Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Little Miss Naughty (Cartoon)." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Little Miss Neat (Cartoon)" Next: "Little Miss Scatterbrain (Cartoon)"

UK Dub[]

(The episode begins with the sun rising behind a house)

Narrator: Are you ever naughty? Sometimes, I bet. Well...

(The camera zooms in on the house)

Narrator: ...Little Miss Naughty was naughty all the time!

(The screen fades into the bedroom. Little Miss Naughty is in her bed, just waking up)

Miss Naughty: (yawns)

Narrator: She woke one Sunday morning...

(Little Miss Naughty looks out her bedroom window)

Narrator: ...and looked out of the window.

Miss Naughty: Looks like a nice day for being naughty. (laughs mischievously)

(The screen transitions to later that day. Mr. Uppity is shown going for a stroll. He is walking from the left side of the screen to the right side of the screen)

Narrator: That Sunday, Mr. Uppity was out for his morning stroll.

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Naughty. Little Miss Naughty was standing behind a brick wall holding a large walking stick)

Miss Naughty: I'm gonna knock his hat off. Just you watch!

(The camera zooms out)

Narrator: From behind a wall, Miss Naughty...

(Mr. Uppity appears walking from behind the other side of the wall)

Narrator: ...knocked Mr. Uppity's hat...

(Little Miss Naughty uses the walking stick to knock Mr. Uppity's hat off his head)

Narrator: his head with a walking stick!

(Mr. Uppity turns around and realizes what just happened)

Mr. Uppity: My hat!

(Little Miss Naughty begins jumping on Mr. Uppity's hat with glee. The scene transitions to Mr. Greedy's house. Mr. Greedy is waiting for a turkey he put in the oven to finish cooking)

Narrator: Mr. Greedy had put a turkey in the oven for lunch. A rather large turkey.

(The camera pans over to the window. Little Miss Naughty is shown peeking through the window)

Miss Naughty: Good! I'd fancy that turkey. I'm gonna pinch it!

(Little Miss Naughty smiles a cheeky smile and ducks under the window. The camera cuts back to Mr. Greedy just as a knock is heard from the door offscreen)

Mr. Greedy: Ooh! Who is at the door just when I'm about to eat my delicious lunch?

(Mr. Greedy heads to the door)

Mr. Greedy: (mumbles incoherently)

(Mr. Greedy opens the door)

Mr. Greedy: Hello?

(Mr. Greedy looks around)

Mr. Greedy: Oh.

(Back in the kitchen, Little Miss Naughty is shown with the turkey and escaping through the kitchen window. The camera zooms out to show only a sausage left in the oven. Mr. Greedy walks back into the kitchen in shock)

Mr. Greedy: Oh no!

(Mr. Greedy looks at the sausage that was left in the oven)

Narrator: Poor Mr. Greedy.

(The camera zooms in on the sausage)

Narrator: A sausage isn't much of a lunch when you've been looking forward to a whole turkey. Is it?

(The scene transitions to outside a fancy restaurant called "Muddles". The camera zooms in on the restaurant doors)

Narrator: And do you know what she did that evening? She went to an expensive restaurant and ordered all the most expensive food on the menu.

(The camera fades to Little Miss Naughty glancing at the restaurant's menu)

Miss Naughty: Uh, yes. I'll have oysters, caviar, fresh salmon, T-bone steak well done, two plates of chips, lemon meringue pie,

(Little Miss Naughty lowers the menu)

Miss Naughty: And your best bottle of lemonade.

(Little Miss Naughty smiles a big smile and the camera zooms out to show all the food she ordered)

Narrator: And do you know what she did next? She sent the bill to Mr. Mean!

(Little Miss Naughty closes her eyes in glee)

Narrator: Naughty girl!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Mean receiving the bill. The bill total was for £85 and Mr. Mean's jaw drops in horror!)

Narrator: What a shock!

(The scene transitions to the next day. Downtown, Little Miss Naughty encounters Mr. Worry)

Narrator: The next day, she met Mr. Worry.

(Little Miss Naughty points at Mr. Worry with her left hand. Mr. Worry becomes worried)

Miss Naughty: Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!

(Little Miss Naughty frowns. The camera cuts over to Mr. Worry)

Mr. Worry: Oh! What is it? What, uh, what is the problem?

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Worry in the same frame)

Miss Naughty: Looks to me that you've got measles!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: Your face is covered in spots!

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Worry in the same frame. Little Miss Naughty grins as she sees Mr. Worry in a tizzy)

Mr. Worry: Oh dear! Oh dear!

(The scene transitions to Dr. Makeyouwell's office. The camera is zoomed in close to Dr. Makeyouwell's face)

Narrator: He worried off to see,

(The camera starts zooming out from Dr. Makeyouwell)

Narrator: Dr. Makeyouwell. Dr. Makeyouwell,

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: Listened to Mr. Worry's tale.

(Dr. Makeyouwell starts digging for something inside his desk)

Narrator: And took a mirror from his drawer,

(Dr. Makeyouwell takes out the mirror and Mr. Worry's reflection appears in it. Mr. Worry takes the mirror and realizes he had been tricked. The camera zooms out from Mr. Worry's reflection in the mirror)

Mr. Worry: Oh?!

(Little Miss Naughty is seen looking through the window that's to the right of Mr. Worry. Only her green bow and eyes are seen as the camera continues zooming out)

Mr. Worry: There's-there's no spots?!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Worry: What a thing to say to me when it wasn't true!

Miss Naughty: (giggles)

(Little Miss Naughty rises up as she looks through the window)

Miss Naughty: Oh, what a lovely day!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: And it ain't even dinner time yet! (giggles)

(The scene transitions to several Mr. Men getting together to discuss the whole situation with Little Miss Naughty. Starting at the bottom of the screen going clockwise, Mr. Small, Mr. Uppity (with his bent hat in his left hand), Mr. Worry, Mr. Bump, and Mr. Greedy (who is holding a plate with the sausage Little Miss Naughty left behind) are all together trying to figure out what to do about Little Miss Naughty. The camera zooms out from Mr. Uppity's bent hat)

Narrator: The Mr. Men decided to hold a meeting.

(The camera stops zooming out once everyone is shown in the frame)

Mr. Uppity: Something has to be done!

Narrator: Announced Mr. Uppity,

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Uppity's bent hat)

Narrator: Showing them his bent hat.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Greedy)

Narrator: Mr. Greedy thought.

Mr. Greedy: Um, yes. Aha, (clears throat)

Narrator: He cleared his throat and spoke.

Mr. Greedy: Um-well, uh, I-uh, I've, uh, no idea.

(The camera zooms out to show all five Mr. Men in the same frame)

Mr. Worry: Well, I have!

Narrator: Piped up Mr. Worry.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Worry)

Mr. Worry: I know what that naughty little girl needs. And, I know who can do it.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Uppity)

Mr. Uppity: Oh really? Who?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Greedy)

Mr. Greedy: Uh, what? Who? Who? What? What? Who? What?

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Worry)

Mr. Worry: Oh! (starts chuckling) That would be telling, wouldn't it?

Narrator: Chuckled Mr. Worry.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Worry walking down the road to the left side of the screen. The camera follows Mr. Worry)

Narrator: And went off to see a friend of his. Someone who could do impossible things! Like...

(The scene transitions to Mr. Worry at the house of his friend and his friend opens the door but is unseen to the viewers)

Narrator: Making himself invisible.

(The scene transitions to another area outside where Mr. Nosey is shown sleeping under a tree. The camera zooms out from Mr. Nosey)

Narrator: That afternoon, Mr. Nosey was asleep under a tree.

(Little Miss Naughty appears peering from behind the tree closest to the right of the screen. The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: Little Miss Naughty crept towards...

(Little Miss Naughty is now shown peering from the tree that's the 2nd closest to the right of the screen)

Narrator: Him with a pot of paint in one hand,

(Little Miss Naughty is now shown peering from the tree that's the 2nd closest to the left of the screen)

Narrator: A paintbrush in the other, and a rather large grin on her face.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Naughty as she peers from behind a tree)

Miss Naughty: I'm gonna paint the end of his nose red!

(The camera zooms in closer to Little Miss Naughty)

Narrator: But just as she was about to do this dreadful deed, something happened.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: The brush jumped,

(The brush jumps out of Little Miss Naughty's hand and wiggles around)

Narrator: Out of her hand! Then it dipped itself

(The paintbrush dips itself into the pot of red paint)

Narrator: Into the red paint,

(The paintbrush begins chasing Little Miss Naughty down the road to the right of the screen. The camera follows them)

Narrator: And began to chase Little Miss Naughty down the road.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: Ugh! Egh! Get off! Buzz off! Get off!

(The camera cuts over to the brush hovering in midair, bouncing in midair, and chasing Little Miss Naughty towards the right)

Narrator: Somebody invisible was holding the brush and pot! I wonder who?

(The scene transitions to later in the afternoon with Mr. Jelly standing at the corner of main street waiting for a bus to arrive. Mr. Jelly was facing to the left)

Narrator: Mr. Jelly was waiting for a bus all alone when,

(The camera zooms out from Mr. Jelly)

Narrator: Behind his back, Little Miss Naughty,

(The camera stops zooming out to show a building behind Mr. Jelly. From behind the building, Little Miss Naughty peers out holding a balloon in her left hand and wearing a big grin on her face)

Narrator: Crept up quietly. She had a balloon in one hand,

(Little Miss Naughty is shown holding a pin in her right hand in addition to the balloon in her left)

Narrator: And a pin in the other.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Jelly as he looks around nervously)

Narrator: Oh, she couldn't do that to poor nervous Mr. Jelly!

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Naughty)

Narrator: Could she?

(Little Miss Naughty nods as a way to say that she WILL do the dreadful deed)

Narrator: Oh yes, she could!

Miss Naughty: (chuckles mischievously) He went off jump when this balloon goes pop!

(The camera starts zooming out to show Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Jelly in the same frame)

Narrator: But just as she was about to make the balloon go pop, something happened.

(The camera stops zooming out and someone invisible is heard blowing up the balloon Little Miss Naughty was holding)

Narrator: The balloon began to grow larger and larger! As somebody invisible blew more air into it!

(The balloon continues growing bigger as the invisible person continues blowing air into it)

Narrator: Miss Naughty,

(Little Miss Naughty starts lifting off the ground due to how light the balloon had gotten)

Narrator: Began to,

(Little Miss Naughty drops the pin as she rises out of the frame)

Narrator: Lift off,

(Little Miss Naughty is shown rising higher into the sky)

Narrator: The ground!

Miss Naughty: Ah! Help! Oh no! Help! PUT ME DOWN!!

(The scene transitions to show a silhouette of Little Miss Naughty sailing high above the clouds and still holding the balloon in her hand. Little Miss Naughty floats to the left side of the screen. The camera follows her)

Narrator: She sailed away. Up and over the trees, on the balloon,

(The balloon is shown bursting in an expanding star of yellow, red, and white)

Narrator: Until a bird came and pepped it!

(The scene cuts over to the top of some bushes and reeds)

Narrator: Poor Miss Naughty!

(A splash is heard and the camera lowers down to show Little Miss Naughty sitting in a duck pond, soaking wet)

Narrator: She fell into the duck pond.

Miss Naughty: (gags)

(Little Miss Naughty sinks deep into the water for a moment)

Miss Naughty: (spits out water)

(Little Miss Naughty sits back up)

Miss Naughty: (coughs and groans)

(The scene transitions to show Mr. Lazy asleep in his bed)

Narrator: The next day, Mr. Lazy was in bed fast asleep.

Mr. Lazy: (snores)

(The camera cuts outside and zooms out from Yawn Cottage, which was the name of Mr. Lazy's house)

Narrator: Outside his house,

(The camera continues zooming out to show Little Miss Naughty hiding behind a tree and holding a walking stick in her hand)

Narrator: Little Miss Naughty stood by the front door.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: She raised her hand. Oh! She couldn't be so naughty as to knock on that door and wake up,

(The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Naughty)

Narrator: Poor Mr. Lazy! Not as six o'clock in the morning!

(The camera stops zooming in)

Narrator: SHE COULDN'T!

(Little Miss Naughty nods her head saying that she'll do it)

Narrator: Oh yes, she could!

Miss Naughty: (giggles) And I'll make him angry waking up this early!

(The camera cuts to the front door of Yawn Cottage)

Narrator: But just before she did,

(Little Miss Naughty prepares to use the walking stick to knock on the door of Yawn Cottage)

Narrator: Guess what? That naughty girl,

(The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Naughty)

Narrator: Felt someone, who was invisible, tweak her nose hard.

(Little Miss Naughty's nose is tweaked by the invisible person)

Miss Naughty: Ouch!

(The invisible person tweaks Little Miss Naughty's nose a second time)

Narrator: Then her nose was tweaked again.

Miss Naughty: Ouch! Ow! Get off! No! It's not fair!

(The scene cuts to a path near some hedges)

Narrator: And Little Miss Naughty,

(Little Miss Naughty runs to the right of the screen holding her red, sore nose)

Narrator: Ran home, holding her nose.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Naughty holding a flower in her left hand and blushing. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Naughty)

Narrator: But after that, she was cured.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: No naughtiness at all!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Worry at the house of his friend and his friend opens the door but is unseen to the viewers)

Narrator: Mr. Worry went to thank his invisible friend.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Worry)

Mr. Worry: Uh, hello, Mr. Impossible. Thank you for helping to cure poor Little Miss Naughty. (giggles)

(The camera cuts to show Mr. Impossible standing in the middle of the doorway in front of Mr. Worry)

Mr. Impossible: My pleasure!

Narrator: Laughed Mr. Impossible.

Mr. Impossible: But it did take a week. (chuckles)

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Worry)

Mr. Worry: Yes, indeed. And, uh, and a tweak! (laughs)

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Worry as the screen fades to black. The episode ends here)

US Dub[]

(The episode begins with the sun rising behind Little Miss Naughty's house)

Narrator: Have you ever naughty? I'll bet you have. Once or twice. Well,

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Naughty's house)

Narrator: Little Miss Naughty was naughty all the time!

(The screen fades into Little Miss Naughty's bedroom. Little Miss Naughty is in her bed, just waking up)

Miss Naughty (overlap): (yawns)

Narrator (overlap): She woke one Sunday morning,

Narrator: Bright and early.

(Little Miss Naughty looks out her bedroom window)

Narrator: And looked out of the window.

Miss Naughty: Looks like a nice day for being naughty. (breathes in heavily in excitement)

(The screen transitions to later that day. Mr. Uppity is shown going for a stroll. He is walking from the left side of the screen to the right side of the screen)

Narrator: Now that particular Sunday, Mr. Uppity was out for his morning stroll.

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Naughty. Little Miss Naughty was standing behind a brick wall holding a large walking stick)

Miss Naughty: I'm going to knock his hat off. (breathes in heavily in excitement)

(The camera zooms out)

Narrator: From behind a wall, Miss Naughty,

(Mr. Uppity appears walking from behind the other side of the wall)

Narrator: Knocked Mr. Uppity's hat...

(Little Miss Naughty uses the walking stick to knock Mr. Uppity's hat off his head)

Narrator: Off his head with a walking stick!

(Mr. Uppity turns around and realizes what just happened)

Mr. Uppity: My hat!

(Little Miss Naughty begins jumping on Mr. Uppity's hat with glee)

Miss Naughty: (giggles mischievously)

(The scene transitions to Mr. Greedy's house. Mr. Greedy is waiting for a turkey he put in the oven to finish cooking)

Narrator: That same day, Mr. Greedy had put a turkey in the oven for lunch. A rather large turkey.

(The camera pans over to the window. Little Miss Naughty is shown peeking through the window)

Miss Naughty: Sure beats eating a TV dinner. I'm gonna steal it! (breathes in heavily in excitement)

(Little Miss Naughty smiles a cheeky smile and ducks under the window. The camera cuts back to Mr. Greedy just as a knock is heard from the door offscreen)

Mr. Greedy: Oh no! Who's that the door just when I'm about to eat my, uh, delicious lunch?

(Mr. Greedy heads to the door)

Mr. Greedy: (mumbles incoherently)

(Mr. Greedy opens the door)

Mr. Greedy: Hello?

(Mr. Greedy looks around)

Mr. Greedy: Hm.

(Back in the kitchen, Little Miss Naughty is shown with the turkey and escaping through the kitchen window.)

Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Nobody's there. Back to lunch.

(The camera zooms out to show only a sausage left in the oven. Mr. Greedy walks back into the kitchen in shock)

Mr. Greedy: Oh no! Oh!

(Mr. Greedy looks at the sausage that was left in the oven)

Narrator: Poor Mr. Greedy.

(The camera zooms in on the sausage)

Narrator: A sausage isn't much of a lunch when you've been looking forward to a whole turkey. Is it?

(The scene transitions to outside a fancy restaurant called "Muddles". The camera zooms in on the restaurant doors)

Narrator: And do you know what Miss Naughty did that evening? She went to an expensive restaurant and ordered all the most expensive food on the menu.

(The camera fades to Little Miss Naughty glancing at the restaurant's menu)

Miss Naughty: I'd like some oysters, caviar, fresh salmon, side order of fries (hold the slaw), T-bone steak, well done, cheesecake a la mode,

(Little Miss Naughty lowers the menu)

Miss Naughty: And your best bottle of lemonade. (breathes in heavily in excitement and giggles)

(Little Miss Naughty smiles a big smile and the camera zooms out to show all the food she ordered)

Narrator: And then, do you know what she did? She sent the bill to Mr. Mean!

(Little Miss Naughty closes her eyes in glee)

Narrator: Naughty girl!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Mean receiving the bill. The bill total was for £85!)

Mr. Mean: Hm?

(Mr. Mean sees the total)

Mr. Mean: (groans in horror)

Narrator: What a shock!

(The scene transitions to the next day. Downtown, Little Miss Naughty encounters Mr. Worry)

Narrator: The next day, she met Mr. Worry.

(Little Miss Naughty points at Mr. Worry with her left hand. Mr. Worry becomes worried)

Miss Naughty: Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!

(Little Miss Naughty frowns. The camera cuts over to Mr. Worry)

Mr. Worry: Oh! Uh, what! Uh, what, what is the problem?

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Worry in the same frame)

Miss Naughty: Looks to me that you've got measles!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: (gasps) Your face looks like a pizza!

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Worry in the same frame)

Miss Naughty (overlap): (giggles faintly)

Mr. Worry (overlap): Oh dear!

(The scene transitions to Dr. Makeyouwell's office. The camera is zoomed in close to Dr. Makeyouwell's face)

Narrator: He worried off to see,

(The camera starts zooming out from Dr. Makeyouwell)

Narrator: Dr. Makeyouwell. Well, Dr. Makeyouwell,

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: Listened to Mr. Worry's tale.

(Dr. Makeyouwell starts digging for something inside his desk)

Narrator: And took a mirror from his desk,

(Dr. Makeyouwell takes out the mirror and Mr. Worry's reflection appears in it. Mr. Worry takes the mirror and realizes he had been tricked. The camera zooms out from Mr. Worry's reflection in the mirror)

Mr. Worry: Oh?!

(Little Miss Naughty is seen looking through the window that's to the right of Mr. Worry. Only her green bow and eyes are seen as the camera continues zooming out)

Mr. Worry: There's no spots?!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Worry: What a thing to say to me when it wasn't true!

Miss Naughty: (giggles)

(Little Miss Naughty rises up as she looks through the window)

Miss Naughty: Oh, what a lovely day!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: And it isn't even dinner time yet! (giggles)

(The scene transitions to several Mr. Men getting together to discuss the whole situation with Little Miss Naughty. Starting at the bottom of the screen going clockwise, Mr. Small, Mr. Uppity (with his bent hat in his left hand), Mr. Worry, Mr. Bump, and Mr. Greedy (who is holding a plate with the sausage Little Miss Naughty left behind) are all together trying to figure out what to do about Little Miss Naughty. The camera zooms out from Mr. Uppity's bent hat)

Narrator: The city council decided to hold a meeting.

(The camera stops zooming out once everyone is shown in the frame)

Mr. Uppity: Something has to be done!

Narrator: Announced Mr. Uppity,

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Uppity's bent hat)

Narrator: Holding out his bent hat.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Greedy)

Narrator: And Mr. Greedy thought.

Mr. Greedy: Hmmm, uh, yes. Uh, (clears throat)

Narrator: He cleared his throat and spoke.

Mr. Greedy: I, uh, forgot, uh, w-what, uh, I was, uh, going to, uh, say. (groans)

(The camera zooms out to show all five Mr. Men in the same frame)

Mr. Worry: Well, uh, hmmm.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Worry)

Mr. Worry: I, uh, know what the little lady needs. And, uh, I know who can do it.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Uppity)

Mr. Uppity: Oh really? Who?

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Greedy)

Mr. Greedy: Uh, come on! Come on! Let's have it!

(The camera cuts back over to Mr. Worry)

Mr. Worry: Ooh! That would telling telling then. Wouldn't it.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Worry walking down the road to the left side of the screen. The camera follows Mr. Worry)

Narrator: Mr. Worry went to see a friend of his. Someone who could do impossible things! Like...

(The scene transitions to Mr. Worry at the house of his friend and his friend opens the door but is unseen to the viewers)

Narrator: Making himself invisible.

(The scene transitions to another area outside where Mr. Nosey is shown sleeping under a tree. The camera zooms out from Mr. Nosey)

Narrator: Meanwhile, that afternoon, while Mr. Nosey was asleep under a tree,

(Little Miss Naughty appears peering from behind the tree closest to the right of the screen. The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: Little Miss Naughty crept towards...

(Little Miss Naughty is now shown peering from the tree that's the 2nd closest to the right of the screen)

Narrator: Him with a pot of paint in one hand,

(Little Miss Naughty is now shown peering from the tree that's the 2nd closest to the left of the screen)

Narrator: A paintbrush in the other,

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Naughty as she peers from behind a tree)

Narrator: And a large grin on her face

Miss Naughty: (breathes in heavily in excitement) I'm going to paint his nose red!

(The camera zooms in closer to Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: (breathes in heavily in excitement and giggles)

Narrator: But just as she was about to do the dreadful deed, something happened.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: The brush jumped,

(The brush jumps out of Little Miss Naughty's hand and wiggles around)

Narrator: Out of her hand! Then it dipped itself

(The paintbrush dips itself into the pot of red paint)

Narrator: Into the red paint,

(The paintbrush begins chasing Little Miss Naughty down the road to the right of the screen. The camera follows them)

Narrator: And began to chase Miss Naughty down the road.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Naughty)

Miss Naughty: Oh! No! Stop! Help! Help!

(The camera cuts over to the brush hovering in midair, bouncing in midair, and chasing Little Miss Naughty towards the right)

Narrator: Somebody was holding the pot and brush! I wonder who?

(The scene transitions to Mr. Jelly standing at the corner of main street waiting for a bus to arrive. Mr. Jelly was facing to the left)

Narrator: Mr. Jelly was waiting for a bus all alone when,

(The camera zooms out from Mr. Jelly)

Narrator: Behind his back, Little Miss Naughty,

(The camera stops zooming out to show a building behind Mr. Jelly. From behind the building, Little Miss Naughty peers out holding a balloon in her left hand and wearing a big grin on her face)

Narrator: Crept up quietly. She had a balloon in one hand,

(Little Miss Naughty is shown holding a pin in her right hand in addition to the balloon in her left)

Narrator: And a pin in the other.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Jelly as he looks around nervously)

Narrator: Oh, she couldn't do that to poor nervous Mr. Jelly!

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Naughty)

Narrator: Could she?

(Little Miss Naughty nods as a way to say that she WILL do the dreadful deed)

Miss Naughty (overlap): (chuckles mischievously)

Narrator (overlap): Of course she could!

Miss Naughty: (chuckles mischievously) He'll really jump when this balloon goes bang! (breathes in heavily in excitement)

(The camera starts zooming out to show Little Miss Naughty and Mr. Jelly in the same frame)

Narrator: But just as she was about to make the balloon go bang, something happened.

(The camera stops zooming out and someone invisible is heard blowing up the balloon Little Miss Naughty was holding)

Narrator: The balloon began to grow larger and larger! As some invisible person blew air into it!

(The balloon continues growing bigger as the invisible person continues blowing air into it)

Narrator: Slowly, Miss Naughty,

(Little Miss Naughty starts lifting off the ground due to how light the balloon had gotten)

Miss Naughty (overlap): Hey!

Narrator (overlap): Began to,

(Little Miss Naughty drops the pin as she rises out of the frame)

Narrator: Lift off,

(Little Miss Naughty is shown rising higher into the sky)

Narrator: The ground!

Miss Naughty: Help! Help! Put me down! Put me down! PUT ME DOWN!!

(The scene transitions to show a silhouette of Little Miss Naughty sailing high above the clouds and still holding the balloon in her hand. Little Miss Naughty floats to the left side of the screen. The camera follows her)

Narrator: She sailed away. Up and over the trees. May have sailed on forever,

(The balloon is shown bursting in an expanding star of yellow, red, and white)

Narrator: If the balloon hadn't finally burst!

(The scene cuts over to the top of some bushes and reeds)

Narrator: Poor Miss Naughty.

(A splash is heard and the camera lowers down to show Little Miss Naughty sitting in a duck pond, soaking wet)

Narrator: She fell into a duck pond.

Miss Naughty: (gasps) Oh!

(Little Miss Naughty sinks deep into the water for a moment)

Miss Naughty: (gurgles)

(Little Miss Naughty sits back up)

Miss Naughty: (groans)

(The scene transitions to show Mr. Lazy asleep in his bed)

Narrator: The next day, Mr. Lazy was in bed fast asleep.

Mr. Lazy: (snores)

(The camera cuts outside and zooms out from Yawn Cottage, which was the name of Mr. Lazy's house)

Narrator: Outside his house,

(The camera continues zooming out to show Little Miss Naughty hiding behind a tree and holding a walking stick in her hand)

Narrator: Little Miss Naughty stood by the front door.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: She raised her hand. Uh oh! She couldn't be so naughty as to knock on that door and wake up,

(The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Naughty)

Narrator: Poor Mr. Lazy! Not as six o'clock in the morning!

(The camera stops zooming in)

Miss Naughty: (giggles mischievously)

Narrator: SHE COULDN'T!

(Little Miss Naughty nods her head saying that she'll do it)

Narrator: Oh yes, she could.

Miss Naughty: (giggles) Oh, won't it make him angry waking up this early!

(The camera cuts to the front door of Yawn Cottage)

Narrator: But just before she did,

(Little Miss Naughty prepares to use the walking stick to knock on the door of Yawn Cottage)

Narrator: Guess what? That naughty girl,

(The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Naughty)

Narrator: Felt someone, who was invisible, tweak her nose hard.

(The camera stops zooming in. Little Miss Naughty's nose is tweaked by the invisible person)

Miss Naughty: Ooh! Ouch!

(The invisible person tweaks Little Miss Naughty's nose a second time)

Miss Naughty: Ooh! Ouch! Ow! Stop it! Knock it off! It's not fair!

(The scene cuts to a path near some hedges)

Narrator: And Little Miss Naughty,

(Little Miss Naughty runs to the right of the screen holding her red, sore nose)

Narrator: Ran home, holding her nose.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Naughty holding a flower in her left hand and blushing. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Naughty)

Narrator: After that, she was cured. No more,

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: Naughtiness at all!

(The scene transitions to Mr. Worry at the house of his friend and his friend opens the door but is unseen to the viewers)

Narrator: The next day, Mr. Worry went to thank his invisible friend.

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Worry)

Mr. Worry: Uh, good morning, Mr. Impossible. Thank you very much for helping me to cure poor Little Miss Naughty of naughtiness.

(The camera cuts to show Mr. Impossible standing in the middle of the doorway in front of Mr. Worry)

Mr. Impossible: My pleasure! (chuckles) But it did take a week. (chuckles)

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Worry)

Mr. Worry: Yes, indeed. And a tweak! (laughs)

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Worry as the screen fades to black. The episode ends here)

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Classic Episode Transcripts
Mr. Men Mr. Happy|Mr. Bump|Mr. Tickle|Mr. Silly|Mr. Sneeze|Mr. Snow|Mr. Messy|Mr. Small|Mr. Greedy|Mr. Bounce|Mr. Jelly|Mr. Forgetful|Mr. Funny|Mr. Topsy-Turvy|Mr. Uppity|Mr. Nosey|Mr. Daydream|Mr. Mean|Mr. Chatterbox|Mr. Impossible|Mr. Muddle|Mr. Strong|Mr. Fussy|Mr. Noisy|Mr. Lazy|Mr. Dizzy|Mr. Grumpy|Mr. Worry
Little Miss Little Miss Tiny|Little Miss Shy|Little Miss Splendid|Little Miss Magic|Little Miss Neat|Little Miss Naughty|Little Miss Scatterbrain|Little Miss Trouble|Little Miss Bossy|Little Miss Sunshine|Little Miss Plump|Little Miss Late|Little Miss Helpful