Little Miss Helpful on the Farm is a story from the 1987 Annual
Despite her name, Little Miss Helpful was anything BUT helpful. While she loves helping people out, she only ends up making things worse. Like the time she tried to help Mr. Clumsy tie his untidy shoelaces. Somehow, Little Miss Helpful tied the shoelaces together and Mr. Clumsy fell headfirst into a flowerbed!
Another time Little Miss Helpful tried helping out was when she went to buy eggs from Farmer Fields last summer. But he couldn't sell any eggs as his wife is the one who collects them and she's sick with a really bad cold. Little Miss Helpful decided to help out and gather the eggs herself. Farmer Fields tried to stop her, but there's no stopping Little Miss Helpful when she wants to help.
As she tried searching for the henhouse, she stumbled into the cowshed and was spooked by a cow that was recently milked. Little Miss Helpful jumped backwards into the bucket used to collect the milk and got it stuck on her left foot! The clanging caused by the bucket on the floor scared all the cows away and they ran all across the farmyard.
Little Miss Helpful ran after the cows and the clanging from the bucket woke up the farm dog, who's barking woke up the rooster, who's crowing woke up Farmer Field's wife who had been asleep in bed trying to recover her cold!
As Farmer Field's wife made her way downstairs to see what all the commotion was all about, she saw Little Miss Helpful in the hen house trying to collect the eggs! Little Miss Helpful had put all the eggs in one basket, she went over to the farmhouse with the bucket still on her foot and carrying all the eggs. She was so focused on keeping her balance and not breaking the eggs that she didn't see Farmer Fields running across the farmyard trying to catch all the cows that escaped the cowshed. Both of them bumped into each other and Little Miss Helpful dropped all the eggs! Despite causing the catastrophe, Little Miss Helpful is always there to help out, especially cleaning up the mess she made.
List of Characters[]
- Little Miss Helpful
- Farmer Fields
- Mr. Clumsy (mentioned)
- Farmer Field's Wife
- Cow