This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Little Miss Plump (Cartoon)." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
Previous: "Little Miss Sunshine (Cartoon)" | Next: "Little Miss Late (Cartoon)" |
UK Dub[]
(The episode begins with Little Miss Plump walking in the woods)
Narrator: Little Miss Plump certainly was...
(Little Miss Plump stops walking for a moment)
Miss Plump: Was what?
(Little Miss Plump resumes walking)
Narrator: Plump.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Plump walking towards two trees)
Narrator: She was as plump as a cushion.
(Little Miss Plump walks between the two trees and gets stuck)
Miss Plump: Oh!
(The scene transitions to Cherrycake Cottage. The camera slowly zooms in towards the window of the cottage)
Narrator: She lived in Cherrycake Cottage. One lovely summer morning, she arrived home from an early morning walk.
(The scene transitions to the kitchen of Cherrycake Cottage)
Narrator: Feeling rather hungry, she went,
(Little Miss Plump walks into the kitchen)
Narrator: Into her kitchen. And cooked herself some breakfast.
(The scene transitions to the kitchen stove, ready to cook some breakfast)
Narrator: Some breakfast!
(Little Miss Plump puts a pan containing sausages on the stove and the sausages begin to sizzle)
Narrator: Sausages!
(The camera cuts to show Little Miss Plump cooking tons of sausages. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Plump)
Narrator: Now, if you had sausages for breakfast, how many sausages would we have? One?
(Little Miss Plump moves the sausages off the stove)
Narrator: One? Perhaps two?
(The camera cuts to the top of a tower of sausages piled high on a plate. The camera zooms out from the top of the tower)
Narrator: Maybe three?
(The camera stops zooming out)
Narrator: Guess how many sausages,
(The camera pans down the tower)
Narrator: Miss Plump had for breakfast? SIXTY-SIX!
(The camera reaches the bottom of the tower and zooms out)
Narrator: Sixty-six succulent sizzling sausages!
(The camera cuts to Little Miss Plump eating the sausages. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Plump)
Narrator: Which is difficult to say.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Miss Plump: No it isn't. Sixty-six...oh-hoo! Sixty-six...oh! Sixty-six succulent sizzling sausages! (giggles)
(Little Miss Plump licks her lips)
Narrator: (chuckles) And...and even more difficult to eat.
(The camera zooms out to show that Little Miss Plump has eaten all but one of the sixty-six sausages she prepared)
Miss Plump: No it isn't.
(The camera zooms in to the plate with the last sausage on it. Little Miss Plump starts cutting the sausage)
Narrator: Miss Plump cut the last sausage on her plate in two,
(Little Miss Plump eats one half of the sausage she just cut. The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Plump)
Narrator: And popped one half into her mouth.
(The camera stops zooming in)
Miss Plump: (smacks her lips) Mmmm-mmmm! That was nice! Now what shall I have?
(Little Miss Plump licks her lips and walks out of the frame to the right of the screen)
Narrator: Guess what?
(The scene cuts to Little Miss Plump looking at her reflection in her toaster. The camera zooms out from her reflection to show the toaster on the table)
Miss Plump (offscreen but seen via reflection): Toast!
Narrator: Now, if you had toast for breakfast or if I had toast for breakfast, how many slices
(The camera stops zooming out and Little Miss Plump's reflection fades away)
Narrator: Would we have?
(A slice of toast flies out of the toaster)
Narrator: One?
(Another slice of toast flies out of the toaster)
Narrator: Two?
(Two slices of toast fly out of the toaster faster than the other two slices)
Narrator: Maybe three?
(Numerous slices of toast start flying out of the toaster at rapid speed, making them uncountable)
Narrator: Guess how many slices of toast Miss Plump had for breakfast?
(The slices of toast continue flying out of the toaster)
(The scene fades to a tower of toast. The camera first shows the slices of toast at the top of the tower)
Narrator: Twenty-three,
(The camera pans down to show all twenty-three slices of toast in the tower and stops upon reaching the plate at the very bottom)
Narrator: Thick, tasty slices of tempting toast!
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Plump standing behind the tower of toast. Also on the table is a jar of marmalade and a butter knife)
Narrator: And marmalade!
Miss Plump: Mmm!
(The scene transitions to show all the slices of toast eaten (with only crumbs on the plate remaining), the knife covered in marmalade, and the marmalade jar nearly empty)
Miss Plump: Mmm! That was nice!
(Little Miss Plump licks her lips)
Narrator: Just as Miss Plump was licking the last crumb of the twenty-third slice f toast from her lips
(The sound of someone knocking on the door is heard. Little Miss Plump walks to the right of the screen and out of the frame to answer the door)
Narrator: There was a knock at the door of Cherrycake Cottage.
(The scene transitions to outside Cherrycake Cottage where Mr. Stamp the postman is shown holding a letter for Little Miss Plump. Little Miss Plump is shown to have opened the door to see Mr. Stamp outside. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Plump)
Narrator: It was the postman.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Miss Plump: Morning, Mr. Stamp.
Mr. Stamp: Oh! Good morning, Miss Plump. I've got a letter for you.
(The camera moves in towards Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: Oh good! Would you like a cup of tea while you're here? I'm gonna have one.
(The camera moves back to show Mr. Stamp in the same frame as Little Miss Plump)
Mr. Stamp: Ooh, well thank you. I'd love one!
(The scene transitions back to Little Miss Plump's kitchen)
Narrator: One indeed! (snickers)
(Little Miss Plump walks into the frame to the left. She is carrying a try with an enormously large teapot on it as well as a cup and saucer)
Narrator: Just look at the size of Miss Plump's teapot!
(Little Miss Plump stops walking upon reaching the center of the screen)
Miss Plump: Shan't be long! Kettle's just boiled!
(The scene transitions to two cups of tea on a table along with a teaspoon and a bowl of sugar lumps)
(The scene transitions to two cups of tea on a table along with a teaspoon and a bowl of sugar lumps)
Miss Plump (offscreen): Sugar, Mr. Stamp?
Mr. Stamp (offscreen): Uh, yes! Yes! Just one lump, Miss Plump.
(Little Miss Plump pours Mr. Stamp some tea into the empty cup)
Mr. Stamp (offscreen): Thank you.
(The camera cuts to Mr. Stamp sitting down in an armchair enjoying his cup of tea. The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Plump sitting in the arm chair across from Mr. Stamp also enjoying a cup of tea)
Mr. Stamp: (smacks his lips together) Oh, that's nice.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Stamp: Oh, I love a good cup of tea.
Miss Plump: So do I.
(The camera moves in closer to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: I shall have two, three, or four for my breakfast.
(The camera cuts back over to Mr. Stamp)
Mr. Stamp: Oh, it's turning a lovely day, ain't it?
Miss Plump (offscreen): Mmm!
Mr. Stamp: Mmm!
(The camera cuts back over to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: Oh, that's beautiful.
Mr. Stamp (offscreen): Oh, it's a nice cup of tea.
Miss Plump: If I do say so myself!
(The camera cuts back over to Mr. Stamp)
Mr. Stamp: (sighs happily)
Miss Plump (offscreen): (sighs happily)
Mr. Stamp: Well, thank-thank you for the tea. I must be on me way.
(The camera cuts back over to Little Miss Plump. Little Miss Plump tries to get up to escort Mr. Stamp out but he stops her)
Mr. Stamp (offscreen): No! Don't get up! I'll see meself out.
(Little Miss Plump sits back down)
Miss Plump: Bye-bye, Mr. Stamp.
(The door is heard closing)
Narrator: After Miss Plump had,
(The scene transitions to two cups of tea on a table along with a teaspoon and a bowl of sugar lumps. The camera zooms out from the empty cup)
Narrator: Said goodbye to the postman, she poured herself another cup of tea.
(The camera stops zooming out. Little Miss Plump pours herself some tea into the empty cup)
Narrator: Another, after the eleven other cups she had already!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Plump sitting in the armchair Mr. Stamp was sitting in earlier about to read the letter she had received. The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Plump)
Narrator: And then, she opened the letter.
(The camera shows the viewers what is written on the letter)
Narrator: It was from Mr. Greedy.
Mr. Greedy (voiceover): Dear Miss Plump, uh,
(The camera cuts back to show Little Miss Plump reading the letter)
Mr. Greedy (voiceover): Next Wednesday, is my birthday. (chuckles) Please come to tea at four o'clock.
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Greedy's signature on the letter)
Narrator: And it was signed, Mr. Greedy.
(Little Miss Plump lowers the letter)
Miss Plump: Oh lovely! I shall look forward to that!
(The scene transitions to outside Cherrycake Cottage that Wednesday. The camera zooms in towards Cherrycake Cottage)
Narrator: Wednesday was a fine sunny day.
(The camera cuts inside Cherrycake Cottage. There, Little Miss Plump prepares to put on her hat)
Miss Plump: I think I'll wear my new hat.
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Plump only partially visible in the mirror she is standing in front of. The camera stops zooming out and Little Miss Plump sees the problem)
Miss Plump: Oh dear!
(Little Miss Plump puts on her hat, grabs the mirror, and swings it out so the mirror can show her reflection fully)
Miss Plump: Oh, that's better.
(The scene transitions to the kitchen. Little Miss Plump is shown walking across the screen to the left while licking her lips)
Narrator: And after a little light lunch, I'll...I'll tell you what later.
(The scene transitions to outside Cherrycake Cottage where Little Miss Plump is about to get into her car. The camera zooms out from Cherrycake Cottage until the car is fully in the frame)
Narrator: Miss Plump set off in her car to drive over to Mr. Greedy's.
(The camera stops zooming out. Little Miss Plump struggles to get into her car as it is smaller than her large size)
Miss Plump (while grunting): Ooh! I must get a bigger car!
(Little Miss Plump pops into her car and turns around so she can drive. The camera starts zooming in)
Narrator: But before she set off,
(As the camera zooms in, Little Miss Plump is shown moving around her car as she struggles to put something on the back seat)
Narrator: She put something on the back seat of her car.
(The camera cuts over to the back seat of Little Miss Plump's car. The camera zooms out to reveal that it is a birthday present for Mr. Greedy)
Narrator: Something large. It was Mr. Greedy's birthday present.
(The camera cuts back out of the car and Little Miss Plump drives off out of the frame to the right. The scene cuts to Little Miss Plump driving down the road when her car starts acting up and making noise)
Miss Plump: Now what's wrong with you?
(The car breaks down three times before a cloud of white smoke engulfs the screen of everything except Little Miss Plump's surprised face. The scene transitions to Little Miss Plump driving down the road via front view. The camera pans to the top left corner of the screen. The song "Plump, Plump, Little Miss Plump" starts to play)
Female Singer: 🎵Plump, plump, Little Miss Plump. How she loves her lovely food.🎵
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Plump driving down the road to the right of the screen)
Female Singer: 🎵Plump, plump, Little Miss Plump. An appetite for two. Or three,🎵
(Once Little Miss Plump drives out of the frame, the scene transitions to Little Miss Plump driving down the road to the right of the screen again)
Female Singer: 🎵Or four, or maybe more. She eats, and eats, and eats, and more.🎵
(Once Little Miss Plump drives out of the frame, The scene transitions to Roly Poly Cottage and zooms out from it)
Narrator (overlap): At four o'clock precisely,
Female Singer (overlap): 🎵Little Miss Plump🎵
(The camera continues zooming out. "Plump, Plump, Little Miss Plump" ends)
Narrator: Miss Plump pulled up in front of,
(The camera stops zooming out and Little Miss Plump drives into the frame to the right)
Narrator: Mr. Greedy's roly-poly sort-of-a-house.
(The camera cuts to Little Miss Plump pulling up to the left of the frame (the angle showing Little Miss Plump had changed))
Miss Plump: Hello, Mr. Greedy.
Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Oh,
(Little Miss Plump parks her car. The camera cuts back to show Little Miss Plump's car (with Little Miss Plump still inside it) parked in front of Mr. Greedy's house. Mr. Greedy comes out of his house and sees Little Miss Plump)
Mr. Greedy: Hello, Miss Plump!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: Happy birthday, Mr. Greedy.
(Little Miss Plump gets out of her car and is shown next to Mr. Greedy. Little Miss Plump is shown holding the present in her left hand. The camera zooms out from Mr. Greedy)
Mr. Greedy: Oh-ho-ho-ho, Thank you! Uh, come in!
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Greedy: The tea's all ready! (chuckles) Oh, it's,
(Mr. Greedy puts his hands to his face in amazement)
Mr. Greedy: So nice to see you again.
(Mr. Greedy sees the present Little Miss Plump is holding)
Mr. Greedy: Um, oh!
(The camera moves in closer to Mr. Greedy)
Mr. Greedy: And what is this?
(Little Miss Plump is shown handing the present over to Mr. Greedy. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: It's your birthday present!
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Greedy: Oh (chuckles) You shouldn't have!
(Mr. Greedy looks at the viewers. The scene transitions to Mr. Greedy holding a cake with one candle in it. The camera zooms out from the cake)
Narrator: And he started pulling off the wrapping paper.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Greedy: Oh! Oh! Oh! (chuckles happily)
Miss Plump (offscreen): (giggles)
Mr. Greedy: Oh! It's the loveliest cake I've ever
(Mr. Greedy brings the cake closer to him)
Mr. Greedy: Seen!.
Miss Plump (offscreen): (giggles)
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: I only put one candle on it because I didn't know how old you were. (giggles)
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Greedy and the cake in the frame. The cake is on a table that separates Little Miss Plump and Mr. Greedy)
Mr. Greedy: (laughs) Oh!
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Greedy: You shouldn't have, you know. But I'm glad that you did. (laughs)
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: I baked it today.
(Little Miss Plump puts her hands to her mouth in a slightly bashful manner)
Miss Plump: I have a confession to make.
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Greedy)
Mr. Greedy: Oh?
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Plump,who is now pointing at the cake)
Miss Plump: This isn't the only cake I baked today.
Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Hmmm?
Miss Plump (while laughing): The first one was so delicious, I ate it for breakfast!
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Greedy)
Mr. Greedy: (laughs) Yes, I quite understand.
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: And the second one, second one looked so lovely, I couldn't help myself!
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Plump as she puts her hands back up to her mouth in a slightly bashful manner)
Miss Plump: I ate it for lunch!
Mr. Greedy (offscreen) and Miss Plump: (laughs)
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Greedy and the cake in the frame)
Miss Plump and Mr. Greedy: (giggles)
Mr. Greedy: And, the third,
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Greedy: (chuckles) I presume, Miss Plump, for tea? (laughs)
(Little Miss Plump covers her mouth for a brief moment)
Miss Plump: (giggles)
Mr. Greedy: Would you care join me?
(Little Miss Plump uncovers her mouth)
Mr. Greedy (overlap): (chuckles)
Miss Plump (overlap): Oh yes!
(Little Miss Plump covers her mouth for a brief moment)
Miss Plump and Mr. Greedy: (giggles)
Mr. Greedy: Oh!
(The camera cuts to the table and slowly zooms out to reveal sandwiches, cupcakes, sausages, juice, ham, onion rings, cheese, jelly, eclairs, fries, shakes, fruit, and of course, cake on the table)
Miss Plump (offscreen): Ooh!
Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Hey! (laughs)
Miss Plump (offscreen): Oh, what a lovely cheese! Mmm!
Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Oh! Yes! Will you, will you enjoy the milkshake? Yeah.
Miss Plump (offscreen and overlap): Mmm!
Mr. Greedy (offscreen and overlap): Miss Plump! (laughs)
Miss Plump (offscreen): Dear, Mr. Greedy! Ooh, that's lovely!
(The camera zooms out enough so Mr. Greedy and Little Miss Plump are in the frame)
Mr. Greedy: Chips! (laughs)
Miss Plump: You've gosh cream all over your nose!
Mr. Greedy: Oh!
Miss Plump: Mmm!
Mr. Greedy: Oh, never mind. I'll lick it off!
Miss Plump: Ooh! Oh, like a champ! Mmm!
(The camera stops zooming out)
Miss Plump: Ooh, what a lovely cherry tart!
Mr. Greedy: Rather a...rather have piled up
Miss Plump and Mr. Greedy: (laughs)
Miss Plump: Oh, Mr. Greedy! Just a tiny bit...
Mr. Greedy: Yes!
Miss Plump: Just a tiny bit more!
Mr. Greedy: Same again! Same again! Yes!
Miss Plump and Mr. Greedy: (laughs)
Miss Plump: Just a tiny, weeny bit! Oh, you force me!
(Little Miss Plump and Mr. Greedy continue chatting and eating as the screen fades to black. The episode ends here)
US Dub[]
(The episode begins with Little Miss Plump walking in the woods)
Narrator: Little Miss Plump certainly was...
(Little Miss Plump stops walking for a moment)
Miss Plump: What?
(Little Miss Plump resumes walking)
Narrator: Plump.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Plump walking towards two trees)
Narrator: She was as plump as a cushion.
(Little Miss Plump walks between the two trees and gets stuck)
Miss Plump: Oh!
(The scene transitions to Cherrycake Cottage. The camera slowly zooms in towards the window of the cottage)
Narrator: She lived in Cherrycake Cottage. Now, one lovely summer morning, she arrived home,
(The scene transitions to the kitchen of Cherrycake Cottage)
Narrator: From an early morning walk. Feeling rather hungry,
(Little Miss Plump walks into the kitchen)
Narrator: She went into her kitchen. And,
(The scene transitions to the kitchen stove, ready to cook some breakfast)
Narrator: She cooked herself some breakfast.
(Little Miss Plump puts a pan containing sausages on the stove and the sausages begin to sizzle)
Narrator: Some breakfast indeed!
(The camera cuts to show Little Miss Plump cooking tons of sausages. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Plump)
Narrator: Sausages. Now, if you had sausages for breakfast, how many sausages would you have? One?
(Little Miss Plump moves the sausages off the stove)
Narrator: Maybe two? If you were a chow-hound,
(The camera cuts to the top of a tower of sausages piled high on a plate. The camera zooms out from the top of the tower)
Narrator: Maybe three?
(The camera stops zooming out)
Narrator: Guess how many sausages,
(The camera pans down the tower)
Narrator: Miss Plump had for breakfast? SIXTY-SIX! Sixty-six,
(The camera reaches the bottom of the tower and zooms out)
Narrator: Succulent sizzling sausages!
(The camera cuts to Little Miss Plump eating the sausages. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Plump)
Narrator: Which is difficult to say.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Miss Plump: No it isn't. Sixty-six...mmm! Sixty-six...oh! Sixty-six succulent sizzling sausages! (giggles)
(Little Miss Plump licks her lips)
Narrator: And, even more difficult to eat.
(The camera zooms out to show that Little Miss Plump has eaten all but one of the sixty-six sausages she prepared)
Miss Plump: No it isn't.
(The camera zooms in to the plate with the last sausage on it. Little Miss Plump starts cutting the sausage)
Narrator: Miss Plump cut the last sausage on her plate in two,
(Little Miss Plump eats one half of the sausage she just cut. The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump (overlap): (mouth noises)
Narrator (overlap): And popped one half into her mouth.
(The camera stops zooming in)
Miss Plump: Mmmm! It's good! Now what'll I have?
(Little Miss Plump licks her lips and walks out of the frame to the right of the screen)
Narrator: Guess what?
(The scene cuts to Little Miss Plump looking at her reflection in her toaster. The camera zooms out from her reflection to show the toaster on the table)
Narrator: Toast! Now, if you had toast for breakfast or if I had toast for breakfast,
(The camera stops zooming out and Little Miss Plump's reflection fades away)
Narrator: How many slices would we have?
(A slice of toast flies out of the toaster)
Narrator: One?
(Another slice of toast flies out of the toaster)
Narrator: Two?
(Two slices of toast fly out of the toaster faster than the other two slices)
Narrator: Three?
(Numerous slices of toast start flying out of the toaster at rapid speed, making them uncountable)
Narrator: Guess how many slices of toast Miss Plump had for breakfast?
(The slices of toast continue flying out of the toaster)
Narrator: Give up? TWENTY-THREE!
(The scene fades to a tower of toast. The camera first shows the slices of toast at the top of the tower)
Narrator: Twenty-three,
(The camera pans down to show all twenty-three slices of toast in the tower and stops upon reaching the plate at the very bottom)
Narrator: Thick, tasty slices of,
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Plump standing behind the tower of toast. Also on the table is a jar of jelly and a butter knife)
Narrator: Tempting toast and jelly!
Miss Plump: Mmm!
(The scene transitions to show all the slices of toast eaten (with only crumbs on the plate remaining), the knife covered in jelly, and the jelly jar nearly empty)
Miss Plump: Mmm! That was nice!
(Little Miss Plump licks her lips)
Narrator: Just as Miss Plump was licking the last crumb of the,
(The sound of someone knocking on the door is heard)
Narrator: Twenty-third slice f toast from her lips,
(Little Miss Plump walks to the right of the screen and out of the frame to answer the door)
Narrator: There was a knock at the door of Cherrycake Cottage.
(The scene transitions to outside Cherrycake Cottage where Mr. Stamp the mailman is shown holding a letter for Little Miss Plump. Little Miss Plump is shown to have opened the door to see Mr. Stamp outside. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Plump)
Narrator: And there stood the mailman.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Miss Plump: Morning, Mr. Stamp.
Mr. Stamp: Good morning, Miss Plump. I've got a letter for you.
(The camera moves in towards Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: Good! Would you like a cup of tea while you're here? I'm gonna have one.
(The camera moves back to show Mr. Stamp in the same frame as Little Miss Plump)
Mr. Stamp: Oh, thank you. I'd love one!
Narrator: One?
(The scene transitions back to Little Miss Plump's kitchen)
Narrator: Fat chance!
(Little Miss Plump walks into the frame to the left. She is carrying a try with an enormously large teapot on it as well as a cup and saucer)
Narrator: Just look at the size of Miss Plump's teapot!
(Little Miss Plump stops walking upon reaching the center of the screen)
Miss Plump: It won't be long! The kettle has just boiled.
(The scene transitions to two cups of tea on a table along with a teaspoon and a bowl of sugar lumps)
Miss Plump (offscreen): Sugar, Mr. Stamp?
Mr. Stamp (offscreen): Uh, just one lump, Miss Plump.
(Little Miss Plump pours Mr. Stamp some tea into the empty cup)
Mr. Stamp (offscreen): Thank you.
(The camera cuts to Mr. Stamp sitting down in an armchair enjoying his cup of tea. The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Plump sitting in the arm chair across from Mr. Stamp also enjoying a cup of tea)
Mr. Stamp: Oh, that's nice.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Stamp: I just love a good cup of tea.
Miss Plump: So do I.
(The camera moves in closer to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: Especially with a nice big plate of chocolate cake and ice cream!
(The camera cuts back over to Mr. Stamp)
Mr. Stamp: Yeah! On such a day. Mmm-hmm!
(The camera cuts back over to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: Oh, yes. Beautiful. We're having a fine summer!
(The camera cuts back over to Mr. Stamp)
Mr. Stamp: Thank you for the tea. I must be on my way. Uh, don't get up. I'll see myself out.
(The camera cuts back over to Little Miss Plump. Little Miss Plump tries to get up but sees Mr. Stamp leaving and sits back down)
Miss Plump: Bye, Mr. Stamp.
(The door is heard closing)
Narrator: After Miss Plump had,
(The scene transitions to two cups of tea on a table along with a teaspoon and a bowl of sugar lumps. The camera zooms out from the empty cup)
Narrator: Said goodbye to the mailman, she poured herself another cup of tea.
(The camera stops zooming out. Little Miss Plump pours herself some tea into the empty cup)
Narrator: Another, after the eleven other cups she already had!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Plump sitting in the armchair Mr. Stamp was sitting in earlier about to read the letter she had received. The camera zooms in towards Little Miss Plump)
Narrator: And then, she opened the letter.
(The camera shows the viewers what is written on the letter)
Narrator: It was from Mr. Greedy.
Mr. Greedy (voiceover): Dear Miss Plump,
(The camera cuts back to show Little Miss Plump reading the letter)
Mr. Greedy (voiceover): Next Wednesday, is my birthday. Please come and see me at four o'clock.
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Greedy's signature on the letter)
Mr. Greedy (voiceover): Signed, Mr. Greedy.
(Little Miss Plump lowers the letter)
Miss Plump: Oh good! I look forward to that!
(The scene transitions to outside Cherrycake Cottage that Wednesday. The camera zooms in towards Cherrycake Cottage)
Narrator: Wednesday was a beautiful sunny day.
(The camera cuts inside Cherrycake Cottage. There, Little Miss Plump prepares to put on her hat)
Miss Plump: I think I'll wear my new hat.
(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Plump only partially visible in the mirror she is standing in front of)
Miss Plump: (hums)
(The camera stops zooming out and Little Miss Plump sees the problem)
Miss Plump: Oh dear!
(Little Miss Plump puts on her hat)
Miss Plump: (hums)
(Little Miss Plump grabs the mirror and swings it out so the mirror can show her reflection fully)
Miss Plump: Oh, that's better.
(The scene transitions to the kitchen. Little Miss Plump is shown walking across the screen to the left while licking her lips)
Narrator: After a light lunch, and you'll find out what that was later,
(The scene transitions to outside Cherrycake Cottage where Little Miss Plump is about to get into her car. The camera zooms out from Cherrycake Cottage until the car is fully in the frame)
Narrator: Miss Plump set off in her car to drive over to Mr. Greedy's.
(The camera stops zooming out. Little Miss Plump struggles to get into her car as it is smaller than her large size)
Miss Plump (while grunting): Ooh! I...I must get a bigger car!
(Little Miss Plump pops into her car and turns around so she can drive. The camera starts zooming in)
Narrator: But before she set off,
(As the camera zooms in, Little Miss Plump is shown moving around her car as she struggles to put something on the back seat)
Narrator: She put something on the back seat of her car.
(The camera cuts over to the back seat of Little Miss Plump's car. The camera zooms out to reveal that it is a birthday present for Mr. Greedy)
Narrator: Something large. It was Mr. Greedy's birthday present.
(The camera cuts back out of the car and Little Miss Plump drives off out of the frame to the right. The scene cuts to Little Miss Plump driving down the road when her car starts acting up and making noise)
Miss Plump: Now what's wrong with you?
(The car breaks down)
Miss Plump: Ooh!
(The car breaks down again)
Miss Plump: Ooh!
(The car breaks down for a third time and a cloud of white smoke engulfs the screen of everything except Little Miss Plump's surprised face)
Miss Plump: Ooh!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Plump driving down the road via front view. The camera pans to the top left corner of the screen. The song "Plump, Plump, Little Miss Plump" starts to play)
Female Singer: 🎵Plump, plump, Little Miss Plump. How she loves her lovely food.🎵
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Plump driving down the road to the right of the screen)
Female Singer: 🎵Plump, plump, Little Miss Plump. An appetite for two. Or three,🎵
(Once Little Miss Plump drives out of the frame, the scene transitions to Little Miss Plump driving down the road to the right of the screen again)
Female Singer: 🎵Or four, or maybe more. She eats, and eats, and eats, and more.🎵
(Once Little Miss Plump drives out of the frame, The scene transitions to Roly Poly Cottage and zooms out from it)
Narrator (overlap): At four o'clock on the dot,
Female Singer (overlap): 🎵Little Miss Plump🎵
(The camera continues zooming out. "Plump, Plump, Little Miss Plump" ends)
Narrator: Miss Plump pulled up in front of,
(The camera stops zooming out and Little Miss Plump drives into the frame to the right)
Narrator: Mr. Greedy's roly-poly sort-of-house.
(The camera cuts to Little Miss Plump pulling up to the left of the frame (the angle showing Little Miss Plump had changed))
Miss Plump: Hello, Mr. Greedy.
(Little Miss Plump parks her car. The camera cuts back to show Little Miss Plump's car (with Little Miss Plump still inside it) parked in front of Mr. Greedy's house. Mr. Greedy comes out of his house and sees Little Miss Plump)
Mr. Greedy: Oh, hello, Miss Plump!
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: Happy birthday, Mr. Greedy.
(Little Miss Plump gets out of her car and is shown next to Mr. Greedy. Little Miss Plump is shown holding the present in her left hand. The camera zooms out from Mr. Greedy)
Mr. Greedy: Oh, do come in! Everything is ready!
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Greedy: Oh, it's nice to see you again. Oh, Miss Plump,
(Mr. Greedy puts his hands to his face in amazement)
Mr. Greedy: You look charming!
(Mr. Greedy sees the present Little Miss Plump is holding)
Mr. Greedy: (gasps) Oh, what is this?
(The camera moves in closer to Mr. Greedy)
Mr. Greedy: Not a gift!?
(Little Miss Plump is shown handing the present over to Mr. Greedy. The camera zooms out from Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: It's your birthday present!
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Greedy: Oh (chuckles) Not really!?
(Mr. Greedy looks at the viewers)
Mr. Greedy: (giggles)
(The scene transitions to Mr. Greedy holding a cake with one candle in it. The camera zooms out from the cake)
Narrator: And he started pulling off the wrapping paper.
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Greedy: Oh! (chuckles happily) It's the loveliest cake,
(Mr. Greedy brings the cake closer to him)
Mr. Greedy: I have ever seen!.
(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: I only put one candle on it because I didn't know how old you were.
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Greedy and the cake in the frame. The cake is on a table that separates Little Miss Plump and Mr. Greedy)
Mr. Greedy: (chuckles) Oh, well,
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Greedy: You shouldn't have, Miss Plump. But I'm glad you did.
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: I baked it today.
(Little Miss Plump puts her hands to her mouth in a slightly bashful manner)
Miss Plump: I have a confession to make.
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Greedy)
Mr. Greedy: Oh?
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Plump,who is now pointing at the cake)
Miss Plump: This isn't the only cake I baked today.
Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Hmmm?
Miss Plump: The first one was so delicious, I ate it for breakfast!
(The camera cuts back to Mr. Greedy)
Mr. Greedy: (laughs) Yes, I quite understand.
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Plump)
Miss Plump: And the second one looked so tasty, I ate it for lunch!
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Plump as she puts her hands back up to her mouth in a slightly bashful manner)
Mr. Greedy (offscreen) and Miss Plump: (laughs)
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Greedy and the cake in the frame)
Miss Plump: (giggles)
Mr. Greedy: And, the third,
(The camera stops zooming out)
Mr. Greedy: I assume, Miss Plump,
Miss Plump: (giggles)
Mr. Greedy: Is for me? (laughs)
(Little Miss Plump covers her mouth for a brief moment)
Miss Plump: Oh.
Mr. Greedy: Will you join me?
(Little Miss Plump uncovers her mouth)
Mr. Greedy (overlap): (chuckles)
Miss Plump (overlap): Oh yes!
(Little Miss Plump covers her mouth for a brief moment)
Miss Plump: (giggles)
(The camera cuts to the table and slowly zooms out to reveal sandwiches, cupcakes, sausages, juice, ham, onion rings, cheese, jelly, eclairs, fries, shakes, fruit, and of course, cake on the table)
Miss Plump (offscreen): Ooh!
Mr. Greedy (offscreen): (grunts) Mmm!
Miss Plump (offscreen): Oh look!
Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Oh! (chuckles)
Miss Plump (offscreen and overlap): Ooh! Ham and cheese! Milkshakes!
Mr. Greedy (offscreen and overlap): Hot dogs and hors d'oeuvres
Miss Plump (offscreen and overlap): Ice cream!
Mr. Greedy (offscreen and overlap): (laughs) Sandwiches!
Miss Plump (offscreen and overlap): Buns!
(The camera zooms out enough so Mr. Greedy and Little Miss Plump are in the frame)
Miss Plump: Jams! Tarts!
Mr. Greedy: Ooh, look at that!
Miss Plump: Oh, I can't wait to taste the cake!
Mr. Greedy (overlap): (chuckles)
Miss Plump (overlap): Could you pass the cookies and ice cream?
(The camera stops zooming out)
Miss Plump: (giggles) Oh! (giggles) This is wonderful!
Mr. Greedy (overlap): I will eat that! (chuckles)
Miss Plump (overlap): Ooh! Ooh! Oh, I love this!
Miss Plump: Oh, this is so wonderful! Oh, I can't wait to taste...
(Little Miss Plump and Mr. Greedy continue chatting and eating as the screen fades to black. The episode ends here)