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This is a transcribed copy for the episode "Movies." Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
Previous: "Farm" | Next: "Science" |
UK version[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big maroon screen comes up with "Movies" written on it with a bag of popcorn, a cup of soda, a film strip, and who created the episode underneath)
(An old fashioned movie countdown appears on the screen and counts backwards from 5 to one. The episode officially begins with the Mr. Men and Little Misses at the movie theater watching a movie)
Narrator: Is there anything more entertaining than a night out at the movies?
(The scene zooms in on the first two rows and moves from right to left to show the various Mr. Men and Little Misses enjoying the movie)
Narrator: Where people sit side by side in complete and utter silence.
(Mr. Noisy is shown sipping his drink very loudly. Much to Little Miss Scary's annoyance. Little Miss Scary glares at Mr. Noisy and he immediately stops drinking his drink. The scene cuts to a scared Mr. Nervous hiding behind a large bag of popcorn)
Narrator: And enjoy the thrills that can only be experienced on the big screen!
(Mr. Nervous screams, and jerks in fear and his popcorn gets everywhere. The scene then shows that the Mr. Men and Little Misses are enjoying a movie that is a blend of "King Kong" and "Godzilla")
Narrator: Yes. Ultimately, going to the movies is about one thing...what's on the screen!
(Mr. Nosey (who is carrying Mr. Small) walks in front of the screen and stops in the middle of it)
Narrator: And more often, who's on the screen.
(The Mr. Men and Little Misses in the audience start throwing popcorn and other concessions at Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)
Miss Scary: Oh come on!
Miss Sunshine: We can't even see the screen!
(The scene transitions to Mr. Scatterbrain riding a camel to the cinema. Mr. Lazy is sitting in the ticket booth and is wearing a black bowtie)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Lazy! May I have two tickets for the next film please?
Mr. Lazy: Two? Well, okay. If you must, Mr. Scatterbrain.
Mr. Scatterbrain: I think that Cicero would enjoy seeing a film about superheroes!
(Cicero nods in agreement)
Mr. Lazy: Uh, it's not about superheroes. It's a comedy about a turtle and a toad who win the lottery.
Mr. Scatterbrain: Then I'd better have three tickets!
(Mr. Scatterbrain slides down Cicero's neck to the front of the ticket booth)
Mr. Lazy: Woah! You want three now?
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh yes! If it's a comedy, I have to bring Milty!
(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a teal lizard wearing a top hat. Milty sticks his tongue out)
Mr. Lazy: I was expecting a parrot.
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh no. Parrots have no sense of humor. Heh! Besides, they talk during the film. Very annoying! Now that I think of it, I'll take four tickets!
Mr. Lazy: Do you know how much work it is to push this little button right here?
(Mr. Lazy points to a button that isn't shown to the audience)
Mr. Scatterbrain: I'm sorry, Mr. Lazy. But it would be rude to ask Thurston to wait in the car!
(A large gorilla in a bowtie is shown in Mr. Scatterbrain's car honking the horn. Then, Thurston punches the top of the car with his fist)
Thurston: (grunts)
(The scene cuts back to Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Lazy where Mr. Scatterbrian leans in close to Mr. Lazy)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Make it three tickets after all. Heh! Thurston is in one of his moods.
(Mr. Lazy pushes a button and three tickets print out. Mr. Lazy flicks the tickets to Mr. Scatterbrain)
Mr. Lazy: There you are! Enjoy the show. While I enjoy my break.
(Mr. Lazy pulls down a window blind to begin his break)
Mr. Lazy (from behind the window blind): (snoring)
(Mr. Scatterbrain is shown riding on top of Cicero with Milty in his hands ready to head inside to watch the movie. Thurston watches the events from the car)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Heigh-ho, Cicero!
(Thurston gets up with his feet sticking out of the car and walks away in a huff)
Thurston: (grunts)
(A clapperboard appears on the screen and the scene transition to the first bumper. A scene for a Western is being filmed. Mr. Quiet is shown dressed as a cowboy trying to leap on his horse. The horse is shown grazing on grass minding their own business. Mr. Quiet runs into the frame and tries to jump onto his horse but he overshoots his jump and ends up jumping over his horse and into a trough of water. Mr. Quiet surfaces from the water with an annoyed look on his face. Mr. Scatterbrain spins in then slides down. The scene transitions to a bunch of Mr. Men and Little Misses waiting in line at the concession stand for snacks and drinks)
Mr. Rude (offscreen): Come on, Mr. Happy! I do not have all day!
(Mr. Rude is revealed to be operating the concession stand and is holding a basket of cheese-less nachos for Mr. Happy)
Mr. Rude: Do you want extra cheese on these nachos or not?
Mr. Happy: Yes, Mr. Rude! Thank you! (chuckles) I do enjoy the occasional glob of warm cheese.
Mr. Rude: Ugh! Tell it to someone who cares.
(Mr. Rude starts pumping hot cheese onto Mr. Happy's nachos. He does this with his eyes closed and starts overdoing it with the amount of cheese he pumps out)
Mr. Happy: That's plenty of cheese!
Mr. Rude: Look, I do not tell you how to do your job. Do not tell me how to do mine!
(Cheese starts overflowing out of the basket)
Mr. Happy: Really! Mr. Rude, that is plenty of ch-
(Mr. Rude throws the nachos in Mr. Happy's face)
Mr. Happy: (muffled noises)
Mr. Rude (offscreen): Now, don't drip on my clean counter!
Mr. Happy: Wonderful nachos, Mr. Rude!
(Mr. Happy walks away with his arms sticking out so he doesn't bump into things)
Mr. Happy: Thank you!
(Mr. Nosey is shown to be the next customer in line)
Mr. Rude: Next in line! What do you want, Mr. Nosey?
Mr. Nosey: Uh, may we have one large popcorn and one small cola please?
Mr. Rude (sarcastically): I wonder who that is for?
(Mr. Small jumps up)
Mr. Small: Good tidings, Mr. Rude!
Mr. Rude: Oh, keep your tidings to yourself! You’re going to have to wait. I need to pop more corn.
(Mr. Rude tears the bag of popcorn open, puts the popcorn in the machine, and turns on the button. The popcorn starts popping until it becomes excessive. Mr. Rude walks away and reads his newspaper without closing the door, resulting in the popcorn flaunching)
Mr. Grumpy: Look out!
(Mr. Grumpy ducks in cover and Mr. Small starts running around avoiding the hot popcorn)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Uh oh! Woah!
(Mr. Bump uses his hands to shield himself from the popcorn)
Mr. Nosey: "You forgot to close the door!"
Mr. Rude: "Will you mind your own business?"
(Popcorn is launched at Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Grumpy, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Bump, and Mr. Quiet. All of them try their best to shield themselves from the popcorn)
Mr. Nosey: Woah!
Mr. Small: Look out!
Mr. Nosey: Look out, Mr. Small!
Mr. Small: Ow! Ow! Incoming, Mr. Nose!
(Mr. Rude realizes that he did not close the door and that popcorn is launching everywhere)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Look out!
Miss Sunshine (offscreen): Ow!
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Me first!
(Mr. Rude looks at the popcorn machine and sees the emergency stop button)
Mr. Small (offscreen): "Look out!"
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): "Uh oh!"
(Mr. Rude runs to the button but the button disappears by the popcorn. Mr. Rude gets caught in the surplus of popcorn from the machine)
Mr. Rude: "Augh!"
(Mr. Rude sinks into the popcorn. The scene cuts to Mr. Rude being squished between the glass and the popcorn)
Mr. Rude: "Don't just stand there like a bunch of buffoons! Someone, let me out of here!"
(A clapperboard appears on the screen and the scene transition to the next bumper. A scene for a Western is being filmed. Mr. Quiet is shown dressed as a cowboy trying to leap on his horse. The horse is shown grazing on grass minding their own business. Mr. Quiet runs into the frame and manages to jump onto the horse. Not pleased with this, the horse leans back and Mr. Quiet slides off the horse with the saddle in tow. Then the horse kicks Mr. Quiet out of frame and continues grazing. Mr. Pernickety is shown walking into a movie theater with popcorn in one hand and a cup of fizzy pop in another. Mr. Pernickety looks around and walks down the aisle trying to find a seat to sit in. Other movie watchers there at the time are Mr. Happy, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Tickle, Little Miss Helpful, and Mr. Scatterbrain)
Mr. Pernickety: Mmm-hmm! Uh-huh!
(Mr. Pernickety finds the perfect seat in the middle of the right side of the theatre)
Mr. Pernickety: Yes!
(Mr. Pernickety places a hanky on each of the cup holders, sprays the seat down with fabric cleaner, dries it off with a cleaning rag, and sits down in his seat)
Mr. Pernickety: (sighs) Perfect.
(Mr. Noisy enters the theatre (by kicking the door open) carrying fizzy pop and popcorn)
Mr. Noisy: Boy! It's dark in here!
Mr. Pernickety (in a whisper): Oh! Not Mr. Noisy! Oh please! Please! Please! Find a seat on the opposite side of the theatre!
(Mr. Noisy stomps his way down the aisle)
Mr. Noisy: "Where should I sit!? I don't like to be too close..."
(Mr. Pernickety gets more nervous as Mr. Noisy gets closer to where he is sitting)
Mr. Noisy (offscreen): "...but I don't like to be too far away either!!"
(Mr. Noisy finds a seat in the row behind Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Noisy: "Hey there, Mr. Pernickety!!"
(Mr. Noisy sits down and starts eating his popcorn very loudly, much to Mr. Pernickety's annoyance. Mr. Pernickety moves to the next open seat on his right. Then, Mr. Messy enters the theatre holding fizzy pop and popcorn)
Mr. Messy: This is what I'm talking about!"
(Mr. Messy walks to the row Mr. Pernickety is sitting in. As he passes Mr. Pernickety, Mr. Pernickety gets covered in trash) "
Mr. Messy: 🎵Doo! Doo! Doo! Doo! Doo! Doo! Doo! Doo! Doo!🎵"
(Mr. Messy sits down in the right seat next to Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Pernickety: Humph!
(Mr. Pernickety puts down his popcorn and fizzy pop, takes a banana peel off his head, and brushes off the rest of the trash off himself. Mr. Pernickety grunts in annoyance, crosses his arms in frustration, and tries to watch the movie. Mr. Messy starts slurping his fizzy pop very loudly. Mr. Pernickety tries to tolerate it, but the twitching of his moustache gives away his annoyance to the noise. Fortunately, Mr. Messy stops slurping after a while)
Mr. Messy: Ah!
(Mr. Messy tosses his fizzy pop onto Mr. Pernickety (probably unintentionally). Soaking Mr. Pernickety in the remaining fizzy pop that was left in the cup)
Mr. Pernickety: Eww! Oh!
(Mr. Pernickety stands up)
Mr. Pernickety: Mr. Messy! You've soaked me in fizzy pop!
(Mr. Noisy stands up)
Mr. Noisy: Mr. Pernickety! Some of us are trying to watch the movie!
(Mr. Noisy sits back down)
Mr. Messy (in a whisper): Sorry, Mr. Pernickety. I'd offered a napkin, but I don’t believe in them.
(Mr. Pernickety sits back down)
Mr. Pernickety: No. I don't expect you do.
(Mr. Pernickety tries to resume his movie watching when popcorn starts flying into his seat. The camera moves over to Mr. Messy to show him messily eating his popcorn. Once he is done, Mr. Messy uses Mr. Persnickety's arm to wipe his face. Mr. Pernickety immediately retracts his arm after this happens)
Mr. Pernickety: (gasps) Mr. Messy! I must insist that you not wipe your mouth on my arm!!
(Mr. Noisy gets angry and looks down at Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Noisy: Listen here, Pernickety! Talk again and I'll have to call the manager!
Mr. Pernickety: You're reporting me because of noise!?
(The scene zooms out to show the movie patrons on that side of the theatre shushing Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Happy, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Quiet, Mr. Messy, and Miss Sunshine: Shhh!
(Mr. Noisy gives Mr. Pernickety an "I told you so" smile and Mr. Pernickety sits back down)
Mr. Pernickety: Humph!
(The scene moves back to Mr. Messy with a slide whistle sound effect. Mr. Messy is shown about to eat a hot dog. When Mr. Messy takes a bite, the hot dog squirts itself out of the bun and hits Mr. Pernickety. Covering the right side of his face in mustard)
Mr. Pernickety: Oh! I've been torpedoed by a frankfurter!!
(Mr. Messy is shown eating his hot dog bun. Mr. Noisy, fed up with Mr. Pernickety's interruptions, gets up from his seat)
Mr. Noisy: THAT'S IT!
(Mr. Noisy storms off in anger)
Mr. Pernickety: Oh! Thank goodness he's gone!
(Mr. Strong shines a flashlight onto Mr. Pernickety)
Mr. Strong (offscreen): Yo, is this the guy?
(Mr. Noisy is shown to have returned with Mr. Strong; the manager of the theatre)
Mr. Noisy: Yes it is, Mr. Strong! And I demand that he'd be removed immediately!!
Mr. Pernickety: Removed!?!?
(Mr. Strong grabs Mr. Pernickety's seat, rips it out of the ground, and carries it out of the theater with Mr. Pernickety still sitting in it)
Mr. Pernickety: This is an outrage!! I have been the perfect audience member!! Quiet and unassuming! Stop it!
(Mr. Pernickety tries to hold onto the door when Mr. Strong exits the theater)
Mr. Pernickety: How will I ever know how this movie ends!?
(Mr. Pernickety loses his grip and is taken away. The theater doors close with Mr. Noisy happy that the problem has been resolved. A clapperboard appears on the screen and the scene transition to the next bumper. A scene for a Western is being filmed. Mr. Quiet is shown dressed as a cowboy trying to leap on his horse. The horse is shown grazing on grass minding their own business. Mr. Quiet runs into the frame, manages to jump onto the horse and slaps on their backside as the signal to giddy-up. The horse ends up does follow the orders and runs off, but the saddle and Mr. Quiet do not ride with the horse. This results in Mr. Quiet landing hard on the ground in disbelief. A plethora of red circles appear to form Mr. Noisy. The camera zooms into Mr. Noisy's mouth, revealing the next scene. Reach High plays starting with a jigsaw puzzle with Mr. Scatterbrain)
Miss Sunshine (US voice): (sighs) "🎵Certain people dream of being a famous movie star.
Shining on the big silver screen.
You may want to have fame but want to be remarkable, just the same.
You can be anything you dream.
Aim high, put pie in the sky.
There's nothing that can stop you as long as you try.
Reach high, as high as the sky and dream.🎵"
(Reach High ends. A clapperboard appears on the screen and the scene transition to the next bumper. A scene for a Western is being filmed. Mr. Quiet is shown dressed as a cowboy trying to leap on his horse. The horse is shown grazing on grass minding their own business. Mr. Quiet runs into the frame and tries to jump onto his horse but the horse ends up running just as Mr. Quiet was about to land on them. This results in Mr. Quiet landing hard on the ground in shock. A plethora of Mr. Happy's faces surround the screen, then disappear. The next scene shows almost all of the Mr. Men and Little Misses watching a movie trailer. Click here to see who was watching the trailer)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): It came without warning! No one knows from where, but it's here! And there's no way to stop it! It's...
(The scene cuts to the film screen to show the audience the movie trailer the Mr. Men and Little Misses are watching. A meteor is shown heading towards Earth followed by pink goo dripping down onto the screen)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): "Gamma Goo from Planet 9!"
(The scene cuts to show the trailer in full screen. In the trailer itself, it cuts to Little Miss Sunshine sitting on the couch and waving to the viewers)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Starring Little Miss Sunshine as Victoria Well-Beloved.
(Little Miss Sunshine hears the doorbell ring and she gets up off the couch to answer the door)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): The nanny who was the first to see the horror unleashed by the goo!
(Upon opening the door, Little Miss Sunshine sees a wall of goo in the shape of the door)
Miss Sunshine: (screams)
(Little Miss Sunshine runs away in fear as the goo oozes into her house. The scene transitions the police station. The phone rings and Mr. Bump (wearing a police hat) immediately answers it)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): And starring Mr. Bump as Captain Rayfe Daniels! The only man brave enough to battle the unyielding slime!!
(Mr. Bump hangs up the phone. The scene zooms out to show Mr. Bump standing on a pedestal)
Mr. Bump: I'll stop that goo if it's the last thing I do!
(A chandelier falls from the ceiling and hits Mr. Bump in the head, knocking him off the pedestal)
Mr. Bump: Ow!
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): But...
(The scene transitions to the entire city being covered in goo with helicopters flying around the tall skyscrapers)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Time is running out for the city under siege!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Bump standing is ground against the goo)
Mr. Bump: I'm not afraid of you, slime ball!
(Some of the goo drips onto Mr. Bump, trapping him inside some transparent goo)
Mr. Bump: Yuck!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine being chased by the goo down a hallway)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): It's man against monster! In a battle to save the city from this oozing enemy!
(Little Miss Sunshine trips and the goo starts engulfing her)
Miss Sunshine: (screams)
(Upon hearing Little Miss Sunshine scream, Mr. Bump turns around and is horrified to see Little Miss Sunshine being swallowed up by the goo)
Mr. Bump: No!
Miss Sunshine: Go ahead! Save yourself, Rayfe! It's too late for me!
Mr. Bump: I'm not leaving you behind, Victoria!
(Mr. Bump sprays the goo with a fire extinguisher)
Miss Sunshine: Cold! Cold! Cold!
(The goo freezes and cracks from the extreme cold. Soon, it breaks and Little Miss Sunshine is freed. Mr. Bump grabs her by the hand and the two continue running down the hall until Mr. Lazy opens the door as Mr. Bump passes by, squishing him between the wall and the door)
Mr. Bump: Oh!
Mr. Lazy: Hey! You're not the pizza delivery guy!
(The scene transitions to show Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine fighting against the goo using fire extinguishers)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): It takes a team to eliminate this seeping, creeping wall of goo!
(The goo starts to freeze)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): And they do it!
(The goo shatters off the buildings and the city is freed from its wrath)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): But to ensure it never happens again...
(The scene cuts to the lair of the main villain of the movie)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Our heroes must take on the devious alien behind this slime...
(The villain turns around and is revealed to be played by Little Miss Scary)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): "Dementicon!!!"
(Little Miss Scary poses modestly when Mr. Bounce introduces her)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Played brilliantly by the talented Little Miss Scary.
Miss Scary: My slime will rule the world! And I will be made the supreme ruler of the galaxy!
(Lightning flashes in the windows of the lair)
Miss Scary: (laughs evilly)
(Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine enter the room)
Mr. Bump: You've seen your last goo, Dementicon!
Miss Scary: (gasps)
(The scene cuts to an outer space view to show a goo-covered Earth)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Don't miss "Gamma Goo from Planet 9!"
(The scene cuts back to the cinema)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): "Oozing soon to a cinema near you!!
Everyone except Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Rude: (cheers)
(The screen fades to black and the scene transitions outside to show a bunch of Mr. Men and Little Misses leaving the movie theatre)
Narrator: And so, the movies are done for another evening!
(Mr. Persnickety walks across the screen from stage left and the scene transitions to a bunch of Mr. Men and Little Misses leaving the concession stand area)
Narrator: Of course...
(Mr. Rude is shown reading a newspaper with a mound of popcorn spilled out of the popcorn machine and cheese dripping out of the cheese dispenser)
Narrator: Someone has to stay behind and clean up the mess.
(A wall of popcorn and trash splits the concession stand scene from the movie theater scene to show the empty cinema)
Narrator: But with the cinema at last empty, it's time to go home!
(At the movie theater, Mr. Lazy is revealed to be lazing about in his seat ignoring the fact that the movie's over and the theater is closing up)
Narrator: I said, go home.
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Lazy. Mr. Lazy remains in his seat as the screen fades to black and the episode ends)
Deleted Scene[]
(The scene starts with Little Miss Calamity struggling to work the film projector. Mr. Strong opens the door and looks into the room)
Mr. Strong: "Ah! Everything okay in here, Miss Calamity?"
Miss Calamity: "Oh yes, Mr. Strong. All under control. Running a film projector isn't nearly as difficult as I imagined."
Mr. Strong: I knew I was smart to hire you! I'll be prying Mr. Rude out of the popcorn machine if you need me.
(Mr. Strong exits and closes the door behind him. Little Miss Calamity struggles to lift the film reel up to the projector)
Miss Calamity: (grunts) Heavy!
(Little Miss Calamity tries to get the film reel in place but both the film reel and Little Miss Calamity end up getting pushed back and fall to the ground. A stack of more film reels falls with them)
Miss Calamity: Ooh!
(Little Miss Calamity gets up and picks up the film reel)
Miss Calamity: Ooh! Ow! Hello!
(Little Miss Calamity looks at the projector and tries again)
Miss Calamity: (grunts) Just...(murmurs incoherently)
(Little Miss Calamity manages to get the film reel in place and makes sure that the film goes into the projector)
Miss Calamity: Okay! Oh! Okay! Oh!
(Fearing something bad is about to happen, Little Miss Calamity pauses in fear. When nothing happens, Little Miss Calamity confidently turns on the projector only for the film to spin the wrong way and the film reel's film to spill out all over the room)
Miss Calamity: Oh! The film!
(Little Miss Calamity immediately runs to the phone hanging on the wall! She dials a number calls Mr. Strong. A split screen shows Mr. Strong trying to pry Mr. Rude out of the popcorn machine)
Mr. Strong: (grunts) Come out of there, you! (grunts)
(The phone rings and Mr. Strong answers it)
Mr. Strong: Uh, hello?
Miss Calamity: Help me! Help me!
Mr. Strong: Huh. (hangs up) "Wrong number."
(The split screen goes away. Suddenly, all the film starts getting sucked back into the projector)
Miss Calamity: Oh! Oh! Woah!
(Little Miss Calamity grabs onto the film in an effort to stop it from getting sucked into the machine)
Miss Calamity: Oh! No!
(All the film is sucked into the projector sans a small bit Little Miss Calamity is still holding)
Miss Calamity: Huh?
(Little Miss Calamity is sucked into the along with the rest of the film. She is seen going through the gears of the projector)
Miss Calamity: Woah! Woah!
(Little Miss Calamity starts getting projected onto the screen)
Miss Calamity: What a calamity! Oh!
(The scene cuts to the confused movie watchers (Mr. Grumpy, Little Miss Scary, Mr. Rude, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Bump) watching Little Miss Calamity in bewilderment. Little Miss Helpful is seen explaining the situation to Mr. Strong)
Miss Helpful: See! At first, I thought it was part of the movie. But after 25 times, I wasn't so sure.
(Little Miss Calamity continues to project on the screen)
Miss Calamity: "I knew I'd be in films one day!"
(The scene ends)
US version[]
Mr. Men and Little Miss: The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men, The Mr. Men!
(Scene swaps to Mr. Tickle tickling lots of Mr. Men and Little Misses and goes all the way to Mr. Bump and Miss Whoops on a plane and tickles Miss Whoops causing Mr. Bump to fall into the "O" in the logo)
Mr. Bump: The Mr. Men Show!
(A big maroon screen comes up with "Movies" written on it with a bag of popcorn, a cup of soda, a film strip, and who created the episode underneath)
(An old fashioned movie countdown appears on the screen and counts backwards from 5 to one. The episode officially begins with the Mr. Men and Little Misses at the movie theater watching a movie)
Narrator: Is there anything more entertaining than a night out at the movies?
(The scene zooms in on the first two rows and moves from right to left to show the various Mr. Men and Little Misses enjoying the movie)
Narrator: Where people sit side by side in complete and utter silence.
(Mr. Noisy is shown sipping his drink very loudly. Much to Little Miss Scary's annoyance. Little Miss Scary glares at Mr. Noisy and he immediately stops drinking his drink. The scene cuts to a scared Mr. Nervous hiding behind a large bag of popcorn)
Narrator: And enjoy the thrills that can only be experienced on the big screen!
Mr. Nervous: (screams)
(Mr. Nervous jerks in fear and his popcorn gets everywhere. The scene then shows that the Mr. Men and Little Misses are enjoying a movie that is a blend of "King Kong" and "Godzilla")
Narrator: Yes. Ultimately, going to the movies is about one thing...what's on the screen!
(Mr. Nosey (who is carrying Mr. Small) walks in front of the screen and stops in the middle of it)
Narrator: And more often, who's on the screen!
(The Mr. Men and Little Misses in the audience start throwing popcorn and other concessions at Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey)
Mr. Noisy: Hey!
Miss Calamity: Down in front! Go on! Are you stupid? Down!
Mr. Persnickety: Down!
(The scene transitions to Mr. Scatterbrain riding a camel to the movie theater. Mr. Lazy is sitting in the ticket booth and is wearing a black bowtie)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Hello, Mr. Lazy! May I have two tickets for the next movie please?
Mr. Lazy: Two!? Well, okay. If you must, Mr. Scatterbrain.
Mr. Scatterbrain: I think that Cicero would enjoy seeing a movie about superheroes!
(Cicero nods in agreement)
Mr. Lazy: Uh, it's not about superheroes. It's a comedy about a turtle and a toad who win the lottery.
Mr. Scatterbrain: Then I'd better have three tickets!
(Mr. Scatterbrain slides down Cicero's neck to the front of the ticket booth)
Mr. Lazy: Woah! You want three now?
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh yes! If it's a comedy, I have to bring Milty!
(Mr. Scatterbrain takes out a teal lizard wearing a top hat. Milty sticks his tongue out)
Mr. Lazy: Huh. I was expecting a parrot.
Mr. Scatterbrain: Oh no. Parrots have no sense of humor. Heh! Besides, they talk during the movie. Very annoying! Now that I think of it, I'll take four tickets!
Mr. Lazy: Do you know how much work it is to push this little button right here?
(Mr. Lazy points to a button that isn't shown to the audience)
Mr. Scatterbrain: I'm sorry, Mr. Lazy. But it would be rude to ask Thurston to wait in the car!
(A large gorilla in a bowtie is shown in Mr. Scatterbrain's car honking the horn. Then, Thurston punches the top of the car with his fist. The scene cuts back to Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Lazy where Mr. Scatterbrian leans in close to Mr. Lazy)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Make it three tickets after all. Heh! Thurston is in one of his moods.
(Mr. Lazy pushes a button and three tickets print out. Mr. Lazy flicks the tickets to Mr. Scatterbrain)
Mr. Lazy: There you go! Enjoy the show. While I enjoy my break.
(Mr. Lazy pulls down a window blind to begin his break. Mr. Scatterbrain is shown riding on top of Cicero with Milty in his hands ready to head inside to watch the movie. Thurston watches the events from the car)
Mr. Scatterbrain: Heigh-ho, Cicero!
(Thurston gets up with his feet sticking out of the car and walks away in a huff. A clapperboard appears on the screen and the scene transition to the first bumper. A scene for a Western is being filmed. Mr. Quiet is shown dressed as a cowboy trying to leap on his horse. The horse is shown grazing on grass minding their own business. Mr. Quiet runs into the frame and tries to jump onto his horse but he overshoots his jump and ends up jumping over his horse and into a trough of water. Mr. Quiet surfaces from the water with an annoyed look on his face. Mr. Scatterbrain spins in then slides down. The scene transitions to a bunch of Mr. Men and Little Misses waiting in line at the concession stand for snacks and drinks)
Mr. Rude (offscreen): Come on, Mr. Happy! I do not have all day!
(Mr. Rude is revealed to be operating the concession stand and is holding a basket of cheese-less nachos for Mr. Happy)
Mr. Rude: Do you want extra cheese on these nachos or not?
Mr. Happy: Yes, Mr. Rude! Thank you! I do enjoy the occasional glob of warm cheese.
Mr. Rude: Ugh! Tell it to someone who cares.
(Mr. Rude starts pumping hot cheese onto Mr. Happy's nachos. He does this with his eyes closed and starts overdoing it with the amount of cheese he pumps out)
Mr. Happy: That's plenty of cheese!
Mr. Rude: Look, I do not tell you how to do your job. Do not tell me how to do mine!
(Cheese starts overflowing out of the basket)
Mr. Happy: Really! Mr. Rude, that is plenty-
(Mr. Rude throws the nachos in Mr. Happy's face)
Mr. Rude (offscreen): Here!
Mr. Happy: Woah!
Mr. Rude (offscreen): Now, don't drip on my clean counter!
Mr. Happy: Wonderful nachos, Mr. Rude!
(Mr. Happy walks away with his arms sticking out so he doesn't bump into things)
Mr. Happy: Thank you!
(Mr. Nosey is shown to be the next customer in line)
Mr. Rude: Next in line! What do you want, Mr. Nosey?
Mr. Nosey: Uh, may we have one large popcorn and one small soda please?
Mr. Rude (sarcastically): I wonder who that is for?
(Mr. Small jumps up)
Mr. Small: Good tidings, Mr. Rude!
Mr. Rude: "Oh, keep your tidings to yourself! You’re going to have to wait. I need to pop more corn."
(Mr. Rude tears the bag of popcorn open, puts the popcorn in the machine, and turns on the button. The popcorn starts popping until it becomes excessive. Mr. Rude walks away and reads his newspaper without closing the door, resulting in the popcorn flaunching)
Mr. Small (offscreen): "Look out!"
(Mr. Grumpy ducks in cover and Mr. Small starts running around avoiding hot popcorn)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Uh oh! Woah!
(Mr. Bump uses his hands to shield himself from the popcorn)
Mr. Nosey: Look out! You forgot to close the door!
Mr. Rude: Will you mind your own business?
(Popcorn is launched at Little Miss Sunshine, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Little Miss Calamity, Mr. Grumpy, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Bump, and Mr. Quiet. All of them try their best to shield themselves from the popcorn)
Mr. Nosey: Woah!
Mr. Small: Look out!
Mr. Nosey: Look out, Mr. Small!
Mr. Small: Ow! Ow! Incoming, Mr. Nose!
(Mr. Rude realizes that he did not close the door and that popcorn is launching everywhere)
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Look out!
Miss Sunshine (offscreen): Ow!
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): Me first!
(Mr. Rude looks at the popcorn machine and sees the emergency stop button)
Mr. Small (offscreen): "Look out!"
Mr. Nosey (offscreen): "Uh oh!"
(Mr. Rude runs to the button but gets caught in the surplus of popcorn from the machine)
Mr. Rude: ""Augh!"
(Mr. Rude sinks into the popcorn. The scene cuts to Mr. Rude being squished between the glass and the popcorn)
Mr. Rude (squished between the glass and the popcorn): "Don't just stand there like a bunch of buffoons! Someone, let me out of here!"
(A clapperboard appears on the screen and the scene transition to the next bumper. A scene for a Western is being filmed. Mr. Quiet is shown dressed as a cowboy trying to leap on his horse. The horse is shown grazing on grass minding their own business. Mr. Quiet runs into the frame and manages to jump onto the horse. Not pleased with this, the horse leans back and Mr. Quiet slides off the horse with the saddle in tow. Then the horse kicks Mr. Quiet out of frame and continues grazing. The scene transitions to Little Miss Calamity struggling to work the film projector. Mr. Strong opens the door and looks into the room)
Mr. Strong: Uh, yo! Everything okay in here, Miss Calamity?
Miss Calamity: Oh yes, Mr. Strong. All under control. Running a film projector isn't nearly as difficult as I imagined.
Mr. Strong: I knew I was smart to hire you! I'll be prying Mr. Rude out of the popcorn machine if you need me.
(Mr. Strong exits and closes the door behind him. Little Miss Calamity struggles to lift the film reel up to the projector)
Miss Calamity: (grunts) Heavy!
(Little Miss Calamity tries to get the film reel in place but both the film reel and Little Miss Calamity end up getting pushed back and fall to the ground. A stack of more film reels falls with them)
Miss Calamity: Ooh!
(Little Miss Calamity gets up and picks up the film reel)
Miss Calamity: Ooh! Ow! Hello!
(Little Miss Calamity looks at the projector and tries again)
Miss Calamity: (grunts) Just...(murmurs incoherently)
(Little Miss Calamity manages to get the film reel in place and makes sure that the film goes into the projector)
Miss Calamity: Okay! Oh! Okay! Oh!
(Fearing something bad is about to happen, Little Miss Calamity pauses in fear. When nothing happens, Little Miss Calamity confidently turns on the projector only for the film to spin the wrong way and the film reel's film to spill out all over the room)
Miss Calamity: Oh! The film!
(Little Miss Calamity immediately runs to the phone hanging on the wall! She dials a number calls Mr. Strong. A split screen shows Mr. Strong trying to pry Mr. Rude out of the popcorn machine)
Mr. Strong: (grunts) Come out of there, you! (grunts)
(The phone rings and Mr. Strong answers it)
Mr. Strong: Uh, hello?
Miss Calamity: Oh, mayday! Mayday!
Mr. Strong: Huh.
(Mr. Strong hangs up)
Mr. Strong: Wrong number.
(The split screen goes away. Suddenly, all the film starts getting sucked back into the projector)
Miss Calamity: Oh! Oh! Woah!
(Little Miss Calamity grabs onto the film in an effort to stop it from getting sucked into the machine)
Miss Calamity: Oh! No!
(All the film is sucked into the projector sans a small bit Little Miss Calamity is still holding)
Miss Calamity: Huh?
(Little Miss Calamity is sucked into the along with the rest of the film. She is seen going through the gears of the projector)
Miss Calamity: Woah! Woah!
(Little Miss Calamity starts getting projected onto the screen)
Miss Calamity: What a calamity! Oh!
(The scene cuts to the confused movie watchers (Mr. Grumpy, Little Miss Scary, Mr. Rude, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Chatterbox, and Mr. Bump) watching Little Miss Calamity in bewilderment. Little Miss Helpful is seen explaining the situation to Mr. Strong)
Miss Helpful: See! At first, I thought it was part of the movie. But after 25 times, I wasn't so sure.
(Little Miss Calamity continues to project on the screen)
Miss Calamity: "I always knew I'd be in pictures!"
(The scene ends and the next scene begins. Mr. Persnickety is shown walking into a movie theater with popcorn in one hand and a cup of fizzy pop in another. Mr. Persnickety looks around and walks down the aisle trying to find a seat to sit in. Other movie watchers there at the time are Mr. Happy, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Tickle, Little Miss Helpful, and Mr. Scatterbrain)
Mr. Persnickety: Mmm-hmm! Uh-huh!
(Mr. Persnickety finds the perfect seat in the middle of the right side of the theater)
Mr. Persnickety: Yes!
(Mr. Persnickety places a hanky on each of the cup holders, sprays the seat down with fabric cleaner, dries it off with a cleaning rag, and sits down in his seat)
Mr. Persnickety: (sighs) Perfect.
(Mr. Noisy enters the theater (by kicking the door open) carrying fizzy pop and popcorn)
Mr. Noisy: Boy! It's dark in here!
Mr. Persnickety (in a whisper): Oh! Not Mr. Noisy! Oh please! Please! Please! Find a seat on the opposite side of the theater!
(Mr. Noisy stomps his way down the aisle)
Mr. Noisy: Where should I sit!? I don't like to be too close...
(Mr. Persnickety gets more nervous as Mr. Noisy gets closer to where he is sitting)
Mr. Noisy (offscreen): But I don't like to be too far away either!!
(Mr. Noisy finds a seat in the row behind Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Noisy: Hey there, Mr. Persnickety!!
(Mr. Noisy sits down and starts eating his popcorn very loudly. Mr. Persnickety moves to the next open seat on his right. Then, Mr. Messy enters the theater holding fizzy pop and popcorn)
Mr. Messy: This is what I'm talking about!
(Mr. Messy walks to the row Mr. Persnickety is sitting in. As he passes Mr. Persnickety, Mr. Persnickety gets covered in trash)
Mr. Messy: 🎵Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo! Noo!🎵
Mr. Persnickety: Ugh!
(Mr. Messy sits down in the right seat next to Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Persnickety: Humph!
(Mr. Persnickety puts down his popcorn and fizzy pop, takes a banana peel off his head, and brushes off the rest of the trash off himself)
Mr. Persnickety: (grunts in annoyance)
(Mr. Persnickety crosses his arms in frustration and tries to watch the movie. Mr. Messy starts slurping his fizzy pop very loudly. Mr. Persnickety tries to tolerate it, but the twitching of his moustache gives away his annoyance to the noise. Fortunately, Mr. Messy stops slurping after a while)
Mr. Messy: Ah!
(Mr. Messy tosses his fizzy pop onto Mr. Persnickety (probably unintentionally). Soaking Mr. Persnickety in the remaining fizzy pop that was left in the cup)
Mr. Persnickety: Ugh! Oh!
(Mr. Persnickety stands up)
Mr. Persnickety: Mr. Messy! You've soaked me in fizzy pop!
(Mr. Noisy stands up)
Mr. Noisy (in a whisper): Mr. Persnickety! Some of us are trying to watch the movie!
(Mr. Noisy sits back down)
Mr. Messy (in a whisper): Sorry, Mr. Persnickety. I'd offered a napkin, but I don’t believe in them.
(Mr. Persnickety sits back down)
Mr. Persnickety: No. I don't expect you do.
(Mr. Persnickety tries to resume his movie watching when popcorn starts flying into his seat. The camera moves over to Mr. Messy to show him messily eating his popcorn. Once he is done, Mr. Messy uses Mr. Persnickety's arm to wipe his face. Mr. Persnickety immediately retracts his arm after this happens)
Mr. Persnickety: (gasps) Mr. Messy! I must insist that you not wipe your mouth on my arm!!
(Mr. Noisy gets angry and looks down at Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Noisy: Listen here, Persnickety! Talk again and I'll have to call the manager!
Mr. Persnickety: You're reporting me because of noise!?
(The scene zooms out to show the movie patrons on that side of the theater shushing Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Happy, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Quiet, Mr. Messy, and Miss Sunshine: Shhh!
(Mr. Noisy gives Mr. Persnickety an "I told you so" smile and Mr. Persnickety sits back down)
Mr. Persnickety: Humph!
(The scene moves back to Mr. Messy with a slide whistle sound effect. Mr. Messy is shown about to eat a hot dog. When Mr. Messy takes a bite, the hot dog squirts itself out of the bun and hits Mr. Persnickety, covering the right side of his face in mustard)
Mr. Persnickety: Oh! I've been torpedoed by a frankfurter!!
(Mr. Messy is shown eating his hot dog bun. Mr. Noisy, fed up with Mr. Persnickety's interruptions, gets up from his seat)
Mr. Noisy: THAT'S IT! (storms off in anger)
Mr. Persnickety: Oh! Thank goodness he's gone!
(Mr. Strong shines a flashlight onto Mr. Persnickety)
Mr. Strong (offscreen): Yo, is this the guy?
(Mr. Noisy is shown to have returned with Mr. Strong; the manager of the theater)
Mr. Noisy: Yes it is, Mr. Strong! And I demand that he'd be removed immediately!!
Mr. Persnickety: Removed!?!? (Mr. Strong grabs Mr. Persnickety's seat, rips it out of the ground, and carries it out of the theater with Mr. Persnickety still sitting in it) This is an outrage!! I have been the perfect audience member!! Quiet and unassuming! Uh...stop it! (tries to hold onto the door when Mr. Strong exits the theater) How will I ever know how this movie ends!?
(Mr. Persnickety loses his grip and is taken away. The theater doors close with Mr. Noisy happy that the problem has been resolved. A clapperboard appears on the screen and the scene transition to the next bumper. A scene for a Western is being filmed. Mr. Quiet is shown dressed as a cowboy trying to leap on his horse. The horse is shown grazing on grass minding their own business. Mr. Quiet runs into the frame, manages to jump onto the horse and slaps on their backside as the signal to giddy-up. The horse ends up does follow the orders and runs off, but the saddle and Mr. Quiet do not ride with the horse. This results in Mr. Quiet landing hard on the ground in disbelief. A plethora of red circles appear to form Mr. Noisy. The camera zooms into Mr. Noisy's mouth, revealing the next scene. Reach High plays)
Miss Sunshine: "🎵Certain people dream of being a famous movie star.
Shining on the big silver screen.
You may want to have fame but want to be remarkable, just the same.
You can be anything you dream.
Aim high, put pie in the sky.
There's nothing that can stop you as long as you try.
Reach high, as high as the sky and dream.🎵"
(Reach High ends. A clapperboard appears on the screen and the scene transition to the next bumper. A scene for a Western is being filmed. Mr. Quiet is shown dressed as a cowboy trying to leap on his horse. The horse is shown grazing on grass minding their own business. Mr. Quiet runs into the frame and tries to jump onto his horse but the horse ends up running just as Mr. Quiet was about to land on them. This results in Mr. Quiet landing hard on the ground in shock. A plethora of Mr. Happy's faces surround the screen, then disappear. The next scene shows almost all of the Mr. Men and Little Misses watching a movie trailer. Click here to see who was watching the trailer)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): It came without warning! No one knows from where, but it's here! And there's no way to stop it! It's...
(The scene cuts to the film screen to show the audience the movie trailer the Mr. Men and Little Misses are watching. A meteor is shown heading towards Earth followed by pink goo dripping down onto the screen)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): "Gamma Goo from Planet 9!"
(The scene cuts to show the trailer in full screen. In the trailer itself, it cuts to Little Miss Sunshine sitting on the couch and waving to the viewers)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Starring Little Miss Sunshine as Victoria Well-Beloved.
(Little Miss Sunshine hears the doorbell ring and she gets up off the couch to answer the door)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): The nanny who was the first to see the horror unleashed...
(Upon opening the door, Little Miss Sunshine sees a wall of goo in the shape of the door)
Miss Sunshine: (scream)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): By the goo!
(Little Miss Sunshine runs away in fear as the goo oozes into her house. The scene transitions the police station. The phone rings and Mr. Bump (wearing a police hat) immediately answers it)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): And starring Mr. Bump as Captain Rayfe Daniels! The only man brave enough to battle the unyielding slime!!
(Mr. Bump hangs up the phone. The scene zooms out to show Mr. Bump standing on a pedestal)
Mr. Bump: I'll stop that goo if it's the last thing I do!
(A chandelier falls from the ceiling and hits Mr. Bump in the head. Knocking him off the pedestal)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): But...
(The scene transitions to the entire city being covered in goo with helicopters flying around the tall skyscrapers
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Time is running out for the city under siege!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Bump standing is ground against the goo)
Mr. Bump: I'm not afraid of you, slime ball!
(Some of the goo drips onto Mr. Bump, trapping him inside some transparent goo)
Mr. Bump: Yuck!
(The scene cuts to Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine being chased by the goo down a hallway)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): It's man against monster! In a battle to save the city from this oozing enemy!
(Little Miss Sunshine trips and the goo starts engulfing her and she screams. Upon hearing Little Miss Sunshine scream, Mr. Bump turns around and is horrified to see Little Miss Sunshine being swallowed up by the goo)
Miss Sunshine: Go ahead! Save yourself, Rayfe! It's too late for me!
Mr. Bump: I'm not leaving you behind, Victoria!
(Mr. Bump sprays the goo with a fire extinguisher)
Miss Sunshine: Cold! Cold! Cold!
(The goo freezes and cracks from the extreme cold. Soon, it breaks and Little Miss Sunshine is freed. Mr. Bump grabs her by the hand and the two continue running down the hall until Mr. Lazy opens the door as Mr. Bump passes by. Squishing him between the wall and the door)
Mr. Bump: Oh!
Mr. Lazy: Hey! You're not the pizza delivery guy!
(The scene transitions to show Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine fighting against the goo using fire extinguishers)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): It takes a team to eliminate this seeping, creeping wall of goo!
(The goo starts to freeze)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): And they do it!
(The goo shatters off the buildings and the city is freed from its wrath)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): But to ensure it never happens again...
(The scene cuts to the lair of the main villain of the movie)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Our heroes must take on the devious alien behind this slime...
(The villain turns around and is revealed to be played by Little Miss Scary)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Dementicon!!!
(Little Miss Scary poses modestly when Mr. Bounce introduces her)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Played brilliantly by the talented Little Miss Scary.
Miss Scary: My slime will rule the world! And I will be made the supreme ruler of the galaxy!
(Lightning flashes in the windows of the lair)
Miss Scary: (laughs evilly)
(Mr. Bump and Little Miss Sunshine enter the room)
Mr. Bump: You've seen your last goo, Dementicon!
Miss Scary: (gasps)
(The scene cuts to an outer space view to show a goo-covered Earth)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): Don't miss "Gamma Goo from Planet 9!"
(The scene cuts back to the theatre)
Mr. Bounce (voiceover): "Oozing soon to a theatre near you!!
Everyone except Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Rude: (cheers)
(The screen fades to black. The scene transitions outside to show a bunch of Mr. Men and Little Misses leaving the movie theater)
Narrator: And so, the movies are done for another evening!
(Mr. Persnickety walks across the screen from stage left and the scene transitions to a bunch of Mr. Men and Little Misses leaving the concession stand area)
Narrator: Of course...
(Mr. Rude is shown reading a newspaper with a mound of popcorn spilled out of the popcorn machine and cheese dripping out of the cheese dispenser)
Narrator: Someone has to stay behind and clean up the mess.
(A wall of popcorn and trash splits the concession stand scene from the movie theater scene to show the empty theater)
Narrator: But with the theater at last empty, it's time to go home!
(At the movie theater, Mr. Lazy is revealed to be lazing about in his seat ignoring the fact that the movie's over and the theater is closing up)
Narrator: I said, go home!!
(The camera zooms in on Mr. Lazy. Mr. Lazy remains in his seat as the screen fades to black and the episode ends)