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Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Little Miss Neat (Cartoon)." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Little Miss Magic (Cartoon)" Next: "Little Miss Naughty (Cartoon)"

UK Dub[]

(The episode begins with the camera zooming out to show Little Miss Neat's House, Twopin Cottage)

Narrator: Little Miss Neat...

(The camera stops zooming out once Twopin Cottage is fully in the frame)

Narrator: ...lived in Twopin Cottage.

(The camera zooms in towards Twopin Cottage)

Narrator: It was called Twopin Cottage because she kept it as neat...

(The camera stops zooming in once the hedges in front of Twopin Cottage are no longer seen)

Narrator: two pins.

(The camera cuts over to the open window on the left side of the house)

Narrator: Little Miss Neat...

(Through the window, the viewers can see Little Miss Neat vacuuming. She is shown walking past the window towards the right)

Miss Neat (overlap): (humming)

Narrator (overlap): ...was a very tidy person.

(Little Miss Neat backs up as she vacuums. Little Miss Neat walks forwards passed the window as she continues vacuuming)

Narrator: Probably, the...

(Little Miss Neat continues vacuuming but walks out of the frame)

Narrator (overlap): ...tidiest person...

Miss Neat (overlap): (humming)

(Little Miss Neat walks back into the frame now vacuuming towards the left)

Narrator (overlap): all the world!

Miss Neat (overlap): (humming)

(Little Miss Neat walks back into the frame now vacuuming towards the left. Little Miss Neat is then shown vacuuming by the front door)

Narrator (overlap): She couldn't stand a mess!

Miss Neat (overlap): Phew! (humming)

(The vacuum is shown moving across the rug)

Miss Neat (offscreen): (humming)

(The camera zooms back out to show Little Miss Neat vacuuming by the front door while a female singer sings "Neat, Everything Neat")

Female Singer (overlap): 🎵Neat. Everything neat. Everything's just,🎵

Miss Neat (overlap): Oh, I do like to see things neat and tidy.

(The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Neat)

Female Singer (overlap): 🎵Where everything goes! And it's neat!🎵

Miss Neat (overlap): Spick and span, if you know what I mean.

(The camera cuts outside to a worm popping out of their hole)

Narrator: Every day,

(The vacuum cleaner is shown vacuuming the garden path)

Narrator: She spent,


Miss Neat: (gasps) That is nasty!

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Neat running down the garden path with a duster)

Narrator: And rushed outside with a duster.

(The camera cuts to the puddle and zooms out from it. Little Miss Neat is shown kneeling in front of the puddle)

Miss Neat: Oh dear me! We can't have that!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Neat: Water all over my nice clean path.


Miss Neat: Oh. I do hope it doesn't get too dusty while I'm away.

Narrator: She said...

(The scene transitions outside Twopin Cottage where Little Miss Neat is shown leaving with her suitcase in her hand. Little Miss Neat is walking to the right of the screen)

Narrator: she closed the door behind her.


(Mr. Muddle takes a bite out of the letter he was supposed to mail)


Narrator: He called.

(The camera cuts into Little Miss Neat's house and Mr. Muddle swings open the door to see if Little Miss Neat was home)

Narrator: He pushed open the door.

Mr. Muddle: Oh dear.

Narrator: He thought as he looked around.


Miss Neat: In the refrigerator!?


Miss Neat: In the teapot?

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Neat looking at something offscreen)

Narrator: And the tea...

Miss Neat: the sugar bowl?!

(The camera shows the milk jug)

Narrator: And the sugar...

Miss Neat (offscreen): the milk jug?!


Miss Neat: In the oven!?


Miss Neat: I can't find a teaspoon!

(Little Miss Neat continues looking around)

Narrator: She could not.

(The camera cuts over to the telephone as it begins to ring)


(Little Miss Neat jumps up from the armchair in pain)

Miss Neat: Ouch!

(The camera cuts to the armchair to show teaspoons, knives, and forks underneath the cushion)

Narrator: And she found the teaspoons,

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Neat hovering up, mid-jump, from the armchair in pain)

Miss Neat: Ooh!

(The camera cuts to the armchair to show teaspoons, knives, and forks underneath the cushion)

Narrator: And the knives,

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Neat hovering up, mid-jump, from the armchair in pain)

Miss Neat: (breathes in sharply) Ow!

(The camera cuts to the armchair to show the knives and forks wedged between the armchair and the cushion)

Narrator: And the forks.

(Little Miss Neat is shown sitting back in the armchair with the teaspoons, knives, and forks in her hands. Little Miss Neat is clearly not a happy Little Miss)

Miss Neat: (scoffs)

(The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Neat)

Narrator: And I don't think Little Miss Neat will be taking a holiday next year.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Narrator: Do you?

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

US Dub[]

(The episode begins with the camera zooming out to show Little Miss Neat's House, Tidy Cottage)

Narrator: Little Miss Neat,

(The camera stops zooming out once Tidy Cottage is fully in the frame)

Narrator: Lived in Tidy Cottage.

(The camera zooms in towards Tidy Cottage)

Narrator: It was called Tidy Cottage because she kept it neat and tidy.

(The camera stops zooming in once the hedges in front of Tidy Cottage are no longer seen)

Narrator: Little Miss Neat,

(The camera cuts over to the open window on the left side of the house)

Narrator: Was a very,

(Through the window, the viewers can see Little Miss Neat vacuuming. She is shown walking past the window towards the right)

Narrator: Tidy person.

(Little Miss Neat backs up as she vacuums)

Narrator: Probably,

(Little Miss Neat walks forwards passed the window as she continues vacuuming)

Narrator: The tidiest person in all the world!

(Little Miss Neat continues vacuuming but walks out of the frame)

Narrator: She couldn't stand a mess!

(Little Miss Neat walks back into the frame now vacuuming towards the left)

Narrator: And so, she was,

(Little Miss Neat is shown vacuuming by the front door)

Narrator: Always scrubbing, and dusting, and running,

(The vacuum is shown moving across the rug)

Narrator (overlap): The vacuum cleaner.

Miss Neat (overlap and offscreen): (humming) Oh,

(The camera zooms back out to show Little Miss Neat vacuuming by the front door while a female singer sings "Neat, Everything Neat")

Female Singer (overlap): 🎵Neat. Everything neat. Everything's just,🎵

Miss Neat (overlap): I do like to see things neat and tidy.

(The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Neat)

Female Singer (overlap): 🎵Where everything goes! And it's neat!🎵

Miss Neat (overlap): Spick and span, if you know what I mean.

(The camera cuts outside to a worm popping out of their hole)

Narrator (overlap): She spent,

Worm (overlap): Huh!

Narrator: Every day,

(The vacuum cleaner is shown vacuuming the garden path)

Narrator: Polishing,

(Little Miss Neat is shown vacuuming to the right of the screen, down the garden path, and is heading straight towards the worm)

Worm: (screams)

(The worm dives back into their hole just as Little Miss Neat runs the vacuum over it)

Narrator: And dusting,

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Neat dusting a bookshelf with a pink duster)

Narrator: And,

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Neat polishing a fish bowl with a slightly distress goldfish swimming inside it. The camera zooms in towards the fish bowl)

Narrator: Cleaning.

(The camera stops zooming in as the bowl is heard squeaking as Little Miss Neat wipes it with a yellow rag)

Narrator: And making,

(The camera cuts to a portrait of a man with balding white hair, a white mustache, and glasses. The mustache is shown to be crooked and the man in the portrait is looking down at it. The camera zooms in towards the portrait)

Narrator: Sure that everything,

(The camera stops zooming in as Little Miss Neat is shown fixing the mustache in the portrait. The eyes of the man in the portrait move along with the mustache)

Narrator: Was in its proper place.

(Little Miss Neat fixes the mustache and the man in the portrait looks at the viewers. Little Miss Neat lowers her hands out of the frame)

Miss Neat (offscreen): I do like to see things,

(The camera cuts back outside Tidy Cottage)

Miss Neat (offscreen): In their proper place.

Narrator: One morning, Little Miss Neat awoke in her bedroom in Tidy Cottage.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Neat looking out of her bedroom window in surprise)

Narrator: And looked out of her,

(The scene transitions to a wide shot of Tidy Cottage with Little Miss Neat looking out of her bedroom window. On the path leading up to the cottage, there was a puddle of water in the middle of the path. From the bedroom window, you can see Little Miss Neat frowning)

Narrator: Bedroom window. It had been raining,

(The camera cuts to a zoomed in shot of the puddle on the path)

Narrator: During the night and there was a puddle in the middle of her garden path.

(The camera cuts to a blank-faced Little Miss Neat, trying to conceal her horror)

Narrator: She gasped in horror.

Miss Neat: (gasps) That's so nasty!

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Neat running down the garden path with a dust rag)

Narrator: And rushed outside with her dust rag.

(The camera cuts to the puddle and zooms out from it. Little Miss Neat is shown kneeling in front of the puddle)

Miss Neat: Oh, no, no! Oh, this just will not do!

(Little Miss Neat starts wiping up the puddle with her dust rag)

Narrator: She mopped up every drop of the puddle.

(The puddle disappears as it is absorbed by the rag. Little Miss Neat looks at the rag in disgust. The scene cuts back to the window of Tidy Cottage where Little Miss Neat is shown running back and forth past the window. Little Miss Neat is shown holding the dust rag in her left hand and rushing to the left)

Narrator: And then she rushed inside and washed the duster.

(Little Miss Neat runs across the screen to the right. This time, holding an iron in her right hand along with the dust rag in her left)

Narrator: And then she ironed the duster.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Neat holding the duster, now folded, in both of her hands. The camera zooms out to reveal Little Miss Neat standing in front of a set of drawers. One of which is opened)

Narrator: And then, she folded the duster.

(The camera stops zooming out and Little Miss Neat puts the duster into the open drawer)

Narrator: And then, she placed the duster very neatly back into it's drawer.

(Little Miss Neat closes the drawer and the camera zooms in towards Little Miss Neat as she looks around)

Narrator: Everything in Tidy Cottage,

Miss Neat: (sighs contently)

Narrator: Had it's proper place.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Miss Neat: (hums)

Female Singer (overlap): 🎵Neat.🎵

Miss Neat (overlap): I do like to see things put into their proper places

Female Singer (overlap):🎵Everything neat. Everything's just where everything goes! 🎵

(The camera starts fading to black)

Female Singer (overlap):🎵And it's neat!🎵

Narrator (overlap): Now this story, is about,

(The scene cuts to a full view of Tidy Cottage)

Narrator: The time Little Miss Neat went on vacation.

(The camera starts zooming in towards the bottom left window of Tidy Cottage)


(Little Miss Neat stops polishing her suitcase)

Miss Neat: Neat and tidy. Clean and shiny. That's how things should be.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Neat about to leave Tidy Cottage with her suitcase in her hand. The camera zooms out from the suitcase)

Narrator: At last, she was ready to leave Tidy Cottage. All spick and span,

(The camera stops zooming out and Little Miss Neat looks around)

Narrator: And neat and tidy.


(Mr. Muddle takes a bite out of the letter he was supposed to mail)


(The camera cuts over to Mr. Muddle standing by one of the kitchen cupboards)

Mr. Muddle: Um,

(Mr. Muddle opens the cupboard)

Mr. Muddle: Where did I put the chocolate?


Miss Neat: That was a lovely vacation, but I'm glad to be home. I'm gasping for a cup of chocolate.

(Little Miss Neat starts walking up the path to the house)

Narrator: She walked up the path

(Little Miss Neat turns towards the taxi driver as she walks towards the house)

Miss Neat: Thank you. Goodbye.


Miss Neat: In the refrigerator!?


Miss Neat: In the teapot?

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Neat looking at something offscreen)

Narrator: And the chocolate,

Miss Neat: In the sugar bowl?!

(The camera shows the milk jug)

Narrator: And the sugar,

Miss Neat (offscreen): In the milk jug?!

(Little Miss Neat finds a cup in the oven)

Narrator: And a cup,

Miss Neat: In the oven!?

(Little Miss Neat finds a saucer in the breadbox)

Narrator: And a saucer,

Miss Neat: In the breadbox?

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Neat and zooms out from her as she looks around the kitchen)

Narrator: But could she find a teaspoon?

(The camera stops zooming out as Little Miss Neat looks around)

Miss Neat: I can't find a teaspoon!

(Little Miss Neat continues looking around)

Narrator: She could not.

(The camera cuts over to the telephone as it begins to ring)

Narrator: The telephone rang. Little Miss Neat,

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Neat picking up the phone with her left hand and prepares to talk into it The camera zooms in towards the right)

Narrator: Picked it up.

Miss Neat: Hello? Miss Neat here.


(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Neat)

Narrator: Miss Neat,

(The camera starts zooming out)

Narrator: Thought for a moment.

(Little Miss Neat figures out who's on the other end of the phone)

Miss Neat: Oh!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Neat: It's Mr. Muddle speaking, isn't it?

(The scene transitions back to Mr. Muddle as he talks on the phone while tangled up in the telephone cord)

Mr. Muddle: Hmmm...uh...well, well, yes!

Narrator: Replied Mr. Muddle, getting right for once.

(The scene transitions back to Little Miss Neat as she talks on the phone)

Miss Neat: And you paid me a visit while I was on vacation, didn't you?

(The scene transitions back to Mr. Muddle as he talks on the phone while tangled up in the telephone cord)

Mr. Muddle: Mmm, uh, mmm, yes! I did!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Muddle)

Narrator: Replied Mr. Muddle, getting right for twice.


(Little Miss Neat is shown sitting back in the armchair with the teaspoons, knives, and forks in her hands. Little Miss Neat is clearly not a happy Little Miss)

Miss Neat: Oh my!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Neat)

Narrator: I don't think Little Miss Neat will be taking a vacation next year.

(The camera stops)

Narrator: Do you?

(The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

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Mr. Men Mr. Happy|Mr. Bump|Mr. Tickle|Mr. Silly|Mr. Sneeze|Mr. Snow|Mr. Messy|Mr. Small|Mr. Greedy|Mr. Bounce|Mr. Jelly|Mr. Forgetful|Mr. Funny|Mr. Topsy-Turvy|Mr. Uppity|Mr. Nosey|Mr. Daydream|Mr. Mean|Mr. Chatterbox|Mr. Impossible|Mr. Muddle|Mr. Strong|Mr. Fussy|Mr. Noisy|Mr. Lazy|Mr. Dizzy|Mr. Grumpy|Mr. Worry
Little Miss Little Miss Tiny|Little Miss Shy|Little Miss Splendid|Little Miss Magic|Little Miss Neat|Little Miss Naughty|Little Miss Scatterbrain|Little Miss Trouble|Little Miss Bossy|Little Miss Sunshine|Little Miss Plump|Little Miss Late|Little Miss Helpful