Mr. Men Wiki

Little Miss Spice Girls are a band group base around a real life band, Spice Girls. Their books are set to be released on June 2019.


From Little Miss Ginger coming up with a finale to their tour, Little Miss Baby lending a helping hand to her friends, Little Miss Scary fixing a mishap on stage and Little Miss Sporty organising a Spiceland Fun Fair - this ultimate book collection will add some real girl power to your shelf.

Band Members

  • Little Miss Baby - base on Emma Bunton, a pink little miss with blonde pigtails. She is very sweet and kind and always helps out with the rest of the band members.
  • Little Miss Ginger - base on Geri Halliwell, a pink little miss with ginger hair and blonde highlights. She is very confident and determined person.
  • Little Miss Scary - base on Melanie Brown, a purple little miss with brown curly hair. She is scarily good at things. There is nothing that she can’t do.
  • Little Miss Sporty - base on Melanie Chisholm, a light blue little miss with a brown ponytail. She is very hard-working and she is very active.


  • They're the second characters to be based on a real life person. The first one is Little Miss Stella.
  • Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice) was once part of the band but she left in 1998.
  • Not to be confused, Spice Girl's Miss Scary acts differently to the 2003 little miss character Little Miss Scary.

