This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Little Miss Bossy (Cartoon)." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
Previous: "Little Miss Trouble (Cartoon)" | Next: "Little Miss Sunshine (Cartoon)" |
UK Dub[]
(The episode begins with Little Miss Bossy walking down a path to the left of the screen)
Narrator: One Monday morning, Little Miss Bossy went for a walk,
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Bossy running into Mr. Chatterbox. The camera zooms out from Mr. Chatterbox until both Little Miss Bossy and Mr. Chatterbox are in the frame)
Narrator: And she met Mr. Chatterbox.
Mr. Chatterbox: Hey! Good morning, Miss Bossy. What a nice sunny day it is today. Although, not quite as nice as it was yesterday, but yesterday wasn't quite as good as last weekend.
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Bossy)
Mr. Chatterbox (offscreen): But then, I don't do very much on weekends, except of course this weekend.
(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Chatterbox and Little Miss Bossy)
Mr. Chatterbox: Which as you know is my birthday, and that's why,
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Chatterbox but Little Miss Bossy is still in the frame)
Mr. Chatterbox: I'm off to the village this morning to make sure everyone is coming
(The camera zooms in more on Mr. Chatterbox. This time, Little Miss Bossy is not in the frame)
Mr. Chatterbox: to my birthday party. Where are you going today?
(The camera zooms back out)
Miss Bossy: Mind your own business!
(Mr. Chatterbox stops talking. The screen transitions to the next day. Little Miss Bossy is walking down the path to the left of the screen)
Narrator: On Tuesday, she met Mr. Noisy.
(The scene transitions to Mr. Noisy singing inaudibly as he's playing croquet)
Narrator: He was in his garden singing.
(The scene transitions to a worm partially out of their hole listening to Mr. Noisy)
Narrator: Noisily, of course
(The worm hides in their hole and the camera cuts back to Mr. Noisy)
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Bossy standing next to Mr. Noisy)
Miss Bossy: SHUT UP!
Mr. Noisy: 🎵OO-OO🎵
(Mr. Noisy stops singing)
Mr. Noisy: Oh!
Miss Bossy: Stop that frightful noise! SHUT UP!
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Noisy: Oh. Oh. Oh,
(The scene transitions to the next day. Little Miss Bossy is walking down the path to the left of the screen)
Narrator: On Wednesday, Little Miss Bossy met Miss Sunshine.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Bossy running into Little Miss Sunshine. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Sunshine until both Little Miss Bossy and Little Miss Sunshine are in the frame)
Narrator: She was smiling as usual.
Miss Sunshine: Oh, what a beautiful hat you're wearing today, Miss Bossy. Is it a new one? It does suit you.
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Sunshine)
Narrator: She smile a huge smile.
(The camera zooms back out)
Miss Bossy: Shut up!
(Little Miss Sunshine is flabbergasted by Little Miss Bossy's orders)
Miss Bossy: Take that stupid smile off your face, you silly girl!
(The scene transitions to sometime later and Little Miss Bossy is walking down the path to the left of the screen again)
Narrator: As you can imagine, Little Miss Bossy wasn't very popular.
(Little Miss Bossy walks out of the frame. The scene changes to Little Miss Bossy walking just outside the woods. She is still walking down the path to the left of the screen)
Narrator: Now little did Miss Bossy realize, but somebody had seen her bossing Mr. Chatterbox about. And that,
(Little Miss Bossy walks out of the frame and the camera zooms in towards the woods)
Narrator: Same somebody had seen her bossing Mr. Noisy about. And that self-same somebody had seen her bossing Miss Sunshine about.
Birds (offscreen): (tweeting)
(The scene transitions to the woods)
Narrator: And that self-same somebody...
(The Wizard fades into the center of the frame)
Narrator: Was the Wizard! He walked home,
(The scene transitions to the Wizard walking to the left of the screen)
Narrator: Thinking.
Wizard: Yes. Something really ought to be done about Miss Bossy.
(The scene transitions to the Wizard's home and inside, the Wizard is shown walking past a window to the left)
Narrator: When he arrived home, he went straight to the library,
(The camera cuts to the Wizard taking a large red book from a bookshelf in his library)
Narrator: And took down a large, red book from a bookshelf. It was rather dusty, as it hadn't been read for some time.
(The Wizard blows the dust off the book)
Wizard: (coughs)
(A cloud of dust engulfs the screen)
Wizard (from behind the dust): (coughs) Oh dear!
(The dust clears and the Wizard starts reading the book. The camera zooms out from the Wizard as he reads the book)
Wizard: Let's see now. Mmm-hmm, hmmm, yes, uh where's, where's that spell I need?
(The camera shows page 304 of the spell book and zooms out from the page)
Narrator: He turned to page 304.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Narrator: At the top of the page, it said, "How to Stop People being Bossy."
(The camera cuts back to the Wizard reading the chapter of the book)
Wizard: Hmm, "How to Stop People being Bossy." Yes. Yes. That's it!
(The camera zooms in on the Wizard as he reads the chapter and winks at the viewers)
Narrator: The Wizard read the page very carefully.
(The scene transitions to the next day, Thursday. The camera pans to the left until Little Miss Bossy is in the center of the frame. Little Miss Bossy is hiding behind a bush, holding an umbrella in her right hand, and peeking from the bush)
Narrator: The day after, which was Thursday, Little Miss Bossy met someone who fast asleep.
(The camera starts zooming out)
Narrator: As usual.
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Lazy asleep with a worm looking at Mr. Lazy from behind Mr. Lazy's head)
Narrator: Yes, Mr. Lazy.
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Lazy)
Mr. Lazy: (snoring)
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Bossy in front of Mr. Lazy)
Miss Bossy: Wake up! Come on! Wake up!
(Mr. Lazy wakes up and the worm that was underneath Mr. Lazy's head looks at Little Miss Bossy)
Mr. Lazy: (yelps) Oh!
(Little Miss Bossy starts poking Mr. Lazy with her umbrella)
Mr. Lazy: Oh dear! What?! What?! What's up!?
(The camera zooms in slightly)
Mr. Lazy: Uh, who wants me?
(Little Miss Bossy continues poking Mr. Lazy with her umbrella)
Mr. Lazy: (moans)
(Mr. Lazy realizes that Little Miss Bossy woke him up and the camera zooms in on Mr. Lazy but Little Miss Bossy is still in the frame)
Mr. Lazy: Oh, it's you, Miss Bossy. Oh, I was having such a nice dream too.
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Bossy. The camera pans to the left to reveal that the Wizard is behind Little Miss Bossy but she doesn't realize it)
Narrator: Behind Miss Bossy, the Wizard, who had been following her,
(The camera stops moving once the Wizard is in the middle of the frame and Little Miss Bossy is out of the frame)
Narrator: Said something too, under his breath.
(The camera zooms in on the Wizard)
Wizard (overlap): (incoherent mumbling)
Narrator (overlap): A wizardly word he'd learned from page 304.
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Bossy and pans down)
Narrator: And do you know what happened? Suddenly, as if by magic, which is true.
(The camera stops at Little Miss Bossy's feet and her feet become surrounded by magic sparkles)
Narrator: There appeared on Miss Bossy's feet.
(A pair of boots with faces on them appear on Little Miss Bossy's feet)
Narrator: A pair of boots.
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Bossy looking at her feet in alarm)
Narrator: Miss Bossy looked down in alarm.
(Little Miss Bossy looks around)
Narrator: They were magic boots.
(The camera cuts back down to the boots)
Narrator: And being magic boots, they could speak to each other.
Right: Hello, Left!
Left: Uh, yeah! Hello, Right!
Right: Ready when you are.
Left: Right!
(The boots starts marching Little Miss Bossy around)
Narrator: And they set off.
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Miss Bossy (overlap): Stop it! STOP THAT, AT ONCE!
Right (overlap): RIGHT!
Miss Bossy (overlap): NOW, NOW LOOK HERE!
Left (overlap): LEFT!
Right (overlap): RIGHT!
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Bossy)
Narrator (overlap): Faster and faster,
Miss Bossy (overlap): STOP IT! YOU WILL DO AS I SAY!
Narrator (overlap): Marching poor Little Miss Bossy along.
(The camera zooms out to show the Bossy Boots marching Little Miss Bossy around against her will)
Miss Bossy (overlap): STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP!
Narrator (overlap): Little Miss Bossy couldn't do a thing about it.
Miss Bossy: Ooh!
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy and the Wizard is shown standing next to Mr. Lazy)
Mr. Lazy: Oh! (yawns) Well done, Wizard!
(The Wizard winks to the viewers)
Narrator: The wizard winked a wizardly wink.
(The scene transitions to a bunch of hilly lanes. The camera zooms out from one of the hills)
Narrator: Those boots marched,
(Little Miss Bossy is shown being marched around by the Bossy Boots along one of the hills. The camera continues to zoom out)
Narrator (overlap): Little Miss Bossy for five miles!
Miss Bossy (overlap): GET OFF!
(Little Miss Bossy marches up and down another hill. Then the camera zooms back in on Little Miss Bossy and the Bossy Boots)
Narrator (overlap): She was exhausted!
Miss Bossy (overlap): WILL YOU DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!?!?
Right: Ready Left?
(The camera zooms in on the Bossy Boots as they start marching in place)
Left: Ready!
Right: ATTEN-A
(The boots stop marching)
Right: SHUN-A!!
Narrator: And they came to a halt.
(The camera pans out to show Little Miss Bossy trying to take the Bossy Boots off)
Narrator: Along came the Wizard.
(The camera cuts over to the Wizard)
Wizard: Ah, yes! Those are only for, uh, people who are, who are too bossy.
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Bossy)
Miss Bossy: Yes. Frightfully boring, thank you! Make them go away, at once!
(Little Miss Bossy continues trying to remove the boots from her feet. The camera zooms in on the left boot)
Narrator: She said angrily.
(The camera stops zooming in)
Narrator: And stamped her foot.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Bossy standing back up and the camera is shown zoomed in in on the right Bossy Boot)
Narrator: Well, at least,
(The camera zooms out to show both Bossy Boots in the frame)
Narrator: She tried to stamp her foot. But the boot wouldn't.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Right: We're out of stamps! We're right out of stamps!
(The Left Boot giggles inaudibly)
Narrator: The left giggled.
Left: Heh! Yeah, that's right! We're out of stamps!
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Bossy talking to the boots)
Miss Bossy: You will do as I say! Stop marching around!
(The camera zooms in on the Bossy Boots)
Right: Ready when you are!
Left: Right away!
Right: Quick, MARCH! LEFT!
Left: RIGHT!
Right: LEFT!
(The boots start marching again)
Left: RIGHT!
Right: LEFT!
Left: RIGHT!
Right: LEFT!
Left: RIGHT!
(The scene transitions to the boots marching Little Miss Bossy further down the road up and down the hills)
Narrator: For ten miles, they marched Miss Bossy. TEN MILES!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Bossy, sweaty and tired, facing the Wizard. The camera zooms out from the Bossy Boots)
Narrator: They marched back to the Wizard.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Miss Bossy: Make these stupid boots go away!
(The camera cuts over to the Wizard)
Wizard: (chuckles) Yes. Well, uh, only if you say the magic word. (chuckles)
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Bossy)
Narrator: Miss Bossy thought,
(The camera stops zooming in. Little Miss Bossy thinks really hard)
Narrator: And thought
(Little Miss Bossy thinks hard and looks up)
Narrator: And thought again.
(Little Miss Bossy figures out the magic word, smiles, and looks at the Wizard)
Miss Bossy: Please.
Narrator: She said.
(The camera cuts back to the Wizard)
Wizard: Yes! (laughs) That's better!
(The camera zooms out from Little Miss Bossy until the Wizard is in the frame alongside her)
Narrator: And he said the wizardly word again. Under his breath.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Narrator: From page 304.
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Bossy as she happily looks down at her feet. The camera zooms in on the Bossy Boots as magic sparkles engulf them)
Narrator: And the boots disappeared!
(The magic sparkles disappear along with the boots)
Narrator: As if by magic!
(The camera cuts back to the Wizard)
Wizard: Now then, stop being bossy. Or you know what will happen!
(The camera cuts over to show Little Miss Bossy and the Wizard in the frame. Little Miss Bossy makes a face as she prepares to say something)
Narrator: Miss Bossy was just about to say something,
(Little Miss Bossy makes another face as she stops herself from saying something bossy)
Narrator: When she stopped,
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Bossy looking down at her feet. As Little Miss Bossy looks down, the camera lowers down to show the Bossy Boots without their faces on Little Miss Bossy's feet)
Narrator: Looked down at her feet,
(The camera pans back up to Little Miss Bossy)
Narrator: And then she nodded.
(The camera cuts over to show Little Miss Bossy and the Wizard in the frame)
Wizard: Very well.
Narrator: Smiled the Wizard.
Wizard: Now, remember what I said.
(The Wizard fades away until an outline of himself in magic sparkles, his glasses, nose, and mustache remains)
Narrator: And he disappeared.
(The outline fades away followed by the glasses, nose, and mustache. The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Bossy)
Narrator: And do you know something? From then on, until now off,
(The screen fades to black and the scene transitions to show Little Miss Bossy standing with Mr. Happy, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Chatterbox. All six of them are smiling and Mr. Noisy even has his right hand on Little Miss Bossy's shoulder. Mr. Chatterbox is also missing his shoes)
Narrator: Little Miss Bossy was a changed person!
(The camera starts zooming in towards Little Miss Bossy. Little Miss Bossy briefly looks at Mr. Happy as the camera continues zooming in)
Narrator: Not bossy at all! And, you know why, don't you?
(The camera stops zooming in. Now, Little Miss Bossy is the only one fully in the frame)
Narrator: You know what she is afraid of?
(The scene transitions to show Little Miss Bossy in fear and panic)
Narrator: Bossy Boots!
(The camera lowers down to show the Bossy Boots marching Little Miss Bossy in place)
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
(The screen fades to black as the Bossy Boots continue to march. The episode ends here)
US Dub[]
(The episode begins with Little Miss Bossy walking down a path to the left of the screen)
Narrator: One Monday morning, Little Miss Bossy went for a walk,
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Bossy running into Mr. Chatterbox. The camera zooms out from Mr. Chatterbox until both Little Miss Bossy and Mr. Chatterbox are in the frame)
Narrator: And she met Mr. Chatterbox.
Mr. Chatterbox: Good morning, Miss Bossy. What a nice sunny day it is today. Although, it's not as nice as it was yesterday, but yesterday wasn't quite as good as last weekend.
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Bossy)
Mr. Chatterbox (offscreen): But then, I don't do very much on weekends, except of course this weekend.
(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Chatterbox and Little Miss Bossy)
Mr. Chatterbox: Which as you know is my birthday, and that's why,
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Chatterbox but Little Miss Bossy is still in the frame)
Mr. Chatterbox: I'm off to the village this morning to make sure everyone is coming...
(The camera zooms in more on Mr. Chatterbox. This time, Little Miss Bossy is not in the frame)
Mr. Chatterbox: To my birthday party. And where are you going today?
(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Chatterbox and Little Miss Bossy)
Miss Bossy: Mind your own business!
(Mr. Chatterbox stops talking. The scene transitions to the next day. Little Miss Bossy is walking down the path to the left of the screen)
Narrator: On Tuesday, she met Mr. Noisy.
(The scene transitions to Mr. Noisy singing as he's playing croquet)
Mr. Noisy (overlap): 🎵HEY MARIE MY WAY MARIE!🎵
Narrator (overlap): He was in his garden singing.
(The scene transitions to a worm partially out of their hole listening to Mr. Noisy)
Narrator: Noisily, of course
(The worm hides in their hole and the camera cuts back to Mr. Noisy)
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Bossy standing next to Mr. Noisy)
Miss Bossy: SHUT UP!
Mr. Noisy: 🎵OO-🎵
(Mr. Noisy stops singing)
Mr. Noisy: Oh!
Miss Bossy: Stop that frightful noise! SHUT UP!
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Noisy)
Mr. Noisy: Ooh. Oh. Oo-oh
(The scene transitions to the next day. Little Miss Bossy is walking down the path to the left of the screen)
Narrator: On Wednesday, Little Miss Bossy met Miss Sunshine.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Bossy running into Little Miss Sunshine. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Sunshine until both Little Miss Bossy and Little Miss Sunshine are in the frame)
Narrator: And Miss Sunshine was wearing a beautiful smile as usual.
Miss Sunshine: What a beautiful hat you're wearing, Miss Bossy. Is it a new one? It does suit you.
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Sunshine)
Narrator: Miss Sunshine smile a great big smile.
(The camera zooms back out)
Miss Bossy: Shut up and take that stupid smile off your face, you silly twerp!
(Little Miss Sunshine is flabbergasted by Little Miss Bossy's orders. The scene transitions to sometime later and Little Miss Bossy is walking down the path to the left of the screen again)
Narrator: Well, as you can imagine, Little Miss Bossy wasn't very popular.
(Little Miss Bossy walks out of the frame. The scene changes to Little Miss Bossy walking just outside the woods. She is still walking down the path to the left of the screen)
Narrator: Now, little did Miss Bossy realize but somebody had seen her bossing Mr. Chatterbox around. And that,
(Little Miss Bossy walks out of the frame and the camera zooms in towards the woods)
Narrator: Same somebody had seen her bossing Mr. Noisy around. And that self-same somebody had seen her bossing Miss Sunshine around.
Birds (offscreen): (tweeting)
(The scene transitions to the woods)
Narrator: And that self-same somebody...
(The Wizard fades into the center of the frame)
Narrator: Was the Wizard! He walked home thinking deeply.
(The scene transitions to the Wizard walking to the left of the screen)
Wizard: Yes. (stammers) Uh, something ought to be done about Miss Bossy.
(The scene transitions to the Wizard's home and inside, the Wizard is shown walking past a window to the left)
Narrator: When the Wizard arrived home, he went straight to the library,
(The camera cuts to the Wizard taking a large red book from the bookshelf in his library)
Narrator: And took down a large, red book from the bookshelf. It was more than a little dusty, as it hadn't been read for some time.
(The Wizard blows the dust off the book)
Wizard: (coughs)
(A cloud of dust engulfs the screen)
Wizard (from behind the dust): (coughs)
(The dust clears and the Wizard starts reading the book. The camera zooms out from the Wizard as he reads the book)
Wizard: Now let's see. Now, uh, yes, uh-um-uh-uh, where is that spell I need?
(The camera shows page 304 of the spell book and zooms out from the page)
Narrator: He turned to page 304.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Narrator: The title of the chapter he had chosen began, "How to Stop People from being Bossy."
(The camera cuts back to the Wizard reading the chapter of the book)
Wizard: "How to Stop People from being Bossy." Oh, now, now, (stutters) yes! Uh, yes! That's it!
(The camera zooms in on the Wizard as he reads the chapter and winks at the viewers)
Narrator: The Wizard read every page very carefully.
(The scene transitions to the next day, Thursday. The camera pans to the left until Little Miss Bossy is in the center of the frame. Little Miss Bossy is hiding behind a bush, holding an umbrella in her right hand, and peeking from the bush)
Narrator: The day after, which was Thursday, Little Miss Bossy met someone fast asleep.
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Lazy asleep with a worm looking at Mr. Lazy from behind Mr. Lazy's head)
Narrator: Yes, as usual, Mr. Lazy.
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Lazy)
Mr. Lazy: (snoring)
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Bossy in front of Mr. Lazy)
Miss Bossy: Wake up! Come on! Wake up!
(Mr. Lazy wakes up and the worm that was underneath Mr. Lazy's head looks at Little Miss Bossy)
Mr. Lazy: Huh!? What!? What's up?
(Little Miss Bossy starts poking Mr. Lazy with her umbrella)
Mr. Lazy: What's up? Huh?
(The camera zooms in slightly)
Mr. Lazy: Uh, who wants me?
(Little Miss Bossy continues poking Mr. Lazy with her umbrella)
Mr. Lazy: (moans)
(Mr. Lazy realizes that Little Miss Bossy woke him up and the camera zooms in on Mr. Lazy but Little Miss Bossy is still in the frame)
Mr. Lazy: Oh, it's you, Miss Bossy. Oh, I was having such a nice dream.
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Bossy. The camera pans to the left to reveal that the Wizard is behind Little Miss Bossy but she doesn't realize it)
Narrator: Behind Miss Bossy, the Wizard, who had been following her,
(The camera stops moving once the Wizard is in the middle of the frame and Little Miss Bossy is out of the frame)
Narrator: Said something too, under his breath.
(The camera zooms in on the Wizard)
Wizard: Alakazam!
Narrator: A wizardly word he'd learned from page 304.
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Bossy and pans down)
Narrator: And do you know what happened next? Suddenly, as if by magic, which is true.
(The camera stops at Little Miss Bossy's feet and her feet become surrounded by magic sparkles)
Narrator: There appeared on Miss Bossy's feet.
(A pair of boots with faces on them appear on Little Miss Bossy's feet)
Narrator: A pair of boots.
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Bossy looking at her feet in alarm)
Narrator: Miss Bossy looked down in alarm.
(Little Miss Bossy looks around)
Narrator: They were magic boots.
(The camera cuts back down to the boots)
Narrator: And being magic boots, they could speak to each other.
Right: Hello, Left!
Left: Hello, Right!
Right: Ready when you are.
Left: Right!
(The boots starts marching Little Miss Bossy around)
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Narrator (overlap): And they set off.
Left (overlap): LEFT!
Right (overlap): RIGHT!
Miss Bossy (overlap): Stop it! STOP THAT, YOU TWO DOWN THERE!
Left (overlap): LEFT!
Right (overlap): RIGHT!
Miss Bossy (overlap): STOP THAT, YOU TWO DOWN THERE!
Left (overlap): LEFT!
Right (overlap): RIGHT!
Miss Bossy (overlap): YOU TWO DOWN THERE!
Left (overlap): LEFT!
Right (overlap): RIGHT!
Miss Bossy (overlap): NOW LOOK HERE!
Left (overlap): LEFT!
Right (overlap): RIGHT!
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Bossy)
Narrator (overlap): Faster and faster,
Narrator (overlap): Marching poor Little Miss Bossy along.
(The camera zooms out to show the Bossy Boots marching Little Miss Bossy around against her will)
Narrator (overlap): Little Miss Bossy couldn't do a thing about it.
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Lazy and the Wizard is shown standing next to Mr. Lazy)
Mr. Lazy: (yawns) Well done, Wizard!
(The camera zooms in on the Wizard as he winks at the viewers)
Narrator: The Wizard winked a wizardly wink.
(The scene transitions to a bunch of hilly lanes. The camera zooms out from one of the hills)
Narrator: Those boots,
(Little Miss Bossy is shown being marched around by the Bossy Boots along one of the hills. The camera continues to zoom out)
Narrator: Marched,
Miss Bossy (overlap): I ORDER YOU TO STOP NOW!
Narrator (overlap): Little Miss Bossy for five miles!
(Little Miss Bossy marches up and down another hill. Then the camera zooms back in on Little Miss Bossy and the Bossy Boots)
Narrator: She was exhausted!
(The camera zooms in on the Bossy Boots as they start marching in place)
Left: Ready!
Right: Company, ready!
(The boots stop marching)
Right: HALT!!
Narrator: And they came to a halt.
(The camera pans out to show Little Miss Bossy trying to take the Bossy Boots off)
Narrator: Along came the Wizard.
(The camera cuts over to the Wizard)
Wizard: Ah, yes! Uh, those are only for people who are, uh, (giggles). Uh, too bossy.
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Bossy)
Miss Bossy: Real funny, conehead! Make them go away right now!
(Little Miss Bossy continues trying to remove the boots from her feet. The camera zooms in on the left boot)
Narrator: She said angrily.
(The camera stops zooming in)
Narrator: And stamped her foot.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Bossy standing back up and the camera is shown zoomed in in on the right Bossy Boot)
Narrator: Well, at least,
(The camera zooms out to show both Bossy Boots in the frame)
Narrator: She tried to stamp her foot. But the boots wouldn't stamp.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Right: We're out of stamps! We're right out of stamps!
Left: (chuckles) Yep! We are sure out of stamps!
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Bossy talking to the boots)
Miss Bossy: You will do as I say! Stop marching around!
(The camera zooms in on the Bossy Boots)
Right: Ready when you are!
Left: I'm ready!
Right: Quick, MARCH! RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
(The boots start marching again)
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
(The scene transitions to the boots marching Little Miss Bossy further down the road up and down the hills)
Narrator: For ten more miles, they marched Miss Bossy. TEN MILES!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Bossy, sweaty and tired, facing the Wizard. The camera zooms out from the Bossy Boots)
Narrator: Then they marched back to the Wizard.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Miss Bossy: Make these stupid boots stop walking!
(The camera cuts over to the Wizard)
Wizard: (chuckles) Uh, yes. Only if you say the magic word. (chuckles)
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Bossy)
Miss Bossy: Ooh!
Narrator: Miss Bossy thought,
(The camera stops zooming in. Little Miss Bossy thinks really hard)
Miss Bossy: Ooh!
Narrator: And thought
(Little Miss Bossy thinks hard and looks up)
Miss Bossy: Hmm!
Narrator: And thought again.
(Little Miss Bossy figures out the magic word, smiles, and looks at the Wizard)
Miss Bossy: Please.
(The camera cuts back to the Wizard)
Wizard: Yeah, yes! (laughs) Yes! Uh, that's better!
(The camera zooms out from Little Miss Bossy until the Wizard is in the frame alongside her)
Narrator: And he said the wizardly word again
Wizard (overlap): Alakazam-alakazoo!
Narrator (overlap): Under his breath.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Narrator: From page 304.
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Bossy as she happily looks down at her feet. The camera zooms in on the Bossy Boots as magic sparkles engulf them)
Narrator: The boots disappeared!
(The magic sparkles disappear along with the boots)
Narrator: As if by magic!
(The camera cuts back to the Wizard)
Wizard: Now then, stop being bossy, or you know what will happen to you. Uh, don't you?
(The camera cuts over to show Little Miss Bossy and the Wizard in the frame. Little Miss Bossy makes a face as she prepares to say something)
Narrator: Miss Bossy was just about to say something
Miss Bossy: Mmm!
Narrator: Bossy no doubt.
(Little Miss Bossy makes another face as she stops herself from saying something bossy)
Narrator: When she stopped,
Miss Bossy: Mmm!
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Bossy looking down at her feet. As Little Miss Bossy looks down, the camera lowers down to show the Bossy Boots without their faces on Little Miss Bossy's feet)
Narrator: Looked down at her feet,
(The camera pans back up to Little Miss Bossy)
Narrator: And then she finally nodded.
(The camera cuts over to show Little Miss Bossy and the Wizard in the frame)
Wizard: There now. (stutters) You remember what I said.
(The Wizard fades away until an outline of himself in magic sparkles, his glasses, nose, and mustache remains)
Narrator: And, he disappeared.
(The outline fades away followed by the glasses, nose, and mustache. The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Bossy)
Narrator: And do you know something? From that moment on,
(The screen fades to black and the scene transitions to show Little Miss Bossy standing with Mr. Happy, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Chatterbox. All six of them are smiling and Mr. Noisy even has his right hand on Little Miss Bossy's shoulder. Mr. Chatterbox is also missing his shoes)
Narrator: Little Miss Bossy was a changed person! She wasn't bossy at all...
(The camera starts zooming in towards Little Miss Bossy)
Narrator: Anymore! Do you know why? Don't you?
(Little Miss Bossy briefly looks at Mr. Happy as the camera continues zooming in)
Narrator: Do you know what she is afraid of?
(The camera stops zooming in. Now, Little Miss Bossy is the only one fully in the frame)
Narrator: Little Miss Bossy is afraid,
(The scene transitions to show Little Miss Bossy in fear and panic)
Narrator: Of Bossy Boots!
(The camera lowers down to show the Bossy Boots marching Little Miss Bossy in place)
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
Left: LEFT!
Right: RIGHT!
(The screen fades to black as the Bossy Boots continue to march. The episode ends here)