This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Little Miss Shy (Cartoon)." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
Previous: "Little Miss Tiny (Cartoon)" | Next: "Little Miss Splendid (Cartoon)" |
UK Dub[]
(The episode begins with Little Miss Shy standing in her garden. Little Miss Shy is covering her mouth with her hands due to her shyness as the camera slowly zooms out. Then Little Miss Shy covers both of her eyes with her hands. Little Miss Shy uncovers her left eye. Then she uncovers her right eye and covers her left eye again)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy...
(Little Miss Shy uncovers her left eye and covers her right eye again)
Narrator: Just couldn't help it.
(Little Miss Shy covers both of her eyes with her hands. Little Miss Shy slightly uncovers her eyes)
Narrator: Being shy, that is.
(The scene transitions to slowly zooming out from Little Miss Shy's house: Thimble Cottage)
Narrator: She was terribly, desperately shy. She lived all alone in a little house...
(The camera zooms out even more)
Narrator: Quite a long way from where you live. In fact, quite a long way from where anybody lives!
(The scene transitions to the postman knocking on the door of Thimble Cottage)
Narrator: Thimble Cottage.
(The camera cuts to Little Miss Shy's kitchen. Little Miss Shy is having breakfast when she hears the knocking at her door)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy dived under the table in terror!
(Little Miss Shy ducks underneath the table)
Narrator: In terror!
Miss Shy (from under the table): (whimpers in fear)
(The camera cuts back outside to the postman)
Narrator: The postman outside knocked again, loudly.
(The camera cuts back to the kitchen and zooms in to the bottom of the table)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy, under the table, put her hands over her ears and shut her eyes.
Miss Shy (from under the table): (squeals in fear)
(The camera cuts back outside to the postman)
Postman: Anybody home?
(The camera zooms in closer to the postman)
Postman: Um, anybody home?!
Birds (offscreen): (tweeting)
(The camera zoom out)
Postman: Well, I don't know. She must be out.
(The camera cuts to the postman pushing the letter through the letter bot)
Narrator: The postman pushed the letter he was carrying through the letter box,
(The scene transitions to the front door of Thimble Cottage where the postman was no longer standing in front of)
Narrator: And walked away.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy poking her head out from underneath the tablecloth. The sound of faint footsteps getting more faint is heard)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy waited, and waited.
(The camera slowly zooms out. The sound of the postman's footsteps is no longer audible)
Narrator: And waited. Long after the sound of his footstep had died away.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy's breakfast table. Day turns into night as a ray of moonlight shines from the window)
Narrator: And then she waited some more.
(Little Miss Shy finally comes out from underneath the table and notices that it was now nighttime)
Narrator: It was dark by the time dared to come out.
(The camera cuts to the letter to Little Miss Shy lying on the doormat and slowly zooms out from it)
Narrator: And there it was, on the doormat. The very first letter she'd ever had in her whole life.
(Little Miss Shy is shown opening the letter)
Narrator: She opened it very cautiously.
(Little Miss Shy looks at the letter)
Miss Shy: Ooh! It's from Mr. Funny.
(Little Miss Shy starts reading the letter)
Mr. Funny (voiceover): Ha-ha! You are invited...
Narrator: Wrote Mr. Funny.
Mr. Funny (voiceover): Uh, to a, to a party, ha-ha, on Saturday at 3 o'clock! And it's gonna fun, fun, and FUN!
(Little Miss Shy stops reading the letter and the camera zooms in on her)
Miss Shy: Ooh!
Narrator: Little Miss Shy was horrified!
(Little Miss Shy drops the letter)
Miss Shy: (gasps) FUN!?
(Little Miss Shy picks up the letter and the camera shows what the letter says. It says, "FUN, FUN, FUN" in red, purple, and light green with four stars and a yellow smiley face on the letter as well)
Narrator: She looked at the letter again.
Miss Shy (offscreen): (gasps)
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Shy
Miss Shy: I can't go! I can't! (gasps) There'll be people there! (gasps) PEOPLE!
(The camera cuts to a wider angle before slowly zooming back in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: In the whole wide world, there was absolutely nothing that frightened Miss Shy...
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy lying in her bed, worrying about the party)
Narrator: As much as the thought of people! She worried about it all night long!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy's bedroom the next morning. Little Miss Shy is sound asleep)
Narrator: But, the following morning,
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy as she wakes up with a smile)
Narrator: She had made a decision.
Miss Shy: (gasps) I'll have to go. It wouldn't be polite to refuse.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy brushing her teeth in the bathroom with a worried look on her face)
Narrator: But five minutes later, she changed her mind.
Miss Shy: Ooh! I have to refuse!
(The camera cuts to the kitchen where Little Miss Shy is having breakfast)
Narrator: And five minutes later,
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: She changed her mind back again!
Miss Shy: (gasps) I...I'll have to go!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy washing the dishes five minutes later)
Narrator: But five minutes later, guess what happened?
Miss Shy: Oh!
Narrator: That's right.
Miss Shy: (gasps) I can't go!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy lying in her bed, worrying about the party)
Narrator: She didn't sleep much that night at all! The following morning,
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy's bedroom the next morning. Little Miss Shy is sound asleep)
Narrator: Was Friday.
(Little Miss Shy wakes up with a smile)
Narrator: Miss Shy awoke with a smile. She was going to the party!
Miss Shy: (gasps) Right. (breathes in) I'm going! Yes, I-I definitely decided...I'm going!
(Little Miss Shy pulls her covers close to her and starts looking around nervously)
Narrator: That Friday,
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy changed her mind one hundred and forty-four times!
(The scene transitions to outside Thimble Cottage and zooms in on the house)
Narrator: That's how many five minute there are in a day.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy standing with her back facing a mirror and has covered her mouth with her hands)
Narrator: She was going to the party!
(Little Miss Shy starts moving her hands together)
Narrator: She wasn't going!
(Little Miss Shy is shown with a rose between her teeth and her hands behind her back)
Narrator: She was! She wasn't!She was!
(Little Miss Shy is shown with all her fingers touching her mouth with a nervous expression on her face)
Narrator: She wasn't!
(Little Miss Shy is shown smiling)
Narrator: She was! She wasn't!
Miss Shy: Oh no! I...I won't! Yes! Oh no!
(The camera starts zooming in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: She was! She wasn't!
(Little Miss Shy is shown wearing a golden crown)
Narrator: She was! She wasn't!
Miss Shy: Oh no!
(Little Miss Shy is shown with the fingernails on her left hand in her mouth with a nervous expression on her face)
Miss Shy: I can't
Narrator: It was a very long day.
(Little Miss Shy is shown smiling. Then she covers both her eyes with her hands
Miss Shy: Oh! Oh!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy lying in her bed, worrying about the party)
Narrator: And that...that Friday night, was even worse than Thursday night. She didn't sleep a wink!
Miss Shy: I can't sleep!
Narrator: Not even half a wink!
Miss Shy: (gasps) Oh!
Narrator: Saturday morning...
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy looking out her window)
Narrator: Came and went. Saturday lunchtime...
(The camera cuts to the kitchen where Little Miss Shy is having lunch)
Narrator: Came and went. Little Miss Shy just couldn't eat a thing.
Miss Shy: I can't eat my dinner!
Narrator: One o'clock in the afternoon came and went.
(The scene transitions to the clock on Little Miss Shy's mantle chiming three. It shows that it's three o'clock)
Narrator: Then three o'clock, the party time...
(The camera zooms out to show a very disappointed Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: Came and went.
Miss Shy: I can't!
Narrator: But the poor Little Miss...
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy sitting in her armchair feeling very upset and sorry for herself)
Narrator: Didn't. I mean, she couldn't
Miss Shy: I can't!
Narrator: She didn't. She couldn't She just sat there.
(Little Miss Shy starts shedding tears from her eyes)
Miss Shy: I can't go!
Narrator: A little tear rolled down..
Miss Shy: (sobs)
Narrator: Her cheek.
Miss Shy: Oh,
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy)
Miss Shy: I should've gone.
(Little Miss Shy starts shedding more tears from her eyes)
Miss Shy: I wish I'd gone.
Narrator: Four o'clock came..
Miss Shy: Oh!
(A loud knock is heard from the door and the camera pans to the door opening and Mr. Funny sticking his hand in)
Narrator: There was a loud knock at the door. The door opened, and in walked...
(Mr. Funny opens the door and steps inside)
Narrator: Mr. Funny.
Mr. Funny: Ha-ha! I knew you wouldn't come. Ha-ha! So, so, I've come to take you to the party! (chuckles)
(Little Miss Shy is shown hiding behind the large armchair)
Miss Shy: Um...I ca-I-I-I-I-I couldn't! Uh, no. No!
(Mr. Funny leans into the frame from the left side of the screen)
Mr. Funny (overlap): Come on! Come on! Yes!
Miss Shy (overlap): No! I couldn't! No! No!
Mr. Funny: Come on! Come on! Ha-ha! You'll enjoy it once you're...
Miss Shy: (gasps)
Mr. Funny: Come on! Off we go!
Miss Shy: Ooh!
(The scene transitions to inside Mr. Funny's house. Through a window, Mr. Funny is shown bringing Little Miss Shy to the party)
Narrator: And he marched the blushing little lady off to his party. Everybody was there!
(The camera zooms out to show the party happening inside Mr. Funny's house. Mr. Strong is shown eating fried eggs dyed different colors)
Female Singer: 🎵Come to a party! Come to a dance!🎵
(The camera cuts and slowly zooms out to show the other Mr. Men having a good time at the party. Mr. Bump is drinking a glass of lemonade from under Mr. Small's hat, Mr. Greedy is eating a cake, Mr. Tickle is putting a party hat on Mr. Nosey's nose, Mr. Happy and Mr. Silly are dancing, and Mr. Noisy is being tickled by Mr. Tickle)
Female Singer: 🎵Come out and play with us. Just take a chance. Little Miss Shy, you seem so afraid! Try it before it's too late!🎵
(The camera cuts over to the refreshment table. Mr. Greedy is with Little Miss Shy. Little Miss Shy is looking at a cake and Mr. Greedy is enjoying some orange soda)
Mr. Greedy: Um, have some cake.
(Mr. Greedy takes a large sip of orange soda)
Narrator: Said Mr. Greedy.
(Little Miss Shy turns to Mr. Greedy)
Miss Shy: Thank you. So kind.
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Tickle)
Narrator: Mr. Tickle, offered her two glasses of lemonade.
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Tickle giving Little Miss Shy two glasses of lemonade in a rather bizarre, tangled up way. Little Miss Shy is surprised by this moment)
Miss Shy: Ooh!
Narrator: In a roundabout sort of way. (laughs)
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Mischief and Little Miss Shy. The camera zooms out to show Mr. Mischief with a party squeaker in his mouth and Little Miss Shy holding one of the glasses of lemonade Mr. Tickle gave her)
Narrator: Uh, Mr. Mischief...
(As the camera zooms out more, Mr. Small is shown to be in between Little Miss Shy and Mr. Mischief)
Narrator: Um, made-Made her jump...
(Mr. Mischief blows the party squeaker)
Narrator: With a noisy party squeaker.
Miss Shy and Mr. Small: (screams)
(Little Miss Shy spills her lemonade all over Mr. Small)
Narrator: (laughs)
(The camera cuts to a close up of Little Miss Shy)
Miss Shy: Sorry.
Narrator: And she dropped her lemonade...
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Small licking his lips despite being covered in lemonade)
Miss Shy: Oh dear!
Narrator: All over...
Miss Shy: Oh!
Narrator (while laughing): Mr. Small!
Miss Shy: Sorry!'re all wet!
Mr. Small: O-ho, no, no, no, no! Don't...don't mention it!
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Dizzy putting a pink paper crown on Little Miss Shy's head)
Narrator: Mr. Dizzy gave her a lovely party hat.
(Little Miss Shy ribs her hands together for a moment before smiling)
Miss Shy: Oh!
Narrator: And Miss Shy began to feel better.
Miss Shy: (giggles)
(The camera cuts over to the Mr. Men partying and having a great time. Mr. Bump drinking a glass of lemonade from under Mr. Small's hat, Mr. Greedy eating a cake, Mr. Tickle is putting a party hat on Mr. Nosey's nose, Mr. Happy and Mr. Silly are dancing, and Mr. Noisy is being tickled by Mr. Tickle. Little Miss Shy is shown standing behind Mr. Tickle with a big smile on her face. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: Everybody talked to her, and everybody was very nice.
Miss Shy: (chuckles)
Narrator: And gradually, the longer the party lasted,
Miss Shy: Ooh! (giggles) Yes!
Narrator: Bit by bit...
(The camera cuts down to Mr. Greedy and Mr. Happy. The camera starts panning to the right)
Narrator: Little by little,
(The camera continues panning to the right and past Mr. Small)
Miss Shy (offscreen): (giggles)
(Little Miss Shy is shown standing next to Mr. Small)
Narrator: Eventually,
Miss Shy: Oh!
Narrator: Guess what happened?
Miss Shy: (giggles)
(Little Miss Shy is shown standing by herself, smiling widely, and playing with the paper crown that's on her head)
Narrator: She stopped blushing.
(Little Miss Shy happily looks around)
Narrator: And Little Miss Shy actually started enjoying herself.
Miss Shy: (giggles)
(Mr. Funny walks over to Little Miss Shy. Little Miss Shy is shown making many happy expressions)
Mr. Funny: Told you so! Ha-ha! You see,
Miss Shy: (giggles)
Mr. Funny: It's quite painless (laughs) You see, once you-once you let yourself go. (chuckles) Quite painless, really.
Miss Shy: (giggles)
Mr. Funny: Yeah, once-once you get use to it. You just let yourself go! (laughs)
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy)
Miss Shy: (giggles and laughs)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy nodded, and giggled.
Miss Shy: (giggles)
Narrator: She was having the time of her life!
Miss Shy: (sighs happily)
Narrator: And only blushing a bit.
Miss Shy: Oh!
Narrator: And do you know who she met at the party?
Miss Shy: Mmm?
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy talking to Mr. Quiet. Little Miss Shy is no longer wearing the paper crown but she is holding a drink)
Narrator: Mr. Quiet.
Mr. Quiet: Um, I, used to be shy like you.
Narrator: He said.
Miss Shy: You never were. (gasps) would...
Mr. Quiet: Mmm?
Miss Shy: Would you like to come...
Mr. Quiet: Yes?
Miss Shy: To Thimble Cottage for tea tomorrow?
Mr. Quiet: Uh, who? Me? Tea? Um, to-to-tomorrow?
(Mr. Quiet starts getting nervous)
Mr. Quiet: Oh!
Narrator: Replied Mr. Quiet.
(Little Miss Shy becomes surprised as Mr. Quiet blushes bright red)
Narrator: Blushing like a whole sack of beetroots.
(Mr. Quiet stops blushing and faints)
Narrator: And then he fainted.
(The camera starts zooming in on Little Miss Shy, who gives a rather confused look to the viewers)
Miss Shy: O-oh!
(The screen fades to black. The episode ends here)
US Dub[]
(The episode begins with Little Miss Shy standing in her garden. Little Miss Shy is covering her mouth with her hands due to her shyness as the camera slowly zooms out. Then Little Miss Shy covers both of her eyes with her hands)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy...
(Little Miss Shy uncovers her left eye. Then she uncovers her right eye and covers her left eye again)
Narrator: Just couldn't help it.
(Little Miss Shy uncovers her left eye and covers her right eye again)
Narrator: Uh,
(Little Miss Shy covers both of her eyes with her hands)
Narrator: Being shy, that is.
(Little Miss Shy slightly uncovers her eyes)
Narrator: She lived all alone...
(The scene transitions to slowly zooming out from Little Miss Shy's house: Thimble Cottage)
Narrator: In a little house quite a long way from where you live. In fact, quite a long way from where anybody lives!
(The camera zooms out even more)
Narrator: In fact, it was completely surrounded by a high brick fence!
(The scene transitions to the mailman knocking on the door of Thimble Cottage)
Narrator: The name of her little house was Thimble Cottage.
(The camera cuts to Little Miss Shy's kitchen. Little Miss Shy is having breakfast when she hears the knocking at her door)
Mailman (from outside & overlap): Letter for Miss Shy!
Miss Shy (overlap): (gasps) Oh! (gasps) Oh!
(Little Miss Shy ducks underneath the table)
Miss Shy (from under the table): (whimpers in fear)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy slipped under the table in terror!
(The camera cuts back outside to the mailman)
Narrator: The mailman outside knocked again
(The camera cuts back to the kitchen and zooms in to the bottom of the table)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy, staying hidden under the table, put her hands over her ears and closed her eyes trembling fearfully.
(The camera cuts back outside to the mailman)
Mailman: Anybody home? Mmm...
(The camera zooms in closer to the mailman)
Mailman: Uh, mmm, uh, anybody home?
Birds (offscreen): (tweeting)
(The camera zoom out)
Mailman: Well, I guess not. She must be out.
(The camera cuts to the mailman pushing the letter through the mail slot)
Narrator: The mailman pushed the letter he was carrying through the door,
(The scene transitions to the front door of Thimble Cottage where the mailman was no longer standing in front of)
Narrator: And walked away.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy poking her head out from underneath the tablecloth. The sound of faint footsteps getting more faint is heard)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy waited, and waited.
(The camera slowly zooms out. The sound of the mailman's footsteps is no longer audible)
Narrator: And waited until the sound of his footstep had died away.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy's breakfast table)
Narrator: And then she waited some more.
(The scene transitions from day to night as a ray of moonlight shines from the window. Little Miss Shy finally comes out from underneath the table and notices that it was now nighttime)
Narrator: In fact, she spent most of that day under her kitchen table! It was dark by the time...
(The camera cuts to the letter to Little Miss Shy lying on the doormat)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy dared to come out.
(The camera slowly zooms out from the letter)
Narrator: And there it was on the doormat. The very first letter she'd gotten in her whole life.
(Little Miss Shy is shown opening the letter)
Narrator: She opened it very cautiously.
(Little Miss Shy looks at the letter)
Miss Shy: Ooh! I-it's from Mr. Funny.
(Little Miss Shy starts reading the letter)
Mr. Funny (voiceover): You are invited...
Narrator: Wrote Mr. Funny.
Mr. Funny (voiceover): To a party on Saturday at 3 o'clock! It's going to be fun, fun, (giggles) and more fun!
(Little Miss Shy stops reading the letter and the camera zooms in on her)
Miss Shy: Oh!
Narrator: Little Miss Shy was horrified!
(Little Miss Shy drops the letter)
Miss Shy: (gasps) FUN!?
(Little Miss Shy picks up the letter and the camera shows what the letter says. It says, "FUN, FUN, FUN" in red, purple, and light green with four stars and a yellow smiley face on the letter as well)
Narrator: She looked at the letter one more time.
(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Shy
Miss Shy: I can't go! I can't! There'll be people there! (gasps) PEOPLE!
(The camera cuts to a wider angle before slowly zooming back in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: In the whole wide world, there was absolutely nothing that frightened Miss Shy...
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy lying in her bed, worrying about the party)
Narrator: As much as the thought of people! She worried about it all night long!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy's bedroom the next morning. Little Miss Shy is sound asleep)
Narrator: But the following morning,
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy as she wakes up with a smile)
Narrator: She made a decision.
Miss Shy: (gasps) I'll have to go. It wouldn't be polite to refuse.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy brushing her teeth in the bathroom with a worried look on her face)
Narrator: But five minutes later, she changed her mind.
Miss Shy: Oh! I have to refuse!
(The camera cuts to the kitchen where Little Miss Shy is having breakfast)
Narrator: And five minutes later,
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: She changed her mind back again!
Miss Shy: I...but, but, I have to go!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy washing the dishes five minutes later)
Miss Shy: Oh! I simply can't go!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy lying in her bed, worrying about the party)
Narrator: That's right. She didn't sleep that night at all!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy's bedroom the next morning. Little Miss Shy is sound asleep)
Narrator: The next day was Friday.
(Little Miss Shy wakes up with a smile)
Narrator: Miss Shy awoke with a smile.
Miss Shy: (gasps)
Narrator: She was going to the party!
Miss Shy: Yes. I'm...I'm going! Yes, I really am! I've really decided that I am going!
(Little Miss Shy pulls her covers close to her and starts looking around nervously)
Narrator: And that Friday,
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy changed her mind one hundred and forty-four times!
(The scene transitions to outside Thimble Cottage and zooms in on the house)
Narrator: That's how many five minute intervals there are in a day.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy standing with her back facing a mirror and has covered her mouth with her hands)
Narrator: She was going to the party!
(Little Miss Shy starts moving her hands together)
Narrator: She wasn't going!
(Little Miss Shy is shown with a rose between her teeth and her hands behind her back)
Narrator: She was!
(Little Miss Shy is shown with all her fingers touching her mouth with a nervous expression on her face)
Narrator: She wasn't!
(Little Miss Shy is shown smiling. The camera starts zooming in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: She was! Oh gosh
(Little Miss Shy is shown wearing a golden crown)
Miss Shy: Oh!
(Little Miss Shy is shown with the fingernails on her left hand in her mouth with a nervous expression on her face)
Narrator: It was a long day
(Little Miss Shy is shown smiling. Then she covers both her eyes with her hands and starts sobbing inaudibly)
Narrator: And that...that Friday night,
Miss Shy: Oh!
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy lying in her bed, worrying about the party)
Narrator: Was even worse than Thursday night. She didn't sleep a wink!
Miss Shy (overlap): I can't sleep!
Narrator (overlap): Not even half a wink!
Narrator: Saturday morning...
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy looking out her window)
Narrator: Came and went.
(The camera cuts to the kitchen where Little Miss Shy is having lunch)
Narrator: Saturday lunchtime came and went. Little Miss Shy just couldn't eat a thing.
Miss Shy: I can't eat! I can't!
Narrator: One o'clock in the afternoon came and went.
(The scene transitions to the clock on Little Miss Shy's mantle chiming three. It shows that it's three o'clock)
Narrator: Two o'clock in the afternoon came and went.
(The camera zooms out to show a very disappointed Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: And then three o'clock, the party time came,
Miss Shy: Oh dear!
Narrator: And went.
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy sitting in her armchair feeling very upset and sorry for herself)
Narrator: But poor Little Miss Shy didn't.
Miss Shy: I can't!
Narrator: She couldn't. She just...
(Little Miss Shy starts shedding tears from her eyes)
Miss Shy: I can't go!
Narrator: Sat there. A tear rolled down
Miss Shy: (sobs)
Narrator: Her cheek.
Miss Shy: Oh,
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy)
Miss Shy: I wish I'd gone.
(Little Miss Shy starts shedding more tears from her eyes)
Miss Shy: I wish I'd gone.
Narrator: Four o'clock came..
Miss Shy: Oh!
(A loud knock is heard from the door and the camera pans to the door opening and Mr. Funny sticking his hand in)
Narrator: There was a loud knock at the door.
(Mr. Funny opens the door and steps inside)
Narrator: The door opened,
Mr. Funny: (chuckles)
Narrator: And in walked Mr. Funny.
Mr. Funny: I knew you wouldn't come. So, so, I've come to take you to the party! (chuckles)
(Little Miss Shy is shown hiding behind the large armchair)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy...
Miss Shy (overlap): Oh, I can't go!
Narrator (overlap): Blushed and blushed,
Miss Shy (overlap): Oh, I just couldn't!
Narrator (overlap): And blushed
Miss Shy: I mean...I mean, really...I...I can't
(Mr. Funny leans into the frame from the left side of the screen)
Mr. Funny: Come on now, dear! Come on! You'll enjoy it once you're there. (giggles) Come on now! Let's go!
(The scene transitions to inside Mr. Funny's house. Through a window, Mr. Funny is shown bringing Little Miss Shy to the party)
Narrator: And he marched the blushing little lady off to his party.
(The camera zooms out to show the party happening inside Mr. Funny's house)
Narrator: Everybody was there!
(Mr. Strong is shown eating fried eggs dyed different colors)
Female Singer: 🎵Come to a party! Come to a dance!🎵
(The camera cuts and slowly zooms out to show the other Mr. Men having a good time at the party. Mr. Bump is drinking a glass of lemonade from under Mr. Small's hat, Mr. Greedy is eating a cake, Mr. Tickle is putting a party hat on Mr. Nosey's nose, Mr. Happy and Mr. Silly are dancing, and Mr. Noisy is being tickled by Mr. Tickle)
Female Singer: 🎵Come out and play with us. Just take a chance. Little Miss Shy, you seem so afraid! Try it before it's too late!🎵
(The camera cuts over to the refreshment table. Mr. Greedy is with Little Miss Shy. Little Miss Shy is looking at a cake and Mr. Greedy is enjoying some orange soda)
Mr. Greedy: Um, have some cake.
(Mr. Greedy takes a large sip of orange soda)
Narrator: Said Mr. Greedy.
(Little Miss Shy turns to Mr. Greedy)
Miss Shy: Thank you. You're so kind.
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Tickle)
Narrator: Mr. Tickle, offered her not one, but two glasses of lemonade.
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Tickle giving Little Miss Shy two glasses of lemonade in a rather bizarre, tangled up way. Little Miss Shy is surprised by this moment)
Miss Shy: Oh!
Narrator: In a roundabout sort of way.
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Mischief and Little Miss Shy. The camera zooms out to show Mr. Mischief with a party squeaker in his mouth and Little Miss Shy holding one of the glasses of lemonade Mr. Tickle gave her)
Narrator: Mr. Mischief...
(As the camera zooms out more, Mr. Small is shown to be in between Little Miss Shy and Mr. Mischief)
Narrator: Made her jump with a...
(Mr. Mischief blows the party squeaker)
Narrator: Noisy party squeaker, and she dropped her lemonade...
Miss Shy: Oh!!
Narrator: All over poor Mr. Small!
Miss Shy: Oh!
(Little Miss Shy spills her lemonade all over Mr. Small. The camera cuts to a close up of Little Miss Shy)
Miss Shy: Sorry.
Narrator: She apologized.
(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Small licking his lips despite being covered in lemonade)
Miss Shy: Oh dear! You've gotten all wet!
Mr. Small: Ooh, no, no, no! Don't mention it!
(The camera cuts over to Mr. Dizzy putting a pink paper crown on Little Miss Shy's head)
Narrator: Mr. Dizzy gave her a lovely hat.
(Little Miss Shy ribs her hands together for a moment before smiling)
Narrator: And Miss Shy began to feel better.
(The camera cuts over to the Mr. Men partying and having a great time. Mr. Bump drinking a glass of lemonade from under Mr. Small's hat, Mr. Greedy eating a cake, Mr. Tickle is putting a party hat on Mr. Nosey's nose, Mr. Happy and Mr. Silly are dancing, and Mr. Noisy is being tickled by Mr. Tickle. Little Miss Shy is shown standing behind Mr. Tickle with a big smile on her face. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: Everybody talked to her, and everybody was very nice, and gradually, the longer the party lasted, bit by bit...
(The camera cuts down to Mr. Greedy and Mr. Happy. The camera starts panning to the right)
Narrator: Eventually,
(The camera continues panning to the right and past Mr. Small. Little Miss Shy is shown standing next to Mr. Small)
Narrator: Guess what happened?
(Little Miss Shy is shown standing by herself, smiling widely, and playing with the paper crown that's on her head)
Narrator: She stopped blushing.
(Little Miss Shy happily looks around)
Narrator: And Little Miss Shy actually began to enjoy herself.
(Mr. Funny walks over to Little Miss Shy. Little Miss Shy is shown making many happy expressions)
Mr. Funny: Told you (giggles) You see, it's quite harmless once you let yourself go. I am glad you decided to do that because it makes you very happy! Quite painless once you get use to it. Uh, you're not shy at all! (laughs)
(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Shy)
Narrator: Little Miss Shy nodded, and giggled. She was having the time of her life! And only blushing a bit. And do you know who she met at the party?
(The scene transitions to Little Miss Shy talking to Mr. Quiet. Little Miss Shy is no longer wearing the paper crown but she is holding a drink)
Narrator: Mr. Quiet.
Mr. Quiet: Um, I, uh, used to be shy like you. Heh.
Miss Shy: Oh, were you? to come...
Mr. Quiet: Um, yeah?
Miss Shy: To Thimble Cottage...
Mr. Quiet: Me?
Miss Shy: To see me? Perhaps tomorrow?
Mr. Quiet: Visit you? At your house? Ooh, well,, oh!
(Mr. Quiet starts getting nervous)
Mr. Quiet: N-oh, I...
(Little Miss Shy becomes surprised)
Narrator: Mr. Quiet stammered...
(Mr. Quiet blushes bright red)
Narrator: And blushed like a sack of tomatoes.
(Mr. Quiet stops blushing and faints)
Mr. Quiet: (sighs)
Narrator: And then he fainted.
(The camera starts zooming in on Little Miss Shy, who gives a rather confused look to the viewers)
Miss Shy: Oh!
(The screen fades to black. The episode ends here)