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Little Miss Somersault Goes Bump is a book version of 'A Rival for Little Miss Somersault'.


It mostly follows the same plot. It was published in France in 1998 then released globally in 2014.

Differences Between the Book Version & TV Version[]

  • Mr. Lazy joins Little Miss Somersault's class later than Little Miss Splendid and Little Miss Greedy
  • Little Miss Somersault brags less about herself in the book version than in the TV version.
  • Little Miss Magic's reason for making Little Miss Somersault less nimble was simply to make her less nimble compared to everyone else in the book version. Not so Little Miss Somersault would brag less about herself like in the TV version.
  • The scene featuring Little Miss Curious and Little Miss Somersault was not shown in the book version
  • Little Miss Shy, Mr. Tall, Mr. Rush, and Little Miss Contrary aren't shown.
  • The scene where Little Miss Somersault goes shopping isn't shown.
  • In the TV version, Little Miss Magic casts her spell on Little Miss Somersault, then reverses it before casting the spell on Little Miss Somersault's students. In the book version, both spells were cast at the same time. As Little Miss Somersault was still weakened when everyone became great at acrobatics.
  • Little Miss Splendid doesn't do a flip when under Little Miss Magic's spell.
  • Little Miss Somersault apologizes to everyone upon seeing how good they have become and how much she bragged in the TV version. In the book version, she asks her friends for lessons in acrobatics.
  • Mr. Lazy doesn't laugh after Little Miss Magic explains everything to Little Miss Somersault in the book version. That's because he fell asleep standing on his head at the end of the story.

See also[]


Book Cover[]

Book Screenshots[]

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{{NavboxLibrary |name = Book Adaptations |title = Book Adaptations |group1bg = #860e9d |group1 = Mr. Men |list1 = Mr. Bump Goes on Holiday •Mr. Chatterbox's Parrot •Mr. Clever Flies a Kite •Mr. Greedy Comes Round for Lunch •Mr. Jelly and his Small Friend •Mr. Mean's Good Deed •Mr. Mischief the Artist •Mr. Muddle's Good Catch •Mr. Noisy The Musician •Mr. Nonsense Isn't Himself •Mr. Nosey and the Excellent Idea •Mr. Silly and the Silly Secret •Mr. Slow Rolls On •Mr. Small's Big Dream •Mr. Strong Looks for a Job •Mr. Tall and the Big Surprise •Mr. Tickle Saves the Day •Mr. Worry's Christmas |}
