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Little Miss Lucky's Friend is the book adaptation of 'A Special Friend For Little Miss Lucky'.


It mostly follows the same plot. It was published in France in 1998 then released globally in 2014.

Differences Between the Book Version & TV Version[]

  • In the TV version, Little Miss Bossy tells Little Miss Lucky to start the game of skittles. In the book, it is Mr. Snooty who tells her.
  • The skittles ball doesn't hit Mr. Bump after Mr. Grumble, Mr. Snooty, and Little Miss Bossy quit the game.
  • Mr. Bump invites Little Miss Lucky for a walk and doesn't trip on the skittles pin.
  • Mr. Bump isn't shown getting hit by the bus and rolling down the street
  • A flower pot doesn't hit Mr. Bump's head.
  • In the book, Mr. Bump did a little run before he threw the skittles ball. In the TV version, he merely circled his arm a few times before throwing.
  • Mr. Bump reaction to his skittles win isn't shown.
  • Little Miss Lucky believes that Mr. Bump's skill at the games they play is because her luck has rubbed off on her. The TV version shows her simply happy to have someone to play games with.

See also[]


Book Covers[]

Book Screenshots[]

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{{NavboxLibrary |name = Book Adaptations |title = Book Adaptations |group1bg = #860e9d |group1 = Mr. Men |list1 = Mr. Bump Goes on Holiday •Mr. Chatterbox's Parrot •Mr. Clever Flies a Kite •Mr. Greedy Comes Round for Lunch •Mr. Jelly and his Small Friend •Mr. Mean's Good Deed •Mr. Mischief the Artist •Mr. Muddle's Good Catch •Mr. Noisy The Musician •Mr. Nonsense Isn't Himself •Mr. Nosey and the Excellent Idea •Mr. Silly and the Silly Secret •Mr. Slow Rolls On •Mr. Small's Big Dream •Mr. Strong Looks for a Job •Mr. Tall and the Big Surprise •Mr. Tickle Saves the Day •Mr. Worry's Christmas |}
