Little Miss Scatterbrain Saves the Day is a story from the 1992 Annual.
One snowy morning, Little Miss Scatterbrain decided to go shopping because her larder was empty (for those of you who don't know, a larder is a type of refrigerator). Little Miss Scatterbrain searched for her purse despite it being in her hand and then left the list behind. She did her best to buy what she needed: a loaf of bread, a packet of salt, and a carton of milk. By the time she arrived at the grocer's shop, she got the list muddled up! She wound up saying that she needed a carton of bread, a loaf of salt, and a packet of milk!
After half an hour, the grocer figured out the order and gave Little Miss Scatterbrain what she needed. But, she left behind her shopping bag. On the way home, she took the long way round through the park (she meant to take a short cut) and saw some hungry birds, a voracious cat, and Mr. Bump slipping on the icy snow for the tenth time that day! Little Miss Scatterbrain, not enjoying the snow much as well, sat down on the park bench to rest. When she got up, she left the loaf of bread behind and the hungry birds feasted upon it. Feeling thirsty, Little Miss Scatterbrain decided to open up the milk carton and take a drink. But, she didn't open the milk carton...she opened the salt packet and split it on the path. This melted the ice and relieved Mr. Bump of slipping, he did bump into a tree five seconds later. Reaching the park gate, Little Miss Scatterbrain dropped the milk carton and it spilt on the ground as well. The cat satisfied its appetite by and lapped it all up.
Little Miss Scatterbrain reached home but realized that she lost all her shopping. Her sadness was short-lived, however, when the mayor showed up and presented Little Miss Scatterbrain with the "Helpful Citizen Award" for all that she did today! The mayor invited Little Miss Scatterbrain to his home for a banquet in her honor! Guess being a scatterbrain isn't such a bad thing after all!