Book Cover
Little Miss Magic to the Rescue (book) is the book adaptation of the episode of the same name. It was published in France in 1998 then released globally in 2014.
It mostly follows the same story as Little Miss Magic to the Rescue.
Differences Between the Book Version & TV Version[]
- Little Miss Magic isn't shown mowing her lawn before going on her walk
- All the complaints the Mr. Men had before their wishes are much longer and aren't just about their current dilemmas.
- Little Miss Magic's spell is stronger in the book version than in the TV version. Mr. Strong became so weak in the book version that he could barely lift up both his feet and arms! In the TV version, he can lift up his arms and feet.
- Mr. Small's problem after becoming tall was not being able to get into his home in the TV version. In the book version, it is because he keeps bumping his head.
- Mr. Greedy's problem with all the food he has at home and not being hungry after he became thin isn't shown in the book version but it is mentioned at the end.
- In the book version, the Mr. Men don't ask Little Miss Magic to undo what she did to them until a few days later. In the TV version, they ask her much sooner.
- Before Little Miss Magic undoes her spells in the TV version, she reminds her friends to be grateful for being themselves. She doesn't say that in the book version.
- In the book version, Little Miss Magic invites Mr. Forgetful for tea and cake after he assumes she invited him for tea. In the TV version, the episode ends when he after he asks if he invited her for something.
- Mr. Forgetful, when he forgets what Little Miss Magic invited him for in the book version, he also asks if she invited her for a walk or to go shopping.
- The book version ends with Mr. Forgetful being able to remember how great Little Miss Magic's tea was and, for once, never forgetting it.
See also[]
Book Covers[]
Book Screenshots[]
{{NavboxLibrary |name = Book Adaptations |title = Book Adaptations |group1bg = #860e9d |group1 = Mr. Men |list1 = Mr. Bump Goes on Holiday •Mr. Chatterbox's Parrot •Mr. Clever Flies a Kite •Mr. Greedy Comes Round for Lunch •Mr. Jelly and his Small Friend •Mr. Mean's Good Deed •Mr. Mischief the Artist •Mr. Muddle's Good Catch •Mr. Noisy The Musician •Mr. Nonsense Isn't Himself •Mr. Nosey and the Excellent Idea •Mr. Silly and the Silly Secret •Mr. Slow Rolls On •Mr. Small's Big Dream •Mr. Strong Looks for a Job •Mr. Tall and the Big Surprise •Mr. Tickle Saves the Day •Mr. Worry's Christmas |}