Little Miss Contrary in Muddleland is a story from the 1999 Annual.
Muddleland is a place where breakfast is dinner and counting to ten is singing a song. Everything is the opposite of what it should be. Little Miss Contrary feels right at home here but even she can suffer from a bad day. Once, she came down with a cold (or as she calls it, a warm) and treating a cold in Muddleland is not easy. The tissues are in the cornflakes box (which she poured milk on) and the cornflakes are in the tissue box (which she blew her nose into (gross!)). A wet and windy day is today's forecast but the muddled Little Miss Contrary refers to it as a warm, sunny day and ends up carried by the strong winds into her chimney. Luckily, even if Little Miss Contrary refers to the day's events as good, she knows it's a bad day and, for once, correctly cleans herself up and gets some well deserved rest. Even Little Miss Contrary gets things right once in a while.