Little Miss Contrary's Day is a story from the 2000 Annual.
Little Miss Contrary does the opposite of what everyone else does. No surprise as she lives in Muddleland; where worms live in trees, birds live in holes in the ground, and flowers grow upside-down! Here are some things that happened/happens in the life of Little Miss Contrary.
- She sleeps in her bath instead of her bed.
- For breakfast, she eats cornflakes with a fork rather than a spoon and keeps her shoes in the fridge.
- If someone knocks on the front door, she opens the back door!
- Little Miss Contrary tries to buy bread at the butcher and bananas from the baker!
- For Mr. Lazy's birthday, she sent him a Christmas card instead of a birthday card! Poor Mr. Lazy thought he slept for a whole year thanks to that mix-up!
- When she plays pass the parcel, she puts the paper back on the parcel instead of removing a layer of paper.
- She went for a walk in the middle of the night.
- She put empty bottles of milk on the doorsteps when she helped the milkman deliver milk.
- When she was a newspaper girl, she gave all the newspapers back to the newsagent.
- Instead of emptying the postbox and putting the letters into the sack when she assisted the postman, she emptied the sack and put all the letters back in the postbox.
After such a busy day (or rather a busy night), she went back to sleep in her bathtub and slept through the day. And that's the normal life for Little Miss Contrary. Well, normal to her, anyway.
List of Characters[]
- Little Miss Contrary rarely gets visitors due to opening the wrong door when someone arrives.