Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Little Miss Tiny (Cartoon)." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Mr. Worry (Cartoon)" Next: "Little Miss Shy (Cartoon)"

UK Dub[]

(The episode begins with a wide shot of Home Farm)

Narrator: Little Miss Tiny was extremely small.

(The camera starts zooming in on Home Farm)

Narrator: Not very tall at all!

(The scene transitions to the dining room of Home Farm)

Narrator: She was so very tiny,

(The camera starts zooming in downwards)

Narrator: She didn't live in a house. Do you know where she did live? In a mousehole, in the dining room of Home Farm.

(The scene transitions to show the camera panning towards the right of a chair)

Narrator: She'd made the mousehole quite comfortable really.

(The scene transitions to show Little Miss Tiny's mousehole. The camera slowly zooms in on the mousehole)

Narrator: And luckily, there weren't any mice. Because Ginger, the big farm cat, had chased them all away.

(The screen fades to black)

Narrator: The trouble was, because she was so tiny...

(The scene transitions to inside Little Miss Tiny's mousehole. Little Miss Tiny is shown sleeping in her matchbox bed)

Narrator: Nobody knew she lived there.

Miss Tiny: (breathes in deeply as she sleeps)

Narrator: Nobody noticed her. Not even the farmer and his wife. So, there she lived. All alone.

(Little Miss Tiny wakes up and stretches in her bed)

Miss Tiny (overlap): Oh! (yawns)

Narrator (overlap): She was rather lonely and rather sad.

(Little Miss Tiny stops stretching. The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny)

Miss Tiny: Oh dear! I wish I had someone to talk to.

(The camera zooms out. Little Miss Tiny starts to cry; tears start falling down her cheek and Little Miss Tiny wipes under her nose with her finger)

Narrator: One day, she was feeling so lonely,

(Little Miss Tiny covers her eyes as she cries a few more tears)

Narrator: She decided to be very brave and go for a walk.

(Little Miss Tiny gets out of her bed on the right side)

Miss Tiny: Come on, Tiny. Best foot forward.

(Little Miss Tiny takes tiny steps to the right so she can look at herself in the mirror. The scene then cuts to Little Miss Tiny exiting her mousehole)

Narrator: Out of her mousehole she came.

(Little Miss Tiny looks around before walking across the dining room)

Narrator: She crept across the dining room.

(The camera cuts to show the maze of dining room chairs Little Miss Tiny passes by)

Narrator: And then, she pushed the door open,

(Little Miss Tiny peers out through the crack in the dining room doorway and looks into the hall)

Narrator: And into the hall.

(The camera shows the viewers the long hall that Little Miss Tiny has to trek down)

Narrator: Now,

(The camera zooms in on the door at the end of the hall that leads outside)

Narrator: Uh, to Little Miss Tiny, the hall looked as big as a field!

(Little Miss Tiny looks at the long hall in amazement)

Miss Tiny: Oh my goodness!

(Little Miss Tiny starts scuttling down the hall)

Narrator: And she scuttled across it to the back door of the farm.

(Little Miss Tiny stops and sees that she is standing in front of a cat-flap that was at the bottom of the door)

Narrator: Luckily for her, there was a cat-flap,

(Little Miss Tiny looks at the cat-flap)

Narrator: At the bottom of the door.

(Little Miss Tiny starts pushing the cat-flap open)

Narrator: And she squeezed herself through it,

(Little Miss Tiny squeezes herself through the cat-flap and lands on the doorstep of the farmhouse)

Narrator: And onto the doorstep.

(Little Miss Tiny looks around)

Narrator: It was all very exciting.

(The camera shows the viewers the farmyard and slowly zooms out to show the farmyard in full view)

Narrator: There, before her, was the vast expanse of the farmyard.

(Little Miss Tiny starts walking around the farmyard)

Narrator: So, she set out to explore it.

(Little Miss Tiny walks towards the right)

Narrator: As Little Miss Tiny...

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Tiny walking to the left towards a hole in the ground)

Narrator: Walked across the yard,

(Little Miss Tiny stops walking)

Narrator: She came upon a hole.

(The camera zooms in on the hole)

Narrator: Suddenly,

(The camera zooms back out and a worm pops out of his hole)

Narrator: Up popped a worm.

(The camera zooms in on the worm)

Worm: Morning. Seen any birds about?

(The camera zooms back out to show Little Miss Tiny and the worm)

Miss Tiny: Oh my shivering shoes! It's a monster!

Narrator: Little Miss Tiny was...

(Little Miss Tiny runs away)

Narrator: Terrified!

(Little Miss Tiny runs out of the frame)

Narrator: She ran...

(The worm looks at the viewers with a confused look on his face)

Narrator: Across the farmyard to hide.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny leaning on the edge of a door breathing in and out inaudibly. The camera zooms out to show the door Little Miss Tiny was leaning on)

Narrator: And she came to a door with a gap at the bottom,

(The camera zooms in on the gap at the bottom of the door)

Narrator: And ducked in underneath.

(The screen fades to black)

Narrator: There, inside,

(The scene transitions to show a pig inside the room Little Miss Tiny had entered)

Narrator: Was a pig.

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Tiny looking at the pig in awe)

Narrator: A large pig. And, if you're as small as Little Miss Tiny,

(The camera cuts to the pig)

Narrator: A large pig looks very large indeed.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Tiny)

Narrator: Miss Tiny looked at the pig.

(The camera cuts back to the pig)

Narrator: And the pig looked at Miss Tiny.

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Tiny and the pig)

Pig: (oinks)

Narrator: He grunted.

(The camera cuts back to the pig and zooms in on his face)

Narrator: And moved closer to inspect this little person who'd entered his sty.

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Tiny and the pig)

Pig: (oinks)

Miss Tiny: Oh! Oh my trembling toes!

(The camera cuts back to the pig)

Pig: (oinks)

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny running across the farmyard)

Narrator: Miss Tiny, SHOT out of the pigsty as fast as her little legs would carry. Which, wasn't very fast because her legs were so very little.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny putting her right hand on a swirly stone)

Narrator: She stopped to catch her breath.

(Little Miss Tiny is shown resting by the stone)

Miss Tiny: (breathing hard) Oh! (breathing hard) Oh! Oh! Oh, my knocking knees! (breathing hard)

(The camera pans towards the right)

Narrator: When she recovered her breath,

(The camera stops in front of the stone and pans up)

Narrator: She climbed up on a large stone,

(The camera stops panning up once Little Miss Tiny is fully in the frame)

Narrator: To see if the pig had followed her.

(Little Miss Tiny looks around)

Narrator: Fortunately, it hadn't.

(Little Miss Tiny looks at the viewers)

Miss Tiny: Well, thank goodness for that!

(Little Miss Tiny looks around)

Narrator: But, suddenly,

(The screen starts shaking)

Narrator: The stone began to move!

Miss Tiny: (shrieks) Oh my chattering teeth! What's happening now?

(The camera zooms out and a snail pops out from the stone Little Miss Tiny was sitting on. Turns out, the stone was really the snail's shell)

Snail: Fierce, please! Move right along the bus, please!

(Little Miss Tiny looks around)

Narrator: But it was only...

(The camera zooms in on the snail and the snail smiles)

Narrator: A harmless old snail. Little Miss Tiny, jumped down,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny running across the farmyard)

Narrator: And ran across the farmyard. She ran right around,

(The scene transitions to show the farmyard)

Narrator: To the back of the pigsty before she stopped.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny leaning on a brick wall)

Narrator: She leaned against the wall,

(Little Miss Tiny covers her eyes with her hands)

Narrator: And put her hands over her eyes.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny as she uncovers her eyes)

Narrator: And suddenly, she heard a noise.

(The camera zooms out and Little Miss Tiny covers her mouth with her right hand)

Narrator: A very close noise. A sort of breathing noise.

(Little Miss Tiny uncovers her mouth)

Unknown Creature: (purring)

(Little Miss Tiny covers her eyes with her hands. The camera zooms in as Little Miss Tiny uncovers her eyes)

Narrator: Very close indeed.

(Little Miss Tiny covers her mouth with her right hand)

Unknown Creature: (purring)

(Little Miss Tiny uncovers her mouth)

Miss Tiny: Oh! What's that?

(The camera zooms back out)

Unknown Creature: (purring)

(Little Miss Tiny covers her eyes with her hands)

Narrator: She hardly dared take her hands away from her eyes.

(Little Miss Tiny uncovers her eyes)

Narrator: But when she did, she wish she hadn't. What do you think it was?

(The scene transitions to show a pair of green eyes in the middle of a fuzzy orange face. The camera pans to the left as the eyes look around)

Narrator: There, looking right in front of her, looking at her with green eyes...

(The camera zooms out to reveal that the creature with green eyes who was purring was Ginger the Farm Cat! Smiling a devious smile)

Narrator: Ginger!

(Little Miss Tiny was show in front of Ginger as a tiny little silhouette)

Narrator: The farm cat!

(Ginger twitches in anticipation)

Narrator: Oh, poor Little Miss Tiny!

(Ginger looks around in anticipation)

Narrator: Ginger grinned, showing his teeth.

(The camera cuts back to the terrified Little Miss Tiny)

Miss Tiny: HELP!! HELP!! Oh, it's a giant! Please, somebody, HELP!!

(The camera cuts back to Ginger looking at Little Miss Tiny with a big smile on his face)

Narrator: Little Miss Tiny shouted at the top of her voice!

(The camera cuts back to the terrified Little Miss Tiny as she covers her eyes with her hands)

Narrator: The trouble was,

(Little Miss Tiny uncovers her eyes)

Narrator: The top of Little Miss Tiny's voice

(Little Miss Tiny covers her mouth with her right hand)

Narrator: Was not very loud.

(The camera cuts back to Ginger looking at Little Miss Tiny with a big smile on his face)

Narrator: Ginger grinned another grin.

Ginger: (purrs deviously)

(The scene transitions to Mr. Strong walking down the road carrying a basket of eggs)

Narrator: Everyday, Mr. Strong went to Home Farm to buy some eggs.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Strong's basket of eggs)

Narrator: He liked eggs. Lots of them.

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Strong walking down the path with his basket of eggs)

Narrator: And that particular day, he was walking home across the farmyard when he heard a very tiny squeak.

(The camera cuts to Mr. Strong entering the farmyard)

Miss Tiny (offscreen): HELP!

Narrator: Now what was that?

(Mr. Strong stops in his tracks)

Miss Tiny (offscreen): HELP!

(The camera cuts to show a confused Mr. Strong in the center of the frame)

Narrator: There it was again. It was coming from round the corner.

(The camera cuts back to the trapped Little Miss Tiny. The camera zooms out from her)

Narrator: He looked round the corner,

(Little Miss Tiny covers her eyes with her hands and the screen becomes darkened by Ginger's shadow)

Narrator: And he saw that Ginger had trapped

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Strong, who immediately takes action)

Narrator: Poor Little Miss Tiny!

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Tiny)


(The camera cuts to Mr. Strong shooing Ginger away)

Mr. Strong: Hmm-hmm-hmm! SHOO! Come on now! Go away, cat!

(The camera cuts to Mr. Strong picking up Little Miss Tiny by her hair bow. Little Miss Tiny is shown to be no bigger than an egg)

Narrator: Mr. Strong picked up Little Miss Tiny, very gently.

Mr. Strong (offscreen): Hello.

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Strong)

Mr. Strong: Who are you?

(Little Miss Tiny is shown in the palm of Mr. Strong's hand)

Miss Tiny: I'm...uh...I'm...I-I'm Miss Tiny

Mr. Strong (offscreen): (chuckles)

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Strong and Little Miss Tiny)

Mr. Strong: Yes. Well, you are. Aren't you? Well, if I was as tiny as you, I wouldn't go wandering around large farmyards!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny)

Miss Tiny: But I'm so lonely, I wanted to find someone to talk to.

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Strong and Little Miss Tiny)

Mr. Strong: Oh dear! Well now, Let's see if we can find some friends to talk to.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny)

Miss Tiny: Thank you very much. That's very kind of you.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny riding along in Mr. Strong's egg basket with the eggs he had collected. Little Miss Tiny waves to the viewers. "Friends in High Places" plays in the background)

Narrator: And now, every day, Mr. Strong collects Little Miss Tiny,

(The egg basket sways a bit)

Narrator: And takes her off to see her friends. Three days ago,

(Mr. Funny is shown doing several funny poses)

Narrator: He took her to see Mr. Funny, who told her so many jokes, that she just couldn't stop laughing all day!

(Little Miss Tiny is shown in the egg basket laughing hysterically)

Miss Tiny: (laughing)

Narrator: And-and then, a couple of days ago,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny standing on Mr. Greedy's tummy as the two chatted)

Narrator: He took her to see Mr. Greedy. He told her what he usually had for his favourite breakfast.

Mr. Greedy: Um, (clears his throat) Toast

Singer (in the background & overlap): 🎵Friends, friends in high places🎵

Mr. Greedy (overlap): Two slices. Cornflakes, one whole packet.

(Little Miss Tiny scratches her head in awe)

Mr. Greedy: Milk,

Singer (in the background & overlap): 🎵Friends, friends in high places🎵

Mr. Greedy (overlap): One bottle. Sugar, one bowlful. Mmm, toast...

Mr. Greedy: (breathes in deeply) mmm...three slices! Eggs, three, boiled of course, soft.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny as she scratches her head again)

Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Toast, four slices. Butter, one dishful. And marmalade...

(Mr. Greedy is shown pouring milk into a big bowl. Little Miss Tiny is shown standing on the table the big bowl is on)

Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Mmmm! One pot!

Miss Tiny: That's much too much for tiny little me!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny)

Miss Tiny: I couldn't possibly eat all that.

Singer (in the background): 🎵Friends, friends in high places🎵

Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Hmmm. Well...

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Greedy)

Mr. Greedy: Um, for you...uh, divide by a hundred.

Singer (in the background): 🎵Friends, friends in high places🎵

(The scene transitions to Mr. Strong carrying Little Miss Tiny around in the egg basket)

Narrator: Yesterday, Mr. Strong took her to see Mr. Silly.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Silly standing on his head)

Narrator: And Mr. Silly showed her how to stand on her head.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Tiny sitting in the egg basket)

Miss Tiny: That's very silly!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Silly)

Mr. Silly: (giggles) Oh yes! Well, uh, thank you!

(Mr. Silly smiles a big smile)

Mr. Silly: (giggles)

Narrator: And guess who she met today?

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Tiny sitting in the egg basket and slowly zooms out to a wider shot)

Narrator: Somebody who's become a special little friend.

(Mr. Small rises from the eggs in the basket and appears next to Little Miss Tiny)

Narrator: Mr. Small!

Mr. Small: I never thought I'd ever meet anybody smaller than myself!

(The camera zooms in on the two)

Miss Tiny: Just you wait till I grow up!

(The camera zooms out and starts shaking as the two start laughing)

Mr. Small: Oh! (laughing) Oh! I say!

Miss Tiny (overlap): (laughing)

Mr. Small (overlap): Oh! Jolly good! (laughing) Oh! Oh my!

Miss Tiny and Mr. Small: (laughing)

(The camera cuts to Mr. Strong (who isn't wearing his hat) and he winks to the viewers. The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

US Dub[]

(The episode begins with a wide shot of Home Farm)

Narrator: Little Miss Tiny was extremely small.

(The camera starts zooming in on Home Farm)

Narrator: She was not very tall at all!

(The scene transitions to the dining room of Home Farm)

Narrator: She was so very tiny,

(The camera starts zooming in downwards)

Narrator: That she didn't even live in a house. Do you know where she lived? In a mousehole, in the dining room of a farmhouse.

(The scene transitions to show the camera panning towards the right of a chair)

Narrator: She had made the mousehole quite comfortable really.

(The scene transitions to show Little Miss Tiny's mousehole. The camera slowly zooms in on the mousehole)

Narrator: And luckily, there weren't any mice because Ginger, the big farm cat, had chased them all away.

(The screen fades to black)

Narrator: Now, the trouble was, because she was so tiny...

(The scene transitions to inside Little Miss Tiny's mousehole. Little Miss Tiny is shown sleeping in her matchbox bed)

Narrator: Nobody even knew she lived there.

Miss Tiny: (breathes in deeply as she sleeps)

Narrator: Nobody noticed her. Not even the farmer and his wife. She didn't even get junk mail from supermarkets!

(Little Miss Tiny wakes up and stretches in her bed)

Miss Tiny (overlap): (yawns)

Narrator (overlap): So, there she lived. All alone.

(Little Miss Tiny stops stretching)

Narrator: She was lonely and sad.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny)

Miss Tiny: Oh dear! I wish I had someone to talk to.

(The camera zooms out. Little Miss Tiny starts to cry; tears start falling down her cheek and Little Miss Tiny wipes under her nose with her finger)

Narrator: One day, she was feeling so lonely,

(Little Miss Tiny covers her eyes as she cries a few more tears)

Narrator: She decided to be very brave and go for a walk.

(Little Miss Tiny gets out of her bed on the right side)

Miss Tiny: Okay, Tiny. Best foot forward.

(Little Miss Tiny takes tiny steps to the right so she can look at herself in the mirror. The scene then cuts to Little Miss Tiny exiting her mousehole)

Narrator: Out of her mousehole she came.

(Little Miss Tiny looks around before walking across the dining room)

Narrator: She crept across the dining room.

(The camera cuts to show the maze of dining room chairs Little Miss Tiny passes by)

Narrator: And went through the crack in the door

(Little Miss Tiny peers out through the crack in the dining room doorway and looks into the hall)

Narrator: And into the hall.

(The camera shows the viewers the long hall that Little Miss Tiny has to trek down)

Narrator: To Little Miss Tiny

(The camera zooms in on the door at the end of the hall that leads outside)

Narrator: The hall looked as big as a football field!

(Little Miss Tiny looks at the long hall in amazement)

Miss Tiny: Oh my goodness!

(Little Miss Tiny starts scurrying down the hall)

Narrator: And she scurried across it to the back door of the farm house.

(Little Miss Tiny stops and sees that she is standing in front of a cat-flap that was at the bottom of the door)

Miss Tiny: (sighs happily)

Narrator: Luckily for her, there was a cat-flap,

(Little Miss Tiny looks at the cat-flap)

Narrator: At the bottom of the door was open.

(Little Miss Tiny starts pushing the cat-flap open)

Miss Tiny: (grunts)

Narrator: And she squeezed herself through it,

(Little Miss Tiny squeezes herself through the cat-flap and lands on the doorstep of the farmhouse)

Miss Tiny: Ooh!

Narrator: And out onto the doorstep.

(Little Miss Tiny looks around)

Narrator: It was all very exciting.

(The camera shows the viewers the farmyard and slowly zooms out to show the farmyard in full view)

Narrator: There, before her, was the vast expanse of the farmyard.

(Little Miss Tiny starts walking around the farmyard)

Narrator: So, she set out to explore it.

(Little Miss Tiny walks towards the right)

Narrator: As Little Miss Tiny...

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Tiny walking to the left towards a hole in the ground)

Narrator: Walked across the yard,

(Little Miss Tiny stops walking)

Narrator: She came upon a hole.

(The camera zooms in on the hole)

Narrator: Suddenly,

(The camera zooms back out and a worm pops out of his hole)

Miss Tiny: Ooh!

Narrator: Out popped a worm.

(The camera zooms in on the worm)

Worm: Morning. See any birds around?

(The camera zooms back out to show Little Miss Tiny and the worm)

Miss Tiny: Oh my goodness! It's a monster!

Narrator: Little Miss Tiny was terrified!

(Little Miss Tiny runs away and keep running until she is out of the frame)

Narrator: She ran across the farmyard

(The worm looks at the viewers with a confused look on his face)

Narrator: To hide. And she came to

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny leaning on the edge of a door breathing in and out)

Miss Tiny: (breathing heavily)

(The camera zooms out to show the door Little Miss Tiny was leaning on)

Narrator (overlap): A door with a gap at the bottom and ducked in,

Miss Tiny (overlap): (breathing heavily)

(The camera zooms in on the gap at the bottom of the door)

Narrator: Underneath.

(The screen fades to black)

Narrator: There, inside,

(The scene transitions to show a pig inside the room Little Miss Tiny had entered)

Narrator: Was someone snorting and breathing very heavily.

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Tiny looking at the pig in awe)

Narrator: It was a pig. A large pig. And, if you're as small as Little Miss Tiny,

(The camera cuts to the pig)

Narrator: A pig looks very large indeed.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Tiny)

Narrator: Miss Tiny looked at the pig.

(The camera cuts to the pig)

Narrator: And the pig looked at Miss Tiny.

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Tiny and the pig)

Pig: (oinks)

Narrator: The pig grunted.

(The camera cuts back to the pig and zooms in on his face)

Narrator: And moved closer to inspect the little person who'd entered the sty.

(The camera zooms out to show Little Miss Tiny and the pig)

Pig: (oinks)

Miss Tiny: Oh my goodness! Mercy!

(The camera cuts back to the pig)

Pig: (oinks)

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny running across the farmyard)

Narrator: And Miss Tiny, shot out of the pigsty as fast as her little legs could carry. Which, wasn't very fast because her legs were so small.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny putting her right hand on a swirly stone)

Narrator: She stopped to catch her breath.

(Little Miss Tiny is shown resting by the stone)

Miss Tiny: Oh! Oh my goodness! I can't stop the knocking of my knees! (breathing hard)

(The camera pans towards the right)

Narrator: When she recovered her breath,

(The camera stops in front of the stone and pans up)

Narrator: She climbed up on a large stone,

(The camera stops panning up once Little Miss Tiny is fully in the frame)

Narrator: To see if the pig had followed her.

(Little Miss Tiny looks around)

Narrator: Fortunately, it hadn't.

(Little Miss Tiny looks at the viewers)

Miss Tiny: Thank goodness for that!

(Little Miss Tiny looks around)

Narrator: But, suddenly,

(The screen starts shaking)

Narrator: The stone began to move!

Miss Tiny: Oh no! No! For heaven sakes, what's happening now?

(The camera zooms out and a snail pops out from the stone Little Miss Tiny was sitting on. Turns out, the stone was really the snail's shell)

Snail: Hey! You! Get off my back!

(Little Miss Tiny looks around)

Narrator: It was only, a harmless,

(The camera zooms in on the snail and the snail smiles)

Narrator: Old snail. Little Miss Tiny, jumped down, and ran across

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny running across the farmyard)

Narrator: The farmyard.

Miss Tiny: Ooh!

Narrator: She ran around to the back of the,

(The scene transitions to show the farmyard)

Narrator: Pigsty before she stopped.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny leaning on a brick wall)

Narrator: She leaned against the wall,

(Little Miss Tiny covers her eyes with her hands)

Narrator: And put her hands over her eyes.

Miss Tiny: (whimpers)

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny as she uncovers her eyes)

Narrator: And suddenly, she heard a noise.

(The camera zooms out and Little Miss Tiny covers her mouth with her right hand)

Narrator: A very close sort of noise. A sort of licking noise.

(Little Miss Tiny uncovers her mouth)

Narrator: Which sounded and awful lot,

(Little Miss Tiny covers her eyes with her hands)

Narrator: Like broken windshield wipers.

(The camera zooms in as Little Miss Tiny uncovers her eyes)

Miss Tiny: Ooh

Narrator: Which scared her,

(Little Miss Tiny covers her mouth with her right hand)

Narrator: Even more

(Little Miss Tiny uncovers her mouth)

Miss Tiny: Oh! What's that?

(The camera zooms back out. Little Miss Tiny covers her eyes with her hands)

Narrator: She hardly dared to take her hands away from her eyes. But when she did, she wish...

(Little Miss Tiny uncovers her eyes)

Narrator: She hadn't. What do you think it was? There, right in front of her,

(The scene transitions to show a pair of green eyes in the middle of a fuzzy orange face. The camera pans to the left as the eyes look around)

Narrator: Looking at her with green eyes, was Ginger! Not the snaps,

(The camera zooms out to reveal that the creature with green eyes who was purring was Ginger the Farm Cat! Smiling a devious smile)

Narrator: But the farm cat!

(Little Miss Tiny was show in front of Ginger as a tiny little silhouette)

Narrator: Poor Little Miss Tiny!

(Ginger twitches and looks around in anticipation)

Narrator: Ginger grinned from ear to ear, and showed Miss Tiny her sharp teeth.

(The camera cuts back to the terrified Little Miss Tiny)

Miss Tiny: HELP!! Oh! Somebody please, HELP ME!!

(The camera cuts back to Ginger looking at Little Miss Tiny with a big smile on his face)

Narrator: Well, it looked like curtains for Little Miss Tiny!

(The camera cuts back to the terrified Little Miss Tiny as she covers her eyes with her hands)

Narrator: She shouted at the top of her voice!

(Little Miss Tiny uncovers her eyes)

Narrator: The trouble was,

(Little Miss Tiny covers her mouth with her right hand)

Narrator: The top of her voice,

(The camera cuts back to Ginger looking at Little Miss Tiny with a big smile on his face)

Narrator: Was not very loud. Ginger grinned another grin.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Strong walking down the road carrying a basket of eggs)

Narrator: Everyday, Mr. Strong went out to gather some eggs.

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Strong's basket of eggs)

Narrator: He loved eggs. Lots of them.

(The camera zooms back out to show Mr. Strong walking down the path with his basket of eggs)

Narrator: That day, he was walking back across the farmyard when he heard a very tiny squeak.

(The camera cuts to Mr. Strong entering the farmyard)

Miss Tiny (offscreen): HELP!

Narrator: At first, he thought,

(Mr. Strong stops in his tracks)

Narrator: He had stepped on a cricket.

(The camera cuts to show a confused Mr. Strong in the center of the frame)

Narrator: But then. there it was again.

Miss Tiny (offscreen): HELP!

Narrator: It was coming from around the corner!

(The camera cuts back to the trapped Little Miss Tiny. The camera zooms out from her)

Narrator: He looked around the corner,

Miss Tiny: HELP!

(Little Miss Tiny covers her eyes with her hands and the screen becomes darkened by Ginger's shadow)

Narrator: And saw Ginger

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Strong, who immediately takes action)

Narrator: And Little Miss Tiny!

(The camera cuts back to the trapped Little Miss Tiny)


(The camera cuts to Mr. Strong shooing Ginger away)

Mr. Strong: Hmm-hmm-hmm! So, come on now! Scram, little cat!

(The camera cuts to Mr. Strong picking up Little Miss Tiny by her hair bow. Little Miss Tiny is shown to be no bigger than an egg)

Narrator: Mr. Strong gently picked up Little Miss Tiny. Very gently.

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Strong)

Mr. Strong: Mmm, hello. Who are you?

(Little Miss Tiny is shown in the palm of Mr. Strong's hand)

Miss Tiny: I'm...I'm...I'm...Miss Tiny.

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Strong and Little Miss Tiny)

Mr. Strong: Ooh. You really are. Aren't you? Well, if I was as tiny as you, I wouldn't go wandering around large farmyards!

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny)

Miss Tiny: But I'm so lonely, I wanted to find someone to talk to.

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Strong and Little Miss Tiny)

Mr. Strong: I understand! Well, let's see if we can find you some friends to talk to.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny)

Miss Tiny: Thank you very much. That's very kind of you.

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny riding along in Mr. Strong's egg basket with the eggs he had collected. Little Miss Tiny waves to the viewers. "Friends in High Places" plays in the background)

Narrator: And now, every day, Mr. Strong collects Little Miss Tiny,

(The egg basket sways a bit)

Narrator: And takes her off to see her friends. Three days ago,

(Mr. Funny is shown doing several funny poses)

Mr. Funny (overlap): (laughing)

Narrator (overlap): He took her to see Mr. Funny. Who told her so many jokes, she just couldn't stop laughing all day!

(Little Miss Tiny is shown in the egg basket laughing hysterically)

Narrator (overlap): Two days ago, he took her to see Mr. Greedy.

Miss Tiny (overlap): (laughing)

Narrator: Mr. Greedy,

(The scene transitions to Little Miss Tiny standing on Mr. Greedy's tummy as the two chatted)

Narrator: Told her the special recipe for his favorite breakfast.

Mr. Greedy: Um, uh, Toast, two slices.

Singer (in the background & overlap): 🎵Friends, friends in high places🎵

Mr. Greedy (overlap): Cornflakes, one whole box.

(Little Miss Tiny scratches her head in awe)

Mr. Greedy: Milk, one bottle, Sugar,

Singer (in the background & overlap): 🎵Friends, friends in high places🎵

Mr. Greedy (overlap): One bowl. Ham, three slices.

Mr. Greedy: Eggs, four, boiled of course, soft.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny as she scratches her head again)

Mr. Greedy (offscreen): Ten sausages. Uh, butter, one pound. Marmalade, one pot.

(Mr. Greedy is shown pouring milk into a big bowl. Little Miss Tiny is shown standing on the table the big bowl is on)

Mr. Greedy (offscreen): And a box of cupcakes.

Miss Tiny: But that's much too much for tiny little me.

(The camera zooms in on Little Miss Tiny)

Miss Tiny: I couldn't possibly eat all that.

Singer (in the background): 🎵Friends, friends in high places🎵

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Greedy)

Mr. Greedy: Well, uh, for you...uh, divide by a hundred.

(The scene transitions to Mr. Strong carrying Little Miss Tiny around in the egg basket)

Singer (in the background & overlap): 🎵Friends, friends in high places🎵

Narrator (overlap): Yesterday, Mr. Strong took her to see Mr. Silly. While they were there,

(The scene transitions to Mr. Silly standing on his head)

Narrator: Mr. Silly showed her how to stand on your head.

(The camera cuts to Little Miss Tiny sitting in the egg basket)

Miss Tiny: That's very silly!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Silly)

Mr. Silly: Oh yes! Well, uh, thank you!

(Mr. Silly grins a big smile)

Mr. Silly: (giggles)

(The camera cuts back to Little Miss Tiny sitting in the egg basket and slowly zooms out to a wider shot)

Narrator: And guess who she met today? Someone who's become a special little friend.

(Mr. Small rises from the eggs in the basket and appears next to Little Miss Tiny)

Narrator: Mr. Small!

Mr. Small: I never thought I'd ever meet anybody smaller than myself!

(The camera zooms in on the two)

Miss Tiny: Just you wait till I grow up!

(The camera zooms out and starts shaking as the two start laughing)

Miss Tiny (overlap): (laughing)

Mr. Small (overlap): (laughing) Very good! Oh, very good! That's really good!

Miss Tiny and Mr. Small: (laughing)

(The camera cuts to Mr. Strong (who isn't wearing his hat) and he winks to the viewers. The screen fades to black and the episode ends here)

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Classic Episode Transcripts
Mr. Men Mr. Happy|Mr. Bump|Mr. Tickle|Mr. Silly|Mr. Sneeze|Mr. Snow|Mr. Messy|Mr. Small|Mr. Greedy|Mr. Bounce|Mr. Jelly|Mr. Forgetful|Mr. Funny|Mr. Topsy-Turvy|Mr. Uppity|Mr. Nosey|Mr. Daydream|Mr. Mean|Mr. Chatterbox|Mr. Impossible|Mr. Muddle|Mr. Strong|Mr. Fussy|Mr. Noisy|Mr. Lazy|Mr. Dizzy|Mr. Grumpy|Mr. Worry
Little Miss Little Miss Tiny|Little Miss Shy|Little Miss Splendid|Little Miss Magic|Little Miss Neat|Little Miss Naughty|Little Miss Scatterbrain|Little Miss Trouble|Little Miss Bossy|Little Miss Sunshine|Little Miss Plump|Little Miss Late|Little Miss Helpful