Little Miss Bossy's New Hat is a story from the 1985 Annual.
Little Miss Bossy lives up to her name. She bosses everyone about; she bosses the butcher, the baker, the grocer, the bank manager, the tea ship waitress, the fishmonger, even a policeman. But there is one person who can put Little Miss Bossy in her place and teach her not to be so bossy, Wilfred the Wizard. Wilfred does not like bossy people and knows that bossy people need to change their ways. One way he taught Little Miss Bossy to be less bossy happened not too long ago.
One day, Little Miss Bossy received a parcel; something she rarely gets unless it's her birthday. Which is wasn't. Inside the parcel was a lovely new hat from Wilfred the Wizard. Now why would Wilfred send Little Miss Bossy a hat? Well, you'll see soon, but I'll give you a hint. It's to stop her from being so bossy.
Later that day, Little Miss Bossy, wearing her new hat, went to the bus-stop to catch a bus into town. Mr. Happy and Mr. Messy were also there. Little Miss Bossy then ordered Mr. Happy to stop smiling and Mr. Messy to tidy himself up. Now, as Little Miss Bossy bossed Mr. Happy and Mr. Messy about, something peculiar happened. Little Miss Bossy's hat grew larger. It kept growing until the hat had reached her feet. Little Miss Bossy demanded that someone would take the hat off but nobody could hear her under the hat. This was all part of Wilfred's idea. After some shouting and stamping, Little Miss Bossy figured out how to make the hat shrink by saying a magic word. Can you guess what that word is? That's right! Please.
From that single word, Little Miss Bossy's hat shrunk back to its original size. But the hat wouldn't come off. Knowing that Wilfred is the only one who could remove the hat, Little Miss Bossy went to his house and ordered him to take the hat off her head. But because of Wilfred's spell, that hat grew again until it was down to Little Miss Bossy's feet. Little Miss Bossy asked Wilfred again, this time saying please, and Wilfred agreed to do on the condition that Little Miss Bossy stopped being so bossy or any hat she wore would grow large. Little Miss Bossy agreed and now keeps all the bossy thoughts she has under her hat. Both literally and metaphorically.
List of Characters[]
- Little Miss Bossy
- The Butcher
- The Baker
- The Grocer
- The Bank Manager
- The Tea Shop Waitress
- The Fishmonger
- The Policeman
- The Postman
- Wilfred the Wizard
- Mr. Messy
- Mr. Happy
- This story borrows many elements from Mr. Chatterbox's story.