Little Miss Scatterbrain Causes Chaos is the book adaptation of Little Miss Scatterbrain Puts Everything in Turmoil. It was published in France in 1998 then released globally in 2014.
It mostly follows the same plot.
Differences Between the Book Version & TV Version[]
- Little Miss Scatterbrain doesn't encounter Walter the Worm
- Little Miss Scatterbrain orders two big carrots instead of two chayote.
- Mr. Topsy-Turvy's comments on his car being stolen and what he said at the police station are different
- Little Miss Scatterbrain said her kitchen is green instead of blue.
- PC Whistle is simply referred to as the policeman.
- In the book, Mr. Jelly claims that there are pirates in his house when he calls the police, while in the episode he claims that there are thieves.
- In the book, it is revealed that these events take place on April Fool's Day. In the episode PC Whistle merely states that the events took place in April.
- Mr. Greedy doesn't appear
- Mr. Topsy-Turvy is shown putting the salad bowl on his head. He doesn't do this in the episode.
- Little Miss Scatterbrain calls Mr. Topsy-Turvy "Mr. Right-Way" and the policeman a fireman.
See also[]
Book Covers[]
Book Screenshots[]
{{NavboxLibrary |name = Book Adaptations |title = Book Adaptations |group1bg = #860e9d |group1 = Mr. Men |list1 = Mr. Bump Goes on Holiday •Mr. Chatterbox's Parrot •Mr. Clever Flies a Kite •Mr. Greedy Comes Round for Lunch •Mr. Jelly and his Small Friend •Mr. Mean's Good Deed •Mr. Mischief the Artist •Mr. Muddle's Good Catch •Mr. Noisy The Musician •Mr. Nonsense Isn't Himself •Mr. Nosey and the Excellent Idea •Mr. Silly and the Silly Secret •Mr. Slow Rolls On •Mr. Small's Big Dream •Mr. Strong Looks for a Job •Mr. Tall and the Big Surprise •Mr. Tickle Saves the Day •Mr. Worry's Christmas |}