Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Little Miss Scatterbrain (Cartoon)." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Little Miss Naughty (Cartoon)" Next: "Little Miss Trouble (Cartoon)"

UK Dub[]

(The episode begins with the camera zooming out from Little Miss Scatterbrain's face.)

Narrator: Little Miss Scatterbrain was just a little bit forgetful.

(The camera cuts over to a worm's hole and a worm pops out of the hole.)

Worm: You can say that again!

(The worm goes back into their hole and the camera cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Narrator: Little Miss Scatterbrain was just a little bit forgetful.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain encountering Mr. Funny.)

Narrator: One day,

(The camera starts zooming out from Mr. Funny so Little Miss Scatterbrain is also in the frame)

Narrator: While out for a walk, she met Mr. Funny.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Funny: Heh! Hello, Miss Scatterbrain.

Miss Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Bump.

(The camera zooms on a baffled Mr. Funny)

Narrator: Miss Scatterbrain carried on with her walk,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain encountering Mr. Slow.)

Narrator: And met Mr. Slow.

(The camera zooms out from Mr. Slow to show Little Miss Scatterbrain in the frame as well)

Mr. Slow: Hello, Miss Scatterbrain.

Miss Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Rush.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain encountering Mr. Tickle.)

Narrator: Then, she met Mr. Tickle.

Mr. Tickle (while giggling): Hello, Miss Scatterbrain.

Miss Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Strong.

(Mr. Tickle looks at the viewers. The camera zooms in on Mr. Tickle as he smiles a big smile.)

Narrator: And Miss Scatterbrain went on,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain encountering Mr. Happy.)

Narrator: And met Mr. Happy.

(The camera zooms out from Mr. Happy to show Little Miss Scatterbrain in the frame as well)

Mr. Happy: Hello, Miss Scatterbrain.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Happy: Where are you off to?

Miss Scatterbrain: Um...

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Narrator: Miss Scatterbrain thought,

Miss Scatterbrain: Uh...

Narrator: And thought.

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh...

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: I'd bet you forgotten, have you?

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Forgotten what?

(The camera zooms back out.)

Mr. Happy: There! I told you!

Narrator: He said.

(The screen fades to black and transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain walking down the road to the left of the screen. The song "Absolutely, Totally, Scatterbrained" starts playing)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Absolutely, totally,🎵

(The camera stops zooming out and Little Miss Scatterbrain continues walking)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Completely and so utterly, forgetful, absent-minded, little mad-hatter🎵

(The camera cuts to a village and zooms out from one of the village roads)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Scatterbrain!🎵

Little Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): 🎵There's a house not far from here. Inside a wood that's🎵

(The scene transitions to a road that the camera moves to the right of to represent someone walking. The road has a white fence on its right and a house behind some of the hills in the background)

Little Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): 🎵Very near, which runs along🎵

(The camera zooms in towards the upper right)

Little Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): 🎵A lane that's very small.🎵

(The scene transitions to two grassy cliffs with a lighthouse on the edge of the furthest one. The camera moves to the right so the lighthouse is in the frame. A boat is shown on the waters below the second cliff)

Little Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): 🎵Well, that's the house I cannot find. And that's the house🎵

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scatterbrain and zooms out from her nose until her entire upper half is seen in the frame)

Little Miss Scatterbrain (voiceover): 🎵I'm sure is mine. I simply can't🎵

(The scene transitions to a street in the middle of a town. The camera pans to the left to show all the shops in the street)

Little Miss Scatterbrain (voiceover): 🎵Remember what it's called.🎵

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Absolutely, totally, completely and🎵

(The camera cuts over and zooms out from Little Miss Splendid's mansion)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵So utterly,🎵

(The camera cuts over to a shot of Home Farm)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Forgetful,🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of Roly-Poly Cottage)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Absent-minded,🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of Abracadabra Cottage)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Little mad-hatter🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of Cherrycake Cottage)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Scatterbrain!🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of The Wizard's Cottage)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Forgetful,🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of Yawn Cottage)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Absent🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of Mr. Happy's House)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Minded, little🎵

(The camera cuts to Buttercup Cottage. The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Scatterbrain in front of her garden gate looking at her house)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Mad-hatter scatterbrain!🎵

( "Absolutely, Totally, Scatterbrained" ends and the scene transitions to a shot of Buttercup Cottage in the middle of the woods. The camera zooms in towards Buttercup Cottage)

Narrator: Miss Scatterbrain lived in the middle of a woods, in Buttercup Cottage.

Birds (offscreen): (tweeting)

Narrator: (stutters briefly) Everybody knew it was called "Buttercup Cottage" except the owner! She kept forgetting!

(The scene transitions to a postman standing outside Buttercup Cottage with a letter in his right hand)

Narrator: One morning,

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Scatterbrain standing behind a fence in front of Buttercup Cottage that is between her and the postman)

Narrator: The postman came along.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Postman: Oh, good morning. Do you know where Buttercup Cottage is, miss?

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Um, Um, oh! Oh yes! Um, I think it's...uh,

(Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the left)

Miss Scatterbrain: Down the lane on the left.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain faces the camera)

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh no! No! No! I...

(Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the right)

Miss Scatterbrain: It's on the right, and it's the one with the little roses around the door. Uh,

(Little Miss Scatterbrain faces the camera)

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh no! Oh no!

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Scatterbrain and the postman in the same frame. Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the right)

Miss Scatterbrain: Don't listen to me! You go...

(Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the left)

Miss Scatterbrain: You go straight along to the end of the road, And then, there's a left turn.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the right)

Miss Scatterbrain: But you don't go that way!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Scatterbrain pointing to the right)

Miss Scatterbrain: You go to the right. And, it's on your...

(Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the left.)

Miss Scatterbrain: Left! Yes.

(The camera cuts back to the postman.)

Postman: Thank you very much, miss.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: I know! To help me remember the name of my cottage, I think I'll put up a sign.

(The scene transitions to the camera slowly zooming in on Buttercup Cottage from an aerial point of view. The sound of hammering and sawing is heard. The hammering and sawing then stops and the scene transitions to a sign that reads "Daisy Cottage" instead of Buttercup Cottage)

Narrator: Dear, oh dear!

(The camera zooms out from the sign to show Little Miss Scatterbrain leaning her right side on it)

Narrator: Just look what the sign says!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: She isn't called,

(Little Miss Scatterbrain grins a big smile that shows her teeth)

Narrator: "Little Miss Scatterbrain" for nothing, is she?

(Little Miss Scatterbrain becomes surprised upon realizing that she got the name on the sign wrong)

Narrator: (chuckles)

(The scene transitions to the front door of Buttercup Cottage)

Narrator: One winter's morning, Little Miss Scatterbrain got up,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain walking past the staircase to the right of the screen)

Narrator: And went downstairs to make her breakfast.

Miss Scatterbrain: 🎵La-la-la.🎵

(The camera cuts to a bunch of cornflakes being shaken out from the cornflakes packet)

Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen and overlap): 🎵La-la-la.🎵

Narrator (overlap): She shook some cornflakes out of a packet.

Miss Scatterbrain: 🎵La-la-la.🎵

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Scatterbrain holding the packet in her right hand. The box is offscreen)

Narrator: But being such a scatterbrain,

Miss Scatterbrain: Whoops!

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Scatterbrain holding the cornflakes packet and a mound of cornflakes on the table)

Narrator: She forgot to put the bowl underneath!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh, silly me! Now, where'd I put the milk?

(Little Miss Scatterbrain starts searching the whole house for the milk.)

Narrator: It took her ten minutes to find it!

(The camera transitions and zooms out to show the milk in the oven.)

Narrator: In the oven!

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh, silly me!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: After breakfast,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain walking in the middle of town. She walks down the street to the left of the frame)

Narrator: Little Miss Scatterbrain set off to town, shopping.

(The scene transitions to the bank)

Narrator: First,

(The camera zooms in on the bank window that's on the right of the building)

Narrator: She went into the bank.

(The camera transitions to the bank manager standing behind the counter with a sheet of glass separating the bank manager from Little Miss Scatterbrain. The latter currently not in the frame)

Bank Manager: Good morning, Miss Scatterbrain. May I help you?

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Good morning. Yes, I'd like

(The camera cuts back to the bank manager)

Bank Manager: Yes?

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Uh...

(The camera cuts back to the bank manager)

Bank Manager: Some, um...

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Mmmm...

(The camera cuts back to the bank manager)

Bank Manager: Money?

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: (Gasps) Sausages!

(The camera cuts back to the bank manager)

Bank Manager: Sausages!?

(The camera zooms out from the bank manager)

Bank Manager: But this isn't the butcher's!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Bank Manager: This is a bank.

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain, covering her mouth with her hands)

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh! Silly me!

(Little Miss Scatterbrain uncovers her mouth)

Miss Scatterbrain: Of course it is! I was forgetting! I do sometimes, you know.

(The camera cuts to the bank manager, who is starting to get frustrated and concerned)

Bank Manager: Really?

Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): I'd like two please.

(The bank manager perks up)

Bank Manager: Pounds?

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: Pounds.

(The camera cuts to the bank manager handing Little Miss Scatterbrain two pounds notes from over the counter. The camera zooms out from the pounds)

Narrator: The bank manager passed two crisp pound notes over the counter.

(The camera stops zooming out and the camera cuts to the two pounds in the bank manager's hand in closer detail)

Narrator: Little Miss Scatterbrain looked at them.

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: What are these?

(The camera cuts to the bank manager, holding his head with his right hand)

Bank Manager: Two...uh...pounds.

Miss Scatterbrain: Eh-heh!

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: They don't look much like two pounds of sausages to me!

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain leaving the bank. She walks to the left side of the screen)

Narrator: Eventually, the bank manager managed to explain.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain walks out of the frame and the camera zooms in towards the window of the bank)

Narrator: And off went Little Miss Scatterbrain to see the butcher.

(The camera cuts back into the bank where the bank manager is shown rubbing his head with his right hand and muttering to himself over how forgetful Little Miss Scatterbrain in)

Bank Manager: Really? Most extraordinary, Miss Scatterbrain. Every time she comes in here, bringing trouble!

(The camera zooms in towards the bank manager)

Bank Manager: She never knows what she wants! She comes for sausages, Rice Krispies...

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain walking in the middle of town. She walks down the street to the left of the frame)

Narrator: Little Miss Scatterbrain walked down the high street.

(The scene fades to the butcher's shop)

Narrator: She went into,

(The camera zooms in towards the butcher's)

Narrator: The butcher's shop

(The scene fades into the butcher's shop. The butcher is shown standing behind the counter)

Percy Pork: Good morning, madam.

Narrator: Said Percy Pork, the butcher.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: Good afternoon, Mr. Beef.

(The camera cuts to Percy Pork.)

Percy Pork: Pork.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: No, sausages.

(The camera cuts to Percy Pork.)

Percy Pork: But, but my name isn't sausages!

(The camera zooms out to show both Percy Pork and Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: No, of course not! That's what I'm here for!

Percy Pork: Oh? (chuckles) Uh, what sort?

Miss Scatterbrain: What do you suggest?

Percy Pork: Uh, beef.

Miss Scatterbrain: I thought you said your name was "Pork?"

(The camera cuts to Percy Pork pinching the top of his nose (a.k.a. between his eyes). The camera zooms out from Percy Pork)

Narrator: Percy Pork sighed a deep sigh.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Percy Pork: (sighs) Oh. Um, just call me Percy.

(The camera cuts to outside the butcher's. Little Miss Scatterbrain and Percy Pork are shown taking inside the shop as seen through the window. The camera zooms out from the bottom corner of the building)

Narrator: Eventually, after a little more confusion. Little Miss Scatterbrain managed to buy her two pounds of sausages. And Percy Pork,

(Percy Pork is shown wrapping up the sausages for Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Narrator: Wrapped them up for her.

(Percy Pork hands Little Miss Scatterbrain the parcel containing her sausages. The camera stops zooming out. The camera then cuts to a closer frame of Little Miss Scatterbrain and Percy Pork through the window. Little Miss Scatterbrain is shown holding the parcel in her left hand and Percy Pork is shown holding the rim of his hat with his right hand)

Percy Pork: Uh,

(Percy Pork raises his hat and looks out the window.)

Percy Pork: Looks like snow.

(The camera zooms in on Percy Pork looking up at the sky through the window if his shop)

Narrator: He said, conversationally.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Narrator: Looking out of his shop window.

(Percy Pork turn his head and looks at Little Miss Scatterbrain. Percy Pork lowers his hat and the camera zooms back out to show Percy Pork and Little Miss Scatterbrain in the same frame)

Miss Scatterbrain: Really?

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Narrator: Said Miss Scatterbrain,

(Little Miss Scatterbrain looks at the brown paper parcel)

Narrator: Looking at the brown paper parcel.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Miss Scatterbrain: Looks like sausages to me.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain looks at the brown paper parcel again)

Miss Scatterbrain: Snow, what a funny man!

(The camera cuts back to Percy Pork raising his hat with his right hand to say goodbye as Little Miss Scatterbrain leaves the shop by walking out of the frame to the right)

Percy Pork: Goodbye Miss Scatterbrain!

(The camera zooms in on Percy Pork)

Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): Goodbye

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): Mr. Lamb!

(Percy Pork looks at the viewers in disbelief and confusion. The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain walking down the street in the middle of town with the sausages being held in her right hand and arm. Little Miss Scatterbrain walks to the left of the screen)

Narrator: Miss Scatterbrain left the shop to catch a bus home.

(The camera cuts to the bus stop. Also waiting there is Mr. Silly, who is in front of Little Miss Scatterbrain. The camera zooms out from Mr. Silly so Little Miss Scatterbrain is also in the frame alongside him)

Narrator: She stood behind Mr. Silly at the bus stop.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: Along came,

(Mr. Nosey walks into the frame towards the left and stands behind Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Narrator: Mr. Nosey. He stood,

(Mr. Nosey stops walking)

Narrator: Behind her in the queue,

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Nosey's nose pointing towards the parcel containing the sausages)

Narrator: And looked at the parcel she was holding.

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Scatterbrain, and Mr. Silly all in the same frame)

Mr. Nosey: Hello. Looks like sausages.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain looks at Mr. Nosey. The sky turns gray)

Narrator: Miss Scatterbrain,

(Little Miss Scatterbrain look up at the sky)

Narrator: Looked up at the sky

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh! Looks more like snow to me.

(Mr. Nosey looks up at the sky and realizes Little Miss Scatterbrain was right. The screen fades to black and the episode ends here.)

US Dub[]

(The episode begins with the camera zooming out from Little Miss Scatterbrain's face.)

Narrator: Little Miss Scatterbrain was, what you might describe, as being just...

(The camera cuts over to a worm's hole.)

Narrator: A little bit forgetful.

(A worm pops out of the hole.)

Worm (sarcastically): Yeah!

(The worm goes back into their hole and the camera cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Narrator: Little Miss Scatterbrain was more than just a little bit forgetful.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain encountering Mr. Funny.)

Narrator: One fine day while out for a walk,

(The camera starts zooming out from Mr. Funny so Little Miss Scatterbrain is also in the frame)

Narrator: She just happened to meet Mr. Funny.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Funny: (chuckles) Hello, Miss Scatterbrain.

Miss Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Bump.

(The camera zooms on a baffled Mr. Funny)

Narrator: Miss Scatterbrain continued her walk,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain encountering Mr. Slow.)

Narrator: And then met Mr. Slow.

(The camera zooms out from Mr. Slow to show Little Miss Scatterbrain in the frame as well)

Mr. Slow: Hello, Miss Scatterbrain.

Miss Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Rush.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain encountering Mr. Tickle.)

Narrator: And then she met Mr. Tickle.

Mr. Tickle: Hello, Miss Scatterbrain.

Miss Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Strong.

(Mr. Tickle looks at the viewers.)

Mr. Tickle: Oh?

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Tickle as he smiles a big smile.)

Mr. Tickle: (giggles)

Narrator: Then Miss Scatterbrain went on,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain encountering Mr. Happy.)

Narrator: And met Mr. Happy.

(The camera zooms out from Mr. Happy to show Little Miss Scatterbrain in the frame as well)

Mr. Happy: Hello, Miss Scatterbrain.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mr. Happy: Where are you off to?

Miss Scatterbrain: Erm...

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Narrator: Miss Scatterbrain thought,

Miss Scatterbrain: Um, uh...

Narrator: And thought.

Miss Scatterbrain: Uh...

(The camera cuts over to Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: I'd bet you forgotten, have you?

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Forgotten what?

(The camera zooms back out.)

Mr. Happy: There! I told you!

(The screen fades to black and transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain walking down the road to the left of the screen. The song "Absolutely, Totally, Scatterbrained" starts playing)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Absolutely, totally,🎵

(The camera stops zooming out and Little Miss Scatterbrain continues walking)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Completely and so utterly, forgetful, absent-minded, little mad-hatter🎵

(The camera cuts to a village and zooms out from one of the village roads)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Scatterbrain!🎵

Little Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): 🎵There's a house not far from here. Inside a wood that's🎵

(The scene transitions to a road that the camera moves to the right of to represent someone walking. The road has a white fence on its right and a house behind some of the hills in the background)

Little Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): 🎵Very near, which runs along🎵

(The camera zooms in towards the upper right)

Little Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): 🎵A lane that's very small.🎵

(The scene transitions to two grassy cliffs with a lighthouse on the edge of the furthest one. The camera moves to the right so the lighthouse is in the frame. A boat is shown on the waters below the second cliff)

Little Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): 🎵Well, that's the house I cannot find. And that's the house🎵

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scatterbrain and zooms out from her nose until her entire upper half is seen in the frame)

Little Miss Scatterbrain (voiceover): 🎵I'm sure is mine. I simply can't🎵

(The scene transitions to a street in the middle of a town. The camera pans to the left to show all the shops in the street)

Little Miss Scatterbrain (voiceover): 🎵Remember what it's called.🎵

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Absolutely, totally, completely and🎵

(The camera cuts over and zooms out from Little Miss Splendid's mansion)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵So utterly,🎵

(The camera cuts over to a shot of Home Farm)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Forgetful,🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of Roly-Poly Cottage)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Absent-minded,🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of Abracadabra Cottage)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Little mad-hatter🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of Cherrycake Cottage)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Scatterbrain!🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of The Wizard's Cottage)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Forgetful,🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of Yawn Cottage)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Absent🎵

(The camera cuts to a shot of Mr. Happy's House)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Minded, little🎵

(The camera cuts to Buttercup Cottage. The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Scatterbrain in front of her garden gate looking at her house)

Female Singer (offscreen): 🎵Mad-hatter scatterbrain!🎵

( "Absolutely, Totally, Scatterbrained" ends and the scene transitions to a shot of Buttercup Cottage in the middle of the woods. The camera zooms in towards Buttercup Cottage)

Narrator: Miss Scatterbrain lived in the middle of the woods, in Buttercup Cottage.

Birds (offscreen): (tweeting)

Narrator: Everybody knew it was called "Buttercup Cottage" except the owner! She kept forgetting!

(The scene transitions to a mailman standing outside Buttercup Cottage with a letter in his right hand)

Narrator: One morning,

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Scatterbrain standing behind a fence in front of Buttercup Cottage that is between her and the mailman)

Narrator: The mailman came along.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Mailman: Ah, good morning. Do you know where Buttercup Cottage is?

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Yes. Uh, oh, yes! Uh, I think it's...

(Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the left)

Miss Scatterbrain: Down the lane, on the left.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain faces the camera)

Miss Scatterbrain: No! No! I...

(Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the right)

Miss Scatterbrain: It's on the right, and it's the one with the little roses around the door.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain faces the camera)

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh no!

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Scatterbrain and the mailman in the same frame. Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the right)

Miss Scatterbrain: You go straight to the end of the road,

(Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the left)

Miss Scatterbrain: And there's a left turn. But you don't go that way.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the right)

Miss Scatterbrain: You go to the right.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Scatterbrain pointing to the right)

Miss Scatterbrain: And it's on your left. Yes, left!

(Little Miss Scatterbrain points to the left.)

Miss Scatterbrain: Uh-huh?

(The camera cuts back to the mailman.)

Mailman: Thank you, ma'am.

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: I know! To help me remember the name of my cottage, I think I'll put up a sign.

(The scene transitions to the camera slowly zooming in on Buttercup Cottage from an aerial point of view. The sound of hammering and sawing is heard)

Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): (humming)

(The hammering and sawing stops and the scene transitions to a sign that reads "Daisy Cottage" instead of Buttercup Cottage)

Narrator: My, oh my!

(The camera zooms out from the sign to show Little Miss Scatterbrain leaning her right side on it)

Narrator: Just look at what that sign says!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: She isn't called,

(Little Miss Scatterbrain grins a big smile that shows her teeth)

Narrator: "Miss Scatterbrain" for nothing, now, is she.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain becomes surprised upon realizing that she got the name on the sign wrong. The scene transitions to the front door of Buttercup Cottage)

Narrator: One winter morning, Little Miss Scatterbrain got up,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain walking past the staircase to the right of the screen)

Narrator: And went downstairs to make herself some breakfast.

(The camera cuts to a bunch of cornflakes being shaken out from the cornflakes box)

Narrator: She shook some cornflakes out of a box. But being such a scatterbrain,

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Scatterbrain holding the box in her right hand. The box is offscreen)

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh!

Narrator: She forgot to,

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Scatterbrain holding the cornflakes box and a mound of cornflakes on the table)

Narrator: Put a bowl underneath!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh, silly me! Where'd I put the milk?

(Little Miss Scatterbrain starts searching the whole house for the milk.)

Narrator: It took her fifteen minutes to find it!

(The camera transitions and zooms out to show the milk in the oven.)

Miss Scatterbrain (overlap): Oh!

Narrator (overlap): In the oven!

Miss Scatterbrain: Silly me!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: After breakfast,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain walking in the middle of town. She walks down the street to the left of the frame)

Narrator: Little Miss Scatterbrain set off to town to go shopping.

(The scene transitions to the bank)

Narrator: First,

(The camera zooms in on the bank window that's on the right of the building)

Narrator: She went to the bank.

(The camera transitions to the bank manager standing behind the counter with a sheet of glass separating the bank manager from Little Miss Scatterbrain. The latter currently not in the frame)

Bank Manager: Good morning, Miss Scatterbrain. And how may we help you?

(The camera cuts over to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Good morning. I'd like some...uh...uh...

(The camera cuts back to the bank manager)

Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen and overlap): Uh...uh..

Bank Manager (overlap): Yes?

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh, um. Uh, uh. Um, uh. Hmmm.

(The camera cuts back to the bank manager)

Bank Manager: Some, uh, m-

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Mmmm...

(The camera cuts back to the bank manager)

Bank Manager: Money?

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Miss Scatterbrain: Sausages!

(The camera cuts back to the bank manager)

Bank Manager: Sausages!?

(The camera zooms out from the bank manager)

Bank Manager: But this isn't the butcher's!

(The camera stops zooming out)

Bank Manager: This is a bank.

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain, covering her mouth with her hands)

Miss Scatterbrain: (gasps)

(Little Miss Scatterbrain uncovers her mouth)

Miss Scatterbrain: Silly me! I was forgetting! I do sometimes, you know. (sighs)

(The camera cuts to the bank manager, who is starting to get frustrated and concerned)

Bank Manager: Really?

Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): I'd like two please.

(The bank manager perks up)

Bank Manager: Right.

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: Yes.

(The camera cuts to the bank manager handing Little Miss Scatterbrain two dollars from over the counter. The camera zooms out from the dollars)

Narrator: The bank manager passed two dollars over the counter. Little Miss Scatterbrain,

(The camera stops zooming out and the camera cuts to the two dollars in the bank manager's hand in closer detail)

Narrator: Slowly looked at them and said,

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: What are these?

(The camera cuts to the bank manager, holding his head with his right hand)

Bank Manager: Two...mmm...dollars.

(The scene cuts back to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: They don't look much like sausages to me!

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain leaving the bank. She walks to the left side of the screen)

Narrator: Well, eventually, the bank manager managed,

(Little Miss Scatterbrain walks out of the frame and the camera zooms in towards the window of the bank)

Narrator: To explain. And off went Miss Scatterbrain,

(The camera cuts back into the bank where the bank manager is shown rubbing his head with his right hand and muttering to himself over how forgetful Little Miss Scatterbrain in)

Narrator: To the butcher.

Bank Manager: Phew! That Miss Scatterbrain. She never knows what she wants!

(The camera zooms in towards the bank manager)

Bank Manager: She's nothing but trouble! She orders sausages from a bank! For crying...

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain walking in the middle of town. She walks down the street to the left of the frame)

Narrator: Little Miss Scatterbrain walked down,

(The scene fades to the butcher's shop)

Narrator: The busy street.

(The camera zooms in towards the butcher's)

Narrator: She went into the butcher shop.

(The scene fades into the butcher's shop. The butcher is shown standing behind the counter)

Percy Pork: Good morning, ma'am.

Narrator: Said Percy Pork, the butcher.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: Good afternoon, Mr. Beef.

(The camera cuts to Percy Pork.)

Percy Pork: Pork.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: Sausages.

(The camera cuts to Percy Pork.)

Percy Pork: But my name isn't sausages!

(The camera zooms out to show both Percy Pork and Little Miss Scatterbrain.)

Miss Scatterbrain: Of course not! That's what I'm here for!

Percy Pork: Oh? What sort? Uh,

Miss Scatterbrain: What do you suggest?

Percy Pork: Uh, beef.

Miss Scatterbrain: I thought you said your name was "Pork?"

(The camera cuts to Percy Pork pinching the top of his nose (a.k.a. between his eyes). The camera zooms out from Percy Pork)

Narrator: Percy Pork sighed a deep sigh.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Percy Pork: Mmmm. Oh, uh, just, uh, call me, uh, Percy.

(The camera cuts to outside the butcher's. Little Miss Scatterbrain and Percy Pork are shown taking inside the shop as seen through the window. The camera zooms out from the bottom corner of the building)

Narrator: Well, eventually, after a little more confusion. Little Miss Scatterbrain managed to buy her two pounds of beef sausages. And Percy Pork,

(Percy Pork is shown wrapping up the sausages for Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Narrator: Wrapped them up for her.

(Percy Pork hands Little Miss Scatterbrain the parcel containing her sausages. The camera stops zooming out. The camera then cuts to a closer frame of Little Miss Scatterbrain and Percy Pork through the window. Little Miss Scatterbrain is shown holding the parcel in her left hand and Percy Pork is shown holding the rim of his hat with his right hand)

Percy Pork: Ah.

(Percy Pork raises his hat and looks out the window.)

Percy Pork: Looks like snow.

(The camera zooms in on Percy Pork looking up at the sky through the window if his shop)

Narrator: He said, trying to make conversation while looking,

(The camera stops zooming in)

Narrator: Out of his shop window.

Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): Oh?

(Percy Pork turn his head and looks at Little Miss Scatterbrain. Percy Pork lowers his hat and the camera zooms back out to show Percy Pork and Little Miss Scatterbrain in the same frame)

Miss Scatterbrain: Really?

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Narrator: Said Miss Scatterbrain,

(Little Miss Scatterbrain looks at the brown paper parcel)

Narrator: Looking at the brown paper parcel.

(The camera stops zooming in)

Miss Scatterbrain: Looks like sausages to me.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain looks at the brown paper parcel again)

Miss Scatterbrain: (giggles) Snow, what a funny man!

(The camera cuts back to Percy Pork raising his hat with his right hand to say goodbye as Little Miss Scatterbrain leaves the shop by walking out of the frame to the right)

Percy Pork: Uh, goodbye Miss, uh, Scatterbrain!

(The camera zooms in on Percy Pork)

Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): Uh, good night,

(The camera stops zooming out)

Miss Scatterbrain (offscreen): Mr. Beef!

(Percy Pork looks at the viewers in disbelief and confusion. The scene transitions to Little Miss Scatterbrain walking down the street in the middle of town with the sausages being held in her right hand and arm. Little Miss Scatterbrain walks to the left of the screen)

Narrator: Miss Scatterbrain left the shop to catch the bus home.

(The camera cuts to the bus stop. Also waiting there is Mr. Silly, who is in front of Little Miss Scatterbrain. The camera zooms out from Mr. Silly so Little Miss Scatterbrain is also in the frame alongside him)

Narrator: She stood behind Mr. Silly at the bus stop.

(The camera stops zooming out)

Narrator: Then, along came,

(Mr. Nosey walks into the frame towards the left and stands behind Little Miss Scatterbrain)

Narrator: Mr. Nosey. And he,

(Mr. Nosey stops walking)

Narrator: Stood behind her and looked

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Nosey's nose pointing towards the parcel containing the sausages)

Narrator: Nosily at the package that she was holding.

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Scatterbrain, and Mr. Silly all in the same frame)

Mr. Nosey: Hello. Looks like sausages.

(Little Miss Scatterbrain looks at Mr. Nosey)

Miss Scatterbrain: Oh?

(The sky turns gray)

Narrator: Little Miss Scatterbrain,

(Little Miss Scatterbrain look up at the sky)

Narrator: Looked up at the sky

Miss Scatterbrain: No. Looks more like snow to me.

(Mr. Nosey looks up at the sky and realizes Little Miss Scatterbrain was right. The screen fades to black and the episode ends here.)

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Classic Episode Transcripts
Mr. Men Mr. Happy|Mr. Bump|Mr. Tickle|Mr. Silly|Mr. Sneeze|Mr. Snow|Mr. Messy|Mr. Small|Mr. Greedy|Mr. Bounce|Mr. Jelly|Mr. Forgetful|Mr. Funny|Mr. Topsy-Turvy|Mr. Uppity|Mr. Nosey|Mr. Daydream|Mr. Mean|Mr. Chatterbox|Mr. Impossible|Mr. Muddle|Mr. Strong|Mr. Fussy|Mr. Noisy|Mr. Lazy|Mr. Dizzy|Mr. Grumpy|Mr. Worry
Little Miss Little Miss Tiny|Little Miss Shy|Little Miss Splendid|Little Miss Magic|Little Miss Neat|Little Miss Naughty|Little Miss Scatterbrain|Little Miss Trouble|Little Miss Bossy|Little Miss Sunshine|Little Miss Plump|Little Miss Late|Little Miss Helpful