Little Miss Busy and the Lucky Horse Shoe is a story from 1998 Annual.
Little Miss Busy is as busy as a hive. She'll stop what she is doing to fetch Mr. Sneeze a hundred and one tissues and help Little Miss Tidy clean-up after a busy party. One day, out for a busy walk, Little Miss Busy found a horseshoe lying in the grass. Knowing that horseshoes are a symbol of good luck, Little Miss Busy decided to deliver the lucky horseshoe to Little Miss Brainy.
Little Miss Brainy loves answering questions but, as of late, her answers haven't been very good. For instance, she didn't know how many jam doughnuts Little Miss Greedy ate for breakfast, how many a's are in "abracadabra", and got muddled up when explaining the difference between a handstand and a hat stand. Personally, I'd give Little Miss Brainy a pass for not knowing the answer to the first question. After all, she's brainy, not psychic.
After botching up her answer to Little Miss Somersault, Little Miss Busy arrived and gave Little Miss Brainy the horseshoe. With the good luck charm she now possessed, she can answer any question! Excellent job, Little Miss Busy!
List of Characters[]
- Little Miss Busy
- Mr. Sneeze
- Little Miss Tidy (mentioned)
- Little Miss Greedy
- Walter the Worm
- Little Miss Magic (mentioned)
- Little Miss Brainy
- Mr. Nosey (cameo)
- Little Miss Somersault (mentioned)