Little Miss Fickle's Diary is a story from the 1986 Annual.
Entry: December 23rd[]
It's two days before Christmas and Little Miss Fickle is heading into town to do some last minute Christmas shopping. It took her some time to figure out whet she wanted to buy for her friends due to her inability to make up her mind. It took her hours to find the right pair of shoes for Little Miss Neat. She couldn't decide between pink slippers with blue bows or blue slippers with pink bows. Little Miss Fickle ultimately went with the latter then went next door to buy a box of chocolates for Little Miss Neat
Entry: December 24th[]
It was Christmas Eve and Mr. Muddle popped over to Dandelion Cottage to wish Little Miss Fickle a "Happy Birthday." He meant to wish her a "Happy Christmas", but got his sayings muddled up. That afternoon, Little Miss Fickle spent the rest of the day writing an incredibly long list to Father Christmas. The reason it was so long was that she didn't know what she wanted and could make up her mind. It took one hundred sheets of writing paper to write her list. Actually, it was originally ninety-nine but Little Miss Fickle used the last page to write one last thing.
Entry: December 25th[]
On Christmas Day, Little Miss Fickle jumped out of bed and eagerly went downstairs to see what Father Christmas had brought her. You'd expect hundreds of gifts due to Little Miss Fickle's long letter. Nope! There was only one large gift underneath the tree. At least she didn't have to choose which present to open first. What was in the present? One hundred sheets of the best yellow writing paper one could have! Which happened to be the last thing Little Miss Fickle wrote in her letter the day before! She was happy but wondered if she should've asked for green writing paper instead. That's Little Miss Fickle for you. Just as she seemed to have made up her mind, she changes her decision at the last second!
List of characters[]
This is a list of Mr. Men, Little Miss and other special characters that appear in this book.
- Little Miss Fickle
- Little Miss Neat (mentioned)
- Sunnytown Salesgirl
- Mr. Muddle
- Father Christmas (mentioned)
- In this story Little Miss Fickle reveals that Little Miss Neat is her best friend.