Little Miss Sunshine's Sunny Garden is a story from the 2000 Annual.
Winter has arrived in Misterland and already people want spring to come. Looking out the window of her cottage, Little Miss Sunshine saw how unhappy her friends were with the snow and grey skies. Little Miss Somersault was miserable because the snow was too deep to do any acrobatics in (not to mention that the snow was too cold for her hands to touch). Little Miss Twins had to navigate through the snow by having one twin sit on top of the other; the twin on the bottom was so cold that an icicle had grown on her nose. Little Miss Naughty seemed to be having a good time throwing snowballs, but she was constantly throwing them at Little Miss Curious because the latter wanted to know who was throwing them at her. It was fun to Little Miss Naughty, but even she was getting bored of the repetition.
Little Miss Sunshine was fed up with how unhappy everyone was and decided that she'll cheer her friends up by bring spring to Misterland. How? Little Miss Sunshine planted carboard flowers in her garden as substitute for the plants she usually grew in the warmer seasons. She even painted them bright, shiny, sunny colours to make them stand out in the snow. The second thing she did was lay colourful confetti on the ground to cover the snow so the illusion would not be verified. The final thing she did was to fly a kite with a smiling sun on it; not only to show a fun spring activity, but to make it look like the sun was out.
The first to see what Little Miss Sunshine was up to was Little Miss Chatterbox. She was very excited and it wasn't long before the other Little Misses learned what Little Miss Sunshine was up to. Little Miss Tidy also took notice of the scene but immediately began to tidy up the confetti out of impulse. Little Miss Sunshine tried to stop her, but ends up dealing with a new problem when Little Miss Naughty plucks all the cardboard flowers. Then Little Miss Helpful ended the illusion by untying the kite string from the tree and the kite was gone with the wind. Little Miss Sunshine was in despair over her ruined garden and failed attempt to cheer her friends up.
Little Miss Chatterbox started talking. She talked to the point where no one could stop her. No one knew what she chatted on about but it was to the point where everyone fell asleep. No one knows how long they slept for, but by the time Little Miss Bossy woke everyone up, it was spring! It was quite extraordinary but not as extraordinary as the fact that Little Miss Chatterbox was still talking! She has so much to say, she could talk for the entirety of winter AND spring!!
List of Characters[]
- Little Miss Sunshine
- Little Miss Curious
- Little Miss Naughty
- Little Miss Somersault
- Little Miss Twins
- Mr. Tickle (cameo)
- Little Miss Chatterbox
- Little Miss Helpful
- Little Miss Tidy
- Little Miss Bossy