Mr. Men Wiki
Muddle Skating 1675 This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Lunch." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Next Door" Next: "Machines"

UK Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big green screen comes up with "Lunch" written on it with Mr. Bump (with his right foot bandaged) and his sandwich trolley, who created the episode underneath, and the sounds of a whistle followed by a stampede of feet and chewing noises are heard)

(The episode begins at a factory with the lunch whistle blowing and Mr. Stubborn, Little Miss Whoops and Mr. Scatterbrain simultaneously stop what they're doing, taking out their lunchboxes and begin to eat their sandwiches)

Narrator: All over Dillydale, the Mr. Men and Little Misses are taking time in the middle of their day to have lunch.

(The camera pans to Little Miss Magic as she prepares her lunch with a tomato and a wedge of cheese. She uses her magic wand to turn them into tomato soup and cheese sandwich respectively. But, being Little Miss Magic, her magic sure surprises her when it turned out the wrong way round (i.e. cheese soup and a tomato sandwich)).

Narrator: Whether it be a simple soup and sandwich,

(The camera pans to Mr. Strong making a salad for lunch. Using his powerful strength, he lifts his refrigerator, turns it upside down and lots of things fall out into the bowl)

Narrator: A salad made with lots of delicious ingredients,

(The camera pans to Mr. Messy enjoying his lunch, spaghetti with beanballs)

Narrator: Or a sloppy bowl of spaghetti.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Lazy eating a beanburger for his lunch and getting back to his nap)

Narrator: Their midday meal is just thing that gives them energy to get back to what they were doing before lunch,

Mr. Lazy: (yawns)

Narrator: No matter how exhausting it may be.

(The camera pans to the Dillydale Cafeteria. The scene cuts inside the place as Mr. Happy takes Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Stubborn to the lunch line)

Narrator: The Dillydale Cafeteria is a very popular lunch spot, which is why Mr. Happy has invited Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Stubborn to lunch.

Mr. Stubborn: Is the food any good, Mr. Happy?

Mr. Happy: Oh the food is wonderful, Mr. Stubborn! I'm sure you'll both be very impressed!

Mr. Grumpy: Don't count on it.

Mr. Stubborn: Mr. Grumpy, are you gonna complain all through lunch?

Mr. Grumpy: I'm not complaining...yet. Let's just see if their soup's any good.

Mr. Happy: The cafeteria makes many kinds of delicious soup. Here,

(Mr. Happy gives Mr. Grumpy his own tray)

Mr. Happy: Have a tray!

Mr. Grumpy: What for?

Mr. Happy: It's self-service! (laughs)

(Mr. Grumpy is reminded of his own experiences at sit down restaurants and begins to smile)

Mr. Grumpy: You mean to tell me there are no annoying waiters?!

Mr. Happy: Not one! You just slide your tray along and help yourself to whatever you'd like!!

(Mr. Happy runs away to be the first in line)

Mr. Grumpy: I think I love this place!

(Mr. Grumpy runs after Mr. Happy)

Mr. Stubborn: Good! Maybe now you will stop complaining!

(Mr. Stubborn follows Mr. Happy and Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Happy picks the macaroni and tuna salad for his lunch)

Mr. Happy: I recommend the macaroni and tuna salad. And the coleslaw's quite tasty too.

Mr. Grumpy: How can a person choose?!

(Mr. Grumpy picks the macaroni and tuna salad as his first choice)

Mr. Happy: Are you getting anything, Mr. Stubborn?

Mr. Stubborn: I'm waiting for the spaghetti and beanballs.

(Mr. Grumpy's joy dies down)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, forget beanballs! Can't you see all this other great food?

Mr. Stubborn: I see perfectly well. If I cannot have spaghetti and beanballs, I do not want anything!

Mr. Grumpy: Don't be ridiculous. Have some mashed swede or some lovely lasagna?

Mr. Stubborn: No thank you. I want beanballs!

(Mr. Grumpy points to the samples of beanloaf in front of him)

Mr. Grumpy: Try the beanloaf, it's like square beanballs.

Mr. Stubborn: Loaf is not balls, Mr. Grumpy!

(Mr. Stubborn cuts in front of Mr. Grumpy just to get what he wants. Mr. Tickle is shown working as the cook for the café and is behind the counter)

Mr. Tickle: Hello, Mr. Stubborn. We have four kinds of beanloaf today! And you get a tickle on the side!

Mr. Stubborn: I do not want a tickle! On my side or anywhere else!

(Mr. Grumpy walks over)

Mr. Grumpy: Stubborn, you're ruining my good mood! Just put something on your tray!

Mr. Stubborn: There is nothing here as good as spaghetti and beanballs!

(Mr. Grumpy shows Mr. Stubborn the food on his tray)

Mr. Grumpy: What do you call this?

(Mr. Stubborn pushes Mr. Grumpy's tray away from him)

Mr. Stubborn: Disgusting! Clearly, you would eat anything!

Mr. Grumpy: See here, Stubborn! I happen to be a very picky eater!

(Mr. Tickle tries to tickle Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): Does someone need a tickle?

Mr. Grumpy: No!

(Mr. Tickle retracts his arms)

Mr. Grumpy: What I need is for Mr. Stubborn to pick his lunch! So we can sit down!

Mr. Happy (offscreen): Mr. Grumpy!

(Mr. Happy is shown holding a dessert in each hand and has another on his head)

Mr. Happy: Wait until you see all these wonderful desserts!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Grumpy: Hear that?

Mr. Stubborn: Unless they have a spaghetti and beanball ice cream, I am not getting any dessert!

(Mr. Rude shows up and pushes Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Grumpy out of the way)

Mr. Rude: Come on! Move it! I do not have all day!

(Mr. Stubborn walks away)

Mr. Grumpy: Do you mind, Mr. Rude? It's my first time here!

(Mr. Grumpy follows Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Rude follows Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Rude: And hopefully, your last!

Mr. Grumpy (offscreen): I heard that!

(Mr. Stubborn walks to the desserts and starts sniffing them)

Mr. Stubborn: (sniffs) Mmm! (sniffs) Mmm! (sniffs) Mmm!

(Mr. Stubborn sniffs a slice of pie that he likes the smell of)

Mr. Stubborn: (sniffs) Maybe I could eat this? What kind is it?

(Mr. Stubborn puts the slice of pie onto his tray. Mr. Tickle walks over)

Mr. Tickle: Lemon meringue! But it's best eaten with a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

Mr. Stubborn: Ha-ha! Do not tickle me! Ha-ha!

(Mr. Stubborn throws his tray up into the air. Mr. Grumpy watches and Mr. Stubborn's pie hits Mr. Rude on the head)

Mr. Grumpy: Maybe my good mood isn't ruined after all.

(Furious, Mr. Rude grabs another slice of pie and throws it at Mr. Stubborn. This gives Mr. Stubborn a pie shaped Elvis-hairdo. Mr. Grumpy manages to avoid getting hit but Mr. Stubborn is not happy about Mr. Rude's actions and grabs another slice of pie)

Mr. Stubborn: This CHEAP!!

(Mr. Stubborn throws the slice of pie at Mr. Rude and it hits him in the face. Mr. Tickle, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Stubborn start grabbing slices of pie and a pie fight breaks out as they start throwing slices of pie at each other. Although, Mr. Tickle isn't really throwing pie at anyone but himself and hits himself with two slices of pie. Mr. Grumpy ducks in cover and one of the slices of pie hits Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Woah-ho! Now that's a wonderful pie! (laughs)

(Mr. Happy eats the pie off his head when another slice hits Mr. Happy. The pie fight continues as Mr. Grumpy grabs his lunch tray, walks away from the pie fight, and sits down at a table to eat his lunch)

Mr. Grumpy: Those dodo birds can throw pie around all afternoon, I'm gonna eat my lunch!

(Mr. Grumpy get his by a pie)

Mr. Grumpy: And for the record, I'm not paying for this pie!

(Little Miss Scary makes a sandwich out of the scene. She eats the sandwich)

Miss Scary: (burps)

(Little Miss Scary uses the background as a napkin and drags it with her as she walks away. This acts as a transition to the first bumper. Mr. Fussy is about to enjoy his lunch when he smells a putrid odor. The odor is coming from Mr. Messy's lunch. Mr. Messy is eating his lunch with his mouth open. Much to Mr. Fussy's disgust. Then, Little Miss Chatterbox shows up talking on the phone and eating her lunch at the same time. Mr. Fussy is disgusted by both of them and ends up getting knocked out by a piece of food that flies out of Mr. Messy's mouth. The scene fades to black and the next scene begins with Mr. Nervous, Mr. Messy, and Little Miss Daredevil walking to an office building with their lunchboxes in their hands)

Narrator: Some days, the busy Mr. Men and Little Misses bring their lunch to work.

(The scene cuts inside the office building to show Mr. Bump pushing a sandwich cart)

Narrator: And other days, lunch comes to them!

(Mr. Bump sees something offscreen and starts running to it)

Mr. Bump: Uh, hold that door please!

(Mr. Bump runs to the elevator. Mr. Small is already there. Mr. Bump manages to push his cart inside the elevator but the elevator doors close on Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Ooh! Ow! Oh!

(The elevator goes up and Mr. Bump goes up with it and is pushed all the way inside the elevator. The scene then cuts to Mr. Bump (who is bandaging his left foot) and a regretful Mr. Small inside the elevator)

Mr. Small: Terribly sorry, Mr. Bump!

(Mr. Small notices Mr. Bump's sandwich cart)

Mr. Small: Sandwiches!

(Mr. Bump gives an annoyed look. The scene cuts to the elevator doors opening. Mr. Small walks out eating a sandwich and Mr. Bump walks over to Little Miss Sunshine (who is working as a receptionist) pushing his sandwich cart)

Mr. Bump: Hello, Miss Sunshine. Do you think anyone in your office would like to buy a sandwich?

Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Do you have cream cheese and smoked salmon?

(Mr. Bump takes out her request)

Mr. Bump: That I do!

(Little Miss Sunshine takes the sandwich)

Miss Sunshine: (sighs) You've absolutely made my day!

(Little Miss Sunshine takes a bite out of her sandwich. The scene transitions to Mr. Bump walking in the office pushing his sandwich cart. After passing cubicles occupied by Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Strong, he reaches Mr. Lazy's cubicle)

Mr. Bump: Care for a sandwich, Mr. Lazy?

Mr. Lazy: Yeah! I could use a break from all this work.

(Mr. Bump wheels his sandwich cart over to Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Bump: Well, there are all kinds to choose from!

(Mr. Bump opens his sandwich cart and Mr. Lazy digs around it)

Mr. Lazy: That sounds like a lot of choosing. I don't know if I have the energy.

(Mr. Bump sees Little Miss Whoops on a floor cleaning machine and fears what will happen is Mr. Lazy doesn't choose his sandwich faster)

Mr. Bump: Um...uh...could you choose a little faster please, Mr. Lazy?

(Little Miss Whoops drives the floor cleaning machine closer to Mr. Bump and Mr. Bump fears that he will be cleaned by the machine instead of the floor. Mr. Lazy stops digging through the sandwich cart)

Mr. Lazy: No! It's too much work.

(Mr. Lazy falls asleep)

Mr. Lazy: (snores)

(Mr. Bump sees the floor cleaning machine and prepares to get cleaned. Surprisingly, Little Miss Whoops drives passed Mr. Bump and avoids him. Much to Mr. Bump's surprise. Mr. Bump breathes a sigh of relief)

Mr. Bump: Phew!

Miss Sunshine (over the PA): Hello, fellow office workers!

(Little Miss Sunshine is shown with a guitar in her hands)

Miss Sunshine: I'd like to dedicate this song to Mr. Bump and his delicious sandwiches!

(Little Miss Sunshine starts playing a song)

Miss Sunshine: 🎵You really talk my language. Oh cream cheese and salmon sandwich.🎵

(Mr. Quiet, Mr. Messy, Little Miss Helpful, and Mr. Grumpy all poke their heads out of their offices and listen to Little Miss Sunshine's song)

Miss Sunshine (over the PA): 🎵So good on whole wheat bread!🎵

(The scene cuts to a clock. The clock strikes one and a whistle blows to alert the employees that it's lunchtime)

Miss Sunshine (over the PA): 🎵Or try some jam instead!🎵

(Little Miss Sunshine stops singing and the scene cuts to Mr. Noisy)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Lunch time!

(Mr. Noisy spots Mr. Bump)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): There he is!

(Mr. Noisy is joined by Mr. Tall, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Messy, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, Little Miss Daredevil, Mr. Nervous, Mr. Strong, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Stubborn, and Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Let's get those sandwiches!

(The crowd of hungry and eager Mr. Men and Little Misses run towards Mr. Bump in a stampede fashion)

Mr. Bump: Oh wait! One at a time! There's plenty for everybody!

(The crowd tramples over Mr. Bump)

Miss Whoops: Sandwiches!

Mr. Small: Sandwiches!

Mr. Bump: (groans)

(Everyone grabs a sandwich and leaves Mr. Bump's cart flipped over and Mr. Bump in a mess of paper, neckties, and soap)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen): Sandwiches!

Mr. Bump: Ow!

(The scene cuts to everyone eating Mr. Bump's sandwiches)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Miss Sunshine's right! These sandwiches are superbo! You'll have to come back tomorrow!

(Mr. Bump gets up and makes sure his cart is in the right position)

Mr. Bump: Ah! I'll do that.

(Mr. Bump starts walking away with his cart. The scene cuts back to the clock. The clock strikes two and a whistle blows to alert the employees that lunch is over. Everyone looks at the clock and trample over Mr. Bump in their rush to get back to work. Mr. Bump is left in the same state as before. In an erroneous moment, Little Miss Whoops comes by on the floor cleaning machine and cleans Mr. Bump with it just as he predicted that she would do earlier. This is an error because Little Miss Whoops was seen a moment before with trampling over Mr. Bump with the other Mr. Men and Little Misses)

Mr. Bump: Poopity poop!

(The scene transitions to the next bumper. Little Miss Whoops is enjoying a sandwich for lunch. When she takes a bite, she accidentally squirts some of the contents of her sandwich out and onto Mr. Bump, who was also enjoying his lunch. Little Miss Whoops shows that she is sorry for what happened. Mr. Bump then fall onto the floor in a daze. The scene transitions to Mr. Messy, Mr. Grumpy, and Little Miss Whoops having lunch at a diner when they start dancing. A dance video starring the three begins. First, they dance on top of their barstool seats. Then they dance surrounded by a circle of smiling sandwiches before the background fades back to the diner setting. They dance on their barstool seats for another moment before striking their final poses. Salt and pepper shakers, jars of mustard and mayonnaise, and a bottle of ketchup, slide across the screen from the right and this acts as a transition to the next scene. Mr. Fussy, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Messy and Mr. Quiet are on a hike in the Dillydale Woods)

Narrator: There are special occasions when lunch is eaten in the open air. Like on a Dillydale Nature Club Outing, for instance.

Mr. Fussy (in a quiet voice): And it's at this point that we might spot the rarest bird of all! The Horn-Thrusted Red Spangler!

(The camera zooms out to show that the Dillydale Nature Club is standing by a tree that the Horn-Thrusted Red Spangler is perched on but nobody notices the bird)

Mr. Fussy (in a quiet voice): So, let us all be very quiet!

(The Dillydale Nature Club starts looking for the Horn-Thrusted Red Spangler. The camera zooms in on the bird perched on a branch in the nearby tree. Mr. Quiet sees the bird and tries to tell everyone without scaring the bird away but nobody hears him)

Mr. Quiet: Uh, there it is! Uh, behind you!

(Mr. Fussy's watch starts beeping and the noise scares off the Horn-Thrusted Red Spangler. Nobody seems to notice the Horn-Thrusted Red Spangler flying away, however)

Mr. Fussy: Time for lunch!

Mr. Messy: That's what I'm talking about!

(Mr. Messy takes off his backpack and pulls a sandwich out of his sock)

Mr. Messy: My stomach's been growling up a storm down there!

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Messy! Just because we are eating in the woods doesn't mean we have to act like animals!

Mr. Messy: I don't know any animals who wear socks.

Miss Chatterbox: Animals definitely don't wear socks. (giggles) My parrot Featherbrain, she wears a tiny little hat once in a while but that's it.

(Mr. Fussy is shown setting up the picnic. Mr. Fussy is shown taking a vase full of flowers out of his backpack)

Mr. Fussy: What I meant, is that lunch should be a civilized affair!

(Mr. Fussy digs inside his backpack and finds something)

Mr. Fussy: Ah!

(Mr. Fussy takes out a jar of olives)

Mr. Fussy: I didn't forget the green olives!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Fussy sitting on the picnic blanket enjoying their lunch)

Mr. Messy: Shazam! That's the fanciest lunch I've ever seen!

Mr. Fussy: I like my comforts.

(A bear peeks from inside the bushes)

Mr. Fussy: Even in the woods!

(Mr. Quiet sees the bear but all he can make out is that somebody is watching them)

Mr. Quiet: Speaking of the woods, I think something's watching us!

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes two sandwiches out of her lunch bag)

Miss Chatterbox: I just have leftovers! But, I bet they're as good today as last night! Which seems like a really long time ago for some reason. (chuckles) I really like leftovers though, don't you?

Mr. Messy: I do like leftover cheese.

(Mr. Messy takes some stinky cheese out of his sock)

Mr. Messy: But only if it has a good stink!

(Mr. Fussy prepares to eat some baby carrots when Little Miss Chatterbox sees the tiny vegetable)

Miss Chatterbox: Wow! Are those baby carrots? I love baby carrots! They're just like normal carrots only so much cuter!

(Mr. Messy walks over for a closer look)

Mr. Messy: Let's have a look!

(Mr. Fussy notices something)

Mr. Fussy: Uh, Mr. Messy

(Pieces of food are shown around Mr. Messy's feet)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): You're spilling food!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Fussy and the peeping bear)

Mr. Fussy: You don't want to attract a wild animal!

(A bear pokes their head out of the bushes but only Mr. Quiet notices)

Mr. Quiet: Too late.

Mr. Messy: Don't worry, Mr. Fussy! Whatever I drop, I'll pick up and eat!

(Mr. Messy sees a piece of cheese on the ground)

Mr. Messy: Like that piece of cheese I just dropped!

(Ants cover the piece of cheese as Mr. Messy picks it up. Mr. Messy sees the ants and realizes that eating the cheese isn't a good idea)

Mr. Messy: Mmmm...maybe not that!

(Mr. Messy tosses the piece of cheese over his shoulder and it hits the bear)

Mr. Fussy: I will not be pleased if you bring a trail of ants to my fine lunch!

(The bear sniffs around as Mr. Fussy picks up a cracker)

Mr. Quiet: Ants are the least of your worries!

(Little Miss Chatterbox walks closer to Mr. Fussy)

Miss Chatterbox: I still can't get over that you brought all this food all the way from home!

(Mr. Fussy eats his cracker and Little Miss Chatterbox digs around Mr. Fussy's backpack and finds something)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps)

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes out a jar of plums)

Miss Chatterbox: Is this plum jam?

Bear: (growls)

Mr. Fussy: Miss Chatterbox, no offense, but I cannot properly enjoy my lunch with your hot breath breathing down my neck!

Mr. Quiet: Uh, that would be hot bear breath.

(The bear looks at Mr. Fussy's food)

Bear: (snorts)

Mr. Fussy: And if you want a hard-boiled egg, just ask for it!

(Little Miss Chatterbox gets confused and turns around. She becomes scared when she sees the bear)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Don't snort!

Miss Chatterbox: Um...heh! Mr. Fussy, that wasn't me who snorted.

(Little Miss Chatterbox points to the bear as the camera zooms out to show the bear eying Mr. Fussy's picnic. The scene cuts to Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy prepares to eat another piece of food when he turn around and sees the bear)

Mr. Messy: Bear!!!

Mr. Fussy: What are you two talking about?

(Mr. Fussy turns around and sees the bear looking straight at him)

Bear: (growls)

Mr. Fussy: BEAR!!!!

(Mr. Fussy runs away from the bear and joins the scared Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Messy on the other side of the picnic)

Miss Chatterbox: Mr. Fussy, I think he wants your picnic! And you might want to let him have it! Bears aren't funny that way! Not ha-ha funny either.

(The bear eats Mr. Fussy's jar of plum jam)

Mr. Fussy: Not the plum jam!

(Mr. Fussy tries to run towards his picnic but Mr. Messy holds him back)

Mr. Messy: Leave it, Mr. Fussy! Or you'll be bear lunch!

(Mr. Fussy breaks out of Mr. Messy's grip and turns to the group)

Mr. Fussy: I am not leaving until I have packed up my picnic!

Bear: (growls)

Mr. Quiet, Mr. Fussy, Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Messy: (screams)

(Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Messy run away in fear with Mr. Fussy following them)

Mr. Fussy: Wait for me!

(The bear grabs the jar of green olives and sniffs them. Mr. Fussy returns and takes the green olives from the bear)

Mr. Fussy: If you think I am leaving behind these green olives, you are mistaken!

(Mr. Fussy walks away with the green olives)

Bear: (snorts)

(The bear looks at the viewers as the screen fades to black. The third bumper plays. Mr. Scatterbrain takes a sandwich out of a paper bag. Mr. Scatterbrain takes his hat off and puts the sandwich on his head. Mr. Scatterbrain then takes out a salt shaker, shakes some salt onto his hat, and eats his hat)

Mr. Scatterbrain: (burps)

(Mr. Scatterbrain raises the sandwich on his head and smiles. The scene transitions to an exhausted Mr. Bump pushing his sandwich cart towards a nearby bench)

Narrator: And so you see, the Mr. Men and Little Misses go to great lengths to enjoy a nice wholesome lunch.

(Mr. Bump sits down on a bench and eats a sandwich from his cart)

Narrator: They know the pleasure a delicious lunch can bring!

(Mr. Quiet, Mr. Messy, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Fussy run passed Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump looks around for a moment before seeing the bear offscreen)

Mr. Quiet, Mr. Fussy, Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Messy: (screams) Bear!!!

Narrator: Unfortunately...

(Mr. Bump drops his sandwich on the ground, grabs his sandwich cart, and runs away)

Mr. Bump: Bear!!

(The bear walks onscreen from stage left)

Narrator: So do Dillydale's bears!

(The bear sees Mr. Bump's discarded sandwich on the ground, sits on the bench (breaking it in the process), and proceeds to eat the sandwich as the screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

Deleted Scene[]

US Dub[]

Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!

(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)

Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!

(A big green screen comes up with "Lunch" written on it with Mr. Bump (with his right foot bandaged) and his sandwich trolley, who created the episode underneath, and the sounds of a whistle followed by a stampede of feet and chewing noises are heard)

(The episode begins at a factory with the lunch whistle blowing and Mr. Stubborn, Little Miss Whoops and Mr. Scatterbrain simultaneously stop what they're doing, taking out their lunchboxes and begin to eat their sandwiches)

Narrator: All over Dillydale, the Mr. Men and Little Misses are taking time in the middle of their day to have lunch.

(The camera pans to Little Miss Magic as she prepares her lunch with a tomato and a wedge of cheese. She uses her magic wand to turn them into tomato soup and cheese sandwich respectively. But, being Little Miss Magic, her magic sure surprises her when it turned out the wrong way round (i.e. cheese soup and a tomato sandwich)).

Narrator: Whether it be a simple soup and sandwich,

(The camera pans to Mr. Strong making a salad for lunch. Using his powerful strength, he lifts his refrigerator, turns it upside down and lost of things fall out into the bowl)

Narrator: A salad made with lots of delicious ingredients,

(The camera pans to Mr. Messy enjoying his lunch, spaghetti with beanballs)

Narrator: Or a sloppy bowl of spaghetti.

(The scene cuts to Mr. Lazy eating a beanburger for his lunch and getting back to his nap)

Narrator: Their midday meal is just thing that gives them energy to get back to what they were doing before lunch,

Mr. Lazy: (yawns)

Narrator: No matter how exhausting it may be.

(The camera pans to the Dillydale Cafeteria. The scene cuts inside the place as Mr. Happy takes Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Stubborn to the lunch line)

Narrator: The Dillydale Cafeteria is a very popular lunch spot, which is why Mr. Happy has invited Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Stubborn to lunch.

Mr. Stubborn: Is the food any good, Mr. Happy?

Mr. Happy: Oh the food is wonderful, Mr. Stubborn! I'm sure you'll both be very impressed!

Mr. Grumpy: Don't count on it.

Mr. Stubborn: Mr. Grumpy, are you gonna complain all through lunch?

Mr. Grumpy: I'm not complaining...yet. Let's just see if their soup's any good.

Mr. Happy: The cafeteria makes many kinds of delicious soup. Here,

(Mr. Happy gives Mr. Grumpy his own tray)

Mr. Happy: Have a tray!

Mr. Grumpy: What for?

Mr. Happy: It's self-serve! (laughs)

(Mr. Grumpy is reminded of his own experiences at sit down restaurants and begins to smile)

Mr. Grumpy: You mean to tell me there are no annoying waiters?!

Mr. Happy: Not one! You just slide your tray along and help yourself to whatever you'd like!!

(Mr. Happy runs away to be the first in line)

Mr. Grumpy: I think I love this place!

(Mr. Grumpy runs after Mr. Happy)

Mr. Stubborn: Good! Maybe now you will stop complaining!

(Mr. Stubborn follows Mr. Happy and Mr. Grumpy. Mr. Happy picks the macaroni and pickle salad for his lunch)

Mr. Happy: I recommend the macaroni and pickle salad. And the coleslaw's quite tasty too.

Mr. Grumpy: How can a person choose?!

(Mr. Grumpy picks the macaroni and pickle salad as his first choice)

Mr. Happy: Are you getting anything, Mr. Stubborn?

Mr. Stubborn: I'm waiting for the spaghetti and beanballs.

(Mr. Grumpy's joy dies down)

Mr. Grumpy: Oh, forget beanballs! Did you see all this other great food?

Mr. Stubborn: I see perfectly well. If I can not have spaghetti and beanballs, I do not want anything!

Mr. Grumpy: Don't be ridiculous. Have some mashed yams or some cheese casserole?

Mr. Stubborn: No thank you. I want beanballs!

(Mr. Grumpy points to the samples of beanloaf in front of him)

Mr. Grumpy: Try the beanloaf, it's like square beanballs.

Mr. Stubborn: Loaf is not balls, Mr. Grumpy!

(Mr. Stubborn cuts in front of Mr. Grumpy just to get what he wants. Mr. Tickle is shown working as the cook for the café and is behind the counter)

Mr. Tickle: Hello, Mr. Stubborn. We have four kinds of beanloaf today! And you get a tickle on the side!

Mr. Stubborn: I do not want a tickle! On my side or anywhere else!

(Mr. Grumpy walks over)

Mr. Grumpy: Stubborn, you're ruining my good mood! Just put something on your tray!

Mr. Stubborn: There is nothing here as good as spaghetti and beanballs!

(Mr. Grumpy shows Mr. Stubborn the food on his tray)

Mr. Grumpy: What do you call this?

(Mr. Stubborn pushes Mr. Grumpy's tray away from him)

Mr. Stubborn: Disgusting! Clearly, you would eat anything!

Mr. Grumpy: See here, Stubborn! I happen to be a very picky eater!

(Mr. Tickle tries to tickle Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Tickle (offscreen): Does someone need a tickle?

Mr. Grumpy: No!

(Mr. Tickle retracts his arms)

Mr. Grumpy: What I need is for Mr. Stubborn to pick his lunch! So we can sit down!

Mr. Happy (offscreen): Mr. Grumpy!

(Mr. Happy is shown holding a dessert in each hand and has another on his head)

Mr. Happy: Wait until you see all these wonderful desserts!

(The camera cuts back to Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Grumpy: Hear that?

Mr. Stubborn: Unless they have a spaghetti and beanball sundae, I am not getting any dessert!

(Mr. Rude shows up and pushes Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Grumpy out of the way)

Mr. Rude: Come on! Move it! I do not have all day!

(Mr. Stubborn walks away)

Mr. Grumpy: Do you mind, Mr. Rude? It's my first time here!

(Mr. Grumpy follows Mr. Stubborn and Mr. Rude follows Mr. Grumpy)

Mr. Rude: And hopefully, your last!

(Mr. Stubborn walks to the desserts and starts sniffing them)

Mr. Stubborn: (sniffs) Mmm! (sniffs) Mmm! (sniffs) Mmm!

(Mr. Stubborn sniffs a slice of pie that he likes the smell of)

Mr. Stubborn: (sniffs) Maybe I could eat this? What kind is it?

(Mr. Stubborn puts the slice of pie onto his tray. Mr. Tickle walks over)

Mr. Tickle: Coconut cream! But it's best eaten with a tickle!

(Mr. Tickle tickles Mr. Stubborn)

Mr. Tickle: (laughs)

Mr. Stubborn: Ha-ha! Do not tickle me! Ha-ha!

(Mr. Stubborn throws his tray up into the air. Mr. Grumpy watches and Mr. Stubborn's pie hits Mr. Rude on the head)

Mr. Grumpy: Maybe my good mood isn't ruined after all.

(Furious, Mr. Rude grabs another slice of pie and throws it at Mr. Stubborn. This gives Mr. Stubborn a pie shaped Elvis-hairdo. Mr. Grumpy manages to avoid getting hit but Mr. Stubborn is not happy about Mr. Rude's actions and grabs another slice of pie)

Mr. Stubborn: This CHEAP!!

(Mr. Stubborn throws the slice of pie at Mr. Rude and it hits him in the face. Mr. Tickle, Mr. Rude, and Mr. Stubborn start grabbing slices of pie and a pie fight breaks out as they start throwing slices of pie at each other. Although, Mr. Tickle isn't really throwing pie at anyone but himself and hits himself with two slices of pie. Mr. Grumpy ducks in cover and one of the slices of pie hits Mr. Happy)

Mr. Happy: Woah-ho! Now that's a wonderful pie! (laughs)

(Mr. Happy eats the pie off his head when another slice hits Mr. Happy. The pie fight continues as Mr. Grumpy grabs his lunch tray, walks away from the pie fight, and sits down at a table to eat his lunch)

Mr. Grumpy: Those dodo birds can toss pie around all afternoon, I'm gonna eat my lunch!

(Mr. Grumpy get his by a pie)

Mr. Grumpy: And for the record, I'm not paying for this pie!

(Little Miss Scary makes a sandwich out of the scene. She eats the sandwich)

Miss Scary: (burps)

(Little Miss Scary uses the background as a napkin and drags it with her as she walks away. This acts as a transition to the first bumper. Mr. Fussy is about to enjoy his lunch when he smells a putrid odor. The odor is coming from Mr. Messy's lunch. Mr. Messy is eating his lunch with his mouth open. Much to Mr. Fussy's disgust. Then, Little Miss Chatterbox shows up talking on the phone and eating her lunch at the same time. Mr. Fussy is disgusted by both of them and ends up getting knocked out by a piece of food that flies out of Mr. Messy's mouth. The scene fades to black and a commercial for "Little Miss Daredevil's Awesome Lunchbox" begins)

Miss Daredevil: Hiya! If you're like me...

(Little Miss Daredevil walks over to a picnic table where Mr. Fussy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Bump are shown to be unhappy with their lunchboxes)

Miss Daredevil: A regular, ordinary lunchbox is...well...boring!

(The camera zooms in on Mr. Fussy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Bump)

Miss Daredevil (voiceover): That's why I invented...

(Mr. Fussy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Bump's lunchboxes are replaced with "Little Miss Daredevil's Awesome Lunchbox." Mr. Fussy, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Bump are all surprised and intrigued)

Miss Daredevil (voiceover): "Miss Daredevil's Awesome Lunchbox!"

("Little Miss Daredevil's Awesome Lunchbox" zooms in and is shown in clear detail to the viewers. Then, the lunchbox opens up to show its inside features and each food item goes in its designated compartment)

Miss Daredevil (voiceover): It has special compartments for milk, fruit...

(A cool breeze comes out of the small light blue compartment)

Miss Daredevil (voiceover): Even a keep-cold compartment!

(A square featuring Mr. Fussy and his Awesome Lunchbox appears. Mr. Fussy is shown placing a sandwich in the keep-cold compartment)

Mr. Fussy: This refrigerated compartment keeps my egg salad nice and cold!

(A second square featuring Mr. Messy and his Awesome Lunchbox appears. Mr. Messy using the Awesome Lunchbox and has placed cheese in the fruit compartment)

Mr. Messy: Check it out! A special place for my stinky cheese!

(The squares fade away and Little Miss Daredevil pops up)

Miss Daredevil: But that's not the best part!

(Mr. Bump is shown eating a sandwich and the Awesome Lunchbox is shown next to him)

Miss Daredevil (voiceover): This lunchbox is also a jetpack!

(Mr. Bump is shown wearing the Awesome Lunchbox on his back. Little Miss Daredevil flies over via her rocket boots)

Miss Daredevil: How awesome is that?

Mr. Bump: Totally awesome! And quite comfortable to wear too!

(Mr. Bump accidentally activates the jetpack function and is launched into the air)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(Mr. Bump is hit by an airplane)

Mr. Bump: (groans)

(The scene cuts to Little Miss Daredevil in a rowboat out on the ocean)

Miss Daredevil: My Awesome Lunchbox can also be used as a patented floatation device!

(Mr. Bump lands in the water)

Mr. Bump: (screams and groans when he hits the water)

(Mr. Bump resurfaces demonstrates the Awesome Lunchbox's floatation feature)

Miss Daredevil: It's also shark proof!

(A shark swims over and tries to eat Mr. Bump, but the Awesome Lunchbox prevents the shark from doing so and the shark breaks their teeth. Mr. Bump then takes his sandwich out of his Awesome Lunchbox

Mr. Bump: And my lunch is still dry!

(The shark takes Mr. Bump's sandwich and eats it. Much to Mr. Bump's disappointment)

Mr. Bump: Oh!

Miss Daredevil (voiceover): Order your very own "Miss Daredevil's Awesome Lunchbox" today!

("Little Miss Daredevil's Awesome Lunchbox" appears on screen in a close up before being taken by Little Miss Daredevil. Little Miss Daredevil is also wearing a second Awesome Lunchbox to use as a jetpack)

Miss Daredevil: You'll be glad you did!

(Little Miss Daredevil takes off using the second Awesome Lunchbox's jetpack)

Miss Daredevil: Woo-hoo!

(The scene fades to black and the next scene begins with Mr. Nervous, Mr. Messy, and Little Miss Daredevil walking to an office building with their lunchboxes in their hands)

Narrator: Some days, the busy Mr. Men and Little Misses bring their lunch to work.

(The scene cuts inside the office building to show Mr. Bump pushing a sandwich cart)

Narrator: And other days, lunch comes to them!

(Mr. Bump sees something offscreen and starts running to it)

Mr. Bump: Uh, hold that door please!

(Mr. Bump runs to the elevator. Mr. Small is already there. Mr. Bump manages to push his cart inside the elevator but the elevator doors close on Mr. Bump)

Mr. Bump: Ooh! Gah! Ow!

(The elevator goes up and Mr. Bump goes up with it and is pushed all the way inside the elevator. The scene then cuts to Mr. Bump (who is bandaging his left foot) and a regretful Mr. Small inside the elevator)

Mr. Small: Terribly sorry, Mr. Bump!

(Mr. Small notices Mr. Bump's sandwich cart)

Mr. Small: Sandwiches!

(Mr. Bump gives an annoyed look. The scene cuts to the elevator doors opening. Mr. Small walks out eating a sandwich and Mr. Bump walks over to Little Miss Sunshine (who is working as a receptionist) pushing his sandwich cart)

Mr. Bump: Hello, Miss Sunshine. Do you think anyone in your office would like to buy a sandwich?

Miss Sunshine: (gasps) Do you have cream cheese and nut-bean butter?

(Mr. Bump takes out her request)

Mr. Bump: That I do!

(Little Miss Sunshine takes the sandwich)

Miss Sunshine: (sighs) You've absolutely made my day!

(Little Miss Sunshine takes a bite out of her sandwich. The scene transitions to Mr. Bump walking in the office pushing his sandwich cart. After passing cubicles occupied by Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Nosey, and Mr. Strong, he reaches Mr. Lazy's cubicle)

Mr. Bump: Care for a sandwich, Mr. Lazy?

Mr. Lazy: You bet! I could use a break from all this work.

(Mr. Bump wheels his sandwich cart over to Mr. Lazy)

Mr. Bump: Well, there are all kind to choose from!

(Mr. Bump opens his sandwich cart and Mr. Lazy digs around it)

Mr. Lazy: That sounds like a lot of choosing. Don't know if I have the energy.

(Mr. Bump sees Little Miss Whoops on a floor cleaning machine and fears what will happen is Mr. Lazy doesn't choose his sandwich faster)

Mr. Bump: Um...uh...could you choose a little faster there, Mr. Lazy?

(Little Miss Whoops drives the floor cleaning machine closer to Mr. Bump and Mr. Bump fears that he will be cleaned by the machine instead of the floor. Mr. Lazy stops digging through the sandwich cart)

Mr. Lazy: Nah! It's too much work.

(Mr. Lazy falls asleep)

Mr. Lazy: (snores)

(Mr. Bump sees the floor cleaning machine and prepares to get cleaned. Surprisingly, Little Miss Whoops drives passed Mr. Bump and avoids him. Much to Mr. Bump's surprise. Mr. Bump breathes a sigh of relief)

Mr. Bump: Phew!

Miss Sunshine (over the PA): Hello, fellow office workers!

(Little Miss Sunshine is shown with a guitar in her hands)

Miss Sunshine: I'd like to dedicate this song to Mr. Bump and his delicious sandwiches!

(Little Miss Sunshine starts playing a song)

Miss Sunshine: 🎵My hearts goes a flutter, when I eat nut-bean butter.🎵

(Mr. Quiet, Mr. Messy, Little Miss Helpful, and Mr. Grumpy all poke their heads out of their offices and listen to Little Miss Sunshine's song)

Miss Sunshine (over the PA): 🎵So good on whole wheat bread!🎵

(The scene cuts to a clock. The clock strikes one and a whistle blows to alert the employees that it's lunchtime)

Miss Sunshine (over the PA): 🎵Or try some jelly instead!🎵

(Little Miss Sunshine stops singing and the scene cuts to Mr. Noisy)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Lunch time!

(Mr. Noisy spots Mr. Bump)

Mr. Noisy (offscreen through his megaphone): There he is!

(Mr. Noisy is joined by Mr. Tall, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Messy, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Small, Little Miss Daredevil, Mr. Nervous, Mr. Strong, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Stubborn, and Little Miss Chatterbox)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Let's get those sandwiches!

(The crowd of hungry and eager Mr. Men and Little Misses run towards Mr. Bump in a stampede fashion)

Mr. Bump: Oh wait! One at a time! There's plenty for everybody!

(The crowd tramples over Mr. Bump)

Miss Whoops: Oh wow!

Mr. Small: Sandwiches!

Mr. Bump: (groans)

(Everyone grabs a sandwich and leaves Mr. Bump's cart flipped over and Mr. Bump in a mess of paper, neckties, and soap)

Miss Whoops (offscreen): I can't wait to try that!

Mr. Bump: Ow!

(The scene cuts to everyone eating Mr. Bump's sandwiches)

Mr. Noisy (through his megaphone): Miss Sunshine's right! These sandwiches are super! You'll have to come back tomorrow!

(Mr. Bump gets up and makes sure his cart is in the right position)

Mr. Bump: Gah! I'll do that.

(Mr. Bump starts walking away with his cart. The scene cuts back to the clock. The clock strikes two and a whistle blows to alert the employees that lunch is over. Everyone looks at the clock and trample over Mr. Bump in their rush to get back to work. Mr. Bump is left in the same state as before. In an erroneous moment, Little Miss Whoops comes by on the floor cleaning machine and cleans Mr. Bump with it just as he predicted that she would do earlier. This is an error because Little Miss Whoops was seen a moment before with trampling over Mr. Bump with the other Mr. Men and Little Misses)

Mr. Bump: Poopity poop!

(The scene transitions to the next bumper. Little Miss Whoops is enjoying a sandwich for lunch. When she takes a bite, she accidentally squirts some of the contents of her sandwich out and onto Mr. Bump, who was also enjoying his lunch. Little Miss Whoops shows that she is sorry for what happened. Mr. Bump then fall onto the floor in a daze. The scene transitions to Mr. Messy, Mr. Grumpy, and Little Miss Whoops having lunch at a diner when they start dancing. A dance video starring the three begins. First, they dance on top of their barstool seats. Then they dance surrounded by a circle of smiling sandwiches before the background fades back to the diner setting. They dance on their barstool seats for another moment before striking their final poses. Salt and pepper shakers, jars of mustard and mayonnaise, and a bottle of ketchup, slide across the screen from the right and this acts as a transition to the next scene. Mr. Fussy, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Messy and Mr. Quiet are on a hike in the Dillydale Woods)

Narrator: There are special occasions when lunch is eaten out of doors. Like on the Dillydale Nature Club Walk, for instance.

Mr. Fussy (in a quiet voice): And it's at this point that we might spot the rarest bird of all! The Horn-Thrusted Red Spangler!

(The camera zooms out to show that the Dillydale Nature Club is standing by a tree that the Horn-Thrusted Red Spangler is perched on but nobody notices the bird)

Mr. Fussy (in a quiet voice): So, let us all be very quiet!

(The Dillydale Nature Club starts looking for the Horn-Thrusted Red Spangler. The camera zooms in on the bird perched on a branch in the nearby tree. Mr. Quiet sees the bird and tries to tell everyone without scaring the bird away but nobody hears him)

Mr. Quiet: Uh, there it is! Uh, behind you!

(Mr. Fussy's watch starts beeping and the noise scares off the Horn-Thrusted Red Spangler. Nobody seems to notice the Horn-Thrusted Red Spangler flying away, however)

Mr. Fussy: Time for lunch!

Mr. Messy: That's what I'm talking about!

(Mr. Messy takes off his backpack and pulls a sandwich out of his sock)

Mr. Messy: My stomach's been growling up a storm down there!

Mr. Fussy: Mr. Messy! Just because we are eating in the woods doesn't mean we have to act like animals!

Mr. Messy: I don't know any animals who wear socks.

Miss Chatterbox: Animals definitely don't wear socks. (giggles) My parrot Featherbrain, she wears a tiny little hat once in a while but that's it.

(Mr. Fussy is shown setting up the picnic. Mr. Fussy is shown taking a vase full of flowers out of his backpack)

Mr. Fussy: What I meant, is that lunch should be a civilized affair!

(Mr. Fussy digs inside his backpack and finds something)

Mr. Fussy: Ah!

(Mr. Fussy takes out a jar of olives)

Mr. Fussy: I didn't forget the green olives!

(The camera zooms out to show Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Messy, and Mr. Fussy sitting on the picnic blanket enjoying their lunch)

Mr. Messy: Shazam! That's the fanciest lunch I've ever seen!

Mr. Fussy: I like my comforts.

(A bear peeks from inside the bushes)

Mr. Fussy: Even in the woods!

(Mr. Quiet sees the bear but all he can make out is that somebody is watching them)

Mr. Quiet: Speaking of the woods, I think something's watching us!

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes two sandwiches out of her lunch bag)

Miss Chatterbox: I just have leftovers! But, I bet they're as good today as last night! Which seems like a really long time ago for some reason. (chuckles) I really like leftovers though, don't you?

Mr. Messy: I do like leftover cheese.

(Mr. Messy takes some stinky cheese out of his sock)

Mr. Messy: But only if it has a good stink!

(Mr. Fussy prepares to eat some baby carrots when Little Miss Chatterbox sees the tiny vegetable)

Miss Chatterbox: Wow! Are those baby carrots? I love baby carrots! They're just like regular carrots only so much cuter!

(Mr. Messy walks over for a closer look)

Mr. Messy: Let me see!

(Mr. Fussy notices something)

Mr. Fussy: Uh, Mr. Messy

(Pieces of food are shown around Mr. Messy's feet)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): You're spilling food!

(The scene cuts back to Mr. Fussy and the peeping bear)

Mr. Fussy: You don't want to attract a wild animal!

(A bear pokes their head out of the bushes but only Mr. Quiet notices)

Mr. Quiet: Too late.

Mr. Messy: Don't worry, Mr. Fussy! Whatever I drop, I'll pick up and eat!

(Mr. Messy sees a piece of cheese on the ground)

Mr. Messy: Like that piece of cheese I just dropped!

(Ants cover the piece of cheese as Mr. Messy picks it up. Mr. Messy sees the ants and realizes that eating the cheese isn't a good idea)

Mr. Messy: Mmmm...maybe not that!

(Mr. Messy tosses the piece of cheese over his shoulder and it hits the bear)

Mr. Fussy: I will not be pleased if you bring a trail of ants to my fine lunch!

(The bear sniffs around as Mr. Fussy picks up a cracker)

Mr. Quiet: Ants are the least of your worries!

(Little Miss Chatterbox walks closer to Mr. Fussy)

Miss Chatterbox: I still can't get over that you brought all this food all the way from home!

(Mr. Fussy eats his cracker and Little Miss Chatterbox digs around Mr. Fussy's backpack and finds something)

Miss Chatterbox: (gasps)

(Little Miss Chatterbox takes out a jar of plums)

Miss Chatterbox: Are these pickled plums?

Bear: (growls)

Mr. Fussy: Miss Chatterbox, no offense, but I cannot properly enjoy my lunch with your hot breath breathing down my neck!

Mr. Quiet: Uh, that would be hot bear breath.

(The bear looks at Mr. Fussy's food)

Bear: (snorts)

Mr. Fussy: And if you want a hard-boiled egg, just ask for it!

(Little Miss Chatterbox gets confused and turns around. She becomes scared when she sees the bear)

Mr. Fussy (offscreen): Don't snort!

Miss Chatterbox: Um...heh! Mr. Fussy, that wasn't me who snorted.

(Little Miss Chatterbox points to the bear as the camera zooms out to show the bear eying Mr. Fussy's picnic. The scene cuts to Mr. Messy. Mr. Messy prepares to eat another piece of food when he turn around and sees the bear)

Mr. Messy: Bear!!!

Mr. Fussy: What are you two talking about?

(Mr. Fussy turns around and sees the bear looking straight at him)

Bear: (growls)

Mr. Fussy: (screams)

(Mr. Fussy runs away from the bear and joins the scared Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Messy on the other side of the picnic)

Miss Chatterbox: I think he wants your picnic, Mr. Fussy! And you might want to let him have it! Bears aren't funny that way! Not ha-ha funny either.

(The bear eats Mr. Fussy's jar of pickled plums)

Mr. Fussy: Not the pickled plums!

(Mr. Fussy tries to run towards his picnic but Mr. Messy holds him back)

Mr. Messy: Leave it, Mr. Fussy! Or you'll be bear lunch!

(Mr. Fussy breaks out of Mr. Messy's grip and turns to the group)

Mr. Fussy: I am not leaving until I have packed up my picnic!

Bear: (growls)

Mr. Quiet, Mr. Fussy, Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Messy: (screams)

(Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Messy run away in fear with Mr. Fussy following them)

Mr. Fussy: Wait for me!

(The bear grabs the jar of green olives and sniffs them. Mr. Fussy returns and takes the green olives from the bear)

Mr. Fussy: If you think I am leaving behind these green olives, you are mistaken!

(Mr. Fussy walks away with the green olives)

Bear: (snorts)

(The bear looks at the viewers as the screen fades to black. The third bumper plays. Mr. Scatterbrain takes a sandwich out of a paper bag. Mr. Scatterbrain takes his hat off and puts the sandwich on his head. Mr. Scatterbrain then takes out a salt shaker, shakes some salt onto his hat, and eats his hat)

Mr. Scatterbrain: (burps)

(Mr. Scatterbrain raises the sandwich on his head and smiles. The scene transitions to an exhausted Mr. Bump pushing his sandwich cart towards a nearby bench)

Narrator: And so you see, the Mr. Men and Little Misses go to great lengths to enjoy a nice wholesome lunch.

(Mr. Bump sits down on a bench and eats a sandwich from his cart)

Narrator: They know the pleasure a delicious lunch can bring!

(Mr. Quiet, Mr. Messy, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Fussy run passed Mr. Bump. Mr. Bump looks around for a moment before seeing the bear offscreen)

Narrator: Unfortunately...

(Mr. Bump drops his sandwich on the ground, grabs his sandwich cart, and runs away)

Mr. Bump: (screams)

(The bear walks onscreen from stage left)

Narrator: So do the bears of Dillydale!

(The bear sees Mr. Bump's discarded sandwich on the ground, sits on the bench (breaking it in the process), and proceeds to eat the sandwich as the screen fades to black)

(Episode ends here)

Site navigation

The Mr. Men Show Transcripts
Season 1 Physical | Boo-Boos (Doctors & Nurses in the UK; Hospitals in Australia) | Farm | Movies | Science | Lake | Books | Beach | Boats | Mall | Flying | Hobbies | Dance | Inventions | Fair | Camping | Amusement Park  | Trains | Paint | Fish | Adventure | Construction | Snow | Canned Goods | Jobs | Gardens | Collecting | Chores | Restaurants | Music | Full Moon | Night | Food | Bugs | Cooking | Rainy Day | Heatwave | Sleep | Yard Work (Lawns in the UK) | Parade | Games | Superstore | Hotel | Birthday | Car Wash | Wildlife | Dillydale Day | Cars | Sightseeing | The Dark | Circus | Ships
Season 2 Picnics | Driving | Outer Space | Clean Teeth | Airports | Shoes | Arts and Crafts | Game Shows | Garages | Eyeglasses | Toys | Reptiles | Hats | Robots | Parties | Up and Down | Dining Out | Gifts | Sun and Moon | Telephone | Seashore | Washing and Drying | Sneezes and Hiccups | Fruit | Radio | Supermarket | Skyscrapers | Cinema | Getting Around | Clocks | Post Office | Pets | Dance, Dance, Dance | Trees | Library | Pirates | Goo | Trains and Planes | Out to Sea | Next Door | Lunch | Machines | Home Improvement | Fairies and Gnomes | Birds | Bath and Bubbles | Sand and Surf | Parks | Surprises | Travel | Bad Weather | Pests