Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Little Miss Helpful (Cartoon)." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Little Miss Late (Cartoon)" Next: "N/A"

UK Dub[]

(The episode begins with the camera zooming out from Little Miss Helpful's house)

Narrator: Little Miss Helpful was one of those people who loved to help other people.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful as she opens the door and looks outside)

Miss Helpful: Nice day for helping someone.

(Little Miss Helpful looks around)

Narrator: Do you know what I mean? I mean, for instance

(The scene transitions to show Mr. Tall standing on the pavement and one of his shoelaces undone)

Narrator: Like the time when one of Mr. Tall's shoelaces came undone.

(The camera pans up to show Mr. Tall unhappy as he cannot tie his shoe)

Narrator: Now, if you're as tall as Mr. Tall, tying your shoelaces isn't the easiest thing in the world. As you can imagine.

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Helpful next to Mr. Tall)

Miss Helpful: I say, let me help!

Narrator: Said Little Miss Helpful.

(Mr. Tall smiles)

Narrator: Rushing up to where Mr. Tall stood.

(Little Miss Helpful looks at Mr. Tall's shoes)

Narrator: Looking down at his shoelaces.

(The camera zooms in towards Mr. Tall's shoes and then zooms out to show Little Miss Helpful about to tie the shoelaces)

Narrator: But, somehow,

(Little Miss Helpful starts tying Mr. Tall's shoelaces)

Narrator: She managed to tie Mr. Tall's shoes together!

(The camera cuts up to Mr. Tall, looking down at his shoes, and the camera then zooms out to show Little Miss Helpful in the frame as well. Mr. Tall starts losing his balance and Little Miss Helpful realizes what she accidentally did)

Mr. Tall: OOOOH!

Narrator: And he fell over!

(Mr. Tall falls down backwards out of the frame with a loud thud)

Narrator: And if you're tall as Mr. Tall...

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Helpful looking at Mr. Tall, who is sitting down, rubbing his sore head (which now has a plaster on it)

Narrator: Falling over hurts.

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Tall and Little Miss Helpful in the frame completely)

Mr. Tall: Oh, my poor head!

Miss Helpful: Oh dear, poor old chap! Let me help!

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Helpful trying unsuccessfully to lift Mr. Tall back up. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator (overlap): Little Miss Helpful tried unsuccessfully to lift Mr. Tall's legs.

Mr. Tall (overlap): (grunts and moans)

(Little Miss Helpful moves Mr. Tall's legs around)

Miss Helpful: Come along! Upsy Daisy!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful)

Miss Helpful: (grunts) If only you weren't so tall.

(The camera zooms back out)

Miss Helpful (overlap): (grunts and heaves)

Narrator (overlap): Little Miss Helpful puffed and struggled. And then...

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful, who has put Mr. Tall's legs back down)

Miss Helpful: Just a minute.

(Little Miss Helpful thinks for a moment)

Narrator: She had an idea.

Miss Helpful: Don't go away, I'll be back soon.

(Little Miss Helpful walks to the left of the screen and out of the frame)

Narrator: And off she went to find the Wizard.

(The scene transitions to show Little Miss Helpful in front of The Wizard's cottage)

Narrator: Well, he wasn't home. But looking through the window,

(The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: She could see his book of spells,

(The camera cuts to the inside of the Wizard's cottage and the table where the book of spells was)

Narrator: On the table.

(Little Miss Helpful walks into the frame and walks leftwards)

Narrator: She crept into the house, and turned over,

(Little Miss Helpful stops at the book and the camera cuts to Little Miss Helpful reading the spell book and zooming out from her)

Narrator: The pages until she found the spell she was looking for.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Helpful: "Tall be small what I call small. Small be tall what I call tall." Ha! Think I can remember that.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Helpful returning to Mr. Tall, who is still sitting on the ground)

Narrator: And she hurried back,

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Helpful with Mr. Tall. Little Miss Helpful has the Wizard's wand with her)

Narrator: To poor Mr. Tall. Looking up

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: At him,

(Little Miss Helpful waved the Wizard's wand)

Narrator: And waving the Wizard's wand, she cried,

Miss Helpful: "Tall be small what I call small!"

(Sparkles come out from the wand and cover Mr. Tall's face)

Narrator: Oh dear!

(Mr. Tall shrinks down to the size of Mr. Small. Little Miss Helpful is both surprised but happy)

Narrator: Mr. Tall suddenly,

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Tall)

Narrator: Shrank in front of her eyes!

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Helpful)

Miss Helpful: It worked! It worked! I say, the spell's worked!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Tall on his feet again)

Narrator: Mr. Tall found it easy to get to his feet again.

Mr. Tall: Thank you. Now would you make me tall again, please?

Narrator: Squeaked Mr. Tall.

(The camera zoom in on Little Miss Helpful as she tries to remember the other half of the spell)

Narrator: But as she was trying to remember the other half of the spell,

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Tall and Mr. Small is shown standing next to him. The camera zooms out from Mr. Small and Mr. Tall)

Narrator: Who should come along, but Mr. Small!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Helpful: Aha! Uh, Mr. Small, meet Mr. Tall.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Small and Mr. Tall)

Narrator: Said Miss Helpful, introducing them both.

(The camera stops zooming in when Mr. Small points at Mr. Tall)

Mr. Small: (giggles) Tall, my foot! He's as small as I am.

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Tall, Mr. Small, and Little Miss Helpful in the frame. Little Miss Helpful struggles to remember the other half of the spell)

Miss Helpful: (smacks her lips together) Oh dear! Now, now hang on a sec. What was it? Um. Ah! Uh, "tall be small and small be tall!"

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful, who realizes that wasn't the correct incantation)

Miss Helpful: No! No! No! No! No! Hold on! Okay, chaps. Uh, tall, "Tall be small and all the all!"

(The camera stops zooming in)

Miss Helpful: Uh, no! No! No! No! No! Hold on a sec! One moment. Um, "Small be tall and-." No! Uh "Small, small be tall when I call small!" Huh?

(The scene transitions to Mr. Small and Mr. Tall sleeping with their backs against each other)

Mr. Small and Mr. Tall (overlap): (snoring)

Narrator (overlap): Yes. Well, now you know what I mean about people

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Small and Mr. Tall)

Mr. Small and Mr. Tall (overlap): (snoring)

Narrator (overlap): Like Miss Helpful.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy asleep in his bedroom. Poor Mr. Happy is covered in red spots because he contracted the measles. The camera zooms out from Mr. Happy)

Narrator: For instance, last year,

(Mr. Happy wakes up feeling unwell and frowns in discomfort)

Narrator: Mr. Happy woke up feeling not very well.

(The scene transitions to outside Mr. Happy's house)

Narrator: The doctor had to be called to Mr. Happy's house. Which is on a hill by a lake.

(The camera zooms in towards Mr. Happy's house)

Doctor (from inside Mr. Happy's House) Oh dear!

(The scene transitions to inside Mr. Happy's bedroom and the camera zooms out from the Doctor while he is looking at Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Said the doctor when he saw Mr. Happy.

Doctor: Looks like measles.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy's disappointed face)

Narrator: Mr. Happy's face fell.

(The camera cuts back to the Doctor)

Doctor: Now look here. You-you're going to stay tucked, nice and warm in bed and get lots of rest. And,

(The Doctor gives Mr. Happy some medicine that is partially seen)

Doctor: Take this medicine three times a day.

(The camera cuts outside and the Doctor is seen leaving walking towards the left of the frame)

Narrator: The doctor left the cottage and Mr. Happy,

(The Doctor leaves the frame and the camera zooms in on Mr. Happy's cottage)

Narrator: Settled down to sleep.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy asleep in bed. The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy)

Narrator: He'd just fallen asleep, when there was a loud knock at his front door.

(The camera stops zooming in and a loud knock is heard. Mr. Happy wakes up with a start)

Mr. Happy: Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh-ho-ho-ho dear!

(Mr. Happy frowns and the scene transitions to Mr. Happy making his way downstairs and heads to the front door)

Narrator: Groaned Mr. Happy. And staggered off to,

(The camera cuts outside. Little Miss Helpful is shown standing outside Mr. Happy's cottage)

Narrator: Open the door.

(Mr. Happy opens the door and is surprised to see Little Miss Helpful)

Miss Helpful: Hello there! I've come to help!

Mr. Happy: Oh! But, look-

Miss Helpful: But nothing! Off to bed while I get on with everything!

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Helpful watching Mr. Happy go back upstairs. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: Miss Helpful looked around the cottage.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Miss Helpful: This place needs a good clean.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy asleep in his bed)

Narrator: Mr. Happy had just dropped off to sleep again,

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Helpful poking her head through the bedroom doorway holding a large broom. The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: When Miss Helpful poked her head,

Mr. Happy (offscreen and overlap): (snoring)

Narrator: Round bedroom door.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Miss Helpful: I say!

(Mr. Happy wakes up offscreen)

Mr. Happy (offscreen): Oh dear!

Miss Helpful: Got a scrubbing brush?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy, who had woken up in response to the question)

Mr. Happy: Oh dear! Oh! (whimpers)

(Mr. Happy frowns. The camera cuts to show Mr. Happy downstairs walking towards the right of the screen)

Narrator: Poor Mr. Happy. He had to get up and show her where it was.

(Mr. Happy walks out of the frame)

Narrator: And then,

(Mr. Happy walks to the left back into the frame)

Narrator: He went back to bed.

(The scene transitions to an unhappy Mr. Happy resting back in bed)

Narrator: To try and sleep.

(Mr. Happy pulls the covers up. The scene transitions to the kitchen where Little Miss Helpful had just finished scrubbing. Unbeknownst to her, the bar of soap is right behind her)

Narrator: Downstairs,

(The camera stops panning once Little Miss Helpful is in the center of the frame)

Narrator: Little Miss Helpful stepped back,

(The camera zooms out from Little Miss Helpful's face as she looks at the clean kitchen)

Narrator: To admire the kitchen floor she'd just scrubbed.

(Little Miss Helpful is shown stepping on the bar of soap that was behind her)

Narrator: And,

(Little Miss Helpful trips on the soap and falls forwards)

Narrator: Tripped on the soap.

(Little Miss Helpful is shown spinning and the camera zooms in on her)

Miss Helpful: WOOH!

Narrator: And she fell head over heels.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Helpful upside down with her head in a bucket. The camera zooms out from her)

Miss Helpful: Oof!

Narrator: And got her head stuck in the bucket.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Helpful walking towards the right with the bucket still on her head)

Miss Helpful: (grunts)

Narrator: And because she couldn't see where she was going,

(Little Miss Helpful walks out of the frame)

Narrator: She walked into,

(A loud crash is heard and the screen shakes)

Narrator (overlap): A shelf full of,

Miss Helpful (offscreen and overlap): (groans in pain)

Narrator: Saucepans!

(Little Miss Helpful stumbles back into the frame as she walks to the left. Now she not only has the bucket on her head, but saucepans on her hands and the bucket on her head)

Miss Helpful: (yelps)

(Little Miss Helpful stumbles out of the frame)

Narrator: Which fell all over the floor,

(Little Miss Helpful crashes into something offscreen)

Miss Helpful (offscreen and overlap): Oh!

Narrator (overlap): With a terrible clatter.

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Helpful as she continues to stumble around with the bucket on her head. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful)

Miss Helpful: Oh! Oh! Oh!

Narrator: And because she couldn't see where she was going,

(The camera spins clockwise)

Narrator: Little Miss Helpful stepped,

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful's mouth and the screen turns black for a moment before showing Little Miss Helpful hobbling around with a saucepan on her left foot. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: Into one of the saucepans and it got stuck on her foot.

(Little Miss Helpful starts hobbling to the left of the frame)

Miss Helpful (overlap): (grunts)

Narrator (overlap): And because she had to hop,

(Little Miss Helpful hobbles out of the frame and the screen shakes as she crashes into something)

Narrator: She fell over against the refrigerator door,

(The camera zooms out to show the refrigerator open and nearly everything spilled out of it or fallen out)

Narrator: Which fell open,

(Little Miss Helpful is shown battered and bruised and covered in milk and sausages and surrounded by the rest of the refrigerator's contents)

Narrator: And everything inside,

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Helpful: (moans)

Narrator: Fell out all over Little Miss Helpful!

Miss Helpful: Oh dear!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy as he sleeps in his bed. The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Poor Mr. Happy awoke with a jump at the,

(Mr. Happy opens his eyes and rises out of bed)

Narrator: Terrible commotion.

Mr. Happy: Good-

Narrator: He groaned,

(The camera pans to the right)

Narrator: Got out of bed.

(The camera cuts back to the staircase downstairs. Mr. Happy walks to the right of the screen)

Mr. Happy (overlap): Oh!

Narrator (overlap): And went to the kitchen and opened the door,

Mr. Happy: I need to get to sleep! Oh, I just need to get to sleep!

(The camera cuts to Mr. Happy entering the kitchen and is dumbstruck by what he sees)

Narrator: He couldn't,

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Believe his eyes!

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Helpful and zooms out to show the mess she is sitting in the middle of as well as the bucket on her head and the saucepan on her foot)

Narrator: There in the middle of a pile of broken eggs, and a scrubbing brush, and rolling saucepans, and a lot of water, spilled milk, squashed butter, and a piece of soap,

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: Sat Little Miss Helpful.

(A drop of milk falls onto Little Miss Helpful's nose)

Narrator: With a bucket on her head,

(Another drop of milk falls onto Little Miss Helpful's nose)

Narrator: And a saucepan on her foot.

(Another drop of milk falls onto Little Miss Helpful's nose)

Miss Helpful: Help! I...I say...I say, help! I can't see where I'm going anymore!

(The camera cuts to show Mr. Happy trying to pull the bucket off Little Miss Helpful's head. The camera zooms out from Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Mr. Happy seized the bucket,

(The camera stops zooming out and Mr. Happy continues to pull)

Narrator: And pulled as hard as ever he could!

Mr. Happy (overlap): (grunts)

Narrator (overlap): And pulled,

Mr. Happy (overlap): (grunts)

Narrator (overlap): And pulled!

Miss Helpful: OH!!

Mr. Happy: (grunts)

Miss Helpful (overlap): (groans in pain)

Mr. Happy (overlap): Wait a minute!

(Mr. Happy pulls really hard)

Mr. Happy: There we go!

(The bucket pops off Little Miss Helpful's head and Mr. Happy is shot back from the force of the pull with the bucket in his hands. Mr. Happy is shown soaring backwards across the kitchen)

Narrator: The bucket came off the top of,

(The camera cuts to show Mr. Happy flying backwards across the kitchen with the bucket. Mr. Happy soars to the left of the screen)

Narrator: Little Miss Helpful's head like a cork out of a bottle,

(Mr. Happy soars out of the frame)

Narrator: And Mr. Happy

(The camera cuts to the stairwell and Mr. Happy soaring to the left of the screen with the bucket in his hands)

Narrator: Shot backwards like a bullet from a gum.

(Mr. Happy flies out of the frame and crashes into something offscreen. The camera cuts to show Mr. Happy still flying backwards with the bucket in his hands to the left of the screen and out of the frame. Mr. Happy is shown to have crashed through the kitchen door and leaves behind a large hole)

Narrator: He went flying, through the kitchen door,

(Mr. Happy is shown flying backwards into the woods and towards the left of the screen)

Narrator: He shot across the garden,

(Mr. Happy is shot through the garden hedges and leaves behind a hole in the hedge. Mr. Happy is shot out of the frame as he continues flying towards the left of the screen)

Narrator: And straight through his garden hedge.

(Mr. Happy is seen rolling down a field as he continues to be shot backwards with the bucket in his hands towards the left of the screen)

Narrator: He rolled down the hilly field,

(Mr. Happy continues flying backwards with the bucket in his hands)

Narrator: Behind his garden faster and faster. And then...

(The camera cuts to show a gusher of water splashing up into the air as the sound of Mr. Happy splashing into the lake is heard. The scene transitions to Mr. Happy sitting in the middle of the lake with the bucket on his head. The camera zooms out from Mr. Happy)

Narrator: He finished up in the lake.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: With a bucket on his head.

(The camera cuts back over to Mr. Happy's cottage. The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Helpful outside the cottage about to hop over to Mr. Happy)

Narrator: And a little figure with a saucepan on one foot came half running.

(Little Miss Helpful manages to keep balance and starts running/hopping over to Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Half hopping out of Mr. Happy's house, and

(Little Miss Helpful hops out of the frame)

Narrator: Down towards the lake.

(The camera cuts to the lake and zooms out from Little Miss Helpful until Mr. Happy is also in the frame)

Miss Helpful: I say, let me help! AHOY THERE!

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

US Dub[]

(The episode begins with the camera zooming out from Little Miss Helpful's house)

Narrator: Little Miss Helpful was one of those people who just loved to help,

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful as she opens the door and looks outside)

Narrator: Other people.

Miss Helpful: Nice day for helping out.

(Little Miss Helpful looks around)

Narrator: You know what I mean?

(The screen fades to black)

Narrator: I mean, for instance,

(The scene transitions to show Mr. Tall standing on the pavement and one of his shoelaces undone)

Narrator: Like the time when one of Mr. Tall's shoelaces came undone.

(The camera pans up to show Mr. Tall unhappy as he cannot tie his shoe)

Narrator: Now, if you're as tall as Mr. Tall, tying your shoelaces isn't the easiest thing in the world. As you can imagine.

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Helpful next to Mr. Tall)

Miss Helpful: Let me help ya!

Narrator: Said Little Miss Helpful.

(Mr. Tall smiles)

Narrator: Rushing up to where Mr. Tall stood.

(Little Miss Helpful looks at Mr. Tall's shoes)

Narrator: Looking down at his shoelaces.

(The camera zooms in towards Mr. Tall's shoes and then zooms out to show Little Miss Helpful about to tie the shoelaces)

Narrator: But, somehow,

(Little Miss Helpful starts tying Mr. Tall's shoelaces)

Narrator: She managed to tie Mr. Tall's shoelaces together!

(The camera cuts up to Mr. Tall, looking down at his shoes, and the camera then zooms out to show Little Miss Helpful in the frame as well)

Narrator: And then he teetered.

(Mr. Tall starts losing his balance and Little Miss Helpful realizes what she accidentally did)

Mr. Tall (overlap): Hey! Uh, woah! Oh! OOOOH! WOAH!!

Narrator (overlap): And then he tottered. And then, Mr. Tall fell,

(Mr. Tall falls down backwards out of the frame with a loud thud)

Narrator: Right over! And if you're tall as Mr. Tall, falling over...

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Helpful looking at Mr. Tall, who is sitting down, rubbing his sore head (which now has a bandage on it)

Narrator: Hurts.

Mr. Tall: (moans)

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Tall and Little Miss Helpful in the frame completely)

Mr. Tall: Hey! Oh, my poor head!

Miss Helpful: Hey there, let me help ya!

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Helpful trying unsuccessfully to lift Mr. Tall back up. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: And she tried unsuccessfully to lift Mr. Tall again.

Miss Helpful: (grunts and heaves)

(Little Miss Helpful moves Mr. Tall's legs around)

Miss Helpful: Come on! Up you go!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful)

Miss Helpful: (grunts) Up you go!

(The camera zooms back out)

Miss Helpful (overlap): (grunts and heaves)

Narrator (overlap): Little Miss Helpful huffed and struggled. Then, she had an idea.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful, who has put Mr. Tall's legs back down)

Miss Helpful: You're too tall.

(Little Miss Helpful thinks for a moment)

Miss Helpful: Don't go away, I'll be right back.

(Little Miss Helpful walks to the left of the screen and out of the frame)

Narrator: And off she went to find the Wizard.

(The scene transitions to show Little Miss Helpful in front of The Wizard's cottage)

Narrator: He wasn't home. But looking through the window,

(The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: She could see his book of spells,

(The camera cuts to the inside of the Wizard's cottage and the table where the book of spells was)

Narrator: On the table.

(Little Miss Helpful walks into the frame and walks leftwards)

Narrator: She crept into the house, and turned over,

(Little Miss Helpful stops at the book and the camera cuts to Little Miss Helpful reading the spell book and zooming out from her)

Narrator: The pages until she found the spell she was looking for.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Helpful: "Tall be small what I call small. Small be tall what I call tall." I think I can remember that.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Helpful returning to Mr. Tall, who is still sitting on the ground)

Narrator: And she hurried back,

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Helpful with Mr. Tall. Little Miss Helpful has the Wizard's wand with her)

Narrator: To poor Mr. Tall.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: Looking up at him,

(Little Miss Helpful waved the Wizard's wand)

Narrator: And waving the Wizard's wand, she cried,

Miss Helpful: "Tall be small what I call small!"

(Sparkles come out from the wand and cover Mr. Tall's face)

Narrator: My, my!

(Mr. Tall shrinks down to the size of Mr. Small. Little Miss Helpful is both surprised but happy)

Narrator: Mr. Tall suddenly,

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Tall)

Narrator: Shrank in front of her very eyes!

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Helpful)

Miss Helpful: It worked! It worked! The spell has worked!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Tall on his feet again)

Narrator: Mr. Tall found it much easier to get to his feet again.

Mr. Tall: Thank you. Now would you make me tall again, please?

Narrator: Squeaked Mr. Tall. But as Miss Helpful,

(The camera zoom in on Little Miss Helpful as she tries to remember the other half of the spell)

Narrator: Was trying to remember the other half of the spell,

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Tall and Mr. Small is shown standing next to him. The camera zooms out from Mr. Small and Mr. Tall)

Narrator: Who should come along, but Mr. Small!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Helpful: Uh, Mr. Small, meet Mr. Tall.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Small and Mr. Tall)

Mr. Small: (giggles)

(The camera stops zooming in when Mr. Small points at Mr. Tall)

Mr. Small: Tall, my foot, lady! Why, he's just as small as I am.

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Tall, Mr. Small, and Little Miss Helpful in the frame. Little Miss Helpful struggles to remember the other half of the spell)

Miss Helpful: (smacks her lips together) Oh dear! Let, let me, um...oh hang on a second. I got it! "Tall be small and small be tall!"

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful, who realizes that wasn't the correct incantation)

Miss Helpful: Oh no! Wait! No! No! No! No! Hold on a sec. Uh, um, uh, "Small meet tall and all that...that be all!"

(The camera stops zooming in)

Miss Helpful: Uh, no! No! Hold on a sec! Um...uh heh-heh. Well, well, um. Mmm (smacks her lips together) "Small be tall." No! "Small be tall when I call fall!"

(The scene transitions to Mr. Small and Mr. Tall sleeping with their backs against each other)

Mr. Small and Mr. Tall (overlap): (snoring)

Narrator (overlap): (chuckles) Well, uh yes.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Small and Mr. Tall)

Mr. Small and Mr. Tall (overlap): (snoring)

Narrator (overlap): Now you know what I mean about people like Miss Helpful.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy asleep in his bedroom. Poor Mr. Happy is covered in red spots because he contracted the measles. The camera zooms out from Mr. Happy)

Narrator: For instance, last year,

(Mr. Happy wakes up feeling unwell and frowns in discomfort)

Narrator: Mr. Happy woke up not feeling very well.

(The scene transitions to outside Mr. Happy's house)

Narrator: The doctor had to be called to Mr. Happy's house. Which was on a hill by a lake.

(The camera zooms in towards Mr. Happy's house)

Doctor (from inside Mr. Happy's House) Oh dear!

(The scene transitions to inside Mr. Happy's bedroom and the camera zooms out from the Doctor while he is looking at Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Said the doctor when he saw Mr. Happy.

Doctor: Looks like measles.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy's disappointed face)

Narrator: Mr. Happy's face fell.

(The camera cuts back to the Doctor)

Doctor: Now, you're going to stay tucked, nice and warm in bed and get lots of rest.

(The Doctor gives Mr. Happy some medicine that is partially seen)

Doctor: Take this medicine three times a day. Hmmm?

(The camera cuts outside and the Doctor is seen leaving walking towards the left of the frame)

Narrator: The doctor left the cottage and Mr. Happy settled down,

(The Doctor leaves the frame and the camera zooms in on Mr. Happy's cottage)

Narrator: To sleep. He had just fallen asleep,

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy asleep in bed. The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy)

Narrator: When there was a loud knock at his front door.

(The camera stops zooming in and a loud knock is heard. Mr. Happy wakes up with a start)

Mr. Happy: Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh!

(Mr. Happy frowns and the scene transitions to Mr. Happy making his way downstairs and heads to the front door)

Narrator: Groaned Mr. Happy. Then he got up,

(The camera cuts outside. Little Miss Helpful is shown standing outside Mr. Happy's cottage)

Narrator: And opened the door.

(Mr. Happy opens the door and is surprised to see Little Miss Helpful)

Miss Helpful: Hello there! I've come to help!

Mr. Happy: But, look-

Miss Helpful: But nothing! Now, off to bed while I get on with everything!

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Helpful watching Mr. Happy go back upstairs. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: Miss Helpful looked around the cottage.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Miss Helpful: This place needs a good cleaning.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy asleep in his bed)

Narrator: Mr. Happy had just dropped off to sleep again,

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Helpful poking her head through the bedroom doorway holding a large broom. The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: When Miss Helpful poked her head in his bedroom door.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Miss Helpful: Hey there! You got a scrubbing brush?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy, who had woken up in response to the question)

Mr. Happy: Oh dear! Oh!

(Mr. Happy frowns. The camera cuts to show Mr. Happy downstairs walking towards the right of the screen)

Narrator: Poor Mr. Happy. He had to get up and show her,

(Mr. Happy walks out of the frame)

Narrator: Where it was.

(Mr. Happy walks to the left back into the frame)

Narrator: And then he went back to bed.

(The scene transitions to an unhappy Mr. Happy resting back in bed)

Narrator: To try to sleep.

(Mr. Happy pulls the covers up. The scene transitions to the kitchen where Little Miss Helpful had just finished scrubbing. Unbeknownst to her, the bar of soap is right behind her)

Narrator: Downstairs,

(The camera stops panning once Little Miss Helpful is in the center of the frame)

Narrator: Miss Helpful stepped back,

(The camera zooms out from Little Miss Helpful's face as she looks at the clean kitchen)

Narrator: To admire the kitchen floor she had just scrubbed.

(Little Miss Helpful is shown stepping on the bar of soap that was behind her)

Narrator: And,

(Little Miss Helpful slips on the soap and falls forwards)

Narrator: Slipped on the soap.

(Little Miss Helpful is shown spinning and the camera zooms in on her)

Miss Helpful: WOAH! OH!!

Narrator: And she fell,

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Helpful upside down with her head in a bucket. The camera zooms out from her)

Narrator: Head over heels.

Miss Helpful: Dear!

Narrator: And got her head stuck in the bucket.

Miss Helpful: (grunts and groans)

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Helpful walking towards the right with the bucket still on her head)

Narrator (overlap): And because she couldn't see,

Miss Helpful (overlap): Oh-ho! WOAH!

(Little Miss Helpful walks out of the frame)

Narrator (overlap): Where she was going,

Miss Helpful (offscreen and overlap): (groans)

(A loud crash is heard and the screen shakes)

Narrator (overlap): She walked into a shelf full of,

Miss Helpful (offscreen and overlap): (groans in pain)

Narrator: Pots and pans.

(Little Miss Helpful stumbles back into the frame as she walks to the left. Now she not only has the bucket on her head, but pots on her hands and the bucket on her head)

Miss Helpful: Oh!

(Little Miss Helpful stumbles out of the frame)

Narrator: Which fell all over the floor,

(Little Miss Helpful crashes into something offscreen)

Miss Helpful (offscreen and overlap): Oh-ho!

Narrator (overlap): With a terrible clatter.

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Helpful as she continues to stumble around with the bucket on her head. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful)

Miss Helpful: (groans)

Narrator: And because she couldn't see where she was going,

Miss Helpful: WOAH!

(The camera spins clockwise)

Narrator (overlap): Little Miss Helpful stepped,

Miss Helpful (overlap): WOAH! WOAH!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Helpful's mouth and the screen turns black for a moment before showing Little Miss Helpful hobbling around with a gravy pot on her left foot. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Helpful)

Narrator: Into a pot

Miss Helpful: Woah!

Narrator: And it got stuck on her foot.

(Little Miss Helpful starts hobbling to the left of the frame)

Miss Helpful (overlap): (screams)

Narrator (overlap): And because she had to hop,

(Little Miss Helpful hobbles out of the frame and the screen shakes as she crashes into something)

Narrator: She fell over against the refrigerator door,

(The camera zooms out to show the refrigerator open and nearly everything spilled out of it or fallen out)

Narrator: Which fell open,

(Little Miss Helpful is shown battered and bruised and covered in milk and sausages and surrounded by the rest of the refrigerator's contents)

Narrator: And everything inside,

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Helpful: (moans)

Narrator: Fell out all over Little Miss Helpful!

Miss Helpful: (moans)

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy as he sleeps in his bed. The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Poor Mr. Happy awoke with a jump at the,

(Mr. Happy opens his eyes and rises out of bed)

Narrator: Terrible commotion.

Mr. Happy: Oh! What?! Oh!

(The camera pans to the right and the camera cuts back to the staircase downstairs. Mr. Happy walks to the right of the screen)

Narrator: He groaned and got out of bed.

Mr. Happy: (grumbles incoherently) Goodness! (grumbles incoherently)

(The camera cuts to Mr. Happy entering the kitchen and is dumbstruck by what he sees)

Narrator: He went to the,

Mr. Happy (overlap): OH!!!

Narrator (overlap): Kitchen,

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy)

Narrator: And opened the door,

Mr. Happy (overlap): Oh! Oh!

Narrator (overlap): And couldn't believe his eyes!

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Helpful and zooms out to show the mess she is sitting in the middle of as well as the bucket on her head and the gravy pot on her foot)

Narrator: There in the middle of a pile of broken eggs, and a scrubbing brush, and rolling pots and pans, and a lot of water, spilled milk, squashed butter,

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: And a piece of soap, sat Little Miss Helpful.

(A drop of milk falls onto Little Miss Helpful's nose)

Narrator: With a bucket on her head,

(Another drop of milk falls onto Little Miss Helpful's nose)

Narrator: And a gravy pot on her foot.

(Another drop of milk falls onto Little Miss Helpful's nose)

Miss Helpful: Help! Mr. Happy, somebody turned off the lights!

(The camera cuts to show Mr. Happy trying to pull the bucket off Little Miss Helpful's head. The camera zooms out from Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Mr. Happy grabbed the bucket,

Mr. Happy: (grunts)

(The camera stops zooming out and Mr. Happy continues to pull)

Mr. Happy (overlap): (grunts)

Narrator (overlap): And pulled as hard as ever!

Miss Helpful (overlap): (groans in pain)

Narrator: And pulled,

Mr. Happy (overlap): (grunts)

Miss Helpful (overlap): (groans in pain)

Narrator: And pulled!

Miss Helpful: OH!!

Mr. Happy: (grunts)

Miss Helpful (overlap): (groans in pain)

Mr. Happy (overlap): (grunts)

Miss Helpful: Woah!! Oh!

(The bucket pops off Little Miss Helpful's head and Mr. Happy is shot back from the force of the pull with the bucket in his hands)

Narrator: POP!

Miss Helpful: Ooh!

(Mr. Happy is shown soaring backwards across the kitchen)

Mr. Happy (overlap): Oh!

Narrator: The bucket,

(The camera cuts to show Mr. Happy flying backwards across the kitchen with the bucket. Mr. Happy soars to the left of the screen)

Mr. Happy (overlap): (yelping)

Narrator (overlap): Came off the top of Little Miss Helpful's head like a cork,

(Mr. Happy soars out of the frame)

Narrator: Out of a champagne bottle.

(The camera cuts to the stairwell and Mr. Happy soaring to the left of the screen with the bucket in his hands)

Narrator: Mr. Happy shot backwards,

Mr. Happy (overlap): Ooh! Woah

Narrator (overlap): Like a bullet from a snub nose 38.

(Mr. Happy flies out of the frame and crashes into something offscreen. The camera cuts to show Mr. Happy still flying backwards with the bucket in his hands to the left of the screen and out of the frame. Mr. Happy is shown to have crashed through the kitchen door and leaves behind a large hole)

Narrator: CRASH! He went flying,

(Mr. Happy is shown flying backwards into the woods and towards the left of the screen)

Narrator: Through the kitchen door,

Mr. Happy: WOAH!

Narrator: And shot across the garden,

(Mr. Happy is shot through the garden hedges and leaves behind a hole in the hedge. Mr. Happy is shot out of the frame as he continues flying towards the left of the screen)

Narrator: Straight through his garden hedge.

(Mr. Happy is seen rolling down a field as he continues to be shot backwards with the bucket in his hands towards the left of the screen)

Narrator (overlap): And he rolled down the hilly field,

Mr. Happy (overlap): (screams)

(Mr. Happy continues flying backwards with the bucket in his hands)

Narrator: Behind his garden faster and faster. And...

(The camera cuts to show a gusher of water splashing up into the air as the sound of Mr. Happy splashing into the lake is heard)

Narrator: SPLASH!!!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy sitting in the middle of the lake with the bucket on his head. The camera zooms out from Mr. Happy)

Narrator: He landed in the lake. And there he sat,

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: With a bucket on his head.

(The camera cuts back over to Mr. Happy's cottage. The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Helpful outside the cottage about to hop over to Mr. Happy)

Narrator: And a little figure with a gravy pot on one foot came running.

(Little Miss Helpful manages to keep balance and starts running/hopping over to Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Actually, half hopping out from Mr. Happy's house,

(Little Miss Helpful hops out of the frame)

Narrator: And down towards the lake.

(The camera cuts to the lake and zooms out from Little Miss Helpful until Mr. Happy is also in the frame)

Miss Helpful: Hey there! Mr. Happy? CAN I HELP YA ANY!?

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

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Classic Episode Transcripts
Mr. Men Mr. Happy|Mr. Bump|Mr. Tickle|Mr. Silly|Mr. Sneeze|Mr. Snow|Mr. Messy|Mr. Small|Mr. Greedy|Mr. Bounce|Mr. Jelly|Mr. Forgetful|Mr. Funny|Mr. Topsy-Turvy|Mr. Uppity|Mr. Nosey|Mr. Daydream|Mr. Mean|Mr. Chatterbox|Mr. Impossible|Mr. Muddle|Mr. Strong|Mr. Fussy|Mr. Noisy|Mr. Lazy|Mr. Dizzy|Mr. Grumpy|Mr. Worry
Little Miss Little Miss Tiny|Little Miss Shy|Little Miss Splendid|Little Miss Magic|Little Miss Neat|Little Miss Naughty|Little Miss Scatterbrain|Little Miss Trouble|Little Miss Bossy|Little Miss Sunshine|Little Miss Plump|Little Miss Late|Little Miss Helpful