting in Mr. Bounce bouncing away)

Mr. Bounce: Whee!

Mr. Happy: Excellent shot, Miss Sunshine. But it went in the wrong direction!

Miss Sunshine: Oh, that's okay. Mr. Bounce looked like he wanted to play too!

Mr. Pernickety: It pains me to inform you that if Mr. Messy get this next point, we shall be the winners.

Miss Sunshine: That makes us the losers!

Mr. Happy: There are no losers in Dillydale, Miss Sunshine. Only winners.

(Mr. Rude farts underwater)

Mr. Happy: Oh!

(The Angry Heads appear)

Angry Heads: MR RUDE!!

(Mr. Rude is shown embarrassed underwater. The scene cut to everyone on the surface visibly disgusted)

Mr. Pernickety: (gags) What do you say we call it a game?

Mr. Happy: Wonderful idea!

Miss Sunshine: I'm with you!

Mr. Messy: Count me in!

(Everyone runs out of the pool leaving Mr. Rude alone)

US Dub[]

Mr. Men And Little Misses: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Miss and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big teal screen comes up with "Hotel" written on it with, luggage and a bellhop hat, and who created the episode underneath. A desk bell ringing is heard in the background)

(The episode begins at the Dillydale Hotel. We see Little Miss Scary by the front door. Little Miss Whoops is in a maid's outfit and is dusting a chandelier)

Narrator: Welcome to the Dillydale Hotel!

(The chandelier Little Miss Whoops was dusting falls onto the ground and breaks upon impact. Mr. Small is shown pushing a luggage cart and the camera follows him)

Narrator: This home away form home boasts a friendly staff!

(Mr. Scatterbrain is shown at the front desk and waves hello to the audience)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Ah-ha!

(The camera stops on Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Small continues pushing the luggage cart offscreen)

Narrator: Dedicated to serving your every need!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

(Mr. Grumpy runs away and Mr. Tickle chases after him)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

(The scene cuts to Mr. Persnickety and Little Miss Chatterbox being served food by Mr. Scatterbrain)

Narrator: Here, you can enjoy everything!

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes the lid off and reveals a shoe under it. Mr. Persnickety and Little Miss Chatterbox are disgusted by this)

Narrator: From delicious food...

(The scene cuts to Mr. Bounce bouncing on one of the beds in the hotel)

Narrator: To the most bouncibly bouncy beds in all of Dillydale!

(Mr. Bounce bounces out the window)

Mr. Bounce: Whee! Woah! Hello!

Narrator: Ahem! Perhaps a little too bouncy.

Mr. Bounce: Hooray!

(The screen fades to black and transitions to the first scene. The scene starts with Mr. Happy ringing the bell at the front desk. No one shows up. Mr. Happy prepares to ring the bell again when Mr. Scatterbrain pops up)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Welcome to the Dillydale Hotel! (chuckles) How may I help you Mr. Happy?

Mr. Happy: Good day, Mr. Scatterbrain! I would like a room, please.

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well...lucky for you, this hotel is full of rooms!

(Three monkeys pop up)

Mr. Scatterbrain: And monkeys!

Monkeys: (chattering and screeching)

(The monkeys grab Mr. Happy's suitcase but Mr. Happy isn't willing to give it to them. This results in a tug-of-war)

Mr. Happy: No! Uh...that's okay! I-I don't mind own suitcase!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks over to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Scatterbrain (whispers): Oh, let them take it! It gives them to do!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks back to the front desk. Mr. Happy loses the tug-of-war and his suitcase)

Mr. Happy: (groans)

(The monkeys are shown taking everything out of Mr. Happy's suitcase and even wearing some of his clothes)

Monkeys: (chattering and screeching)

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Happy and Mr. Scatterbrain)

Mr. Happy: Bu-but th-that'!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Okay! Now...

(Mr. Happy pulls up a computer from under the desk)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Let's get you checked in!

(Mr. Scatterbrain prepares to check Mr. Happy in)

Mr. Happy: Name, please?

Mr. Happy: Oh! Mr. Happy!

(Mr. Scatterbrain types Mr. Happy's name into the computer)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Mmm-hmm! And name, please?

Mr. Happy: Mr. Happy! That's H-A-P-P-Y!

Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh, please! Mr. Happy! (chuckles) I know how to spell

(Mr. Scatterbrain types Mr. Happy's name into the computer)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Middle initial?

Mr. Happy: Uh, I don't have one. Now, about my suitcase...

Mr. Scatterbrain: Alright then! Here you go!

(Mr. Scatterbrain hands Mr. Happy a duck, a tea kettle, and a mop)

Mr. Scatterbrain (offscreen): (chuckles)

Duck: (quacks)

Mr. Happy: What are these?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Well...that's the duck, and a tea kettle and a mop!

Mr. Happy: (chuckles) I can see that. But, uh, why?

Mr. Scatterbrain: Because here at our hotel, we believe in serving the customers every need!

Duck: (quacks)

Mr. Happy: But all I need is a room!

Mr. Scatterbrain: So you don't want the duck?

Mr. Happy: Oh not that it isn't a wonderful duck!

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks over to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Scatterbrain: Then I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to return the tea kettle too.

(Mr. Scatterbrain takes the duck and tea kettle from Mr. Happy)

Duck: (quacks)

(Mr. Scatterbrain walks offscreen to put the duck and tea kettle down before coming back)

Mr. Scatterbrain: But you can keep the mop! As our gift to you!

Mr. Happy: Oh, thank you! It's a wonderful mop!

Mr. Scatterbrain: (chuckles) You're telling me! Enjoy your stay here at the Dillydale Hotel

Mr. Happy: Yes! Well I'll that!

(Mr. Happy walks away. Mr. Scatterbrain takes the duck out from underneath the desk)

Duck: (quacks)

(The screen iris' out and the first bumper plays. Mr. Bump is shown putting a heavy suitcase onto an already full luggage cart)

Mr. Bump: (grunts)

(Mr. Bump manages to get the suitcase onto the cart. Little Miss Whoops walks by and puts another suitcase onto the cart. This causes all the pieces of luggage to fall off the cart and onto Mr. Bump)

(Mr. Small comes up on screen gestures Mr. Nosey over. Mr. Nosey puts his face to the screen and he slides down. This is the transition to the next scene)

(The next scene shows Mr. Persnickety entering a hotel room. Mr. Persnickety puts his suitcase down on the bed and checks one of the pillows to see if it's clean. Then, Mr. Messy enters the room)

Mr. Messy: This is what I'm talking about!

Mr. Persnickety (offscreen): Mr. Messy?

(Mr. Messy walks over to the bed. Mr. Persnickety is already sitting on the bed)

Mr. Messy: What side of the bed do you want?

Mr. Persnickety: I beg your pardon?

Mr. Messy: If it's okay with you, I'll take the left side!

(Mr. Messy sits down on the bed)

Mr. Messy (offscreen): But I'll need an extra pillow.

(Mr. Messy shows Mr. Persnickety his pillow)

Mr. Persnickety: Pillow?

(Mr. Messy starts fluffing his pillow)

Mr. Persnickety: But this is my bed! And more importantly, this is my hotel room!

(Mr. Messy takes out a set of keys)

Mr. Messy: Is this room 945?

Mr. Persnickety: Yes.

Mr. Messy: Looks like it's my room too!

(Mr. Messy hugs Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Messy: Shazam!

(Mustard and a tomato stain Mr. Persnickety's chest thanks to a sandwich on Mr. Messy's chest)

Mr. Persnickety: Dah!

(Mr. Messy takes the sandwich off his chest)

Mr. Messy: You think mustard stains?

(Mr. Bounce suddenly shows up)

Mr. Bounce: Whee! What a fantastic bed!

Mr. Persnickety: Mr. Bounce!?

(Mr. Bounce bounces off of Mr. Persnickety's head and starts bouncing on the bed)

Mr. Bounce: Whee!

Mr. Messy: Yo! I already called dibs on the left side!

(Mr. Persnickety walks over to a telephone)

Mr. Persnickety: Oh, we'll see about that!

(Mr. Persnickety picks up the phone and a split screen forms. Mr. Persnickety is on the left side of the screen while Mr. Lazy is shown on the right side of the screen. Mr. Lazy is shown sitting at the front desk and he picks up the phone when it rings)

Mr. Lazy: Dillydale Hotel. Front desk. Mr. Lazy speaking.

Mr. Persnickety: Yes. This is Mr. Persnickety.

Mr. Lazy: Please hold.

(Mr. Lazy hangs up and Mr. Lazy's side of the split screen goes away. Mr. Persnickety is shocked by this. Mr. Persnickety hits the redial button and Mr. Lazy's side of the split screen returns)

Mr. Lazy: Dillydale Hotel. Front desk.

(A toilet is heard flushing in the background)

Mr. Persnickety: Yes. This is Mr. Persnickety. In room 945. Uh, there's been some mistake. I was to have had this room to myself.

Mr. Lazy: Please hold.

(Mr. Lazy hangs up and Mr. Lazy's side of the split screen goes away. Mr. Persnickety is shocked by this. Mr. Messy walks over)

Mr. Persnickety: No! Wait! Uh...Hello? HELLO!?

Mr. Messy: Uh...Mr. Persnickety...

Mr. Persnickety: Not now, Mr. Messy! I'm on hold! With the front desk!

Mr. Messy: Oh good! Tell them that the toilet's clogged! I guess you can't flush a ham sandwich!

(Mr. Messy walks away and Mr. Persnickety calls the front desk again and Mr. Lazy's side of the split screen returns)

Mr. Lazy: Dillydale Hotel. Front desk.

Mr. Persnickety: There are people in my room who don't belong here! Not to mention, a ham sandwich in a toilet...that does not belong there either!

Mr. Lazy: Please hold.

(Mr. Lazy hangs up and Mr. Lazy's side of the split screen goes away)

Mr. Persnickety: No! No! No! No! Please! Don't put me on...oh!

(Mr. Bounce and Mr. Messy are shown bouncing on the bed)

Mr. Bounce: Whee!

Mr. Messy: This is what I'm talking about!

Mr. Bounce: Whee!

(Mr. Strong accidentally knocks down the door when he knocks on it)

Mr. Strong: Aw, pickles! Yo, I'm here for the clogged toilet!

Mr. Messy: Hiya, Mr. Strong! The toilet's in the bathroom.

Mr. Strong: Well, that's usually where they put them these days.

(Mr. Strong walks over to the bathroom)

Mr. Strong: I'll have it fixed in no time!

(Construction noises are heard that make Mr. Messy, Mr. Bounce, and Mr. Persnickety jump on the bed. Mr. Messy and Mr. Bounce fall in different positions while Mr. Persnickety keeps falling the same way. The scene cuts to Mr. Lazy sleeping at the front desk)

Mr. Lazy: (snoring)

(The telephone rings and Mr. Lazy wakes up)

Mr. Lazy: Oh!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Persnickety. He is bouncing due to the construction going on in the background)

Mr. Lazy (on the phone): Dillydale Hotel.

(Mr. Persnickety falls on his face. Mr. Messy and Mr. Bounce are bouncing on the bed again)

Mr. Persnickety: Oh!

Mr. Bounce: Whee!

Mr. Messy: Shazam!

(The toilet is heard flushing in the background)

Mr. Bounce: Whee!

Mr. Persnickety: Please find rooms for two people who shouldn't be in my room!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Lazy: Oh, that's what you keep calling about? Sorry. No vacancy. All our rooms are full.

(Mr. Lazy hangs up the phone. Mr. Lazy then pushes a button and smiles. The scene cuts back to a frustrated Mr. Persnickety)

Mr. Persnickety: No! No! No! No! No!

(Mr. Strong comes out of the bathroom)

Mr. Strong: Yo! Run for your lives! She’s about to blow!

(Mr. Strong runs away from the bathroom. The toilet then explodes and the whole room fills with water)

(Mr. Persnickety surfaces and Mr. Bounce and Mr. Messy are shown on a raft)

Mr. Persnickety: (spits out water)

Mr. Messy: Ahoy there Mr. Persnickety.

Mr. Bounce: Climb aboard this fantastic ship!

(Mr. Strong surfaces)

Mr. Strong: I'll have it fixed in no time!

Mr. Persnickety: You said that the last time!

(Mr. Strong punches a hole in the wall to let the water drain out of the room)

Mr. Strong: (grunts)

(Mr. Persnickety is caught in the current)

Mr. Persnickety: No! Dah!

(Mr. Persnickety goes over the waterfall formed outside the hotel)

Mr. Persnickety: Sweet Henrietta!

Mr. Bounce (offscreen): Whee!

Mr. Messy (offscreen): Hooray!

(Mr. Bounce and Mr. Messy go over the waterfall formed outside the hotel in their raft)

Mr. Messy: Yeah!

(Little Miss Sunshine falls slowly down the screen and transitions the scene to the next bumper)

(Mr. Bump is shown putting one suitcase on an empty luggage cart. Mr. Strong shows up carrying tons of suitcases and drops them onto the luggage cart Mr. Bump was using. This causes all the suitcases on it to fall off the cart and onto Mr. Bump)

(Little Miss Helpful comes up onscreen and paints the next scene with a paint roller. A dance video starring Mr. Scatterbrain plays)

Mr. Lazy (voiceover): Even I can't resist this rhythm. Come on, let's do it! Everybody dance, dance, dance, dance, dance!!

(After the dance video, a plethora of Mr. Rude’s faces surround the screen. A honking sound effect is heard before the faces disappear and transition to the next scene)

(The next scene begins with Mr. Nervous entering the Dillydale Hotel gift shop. The gift shop is operated by Little Miss Whoops)

Mr. Nervous: Hello, Miss Whoops! I'm looking for a souvenir of my stay here at the hotel.

Miss Whoops: I have just the thing, Mr. Nervous!

(Little Miss Whoops knocks over a jar of jellybeans)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(The jar breaks and jellybeans spill all over Mr. Nervous)

Mr. Nervous: Gah! Jellybeans! (stammers)

(Mr. Nervous briefly falls down before getting back up with jellybeans on his head)

Mr. Nervous: Oh!

(The jellybeans fall of Mr. Nervous' head. Little Miss Whoops takes a coffee mug down from the shelf and places it on the counter)

Miss Whoops: It's a Dillydale Hotel coffee mug!

Mr. Nervous: Oh no! No, no, no! That will shatter into a million pieces if it fell from the counter! I was hoping for something a little...oh... less breakable?

Miss Whoops: What about this?

(Little Miss Whoops takes a pencil sharpener off the shelf but the entire shelf comes crashing down)

Miss Whoops: Whoops!

(Mr. Nervous covers his ears)

Mr. Nervous: Loud!

(Little Miss Whoops shows Mr. Nervous the pencil sharpener)

Miss Whoops (offscreen): It's a Dillydale Hotel pencil sharpener.

(Little Miss Whoops sharpens a pencil)

Mr. Nervous: Oh, I avoid sharp pencils. Do you have anything less...dangerous?

(Little Miss Whoops throws the pencil and pencil sharpener away)

Miss Whoops: How about a Dillydale Hotel bear?

Mr. Nervous: A bear?

(Little Miss Whoops takes out a teddy bear)

Miss Whoops: It's a stuffed teddy bear.

Mr. Nervous: Oh! I guess. So long as it doesn't suddenly...come to life.

(Little Miss Whoops grabs the teddy bear by the head and accidentally rips it off the body)

Miss Whoops: Whoops! There must be more in the back!

(Little Miss Whoops throws the head back on to the body and it lands upside down. The head also looses an eye. Little Miss Whoops makes her way to the back. Suddenly, the room begins to shake. Something crashes through the wall. The dust settles revealing that is Little Miss Whoops driving a forklift carrying a crate full of teddy bears)

Miss Whoops: Sorry! They were still in the box!

(Mr. Nervous sees the box and freaks out)

Mr. Nervous: (screams) Bear attack! Oh no! N-n-n-no! Oh!

(Mr. Nervous runs away. Much to Little Miss Whoops' confusion. The screen fades to black and transition to the next bumper)

(Mr. Bump is shown successfully pushing the luggage cart full of luggage to its destination)

Mr. Bump: Phew!

(Mr. Strong picks up all of the pieces of luggage except for one. The piece of luggage that Mr. Strong forgot ends up falling onto Mr. Bump's foot)

Mr. Bump: Gah!

(Mr. Bump holds his foot in pain and hops away. Mr. Grumpy walks over and pulls down the screen to transition to the next scene. The next scene shows Mr. Bounce relaxing by the pool and Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Messy in the pool facing off against Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine in a game of volleyball. Mr. Persnickety serves the ball over the net. Mr. Happy dives after the ball but he misses and splashes into the pool. With the volleyball bouncing on the water)

Mr. Messy: Nice serve Mr. Persnickety!

Mr. Persnickety: Of course it was.

(Mr. Rude is shown swimming underwater wearing a snorkel, goggles, and swim fins)

Mr. Rude: "Ha-ha-ha!"

(Back on the surface, Little Miss Sunshine serves the ball off of Mr. Happy's head and it lands on Mr. Bounce. Resulting in Mr. Bounce bouncing away)

Mr. Bounce: "Whee!"

Mr. Happy: "Excellent shot, Miss Sunshine! Eh...but in the wrong direction!"

Miss Sunshine: Oh, that's okay. Mr. Bounce looked like he wanted to play too!

Mr. Persnickety: " pains me to inform you that if Mr. Messy get this next point, we shall be the winners."

Miss Sunshine: That makes us the losers!

Mr. Happy: There are no losers in Dillydale, Miss Sunshine. Only winners.

(Mr. Rude farts underwater)

(The Angry Heads appear but speak in the voices of Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine)

Angry Heads: MR. RUDE!!

(Mr. Rude is shown embarrassed underwater. The scene cut to everyone on the surface visibly disgusted)

Mr. Persnickety: (gags) What do you say we call it a game?

Mr. Happy: Wonderful idea!

Miss Sunshine: I'm with you!

Mr. Messy: Count me in!

(Everyone runs out of the pool leaving Mr. Rude alone)

(A dance video starring Mr. Quiet begins)

Miss Daredevil (voiceover): "Alright! Come on let's get those patooties on the dance floor! Woo-hoo! Dance, dance, dance!"

(After the dance video, Mr. Noisy shows up on screen)

Mr. Noisy: "NEXT!!!"

(The screen shatters and transitions to the next bumper. Mr. Bump is standing by an empty luggage cart. Mr. Scatterbrain walks over and places one suitcase on it. The suitcase opens up and four monkeys (three with their own suitcases) come out of it)

Monkeys: (chatter and squeal)

(One of the monkeys lands on Mr. Bump and Mr. Bump walks backwards offscreen trying to get the monkey off his head. A car with Mr. Stubborn, Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Quiet inside drives across the screen and transitions to the next scene featuring Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Tickle)

Mr. Tickle: Now remember, Mr. Grumpy. It's your job to answer any questions or hotel guests may have. If you don't know the answer...

(Mr. Tickle hands Mr. Grumpy a large book)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh!

Mr. Tickle: Consult this hotel directory, which is chock full of information!

Mr. Grumpy: Sounds easy enough.

Mr. Tickle: Most importantly, it's your job to make our hotel guests feel happy and welcome!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle: Like a great big tickle hug!

(Mr. Tickle stops tickling Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Grumpy: Tickle and hug are my middle names.

Mr. Tickle: Mine too!

(Mr. Grumpy glares at Mr. Tickle. Mr. Tickle realizes that Mr. Grumpy was being sarcastic regarding his middle name)

Mr. Tickle: Well, I'll let you do your job.

(Mr. Tickle walks away. Mr. Grumpy walks to his desk and slams the book down. Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey appear behind Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Nosey: Eh, hi Mr. Grumpy.

Mr. Grumpy: Hello Mr. Nosey.

Mr. Nosey: Eh, whatcha doing?

Mr. Grumpy: Minding my own business.

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small hide behind Mr. Grumpy for a moment. Mr. Small then pops up in front of the desk)

Mr. Small: Good tidings! My associate and I were hoping you could suggest and all-you-could-eat restaurant! Nothing too expensive.

(Mr. Small pulls himself up onto the desk)

Mr. Small: Preferably with booster seats!

Mr. Grumpy: What do I look like? A phonebook?

(Mr. Tickle returns and gives Mr. Grumpy a quick tickle)

Mr. Tickle: Remember Mr. Grumpy. A great big tickle hug!

(Mr. Grumpy pushes Mr. Tickle away)

Mr. Grumpy: (grunts)

(Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey are shown reading the hotel directory)

Mr. Grumpy: Hey that's mine!

(Mr. Grumpy takes the book away from Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small and slams it shut)

Mr. Grumpy: All our valuable hotel information is in this book!

Mr. Small: And my associate has found what we were looking for! We bid you...farewell!

(Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small leave. Mr. Grumpy walks back behind the desk and puts the book down. Little Miss Daredevil walks over to the desk. She is not wearing her rocket boots and on her feet, instead, are a pair of socks)

Miss Daredevil: Mr. Grumpy, I'm looking for a place they can fix my rocket boots.

(Little Miss Daredevil shows Mr. Grumpy her broken rocket boots)

Miss Daredevil: I broke a heel.

Mr. Grumpy: Don't you own a spare pair?

Miss Daredevil: Yeah, but I loaned them to Miss Calamity.

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Calamity in space wearing the rocket boots)

Miss Calamity: Oh! Sweet merciful cupcakes!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Grumpy and Little Miss Daredevil. Mr. Grumpy is looking through the book to see if he can find something that will help Little Miss Daredevil)

Miss Daredevil: I really need to have these boots fixed!

(Mr. Grumpy puts the book down)

Mr. Grumpy: Well I don't see anyone listed here that could help. You're out of luck.

Miss Daredevil: (sighs) Never mind! I'll fix them myself!

(Little Miss Daredevil leaves as Mr. Tickle returns)

Mr. Tickle: Now what did I tell you about great big tickle hugs?

Mr. Grumpy: far as I'm concerned, you can take those tickle hugs and stick them in your stovepipe! I quit!

(Mr. Grumpy walks away)

Mr. Tickle: I don't think you mean that! I think you just need a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle chases after Mr. Grumpy and tickles him)

Mr. Grumpy: Ah! (laughs) I do not need a...(laughs) I mean it!

(The ending scene begins with some previous happenings from the episode. Starting with Mr. Nervous entering the gift shop)

Narrator: So do remember the Dillydale Hotel the next time you travel!

(Little Miss Whoops is shown putting a suitcase on a luggage trolley. All the suitcases then fall onto Mr. Bump.

Narrator: The staff is always ready to help in any way.

(Mr. Scatterbrain is shown at the front desk and waves goodbye to the viewers. Mr. Happy is by the front desk holding the duck, tea kettle, and mop while the monkeys tear through his suitcase)

Monkeys: (chattering and screeching)

Narrator: Whether you are checking in...

(Little Miss Scary is shown by the front doors)

Narrator: Or checking out!

(The front doors open and a surge of water carrying Mr. Messy, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Persnickety, and Mr. Strong gushes through the hotel as the screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

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The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests