Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Little Miss Magic (Cartoon)." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Little Miss Splendid (Cartoon)" Next: "Little Miss Neat (Cartoon)"

UK Dub[]

(The episode begins with the camera zooming in towards Abracadabra Cottage)

Narrator: Early one morning in summer, Little Miss Magic awoke in the bedroom of Abracadabra Cottage, which was where she lived.

(The next scene takes place in Little Miss Magic's bedroom where she is in bed waking up)

Narrator: She yawned a yawn...

Miss Magic (yawns)

(Little Miss Magic jumps out of bed on the left side)

Narrator: And got out of bed.

(Little Miss Magic walks into her bathroom, toothbrush in hand)

Narrator: She went to the bathroom to clean her teeth.

(Little Miss Magic stops in front of the sink)

Miss Magic: Squeeze.

Narrator: She said to the tube of toothpaste. And guess what?

(The tube of toothpaste starts shaking)

Narrator: The tube of toothpaste...

(The tube of toothpaste jumps up and does a loop)

Narrator: ...jumped up and...

(The tube of toothpaste squeezes toothpaste onto the toothbrush)

Narrator: ..squeezed itself onto Little Miss Magic's toothbrush!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Magic's toothbrush)

Narrator: Honestly, Little Miss Magic isn't called "Little Miss Magic" for nothing!

(Little Miss Magic is shown brushing her teeth)

Narrator: When she tells something to do something, it does it!

(Little Miss Magic is seen cleaning her teeth as this is explained. She is then downstairs walking into her kitchen)

Narrator She went downstairs to the kitchen.

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Magic in the kitchen walking towards the right side of the screen and pointing to something that's in the same direction)

Miss Magic: Boil.

Narrator: She said to the kettle.

(The camera cuts to the kettle as it starts boiling on its own)

Narrator: And it did.

(The kettle boils and emits so much steam. The camera cuts over to Little Miss Magic pointing to the left where the toaster was)

Miss Magic: Toast.

Narrator: She said to the toaster.

(Two slices of toast pop out of the toaster, somehow suspending themselves in the air)

Miss Magic: Spread.

Narrator: She said to the knife.

(The camera pans down to the toast as a knife with butter on the end jumps into the frame)

Narrator: And the knife jumped up...

(The knife spreads butter on Little Miss Magic's slice of toast. Well, so much to the point that it somehow overflows)

Narrator: ...and spread some butter on the toast.

(The camera zooms out)

Miss Magic: Pour.

Narrator: She said to the coffee pot.

(The coffee pot jiggles around )

Narrator: Don't you wish you could do things like that?

(The coffee pot jumps up and pours coffee into Little Miss Magic's coffee cup)

Narrator: She was enjoying...

(Little Miss Magic takes a sip of her coffee)

Narrator: ...a second cup of coffee...

(Little Miss Magic puts her coffee cup down)

Narrator: ...when there was a knock on the door.

(Little Miss Magic takes another sip of coffee when there is a rat-a-tat-tat on her door. She turns and looks at the door)

Little Miss Magic: Open.

Narrator: She said to the door.

(The next scene is at the front door of Abracadabra Cottage opening just like that. And who should be there but a miserable looking Mr. Happy)

Narrator: And it did. There stood Mr. Happy...

(The camera zooms in towards Mr. Happy's sad face)

Narrator: ...looking...exactly the opposite!

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Oh! You don't look your usual self! What's the matter?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Everything.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Come in and tell me about it. Would you like a cup of coffee?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Yes please.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Pour.

Narrator: She said to the coffee pot.

(The coffee pot pours coffee into Little Miss Magic's coffee cup. Little Miss Magic then looks back at Mr. Happy)

Miss Magic: Sugar?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy. He looks pleased when he says this)

Mr. Happy: Two please.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Lumps, jump!

(The two sugar lumps plop into Mr. Happy's coffee)

Narrator: Two lumps...

(Two sugar lumps jump out from the sugar bowl)

Narrator: ...jumped out of the sugar bowl...

(The two sugar lumps plop into Mr. Happy's coffee)

Narrator: ...and plopped into the cup.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Stir.

(A spoon flies over to Mr. Happy's coffee)

Narrator: And a spoon stirred...

(The spoon plops into the coffee cup and starts stirring)

Narrator: ...Mr. Happy's coffee.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy sitting with Little Miss Magic with the coffee she made for him in his hand)

Miss Magic: Now, what is it?

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Well, it''s Mr. Tickle. He's become absolutely impossible!

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: What do you mean?

Mr. Happy: Well, he used to go around tickling people every now and then...

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: ...but now, he's going around tickling people all the time!

Narrator: He sighed.

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Magic)

Narrator: Little Miss Magic looked at him.

Miss Magic: It can't be that bad. Cheer up.

(The scene transitions to the front door of Abracadabra Cottage. The camera zooms out to show Mr. Happy smiling and facing Little Miss Magic)

Narrator: And, of course, he did.

(The camera stops zooming out once Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy are shown in the frame)

Miss Magic: Come on. We'll go and see Mr. Tickle together.

(Little Miss Magic looked at the door)

Miss Magic: Open.

(The door opens)

Narrator: She said to the door.

Miss Magic: After you.

(Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic leave Abracadabra Cottage to find Mr. Tickle)

Narrator: And off they set from Abracadabra Cottage.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Tickle running all around the streets of Misterland with an uncontrollable urge to tickle. Mr. Tickle runs to the right of the screen)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle, was in full cry! What a Monday morning he was having!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Mean standing in front of a brick wall next to a gate)

Narrator: He tickled...

(From behind the gate, Mr. Tickle starts tickling Mr. Mean. Mr. Mean is not happy with this at all)

Narrator:...Mr. Mean until he moaned.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Tickle finding Mr. Greedy in a shop eating a chocolate cake and tickling him. Mr. Greedy is not pleased with being tickled)

Narrator: He tickled Mr. Greedy until he groaned.

(The scene transitions to main street where Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Sunshine. She shivers when she is tickled unexpectedly)

Narrator: He tickled Little Miss Sunshine until she shivered.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Quiet standing on a path in front of some bushes. Mr. Tickle's arms prepare to tickle Mr. Quiet)

Narrator: He tickled Mr. Quiet...

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Quiet and Mr. Quiet jumps into the air in fright)

Narrator: ...until he quivered.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Plump standing in front of her house. Mr. Tickle's arms prepare to tickle Little Miss Plump)

Narrator: He tickled...

(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Plump and she is not happy with it)

Narrator: ...Little Miss Plump until she pleaded.

(Little Miss Shy is shown at her house, sitting in the armchair, crying)

Narrator: ...and Little Miss Shy until she sobbed.

(The camera cuts to a postman about to post a letter)

Narrator: Not to mention...

(Mr. Tickle tickles the postman)

Narrator: ...the postman...

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle tickling a policeman)

Narrator: ...a policeman...

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle tickling a doctor)

Narrator: ...the doctor...

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle tickling three dogs)

Narrator: ...three dogs...

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle tickling two cats)

Narrator: ...two cats...

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle tickling a worm in their hole)

Narrator: ...and a worm!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Tickle standing on the pavement of main street. The camera zooms out as he sees Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

Narrator: Cried Mr. Tickle as he spied Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Tickle: Anyone for tickles?

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle running to the left of the screen as he runs towards Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy)

Narrator: And he rushed up to them. Reaching out those extraordinarily long arms of his, with those particularly ticklish fingers on the end of them.

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy and zooms out until Mr. Tickle is also in the frame)

Narrator: Little Miss Magic looked at Mr. Happy.

Miss Magic: Yes. I see what you mean.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Magic)

Narrator: And winked.

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Tickle, Little Miss Magic, and Mr. Happy)

Narrator: She pointed at,

(Little Miss Magic points at Mr. Tickle's right arm)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle's extraordinarily long right arm.

Miss Magic: Shrink.

(Little Miss Magic stops pointing)

Narrator: She said. And then she pointed,

(Little Miss Magic points at Mr. Tickle's left arm)

Narrator: To Mr. Tickle's extraordinarily long left arm!

Miss Magic: Shrink.

(Mr. Tickle realizes what is about to happen. Little Miss Magic stops pointing and looks at the viewers)

Narrator: And as you remember,

(Mr. Tickle's right arm shrinks)

Narrator: When Little Miss Magic tells something, to do something

(Little Miss Magic looks at Mr. Tickle as Mr. Tickle's left arm shrinks)

Narrator: It does it!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Tickle as he waves his shrunken arms around)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle's arms were suddenly not extraordinarily long.

(The camera pans to the left to show Mr. Tickle's shrunken arm)

Narrator: They were extraordinarily...ORDINARY!!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Tickle's annoyed self)

Mr. Tickle: Hey! That's not fair! You've spoiled my fun!

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Well, it might've been fun for you,

Narrator: Remarked Mr. Happy.

Mr. Happy: But it wasn't much fun for anybody else!

(Little Miss Magic turns towards Mr. Tickle as the camera show Mr. Tickle, Little Miss Magic, and Mr. Happy)

Miss Magic: Come and see me tomorrow.

Narrator: Said Little Miss Magic to Mr. Tickle.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic. Little Miss Magic turns towards Mr. Happy)

Miss Magic: There.

Narrator: She said to Mr. Happy.

Miss Magic: Happy now?

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Happy as he smiles a big smile)

Narrator: And Mr. Happy smiled that famous smile of his.

Mr. Happy: Oh, I'll say! Come on! I'll buy you an ice cream.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic standing in the middle of the street as the camera zooms out to show both of them in frame)

Narrator: And off they went to find an ice cream van.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Magic: Ding dong!

Narrator: Said Miss Magic.

(An ice cream truck appears between Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy via magic sparkles. A ding is heard as the ice cream truck fully appears)

Mr. Happy: (chuckles) Oh! Um....two Raspberry Ripples!

Narrator: Said Mr. Happy laughing.

(The scene transitions to Abracadabra Cottage the next day)

Narrator: On Tuesday,

(Mr. Tickle, with his arms still shrunken, walks up to the front door of Abracadabra Cottage with a frown on his face)

Mr. Tickle: Mr. Tickle went round to Abracadabra Cottage.

(The scene transitions to inside Abracadabra Cottage where Little Miss Magic is standing by her front door)

Narrator: He knocked at the door.

Miss Magic: Open.

(The door opens. Mr. Tickle is shown standing outside and raises his hat to greet Little Miss Magic)

Narrator: And, of course, the door opened by itself.

Miss Magic: Oh! Hello, Mr. Tickle. Come in. I expect you'd like me to make your arms long again.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Tickle)

Mr. Tickle: Oh, yes! Please!

Miss Magic (offscreen): Very well.

(Mr. Tickle smiles)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle's face lit up.

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Tickle and Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: On one condition!

Mr. Tickle: (groans)

(Mr. Tickle frowns)

Narrator: His face fell.

Miss Magic: You're only allowed one tickle a day!

Mr. Tickle: ONE TICKLE A DAY!?

Miss Magic: One.

Mr. Tickle: Oh, that's not much!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Promise?

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Tickle and zooms out from him until both he and Little Miss Magic are in the frame)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle sighed.

Mr. Tickle: Oh. promise.

(Little Miss Magic points at both of Mr. Tickle's arms)

Miss Magic: Grow.

(Mr. Tickle's arm grow back to their original length)

Narrator: And both Mr. Tickle's arms grew back to their original long length!

(Mr. Tickle looks at his arms, happy that they are back to normal)

Miss Magic: Now don't forget, one tickle a day! Or else!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Tickle's worried face)

Mr. Tickle: Oh!

(Mr. Tickle leaves Little Miss Magic's house in disappointment. Mr. Tickle is also looking at his arms as he leaves)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle went out through the door.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Goodbye.

Narrator: She said to him.

Miss Magic: Shut.

Narrator: She said. And of course,

(The door closes)

Narrator: It did.

(The scene transitions to outside Abracadabra Cottage where Mr. Tickle is thinking about what Little Miss Magic made him promise)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle stood outside Little Miss Magic's cottage.

Mr. Tickle (thinking): Oh well,

Narrator: He thought.

Mr. Tickle (thinking): One tickle a day better than no tickles a day. (chuckles)

(The camera zooms out to show that one of the downstairs windows of Abracadabra Cottage was open)

Narrator: It was then, that he saw one of the downstairs windows of Abracadabra Cottage was open!

(Mr. Tickle gets an idea as the camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Tickle (thinking): Hmmm, (laughs) One tickle a day!

Narrator: He thought.

(Mr. Tickle smiles a small smile at the viewers)

Narrator: A small smile came to his face.

Mr. Tickle: One tickle a day!

(The camera cuts back to show Mr. Tickle standing by the open window)

Narrator: And on that Tuesday morning,

(Mr. Tickle stretches one of his extraordinarily long arms through the open window of Abracadabra Cottage)

Narrator: As one of those extraordinarily long arms reached in,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Magic sitting in the armchair next to the open window as Mr. Tickle stretches his arm through said window)

Narrator: Through the open window of Abracadabra Cottage,

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle smiling a huge grin and the camera slowly zooming out from him)

Narrator: The small smile on the face of Mr. Tickle, turned into a giant grin.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Tickle: (chuckles and laughs)

(Mr. Tickle stretches his extraordinarily long arm towards Little Miss Magic)

Mr. Tickle (from outside): One tickle a day!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Magic. Little Miss Magic reacts with a surprised look on her face. The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

US Dub[]

(The episode begins with the camera zooming in towards Abracadabra Cottage)

Narrator: Early one morning in the summer, Little Miss Magic awoke in her bedroom in Abracadabra Cottage. Which is where she lived.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Magic's bedroom. Little Miss Magic is shown asleep in her bed)

Narrator: She yawned a yawn.

(Little Miss Magic wakes up)

Miss Magic: (yawns)

(Little Miss Magic jumps out of bed on the left side)

Miss Magic: And got out of bed.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Magic entering the bathroom, holding her toothbrush)

Narrator: She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

(Little Miss Magic stops in front of the sink)

Miss Magic: Squeeze.

Narrator: She said to the tube of toothpaste. And guess what?

(The tube of toothpaste starts shaking)

Narrator: The tube of toothpaste,

(The tube of toothpaste jumps up and does a loop)

Narrator: Jumped up and,

(The tube of toothpaste squeezes toothpaste onto the toothbrush)

Narrator: Squeezed itself onto Little Miss Magic's toothbrush.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Magic's toothbrush)

Narrator: Honestly, Little Miss Magic isn't called "Little Miss Magic" for nothing.

(Little Miss Magic is shown brushing her teeth)

Narrator: When she tells something to something, it does it! She went...

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Magic heading downstairs and walking towards the kitchen)

Narrator: Downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Magic in the kitchen walking towards the right side of the screen and pointing to something that's in the same direction)

Miss Magic: Boil.

Narrator: She said to the kettle.

(The camera cuts to the kettle as it starts boiling on its own)

Narrator: And it did.

(The kettle starts whistling steam. The camera cuts over to Little Miss Magic pointing to the left where the toaster was)

Miss Magic: Toast.

Narrator: She said to the toaster.

(Two slices of toast pop out of the toaster. The camera then cuts to show Little Miss Magic in a close-up)

Miss Magic: Spread.

Narrator: She said to the knife.

(The camera pans down to the toast as a knife with butter on the end jumps into the frame)

Narrator: And the knife jumped up,

(The knife spreads butter on Little Miss Magic's slice of toast)

Narrator: And spread some butter on the toast.

(The camera zooms out)

Miss Magic: Pour.

Narrator: She said to the coffee pot.

(The coffee pot starts shaking)

Narrator: Don't you wish you could do things like that?

(The coffee pot pours coffee into Little Miss Magic's coffee cup)

Narrator: She was enjoying,

(Little Miss Magic takes a sip of her coffee)

Narrator: A second cup of coffee,

(Little Miss Magic puts her coffee cup down)

Narrator: When there was a knock on the door.

(Little Miss Magic takes another sip of coffee when she hears a knock on the door. She turns and looks at the door)

Miss Magic: Open.

Narrator: She said to the door.

(The scene transitions to the front door of Abracadabra Cottage but from inside the house)

Narrator: As it did,

(The door opens and Mr. Happy is revealed to be outside but rather unhappy unlike how he usually is)

Narrator: There stood Mr. Happy.

(The camera zooms in towards Mr. Happy)

Narrator: But he didn't look happy at all. In fact, he looked exactly the opposite!

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Oh? Oh! You look sad, what's the matter?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Everything.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Come in and tell me about it. Would you like a cup of coffee?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Yes, please.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Pour.

Narrator: She said to the coffee pot.

(The coffee pot pours coffee into Little Miss Magic's coffee cup. Little Miss Magic then looks back at Mr. Happy)

Miss Magic: Sugar?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Two please.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Two lumps, jump!

(The camera pans to the sugar bowl that was on the table and the cup of coffee for Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Two lumps,

(Two sugar lumps jump out from the sugar bowl)

Narrator: Jumped out of the sugar bowl,

(The two sugar lumps plop into Mr. Happy's coffee)

Narrator: And plopped into the cup.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Stir.

(A spoon flies over to Mr. Happy's coffee)

Narrator: And a spoon stirred,

(The spoon plops into the coffee cup and starts stirring)

Narrator: Mr. Happy's coffee.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy sitting with Little Miss Magic with the coffee she made for him in his hand)

Miss Magic: Now, what is it?

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Oh, it's Mr. Tickle. He's become absolutely impossible!

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: What do you mean?

Mr. Happy: Well, he used to go around tickling people every now and then,

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: But now he's going around tickling people all the time!

Narrator: He replied.

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Magic)

Narrator: Little Miss Magic looked at him.

Miss Magic: Hmmm. It can't be that bad, cheer up.

(The scene transitions to the front door of Abracadabra Cottage. The camera zooms out to show Mr. Happy smiling and facing Little Miss Magic)

Narrator: And, of course, he did.

(The camera stops zooming out once Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy are shown in the frame)

Miss Magic: Come on, we'll go and see Mr. Tickle together.

Narrator: She suggested.

Miss Magic: Open.

(The door opens)

Narrator: She said to the door.

Miss Magic: After you.

(Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic leave Abracadabra Cottage to find Mr. Tickle)

Narrator: And off they went from Abracadabra Cottage.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Tickle running all around the streets of Misterland with an uncontrollable urge to tickle. Mr. Tickle runs to the right of the screen)

Narrator: Meanwhile, Mr. Tickle was in fine form! What a Monday morning he was having! He tickled Mr. Mean

(The scene transitions to Mr. Mean standing in front of a brick wall next to a gate)

Narrator: Until he moaned.

(From behind the gate, Mr. Tickle starts tickling Mr. Mean. Mr. Mean is not happy with this at all)

Narrator: Then he went off and tickled Mr. Greedy until he groaned.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Tickle finding Mr. Greedy in a shop eating a chocolate cake and tickling him. Mr. Greedy is not pleased with being tickled)

Narrator: He tickled,

(The scene transitions to main street where Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Sunshine. She shivers when she is tickled unexpectedly)

Narrator: Poor Little Miss Sunshine until she shivered.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Quiet standing on a path in front of some bushes. Mr. Tickle's arms prepare to tickle Mr. Quiet)

Narrator: He tickled Mr. Quiet,

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Quiet and Mr. Quiet jumps into the air in fright)

Narrator: Until he quivered.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Plump standing in front of her house. Mr. Tickle's arms prepare to tickle Little Miss Plump)

Narrator: He tickled,

(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Plump and she is not happy with it)

Narrator: Miss Plump until she pleaded.

(Little Miss Shy is shown at her house, sitting in the armchair, crying)

Narrator: And Little Miss Shy until she sobbed.

(The camera cuts to a mailman about to post a letter)

Narrator: Not to mention,

(Mr. Tickle tickles the mailman)

Narrator: The mailman,

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle tickling a policeman)

Narrator: A policeman,

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle tickling a doctor)

Narrator: The doctor,

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle tickling three dogs)

Narrator: Three dogs,

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle tickling two cats)

Narrator: Two cats,

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle tickling a worm in their hole)

Narrator: And a worm!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Tickle standing on the pavement of main street. The camera zooms out as he sees Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

Narrator: Cried Mr. Tickle as he spied Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Tickle: Anyone for tickles?

Narrator: And he,

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle running to the left of the screen as he runs towards Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy)

Narrator: Rushed up to them. Reaching out those extraordinarily long arms of his, with those particularly ticklish fingers on the end of them.

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy and zooms out until Mr. Tickle is also in the frame)

Narrator: Little Miss Magic

Miss Magic (overlap): Oh!

Narrator (overlap): Looked at Mr. Happy.

Miss Magic: Yes. I see what you mean.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Magic)

Narrator: And winked.

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Tickle, Little Miss Magic, and Mr. Happy)

Narrator: She pointed at,

(Little Miss Magic points at Mr. Tickle's right arm)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle's extraordinarily long right arm.

Miss Magic: Shrink.

(Little Miss Magic stops pointing)

Narrator: She said. And then she pointed,

(Little Miss Magic points at Mr. Tickle's left arm)

Narrator: At Mr. Tickle's extraordinarily long left arm!

Miss Magic: Shrink.

(Mr. Tickle realizes what is about to happen. Little Miss Magic stops pointing and looks at the viewers)

Narrator: And as you remember,

(Mr. Tickle's right arm shrinks)

Narrator: When Little Miss Magic tells something,

(Little Miss Magic looks at Mr. Tickle as Mr. Tickle's left arm shrinks)

Narrator: To do something, it does it!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Tickle as he waves his shrunken arms around)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle's arms were suddenly not extraordinarily long. They were extra...

(The camera pans to the left to show Mr. Tickle's shrunken arm)

Narrator: Extraordinarily...(breathes in)...ORDINARY!!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Tickle's annoyed self)

Mr. Tickle: Hey! That's not fair! You've gone and spoiled all my fun!

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: It might've been fun for you, hmmm-hmmm-hmmm, but it wasn't much fun for everyone else!

(Little Miss Magic turns towards Mr. Tickle as the camera show Mr. Tickle, Little Miss Magic, and Mr. Happy)

Miss Magic: Come and see me tomorrow.

Narrator: Said Little Miss Magic to Mr. Tickle.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic. Little Miss Magic turns towards Mr. Happy)

Miss Magic: There.

Narrator: She smiled.

Miss Magic: Happy now?

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Happy as he smiles a big smile)

Narrator: Mr. Happy smiled that famous happy smile of his.

Mr. Happy: I'll say I am! Come on, and I'll buy you an ice cream cone.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Happy and Little Miss Magic standing in the middle of the street as the camera zooms out to show both of them in frame)

Narrator: And off they went to find some ice cream.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Magic: Ice cream!

Narrator: Said Miss Magic happily.

(An ice cream truck appears between Little Miss Magic and Mr. Happy via magic sparkles. A ding is heard as the ice cream truck fully appears)

Mr. Happy: Yes. Hmmm, we'll have two raspberry ripples.

Narrator: Said Mr. Happy laughing.

(The scene transitions to Abracadabra Cottage the next day)

Narrator: On Tuesday,

(Mr. Tickle, with his arms still shrunken, walks up to the front door of Abracadabra Cottage with a frown on his face)

Mr. Tickle: Mr. Tickle went over to Abracadabra Cottage.

(The scene transitions to inside Abracadabra Cottage where Little Miss Magic is standing by her front door)

Narrator: He knocked at the door.

Miss Magic: Open.

(The door opens. Mr. Tickle is shown standing outside and raises his hat to greet Little Miss Magic)

Narrator: And, of course, the door opened,

Miss Magic (overlap): Oh!

Narrator (overlap): By itself.

Miss Magic: Hello, Mr. Tickle. Come in. I expect you'd like me to make your arms long again.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Tickle)

Mr. Tickle: Oh, yes! Please!

Miss Magic (offscreen): Very well.

Mr. Tickle: Ooh!

(Mr. Tickle smiles)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs happily)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle's face lit up.

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Tickle and Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: On one condition!

Mr. Tickle: Oh?

(Mr. Tickle frowns)

Mr. Tickle (overlap): Hmmm

Narrator (overlap): His face fell.

Miss Magic: You will be allowed only one tickle a day!

Mr. Tickle: Uh, hmmm...

Miss Magic: Yes?

Mr. Tickle: Only one tickle?

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Promise?

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Tickle and zooms out from him until both he and Little Miss Magic are in the frame)

Mr. Tickle: Uh, ooh. I promise.

(Little Miss Magic points at both of Mr. Tickle's arms)

Miss Magic: Grow.

(Mr. Tickle's arm grow back to their original length)

Narrator: And both Mr. Tickle's arms grew back to their original length!

(Mr. Tickle looks at his arms, happy that they are back to normal)

Miss Magic: Now don't forget, one tickle a day! Or else!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Tickle's worried face)

Mr. Tickle: Oh!

(Mr. Tickle leaves Little Miss Magic's house in disappointment. Mr. Tickle is also looking at his arms as he leaves)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle went out the door

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Magic)

Miss Magic: Goodbye.

Narrator: She said to him.

Miss Magic: Now, shut.

Narrator: And of course,

(The door closes)

Narrator: It did.

(The scene transitions to outside Abracadabra Cottage where Mr. Tickle is thinking about what Little Miss Magic made him promise)

Narrator: Mr. Tickle stood outside of Little Miss Magic's cottage.

Mr. Tickle (thinking): Ah well, (giggles) I guess one tickle a day is better than no tickles a day.

Narrator: He thought.

(The camera zooms out to show that one of the downstairs windows of Abracadabra Cottage was open)

Narrator: It was then that he saw one of the downstairs windows of Abracadabra Cottage was open!

(Mr. Tickle gets an idea as the camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs) One tickle a day!

Narrator: And a small smile,

(Mr. Tickle smiles a small smile at the viewers)

Narrator: Came to his face.

Mr. Tickle: Hmmm, one tickle a day!

(The camera cuts back to show Mr. Tickle standing by the open window)

Narrator: And on that Tuesday morning,

(Mr. Tickle stretches one of his extraordinarily long arms through the open window of Abracadabra Cottage)

Narrator: As one of those extraordinarily long arms,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Magic sitting in the armchair next to the open window as Mr. Tickle stretches his arm through said window)

Narrator: Reached in through the open window of Abracadabra Cottage,

(The camera cuts to Mr. Tickle smiling a huge grin and the camera slowly zooming out from him)

Narrator: The small smile on the face of Mr. Tickle, turned into a giant grin.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Tickle: (chuckles and laughs)

(Mr. Tickle stretches his extraordinarily long arm towards Little Miss Magic)

Mr. Tickle (from outside): One tickle a day!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Little Miss Magic)

Mr. Tickle (from outside): (laughs)

(Little Miss Magic reacts with a surprised look on her face. The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

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Classic Episode Transcripts
Mr. Men Mr. Happy|Mr. Bump|Mr. Tickle|Mr. Silly|Mr. Sneeze|Mr. Snow|Mr. Messy|Mr. Small|Mr. Greedy|Mr. Bounce|Mr. Jelly|Mr. Forgetful|Mr. Funny|Mr. Topsy-Turvy|Mr. Uppity|Mr. Nosey|Mr. Daydream|Mr. Mean|Mr. Chatterbox|Mr. Impossible|Mr. Muddle|Mr. Strong|Mr. Fussy|Mr. Noisy|Mr. Lazy|Mr. Dizzy|Mr. Grumpy|Mr. Worry
Little Miss Little Miss Tiny|Little Miss Shy|Little Miss Splendid|Little Miss Magic|Little Miss Neat|Little Miss Naughty|Little Miss Scatterbrain|Little Miss Trouble|Little Miss Bossy|Little Miss Sunshine|Little Miss Plump|Little Miss Late|Little Miss Helpful