Mr. Men Wiki

Screencap of Mr. Clever's Daft Bet

Mr. Clever, Mr. Jelly and Little Miss Fun are on a camping trip in a cabin. While they are talking Mr. Jelly remembers Mr. Brave and Mr. Bump on a plane, Mr. Bump jumped out, but forgot his parochute, but Mr. Brave saves him. Mr. Clever makes a bet to see if she and Mr. Jelly can go parachuting. Mr. Clever soons thinks he made a bad bet and gets worried that he'll do the same Mr. Bump did. Miss Fun and Mr. Jelly set up the tent, and Mr. Clever argues with Miss Fun saying they'll get scared of the dark. Mr. Jelly and Miss Fun sleep in the tent, there is a ghost outside. Mr. Jelly woke up scared, he wakes up Miss Fun, telling her there is a ghost, but Miss Fun knows it's not a ghost. The faker ghost(Mr. Clever) takes off the sheet and pretends to be a werewolf, but Miss Fun grabs his leg and found out it's Mr. Clever, again! Mr. Clever went to bed and had a nightmare that he was Mr. Bump, and Miss Fun was Mr. Brave, but Mr. Clever died. He screams so loud he woke up Mr. Jelly, who knocks down the tent. Mr. Clever wakes up and looks out the window and the tent was gone along with Mr. Jelly and Miss Fun. Mr. Clever thinks they were scared and thinks he won the bet. Mr. Clever looks in their rooms, but they are gone, he comes down and sees a tent downstairs, and Mr. Jelly and Miss Fun pop out laughing. Little Miss Fun then says, "Ready for your parachute jump, Mr. Clever?"

Proudeced in 1997


UK Voices

  • Geoffry Palmer - The Narrator
  • Jill Shilling - Little Miss Fun
  • Gordon Peters - Mr. Bump, Mr. Jelly, Mr. Clever

US Voices

  • Len Carlson - Mr. Clever
  • Alyson Court - Little Miss Fun
  • Neil Crone - Mr. Bump, Mr. Jelly
  • Ron Rubin - The Narrator


  • Mr. Bump was also bad with a parachute in Flying, an episode from the 2008 Show.